THE ALAMANCE GLEANES ,"t n VOL. 7. CtycJUantfltiri' ©leaner, PUBLISHED V/UKKLT* kt 1,-«"»■»»»». W. C. Mldridge Sf Kernodle, g«f PKißToaa. ' i 4 • tkW Uas Tear .$1.50 Six Three Months.... ..... ~50 Every person sending ns a club of ten sub scribers with the cash, entitles himsrflf to one copy free, for the lenglj of time for which the «lub is made up. .Tapeti sdnt)to different office* No Departure!from the Cash System POSTAGE ' PKEPAID ax Tpiip Ofricz 1 in. a In. 3 iu. X -*> l col 1 col. 1 week 100t1505200 $400« 7 50 sl2 00 3 *' 125 200 250 700 11 00i If 00 9 " 175 2.50 350 800 13 50! 18 00 1 ij)0„- «» 0® 800 460 950 15 00 1 82,00 (I 80C 4so poo 10 50' 17 50 30 0o 5 " 400 600 750 12 50* 20 00 37 00 6 " 650 10 00 12 50 15 00 35 00 45 00 $•" .10 00 15 00 18 00 20 00 48 001 80 00 Yearly advertisements changed quarterly if ftesired. Local notices ten cents a Vine, first insertion No local inserted lor less than flftv cents. PROFESS lONAL CARDS. iNoTwTGRAHAM, JAS. A. GRAHAM. HlllßO'jro, N. C. Graham, N. C. CBAHA*, AT I, AW, Practice in the Btatc and Federal Courts, #j"Speclil attention paid to collecting, J. DL KERNODLE, Attorney H „ OBAUA.iI, IV.C. Practices iu the State and Federal Courts (Will faithfully and promptly attend to all busi aessintrusted to him .. E. S. PAKKII, ATTORNEY, «K All All, IV. O. Will attend regularly the Superior Courts of Alamance, Caswell, Person, Chatham and Ran dolph, ana the Federal courts at Greensboro, ausiness entrusted to him shall have faithful attention, 6—l 80. IT. Dr. J. W. Griffith DEN*Ti ©T ; r •GKAHAfo; N: C., • 1 y JLs fuMy p«eparad to do tiny and all kinds of Krork"pertaining to the profession. Special attention given to the treatment of iiseases of tkQ i » CALLS A-rrENbteD' i*' Tow« OR OouNTar k BBIITSM .. • . ov ... "u mr~ & t/V* ® " i A *l. I i / , v lUedicine ana J" i f«re auaTresli a rags always sn hand. % * 0. 1. 80. lv. B " 7 T. B Attiertmr at Law, I ■»- j Giam Practice! in th«fitate and Federal Courts. All busifess i«rueted to'him shatt receive roruptanfl careAf attention. '■■■■ ■ i ' ' fr ■' i i Just Received. Genuine dinners Friend Plows, all ntim Mrs. Plow Polits,-Land SicWs, Moutd Boards, Bolts end Clevine. SCOTT A DOKNELL. j t . T A _ t L T. E.JONEB ; fS I Jk I J® Livery Feed Orafcaa, R, t, fiflod horses and buggies for Jiira at reasona -*le rates. .. Horses fed at par meal. v Jl. 15. 80. ly. ... - lZ Patents ler lnvciilion* B. W. ANDERSON. ■-* ?J. C. 81HTH. lilersoi H ATTeBNITR.AT.tiAW, No. 700 SETS TH WABHINOTO , D. (C. No fee for preliminary examination- No fee ! anless patent is allowed- Fees less than other | responsible agtncv. Books ot iutormation sent fre« ef eharge. Keferenees fnmished upon re- V«st. B«pt. 19, 21—t if. •: .a t 9: i. Over the Bars. 'Twaa milking time, and the cows caroc pp From the meadows sweet with clover, And stood in the lane, while pretty Jane Had a quiet chat with the drover— Such a quiet chat it scarcely seeniptj Tl}Pt» singlp word wasspokeiii Whilo a magie spell with the night dews fell, And the rythn} was unbroken. The caltle stood at the lover's side, Without any show of vacation. . As though impressed that a five-bar rest Was a paat their restoration. And as Jade list ened to the notes that cam* Right under the bars and over, • II r heart took wiag, the silly thing, Neatled up close to the drover. She heard him say his home was poor, That ba'd nothing bpt love to give her: And «h« smiled content as though Love had - * spent Every arrow b« had in his quiver; She smiled content, when the evening (lir With tbe voices of birda is ringing. And her lips ooafessed (hat a lowly nest »* Should never prevent he.* singing, Ho over the bars lovers lean. In the j»y of their sweet communion; And their looks declare that poverty ne'er Shall be a bar to thefr union; Oh. sweetest music, go thread your rhymes Now under tha bars and over! Where pretty Jane, in the fragrant lane, Bewitehed the heart of the drover. " IN OCEAN BRIDE. The good ship 'Waverly,' homeward bound from Japan, was becAmed in mid" ocean. » 'What laud did you say that was Captain Lane?' asked young Perlev, the second mate, pointing to a svild pictu-. resque-lookiug island lying less than a league and a half off their leo bow. 'One ot tbe Society group. By my chart that should be Morley Island. Let's 6ee, you said you touched there for water the year before last when you were on the 'Atlas,' djd yon not Jack ?' 'Ay, ay, sir,' returned the ohl (ar, quickly ; and a lively time we had too. We seed (he prettiest cral thai* that ever Ived, 111 bell JBuk Lord, r she was as wild as a gull !' ; - 'A beautiful girl on that island?' cried Robert Pdr'e>, increduously. • 'Ay, ay, Mister Perly. And I'll, bet my sou'>>(vfis(' agin' my head sho war none of the black and tan natives, either I We wanted to go back and look lor her agin, but thfeold skipper wouldn't believe nor say-but she was au iiigun gal.' 'Captain deterwined to go SBhore than ever.' exclaimed the mate, in a fever of excitement, 'What do say Charlie?' be asked turning to the super cargo, a good-lookiug young man of two aud tvynity. 'I am with you. Wo caii gefc back be fore the breeae up,' . 'Oil, yfcs, I'll warrunt yon are both dying to go!' mattered old Captain Lane. 'Juat say (here ia a puty gal on that ia«. laud, aud all tbe sea lions in seven seas couldn't keep yon away] Well, you had my,consent before, aud I shall not with draw it. But look sharp for the cuts .throat savages there, aud return (he min ute I sound tbe trumpet. Iu less than fitteen minutes the young officers accompanied by fcur sailors, Were fair# flying over the Mrater towlrds 'tbe island. Touching upon Hbe sandy beacb, they drew tip their boat in a cove nearly hidden py overhanging trees, and started inland. 'lf we wish to see the gal we bavj got to be pty ty sly, for she's a wild one,' declared Jajk* 'Then we must be on our lookout for the natives, too, for they are as beastly a set as you ever saw,' After an hour's weary tramp, how ever, they were beginuiug to think tbey should have jto retpru in disappointment, when, as tbey paused for a moment, lo gaze out npou Ibe sea, tbe (oue of some one sweetly staging was wafted to their ears. '' When they had listened antil tbe sopg was flvisbed, euraptpred with the melo« dy, Charlie Wesson joyous ly^r 'lt mast be she}' 'Yes; aud she mast be a fairy to sing like that. Come, boys, let's ge down there, bat for your life, don't disturb her.' ' Advancing paptlopsly, until tbey gain ed tbe line of thiek shrubbery tb?t skirt > ed tbe beaoh,.tbey parted tlie fpKege to behold the loveliest yiaipn their gaze had ever met, ■St&udihg in the shallow water, thsU laughed and played at ber delicately formed teet and ankles, in high glee, while «he was engaged in fastening her wayiag mass oj golden hair, which fell far down her Waist in pretty braids, ' was a beautiful wajden ol scarcely six*. 1 teee summers. Iter form, habited in a well-fltting garb made of tbe iuner bark of the sea islapd willow, was faultlesa; aud her GRAHAM, N. C., MONDAY, DECEMBER features wel'e perfect in their otiMine*, while the purtiy pf her complexion eeemed only enhanced l>y the slightly bronzed hue That a lire ol exposure to * tropical eun had given it. 1 Isn't she beautiful!' exclaimed Robert, lost in admiration. 'Yes,' whispered the supercargo, in te p)y, equally fascinated with her nppaaiv ance. 'But see! she is going, to siug again.' Again the air was filled with the sweet notes of her song, and until the last sound had died away the entranced listeners did not dare to cyon breatho aloud, for fear ol breaking tho spell. 'There is no Indian blood in her veins!' declared Bob, lowly,as she ended ' her song and they continued to gaze upon her in rapt wander. 'Her features and the tone of her speech are English*' 'You are right, flob.i whispered Charlie. 'And, look! she wears a chain and locket ivhiuh tells that sbf has net always been here,' Xlis companions started with renewed surprise as they discovered a gold chain and locket, suspended from her neck. 'I would give a year ot my lf|e to know the master/ ot her existeuce herel' exclaimed the inato impetuously. 'lam going to speak to her.' v Suiting action to the words, he stepped lightly torward, and addressed her in a clear roice. But, as tho first sound fell from bis lips she turned in alarm, and catchiug sight of hinijled Ijke a fright ened gazelle. Seeing that it was vain to think of overtaking her, they could only watch her out of sight with looks of wonder! •We must fiud her, boys,' declared the excited male,aud his words were heart* ily seconded by the supercargo. Tiie ! others were nothing loth to join in tl>e wild chasf. j Away dashed the sailors on tho course { of the fugitive maid, but finally they were forced to abaudon the search as a fruitless one. Hush! at that moment, hjgh and clear oyer the mile or more of 4uterveuing sea, cume the clarion tone of the captain'* trupipet. 'Wo must return to tbe ship now, but I am determined the Waverly, shall not leavo these waters till we kuow more oi that—' 'flough-ough-oo!' broke iu a wild, discordant yell upon tl*s mate's speech. Then, half a hundred furious uatires rushed towards them from eyery quarter. Six against fifty in an open fight I The sailors were brave men, but in less time than we could describe it they were burled to the earth and overpowered. Instead oi putting, them to death then, and there, however, the savage* bore them away with exultant cries. Finally a Valley" teebie'd J growth was inched, and tlie prisoner#, •aw the rude huts under the cocoa-nut trees that comprised tbe heme ot their captota. Here they werp ipet by a motley throng of old inett, women and children, who crowded around withanxlous gaze, and anon ottered Startling yells. Bijt ,p*r l*le»4 looked iu vain tor the island pyjppb. - Ci: .v> .iwrwx.Vj i The triumphant o*vages bore tbem forward to the centre of the glade into tno presence of aa 6ld, weazen, faced native seated squat up/?« the ground in mint, of the largest wigwam. At sight of the captives he gave an ex clamation Qf delight. , / After be had satisfied his curiosity, a long consultation was held between him and th» leader of the captors, wholly un intelligible to our friends, thongb they knew, from the violent gestures wade,no good w as hod*d tbepi. Briefly told, at its conclusion three of the savages seized Robert Perley and led him to a huge cocoauut-tree, where be was GoippjeljetJ to jtand i?p right agtinst tbe trunk. Charley aud Jack were then placed pue on each side of him, when three epearsipep w;th their rpde weapon* were stationed a short dialauee off, ready to seitf Ibe through thefr bodies. The doomed men looked in vain for mercy from the swarthy - visages before theqi, and their lips moved in prayer. At this critical juncture a sharp cry was uttered, and looking up. the whites saw the beautiful maiden rashiug to wards them.. She did not pause until she reached their Bide, when she placed herself in front of Robert, and w*ved her band frantically to the spearsmen. Tbe old chief caq>e forward with an angry trown and ordered her to etaud aside, but with flashing eyes she met him unflinchingly. 'Warana no warior to kilj helpless wbitefacc," she cried, in broken English, 'SSeo, 'tbey like Star Slnier imichj She ilofc let Waraiia kill.' Maddened by defiance, the,chief com manded his tollQirerer* to take hei away. Her shapely foot striped (he ground impetuously, as she criedi 'Warrior, touch Star Singer and she killqqickl Sho go if white.faces dol' aud the defiant (icld a siuwp, mur derous looking weapon over her own heart* 'She no mere sing for Warana I' Evidently the chief did not care to lose, her, for he hesitated In his designs, It is doubtful if the heroio xirl. could hare reucued the capti/e sailors, but sfie had saved their lives by dolayiug the ex ecution. Wild shouts rnng in the air, and * body of the ' WaverlyV crew rashed in to the Tfciley. Panic seized the frighteued natives, and the whitcß wtiu a bloodless victory. 'The captain thought you were iu ; trouble and sent us to yon.' 'And with Ibis brave girl you have saved our lives,' said the yomjg mate, warmly grasping bi* bfotbef officer's hand. The wonder of (be seamen |t behold ing the lair timid maid, can be well imagined. 'You must go with u§,' said Robert, clasping her bund. [ She trembled violently, and her gaze hardly left the sigt of tbe terrified na | lives, huddled together iu a group not lar off, but without a word sbo yielded seeming to leel that she was a captive. It WB« many days before she mingled freelv with her new-found frieuds, a. d even then, at times, that old spirit of aiieasiuess stole over her. Finally the mate bear tbo sus pense no longer, and he rosolyed tp kuow his fate, As yet, she had allowed no one to (ouch tbe locket she wojre, but guarded it with anxiety. As Robert told the story of his lore, however, (je pleaded again that he might examine it, when, at last she cou> seined. ** Pressing a spring it flew open, die closing the portraits of am iy and wo> man. As bis gaze met the picture, (be male uttored a cry ot surprise and almost dropped the locket. 'My father nnd mother 1' bo exclaim* ed. 'Can it be possible vqu are my sis er, who was lost at sea, twelve years ago ii| tbe ship 'Jaenn,' bound for tbe Sandwich Islands/ She never was beard of after passing the Horn, and we bever knew where she was lost, bat Here if a clue. ' Writing iu thore!'said the girl, and taking tbe locket from his baud she pressed put 014s of (be, miniatures,, aad vhertthw »ibik pf). p*»er ; Jvjtb age, which'Sbe4ianded to-.Robert.. lie read Mltfud*: fb*»ii« ei« t i«ta to-j 1: -.'tu-tu doomed ine 10 die. I lybqever rtiify find. boar htr t,o her parents',, now tho, Sauawicb Islands pr ,Uiero learp address. B ~ CJmWmiUk'vA j 'lt is r tru* !' erlbd (be mate. My sister I my lons-lost sister!' And ha ' clasped the surprised maid in his arms. Charlie appeared upon the SABJIO yUb looks of amazement. 'Congratulate me, • old boy I' Robert, excitedly. 'I have found my sister, the lost Minnie, tba( we have mourned so many years—jyho was left bcliiud when father and mother wept tp the Sandwich Islands,fourteen years ago, bat when she was four year* old ppcln Jabez took ber on his wbal}ng»shjp bound for sebfjug.'s Strait, design ing lo leave her with our parents in the Saudvicb Jflanda, where father (hen waa English cpusul. The ship never was heard from alter ahe passed the Horn; bat here is (be sad prodt (hat sbe was lost.' And be handed (be pa per to Charjie, wb®, reading it, exclaim ed— 'Then f haye a sweetheart!' 3Teed yre attempt tp describe tbe bap.s pineas (hat followed/" The 'Waverly' Reached port iu safety, and eoon af,ter a father and mother, who had mparued their daaghter as dead for twelve veara, waa overjoyed to have her reetored to tbem/ while to her R seemed like a strange sweet dream. Twp years later Charlie Weston aud /he fair Minnie Parley were married. Robert Peilcy ia now 4 liappv husband and father aa well as a thriving aaerp^ap^ in the old town ot Plymouth. POCIKTY BELLES. —On account of its remarkably deiicate and lasting fragrance society btdles aro loud in their praises of F lore*bop C'olognp, liiHIPK!!! • A storv tolJ oi ; .as U«raikn come the rniei* over many v , • ' ' One day, I+e was watching his Hock, which was feeding Iu a valley ou trie borders of a forest, when a hauler came out ot the woods and asked: ''How tar is it'to the nearest village?' •Si* miles, s}r,' answpr«a the 'boy'; 'but the road Is only a'slieep-U*ack, and very easily missed.' The hunter looked at the crooked track and said: J My !ad, I am. Very hungry end dilra ty; I have lost my companion and misted my way. Leave your sheep aud show me the road; ! wifl pay you #«SII, r 1 »l citn not -leave my sheep, s-ic,' rejoined Gerhard!., 'l'bey will stray' Into jhe woods, and tnay *be oaten Wolv« Ot stolen by rohbeve/ ' Wellj whai of (bat?' Queried the hunter. ?'l*hey are not jronr sheep. Tho loss of one or two wonldn't be much to your master, and I'li give you more tbau you paye earned in a whole year.' •lean not go, sir,' ro|olned Gefhardt/ very firmly. 'My master pays me for i my time, aad he trusts me his shsep. If i were to sell my time, which'does hot belong to me, and the sjieep should get lost, itavouM be (he same as if I bad stolen theiu.' 'Well;' said (he huulfer,'you will fi'iisf your sheep with me while yotjfee'to the vjllnge and get me some foed, and 4 guide? i will take care of them.' The boy shook ftis bond. •Tljeaheap;' sajd he, 'do net . Jpnour; your voice, ( aud'-—IJo stepped speak ing. 'And what ? Can't you trust riie? I>6 I look like a dishonest man?' asked the hnnier, angiiiy. , ♦Sir.' said the boy, 'ydu'trted 1o mftke me false to my I rust, and tried to make ine break my word to iny master; how do I know (bat you would keen your word?' I The hunter laughed,-.for be felt that the lud h a d lajrly cornered him. Xle •aid f '1 see, my lad (bat you are a geed, faithful boy. I will not torget you. Show ine tbe road, and 1 will try to make it out tnysell.'i 1 ' (Jerhsrdt then tflered the cements of his scrip to tbe hungry man, who, coarse as it was, it gladly. Presently his aU" leuilants cume np; and then Gcrbardt, to his surprise, tonnd that the hunter w*s; the Grand Duke,, wbo owned all the country around. The Duke was so pleased with tha boy'a,bf>nwty H »ent 6y* him short ly after that and had him educated. Ia after Gerhardt becane a very great and powertul man, but b*L honest, aud txne to bis dying day . Strictly Temperate, Except. On the s sl|«perotan.4#* E, .aivd W. (rain Uavsiler notioed ap old, white bearded gentleman ifyfttjf Nf get into a Jiueu duster. Tbe young.Md-epry traveller rushed Us jnd in helping firm wnb bis gar.inrfit, noftced a good-sfimil " whiskey flask protruding , trom ouepj the iiiidt? pockaia of l^is ( cp||. Beihg cl a, waggish nature, he abpro prid'td flip WrttMr,"fcet the coil on the st 1 auger, and t#B»-ppM;w out; : w flask,. goi/lj , The oldf htarf'dld WoVYC'coghifce'fbe bait* ' tle« and.4iiinitt|| l Mfllsojl Dl^xeiyaWted, i &?IMnkf.' J^T « l ' (9e fmcs you persist iu dasaMdg«rhiali090irauwiy ■be a ruined man at forty, J1 ff th.e Curse ,)t>f the laud. When I was a bojf nfiry 9 niodicr dieti| mid iliadal iliiug she did was I* call me to her and savj Joß«>^emo«/vii^^'Wßl taleeia fo»p,fef ija|ioKsf.! {n M iai *i. ■■■ ogHlaing the bottle ip hands p\ the other he opuljn.ued: my dear boy, an occasional snifter while '* •> » ". And reaching lor the gask b« pressed it to bis lips, amid .a liQwl of hiugbter ,whjch shook (he whole car. £ Straight Answer Wanted. One of tlie east-bound trains coming 'into Detroit tbe othf* waa heavily ■loaded, a passenger who got on at Ypsilaiiti, through tWo cars thrn halted at a awitr occupied by a small man and a grab bag and in^ui)«d: "Is tbia Koat occupied?" "Of cours« tbia seat ia ocouwed," was tbe reply. "4-re both balyespf'jtbis seat occu pied?" w*a the uext query, * "Of coftfse both halves are"occupied." "Wel|, wj said tbe new arrival, as he let go ojt hjls satchel, "J want tp bother you. withr one ippre query. Bed you ratlx-r I weald toss that grsb*b4g out of tbo window and sit down with you, or chuck you out and ride into £etrpi,t with tbe grab* bag?" 'The grab-bag man got mad at that and wouldn't side anywhbre else es> o«pt on the wood box.—JQetrqit frm mfh -- —*■ ■». — By contracting a severe Cough and Cold, J was compellep to ' give up my daily work and kept to the house. A neighbor recpui mended me to try a bot tle of Buli-'a jCjugb Syrupj it was procured and nsedj to my astonishment relief waa instantaneous. SP. W. CLAXXOH, Waterly, Md. f-°m. 40. !ir *«c.r,rgc . rbod papl - Ui . fli ■st • H wn jMp^B email FOB « T RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Bout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swellings and Sprains, Bums and Scalds, Behbral Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear hnd Headache, Fhosted Fort : and. Ears, ahd All other Paint .iai. di tn and Aches. No Pnparatlgn on earth equals BT.Jaoobb OIL u ~» rf/Kfliw,«lmp2«and c/umiSMrMllUgwte. lfrarte5 h r,Tarsa,*sisf , ga canhavo cheap apd positive pjoof of ita Halm Directions In Eleven Languages. 801$ BT ALL DBtfCfoftTß A*D DHALHBB DT MEDICIHB, i.¥OfiEUBK ft C 0.,, VA SSAJt COL LECfE. p»*«kk«*p» *. For the Liberal Education Of- Wmmi. Examination for entrance, Sept. 14th, 0W»»-' v ' . i H-M 'I .... ■ * AO*l«XiJf*|M§ —■OR *»* KpiTiOM— P£VI BEO NEW TESTAMENT, i Q 8 T Y LE 8. l£i;* OANT *&»*»««, »«>»* From f 1.00 tq»7-°o|()M and new versions em •opposite pages. 'TllsW y « the Bible ud of New Revision" given to The secret » of successful, capyasgjng given every agent, send'fok- Mr liberal terms.- rftfentUa-thls par per.] THE HENRY BILL PUB- Co., • Established TO4T.] • ~ NoSWIdH, Co**. Sept. 7, 38 8t » fl W. liSltltW, YEauiiiifi * «, WHOL*«IALW* RbtAIL Dmliuii I . foreign and JDrg~Soob«,: B66TS, SHOIB, HlTS,T*tr*Bi l CiJir s, • -*il >ME«feUo^U^«trwt,' c !i9Mr»i - • ' •*"*!«*, ;«.c, t&" Orders Solicited. SatiitaclicnOuarasUed, BspClß,'llß*'Jitf at >«'♦ uo« Modi t. ' •»' »i —tun »lU it tki "-jHlltoMlvei. . rMiSlfe n ; boo} PA. f-?Q£-B noil -4. Ttfk&cCQ Flue^,: Ship StalPfor Stofcte Feel, * 01 v - K j 'fe-njjcoO a- «i . : , ~ AND - W«!E GIQjRHI M tH ' , SUOTT & DONNELIa" "Tram GLEANER m iff El ;• Is prepared to Execftf Job Printing ——>lN iUMf fMIW, ——AltD WITH V .yf frrfliQ"im r ) £*■++%* P* *~ * t WUATNfiR» Ai«> D^gP^XC^, iWfKiaSlSiim •** # Give Us A Trral. *"'■ l a »x-i .;; r Salem Jcanes a iflce hut si . r\Z r ■ BCOTT £ DONJfyLL'I.