THE ALAMANCE GLEANER, / • • Y . ' . 1 % 1"3 .V SB 1 " ■ ■ ■'■ — : — . I . . *• ' ' h , V 1 * • H, ' T>- •- •*- / VOL. 7. Cfyf ©leaner, PUBLISHED WUKKLY BWIBI, I*. C. JZldridye §• Kernodle, PBOP^IKTOR^ T«HMS: One Year . $1.50 Six Months , ~...75 Three Months 60 Every person sending I\A a club of ten sub scribers with the cash, entitles himself to one free, for the lengli of time for which the sluh is made up. Papers sent to different offices No Departure £vom tjif Cash System Advsavisiie IIATB^: 1 in. A In. 3 iu. % -ol 001. 1 week 1 Ot? I 1 50 #20044 00 *7 50 SI2OO 2 •' 1 '*> 200 250 TOO 1100 IF 00 8 " 175 250 853 800 13 50 18 00 1 mo.. 300 800 450 950 15 00 22 00 a " 30C 4so 600 10 50' 17 50 80 OO 3 " 400 000 VSO 12 50 20 00 87 00 6 " 650 10 00 12 50 15 00 85 00 45 00 3 " 110 00 15 00 18 00 20 00 48 001 80 00 Yearly advertisements changed quarterlv tf desired. Local notices ten cents a line, first insertion fio local iuscrted tor less than flftv cents. PROFESSIONAL CAHDS. 3 SO. w. a BAH AM, JASTXTGR AH AM. nillso-jrb, N. C. Graham, N! C. GRAHAM & GRAHAM, t. ' ATTOHNKIfI AT I.AW, Practice in the State and Federal Courts, WITDPECL IL Attention paid to collecting. J. D. KERNODLE, • Attorney G If A II AM, N.C, Practices In the State and Federal Courts *Vi:I faiitifully and promptly attend to all busi i>BS»l'iiwi uste(L TQ LIII^ K. S. PABFIEE, ATTORNEY, HKAIIAM, N. C. Will attend regularly the Superior Courts of Alamance, Casw.cll, Person, Chatham and Ran dolph, and the Federal at Greensboro. {Business entrusted to him ' shall ' ha.Ve faithful attention. 6-1 80. LV. Pp. J. W. (jiri/fjtli DENTIST GRAHAM, N. C., is fully prepared to do any and all kinds of ■Jtrork pertaining to the profession. Special attention uriveu to the treatment of. of ihe MCWTF H. CALLS ATTENDED IN TOWN oa OouNTar DR. GEO. W. IMS, GENERAL PRACTITIONER OI? Metfieine ana Surgery GRAHAM, N. C. Fore and-fresh drugs always on hand. ». 1. 80. ly. T. P. Eldridge, Jkti&vn&y at Law, QUAE AM, N. C. PRUAFEUIS in the State and Federal Courts. ALIVRFVETIB lihtrusted to him shall recelvi* prompt ana caref nl attention . XjDVEIiTISEMENTS. Jusi Received. Uerulne TJRMERS Friend Plows, ALL NUM ,-cers. '* ' Plow Poiits, Land Sides, Mould Boards, Dolts .AND Clevisjs. R SCOTT & DONNELL. T. JB;. JONES JLAvery Reed Stables Graham, N. & Good horses aud buggies for hire at reasona ble rate's.' Horses fed at 35CTA. per meal. 11., 15. 80. ly. CFF«,I,K -"TJV)R both sexes, tei ms moderate, efficient ■ JL teachers, advantages FIN?, Music and Art ; Department attached. Designed to prepare pupils lor active pursuits or Universi ty c mrse of study. Next session begius Sep tember 13, 1881. For catalogue address, I Prof. P. 3. KEKNODLE, A. M , July 35, 21—tf. Principal, Suffolk, Vv IP 0 *f t u, You Know You Do When some or\e's step comes up the walk, Your cheeks take on a rosier hue, I And though no other hears his knock; Y oil hear it w^ll —}'°Vt kumy y pu do 1 And though it may be very 'vrong, When Pa is quite ignored by you, 3 You sing for him your sweetest song, - You cunning tuiug—you kuow you do ! J And when he talks of other girls. Of hateful Kate, and Jennie, too, s You fling at hiiu your auburn curls, j? You Jealous thing—yiu Know yoy do! I He blushes deep and looks afraid ; To be ttyis left aUine With you/ But your eyes tell there Lo'er was raaid "Put could be wbopd-i-joi| kuow youTlo \ You j.eep at some one 'neath your curls, Ui.til .with love you burn'hjw through, And make hub hate all other girls— In 'ove for kuow you do!' And wl.bu his arm steals round yqttr chair, Yiju give a smothered scream or two; As if ydli didn'tipuit it there. But O, you do-iyou know do ! You let him kiss your blushing cheeks, Somehow your lips mtethis lips, too, f ¥°il teuipt him. silly thing, to speak— You wicked flirt—you kuow you do' And when he timidly doth press His wish to make a wife of /oil, WHh happy heart you answer yes. You darling girl—you know you do! 1 t'JX THE MORNING." A TRUE INCIDENT OF TU6 >)TIB . *OU sec thai young laiiy in wlijte talking wilji Clarke J' 'l'lie speaker was n lull, looking man ol'tliiity-fjve jii ili.o uniform ol a cavalry colonel in the Confederate service. Tlie time was a summer njgtU in 1863; the plijce, the hotel parlor in a small village in Middle Tennessee. T' l ® occasion was a 'hop' given in honor of . ihe presence of a detachment ot 'Foi> cat's Cay airy,' the daring riders whose names are household words in SouilsejMi homes, Irom the mountains ol Teuues* see to the valleys ol the Mississippi. The ( young Jiady referrad lo was a pretty, . gruceiul girl, with dark', gray eyes, . waving hair, of a dark, reddish gold, ■ and Ihe exquisite complexion that aci companies it. , 'Who is she?' a6ked the .colonel's coni*- patron. That is sweetheart, Miss Gar ne It.' 'JJIot the game that his lile al\cr Shiloh P, said Captain •The same,' rejoined Colonel Terry, i '-ihe is a little creature to do such a F thing, but she did. you see she was iu > the neighborhood at the vtiuie pt the bat tle, aud somebody told her (bat Picton was killed She went over the t}eld and fouud him, badly wounded through the iunjgs, btil Still alive. She sent a boy that she had brought with her to hunt up a surgeou, aud she stayed with I'ictou. The boy louud Dr. Cowan, aud when ' they got back ££iss Uarnelt bad raised , Pic to:: up, with his head ou her bieasl, so that be could breathe more easily. Dr. Cowau examined the wound without moving him," and told ht^r't(mt he was alraid it was hopeless, for the least mo lion, even laying him down again, might produce a latal hemorrhage, 11 he could be -j£ept perfectly cjuiet until moriuug, and the bleeding checked du ring Ihe night he might have 'a bare chance ot pulling thropgti.' 'Well,'said the brave little woman/'be shall be kept ! quiet, for 1 will stay just here aud not .lot him move.' And, by George, she did; she never stirred all night, aud iu the inorinug they carried hiin to the : ,nearest house, aud she nursed bim until he was out of danger .' 'That's a sweetheart worth having,' jaid Captaiu Barclay, with a glance of at the subject ol' their couvei katiou. Halt au hour later Colonel Terry was at Miss Garuett's side receiving a warm greeiiug that told tjiat t}io two were fast friends. 'Tell meqf all my friends iu thsold battalion, she said, presently. 'How many?' he asjfed, quizziugly; 'more than one?' • '1 mean what I said,'- she answered, with a merry laugh and a-quick, bright blfish.: , 4 i have hoard from 'one' of them very recently.' 'Does Charloy know joa are •here?' asked the colouel. it is 1101 a week qince I ielt Mem phis. Will ; they join'you here.' 'They?' he replied, inquiringly. .'The rest ol the command, 1 mean.' .she icplied, blushing again. 'A portion ot it may, but for that pqrt you are particularly interested iu I can not say. You know they are with the I old general, aud their movemeuts can't be counted ou with any groat certainty.' ;! 'They are the comets ol the service" aaid Miss Garnett 'Quite as erratic, at ail event#,' j 'May I have the pleasure of this daifce?' ' said the colouel, as (he baud struck up QHAH AM, N. C., MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1881. a quadrille. 'I know it is useless tJ ask you for a wall*.' The dance over, he led her to a chair, alter a moment's gay was about to resign his place in fayor ot tlie other claimants for her smiles, wheu he 1 * saw a sudden ghastly pallor ovevs^read her fea;uree. \ •Miss Alice, you srp illl' he exclaitneJ, anxiously. 'Let nie get you some w%- ter.' It was scarcely a moment before his return, but even then he was shocked sit ber white, drawn lace. 'Call my shp said to another gentleman with her, \yhUf) 6olonelTeyr> had for tho water, and both Ua(i reached bor at the same time. 'Lucy, lake nie home,' she 'I am dying.' 1 ! l *' l ! 1 'Oh, no, darling,' said ber sister, ten derly, 'you will be wel'> jn' tjie piorning.' As quickly as possible (he carriage was called and (be sick girl placed iu it. Whoii they stalling Colone] Terry wished them good night, express ing his hope that Miss Alico would have recovered by morning. She put out her (laiid, and exprtjng ber pirength, said distinctly: 'Yes, I shall be well morifing. Tell Charley—' voice failed, apd, lifting her slim white hand, loosened the flowers slio wore at her bre&at and put them iu th|3 colui.el's hand. ive these to him—yes—in tiie morning,' lief voice djeit away to a lainl whisper, and her heau iell back ou ber sister's shudder. The lady »ho had acted as their chaper on hastened to apply restoratives and the carriage rolled swiftly away.' The next morning called to inquire atlertbe invalid lie had no need to ask, for from the door there floated the mournful insignia of death. Shocked beyond expression, that hardy soldier turned away, yijable then topyen ofler his services if they were needed, lie went again after a while and saw Mrs. Cameron, the hostess of the sisters during their »isit. From lier lie learned the brief details of Alice's death, lier attack'had been a sudden spasm ol tho heart, aad she had never rallied. &J:e spoken but ouce and they caught her'B name, and a repetition of the words,'in the inony 'Poor Charley, who will tell groaned the colonel when the liftiy's voice ceased. 'You are his bestfriend, : 'sheanswered. •I think no oue else could do it so gent ¥ f can't,' be repl|ed, shaking hia head. 'I would lather face a battery. Why,' yOp don't know, you can't Ibiuk bow his very .life 'seems;boiind up iu her ; aud now—• They buried her next morning; six ot Picton's tricuds carried bis de*d love to her grave, and then .came sadly back, each questioning who would bear the tidings to the gallaut sabreur lar away witirthe old brigade, That night the order came to join the main command, and by daylight the troops were miles away. As they reach ed the vicinity of appointed rqiutez vous a desultory tiring warned them ot an approaching conflict. Presently they lormed themselves iu the midst of a por tion ot the command, drawn pp in 'a j)iece of woods overlooking a sloping field, which on the opposite side rose to a sharp eminence, ou the brow ol Which was posted a Federal battery. Farther to the right tbe .firing hjtyl ,bo come sharper, and soon the roll of mus' ketry,awept along the Hue. •I say, Barclay,' called Colonel Terry, as the officer passed him, 'have you seeu Pictou yet?' And arfP&rplay shoqk bis head, added, 'Tolj the boys not to let him kuow yet. Wait till this is over.' ,'V|l ijght; I'll tell them/ auswered Barclay' as lie rode away. f r .'The old General will be wautiug that battery the first thing tbey kuow,' said one of tbe men, as a 9belf exploded over their beads. ,'They bad he iter keep it, quiet.' ' •Thar, jvbat did I tell yon?* he addej, biting off a huge piece ot 'long (.reel)', ,'thar go tbe Mississippi boys now,' As he spoke a tawny column moved 1 out of the wood 9 and swept gallantly 1 across the field. l!ut as tbey reached the center a murderous round of grape aud .canister tore through their ranks aud the ,coluiup broke in cpnfuslon. Three times their leader rallied them to tbe charge, oud three tjmes ttyey were shattered by galling,pro. 'Tell you what, boys,' called out tbe private who hail before spoken, 'tbar's fun ctiiniu'now! That's Gang's buglo. The old regimeut want some of the pie!' Lie stooped and felt bis saddle girth us he spoke, then siaighteued himself aud waited tor the command, for be was 'iine of the boys.' Tbe next moment thcro was a ringing chcor from the ranks as general Forest rode up. 'Boys,' he exclimed, pointing his sword, '1 wan't that battery captured. Que regiment has tried, and couldu't take it. " Now 1 want you boys to do bet ter than that, lam going to lead you, and I want you all to follow me.* ' pother was the ' answer, as tho meiriell into ranks. 'Charge I' and down the slope rode the' gallaut 'old regimentnever faltering as the grape sweeps through the'serried 1 ranks,ciosina eaqli gaj) as it was'inade by the deadly oie; on, on, (ollowing the ieup of the ta|l at the of the column,' 'i|il they rodo right over the ' depth-dealing guns, 'sab'ring the gun ; nets there,' and the woods gnve back the majestic echoes of the famous 'repdl 1 a# (bp victory w»8 WOu:' Won! Yes, but a! a fearful cost. Thai fatal slope was drenched with the blood of the Southland's braveet sous. After that charge Colonel Terry found himself face to face with Charley Pictou* 1 'aly God, h'otv can l ean toll' liiiu?* mul* tered the colonel to himself as the gallaut young fellow rode toward hiio,' holding out his h^mf. 'lt takes the 'old to do up tilings in style!' said he, grasping the colonel's hand, 'Say, Terry, did you see Miss Alice? Cjlemuu haa ju?t got back from Memphis, and he told me she had gone ou a vMt to 6omo friends in. C —* " ' ; ! .V r • : But as he spoke lie suddenly put his hund to his | faintly. It was true. A stray buiiet had struck liiui in the side, and Colonel Terry caught him as ho roeled in his saddle and rode with him to tho fluid hospital. .» r ■ 1 .... When the surgeon examined tho Wo(thd he shook his head doubtfully. 'I know a nurse worth twenty doctors,' whispered Pictou with a smile. 'Terry, can't you fetch her to mo?' Through the night tho colonel stayed nith him. Onoo' he weakened and re peated the question hp had asked just bo fore be was shot. '1 saw her, yes,' tbe colonel auswered, huskily. 'slie sent y"ou some flowers';«' ' The blue eyes lighted up with a tender glow, uud Pietou held otjt his hand. : * Silently Colonel Terry took from his breast pockot the withered flowers, a spray of ivy and a balf-opend rose, and laid them lii the outstretchud baud'. The wounded man slept. But in a couple of hoars he awoke, inuch Worse, and the surgeon in his rouuds tpld lae bronzed Watcher that ths end' was wry' mux* ' •» •TerryJ' and the colonel beiit his Head to catch the tain test accent. ;'Pin 1 wouldn't mind Alice J Tell her gently, please—she loves know- and I, oh, Terry 1 it Is hard to leave her. vjdy poor durliifgl/ ' For a moment the colonel could not auswer. Then, choking back a sob, be slowly aiid disihctl y: 'Charley, Alije is waiting for yoa. You are uot leaving ber but going to her. A bewildered; trouble J look came luto his blue eyes. 'Don't you' understand me, Charley ? Shoisdead. We burried ' her 1 hero in C—. I couldu't tell you before, dear old boy. But now you will be with ber before you have time to grieve after her. She died with your name ou her lips, murmuriug of meeting you in the mould ing,' understood now, aud a smile of re lief flitted across his pale lips. 'Dear girl,' he murmured, 'I am so glad she wilboot have Ibis grief td'bear.' ' V ' • '' l c Thee he sjppt again and the hours pjuscd on till the eastern sky brightened with Ihe solemn dawn. . 'Terry!' The word was but the faint est whisper, but the w'atcher instantly bent 'Ms bead to listou.' 'lt is mcruing/came the faint, gasping accents, aud agaiu the white jidsdrooped over the blue eyes. Five ten minutes passed. Then Colonel Terry lifted the dead hands and crossed them over tlie pulseless breast, reverently covered tbe still, white face and turned a\yay. His two frjeuds had met once more— 'in tne morning' of a fadeless day.— Lou isvill Courier-Journal. . "It's a long way (rom this world to the next," said a dying man to a friend who stood at his bedside. "Oh, never mind it, my dear fellow," answered the friend, consolingly, "you'll have it all down hill." A man about to give his only daugh ter in inarriag« quarreleJ with her lover, and said, wrathfully : . "No, sir, you shall never entei my family. If I had a hundred only daughters I wouli not give you emu of them." ' Lake View femeter). THE SPOT WXJILKK MR. UABKIKLU'S HEM,UN 8 KOW UKST. - :■ ' ' ' U ~ ■ I Cleveland Special to C'bicAgo Time*. JU*ke View Cemetery, where President Garfield's rem&lhs now rest, embraces • lire* hundred acres on the south side of EnnKd avenue, fust beyond the east limit •>t Cleveland, five miles irohi the JLtaniuetts centre ol the city. OH (he oilnir vide of (lie avenue is Wade Park, and inblosp proximity the site where tlie ui'w West ern itoserte University buildings are being 1 erected. Nature* sl'erns to have 'designed this spot for tlrfe purpose for which it has beau devOted, and all that art and money could do to etili'auOe tlie .natural Realities has been'done. The I grounds are tfwned by no incorporated I association' of Cleveland gentlemen of 1 wealth and incorporated un der the law, which requites 'all gains or profits from the sale* of lots other wise tp be appropriated to perpptual adoriujientaud repair of the cemetery.' 't he latin'wds 'purchased ten yeaVa ago and luld'onf'by landscape designers se lected f/ir eminence itl their professions. Wood .41 liiViH, grassy vales, secluded drives, sinuous walks, running brctoks, andtauiet lakes are the conspicuous landmarks.' The association ndopted a plan diflet'eut frotti any other cemetery; ajtd expressed tersely in the original prospect ne-tfio following langu age: 'A (eeling is growii'iK tn the puh'ic mind that burials Miodl«1 60 nisdo where the quiet repose of the dead may be as sured forever. The human heart clings to tho gr4v6 of its departed hopes and seeks consolation in rouHng monuments and emblems 6t beauty over tlie remains >| its departed loved ones. • This can be iIIIV done; not in the tumulluoub din of cilif'S, hilt amid the quffet verdure, wider the broad and cheerful light-of heaven, where the harmonious and ever-changing fare of nature reminds tw by its rosuscl' tatlng influence thai to die is to live again.' " . ' 1 ' ' • With this sentiment prompting the plans, the ceineteiy has becoiiie in beauty and tasteful adornment the rival of the most celebrated cemeteries of the world, and the air of retired and restful InelU uess of inexpressible nearness to nature and withdra val trom the world is 1 not fop'tid elsfetvlnfere.' I'he great dhfect of thtf association wus to provide a resting place lor the departed, free from the gloom of the tomb, and from which should be banished evdl-ytbing sugges tive of awfuluess in deal hi ' sb> fence, either iron or wood, no cop'ng-br'fctjrbs iugvf biick qv stone, no hedge, wooden triHis, posts qtit) chains, or anythiug to ura,ko an jnclosiire H permit ted. Head and foot boards are ptohfbited, head-' stoue not .Inches in height. Thus,"(be cetnoleiy rather rObeiubies'a vast well-kept park, ■ With stately shafts, autf modest or ornate vaults in lieu of statuary anil''structure. President Garfield loved to'stroll in tint cemetery. It wits his ideal of a llual eacthly resting place. •; -rrr — Beautiful Women. > 1i i ftr , |(j It is not the smtle of a pretty face, the tint'of a complexion the Iqring glance of Hie eye, the beauty and"sy u»- tnelry of person, nor the costly dress or decorations that compose woman's love liuess. li is her. -pleasing deportment, her chaste conversation, (be sensibility tftid purity of her tbouf l)tf J lier arable and open disposition, her ayiupatby with those in adversity, her comfort and re lief to the distressed, and above all, her jiuiui ity, that constitute true loveliness, 'lsraeli observes: 'lt is at the feet of women laurels that, without her smile, would never have beeu wou; itlfhir linage that tunes tbe lyre of the f>oet,' that animates the voice in the b aze ot eioqueuce, that guides the bratu in the august toils of stately councils. Whatever may bis the lot ot- man—how ever unfortunate, however oppressed—it lie onfy love and be loved, he ihost stlike a balance i'.i lavor of/existence, for love 'can illtimjiie'the dark root of poverty and can llgliteh the fetters of the slave. Beautiful womeu'tnay be admired, but I who cau refrain from loving die imper sonation of grace and virtue we every day encounter iu tbe charmed circles ot life?' Been Avar. n - ■ • * * "Hello! Is that you?" ••Yea." '•Been off on a vacation ?" "Yea." ' "teel better?" ••No." I "Gain any flesh ?" «No.?> K : "Tent out?" "No." '•Go Fishing?" : "No." "f>id you sail or row ?" "No." ' l4 ' ' "Nice at the hotel ' ••No.'' "Go in swimming?" "Nc.» ••Whut did you do?" "Nothing." •'What did you go for ?" •'I duuno."— Free Pre*». ■ t ♦ • A merchant died suddenly just after finisiiing a letter. His clerk added, in postscript: ''Since writing the above I have died. Tuesday evep'ng, 7th instant. isro. 32. ?■ r * . Vennora Predictions^ For this Mouth's Weather!prepared expressly 4 ' /Sample cofo failed for 8c Stamp. 3. M. BTODDART. JPub.y'ltyw York, Vhilu., or Chicago. .v . . i '-' , ' JAly/A Sl-u -i* J li'i. . . » •» ~ -■ J . KEMORIi School. A mlierst. 0. H., V 4. Highest graV Mir Limited. Preparatory to the Ui|ivcrnt* i«f Virginia. Session begins Sept, F«r iii J etilnrs •ftpjy+o i • » STItODE, Sept. 26, —lt, ~ l'ririeCp»l. v A ss* K coLLto I: , PaaikkM^icrß.V •. . * - * 4 ; For the Liberal Education Of Examination for entrance, Sept. 1-Uh. Cata logues seat ou application to , W; L. DEAN, Reiclatrar. . : ,t '- / '' * . AGCNTW WANTED —#OH THE STi.NOXBn EDITION— REVISED NEV* TESTAMENT. ■i C* Si'TVl ffS F.legakt Edition, about I*l » n P«cet- Comi-ara;iys - Edition over 1100 pajje*. Old and ufc# torsions ou oppposlte PWW®- "'Hieto y of the Bible and of New Revision" g'ven to subscribers. The secret of successful canvassing given ever) uirent. * Send for our liberal terms. [Mention this pa per.] THE HE.NRY DILL PUB Co., . Established 1847.] * , Norwich, (S>H*. Sept. 7,38—8S > ■ , 1» W. liMSitej * —WITH— YEABGAN, PETTY CO., WHOLESALE a RETAIL DEALERS IN ' .foreign anti jOomcatic flhrg-®ooi)3, LOOTS, SHOES. HATS, TRUNKS, CARPETS, *C.,' SO Fayettcville Street, . 1 RALEIOH, K. C. &" Orders Solicited. SatistacticnCJuaraE teed, Bept. 12, 28- 3m . -: . i JILa Watches, Jo3|e*«oieKs IlS^Sa^To I HAVE just received a large assortment of Ctoekß of various kinds, which I will spll cheap. I also keep on hand a flno assortment of Watchoa and iewelry..;, "if, , c . CT Repairing'dontf with despatch. , ,-TTf* ... ~W V J, gj, KEERE) , Sept. 12, 88—6t. Company Shops. Jut Received. siiafißffls —F OK— tobacco Flues, SHEET Tffii - . r Ship Stuff for Stock Ityetf, —AMD — mm mm wtit SUOTT & DONNELL. J. W. •filamAMi'H>i., with Guerraht fy Barrow —TVI2OLKSALE AND RETAIL— GBOOEfJS aaddcnlcra in GENERAL MERCHANDISE, AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED— ft Mripit Ol ANO. Main Street, 2 doors above Johnston & Cueck'g Bank, Danville, Va.,. i Mr. Dalley will be pleased to hare hU North arolina friends call ca hiiu. Jan 17—ly THE HfWJAXEB i Is prepared to Execute Job Printing T—l N WB&W VAIIEIX AND WITH fib & NEATNESS AND Despatch, mymmwmm, Give JJs A Trial. I Salem Jcancs a nice lot at aCOTTdt DONNkU,^.

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