THE ALAMANCE GLEANER. VOL. 7. , ®l)c |Uiintiiitrc (Cleaner, I'UHLISHEL) WI2KKLT AT UrahMi, If. C. Eldridge fy Kernodle I'ROI'KIRTORN, -a- ■ i - . i ■ ■ ' r- t TBUMS : One Year • .$1.50 Six Months . ...»i .." /.7ft Throe Months 60 Every person Bonding us a clUb of ten sub scribers witli tho cash, entitles himself to one '•ropy freo. for (lie lentil of time for which the 'club its u*adc up. t'apers sent to different oßices JVo Departure from the Cash System v POSTAGE PIIEI'AID AT THIS OFFICE A»VKHTfi»I!t« fiIATKS: il iu. |!t in'. ( 3 li#. .-ol % col 1 col. 1 week 100 $ 1 50'«2 00 $4 00 $7 50 sl2 00 2 •« 133 2 00j 250 700 .1100 1! 00 8 " 175 250 350 800 13 50 18 00 1 mo., 200 . 3.00 450 9 50; 1500 22 00 2 " 30C 450 ft 00 10 50 .17 50 80 0q 3 " 400 600)75012 50 20 00 00 6 " 650 10 00 13 50 15 00 85 00 45 00 2 " 10 00! 15 00 18 00 20 00 48 00 80 00 Yearly advertisements changed quarterly if ■desired. Local notices ten cents a line, first insertion No local inserted for less than flftv cents. TROFLISSIONAL CARDS. JSO. W. GRAHAM, JA.B. A. GRAIIAM, Hillsoaro, N. (J. * Gfahaul, N:C. OBAHAM & GBAHAM,« te **"■ ■ ' >*■ , • | j* ATTOBNEVS AT I.AW, • h 'Jxf Kp J-i . S * Practice in the State snd Federal Courts, eSTripeenl attention paid to collecting. J. D. KEENODLE, Attorney at Law, ORAHIH,N.O, .. Practices iu the State and Federal Cour'.s- Will faithfully and promptly attend to all t>usi oess intrusted to hiut r r '■ ih ' H. a. PARKEB, AfTdItNET, ' CS K All All, I*. C. Will attend regularly the Superior Courts of jAl»uianci,%'a3Ven, Perabtf, ChijfiiMn aud Rqn-| wolbh, and the .Federal courts at BrcjnsbOTo. business entrusted io Uim shall have fartMul attention, 6 -1 80. ly. Dr. J. W.Griffith DENTIST GRAHAM, N. C., I» fully prepared to do any and all kinds of . Work pertaining to the profession. Special attention given to the treatment •of Biseai'es of the MOU I'll. • • CALLS ATTENDED IS Tows o* OouNTRr. Hi*. €(@o. W. fa&ngg V- • c . GENERAL PRACTITIONER OF Medicine and Surgery « RAH AM, IV, C. Fnrc and fresh drugs always on hand. 9. 1. 80. ly. T. B. Eldridge, -Attorney at Law, Gil All AM ,N. C. Practices In the State and Federal Courts. All business intrusted to him shall receive jirornpt and careful attention. ADVERTISEMEN'IS. ~~ « i'np • r " i ... I- ■ ■" VI Just Keceiv«(f. Oenuine Farmers Friend Plows, all Bom bers. ... Plow Points, Land Sides, Mould Boards, Bolts tod Clevises. SCOTT & DONNELL' T. E. JONES Ltivery Sf Feed Stables Graham, N. 0* . Ock>d horses and buggies for hire at reasons bio rates. Horses fed at3scts. per meal. 11. 15. 80. IT. ' • - Prices reduced Perfected Farmers Friend Plows lfcade in Petersburg "Va. . , One Horse No. 5 i ' * Price fwo Horse No. 7 " Two Horse No. 7% " two Horse No. 8 For sale at Graham by J9GOTT A DON NELL Unitu(j." . At the Lust. BY JAi(l£S B. BKNSSK. There must be something aftor all this woe ; , A'swiet fruition from the harrowed past; Rest some day for this pacing to and fro ; A tender sunbeam and dear flowers at last. There will be something when these dfcys are done, y Something more fair by far than starry nights— .A prospect limitless, ae one by one Embodied castles crown the airy heights'. ' So, cheer up,heart, and for that morroJr wait! Dream what you will, but press toward the ■* dream ; y • Let fancy guide dull effort through the gate, And face the current, would she cross the stream. Then when that something lies athwart the way— Coming unsought, as good thingeeeem to do— ' Twill prove bdneath the flash of sotting day A nobler meed tliau now would beckon you. For lifted up by constant, forward strife, Hope will attain so marvellous a height, There can be nothing found within this life, Afie> tUs day to form a fitting night. So heaven alono shall ever satisfy, And God's own light be ever light enough To guide the purified, ennobled eye Tqwju-tL il'e smooth JihlcU Jies the rough- F There will be something Vhen these ojoudfi skim UyrJT I ? fJI A bohnteous yielding from tfi'e fruitfuf past j Sweet peace and rsst upon the Dathway lie, E'en Uiough but death and flowers at the last: Various were tho comments of (he good people of A —wlien (he sign of Alfred Keith, M. D., was first nailed upon the window shutter. The old Indies wonclei'ed if his cures were as infallible HS Blink's Panacea; tho young ones if he was r mfyricd or handsorfie, loved picnics and sleighing parties; whilst the gentle men of. the villugoposjtively declared (hat if be was a young physician, it was presumption lo endeavor'to compete with tfhLDr. , . jy But alas for the interest hanging around *yoiing Alfr#B lnd be enveloped himself iu mystery his office would soon have filled .wilh.'patieuts, but it was quickly known tliht he only came to A-*- iu order to increase, if possible, a very, sma'.l income; that •he had never pre scribed a dozeu times iu his life, aud that he was 100 poor and agreeablo for mammas with marriageable daughters to caro about cultivating his acquaintance. But with none did Dr. Keith's voice harmonize so well as wi(h Clara Gras ham's. Clara was (he belle of (be vil lage. . Her father was the richest mau, hor mother the proudest lady, and' Clara tho prettiest and girl iu the place. Thd sunthieMime sped on gaily and rumor said that tho doctor aud Clara were engaged, The white jes-amiue flowers over a certain vine-covered piizza at the side of Mr. Graham's house might have confirmed Ihe report could they bayo spoken, but Mr. Graham was sup« posed never to (rouble himself with any thing less Important thau money, and* his lady was altogether too haughty a dame lor the curious to ijsk the fear of her displeasure by prying questions. Had Clara been asked if the report was truo, she would undoubtedly have re«« plied "Yes,'' with such a comically, se rious face (bat no oue w'ould have for a moment believed her. Not that she was ashamed of marrying a poor man, as Alfred Keith undoubtedly was; but the sensitive delicacy of the young girl shrunk from having her love talked and about. One attornoon a party of village gos sips happened to assomble at Mrs. Jack" sou's, where the doctor hoarded, aud the conversation turned upon the visits of a gentleman to the placj, who was sup posed to be an admirer of Clar^Bfabam's* 'They do say he is very rich} one can't tell uow-a-days whether a man has money or not; fine feathers make such fine bird I *," said old Mrs. Patterson. ". 'Well, then, he need not be coming to see Clara Graham, for, take my word for i(, she will nover marry a poor -man,' res plied Mrs. Jackson, putting the half kuit Stocking up towards the window, In the deep evening twilight; to take up a stitch. '1 thought the doc for here bad an eye on her/said anothor, looking aLhim aud laUghiug,'but you cut your wisdouTteeth 1 before you come here, didn't you,doctor! She-would have dismissed you with a smile and & bow like a qneen.'*- I Alfred Kei(b laughed, aud said there was no danger of Miss Graham's discard ing bim; but at the same.tftue he felt rather uncomfortable. GRAHA.M, N. C., MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1881. »«> 'Gould Clara be ashamed of the on gngcmerit, that sho Insisted upon its being kept so quiet?' asked he nrtntal)/. He bail told her IratiKly of hia small de pendence; but old Dr. Sruith was rtflfcriy iupernmnlajed, nnd his own practice was increusiiig daily. Clara had delared her self perfectly wiffing to share biß small foriutie; but her lover's pride had often chafed that he must ark such a sacrifice from her. The ovening after the tea"« drinking at Mrs. Jackson's, Clara jmet Dr. Keith at a party. She was tho gay est of ilio gay > and constantly aliened by the slrttugei to whom allusion had been made the afternoon before. 'What do you think, Clara? Mary Day is going to marry young said a friend by her side. •Pool* Maryl how she ii throwing licr* solf away. Why, he is as poor as a church mouse; and as to (his love iu a cottage, it is more romantic thau com> fortablo,' was the laughing rejoinder. '1 think Mary will be very happy, though; she is uot ambitious, and is customed (o sacrifices, if she lovea Mr. Abbott, a'd these petty trials will be light, replied her friend. Clara gave a groan, threw up her liand and eyes Willi much earnestness, and said 'Poor little Innocent thing! You know nothing at all about it. How can love exist through the Boap»suda ot washing day. Anil where ]• the romance of sweeping from garret to cellar with a white pocket-handkerchief tied around i one's head, or burning one'a iiapds and arms preserving time? Oh no! let me marry a rich man, who can afford to keop servants for all this, X poor mau, indeed! he wdufd'Be tho death of me.' Carless woi'( l Sj' carlcsaly spoken, but how bitter the fruits. Dr. Keith was standing near Clara at the time. The gossip ol .tho afternoon before had made bim suspicious, lie feared th» feelings did influence Clara, and that sho had repented bei> promise to liiin. ile drrw ncar toher, and said, in a low Voice, 'Are you serious, Miss Gra ham?' 3t s " ■" V 1 * •As a judge!' was tho lausiilng reply. The aunoyonce of the iover iltcceisod 1 , aud he said arperlty, 'lf I was en gaged to a young la ty who really outer taiiied those aenlimeuts, 1 should be most happy lor a release.' Clara looked up in surprise, but seeing how seriously he had takeu her trifling, she answered, as the haughty flash mounted to neck a 63 brow, 'And 1 should be too happy to release him.' A momcut after she would have given anything to have beeu able to recall what she had just said in tho impulse of anger but it was too late. Dr. Keith had moved to another part of the room, aud the conrorsaliou was soou changed by the party. In a short time the cbafod lover bowed his adieux to his hostess, saying there was a sick ohild whom he must visit that night, a few hours before he had aa surod (he distressed mother that it was but a celd ailiug ' the lufeut; ' but now one might judge th%t it-was threatened with an incipient scarlet fever r Mrs. Jonos' baby recoived oue visit more that night than it would have done, had it not been for Clara Graham's careless Words. Aud how fared It with Clara? She was unusually gay after her lover's de parture, but one might judge that she oxpected some one by the anxiety with which she watr.hed the opening of Ihe door. The flush which mounted to her eheek died away, leaving duly a bright spot on each cheek aiid au unusual brilliancy in her eyes. ' Why, Miss Graham are you ill 1' aslr til the lady of the house* as Clara's -hand touch* d hers iu putting down a vase oi fliwers. It was "icy c&ld, whilst the fever spot on her face burned hotly. 'I do not feel very well, but a uiglit's sleep will restore all, I hope,' answered Clara. But there was uc sleep for Clara that night. She reached home in a fever of aAger aud excitement. She could oguize no reason why Dr. Keith should take her jesting words so seriously. In her indignation ske forgot how much reason she bad given for ofleuse, though unintentionally; bow sensitive a poor who loves. Clara wa's one of those peculiar natures the depth of whose affection makes thein undemonstrative. She forgot that he. gjjJ uot know as well as she, bow braroiy hor strong heart would battle out tliie world's trials with > him by.her side. The night passed iu this conflict bes tween love and resentment, aud the morning found her wearied out and weeping. After au hour or 100 of unre' freshing sleep, she arose and hurried through her toilette: But her haste was unuecessary. The leaves ol her music- book bad boon turned; the plants in (ho window had tho dead leaves plucked ofl,, and placed towards the sun, one piece of sewing after another was thrown 1 aside, and Btill Dr. Keith did not make his appearance. Clara felt angry again. A tew hours before hail he come tho would frankly have .acknowledged her thoughtlessness; but now at tlio Hug of (he dour-bell, the old haughty spirit i'oso op as she thought 'llo has bfleu giving me time to repcul, I sill pose;' and her manner chilled 10 iui* uess. Although she knew the Voice and slep pei'fccily well, Clara sat unmoved iu her room (ill the servant announced Dr. Keith.' She urjso with (he most imper turbable calmness, and brushed oil the •nip* of iophyi-worsted which clung Id her dress as if iu her own heart she would not acknowledge hor excited tocl« .Whon Clara otifercd tho parlor bcr lovor was standing looking out of the window, Willi bis back to tho door, Whether it was (hat. her light foo(sU-p was unheard, or that he was delortuined that sho should speak flvst, Clara could uofdolerrttine. For (ho moment her itri pulso was to go upand"place her baud on his shudder, but pri to forbudo her, so she only said,..coldly, 'Good itioruiiig, Ho turned and bowed, but made no effort to advanco or take her baud. Clar» drew uf her tall figure, theij took her seat, and caretesriy turned ov er the iojp cushion against which she was lining. 'Will you l»« seated Sir#* 'Thank youj no. I called, Ml«s Gras ham, to release you from nu sngagos m§ul, which by your qwn avowal, was irksome to you. It i# uot so great a curao after all, this being poor; oue finds out so soo-i how little suoh a pretty ihing as a heart is worth.' Clara snt with her eyes fixed unquail ingly Oil hi 6 face; aud except that at thi«.U(t,tauyt the bright sprung' to her cheek, and the ihies ot hor flexible month grow wonderfully rigid, she gave no sign of the death throes iu bar heart. „. 'You will remember, if you please, sir, that I liavo before said I should he most happy to be released. I see no cbauce of bappiuess iu our union;' and SJVQ arose aud bowed haughtily to hor lover, .... Lie had hoped that when he went iu Clara would have made some bftt Bow that was all over; so bidding her go6d moruihg, he depart ed ' • kmm IA «U. ), And Clara, £oor Clara I shfc was not one to give way to violent weeding; but slid threw herself on tho sofa, buried lieh head in the cushions, and after ofie doop groan lay like one dead. A long time after she arose aud went up-stairs; but to bo'h dinner and tea she exculed lor self on the plea of a sick headache. When her mother stopped in her room befpre retiring that night, she was alarmed al Clara's appearance, and sont for Dr. Smith who pronounced hor dangerously in,.; ... Day after day she lingered iu a violent fever; and when she rose from her sick bed her mother askod no questions as to the absence of Dr. Keith,, for she had gained Intelligence enough, not from Clara's ravings, but from the heart' broken voise and l»ok of her sick ebild. Years have passed, aud Dr, Keith j the bachelor, is a rich man in the village; at)d ihe once gay, proud Clara is Clara Graham still, Still in Faror of Hugging ' Vhii' *j»o TJi? following is from tho New York jZpening Post, and uxplaina itself: The account of the lowa girl who is said to liavo beeu hugged to dqalh by her lover, .has caused "quite a sensation" amonglhe yotfng ladies of Westfleld, New York, who recently held a meeting to devise ways and means to prcveut another case of death from hugging. They unoni» inously passed the folio wing preamble and resolutions: WHEREAS,' It Is reported that an lowa girl died recently in her lover's arms while being hugged; and Wh GKtcts, Judging from experience, we believe such an event to fee utterly Hnpoaßiblpj therefore Itc&olited,' That, notwithstanding said report, we are still in favor of iinggiug. We prefer to rau all risk* ol death rather, than have the beautiful, lovely, delight ful, perfectly elegant custom abolished] lietolved, That a copy of thhsO reaolus lions he sent to the newspapers for pub licMtiAi. A young man while once searching for his father's pigi accosted an Irishman as follows: 'Hayi# a stray pig about befre ?' PtiV responded.' 'Faith, and "how could 1 tell a stray pig from any other ?* Brother Gardner's Lime-Kiln Club * f, I take plert.sure an' satisfaction,' Said the president, As he held tip A p«ir> eel, "in infor-uin' yuu a *ortl»y citiz-n of Detroit, who does not our' to have his nsmo rneilskun'd, lifts presented "Sim revised e'dialiuli of de Bible to de Lime» Kiln Club. We do not opes Our meet ing wid prnyer, anr do we close by sing in' do Doxology, but neberdeioAii 'I aui I smh dia gift will be highly'appreshiA ted by all. Dar hue bfet-h coniiidurble talk iu dis club about die revised edtsliun. Some ob you hib got de ideah dat pur gitory Ms all been wiped Ontau'heaben enlarged twice oberj an' I hab heard Od'dors assert int it didn*t forbid lyin', stealin' an' psssin' off bad money. My frit nds you ure sadly mistaken. 11*1) is jiat as hot. as ober, an' lteabph hasn't , got Buy mo' room. In lookin' ober kornt of de 'ahnttges Ins' night I selected out a few paragraphs which hrtVe w gin aral b'arin'. Fur instance, it am jiai as wicked to steal waterinilyons as it was laa' y'ar befo' au' do bkeercer de crap de bigger de wickedness. 'No shaage'hxs bid made in rvgArd, to loufin' arouu' de "street*. Dfc loafer am eonsidered'jist as mean art* low *s ever he was, an-' I want to add my be' lief (hit he will gro n moaner iu public estiinafctnrn itll de timti. £ "■ "De ten commandments am all down heah Widout change. SteiViu' au' lyin' an' civetin' air rohning out nights am considered jist AS bad AS eber." "I can't find any paragraph "ih which mon am excused for payin' deir houeet debt»an' supportin' deir fa&i'lies. "I cau't fiu' wbar' a poo' uuui, or poo' man's wife, white or black, am , 'apected to sling en any pertickler •tyb,. : a{.-T jj \ "Dog fights, chickeo-Uftiu', poiyticks, phyin' keerds tor money, an' hungin arouu' fur drinksan' all' sich low big ness am oonsidered moaner dan «b«c. Fact is, I oan't fin' any changa whateber which lets up oo a man from beiti' plumb up au' dow u uq-iar' an' honest wid de world. Day JI*TO cliasg.d de word 'IIbU* to glades, but a| de same time added to de strength,of do briaistun an' tl de size of de "pit; so' we went -to keep right on in de sflhtight path if we would 'void ft. 'ktif' "wbftif " mrtil make you believe dat we'a lost uny gospel by dis revision, or dat Potvr or Paul or Moses liavo undergone any ' change of spoerit regajrdiu' de ways of libiu' respectably an' dyiu' honorably." The lorktown Centennial. The celebration of the Yorklown cons tonuial, CkstoUer 18, meets yvitli a hearty responso alike from the A works u people and iron) the desoeudanta ot America's allies ditriug tho Revolution. At* the rocent Franco-Ainoricau weoting in New York Governor Ilolliday, of Virginia, said: "Coming from « Stale wbcie Washington was born and was butiod I ought not to be au aiieu to the city where he was inaqguratod and slarled the republic upon its giant race." Tho governor then went on (o pay a glowing tribute to the stability of oiir institutions —expressing, the bope (hat a united American people would welcome their ancfeui allies, the French, on that ocea* sion. Professor Oharlier, who has been cue o( New York's ieading eiUicitors for tbe past thirty years, said that hit long residence in lhat city had not rid hint ot itis "brogue." Tliit was no matter; for tbe Frenchmen "who fought for yort against Uioat Britaiu sptke.English bad ly, but thtjj lought well. They saved the day; for lliey kept Corhwallis frorii escaping." Congressman John (Joode, of Virginia, president ol tbo Yorktowu centennial association, John Austin Stephens, Judge WoodbHdge, of Ver inont, and others approved 6f I life cele* l)i at ion j and tbo comtftislitnf haying the affair in charge hold a'tionference as to the number ol days tbe celebration should con'.iuue. The project meoia with equal favor from M. Grovy; pAHHI dent ot the French republic who HH presented a letter to President GtrflMVß through M. Outrey, the Froneb aifjpP Tbo chief magistrate oi tbe Freuch ropublic acknowledges the receipt Of ah invitation to be present ot York town and accepts the samd iu (bo.jiaitae oi tbe aud the Whole Freuch. pso itis; because, "haviag taken part in the toil we siiouid participate In the honor.' 1 ; The letter closes with the ustial official courtesies ant) tbe sentiment} "The American nation, which hat be come so poworlul and prosperous, tuts, by infititig odr tfaterhal co-opsration on .the ocsasion of this annlyertary, former consecrated the union which was created by noble aud liberal aspiraiious aud by our alliance on the battlefield, anil which our institutions, which are now ol the *atu« obarooi«r, must draw closer I and develop lor the welfare of both J iialions." NO. 17. Just Received. 20,000 pounds. Ship Stuff; the be9t of stoek feed. ■ . . Seeds, Seeds, ■ * ' JtIUT USOBItKD CloV6r * >% H »'ym | Orchard Grass arid Garden S«#ds; *" SCOII * DON^LiJ;. ' - ■" '.' •' 1 -I—■ "Vi ♦ ;* fcUCIEN ORATO*, •itui'fa A&O* *r.. m *'■■ ■* ItAlll T)ftESSJSB AT THK # HAH AM HdTEk,. Special attention giFen to dren's hair. Call ami get a bottle of Walter"! dandruff care. It is a sure remedy "Wd i will prevent hair falling off. Aug. 25 80 tf. **' id h»pf *» "ja i**s A - " ' - •-• ' •*•. r- :*•."> ;« : T\ Groatchaioe to #naW uaJJUJP* xSsssSre Any oue cau. become a successful agent.,. Si* elegant works of art srfveu Tree to snhicnbcra. The price it so low-that alimist everybody, tub Nv-'ibes. One agent reports taking 130 sub scribers In a day. A w&z&sa« your time to the curia aaa, «r pgjr jfir»at spare time. You need ndl beaway frpm liom» ovat 5358 ht!s^!^loe«e^rho' l BS6®^falfi 16 maVeVei* #ay. AddretsOKOllGfi STINi »OS & j sWne. , wt i*m • Scott & Donnell Www fc avb of »• Ml 1 9im» frT "•m*•*£ Wa* *M 9 rn> Le* limit ' Graham 2tC Deafen U . ' '"MMMiiiSi*#*- - ' ■-* WH ' ' i ■• '»■ ■» .... ti*f AOuiflt furnished frtt, Will. full tnktrm.; W i. viiuntlor inost pt ofita- ESS-lSia ITS Sbfe to rtifce money. Ton catf etigage M this business duitng yolk spare lime at great profit. You do no* have to'invest capital In it. Wfe take r all th% fftks ThoSe* WW need ready money; »lioutal wnite io us at ouca. All furulisUed free Address True & Co., Augusta Maine: t . V ;CX " **■' • •' ttiTTTP • ' • r. r« « 4-4 Ai STAR HflllSE * * • •• 111 mi if yi'iijiii Of fc« PMatat IHdM. Ik* 8M itUaUi Piedmont Warehouse i FOBTHEIILI •# Leaf Tobacco, Opposite j)epot,——Reidsvilie, }/". (3 Highest price* arid best accommodation* T™/.*ELIjWQTON ItCd., bropii A 77: Enjngtrfn. Cashier, / M. indre* Aciloaeer, Ulck Eiliugtou,Clerk, Weddtlllat* Fl»or Manage*. w yunim.v' • .*• ■ , '.'J '»'!■ -~ l THE CLEANER .JOB BFFIGE Pr n f Is prepared to execute Job Printiiig iil- i fta tl M «.3Sfe^g| * '• itiii » #•. i '©S$W ¥Mlßf¥, nw; fa-4.jir 01 jfeMNr -auiNDWITH— • • *• \ *4&4 KIBATMESS ASD DaSPATCIfy

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