>»•** *1 »«V. . a VOL. « tljf 3lUm«flrt ©leaner, . runmwirLj f | V. Urahan, H, d(' b vXI Eldridpe § J^rnodle, * FHOPRIRTORM. 1 - IgggSW! —7' Tmm:. —- One Tear .#1.50 Throe* )&Y. t'Y.l'. . g.'tt ife! 60 Every ise>con sending ur a H)nHl»b scrlbers with th? cash, entitles hiuiself to one copy free, for the lungb of tfnje for wiiielu t)»e club is made up. Papers sent; o different offices No Departure from the Cafy Sj/stym POSTAGE PREPAID AT tkib OFFICES AdVERTMISO HITW: . ,iy ■■Eaic ■ v r-r X in. | 2 in. 8 iu. -ol x /> eel 1 col. 1 week 1 0(5 slsof2oof 4 00 e 7 50 SI2OO 2 •' 125 200 250 700 11 00 If 00 Z " .t' 175 250 353 .8 00 IS 50 18.00 1 mo., 200 800 450' 9 $6 (W; S3 W It " 3 0(: 450 600 10 50 17 50, 30 Oo 8 " 400 800 750 12 50 20 00; 37 00 « " 15 00 B»m 45 00 Yearly advertisements changed quarterly if desired. . , Local notices ten cents aline, first- insertion No local inserted tor less than flftv cents. PUOFESSIONAL CARDS. J SO- W. GRAHAM. jJAS. A. GRAHAM, HillsODro, N. C. GrsMni,' N. C. SUM & GRAHAM, ATTORNBVS AT "f Practice in the Btate pnd Federal Courts, il attention paid to collecting. ... r, KKK.W,;.*. Attorney at Law } Practice! In the Will faiihfully and promptly attend to all busi ness intrusted to him n'f ' m. i. r askbb, ATTORNET, , 1 3KAIIAM, IV. C. Will attend regularly the Superior Courts of Alamance. Caswell, Person, Chatham and Ran dolph, and the Federal courts at Greensboro. Business entrusted to him shall have faithful attention, «—1 80. IT. Dr. J. Wi Griffith DENTIST GRAHAM, N. C., IS fully prepared to do any and all kinds of irork pertaining to the profession. Special- attention iriven to the treatment of ilseasep of the MOUlil. CAIXS ATTBNDKD in TOWSC.OR Oowrar. j >4 BR. GEO: W. LONG, GENERAL I*R'AJTiWOS&Ri> OF... ._ . MedmtiftjQtu* Surgery 'tiKAflkAm; H. f y:3gttQty-3THfW j __ «Sw T. B. EldrMge, Ate— GRAHAM, N. C. [)T ■, v r>., f, k yvgß MB?jBF : 1 n* J fr * "Mm OV SBftßs' Jfe n y-it. ""jr. ,'_m i Good hSrsy AulTlnpgtmfor hire at reasona- Patents lor InvciHioiDa •xfltftKr c r No fee for is ehargo. References furnished upon re- Sept. 12, 28— tf. - ' jPot icy. ft *A Son| Id l||^cnlng. O, sw-eqtest bird that ever sang Ta notes Of wild fjjb:n%; Tliy cvok song as fij-st it rung Was ttirillinij m its voicing • 1 * i » I'felt thy rapture, as I heard Thy eOD g \ a a j( j te . To me it scarce seemed but a bird— 'Twas life And diUv ! AmSiiMejiy tinyOjf' As softly closed the gloaming; ;va«. 'Wblli as thy song rang pari and cleM •O'er sweet smell ef the haj^ng, Memory epedtflwoiig'H aiiriy k year :i •■> /, Doth light and shade displaying. i And still thy nufe3 of red Jite tone ) I Came sweet o'er mead and riser, ! With tender meaning all its 6wa 1 And trills, trills on forever. "O heart!" it. sang, ''let thine own life • Becouie a song to others, I That thou mayst count them in the strife lri^'flo s tri*T Qfr't/ otfrotfgTihr thy ■> Sing life, and love, and duty— ; The foree whoso replete Are e'er With heavenly beauty. • «• « i 1 "Sing life—that gift of ray divine That pierced the gloom of even ; The first upon the path to shine, A heritage of Heaven ' "And love ! O what were life without This second gifi eternal, That bids the glad earth blossom forth ..In flui nme f' a"-garl> spperpai! "Yet life and were both in vain Were duty rot a flower f fhm springs MMM. theWeswdMliMf darkest v Jk.'%*t JSf Not unto me a bird that eve In notes of earth was singing, But a pure voice its way did . cleave From Heaven, a message 'bringing., i j - ' ' ! lfi(&ftrkb4tisTkATEW.. ii I « ,'Bli»ug#!/wdiKjj can this mem? Is this astuponduous fraud,a trh:k,or what?' Aild Dr. Poirteroy stared most vacantly at the closcly«.written sheet-he hekl in his hand. He read: 'Dr. Pomeroy, I will not apologize for (he unparalleled service 1 nm about to ask oi you; suffice it to say I have heard your history, heard of vonr struggle, and realizo how hard a task i( is lor one so youug in Uh9 and without irifcuds iii ihfe fcreat of houses called Also, permit me to add, I have been informed of the cruel blow you reoeived irom the hand of one you loved, •»ho was unworthy of you; and yet lam not acquainted f with yod, nor you with me. Indeed, we have never lookpt} itppu one auothfrx's. face. ..Never thelesß, lam about to reauett you (o do me a great fayorr \VfIT you come 4o South Sueet Ohurch to-morrow at eight o'clock? Come privately unattended, and that which happens there. WHI you give me, a stranger, a lawlul claim to your name, and yet uot seek to know whom you tmrry? If you will do" fp.l £oJtars payable bank, as>Boou«e t£e oereinony Ss ovir7 Trusting that tbe nlpuey Will be a temp tfIICMi at the appointed time,? ■* i f . . j ». That was all. There 4o aigna-i ture—nothing to give auy clue to the ♦ftfles's•address or a6bde. - Indeed, it was so terse and uiifeminine in its da* tails that he was tempted to believe ef hia-jil*ta srlWnlß wore ptaytng |i He flunjjf ttrcmlSHive down, then -he- He remeAbeAd AatnUtfila %rfiieal oBItiBB9SE spr ;,t n m.oi-e tlQ^ayy|j^i,ibe^ol^^^n liiilJ# which he ht^Tnot 1 " the most SjSte idea Itew WiraV'4® aaeeT. VP 4 ■*'» * •*'> >->y|S I 'YJjriss Mm Every where be t«ritfd cl.aos th^t 1 . 1 '-rlfty ihpwa«dVolla r r C s would moami jp- «rJWCfa|£ mm3K *»? *"j^TTi''' "u 1 p " ; hloa fiplltg in. Be saw tko tafltor.elosely felled, and • a tIJOUJtiTRar Dart let the ftiliiiWer iat |us Jml the forms. As soou as he entered, (ha 1 r ICIIIWU .be U.euMVA ■ 'Are /wu Dr,.Poiaeroy?t,she asked in • low forte 1 . 3 im * "" !.i ,H .7 ' •I "jL . '£* Si i' #9f4li f V U f I She ledihjmio nJierc the slood, Hud beiextctxfod kititafil. , «« teg •Jlow do ydtt do;'P>tneit>J f- he (said; und Pomeroy reuogiityd'tUm ftnt of (he oily, baak. 7 jub (pare by/the leanest of tbi%yotMig }ady» l 'poiulitrg to ihttpue bad not mete#" tit spefcew jdjjJbjt tf tft 1 proposition* ,!|jf »m * authorised pay |o * yotii* order tlie sum of fifty ,tJ f- > ->•* ->i Pomeroy'lrleft to jpeak, bat hit voice was chimedw it wu j»o tcaud,;, it. wa% i reality. awfculm hi n agai , ( me.it,• then advanced tftod offered his arm ttfthe silent lady. Bhe took it jffiltiY > out a quiver, Idl went with bim to where fbermiirfster awaited tbetn. The • ceremony was quickly performed. Pomeioy registered his name, j osity at (be Dol(T,T»ralTi ri|u«Slli4, Latour,' which his bride wrote down. The ininistor hastily filled oat a oertifls cate, wliidli he#»d biought by request, and which flie mfid ana toe ' banker signed ae, winters, Jho bride took it, kissed it and thrust it lu tier bosom. One moment ihore and the two glided swiftly away from sight. Dr. Pomeroy wiped' the perspiration from bis brow, and then asked: was.she?! ;? ,i,i. r „ . . Vl| •J do not kudfw , ( ' said the minister, i"4 f was requested by apd paid to pen form'the oereioouy and kpqp it a.#ecret. It la pertecfl? Ifcwftlh'.; ajaa m ■ / .* »«*,( 'And I,' said the banker, 'did not,.eeV fcne lady'a Juce. She deposited the inou- The three men separated ;* the |U «||. turned oat; the cu'taiu tell on (he act. The next day Pomeroy tried to rsalize what ha had done. lie had "old his name atikuown woman fe«* ft*! tbough£tpf coirfd-npt Injure Mm. She. must have been in. deadly 'peril,'to' pay such an axhorbitaut price lor a siin ple name. % Ua took au offioo furtidft Dp towIT, moved his mother to a nicer home. Patients cama pouring in; a diflerent class employed the rich Dp, Pomeroy i than those who had employed the paAf one. [• • •' « *v. -*Fiye years had passed away, 'and he had gained a rcptdal&MQWMgH si, Jeremy ta tiii bdyk aeqrout; jffaa U been auji "woiKer, he lolt ttiat be needed # While, • Wff ili lake it trip to fttrqp* e»*lr er,' h Mia id. 'k wiH do yea ulore good '*>«» imagine.' I A groat ujuny geutle hearts felt a pang to see the'good doctor* although their A vain. He telt no prefereooe lor the op -1 posite «e}p, -Jfi.? had recovered/ from bis cud lie ceafted to memjjer (hat he was a married man, or travel tour they bad marked out botoro they had And one uight .found them iu a French vltlage. About the mictdjft of the njght the dOctdr was awakened by some one at his deor end calling lor him to come oat. [( He went eleaantl^^S^^^ ano Wby he The Pomeroy that he was ; ber father. fals name was Eugene Byd ebham; a natfre ,a«d she young sister, who wu being educated in tfce Convent ol (be Sacred ef sou about the time tbey should hav« to 4fd ' hot »6^ rather, *>r4>» had aiMfeavemd Wb, veangX t Imt M iot love that * held her to hia side; aifd 111 air* birr 'lf& ' **had uurer r aha%aa ftaer aiii u.oii . ' "M. POtftiroV wrtfche**hei»> -At fltaD i eame reserved and cold. A leeTuig * 6fc , dared iteactterish m htKH aaait aMrmed dare lW"'mtift«r(sd-to 1 himself* ~Uiam henwi.' , -IV/,' Then, for the ftrst lime, ho felt how i heavily wdre IH&fottert i«l" had' forged i hiui to yif,), grief evidently weaciog o» t , and*t tast ju aflfo?{jespersttifeu*a'K>d , her allj " ' T ' 1,1 *%km a mvried mau!' M, *ls Jf/jpj nously. leve you > and yet I aut i aot t free to I riMtihnui hb >*« i sm SlmSwjtK yv'H I all. .•, U 1 or»on tJ( . tat ■ (ttiw luU 'lt waeerneVadkhiAer hac*oWu4-ye* s%' shQ satd - . ' 'Vitj.tj;/ ♦; iava aiadtii { ]«No,as®y ha me—she bfesketf me—and f aha II atsaaye * respect bbr, but wveV did tfiy Mtffl* hart ' meuntii myt ypu., fi*e Wfc*' erable-feraver.',, s * ') 'Yon may taeet hev.'' J »i | J 'lmprobable!' 1 " rr*F, r r,»? div 1,,,!.: •Bnt pouibfe/ajke will* *, towfui leok;' : 'I know your Milan i.ar . iobr. She lfves, aiitf I must' give ydw ;Ti *• 9 nilf k fisi l/tai i - > . « .1 hai ' •"YohAnaw ha*,?' y • "'Yes/ I'o morrow I wMI tntrhditee yoa y°o t® her., She is Wtim&tM y° a ft she knowa yon are bow* 'ba- > Hived you lol'ed me, and ' WeisienMi if . thought you•» be. , „ ,T ' He bowed his taco In hh hands, and j Miss Sydeuhafp Icit him. ' The ii«nr bad > eome whifh he had . hoped ,fpr in gone days—he waa to learn whom lie had gwn bha no pleaaurt *IOW. : , |j n "* i -f i«j » At an early hour thaosaryant tpld l^lm tiiat Mias awaitod him' In her private parlor, and he waa ushered hito ,a strange roouu He xtfroely lilted' llftt eyes as ho entered, ifitjrhfo hf dictythey Ik 11 upou Mise Sydenham. li'l am ElTeu liitiTdV,' site safd, simply. 'That it my rdal uams, though 1 never Imlicip4ted reeealieg tha troth to yon. * Listen to my story before yam blame me,'shottld. eiein *E ' 1 . .I» j 'The men whom you Jtleif-fstheV. , He''married my mother when I was but five veara oM, atid >«lav ftv Ada wai a baby. Ay* rijcrtfier Vas ISreakly, and site died a few years later pavftig all our lathers property in that i. iwau's hatVds'. He was onr sole guar* dian, to boid property? nuder lils control ootil sra were macrjjsjl ur bfcouje 1 of age. He Mstoad'aM in tbe Saorod | and kept fhe there until : "!• 'was sixteen ysars toe out, and prupeeed, to BJO ,(0 $/ friend of hie?- I re betted. One «i|bt I, >eard'4 oouferU(lAi beltreeir tbvm, and found Ibat he { °*! B thousand dolhuw, thai was te j§f., made down to bim-ont- 6f my peopertft i Mcame I was shocked. 1 Ija'd./io to go to andwaeeetaUf ak4.lpst.Vtaj jp Ha'did 1 up ahd MWload -Of ailowian ma tp. aif* lp my moiberi 4ionse t ba kept ma traveling about the lodbtH. ' " • . I * it t ■ )lK&l 6(1 'At last I proposed to compromise. I |told my atep>tallMt ta takeine to Ame'r ioa, aifd f returned I would marrf bis /iriep^' |le and I gof my T maid togowp With in Mie betel, and by abaoeeiaDe Md oaf ' your history, aa hec aleten worlaed >Ut : yqu,r J"uA'before I Malted from England an uucle pf up# mot her's )eR mfr;[ hfty thousaad doilafain my own .right which my Step father eould not . touch. . 'wW™* * determined, Hearing of yoe» VadopMd Q* p)p» ot , getting jrou 16 Marry me.' When -are re* turned ft dly itep-ftltHer mended me *> fi|fl|l jpy promise / I showed him uiy marriage wartifioatefj lie sWdtej but he saw hfaeaae traa I bad outwitted blm. I did not leave Urn, but jvmmlfed to protect my' sister Ada from a eiuaiiar fate. I never ex> .| pec ted to yon sue 'toe, # as toed ah ha should die, aad.i4 wo«ld not. | my salety.*" 1 • if. • . , j ~ J ?3nt this Intention will never te eUVcV rfed into eflecfDr. Pomeroy exclaimed: ♦Ten wHI be'mite fore«ea f f Hani'. , •Yours forever!' she answered. And when they went te rte hie moths *+**/»*>** mtvdr renents that she was saved from ttttfVprse tnaii deafff bfttfffch '* u~- t s saw li Itiom aj i ' ' 2J! 9 3 **n*"T iwud*! So mmi* M iltaptavWrfWle^ l edUa theAlWVrfa*x|l6«tt4M|.bva4m IWi aadh*^ 4hi«i| rematkahie, and abowfr«bt*fch*i«aii 6f uses pttpPT (WU V)i|ilied; In i 1 i » n J tbat is commonly mane out ol wooijl, iron er aMHL khainiKag t|M„ ate Jiwe> large oav,«ln^e,!#uch A i« l fcrtitoatte-aod mtfsh .fatwt etHUjpea than the. erdaaarjr vim)*,, toe atf? the raitsngf eAeasjjie diep^jr af ea* ue seen. There are wash "*¥Tnll 4>oti, tubs, trticks, Aid ataads. A repo»> ter of« tlie. Couriw*t7' 4ne|«r 'Roe* at'dwStpuaLtiaft apfi frtfrt lurn same, about, .'AeVork*.- "»d■- '1 , 'The feet «rfi4h* matterawd M, -Rose of theio firamaker-lfoareai CompM»y, ''tlierMie ,ve«f -Hi" rfhtngfe tbat csreH>>be.a»aderodK>o£pa|i«%!!«id Mr pw«wlti.i»gv*aya,ao e *U. of its gettertrt tkeJ pafc 1 made ene»rel)«o4 more durt»bte" tlum iaClfv .wheel 4b nsade euticaly infctmpyry»g\ -preaaed t«getheruddss.a> pradsu««.eff jtt*r tonn, and rtien • (ksteaudi • Vit««ii^4. lhid-fdbbalyiittpon.'aa4ftiatjbw» A»rm aJftal#iia4i)|^aailh» . H)»nld ; era of an eMiiqara'nsaa.' tfei« groat fwesadpafts pnt upoi) ( Ah|Pt.U«Byjtlijk a i «P I he4hkkimsa *^oh aiid MU|flW on tM £ rw&ss stpel aho wWfch aaferasi4amst>j tpj-un, as l*oy ifc®ib*e«iiij (iMw, steel tire*l*>uldJslianaMQi.!Wfr m §p ,>U off ilia w.kaeUthr' n»PM. the pressure on Ihe pajWr. Then they are diuch'dheiSper tjian the other phee4 Fur instam- rate a pf|)im»4ne* nihiafiu will Mb wimrm oa:* tffe'eost for will W or 'hrtieeh and>"ahree4 fourtßs c*ifts / -r,fto9 hifle«*'"Tttpooati of a steel or iron wheel to run 200,000 miled willW fi3.34er thirds Cent! pef The* l pa* per Wfieef ii as mdeh thot'e dutaMw las 2,400 t o()ff exceeds «OO,OW>, 'Which 1a e vast WtfefMtk - If the tfflfa ehoald ehande toiSifl off fRe thrk tbe#e ' wonld in no dattsjffr tof'**" wheel«leaking, aa Vt*y are vary'Mxibltr and 1 aaHild'aprhtg. The tfirrfaWi pkpe*> ran he pressed \» iei\ rttnafkMle, aa ie abo ita tirengtH. ',A r |»apWVlfrttF ai.y arti ■elf can be njkw Put B t>f tfiUkn fiber*" and compressed so h*-rJ that nothing but a d)ia Jnea) an hldentatiou into it., At" tftrtHiWtlWrttla ft*' square block piper turning* )a]G&*?iuid ft ft*o fine ateef 'chisel \k held iigsiinM It#tien b -ta moving iAfciad Jf'cutting tile paper It will breat tlli(' w chiier 'lftttT V'btindrtii ' pieces. . The'* 'rfrfit " about. Pap,t U MKrAMu, THU UWf for lllnptrstion, a t 6FUii Bank ol twaavs ja** Imen IWxprt into the (mpesl wsthAt^ M Stroylerf afiy df'he r atvengthc I tba aaa take a Sve piudd fiPfe 8# Ith* BtftA' trf» i wv, auapead 380 pouatla,upon,onp end * , and not injure ii .Here | is a—df t>kttakf» house truck on wheels, uaed for whsel* icg thiiig^arodiitf r " oapabU,ef topu lheaa bath. > «nba, made in the aaaitf fty oaaapr 4Wr. I ing the pa«Mr oort* «liManihera. : and nnue»lecf-^AaI f U >^Hßted V»*r With a co^eajtau^^J^ 1 9*f>~ *«* d*» W laat nawleak, cjr. ypu ' dan pa> thsm fethmfire/Msisthefe bum up. lute Aalomet break them, it toif Mfff bait '*** saeh art Us lee aa>tb«aa lie m|air«abttt very Httle preeaate. isre made of pabeb,6offlb#ea*e4jftid nnaealed# ask, drep *bf>m MM.afas.JWL staad ea mfuch hindaema* lhaa. china ws*, f and VfiH I'tlMltflf; cease into ue*. The, the paper. TU be usffT any ITaodcal purpoae, a>4 i« ** good as [(hnctolft on ff*trih Png*,\ * '■«» .wiVS^' ' A A jflLB mjijl MH|qO topEoy. nritOmAtiaiTl, t,k W&^ l tyM&&*9 0 > MnehK>k»mjt§»m9 of Am CJjmf, Gout, k sQumth for* BmU S Kf/' n f* «"! ~5WW9^!•r.• *-Tpcth, far and !(eadache, frosted W ALL ;*u A.VOOEMa * GO., jq|.i„i'ii«Mi i*. *14,1 i ASS* If iWtl/KC c. bam * $C If}. u , ( -JOO #*the Liberal Edueatkn. Of net. rfxamlaatian** entraaee, CepL Utb, Cat»- TWuu# Mat on application to »7. T)Wrr is in**. fc/DKAN, Registrar. wjr -■■ i' n nil i'■ '•.,' j —» •■■ ■ - ■ - fi , - .fSP" T » VANTBD —'FOB TIIK STANDARD BDITIOH— B EVI SEO NEW TESTAMENT, |3! T til £&sys (®Pl**lWpAifesi*f'4i*«o» Ol th» BHtleand of •Jifw given to subscribers. The secret «f( sttt£es#Tftl every agent. & ■*■ I»taMMie4 IM*.), • 4 ml, Norwich, Vo*m. ,w _! lUSHKHUT 1 CO.. 'WHOMMH.I A-ksTAIE DULIKIIX ,Jorrts* flVomtetic JDrg-Cftooifl, Boots, Snort, SATS, TRtfHfc»7 Cakhts, AC., i•> *8 * »P>4o FayettovfUe Street, , .* i»-lf ;•• aoi) Balbioh, N. C. Guar as teed, '** >»-ii ll> : ■ ' » jM^Rewltei. Tobacco Flues, •f "vshw m s! 3ftCSllWlS Feed ' ; W»M?E mn OOB« IAC&L f ,«r i t !o ' i 'TILL; " 107«t Mil •, '! t«lxe«*te I *-'■ ■«IW .tteno' : Jtolar^einting !m-.* liioil erf! ol ami -j r ic 7*. : fpsM miw. ' 1«Kl .«« x'"'"-*''' -«*. - ' y ' * TthtftntesAtm DMPATOH, 1 ■ U-MI J«nVl Jl «| j; ■»—-. ■*»« 0, 1 ,; 1 j, m -f; : •€M"rte*-U« A' Trial. ! '• '; u -'-' ■/• .tml .. M I--M,.,-. Sal.m Jeane. « at