THE ALAMANCE GLEANER. VOL. 7. glltiatmre (gleaner, f f&fcbUUBO V/tSKKLY AT Ursknra, N, C. Mdridge Sf Kernodle, morKIBTOKM. Titnus: (Mn Tor .$1.50 Six Months . ... 75 fiiroe Months 60 Kvery person sending us a cllib of ten sub scribers'wuh the Cash, entities himself to one iv»py firee. for the lengh of tilnofw which the U made ap. Paper* sent to'diffet-cnt olHces N& Depnftui*v from the Cash System I\»TAOIS FuEPAID AT Tillß OfKICK 4 AttVBIIHMatI « 1 iuv |. '£ 1n.,8 li.. X -ol co i, 1 ro '- 1 week ioo #lso't 200 00 s7 50 eiaoo 3 •' 135 2fl! 250 700 11 00 IE 00 0 »• 175 3SO 8-W 800 13 50 18 00 t mo.. 200 800 450 950 1500 ?4 00 i » '• 80C 4SO 600 10 50" 17 50 30 Oo 1 8 »' .4 00 fl 00 7 50-12 50 20 00 3700 A " ft SO MtOO 13 50 15 00 » y lgooi isoo isoo 3000 48 00 sgoo Yearly advertisements Changed'quarterly if itiind. Local notices ten cents a line, first insertion Jio local Inserted tor less than fiftv cents. PROFESSiON~AL CARDS. J NO.W? GRAHAM. J Ad. A. GRAHAM' "HWsuaro, N. U. Graham, N. C" OBAUAM k, CBAiIAM, • 1 - • v ATTOBNBVM AT IjAH'I Practice in the Btatc »nd Federal Courts, ®T«peei il attention paid to effecting. J. I>. KERNODLE, Attorney at Law, C1V48A9,N.1), Practices in the Stale and Federal Courts iVili faithfully and promptly attend to all busi dess iutrusted to him £3.%.-'PA2tEEIC f ATTORNEY, " tiBAKAM.IV.C. Will attend regirtariy the Superior Courts of AHitt woe, aswetl, Person, Chatham and h*n »«olph, and the Federal -courts at Greenslmro. Business entrusted to hiiu shall have,, faithful attention, tv-l 00. iy. Dr. J. W. Griffith DENTIST Graham N. C., !• fall; prepared to do any and all kinds of Wu*k pertaining to the profession. Special attention given to the treatment of 4iiM»es of the JKHJrII. Calls Attesdiw in Towm oa OouNTar. — Hp. Geo. W. lim& . , 0 GENERAL PRACTITIONER o* Medicine ana Surgery CHAIIA.It, ». C\ Fire and fresh drugs always on hind. 1/1. 80. Iy. T. B. Eldridge, Law, GBAPAJi, N. C. Practice* in the State and Federal Courts- All business intrusted to him shall receive profhpt and careful attention. ADVERTISEMENTS. Just Keceived. Venule Farmers Friend Plows, all nurn- M fiaw P.lsU, Uniaiies, Boards, Holla •od Clvvlaea. BCOTT A DOSNELL. T. E. JOISIES ' 1 ' jQk KHvA Livery Sf Feed Stables Orafcftn, V* G. nood hones aud buggies for hire at reasoaa tile rites. Horses fed at 35eta. per meal. It. 18.80. Iy. SUFFOLK cenimmismE. -I7OR both sexes, teims moderate, efficient \Jr teachers, udraaUgss due, V usie and Art Department attached. Designed to prepare pupils for aetlr" i-aiiness pm-suiu or Uulrersi ty course «f study. Next session begins Sep tember 13,1881. For catalogue address. Prof. P. i. KERSODLK, A. k , July 35,21—t1. Principal, Buffolk, Va. ' sof fry. REFLEXIONS! "Mary liad a little lamb." Its fleece ww'Tnrful While ; lone it look.f>o very n:co f Bob— bing around last night. C'ora~- clou* me ! did you ever see, Ada (y>»o fine and bright?' 1 can't tell lo gave uiy life, Uiit it was a pretly sight-. Jun know the lemonade was gtrorg? Ida lather it had Ben sweet; For then, our-friend T'fophilus, Wouldn't have poitml it,ui his feflt. • > Denng (tlien he) woulllu't have looked so -Aff iled, When he found it was bon ton • And the freezer wouldn't have disappeared, Zong with Cuarlotte'* little John. - ' - ' /'► -But the crowd enjoyed the party, ' - / A'uch and every one ; / Ito—Tate the wheel now in motion / That we may have another on the Lon (lawn.) Soar, Graham wonll wake from her lethargy, Cu evor.y side she'd rise ; No Harden (hard and) toilsome work thoD, To raisCher to the skies, •/ust now they are on the IMc—et, -AH except our little San ; Check bins off, and that's the party UYowded around the little lamb. "3. A." Graham, N, C., July 33, 'Bl. •*- au? O)Hi TTHjEi (Lim Wido opeu blue eyes, fringed with jotty lashes—ft liltle, slender nose—a mouth fit for QicenTitania —while brow on which clustered ringlets of gold, fu a fascination of disorder—ru cheek fexq uis> llely fair, with tint upon it of the sea 1 shell—two little, soft, helpless hands— two little, slippered feet aud you have ibo picture before Roydon Howard's gaze, and the inventory successively dolled down by him in his mental di* ary. 'Awfully pretty,' was the verdict ren dered, 'absolutely good tor nothing else. Ah, it lito were all summer, such women would make pertict wives.' Au audible sigh followed the latter thought of this most grave philosopher; a siglt so deep, so profound, that it started the girl lro.n her reverie. 'A penny for your thoughts major,' she said, in a low, musical lotto, The voice suited her; it was like all else abo-at Fay Ricbings—in perfect at tune. ' ~r ... • . 'You bid 100 low.' answered the man, 'and yet too high, since you ask upon a . subject of whose re t >ly you must be con scious. You forget that, spunding the latl hour in your society, my thoughts could not wander fur.' 'But you sigh. Must I hold myself responsible tor the sigh, too?' •1 tear so—iu remembering that my furlough is rapidly slipping away, and that withiu a month 1 must join iu/ regi* ment on the plains, leading my charm lug companion of (his morning. Do you si ill bid a penny to inquire into a thing «o so deep us a sigh?' The color deepened a littlo on the beautiful cheek.' 'His charming compatriot", of the tnoru*. i«g.' Thi* was how he regarded her, litis man whose brave deeds had pre ceded him, uutil, before m eeting, hail assigned him something akiu to hero worship. f A little, 6harp slab of pain shot through her, but she smiled bravely. 'All that was scaraely worth a sigh from you,' she said. 'lt is ever those wiw are left behind, ainid the old famil ial' surroundings, and say, 'Yosterday he sat here,' or 'Yesterday we heard his laugh or perchance find a glove that he has dropped, or a cigar half smoked— to them it is something felt, something tangible.' .'Do you think so? Does the sand sigh for the retreating wave when already one earning claims its welcome ? I should indeed be glad to -feel that Miss Fay ssmelitaes gave me a thought among the many new aspirauls for the honor she has sometimes bestowed oa me. A soldier's life has many charms, spite ol ita hardships, aud there is some latcin atiou, sptte of its pain, in the lone soN itary musings he holds sitting at the door of IMS tent, when, instead of the plain stretching before him, he Tiews the mental panorama of bis past. I'm afraid miuo will confine itself to one fig" ure. Can you guess whose, Miss Fay ?' j There was an instant'* paase—an ini slant when something stirred within l£oj don Howard's heart, prompting the impulse to cry out: 'Who bat yours? Make imagination reality I Come with me! Share s soldier'* lite, aud let ottr mutual love smooth tb* rough places.' llut scarcely was it bora than be strangled it. Ke bad no reason to sup* pose that this girl carod lor him; but even if so, at best it was but a passing fancy. And in lime ot xcal dapger Where GRAHAM, N.£.,- MONDAY, AUGUST 1, 1881. Would she be? How wortld silo lit hi>u t to ride forih to meet a toe ? Either with hysterical wcepipg or a swoon. 1 No, no! Here, under the green tree,' in a ba'll'ocm, at the head, ot a luxu* rious dtu.ior lob|p v stiuh women wort? ! charming enough to lorn a man's brain; 1 hut in momenta of peril, When death, no long tr clothed in stulked before litem, bare and ungainly) it wa6 little wonder that they fled shriek ing firm his grim presence. Thciclore the pause lasted an instau' only, then Roydou answered his own question with a laugh: 1 declare, I am nlmost growing sen timental. It'in anybody's presenco bul yours, Miss Fay. 1 should for so unwonted a mood. BnF you arc wholly responsible for it > and it mu*t bo with you so old a story to inspire it that 1 will not words. By the way, there is my korse. 1 had no idea it was so late, Aa revoii". Remember I have the' first and last waltzes this evening.' Thejtfrl slooJ motionless, walching him as he strode away—watching him vault upon his horse, Ids tall, superb showing to such splendid adynti tagC) watching horse and rider as they cantered out of sight, the latter turning first lo give her a farewell saluto with his whip, ■So, iu scarce a month, will lie ride out of my life.' she m urmured to but self wi'.h white hps, 'Ob, Roydon, is il that yon are too proud to ask me to share the peril and privations of a sol dier's life, or that it would give you no plcasuie to hnvo me share it?' •••* * * * #— • * 'Will you go out on the lake with ine this afternoon, Miss Fay ?' asked Major Howard a .Wv*ek later. 'lt looks a little squally, but we will keep close into shore* so as to ruu home it the clouds thicken.' !Ot course I will,' assented Fay, 'aud as to tiie clouds, don't watch them too closely. I rather like storms.' •Wbal a perfect makes!' thought Iloydon, as he promptly) aj tho' appointed time assisted her into tbo sail boat lie had named iu her hoiior, the yachting dress of dark blue filling close ly to the exquisitely outlined figure and ou the golden braid? nestled a coquett ish sailor hat. Fifteen minute* latet' a splendid breeze had carried tl»em far out luto tbe lake.. 'The sform has concluded to postpone itself In our apecial favor,' said Roy*- doni glancing up at tbe blue sky, or pel'baps they don't think soldiers should be too severely tried as sailor** Which Is it Miss Fay?' 'Do you appeal to me as the spirit Of tho storm cloud) 1 if so, I shall call 011 it to avenge me.' 'Lie answered it 6imply by a look, but it caused her eyes to droop. She stretched the little while hand down lo the water's edge, watching the current resist it as tbo boat sped on ward. 'So,' be mused, 'aid t resisting tbe voice of my heart—so must I rcsis' to the end.' Tbey spoke but little. They were alone and together—around them water, 1 above them Ibe sky, beneath them a grave. And both were yormgj aud in each heart the same voico was speakiug, yet tbeir lips were sealed. Thus an honr passed, when suddenly Roydon tacked. 'What are you doing?' cried Fay, in a lone ot disappointment, 'Surely.we're not going home?' 'I wish we wefe already there,' an* s wered her companion with a blauchod cheek, just as a little breath ot wlud, fresher than any tbey bad felt, blew upon ibotn. 'Don't be frightened, Miss Fay,' continued Hoyden, assurlngly; 'lt's oue of these treacherous Squalls. We're lit for it, but I'll do the best 1 can.' • I 'Can't I help you?' Tbe man glanced up aulazod. She neither cried nor groaned. There wa« no tremor in lier toner Bis cheek Was whiter than her*. •Pshaw 1 she did not realize (he dan ger,' be said mentally. 'Can you hold Ibis (' handhig her a rope as be spoke. The next moment the squall struck them. The little yacht hty lull Ou its side aud then righted itself. Fay's lips Were a little pale now, bdt no souud escaped them, only she bad held so tightly to the rope, spite of lis 1 resistance that it already cot iuto the tender flesh. Tbe storm was now folly upon them. It iras fierce aa it was Sudden. Tbey were drenched with Water. They ooold no longer see each other (or the spray. 'Fay,'cried Roydon, are'you fright en 3d ?' 'With yott?' she answered. 'No/ and her tono Was tinner than Ins own. The next moment the boat, struck by 1 a sharper blast than tiisi. .went over. IJ«>!!i found thuinsclvcs, cliuging lo its 1 sides, 'Fay, toll inc.'lie said, Mhat yon fors give me for this. Oh, child, nuUi wo die when lite holds so much sweet- Iness?' 'The storin won't last long. We thay yet be saved,' she answered, iu her sweet young voice, ' lint, Ijoydon, if 1 slip don't try lo save me. It will only low two, and mine 1> not Worth as much as yours' •My God! without you, what WouM mine be?' The words escaped him ere he realized their meaning. 'Live it, then, ior my sake, dear,' Fay, replied, 'and always, had I my choicov I would have chosen to have died thus With yott than to have lived 011 without you. My love, good bye.' The next instant Ihe waters had 1 caught het* torn and bleeding hands, all cut by the rope, from slight hold; but Major rloward had spoken words with no idle meaning when he hadaoked her what his life would bo worth with*, out her. Quick as th«* current, in its hungry greed feir its boautilul prey, he threw about her hi 9 protecting arm. Then, As thoitgh heaven smiled, the wiuds ceased as suddenly as they had risen, and the sun burst forth from its hiding place, showing the rescue which was bearing down it pon them. 'May 1 see youj it but for'flyo minutes?' were thjo wot'ds scrawled 011 the e&rd Kay held a few hOnrs later, iu he)- bandaged hands, as she lay upon her conch, very pale aud exhausted, but with a heart full of gratitude for her wonderful es» aape, awaiting him who had peoue'd tbe words. llow well she knew the quick, im patient step w::i' h hcrjilded his corn* r h'g.-. Her cheeks flushed as he strode hnpet* uodsly into the room. 'I oould not sleep before sceiug you,* he said. 'My brave gill I how little I knew you! I thought, because you were beautiful there could be uo courage in youf soul; that because your hands were small aud soft aud while, they ! could bavo no strength. Dear litllo hands,' taking them tenderly in his own. , 'They helped lo save our Uvos to day. Fay, will you givo them to me, darling? . Will you be u soldier's wife, and teach I him, my own sweet love, some of the , bravery that only stlcb Women as you can teach to men?' A great light shone ill tbe bdautiful ' eyes upraised to his, 'I owe you my life,' she Whispered •If a debt ao rich will receive paymout so poor, tako it Boydou; it is ydtfra.' An Edltor'a Dream. An editor sat iu his effiue chair; his boots Were patched and his coat was threadbare; while his face looked weaiy aud worn with care. While sadly think ing of business debt, old Morpheus alowly round him crept, And before he knew it he sotiuOly slept, aud, sleeping, he dreamed that he was dead, from trous Die and toil his spirit had fled and that I dot eten a Cow-bell tolled for Ibe peace- j ful rest of bis cow bide sole. As lie wandered among the shades, aud smoke and scorch ot lower Hades, he shortly observed an iton door that ci*eakiugly swung on hinges ajar, but tbe entrance was crossed by a red hot bar, aud Satan hiraselt stood peeping out aud watching tor travelers thereabouts, aud thus to the passiug editor spoke aud witb growling Voice tbe echos woke: Come inj my dear, It shall cost you nothing, and steyer fear: this is the place where I cook the ones that never pay their subscription sums, for though iu llle they may escape, they will find; when dead, it is too late; I will show you tbe place where I melt them tbin with red-hot cbaius and scraps ot tin, and also where I comb their beads with brokeu glass aud melted lead; aud if oi refreshmedts they odly think there's boiling water for them to drink; there's the red-hot grind stone to griud down his uose, aud red-hot rings to wear oil bis toes,- and it tbey mention tbey don't like fire, I'll saw up their mouths With, red-hot wire; aud then, dear sir, you should see tbeid squirm while I roil them over aud cook to a turn, At tho last words tbe oditor awoke and thought il all a practical joke; but still at times, so real did it seem,- that be cannot believe It was all a dream/ and often he thiuks, with a chtickle aud grin, of the fate of those who save tbeir tiu aud never pay the printer. »—.—— The thermometer ia one of the few thiogslbat cad fall without hurting itself. ——- The mau bound to te bangei ia trav eling out of tho world at a break-neck pace, The Skldmore Batter. The nfl tb'c anil gentlcmnuly pfopriptor >t one •( oWr leading hotels had fnsi , tiiiUhcd his flr«l Forty winks alter retir nix the ollwr night, when he was con- i scions of n slight ucise under the U>d. •Come out r.f "hat or Ml blow yon full ol Sniro ttiMiieUr he gliottted, at he sal tip lis bed and coCked l.ld reyolVcr. •Hold hnnl! I'm coming!' said Ihe conconlud puny, scrnnihling from under • lie bed. It was too dark 19 see clearly, but 1 lib hotelkueper could perceiro a shadowy lorm aiiso And leau aflably over Ihe footboard. •What liic blaiikii»ilon »o you doing I here ?' roared tfte incensed steak stretcher. •Now> keep cool~-*-lakb It easy—dou'l get excited, said Ihe intruder) blandly, 'it's all your fault.' * • the blaaes do you mean?'. •Why, I'fe been trying-my name U S agent for Slnsllittgtoti & Sluzv, Philaili'lpiiia—lv'e boen trying to *ce yoU for two weeks. Wanted to ahow you a -palcuteii article of the greatest valtio to your business*' 'Don't want lo see any ngcnls—but what the «levii do you meau by ' 'i was just going to explain,' inter rupted the cheeky customer. 'I deter mined to see you at any ri"k, so I just bid under the bed- Yon see-, I wanted to get at yoil When yott htyl bblhing to boilicr you. Plenty ot time to talkj you understand.' •Well, of all the gall!' •t won't detaiu you a minute,' hastily couiinued the agent. 'I am tryitnt to introduce a patented article ot butter. a:id ' 'Wc'Vc arranged for all tlid oleomar garine we want,' gruwlod the baab server. 'But this is another article entirely. It is a composition of semisliquid rubber, colored and manipulated so as to exactly resemble the best clover'fed butter, By iu UEO the boarder of Lite pcHod ban be brought so as not to est any butler at all.' •Dt B't bbllevo It,* said the dyspepsia a ß gruvalor; incredulously; 'But it's a fact all the same,' went ou ihe agent, sitting on Ihe footboard and lighting a cigarette. 'You see, the gUest puts his knife into tbo butter, and pro. ceeds to butter his bread, That is ho thinks ho does, but (Be bttttet merely yields to Ihe pressure of the kuiic. In stead of the porlioD beivg removed it ■ real I y slides back to the original roll as he withdraws his kuiic. tills boarder imagines he has spread the bread, 1 however, and eats U contentedly. You 1 know H'oW tnuoh imagination lias to do 1 with these tLings, anyway.' 'Big money saved if the thing fcally worked;' mused tbe landlord! •But it does Woi-fc,' persisted Alr.Sliggs; •there are tWeuly-siX restaurants aud four large bote's using it in Chicago: Big sucatisß, too. Doesn't give tbe bread that peculiar -ahem!—peculiar whecl-grcavy flavor ol regular hotel buttef. Besides, there are no hairs and things. It it Wilsd't so dnrk I'd show you a sample that has Ueeu iu ttse oVer blglit months. All yt»tl have lo do is to freshen it dp with a Utile water and a wooden die once a mouth, and thfere you are.' 'l'll think oVet* it;' said the great American 'extra' chaiger, thoughtfully. 'Do so* and I'll see you iu tbe morning/ and aftef tucking the cover* around tUti landlord's feet And bidding hitti A cheery good-night, the butter agent unlocked tbe door aud slid oat. Instead oQnspectiog the new boou to tavern keepers the next ttlofulllgj how ever. the hotel ntan put id Hide wtttiug an adretllsenaet for the (apers to tbe feet that if the sneak thief who Itole tout seal rings, a set of tliaiboild studs, six scarf pins, piir sleeve buttons, gold watch and |52 in coiu from a room iu tbe hotels would return tbe jewelry, he eotild keep the tnouey add uo questions asked. "■*»«> - Autl-prohlblliouists toll dt (hat we must not hate prohibition, because ot the vast revenue paid the State by the liquor dealer*. For the year iB9O the total tix wan $1,741,401.58 and of tbii vast sum the liquor license and per ceut. tax W4s ouly $42,233.36. Tbe houest laborer pays $97.50 every lime thb liquor reve dtto furnishes $3 50. This $42,233.36 costs iu the crime it produces over tour hundred thousand dollars. Think of this, you who would voteiu this important election; The liqeor traffic doee faot pay tbo reveude that its friends affect to feel tbaf it doses, but blights homes, ruius pro»> poets and causes mourning In the' land- Charlotte Observer; —— 'This wotld Is but a footing show,' and it is tbo saute way with the circus^ "Let Rivalry with jtory fume and fret. Ou Noitli Caroline'* trade our aim is set!" » —tioOUr. it Stott # Co, !ggr Tale! N.ti. j Manufacturers of h * ' T*fKt>& TBVB —Smoking Tobacco. , ITOFELMA. HKAI;TV KLBIOUT) - PLUO INU TWLTT. •'Greatness bdrrowi not from Noble /inccstry.'* wood Goods bi'drow riot from hollow uame!— May 9. 3 in. - -i • HABBIB &FLXPTBN, JOBBERS *IMPORTERS OF wmm&m, tt Bk Mitt 0 80, N. C.> . Would be glad to furnish :^AND^; JHaimfacturer* ©notation#: v Special attention given to the W UOLE SALK TUADE. All ordeft shall have onr PERSONAL ATTENTIOH, aud will be promptly ekeedtod) Jane >O, # Bi—if iy . * —— i—i-U BETHEL • CLASSICAL AND MILITARY ACADEMY' Near WarrMMa, fraa|liMC».| Vai ' Prepare* for COtojw, University Or Bustneni-. Recommended for Location. Health, Morality, Scholarship and Dfrolpllne. BOARD. Tui+iok: aud MEDICAL ATTENDANCE, (Halt Session) $115.00. Address for Catalogue. Mix A.G. SkrrH, Bupt. Bethel Aeadfcniy P. 0„ Fauquier Co., Va. July 29, 21—4t. .■ f ■ f.*i— ■ - lUBBVILLK Female College, ■ASHEVILLfc, jf. O.J Is one of the bent and cbeadest schools in Ui* South. FayornHly tofeicd with extensive grounds, Walks, dnfl commodious buildioirt "It , hail an experienced Faculty. Full course, and gWe» thorough Instruction. Music a specialty. I Good Pianos and a magnificent Pipe Organ; • KA ! B »XFE 8 ;£»FL: i Bend for Catalogs. Address the President. ' 5® v . J*- "r J. 1. Banner Business Snp'l. Jlily 35, 21—4fc * fp p|"pi - mn niiiH bk lik« PiWaasai M*eU*ti. 9k» Bid Reliable, Piedmont Warehouse LEAF TOBACCO, ■. m Oppotm D#ot,—keimia ei jr. c. Highest prices and tferf accbmnJodaUbui guaranteed. A- ELLIN&TOS LCO., Propti A, J. Elilnglon. Cashier, J. li. Andrew: jWejt aiiingtdri, Qefli, WeddeVHa% jon 17 6m. " . ~" 1 ** ' " V' -j " • THE GLEAMER FOB OFF!® lb prepared to execute Job Printing * SIMf AND WITH—* SBATOBSB AND OK»PATtfITy IIMOFFLIITT NO. 22.

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