TP —„J 11, ■IH'V-! 1 "J PUP ■'"' L-.i'ii' .■■:■.. ,i VOL. 7. ©leaner, ¥wilMit» w. C, , .a I Jstdridoe §* Kemodle, - PMPRIBTORN. ? IV '; tab.: *■ l One Tear 11.50 »lx Moqths M Three Months * 60 Every person sending us a clubi of ten sub tcrlbers with the cash, entities hiiAsolf to one eopy free, for tfeeJeagh ofttiuu for whiteb tlifc «lub is made up, Paper* sent io different oflfpe* No Departure from the Cash System J* OSTAOE PIiBPA/f) AT TfllS OFFICE AdFv«ltriniicf Kitei: 11 in. 2 in. 3 lu. % .-'ol col 1 col. 1 week 100 #l5O t200•400 $ 7 50 »12 00 fl •' 135 200 250 700 11 00 If 00 ■ 175 fifiQ 350 800 18 50 18 00 1 bUfflimMW 9.50 1.500 3*oo "•Vw VIW frto -10 .SOftn- I " 400 «00 750 12 50 20 00 87 00 }•' #SO 10 00 13 50 15 00 85 00,45 00 i*y f-10 08r-te«W Wow 90 90 4SOOI 80 00 p » ;ei ■■. ri ■■ ■ ■■: .a m -rsr , TeaxLy adveriUeme»ta cUwgcd quarterly if Retired. >; a 1; a? > 1 / iIT Losal notices teii cents a line, first Insertion Mo loeal inserted to* less rtian flftv cents. professional G+ups. J so. w. QBAHAM. JAS. ATORAHAM. Hillsoaro, N. C, Graham, N. O. amm f« Practice in tha State and Federal Courts, il attention paid to collecting. J ~IX MB!N»DLE/ " Attorney at Lawy jct ■wn ii*aii*«,*.e. • tWfciitate*'and- Pectoral Cowrts " fVUI faiihfwJJy and Vroinptly attend to all bjisi • E. a PA SEES, ATTflaNEY^isb UKAUAM, N, C. Will attend rafufcgrtbe Supwiop C W*a-,«rt Alamance, Castfe&'rcrsoil, Clraflfara and Kan-1 tolpli,. and the federal courts at Qrocneboro. Rhsiness entrusted to him shall have faithful •rstkie-^ IK J. W. Griffith .WW/' It fully prepared to do any and all kinds Work pertaining to the profesaj/oa. Special attention gnuAi to the treiUnent at 4lsfasss of the MOUTH. CAfcW Attbmuh* «i*, Tow* oa Oountr r d¥P3IPS, OHWER Ali OF —ftBAOANf C• Practises in and Pederalj()444C7 All to him shalf *r«Aciv ' J Kt Received. d">u : ,lTi,-,lqrgv£9i, tqmrb ; fii v «e»d Pff«. *n lt Plow Pol jtSf bo'aWj.#^ Mid Cle isi#. J>IZ > W«STMA»S.*EWYf*KOARDS, .aTIJH W HOMT Blum s Almanacs * Hcxsxk, hmifatij, "y V I Gretwkcr*! IT. C. Dec. 5,1881, 0-Ty. ■k.t A. •■-■■■. . • • U—4™ Sal«m Jaaaesaajce l»t at. •UOTT * DAMSfcLLI. 3 ,i£ kmifV . ! A mil B1 AM * nOBPHIKE tfafeti ■ I UP 111 ifl =««> ill 10 to»day«. Ttn year. m> • EKNKSX WIETH'S IOQI, \ T lg Hp of pml|o Mdmiteailirtufß the still lir of Hie liltl« village church, Riid- vii echoing faintly (roju (he palo, painted walla, When Mr«. Warrington swept np Ihe aisle, followed by two yonng ladies. Tho am.tdvr and alder o! tljcsc altracled luoka nerilicr of sufpnsO or curiosity, 1 her pale quiet taco, with its sober gruy eyes, was (00 well known for thai; but boili wiire cxpi-wsjad in tha eyes of the congregation as they lollpwetl the other 6|(ure ill Itei' ascent 'o , the Wariiiijton pew. That sho was 4 strßtigpr was evident, (Aid si rangers were mia ocourt rcnces ijj tlie chnrcli «f A— , especially such pretty, elegant strangers as tt|i« one , was. ' Din ing the service there wpre many . curious glands bestowed npou robed figure who sat 0 straight u6c* Btill between Mrs. Wanington and her daugliter, Eve, will) her young facfi ups raised and her eye* r«*t»"g ou tbe sar- J nest countenance of tbe preacher. Du> ring the diNcourse the eyes of tba* Mr, Wyeth, wandering oYef th'e listen ing audience, tell upon the fcoo oi the )sunj( a lid rested there. Wiib tbe upturned blue orbs, the small, child'* ish mouth and vutmtg* golden bair. suhshW fell ,it ifofeed imrwmlkttrtr fice ot -A Madonna, so fair iu its purity, so iuuos cent in its fair iiess. %; : i; :u> ■' '.v i: ' At last the service ended, the orgau >4 r y Mrs. Warrington stood, introducing with ealjiryia|esiif?J Iter niece, Nannie Rus set, to the young clergyman. The W(Mthigton reefdehco wtt Out a short distuuee Mr*. 1 Wlr ringtou did notcousjder it worth while to brir.g bej carriage into requisition; ao fbe [art> pf jour started dowu tbe grav elled walk tpget^^f, 'Mr. Wyeth,* Mrs. Warrington began, laying her hand ou Nannie's arm. and stepoiiur back, thereby lem ing a signifi* cift vucalAiV besiitb her diut UtcV, VOU-r-' ' ■>!" i * • 1 Out Nannie interrupted her with a little ge»ture and a low, rippling' iaugb. 'Mr. Wyetb is ent#rtainiug me with an interesting little anecdote/ she said; 'do Lot disturb hiui, auntie.' . r irui 4/bow f Acti p^Wd o« and talked in uatel/ lesidW her daughter. She was displeased, and took no trouble to conceal the faot ; but jby the time tbe little party reached the iron gates of the Warrington estate she had assumed her bland, society manner again, and bade the olorgymangoiad dajL in rary fiieudly tone*. •I ha?e a*li«d Ur. "Wyelli To come bere Nannie said, as she stood beloie tbe mirror uuiyiug the silken strings of her boaiteU ' Ware you aware tbtt Eve is going thant* asked Mrs. Warrington insinuatingly ' 'UB, fig HWjW i'lPllill lUllWhntly; lat's you see. 1 wot Id be iely enough lett to rest irees, mm** tamno y*l» «»t afoWfßrtt., ftiHß? yoa 'Ob tviT, pitilulli, 'l'd much ralher go! ldo dislike being iu anybodyre way,' ' , 7, '1 I But Mrs. Warrington was *m4 Rud pn tbe tpyirow, when arrived, he found jlwo young fladies wai^lnrto receive Mm. '■& Li*m , ' • him In ber wins be worshipped from afar, a—how mnch JCSSjMft w #b jfcltofr ft}/a^bie,-wbo smiied In ucroaa the f**t. 'Tbe me, and auntie *8 best wome are so dark f don't yoa tbiok,¥», filf ? , hare nerer noticed it/ Mtg r«, pttedj '*»• . J >\ . Ml lif 'I bare such a pretty suite of room* it booie/ Nannie went on, *Pap* bad GRAHAM, N. C., MONDAY, DECEMfij|Sß,'af^««J IH--1 i loo'i lot iiow iui ,»»nol 1 '// (1 J '» .v«ni.ll M iwst them furnished lor rot/ati# his iM(e is Tjfcy perfection. •OH colors, flowers, bird* aJid sunshine* Still I lik4tbe outdoor world''Urt#',;! think a Bohemian lile would aalt me, with a soft little laugh. 'No I think I not,' contradicted Mr. Wyeth, iu apologetic 'ones. Yon feoald' l not endure the fatigue and hardships; for it is a itard Itusaelj.'. "J Nannie shot bins a quick glauce, and their droppedher bycis ag*ain.-' *>i ■' l i 'Perhaps you are right.' she said!, *«I was thinking of but one side—the aut side. Which color do yo«,iprate£, Mr. Wye?b?',,,. ; They hail now arrived at the craque l ground, and she stopped tapping lio bat).with her mallet. • Blue,' Ernest was abont to eayitKen with an inward laugh at bis owu lolly, chase blaefc. ' When tho young clergymen went home that night he opened'hie' little fOurirkl 'and wrofe there: , tl ■ a l iof.;»«.!T. l\ A'C 'I have seen Miss Burial)* for tha-OcM lime. Slife'is one Of Hie purest, fairest woiuen on earth, allhonV and »jrnij/lic\» Jy. Happy u the man. wf*q |»er love!' uumi'c ..wo>t >i . Emiest Wyeth's heart throbbted wttto a quick pajti hi M*))* and .be dimly wondered why fti Some day, 110 would be wsrptoU a lid *ou; bat the? tbottgHrwas Bifa-pleassM*' one, although the idea of himself badjieptt bim. Every day after IJtmt.kajHtf the young cler&mftii at.Tthe Waxrlr.gtou matifiidy, but, 4* be was-lir the habit of yitbtofc, there frequently, if occagondd -Utile rt naark, Every .lay "he basked iirtlW Krtn-" shine'ol Nannies ittifes,' aud gajfed ilrto her Pietty blue eyes wUh such au ititep sity ol feeling in bis owu that, bad tfce been wise,' Ws secret would beeo revealed. , * 'Ceusin Httnuie icturns home on the morrow/ Eve tai'lj 6iter day. • ■ .qnnjkfy jo the tall, bluswobed figure sat with hergreet* ful beadbenfover her embroidery* and hi, eyes diiker.Sd a trlfl*. . • 'Miss Hussell?' ha said, inquiringly. Nannie raised ber eyes and looked'at l bim smliiiifaly. "/ •Yes,' she replied. 'I have' longer visit now than 1 intend«d lo>-i t*o whole weeks.' Then, af(«r a htttopauw, 'U yon Ww cdft^WLS-i^ 1 lit 1 . Wyetb. 'I hope yon will W>u,iß«h' 4 Thank you,' Ernest replied* ,ml you will visit agniu/Misft Rbs« sel?* , avilmty -•>■>?■** ?-^»sid 'I may oarne bare next summer/ was the reply. . rw* fv.rrv nil >•> -rH\ ■) JSo, wltb farewells to all-her friends, Nannie Russell «ant back to and on -the following Sabbath,' wVn fta preacher's eyes wandered .lo the W»r« rington pew. they rested on a vacancy belttftfeA Warrington and ber danghteit-rf, vabaacy l>af Lp filled, with a mess ol pale bine robe* and a halo of golden Hair framing a sweet, fair face ind tendtfr eyes. . tba autumn ErnestWllth decided, to jislt>lmf-f. So U happened tfeAt a few boors Ikfer be sal in Nannies parlor aWd awaited ber coinjfig'. 1 '• Everything about' otlier—the futttring Jaoe curtains wjlj). their blftfHbiM>n*,'lbe' , walls bung t# ge«M ;2rMi««»#s. ;mjW* put no, the bouquet of. £yir er», broidered tidies, and ail those pretty lit tle knick-knacks that bint of a ftipty, ftmiiiine presence*. a j »«.« r Oyer the mautW bang a^portrait 61 a young man with i ippiingf brown hah Aud mnk blue eyes. Tfrt Rev. Ernest #yeb's attention va* draWtftowirds this picture, and rising, he flood ' before it awl scanned the horibst/manjy tnres closely. Then a low fuj4lfyig, ; of . gartsents sounded I Nannie's merry langh broke lb« atlll n ,|j UJ I am sorry I kept yoa waiting' so loig,' sbe said. «1 see yon are admir ing bay picture—everyone doai' |» Is Clyfle; did't I te(( you of l ' 'l| think no}, 4 re pi (fed. He ! is a relative ol yonrs ?', , Nannie said, and her face dimpled in a smile. fAp Ctyfian sny bnsband. We wera jaartivd , three weeks ago, bntffcave known. MaanMny y«ars. How strange that i did not men tion him to yon!*- . MA i Outwardly the "Rev. Ernest ! re tained bis heart throbbed violently, afrd hi# was in a whirl. „It came to ifa i|fe n , .with dtsti netnesi, that man bM grown 4o be a part ol hie lire, and now h* «w»t,ranQ#nce bar tof aver. " j. 1 t A. second entry waa msde his tfjUle' jonmai ttM aigbfc. Iy»* >V 'She whom I believed perfeet has proved fajae and treacherous. What is there lu . jMt , are jiuman naturae, bow* , by a pair of lender, RfSf, wrecked on a aaiflty aqpiM K#,ll! will nev#|! b l'eve agatn|' , oiaiiaitlt I! 'L ■ Then bis thoughts tunKNif Rtsd 'lie ■com d biiaself for ju lgingiWi'Sohhrsh . ly. But be coultj uot bring to We her, alt^O journal that oontaiu»d tha «evittt* wdrds a«A Ub tbe following SaU*#th wmdV of the congregation rvniarbM t%MtA iW«V-mUi ist ef looked pale an j n^d 1 Ms boreja weary, dejected afrr 1 bo ' ftd oe W«a aurpriaad to bear of a fewjlaya later. ' j ;.„j For many days lO boverM|; between lifi* and death, eafcb stuggUbg-for and* throughout all uuraed him carefulJy OtrtlFtbl ririWa'wlia passed and tbe pbysioUn J&\i£ that V li*e. „ ' uiisr/ii 1) In proof of > bis j W.ysth ahould have married;«* the * ?ir, patient girl; but be did not.. -Ibslh>4l,le thAxrked ber for her kindfieee? aard gjed by, |nd went in search ofiftifr^i^pafish, m ') L ' v "He Was a Splendid .Mm ' L • 71 .TT* • ' -4 ; 'JTliey Wvre seafbd together, l aid® hr * on the sofa iu the moei^ 1 Appfowl lovei Wpmiig: waiat." , lifW pearly I lo Te VoV (lOtl i . y»u ) evNWj l»Hn very Attentive.' ,»«u?si 1 > 1 , j 'But, Lizzie, darlipst, do you love ms? Witlvoubemv wife?J , , 1 - j ,> * fJSunf what I say, Fred. Ive Uro married'sftteiih*->' -- 1 ,»hH . ' K i 'Certainly, and end 1 peojile say: tjuV f wbiiMn'f tp stand 7 -.„ 9t 'Ligtiie, you astonish me.' tweoty-tevW tdii* -IHbUrf, tliadka spd my oilier gent friends. 'How many do you Tnlfik ray sisters Uavf h*dj aigii of one, either of them. Such pretu fir)# >n »nd NeH were too, ao/ »o . mudt . attention a* they nsed to havV > " •Koif, Li^sie—„ am fond of going to' Hie theatre oeeasio4'*l}y,"a« wtsll as r leetans or a cobdert sometime*, and ,1 shouldn't liVe U; if I proposed attending, any R«eh e»- twrtainment to be'inyariabiv told that times were., bard/arid" ta'y' lhu*)>and oduldn't afford it, apd tbop to ba?o bses sneak ot alone.' " ' 1 , lyijszi*J LrezieJ'— * - •• y £ " , ' j theq, if enee in a dog's Rge ha' in the event*! f tm ba lett (id Click my way alppg the at the risk of breaking my ne§k, Jifi: walking wneonaCinusly by r|v «i#. I'm of eHngtngaatbiii, and 1 "* l ' Tm perha|» tve beep, fpg»led.' A,t events I kqoej ii w« beart to have my butband vent ai) the ill- c^eM»'fiw the but M«y»#ndi||el)-A»eo4 Aold «M tune again tfrat nobentni'' hoabßed? «hu are bent on marrying, of girls who have not married sutars, v#r wha enengh to. pro&f, hy thefts example if they have. And d»n\ fret, abdtti l'W nd dUibV bkn find'some one tp 611 yoiir But before Lizzie hid concluded Frei made for tho doof, ll 'rnj)t^apg i something f®- 1 KteJ , eeood tz M^ k s«ira^r John and Aleok and fAdPjdton •rtw thinga don't go jmk-ngkZ' maka a hp-b.^but?^^ he edmeto the lost • aplepdM beaU.' "1 ,t-iailr»«i« H t .tlsacfotl & \W* 'i. i>.* yon love me?' 'Tea? ed. 'betrtr aba*fat A* Vferld. it's a beautiful night fw n tnrn light a wehld eOs* Rt least three i)oilirv!nilabh|i|il taigd ! ««MnMld he survaved #he lunar orb §^i^,s*id)aenrwkrO { 4CabafiW motbejßf jnujl IJrtvei qßft. "Ha partact gnor%iu«a about me.' ./; 1 'Uiioj jet jfy ■-istJrM «> V *•'» " nrs Citedvfcjr ! . jS&etUU tbeTSet Umlib**Aila U ifW Molnts ] lag it with 91. Jacobs Oil, ~ ?I rAFW* 3S!3r ' iSaKTCS 1 :; fdi' the fsmqu§ capjtol. Nof -fh*y eiiUiusialfß?#liTH tlAy hailed "for' tfnv ,ook at fbe , Ijd yonr cogoc ?' asked one, of a bine Ktk. dinoounolktely on the •Not naup/'iftswered the other. ,'AUit f'ifttilitfd'Wiy radons to-iilghl?' a crumb or two froip tbe bot* tqmsol 6ttf Tlrjs was told to the bojroof l|il| Fifty wL "•sSttS. nißdb their appearance with" 1 eoflee-keit* srehmiiig. tha baaon cooked, and prfe oneu and Captofi r 'sat' ddWn togetliar arotfnd the carap-flre, Mike kinsmen troeM and TIH» ffrf Yankeesjtte with a relish no] blip can VppreciAt4 6ruless be bat t»beu f 4ti a'nke situation. ' •"** • I ' l > 4 *'•" No wdbdtft'^ Witork WRk irtini/iput l In pVenrheari of IheTWoi'OMd ever aftty l.xr L oip '« 1 /T --> A nosh slide iq the inagk» Mfern gtret RnotjMr war. pfc roatfls tbn Filty«doutth" t Vtrgh>la. A soldier eft 4 >" I «W%at rerffiwit» tMeP '« „'Tba Ft^Tebrih'YifglWß. 1 was the in'an iiulant theioßQjferi sprang to 1 tbeir fe«e%4A to eamp. 'The Fifty-fourth Virginia is at the ferry,** they ehou:ed,R« the¥; ran iu "snd'Oßt among the tpnts/sf the'Tftiri! 4 Ob 14.* 1 Tbe Obitf boys wens In piotlbu. Boxes from borne airtl all re* barve, sterfei wwrt speedily ransacked. Coffee aiid sugar, beet' Rnd cßiined peac.hee 'lip^U c Hip beet bid if everything a ere freely brought firth. They retfomhbrtd fcraiefully tMir debt of Potior, a off paWlt rioWy." Ii- was the> same old scene «rtP, reversed. For one uighi at lew* both Contederafes «inf¥lM» -enjoyed again the tweet grace of hospitality 4bat could bttbg a smile even to the grip yltage of war, s 4\em a* jiow it>r;»#947i/ , m r I'h ■ •« « . J. . .. H II ' Jaweae OblMrefc •ai S'h. miiwa ,lt t'l The Japanese children haye to /Mote. hardship's frete Mft Wvllu'-lo l«n*0 are po bright, cheerful" free, wo eaev cMWk •RpiWi tdSin*, around which the family gibber and bald sweft cdUVdIW to aiifei the ordinary not a>pevt bf tbe floor is w Uh mats on Which bey sit 'MN» t llMrp, A bloelt' of 'brood (our littie at tbe top, answers as r -p)Mori ! Sometimes it b»* •tnfflft'i oil U»p |u fnh& thick oVer wbicb a*eieUu i pbML of papbr la spread Melr\tnae it is qaad, to save any needfni W»6))lng. TW f»**J M»s4 #u th|s pil low. breyeuta tbe disarrangement of. tbe Mrs so AMt ff itoed not be eombed mdre than once rtt twice in 4' week. *But tbe Iftioj babfpV »«d 'lfttlp children's heads art shaved Mutireiy, or 'hate from one to five tuftlOt holr oa tbe top over eacb oar and ou tko , back, I haye seen littlo babies wHh head* uncovered on the coW osfday, whila tbe or person on ifbose bbdk K wl eak-iiod t bad tbe face aAd bead eoyered, only tbe eyeeand noee t yisible. **#k babies siirvifte tWefr krftnajJ Japanese'ftbulei have oily paper win dow«; tb«y; bite'k> stores or giates, but a little bmkkardtni tot wo feet are, jrith some eoal \n Ibe center i« aU they bave.tof'Wßiinlii bi edofilng. Two br tbreoenps. RS many plat(o)' ! R teapot, Rl kettle MV? Mno boxes to bold their Olitbing, complete their furniture. All the honbeiP? IMVtf seen are very elean, wbV»h ie tt*elr otflyopptsrance of Mrh Litt jo children are ofteta made 0 take caibHf WVMfJ "A very tfettmbn ngbf is r little boy or girl, from flwe toi twelve I*** Olm Wttb a lile, with* baby strapped oa tbeii* backs, Ikst but" sometimOe' erring.' In tbe Wtef cose tbey say, 'Be onfet,' ami go on with tttbir play.,' iflnt Japanese dbildren seldom cry or qnatteh' aod ara Y.ery to "psrebtf anij Whom iliay renerate. / ' „ fsrtainl - I SSffiQ? mt -s > >,m aedtHiaoa £4 rather saad-dookteir cQstowor «adse Wto areslßorßbt Ou AtlMio Rveane Mid di9 said to the* proprtetorj .'Wbaf do yon »«ie*bs»"snleelyT owOkod beeHrtake, well dOe,AwMi onions 9' TvftiUy.gve AbAe," 'And tbe gravy? 'Nothing..' •Yen doi'lftyVbis'tf FiberaP,: How tnnab Ae®yon charge bread? 1 'W4 tk row ba tto*qsd*. >i*s ?' 4t is,'. the bread and iisby?' 'Certajnly.' 'Then bring me somebnsa*Jßod feraoy.^"ift's nethenlty Mbit meat la summer.'— t'exatSi/tino* Rl stsaa loi»i..'u «■.') .yijrf 8 Coal'OiPof may he very bicSe for Jllutnijjatiog or labrioating pto*- noaee, Bbt%4|My'lcV *be proper! tlfng 10 cure a ooOgb with. Dr. Bttifsj Oougb 4a ' loobed Rpou aa the standard. Cough remedy. I.ICHV o/javiw.: 'SO. 41. I J >wi «. j a - \ 1111 WW. .'HI' lIHI m., 1 IBIB'-MB WJJL- . mm vk H^RrlS / wTjcr 11 tDliiiM I "ÜBUI C«J #W !ol •iwantj - •> - MEVMYIW, Krtr4! 9 li,*Wou lumbago, Backache, Soronost of the dhgst, Bout, Qufluf, *«♦ Throat, Swellihgt and , «" vnk W Soakh, 6»nsral Bodily. PaitfS, . ig 9*mf# ,h , Wo Fjipara&on on «art£* equals St. Jacobs Oil u Pfcwcttoailnmwen T;»ftgn«rtp, *.s fri„ bold n m sKtroaim ahd wmlum or *> it Dpjoiy^?, " jt»l«iw.qr«, Jfi., ZT.M.JL u: «w.oig hcifc t »ii7*i«;:cni iao it ! 1 liief, it til detlert in diun. None Genuine without «?rtitiii*of H»s3StX,ll.KT«nd forcirctSiS - * »' i l jiliijJ Ltut -JUdST sSJi-f' *. W. liasslter, ' luictf WmtMAXM-'A UMih. Dkaxbm T* .foreign an) Domwtij QHrjMSioe}?, Boon, BVom, Ha**, T%iW*», fc lUllr*T», *c., i*i j.. MK»jett»vltie,e*e*t, •*.- . Order* Solicited, Bati#iacJicuQuarißt«ed, * » j.i Hn'.i'llltlli' •>?!■■ rMJgpP*#• tBMHSIT S3tQ3f —FOR— ii« *a»'.•«»"» .v. Tobacco Flues, ,' -U ?UI .1 1,1 3 ■*,.• ■ 7 Wlf TP, ia SM» Sfgjr r«r at««fc F«ed, i .atiMirfxi i«)> -...;• ,ww »jftco B»RIJ *tu >i°. «... . i SOOTT » DUHWELI,. ji.i I ji'r""" ti -r; >i >fcJ&i lu 3 NotlCß- PlkMtbe g eT«: o&Leniiet W. Simpson deo'd, notifles all pereons indebted to said estate t> make riUMiale • payvAML' an*: all persons holding tff. rOT ™'' W. 4. Mtfr, _ * ■••-.►. / »* 1* ; ";. • 7' ■ 1 ■ '-0 ! ; Patent* ferliimentions *».pu«ewi e s n . f - : iilmtt *M*, ■ *7' Vi Ho. TOO 6*t*nth D. C, No fee for preliminary eiSmlnntten- iee tfefcu patentte-a)lowel.. FoM-lMß.than'other

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