-V "»' jr yT . ~ " " " ' " "" —~—■" ■ •■ - ■■■■■« ■■■ mtmSm ■ 588 11 .p■« ■ , v ~~ - - : •' '- ■ «_ •• ■- . * .J . »■» V«V4 VOL. 7. Cljf sUatitflttre ©leaner, J PUBLISHED .WUKKLT AT , . , J ' Hinlinm, K. C.. j Eldridge fy Kernodle, » PIttPBIBI'ORW. .j, i " TERMS : M >T One Year '..Vf.lv .f1.50 Six Months ......f5 tureen Months .. .v.- 50 Every person sending us a club of ten sub scribers with the cash, entitles himself U> one copy free, for the lengli of time for which the ftlub is made up, Papers sent to different offices No DepnYtki*# frt>im tfie Cash System POSTAGE PBEPAID AT TKIS OFFICE Idv ETIBtK« RATKS: r " 1 ~ t 7 l v ■ " ■' '•» 1 in. j 3 Id, 3 lu. \ 00l % col 1 col. 1 week 100 $ 150 $ 200 S4OO $750 SI2OO 2 •' 125 200 250 ?"00 11 00, If 00 8 " 175 250 350 800 13 50 18 00 1 mo., 200 3AO w4 50 950 15 00 22 00 I ss 6 650 10 00 12 50 15 00 85 00 4500 3 " 10 00 15 00 18 00 20 00 48 00 80 00 I Yearly advertisements changed quarterly if desired. Local notices ten cents a line, first insertion No local inserted tor less thitn flftv cents. tyttabES&ioiTAL (JAIiDSI I /SQ. W, GRAHAM, ' "jAS. A. GBiHAM, flillsoatt*, N, Ci , Graham, N. C. CiBAHAH & ORAB4M, AT l OISIViaH AT I,AW, Practice in the State »nd Federal Courts, Ho~3peci.it aftetiiiii'jii paid to collecting- J. D. KEENODLE, Attorney at Law, . '»& , OBAIIAM, N.C, Practices in tho State and Federal Courts Will faithfully and promptly attend to all busi ness intrusted to him 18. 9. PiXSBB, ATTORNET, , „ . , . ORAHAIW, W. C. Will attend regularly the Superior Courts of Alamance, Caswell, Person, Chatham and Ran dolph, and the Federal courts at Greensboro. Business entrusted to him shall have faithful attention, «—IBO. lv. Dr. J. W. Griffith DENTIST GRAHAM, N. C., 1» fully prepared to do any and all kinds of •rork pertaining to the profession. Special attention given to the treatment of liseases of the MOUrR. CALLS ATTENDED IN TOWN oa COUNTR?. ML 6EO. V. LONfi, GENERAL PRACTITIONER OP Medicine ana Surgery GRAHAM, IV, «. Faro and fresh drugs always on hand. ». t. 80. ly. r T. B. Eldridge, Aitoraey at Law, GRAHAM, N. C. Practices in the State and Federal Courts. All business Intrusted to him shall receive prompt and carefnl attention. •BAQFASSABSBDAACSSSGGB ADVERTISEMENTS. Just Received. Genuine Termers Friend Plows, all num Ders. Plow Poiits, Land Sides, Mould Boards, Bolts and Clevis JS. SCOTT & DONNELL. T. E. JONES (SfL, H^HIK Livery $ Feed Stables firaiifta, N. ©. Good horses aud buggies for hire at reasona ble rates. Horses fed at 35cta. per meal. 11. 15. 80. ly. PATENTS tor INYENTIOIS. - I.>AHMK»OH. i, q. aiDTH. Amdemm & Smith, F ATT O HIRKT«.AT.LAN, KJ n®*" Wr examination- No*fee unless pateut is allowed. Fees ftm than Wer BdDtl *il millWUfkm tmt free of charge. References furnished upon re quest. Sept. 12, 28—tf. §6ttf (J. Pegging z\way. Thero wat ar. 11 si oo anker sturdy as steel, Of great wealth and repute in his (lav, i . Who, if questioned his secrets of lm-k to reveal, Would a bird on* spray ( "It isn't so much the vocation you're in, Or liking for it," he would "As It Iq forever, through thick and thin, You j * f^T 1 have found a maxim $ value 1 whose truth " Observation has prove! in the main, And which might well be vaunted a watch word by ynuthj >' '» In the labor of hand and of brain, For if genius aad talent are cast. lit to work of strongest display, You can never be sure of achievement at last Unless you keep jpegging away. There are shopmen who might into statesmen have giown, • Politicians for handiwork made? - Some poets who better in shops had shown, And mechanics best suited for trade; Biit when once in the harness, however it fits, Buckle down to your work night and day, . SeC"re of the triumph of hand and of wit If you only keep pegging away. There are times In all tasks when tho fiend diss content, Advises a pause or a change, And, on field far away and irrelevant b?nt, The purpose is tempted to range; Never heed but in soondrecraation restore 'Such traits as are slow to obey ; And then, more persistent apd staunch than before, ■ , . Keep pegging jind pegging away. »V • • '' »• t- ' Have fitful eadea voi s for jach m would - ?a»t Their spendthrift existence in vain, For the secret of wealth, in the present and past, « And of fame, and of honor, is plain ; •It lies not in change, nor in sentiment nice Nor in waywar.di exploit and display But jttsiln, the shoemaker's honest advice To keep pegging atil pegging away. TIIE JILT. In the pleasant village of Acfon, situ«. ated near the city, 011 the Somersetshire sidejof the Avon, two--yeais since and for aught we know resides there stijl, an elderly gentlemen whose household afrs fairß were superintended by a perfect paragon of a niec^— a lively and accoai plished yottug-'.adjv just emejging from her teens, and graced with that most ap» predated of all charms in this unromau tic age, tho possesdon of a small fortune. On her arriving at the age o£ twenty one she was entitled to the sum of £l,ooo* Need it be said that, with these attrac tions, numerous were were the en amor* ed swains sighiug at the feet of the fair Celia who turned a deaf ear to Iheir so licitations, and restrictedhor aflections to a pet kitten and a 'love of a npaniel,' till at length a jfalwarC knight, sturdy and bold entered'Rie lists, and soon dis tanced all competitors for the haud ot our heroine and her £I,OOO, Matters progressed tavorably, and, af ter a time, tho (die' Celia begtu to* con sider the eyes of her knight hotter WCrth looking into and his countenace more attractive than that of her juvenile griiqalkin, and even the pet, Flora wat. neglected. Numerous were their walks. Down in the yale where the sweet waters glid ing. In murmuring streams ripple through the dark grove. And sundry were the ejaculations of tho knight—'How beautiful!' though wheths er they were applied to scenery or his companion mutt still remaiu an open question. Some six months elapsed, and our scene now opens in the loveliest mouth of the year—warm, glowing, sun ny June. It was the eve of the Ist of June, and the knigjit and the 'fair ladye' were taking their accustomed walk. The moonlight lay bright upon the riv er, and the water trembled beneath it like ttmid lips beneatii the'ffrsf kiss. A nightingale began to sing in the valley, which had derived its. uamo from the inimitable songster, and another an* swerec] it from an adjacent grove. It was a night in which one not only loves, bat is beloyed, in which one not only longs for blessedness, but will be blessed The knight drew the 'laSye' closer to bis aide, and more compressed was the pressure on her delicately roanded arm as he pound his and unalterable love into jQfiSgiilling ear. His advances were not discmjtee'J, tor the happy pair returned unole, who doubtless the laiigaago of old stage comedy gentlemen, 'Take her, you dog, take her, though you don't de serve hsr. _• ' | (s .- oi • • ♦ *, """i* » *• Time rolled on; four time 3 had the seasons changed, but no change bad taken place in the relative positions- of Celia and fcer knight. They were still bat alas, for the fickleness of woman, such was not long to continue the ease. A Mr. D—, Who in early 'ilta httd-eiohanf rt iho-quiet and rofaftftn tie scenery of bin native village for the scenes ofjWancheoter, re" turnecfeo Aoton for the purpose of vis* itingTia parents, and course of his so£>nnij|ii introduced to our fair bat Wtekle BBro>iafe/serily, if Cupid "sbiu*Tt«lfltff? hrf- has much to answer for; but certain it is that the liuensdra* GRAHAM,N. C. 3 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1881. per created, ni)\viU.i»gly, an interest in the breast of the lady fat* deeper than that she felt fir ber former lover! But, alas! the flame,wos not mutual. Whether Mr» was aware of the engagement''subsisting between Miss Colin and her knight, or wliotbfer bis at* fectiong ware ot a pKtoiiic rather Uian ar dent caste, is nncorUin 5 but, nevertlie less, when bis leave ot absence expired, he took leave ot tho damsel with all cons ceivable'coolnoss and unconcern, and deserted the charming Celia tor cajicoes and couuter-.jHcnping. Poor girl! the ehock to ber susceptible affections was insupportable. She pined and withered, walked about thu house with an absent; distracted, melancholy air, took t* singing doleful ditties, com mencing with 'Sweet Blighted Lily,'and, in short, was fast becoming a prey to 'a lean a;:d yellow melancholy.' In vain the assiduous knight, who I little suspected the oauso ot the fair one's misery, redoubled his attentions. In viin he'entreated her to put a J termina tion to his doubts and fears, aud ' crowh his happiness by becoming^Mrs. K No; tho image of he"r knight -was sup plautfed in tbe faithfnl heart by ber dear,'! her darling Jktr. D— ; and filially, when she becamo of age, she quietly sent a letter to the youug geutlemau at Mauchester, Avowing her predilection for him, and offering herself tor his ac" ceptance, 'for better or for worse,' as the case might be, As soon as the Man* Chester man received the letter he at once cut the calico trade, aud came as fast as the wings of love aud an express train conld bring him to threw himself at tho lad)'s faeti* Fortune was favour able. J " ' ~ The nnclo and guardian of tho lady were temporarily absent; and (we blush to says.it) the Cefin and her liueiisdraper lover unitoJ in llie indissoluble bonds of holy matrimony. Swiftly ptssed the houraand they awak ed from their 'dream of young love. Tho Manohester man explained to his sorrowing lady that circumstances com pelled him to return to that city, and that it would be highly inconvenient for him to lake her with him Just then. Wiping away ber tears with his snowy cambric handkerchief (a choice sample of a recent cousignmeut,) he besought her for a sborttime to keep their mar riage secret; and assuring her of fidelity to their pledged vows, said he should shortly return and claim her as his bride. Thfe> Mr. t>-r— re turned to his business; the deceived knight was still constant in his visits, and thus ends the second chapter of this eventful history. » » 0 * * • Two days only had passed since (he departure of Mr. D- , but in that brief interval the train had been laid to the mine which was to explode under the feet of the unsuspecting Celia, The uncle was in'ormod ot his ueice's secret marriage, and while she was walking i(\ the yalley wo have before spoken of, musing 011 ber absout hus band, and meditating what she should say to present her lover (for her knight accompanied her in her walk.) he was preparing to hurl anathemas 011 her bead on her return. The sun had sunk below the horizon, and the moon was shining ou the top of th3 trees, whon tuo pair beut their steps homeward. The hour, the scene, all concurred in reminding the knight of the day when bit lady-love first, blushing, owned she loved him, and again he passionately en treated her'to name 4 the day, the events ful daywhich should turn gloom iuto gladness, and make his heart leap with hilarious joy. Instead of informing him ot what had taken place, she owned his passion was returaed, and he accom panied ber to her residence, elate with bope at the imagined prospect of his des sire being gratified by the bestowal of ber hand and fortuno. Judge of his as tonishment, however, when, on arrive iug at the door, an outburst of fury on the part of the uncle too soon revealed tor bim the terrible truth. The revulsion or feeling was too great. -He was distracted; be tore bis hair; and; and with a wild gate on tbe transfixed i Celia, be rutted from the house.' Sleep was out of question, and, like Adaa, be still lingered around his lost paradise. Meantime our heroine bad to endure the reproaches of her incensed guardian who' neve* proceeded tolaersqnal violence; and ic the oi u&bt she packed up her worldly goods, not/orgeltingihe £1,000» determined on tbe first blush of. moru to. tw/ofi and away .' * She carried ber determination luto efr* feet, and 'at early dawn* left tbe bonso and proceeded-On her road to Bristol. She bad not taken mfcny steps when to her, surprise, she met (ho disconsolate knigbt who bad so hurriedly 'cut bis stick' tUb evening before, looking a perfect picture of woebegone wretchedness. vVho shall lathom the heart of woman I—her parti lity for him revived, she longed to con sole the wretched wanderer, and to hie frantic entreaty Slrc refilled, in accents sweet. 'My owu dear knight, I : ftttf afraid I have besii a little foq|. „ Can you forgivg your poor, unhappy, winched Celia?' Her overburdened, heart could say no more; she pwooned, hud was caught in the arms oilier faithfuj knight, wlio, with many a fond, endearing ex pression and sundry pressings to' his bosom, recalled her to life. ' What sliall we do?' murmured the unhappy girl. 'Cut and run,' suggested I hot- lover, though not, perhaps, in these very forcible words, Something indeed, he said about flying with him in a state of lelicity, declaring she could not think of doing such a thing, and, Anally, whispering, 'l'Uj uever consent' —coir settled. 1 o ■ ;,,ia They fled, carrying with them the £I,OOO sterling, and cthe dUpousolato luutband does not ktiew where to findtjeiihw. the fu|it!iVe lovers .Hie tainted: riches.' Moreover, ,t^e r f contracts alliance being displeasing to' tjie , Iriend, will not assist her liogi lord and master in discovering'he*" whoteabouts': '• i • . • — 1 " "« u *."r.. j.-> %^ The Newspaper in a Farm-noose. Peeple wl)0 live near the gtiat thW*- oughfares, where they bavo access to dailies and a halt dozen weeklies, do not fully appreciate the value of a uewspas per. They come, indeed, to look apou them as necessities, and they would as oheerfitHv, do vtitljo'nt_ their ijiorufltg meal as-their morning mai\. K But one must be far off in the court from "the maddening crowd," to realise •the full luxury,, ot a ueivspiipcr. The farmer who receives but one papprp week does not glance over its qol umuß hurriedly with an air of impa« tience, as docs or lawyer. He begius with the beginning and reads to the close, not permitting a news item or an advbrtisemeut to escape his ey». Then it has to be thumbed by every member of the family, each one locking 'or things in which be or sbeise.uost in terested. The grown up daughter .Iqoks for the marriage notice*, and is delight ed if the editor baa treated" them to a love story. The sot) is about to en* gage in farming, with an enthusiasm that will carr/hlm far in advance of his father; reads all the crop reports arid has a keen eye for hinlWfbr modes of culture. Tho younger members of the. family come in for the amusing anec° dotes and scraps of fua.» AH look fcr* to the day IhaVahaTl 'bring the pa per with the liveliest interest, apd if by some unluckyjchance it fails to come it is 'a bifter disappointment. One can hardl - estimate the amount of information which a paper that is not only read but slodiod can carry into a family. They have week by week, spread before their mental vision a panorama of the busy world, its fluctuations and concerns. It is Ibe poor man's library and furnishes as much monta! food as he has time to consume and digest. No one who*' has observed bow much those who are far away from the places where men most congregate value their weekly paper can fail to join in invoking a blessing on the inventor of this means of intellectual on*, joyment. % Tlie N. C. Colored Orator. BE ASTONISHES THE LONDONERS. The sensation of the day's session was the speech of a delegate of tho African Methodist Zion Church, the ilev. J. C | Price from North Carolina. He is a very black man but has a decidedly intellecs tnal face. His utterance was rapid, but very concise, his action wai natural and graceful, bis wit keen, his thoughts striking jmd eloquent. Ho got the floor under thefl> e minutes rulo. His speech was evidently impromptu, but complete ly upset for ft lime the prevailing good order. His keen wit drew out peals of laughter audjiis eloquence rouudg of plause. Tbe old Bishop found it haid" to hold lift testa in hand, skhltwl Mriver aa be The Vfti runjf down* i« (he midst ol a aoutence'aufl prompllf; yi elded, when Hew. Dr. .Marshall, of the Methodist Church, *iissis~ iu a hftppy liqpr'omrilo speech, respo ndod. As. the Afiiea'rf speaket- was sitting just -baok oi Df, Marshall U was a most nsttur*) proceed" lng (pj- Sim to tnrri arid dffer him bis hand in tokeu of tbe same good will (lie Southern man cherished, to tbe .emaiicC, paled race that be had always showi: to -h»m while enslaved. This (inexpefled ! transaction evidently so VJfhs'T promptn was greeted with applause. ' Be Independent. There is nothing in this world that' ensures success so completely as does ] perfect independence. People who itire always waiting lor help may wait ft. long j «jime an a general thing} a little assis tan:r, a-hfrUe ./ecogimendittion, a little ifluence, is not to bo bid for asking, but there is always souiei-hing one calx do for himself, ITrHi * Whatever it is, and do it with I One Hung leads to another. It you are a girl, don't sit still and hope a rich mafl marry you, while your .old father toils for your daily I read. Learn how to help yourself, and take care of yourself as much as possible. ! Rather be one who does things for others than one who must have thing* done fdf you or suffer. Two hands, two ' feat, sight and strength—thesß ought to enable you to dispense witk help while you are youpg and healthy. I like oien who can defy adverse cir cumstances, and could earn a living in any quarter of the world in whioh they weiß djropped dpwnj who can roll jip ' their sleeves aqd set to work at almost ' anything that oilers, who pan even sew on their own bukons and make them % cup orttft when deprived of the hetfof'Wodaankind.' '' 1 ' i sik:e Irftfcaen wko are not annihilated girt" goes off htfe'tbiiff; wlo could pt-eAidfe at the >Wbite House or scrub the kitchen floors if either un pleasant effort were necenaary ; who, mp not afraid to travel a /ew alone, and who can split kindling wood and -un« oork a bottle wilh thoscusors, if noth ing better is at' hand ; and who, more* over, if plnngtd iiitb the depths of pov erty, would light their own way out of 'it, asking help of ncTniaq. *' liulependeneo .makes no less loving. nsoat dielpfnrwomen are tinnk ; iand foe a ttaift, nefertrufit him in any ' capacity if he has not within him the true spirit of Independence, without which neither strength nor sweetness may be hoped iar. In tbe battle of life'there is but one Ifayto snowed; ftghl .it out yourself. Give the helping band when you-'may. Take it if in some strait it is offered freely; but never ask far it; be inde pendent as far as man may be, if you would honor Wurself| ot he honored by others, or be happy. ' '■. i>. ii. "i . i. An Obstinate Bride. SHE KEPtrSBS TO ALLOW HER HUBBAKD TO ' ' "ENTER THE ROOITk ' *■'' fcul ■- ■ ' Little Rock I)aU^'Arkan*ab. The othertnight ft youug man from, northern Arkansas and a young lady from tbe soutrberu.p»rt of the State, met at • hotel in thweity and were married. After.thqceKpmoHjr.tho'youug map went out *:ul sat iu fi'ont ot. the hotel vo wbile Hie wife went up to the room ftssigne4 ft 3 tbe bridal chamber. 'This thing of getting Quarried is a life-, time business,' ho said, addressing a man who had lust been divorced Irom his wife, 'i ieckou you have found it so,' lie added, tuMiing to ft sing'.e man, . 'WW, I reckon I'll go gp. Dinged if I don't sorter hate to eo up tliar, too. But I never was afeerd o/ a man, and I don't see why I should be afeered of a i woman.' , He went up and rapped at (he door. ' Who's-there?' demanded the girl. 'lt's me.' 'Who's tne?' 'Don't you recognize my talk, ho*, ey ?' 'No, I dou't.' • 'lt's your own wide awake and living Li.'t me iu.' 'Go away from.that door: you shan't oome in here., I aiu't got acquainted with you yet.' 'Say, let me in. Tbem tellers down stairs air laughing at me. Open the door, furl am sleepy,' and he yavtrned like a man waiting ior a night train, 'Thought you said that you wero wide awake.' •I was a while ago, but I'm powerful sleepy now. Say, aiu't jou going to open this door?' 'No, I ain't.' 'Why did you marry me?' "Cause I wanted to.' 'Wal, why don't you let me in?' 'Because I don't want to.' 'All right, old gaf; I'll shell out for home aud leave fotr to pay the hotel bill I never seed tbo womau that could pull the jj»,ooi over inV eyes.' " Tbe lat;h clicked and the door open* ed. Tbe hotel bill had frightened her. •It won't do for a woman to buck again , me, lonirae tell yon, fur I was raised i «»t tbe cross roads, and weut to mill .eftrly.' ' * *0 ■ * H© Understood. ' * '' • ti —i >*Yo« «v«l my beta no.ir" said the print^V ß sweetheai-t, whendhe^be. came a little too forward. ' "*• W h&t'h a ftcte TIOIV ? KI i "Bete noir t "*sho answered, a biack devil always hanging around." Tho young rnanr peadetkd. ft good ttldU hsfore he a'nswefpd, vebr thought ' fuilye T; *Ah, ye»y I unlerst*nd; I »m your 1 MWyoa-bus!'' .u.,. • »* m • mt "NO. 36, VASSAK COLLEOE, P*a|kk(«fii«, N. If. For the Liberal Education Of Examination for entrance, Sept. 14th, Gklt-i logues sent on Application to W. L. DEAN, Registrar. A6BNTI WANTED —rORTgE STANDARD EDITIOK — REVISED NEW TESTAMENT, i 9 STYLES I?"®"* EDItIOW, about ' Llßflt Trl'F® 0 e8 - ^«-AJUTIT* Kmmili over HOO page*. Frofli fI.OO to 7.00 li >m and new vorsiobson oppposite pages. *;Hlsto yof the Bible and of New Revision" given to subscribers. The secret of successful otDTissing given every agent • Send for our liberal terms. [Mention this oa per.] THE HENRY BILL PUB. Co., r Established 1847.] NORWICH, CON*. Sept. 7, 28—8t I. W« Xassiter, —WIT*— YEARGAN, PETTYi CO WHOLESALE * RETAIL DIALUU nt Jbrrign ani> JDomtatic JTrg-®ooi>o, Boon, SHOES, HATB,.TRHHKB, CARPETS, AC., 80 Fayetteville Street, RALEIOH, N. C. WOrdera Solicited. Satlstacticn Guarasteed. Sept. 12. 28- 8m — > i " * Jilt BoeeWed. 489E82RE 53RSB3J """ -B»0 H ' t #4 >( Tobacco Flues, . SHEET TP, - Ship Stuff ror Bt#«fc Feed, -A* D mm smv o®rm mi&l SUGiTT & DONNELL. " I ■ ■ I ■■ ■■ ■ II I I II ——— 'mmrn J• W« ZlAlKilßYg « •f Alaaiaacc, IT. C„ #ltt Guerrant Sf Barrow -7EOLM4LI AND RETAIL— GEOGEEB aallialinla GENERAL MERCHANJ>ISB t —AOCNTfI roa TVS CELEBRATED— mriBi or A wo. Main Street, 2 doors above Johnston Jt Cheek's Bank, Danville, Va., Mr. Dalley will be pleased to have his North Carolina friends call on him. jau 17—ly Bo &. ;»y ■ Mrß fi >S| Fashionable lailor, GBAHAM, K. 0., Is prepared to»«nake Fine lothing fer every* body. See liis samples of Spring goods and styles for 1881. 3 21 ly. THE ' GLEANER . m mum Is prepared to Execute Job Printing , IN • ffiJßMt WM W. AND WITH—— Neatness AND DESPATCH, awmicwmm: veUsA Trial. '• •-■ - . , I Salerti Jeanea h alcd let »V LI« DONNKLL'B. .' fini||||Aa«RORPHHIEHaMt li PI 11 d .^ T w^ur -•> ' • 'tfiaSSßGua