f I 1 M " wmmwgm jtfwwiwpw THE ALAMANCE GLEANER, f ' 11 i . .5.-. • " • • ' > -• • = — ~ .ts-cf- —-—: •: 7 • *' 7 ■' , "tlic JUontimre ©leaner. ' r • trt y. -» j • .•■ -- 'PUBLISHED AX IV. C, Kldridye isiernodle, 'PKOPKIBTORSI. One Year ~ fIJO Tte Months ; . .75 * TTlfce MontM ;.. ..60 . Every person sending us a club of" ten sub teWbors cash, lmnself to ono copy free, for'the lcngli of time for which the *;lub is made up. Papers sent to different offices No Depart are, from the Cash System I'OSTAQE PlifiPAfD AT THIS OFFICE 'A IV «mT MMKt II *vkn: 1 in. 2 in.iS lu' -ol col 1 col. '1 week 100' # 150 f2005400 $7 50 SI2OO •2 •' ICS -Z'6o 250 700 UOO 1" 00 ; 3 " 175 250 853 -JSCO ;l3 50 18 00 >1 mo„ 200 300 450 1150 15 00, 22 00 2 " 30C 450 600 10 50 17 50,301)0 » " 400 600 750 13 50 20 00; 37 00 "6 " | *5 50 10 60 12 50 15 00 35 001 45 00 ' a " I 1000 is too is oe 2000 4sool so 00 :Yearly advertisements changed quartcflvif "Sesired. 1 / ; Local notices ten -coats a Une, firet insertion "jjo local inserted loi; loss than flftv cents. PROFESSIONAL C11W.% \TNaVY\ C4RAHAM7I JAS. HillsbDro, N. C. Graham, N. 0. mmm & GRAHAM, ATIPO«NBVSATI,AW, •Practice in the State Wd Federal Courts, CaTdpeeUl attention ]paid to collecting. . * J. D. KEENODLE, Attorney at Law, GRAHAM, W.O, . Practices in the State and Federal ourfs 'Will faiihfuHy apd -pftmiptly attend to all busi ness intrlisfed'to him m. S* FABKEE, ATTORNEY, ], GRAIIAHI, IV. C. v 'Will attend regularly the Superior Courts of Alainmce, aswoll, Pe'rsou, hutham and Ran dolph, and the Federal courts at Greensboro. Business entrusted to him shall have faithful Attention. fr-1 80. ly. Dr. J. W. Griffith DENTIST GRAHAM, Hf.'G., I•> ■ _ ts fully prepared to do any and all luuds of Vork jjertaining to the profession. , Special attention given -to the 'treatment of diseases of the MOUf 11. CALM ATTENDED IN TOWN OR CouNVkr. DB. GEO. V. LONG, GENERAL PRACTITIONER OF Medicine and Surgery GRAHAM, N, C. Tare and fresh drugs always on hand. 9. I. 80. ly. T. B. Eldridge, Attorney at Law, GRAHAM, N. 6. Practices in the State and Federal Courts. All business intrusted to him shall receive prompt and careful attention. ADVEItTISEMENTS. » » ■ ■ ■ . =>■ Just Received. Genuine ?owners Friend Plows, all hum Ders. Plow Poi its, Land Sides, Mould Boards, Bolts and Clevis as. . . SCOTT & OONNELL. T. E.ieJONES Livery fy Feed Stables ©f aham, N. €• Good horses and buggies fctr hire at reason a blc rates. Horses fed at 35c ts. per meal. 11. 15. 80. ly. SUFFOLK wmfflMraira. FOR both sexes, teims moderate, efficient teachers, .idvantage? fine, Music and Art Department attached. Designed to prepare pupils for active business pursuits or Universi ty course of study. Nest session . begins Sep tember 12, 1881. For catalogue address, Prof. P. J. KEKNODLE, A. M , July 25, 21—tf. Principal, Suffolk, Va. GHAH 4M, N> c>, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER r N IHSK . ii . i in i "jiotf J )J. Tender Ilnc», J love the playful little lamb— i I love hiui broiled or ronrt; I love the feathered sougster' l llFiuklrinrt>c»t on toast. 'I love the 9sli that swim the sea — ) . Fresh from the frying-pan; love the retiring oyster tOo — I'll eat him wliou-i ca.i. I love to fee the squirrel bfiik— Through the top sights pf my gun • I love the gentle, lowing /tine — In ti-mler tteaks, rarc,done. I love the bird.'t lovetfee flsh, . I also lovb the beast—: Oh, give mt all I want to cat, •Ml have a grand love feast. ———n—————————l— HANNAH AMD I. My father had mdyctl into a new place. Prospectively, I enjoyed much In the dethronement of onr gods, and the reduction at itll otir world ly goods to a state of chaos. 'I foresaw the ilelfciouß suspense, anxiety and final dismay or rejoicing that would attend the transit of our looking-glasses and. chairs. I looked forward to a kind of nomadic existence about the house during the days wherein we were ■getting settled, to the exploration of un known depths Unddf the closet stairs, and ot mysterious feaesses behind the chittiney. 1 expected to sit and sing in , the bebt rocking-chair, tS roll my tired rlimbs on the best mattress, slid to take I my tiinjrer with q large spoon from out a fruit-jar. When, therefore, I ro3o tip from the depot on top'of the box containing my mother's best china and I foltl' that everyone that beheld also envied, The slnrt ends of my hat-band fluttered spiritedly'in the March wind and the an 'ticipatory tremors in my breast creaked theatarched shirt-front beneath iny et. At a very tender ago w6 realfiso that this frorld of disappuintments. For the next few days my life consisted mainly ii) hunting tip the hammer, run ning for nails, trotting up to tho store, and down to tlrto tinner's and after thej carpenter, phshing dtoVe-legslnto [flace, holding up footboards of family bed steads, lifting tho corners of bureaus, waiting upon the painter and the white wash man, getHng my fingers pinched, getting scolded, getting a cold, losing my handkerchief, having nothing in par-, licular to eat ?ave a littje baker's bread, and now and then a bit of betff-steak cooked sometimes by my mother, sometimes by my father and occasionally throe. By the third day 1 began too r6o that thp anarchic style ot hottse'-keeping has its disadvantages and to feel that the springs of a naturally good constittilion Were wearing out in tho family service. On tho morning of that day I left my rftother and Mary SuHivan stretching a carpet fitted for a room 15x15 to cover our new dining-room, 15x16, and walked out in the back yard to take the air. As 1 sauntered down to the .front gate my eyes were greeted with a vision of youth—l cannot say of beauty—swing ing apou the gate the way. The 'vision' wore a tyrge bombazine h'ood, such as was at that time iu high repute among grandmothers, but was never calculated to enhance the charms of | the young. A li/tle plaid shawl was piuned askew abont her shoulders. One of a species ot embroidered pantalets which, like the dodo ot Mauritius, has since become extinct, had slipped down and lay like a wrinkled bandage around the top of her shoe. 'Hallol' said I. 'IJallo!' responded she} 'yort are a mean nasty, boy I' •I should have promptly returned this compliment but for the consideration that 1 had just moved into a new community, ar.d everything depended upon my ac quiring a good repu'ation. Without rei plying* therefore, I began reflectively digging a hole in tbe gatespost with my jacksknife. The Tisiou' swung back aud forth, and hummed 'I want to bo an an gel.' In giving-an uuusually vigorous lurch outward an apple flew from her band and tell into the middle ot the mud>> dy stroot. I digress bore to staid that, though a popular street, that portion of it iu front of my father's house generally was mud dy. During the spring and fall mouths wfl had a large, swasby pool there—one that appeared to flow from a secret per ennial source of muddindss. In the Win* ter months it froze over and uiado capi tal skating. Dining the summer it grad ually dried, until, at tho 'pollywog' sea son, when alone a boy can take tbe highs est rational enjoyment iu a mud-puddle, ouly a damp spot in tho senter of the! street indicated the place from which the j water had subsided. 'lt was now at high tide and the apple had fallen 'oozo below it, 'Boy, cotho over and pick ftp my ap*- pic,' commanded my neighbor. Conscious ol setting that young pagan an example of-good manners, I returned the apple wi'h a bow ihy mother littfl taught me. She gave it two or three , cleansing dashes on her dress skirt and then said: 'Lend me your knife ami I'll give ydh half.' t- Shc set the applo Upon top 6f the gate post, savagely jammed the knife through it, wiped the blade on her shawl and 10 'turned the knife with the larger part of the apple. ' 1 ' ! 'Thank you,' said I. . 'What is your name, boy-?' 'George llarrittaan. What is "yours?' 'Hannah Ann Farley. You going to live in that house?' •I expect to.' 'l'm&lad of It. There's bocn a dis agreeable, stuck-up little girl living over there. I thought when''first4 saw yon, yon wore going to be just like her.' This I took as Hannah's apology for li'er'roceptibh, It was satisfactory and We might then and there have become friends, but at'that moment Mary Sulli van came to our front door and called me home. She said the brass Headed 'tacks were all gone, and I must go to the store for more. When I '^e tamed Hannah Ann Was nowhere to be sSBh. The next morning I was 'fortunate enough to find a five-cent piece iu a crack of a bureau drawer, and -tiromptfy "started ft>r h store wherein to spend it. The streets were so muddy I thought I I' would go across and leap tho neigh bor's fences. 1 was in neiglibcAr Far* ley's yard when I was sharply hailed from a little window high up in the end of tho boas?, *'Boy, come up here*!' 'How am I going to got up?' 'Go around to the kitchen, and ask my mother U> shotv ybu the way.' I hunted up the kitchen, and found Hannah's mother. Prior to this time when I wished to Tepreseut a fetftale figure upon my slate I had a triangle surmounted by an eclipse, and this in turn finished by a smalt circle-; hereafter with Mrs. Farley in thy mind, I drew a cylindrical figure with a small circle ou the upper end, and a -slight depression representing the waist-lirtb. Affel* on'de , seeing Mrs.Farley I cotT.d never wonder why Hamiah Was forever' borrowing a pin to fasten something on with. Thefe could never be a morfe delightful gar» ret than Sirs. Farley's, fdr neyer could (lffcra be a Wdmau who coftld ex*el her in th& celerity with which she would Use up furniture. Such a collection of mir rors with shattered glasses, bottomless chairs', dismantled bureaux standing upv o i three legs is seldom met'! ' Whrt do you want to play?' asked Hannah. 'Pirates.' 'What's a pi rale?' I explained, and Hannah forthwith became the moat bloodthirsty of pirates. It was in my he&rt to spare the women and children, but she refused to listen to such a proposition and felled her victims left and right without regard to ago or sex. Once sho pierced me through my heart and I tell bleeding, hitting (my"head against the chimney and yelN ing out in unfeigned agony. Afterward, we were riding peacefully along over the green field*, and beneath the calm blue sky, on a two legged and vetv dusty safa, when a party of bri gands swooped down upon usj and bote us ofl to a loathsonle dungeon behind a dimantled bureau. We flattened our selves and crawled out, behead ed the brigands, appropriated their spoils, and returned trinmphant to our own homes. Ws were Vety dilgty and AoVered with cobwebs when I romembered my five cant piece and said I must go. 'Give me half of \fhat you're going to buy, aud I'll go with you,' Aaid Han nah. t couldn't very well refuse thltf geners otts offer; so she put on her hood and sbawl, at my suggestion tied up har shoe-strings* and we started. She ex pressed a preference for black licorice, aud I expended my money upon that luxury; and shared it liberally. Wo came home hand iu hand; and thotJgh Hannah Went over shod iu mrid and watet three time she bore it with inimitable good nature. From that motnidg oiir friendship ula«> tured rapidly. Sometimes Hannah was at our bouse; sometimes I played vfrheil she bad a sore tbrOat, dud wore a prepas ration Ot lard and camphor gum around it, we had permission to play in Mrs. Farley's parlor. Whenever Hannah stole cookies and ginger-snaps for herr self, she always laid iu for me; wbeu i Maty Sullivan made tea saucer pies lor J mo, I carried them red hit from the oven ; to neighbor -Farley's, and Hannah «nd4d i. wntfclrcd them cool with heaVtJ that beat as one. Then whilo one half tho juice ) drizzled over my jacket the correspond* I ing half dripped on Hannah's apron, j- Hannah'wttspvtionatelyltond of 'joccol" } W hon school opened, Hannah and J 1 went hand In hand, and stood by one another in days of adversity ai well as s dttys of prosperity. Hannah being a - her Mays were mJßtlv - ot adversity, **• !i The mouths slipped away, and the yortra grew apaco. My lather petitioned f the town authorities to fill hp tlvo mud •purtdte In front ofourhOuse. Tile town ituthoritbs gttre every encouragement that the 'whole boKrd' would be on the " spot at an early day, bnt we looked fdr J them in vain. My father made a second and third importunity with like results. Then lie jSVesied Sits grtbvance upon their • I attention as gentlemen aud men df hoif r or. As gentlemen and men of honor , they gave theft ivbrfl that tho should toe neglected no lbnger. We r liycd lipon that promise six ipoutbs. I Then my father, grown irate, threatened ) to sue. The hoard, becoming defiant, ■ just wished he Wohia they should I like to seb liirti suo. At this retort my I fatherN feelings rose to the summit Of ) moral'indication; he wouldti't sue'; he I scorned to lower himself to a quarrel tvith snfeh tnen'; but ho wonld pay no i moretaxos in lliat town; and energetic k preparations for our removal began. ' Aannah and I wert sitting tipoh lie . edge ot M"\ "Farley's coal bin when I [ communicated to her my father's decisioh, • As soou as she saw I was'in earnest she • dropped over npoa the ahtlrntcite, aud I gave vetit to a flow of tearo. She declared I that sho couldn't and wouldn't liaye me go. She should dte with loneliness, and she wished she wai dead. A few toars ot initio drizzled over iulo tbe bin and mingled with Hannah's. Afterward she appeared reconciled, and manifested ifi- I tense interest lu our preparations, obtru ding her servive at onr house fititil my mother declared she would never be ready to go if that Farley girl couldn't be kept at home. The morning of 6hr d&phHure d&Wned at last,. My father and mother weut to i tho depot, leaving me to follow as I bad come on the last load of goods, > It was an April mo'rning, Succeeding a heavy rain storm, and the waves ot my father's mud puddle ran high. Haunali > sat npon the 61d petunia mound by the gate, sobbing. I raised her drobplng 1 forth to bid her farewell phshed tho r hair from her face aud gave hor my i last klsr, Sho clfttched frantically at my jacket, but, realizing that delays ' are I sprang upon a drys gOods bo)c in the wagon. The horse, most severely affl ; cted with string-half, 1 started off at a feartul gallop, and we disappeared around the corner forevt & v ... As soon as circnmslancss would peV s * mit I addressed a letter to Ilannah, and soon received a reply, of which i the following." is averb&tlal copy ; > My Dear Qeorge:— I now set down to let yon know hdw . I am. I have had a soar throat nearly all tho time sonce yon Left. Somebody has shot our CuU School commences next week. I dred it. A new family has moved into your House, there is too boys, Eddy aud willy. Ii we never "se'o each other again on urth, I hope we may meat iu heaven. Yours Truly, HANNAH A. FARLEY. The letter also contained two blots and a grease spot and was directed by Ilan > uah's mother, wrong side up with care. I wrote her once mere, but received no answer a failure which L attributed to her 1 aversion to all literary labor rather than to any diminution in the aider of liet af fections. 1 attended school for the next three or four years, and then enterod the whole sale mercantile business in the set-vies of an uncle, t became a rising man. Soihe ot tbe timo 1 rose rapidly, as gase* otis matter and young men between the ageo of sixteen and tweu(ysfl>e are in the habit of doing. Our family also prospered. From lltrec-ply iu odr par lor We passed by easy stages through body Brussels to English Wilton, and wo numbered tbe successors df Mary Sullivan by twos and by threes. Presently I arrived at that age whereat eltremfcly witty people begin pointing at $ young man peculiarly sharp aud origin ha! jests concerning the subject ot matris uioUy, At first tbe implication therein conveyed that I had only to choose was griltityicg to my vanity; but by tbe time I began to direct any serious thoughts that way myself, so mubh solid wit had become an iosufierable bore. There werO girls in large quantities and excel lent qualities all around me, bht tbe thought of adtancing to anything scriOds wilh any ouu of Ihem always suggetftrd-. Hannah. u My reminiscences of Mhnnah were not "inch (hat I could cientea'nidoaltemiiiiite character of her; bnt when a rtelfoVv Ims sot in a coal-bin wilh a girl nnd taken alternate .sucks on as many Jackson-ball* ns I hod with '{lannah, no subsequent experience can ever eitffrtly efface the impression. I bad a curiosity „to know 1 what Hannali had become. Tno surest Way to satisfy this curiosity seemed to be to go Utid'sde h#v. 1 Accordingly went, TTirpTt wag pretty. She had «"lor and frankness/ she had grtice and repose cf manner, lier fingcv-riKihi "Wefe scru pulously kept, robt and crown, and her' hair wife glassy, ft WoH jis 'fashionably dressed. The year we left (own Hannah's toOth-- ' (*r died"; and after the billows of eviction had surged ovtfr Id* edtfl 'for about six mouths, Mr. Farley agtfln beheld tlte son and took a new Wife. The itew wife[ had taken infinite pains with her Btep*« daughter. The stepdaughter's present V appcarfcilce, as'compared with her fortner couditiou, bore favorable tesllmobjr for the lady's system. Hannah said thtu when we were children I had seemed like hUrotlfer'to 'Hdr, Xrtd t at otfee placed myself upon a fraternal standing. I interrogated her in regard co the occu pants of my old.home,, and she'finally "confided 16 me,that she was 'engaged to the yotinger Wetberbee, the "wiNy''of Her letter. , ' ' • V 1 I afterward saw Mm, and could "not "btit lnWitrdly,applaud the discrimination ) that led her, evenlu ch'iltibood, fo begin lilt name with a small letter. lie was an ihdividua) of from 110 to 115 pounds freight, though whftt there was of him was drawn net and judiciously sd Willi h View to making rtte most ol straitened circumstances. The to may be no more ink in an exclamation point "than a vowel, b'ht'it is better adapted to attract attention. As to color, endrgy and vivacity, Hannah had enough to (TQpply three Itist like him. Hannah's, I soon perceived, wftU Ibe pWlosophhiai •form of engaged ttfe, One evening when we Went to wi\lk> slits Baid to me: 'Mr. Wetlttrbeelitis hit no odo Tcnows them better (ban I. But where,' added she, touchingly, ' where will you find a man who hasn't fkullsf' 'Where, surelyt" responded 1. 'I don't look for perfect happiness here below.' "continued Hannah, pensively/ 'l've seen too much ot life for th&t'V— Hannah is some yoars my junior and must at this period have arrived at the ttiafhYe age of nineteen yefcr'B. i I returned boihe and two years clipped away. I wara still halting between two opinions and loeklng inquiringly fct a third, and the bad begun to . manifest lirely symptoms of taking care , of themselves', who 6 oYid diy in a neigh* Boring city strolling through a pfcpeV i box factory whose proprietor was my , friend, 1 came across liannab. 'How in the world came you here 1 ?' • bluntly ejaculated I, , 'By the forfiiiios oi R Te Aud the tail way.' 1 didn't know whether she was to be Addl-esbed a* Farely or Wetberbe«, and Observing that she was dressed In deep mourning, avoided snyfbing that ihtyht suggest explanations. She presently tohl me that her father was dead. Then as I sought her confidence—on the fra ternal basis—3he told mo that her hither had left his estate in'ounibergd, 'Those disagreeable tyetherbees hold a mortgage on the house,' said she, 'and they are just the exacting 1 , unaccomsdaS ing kind of people who wotildnl hesitate in foreclosing the day the time expires!' Sho bad set herself about earning mon ey to pay the iuJebledness. •Yoii see}' said she, 'the property is left by will to ihartima and myfcelt con jointly. Hit is disposed of At a forced sale it must be a great sacrifice, aud then poor mamma will be left without A home. She has done eVerythmg tor me'—here Hannah's large eyes filled wilh tears— 'and it is ft small th'ng tor mb to try Id save it tor her.' I raid I wondered she hadn't sought a different kind ot employment and sug gested teaching. 'Ob, I've tried *pslyitig for schools. Two or three limes I've received Invita tions to examinations; and they've given mo perfectly dreadful lists of questions —asfred readoni Why we performed op erations that I never before knew We did perform.' 'Muiic, then.' 'I love music; but there arb three teachers to bietv, pupil. This la pleasant work, and 1 arii happy In feeling I shall save tbfe homo for mammal' When I reached home that evening 1 sold an opera ticket 1 bad purchased in the morning and; wherfeas 1 had always smoked firteeu-cent clears, now purch ased a box at ten cents (I gave them [Concluded on Fourth Paffe.] : J 1 ~ MO. 27. • - ■' 4ml Secettetfk sisiilscw i 1 ; —B OK Tobacco Flues, SEDHET ON, . Ship-Stuff for Stock P&& -AN'D sjrejb QIOJR W mm>- sooffijfc too&feft&t. . •; •-f.-U-i'i..J ,■„ . For tills Month's Weather,prepare# HTODDAKT'A IKVIKV, t "*impfc rapymttilfl for 3c &aMp\ J. R. B¥t>l»Ai». PM>., Nftr ¥o*k, »tta„ or Chicago. JtHly 85, I. W. t>AO»SY, #A«MU(e, I*.'©., with, Qacr+ant Sf Bchrrwta - WHOLESALE AHD M?fi'/t 3 - GEOC EES '*•« OmritfrVte . GENERAL MEti&llAft&tSEt —AQEWTS ro* THE CELEBRATED flfAKt. Main Streot/b fcrtorß SBff/e iTcihnbtOo A Choek'a Bank, Danville, Va., Mr. DAUey will be pteuw* t» have Tfts North aroliuA friends'call oa htm. •Jan H-Vy HABSIS * mUPMUT. JOBBERS sfc IMPORTERS ViP G HE KIBOI o, N. C., Wcmld be glad \> tttrnish -—A idanftfectnrctft Special attention atren to tife frUOUS feAtE TRADE. All tfd«r» «tiall have our PERSONAL ATTftNTlolff> *nd will be promptly executed, June 20, *51—17 ly •** ~ i imc O |J War Among the Bogis 4>tgaA Makers* ft BtopS lnll ($6 drgk)&. jfr. AS. advertise al6 stop fir ffto ? B then Jtrots out an 18 stop for $"0: M. fc 8. goes htm 2 bettor. ti>) slops for $00; 6. jeeA the 590 and. goes him 7 tetter, tt foV w9O. ft) ltd of Reeds 1. octave 1 4 full sets Re'«ds, 2}£ otAaVe each ) the Bets. Only 2 fall sets, 5 octaves each, any way you take It. A'rd yon can't use but 10 6r 18 stops, genuine' to tavt) your life. Senfi to tte stop factory, voti can get a bnsliel for 50 c't*. IforejjiJlea m the back or front of i the case and stick .flkettj W. Give 'em any J name you want. Does just as Well. , The only —TH$— IiSbHI Bute Hoase. wW.Vflll they #e wMsn.MteSmlth "pats their Light oAt" with a fKM&olu Reliable MASON A 111.VlLIS or PELOLifiETA CO., ORGAN. Write to me fir Catalogues and ask a thon*» and questions if yon like. ~ , H. McSMITH, July 25, 21 Charlotte, N. 0; THE «LEANER is prepared to exte#td Job Printing IN 6HUB&f YMHSTC, .tt. AND WITH—-* v , , Meatness And Dmpatc®, Mimmummm Give Us A Trial. Salem Jeanes a nlcejot^at