T BMS GLEANER. ♦ > GRAHAM. N. g., JAN. 16, Happening's at Home. Miss Ada Denny has been sick fo about a week. . Thanks to Gen. Scales for a copy of flit Congressional Directory. A sight of the sun last Wednesday made glad the heart of the average citizen. A "olored congregation of the Christian church was organized in the court hous( yesterday. According t(» the census, the area nl Alamance County is four hundred and thirty square inil ;s. Miss Clara Snmmey, of Asheville, is visiting her brother, the pastor of tbe Presby terian church Miss Lnla, daughter of Jas. 11. Holt, has been sick several days, and is now lyiag at the point of death. We are pained to announce the death of Clem. C. Curtis, which occurred last Thurs day. An appropriate obituary will be prepared mt an early day. Jas. M. Turner ha* got iheCispareMn that takes. It i> tbe "Monogram." With each packaare Is a holder. All ye that enjoy puffing .the golden leaf call on Jimmies We are willing to wager that there is more mud to the square foot of surface on the streets of Graham than any other town in the State, the principal thoroughfares of Raleigh. Extra bargains in heavy brown and white Bed Blankets, also Gents all wool Under Shirts at Year/an, Petty ACp's.. of which Tom White would be pleased to give his friends the advantage. (JOLDEW DAYS, published bv James Elverson, Philadelphia, Pa., is one of the largest and best magazines published for boys and girls. It is highly endorsed by leading newspapers and prominent clergymen. Tlu price is three dol lars a year. The skating fever has reached Graham, And now we have a rink in full bla»t. The girls have a fine time practicing every afternoon, if we B»ay judge by the noise they make. If we were not blessed with steady nerves, we couldn't write locals so near by them. Our Pleasant Grovo correspondent must have been suffering with''a sour stomach caused by eating too much dinner, when he wrote the article that appears iu another column. If we kno rt him as well as we think, we can venture.the opinion that he wasn't in as good humor as usual when he penned those lines. The name of our townsman Mr. J. W. Harden, has been meutioned in connection with the office of collector of this this district. In the event of any change in the administration, we should be pleased to see him occupy the of- Sce. Che President could not make a better selection among those who are aspiring for the place. 1 ■ : 'On last Thursday, the knights and ladles of the birch rod and spelling book danced np before the county superintendent to make known to that functionary their qualifications for teaching public schools. Thirty applicants were examined eighteen white and twelve colored. Certificates have not yet been awarded. We Imagine that the average reader thought the family sketched in these columns last week, a large one. That is what the printer thought: for he made it read seventy when the writer intended it to be twenty. Moral: Write plain when you prepare articles for the news payers if you do not want mistakes to happen, and don't blame the printer for youroi»n care t i ru ■ 'if-' lessnesiv Christmas has gone; but Torbis is still Ju Greensboro, and he keeps on hand a big stock of furniture, of all kinds, qualities and prices, Everybody can be suited in style and prices. Two floors are literaly crammed with furniture. Complete outfits can be bought to fix up a hcuse from cellar to garret. Don't Forget Forbis & Bro. when you want their line ABOUT TO FREEZE.—IF our paper fails to reach its numerous readers next week, they cad blame our wood promising subscribers for it. A few of them have paid np; but others have complacently listened to oui appeals, and left us to get along the best we could. If some delinquent would come in and pay his subscrip tiou wo might buy a load, ;ay for cutting it up and have a quarter left for the printer. REVENUE SALE.— On last Friday, the whiskey and stills seized by the government as the property of John P. Albright, were sold at public 'auction. Buyers from Hilisboro and other places wore present,as well as a number of interested spectators who were uot buyers. Samplers were more numerous than purchasers. Aqioug tho former might be found more than one who Could not raise money to buy a quart; but that seemed to be no objection to testing tbe merltt (?) of the article THB LITERARY 'REBELLION.'—Mr. John B. Alden, who organized the 'Literary Revolution.' which has given the people the beit,of books at such wonderfully low prices, doei-itot give up the fight with the failuie of 'The American Book Exchange,' which failure, hq.claims, was in no respect tn° result of selling books too cheaply, but was caused by the com bination of publishers and booksellers against the enterprise, infamous and baseless slander beiug scattered broadcast culminated in a 'pan ic* among the cr ditors of the institution, causing a 'run' which resultud in the failure of tbe company, just as it had often caused the failure of banks or other institution perfectly solvent under ordinary conditions. He and other friends of the enterprise have organized •TTie Useful Knowledge Publishing Company,' and a literary Rebellion which proposes to carry on the fight. The first work published by the new company is a beautiful edition of Macanlay's 'Life of Frederick tho Great,' which they sell for tbe marvellously low price of 20 cents, neatly bound in cloth. The company proposes to bej in immediately the publication of a aeries of cyclopaedias —one of history, one of Mography, one of science, one of cbo.ce prose literature, one of poetry, and one of religious literature —each of which cyclopaedias will be | in several large octavo volumes of over 1000 ( pages each, at the price of #1.25 per volume, in 1 cloth binding, and will also be published in numbers, at only two cents per number, being considerably below even the 'revolution' prices! They will send specimen pages and catalogees free, and friends of choice literature at low prices will be sure to shower tbem with postal cards, at least. Address THE USEFUL KNOWU SD»B PPBLISBIHO COMPAJIT, 163 William Street, New Toik. ' ■nsiffffsftethfl.».-* Sell you; Tolwcc..* al Parrish & Bl&t*.xi£Ys/tr iek Vrmli.usr, X. C, where you i;n gei lis* bisl aet'uin t aUor> ami H*giesi jircts Pal J >v.l ala t »>'ti 814 / | Mother, mar I ET" ont to skate ? Yes, mj il trl.; JiilH, But don't voji Try tt.e flgwrfe 8, For it will surely fool rem. ,? Just is vou nuke the lightning whirl To sli.'.w yo"r springy ruua :1c I- The hoys will gee * foolish Kir' Sleigh-riding on her bustle. , * Bom BcitsL.%RY.—L>«t FrMay even ing, VV. F.Oant, of J. J. Long & Co., closed the .-lore (o go to supper about six o'clock. About fifteen niinntes later, George Durham, who occupies a room over the store, entered at the front door, a d going to the rear of the ! store, found t'ie back door opcued. An investi. gaticm showed tliet the store had been entered, • and the cash dr.wcr wrenched from theuouutcr and carried off. A |hort time afterwards, the drawer was found inVhe vacant lot opposite the residence of A, Tate. J The money was all gone; bnt the valuable papws belonging to the firm, were found iutact. Toe entrance was effected by boring a hole in the door and removing a wooden bar which was the only fastening. The amount of money stolen is not known; but it is supposed to be between fifty and one hundred dollars. Henry Swan, colored, was arrestsd on suspicion; but there being" no evidence to con nect him with the crime, he was discharge Letter Irom Pleasant Grove. [Correspondence of the GLEANER.] It (Ins communication smells a little frosty, do not wonder at it, lor we have been for several days, like most of our neighbors, engaged in stripping frosted tobacco. The coolness cannot be attribut ed to any nipping frost that has ever blighted any political aspirations of oars. We were born and reared in the old whig atmosphere, and it may safely be inferred that we have never entirely got ten lid of its conservative influence. In spite of our lite long devotion to the Union, and our good raising, we rushed headlong inio the war for disunion. We served the secesqian cause faithfully,shed our blood on more than one battle field, spent all our substance for it, and gave it lour years of faiihful service. With the light we then had, and the influences ben ring upon us, we could not well have pursued another course. The close of the war found us a prison' er on Johnston's Island, a thousand miles by railroad, from Lome. As one of the condiiiouß of onr release, we were re quired to fealty to the Union, and hevei , 'tS> : .iikik ..rms ageinst ber. Since then we have faithfully stood by the Union and carefully avoided every insti-j tution or order having for its aims or ends opposition to regulai; constituted* authority. We cast IU our lot with the Deinocrati' party, at one time called tbe conservative party. It embraced' then and still embraces the wisest and best men iu the South. But when we joined the party we did uot agree to shut our eyes ami ears and go il blind: we still reserve (o ourse'.f the right of freo speech, the right to approve or disapprove of the public acts of our public men. Wo hold that the Democratic Convens tiou did not act very democratically when it placed tho power ol appointing magistrates in the bands of the Legisla ture and Superior Court Clerks, the elec* tiou ot county in the . hands of the magistrates, and the ap* pointinent of school committees iu the hands of the county commissioners. Iu your last issue, you struck the right key iu suggesting that the election of magiss 'trnte and county commissioners bo re manded to.the people, We would further suggest that school committees and county superintendents ought to be elecU ed in the same way. ' The office of State Senators and Reps resentatives being higher than those re ferred to it. would seem that the people have sense enough to elect the higher officers might be entrusted with the elec tion ot the others. Th« convention made«another blunder in reducing the number of Supreme Court judges, Justice t> the people and pub lic necessity demand that the number be iucreased. —■ The majoritv of our magistrates are Democrats, and they as a body made a blunder when they abolished the office ot County Treasurer, merging it into that of Sit rifl. We think that thoy blundered again when they refused to pay George Stafford a reasonable sum for building Cedar Cliffs bridge. We think that our State officials blundered whon they sold for a nominal sum, our railroads and their franchises, or rather gave them away. Now I know that it is very easy to flnd fault, but hard to remedy evils/ but a word to the wise Is sufficient. Let the Democratic party be wise and return to its first and true principles, and all will be well. If not, the scepter will fall from its nerveless grsfsp, lor tbe party will be dead, and upon its tomb stqstie may be writteu; "Died by his own hands." B. F. W. | Jan. 13, 1882. Administrator's Notice. * T AVING qualified as administrator of Bolo mon Allen, all persons indebted to estate of my intestate, ore notift d to make immediate payment; and those holding claims against said estate to piesent them on or befor« the 20th day of January, 1883, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. OBED M/RSHBURN, Adm'r of Solomon Allen. Jan. 14, 1881. 45—4t. Land Sale! jDY VIHTUE ot an order of the Superi» •*-' or Court of Alamance County, cade at Fall Term, 1881, in the case of the North Carolina Railroad Company vs. Ellen Hayes, Spencer Tanpley and others, 1 shall, on IH«uday, Ihe 30th day af February, ISS'J, sell at public auction, at tbe Court House doorv in Graham the house and lot in the town of Company Shops, now held and occupied by Spencei Tarpley, and known in tbe plot of •aid town as lot No. 280, Terms of sale CASH. J AS. A. GRAHAM, Jan. 'B3, It, 45—tds. Commissioner. FOB SALE ! For sale bv the Bbl. or Gallon, 40 Bbls. pare old Copuer Distilled Com Whiskey. CLEM C. CUBTJS, Deo. lt>—42, 4w. Graham, 5. C. I', li. 11AKL»L;S& SON have uii liaiiit a flue lot of Shingles for sale. For first-class goods at low prices, go to Cheap John at the Benbow House, }rcens b>ro. * ' * Monev saved is money made. Bnv your goods of J. J. LOKG & Co. They are still selling at bottom prices. * M. Strauss, at the Bnubow 'House, Greensboro, keeps a larjze stock of Dry-goods, Hats, Boots and Shoes, &c. * D >n't forget to see Srranss'wh>-ti you go to Greensboro. lie will make it to you£, interest to buy from ht«. • * ALWAYS RKFIIKSUING^—A delicious odor is imparted by FlorestoM Cologne, which is aU «rays refreshing, no matter liow freely used. NOTICE.—A large and desirable lot ol Boots aud Shoes jnst received at J. J. LONG A Co's all of which will' be sold at rockbottom prices. * Santa Clans will make headquarters at J J L>>NG & Co's with a fine L >t of Christmas To 3' Works Ac. Come all ye little folks buy your Toys at bottom prices. All persons indebted tt/ tbe firm of J. J, Long & Co. arc respectfully invited to come forward and settle their at accounts once, all claims against the firm will bo paid when pre sented. They are still selling at cost, come 6oon and buy goods cheap, as they will close out in about ten days. _ . A WORD TO MOTHERS.—Mothers should remember it is a most Important duty at this season to look after the health of their families and cleanse tbe malaria and impurity from Uieir systems, and that nothing will tone up the stomach aud llyer, regulate the bowels and purify the b*lood so perfectly as Parker's Gingrer Tonic, advertised in our columns — Post. See other column. I told you that I was coming, and not to forget it. ' Now lam In your midst and I find many have taken my advice and goue to P. K. Harden & Son's and laid in a good sups ply of Clothing, Ac. Bnt some are a chattering their teeth, atid there is no excuse for such, but as there is still plenty of the crihiforts ef life .at P. R Haraen & Son's, I will give an extension of a few days to those who have not availed themselves of the favorable opportunities be fore I begin to stir the dry hones. Truly I am, * i JACK Faosr. DON>TOO.BPIiAIN OP HARD TlfflßS, •YOUNG MAN, When you can go to J. W. HABDBN'S and get a pair of S«Vs for 10 cents, a good pair of Hhoos for cents and a good Suit of Clcthes foHIVou, a Pocket Handker chief for 5 cents, a nice Cravat for 6 cents, and if you if ant something fine you can be accom oda'ed at any prioe. I have always on hand for Ladies a full line of Shawls. Cloaks, Scarfs, Hose, Hocp Skirts, Underskirts, Chemises, Balmoral Skirts, and as good a line of Dress Goods as ?ver came to town, a full assortment of Zeigler Shoes and American Sewing Ma chines. FOR TUB FARMER MAN, I have a good stock of Farmers' Friend Plows, all sizes, Double Sbovel Plows, Plow Irons and Bolts, Wheat Drills. Evaporator with boiler and furnace, Mattocks, Sprouting Hoes, Picks, Shovels and Forks In fact anything the Farmer may want; aiso a full line of Carpenters' Tools and Build er's Hard wai-e, I pay the highest market price for all kinds i of Coutry Produce. [ I keep on hand the largest assortment of I Furniture in town. J. W. HARDEN. 1 . *' The great superiority of DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP over all other cough remedies is attested by the immense popular demand I for that old established remedy. For the Cure of Coughs, Colds, I Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma, Bron- D chitis, Whooping Cough, Incipient | Consumption and for the relief of ■ consumptive persons in advanced I stages of the Disease. For Sale I by all Druggists.—Price, 25 cents. [ Dcueinue FW SOUDIEM, rcnoiwliw widowa. father*, mothan ot W I children. Ttiounndi jeteatitl,d. Pauioni gWen ITiii for lossnf flnger.loe.cye or ruptnre.raneoie Teins /I WFJKL I H°i STboVSTT. WW PATENTS procured for loTenUri. gold en § JB land wimßlti procured, bought and »old. Soldier* tV /Am " i ana fceir«apply for yoor righta at ©nca. Send M //MX stamp* Cltixen-Soldler." and Penaion 111 a \ and Bountj laws, blanks and instructions. Wa fowl can reftr to thonsands of Pensioners and Clients. 1,1 V\f Address N. W- Fltpgeralddi Co.P*Mßiox A yiuL FATUT Att'js, Look w>i M.Washington, D. 0$ FOft SALE I Irish Potatoes for Seed. OAT fIEAL, HoniNtr, CORN 9)B AL, —A ND- Ship Staff for Steck Feed, Also a large lot ot PINE PLANK aud SCANT LING. SCOTT & DONNELL. ''Sale of Bonds " BY vtrttic of an order of the Superior Court of Alamance County, In the case of Alvls King and others against W. J., and A. Murray and others. I will offer' for s».le at the Court House door in Greensboro, N C., at public auc tiou for cash, on Monday tbe Ath day of Feb ruary 1883 at 12 o'clock M.. eljfbt (8) bonds of the County of Carteret, Issued Februaiy 20th iB6O, each for ©SOO, and duo February 20th 1880. to each of whicii bonds coupons arc attached for interest at 6 per cent from February 20th 1875. Parties icslrlng further information can ad dress mj Attorney, James A. Boyd, Greensbo ro, N. C, ■ J. A. McCAULEY, 3. W, 4*-Ws, Receiver. Clothing and Hats P 0 R Largest Stock in the State, LOWEST PRICES OCA RANT BE P, GENT'S SHOES A SPECIALTY t Save money by examining our STOCK and prices before buying elsewhere. R. R. ANDREWS 4k CO., jan. 2, 48—tf. , , pi. C. GRAHAM Graham, N. €. THE next Term (session 1881 sod '83,) will open Tuesday, 3d instj, and continue until the last Friday in May. For additional infor mation, apply to D. A. LONG. Jun. 2, 48— tt. Graham, N. G. COFMST^ Plata aid •rianeitoJ, ON HAND AUD ifladc To Order —AT SHOBT NOTICE.— J. H Coleman, Gant fc Davidson's Mills. Jan. 3, 43—6w. FARM FOR SALE! DESCRIPTION I IT is a mile and a half South of Bingham School, and the same distance from Me banevill, immediately on tbe line between Ala mance and Orange Counties, a very small por tion being tn Orange, contains Two Hundred and Sixty four Acres, has upon it a good dwelling house, barn, kitchen aud all necessary outbuildings, includiug two or three good tenant houses all in first class condition, a young orchard of select trees just begunlug to be r: the water excellent, the location beautiful and healthy, the land good, and adapted to the giowth of grain, grasses, tobacco and cotton, with plenty Of timber upon the tract. It is On the headwaters of Haw Creek, and is in all re spects in good repair. It is only once in a great while such a farm is offered. SALB ANB TERMS I This elegant farm will be sold at public out cry, at the Court House door in Graham on SATCRDAY,4tk Day »f PER., ISSJ, for cash. THE POWER TO SELI. I This sale will be raado in the exercise of the powers confe/red in two tnortg ufaa, ex ecuted by Oapt. James Creswell to the under signed, one dated March 81st, 1577, aud the other dated April 13th, 1878, and registered In Alamance and Orange Counties. The title is perfect. CaFCapt. James Creswell, who lives upon the promises, will take pleasure in showing the farm. -. -T . y J. 8. SCOTT, * W. C. DONNELL. E. 8. PARKER, ATTV, Graham, N. C., Dec 31,'81. [jan 2— tds, HAIR BALSAM. A perfect drear ing, elegantly per fumed and hann. ieu. Remove* dandruff, restores natural color and prevents baldness tO nnli and $1 tUe, tt druggUta. FLO22STON COLOGNE. An sxqnMUljr fm grmut perfnme with • iceptionally lasting ■ proyjlii. 25 sad 15 cent*. PARKER'S GINGER TONIC to Isvlf orating Medicine that Never Intoxicates This delicious combination of Ginger. Buchu, Mandrake, StiUingia. and many oilier of the best vegetable remedies known, cures all disorders of the bowels, stomach, liver, kidneys and hirgs, A is Tbs lest asd larast Cosgb Cars Ever Uu4. If you are suffering from Female Complaints, Nervousness, Wakefulness, Rheumatism Dyspep sia, age or any disease of infirmity, take Porkers Ginger Tonic. It will strengthen brain and body and give you new life and vigor. 10 O DOLLARS Paid for anything iniurious found iu Ginger Tpak or for a failure to help or cure. PAMPHFFr«E HiL Eradicates Dandruff, prevents its return, arrests falling out of hair, stimalates new growth, and pi events it irom turning gray. The best hair dressing iu the world. Ask the Druggist for it. Dn. J. A. DICKEY, Proprietor, Jan, 9. .44—lni. BTHSTOL, TBKN. Painless Eye Water Relieves inflamed or weak eyes at once. Cases In a few hours. For granulated lids nothing better. Ask for it and have no other. Da. J. A. DICKEy, Proprietor, Jan. 9, 44—lm. BaißTt TMrtv Sit V»ri«tl«« al C*bta|«; tfrfConi SOTCINA. ber J 41 of Melon; jj of Peas; «3of Beans; 1 1 of Squash; q or Beet and 40 of Tomato, with other rariede* In proportion, a large portion of which were grown on my Sve scad farms, will be found in my Vegetable and Flower S«e4 OttslMM for 18 MS. Sent FRSB to all who apply. Customers of la* Season need not write for it. All Seed sold ftoia By establish ment warranted to be both fresh and true to name, so fkr. that should it prove otherwise, I will refill the order gratis. Tbe trlfiaal Introdaocr of Early Ohio and Barbaak Pate, taess Marblehead Early Can, the llnbbard gquaafc, Marblehoad Cabbage, Pfclaaey'a Melon, and • score of other new Vegetables, I Invite the patronage of the public. New Vegetables a Specialty. J«bm I. H. flreioqr, IwblehMd, Ki» ALAMANCE CO.—ln the Boperlpr Court. Nancy E. Hacell Plaintiff. Against Gornelia Roney. Al fred Hazell, G. M. I Hazell, Margaret Summons for Relief. | Maynard, W. J, Murray and Mary • Special Proceedings J., his wife, John , Hazell, J. M. Tap- Petition for Dower. Scott and Claudia his wife, Robert 'Fauceti, Cornelia Faucett and M, C i Hazell, a minor, j . STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, To tbf dheriff of Alamance County Gruiingr Ton are hereby commanded, to summon Cornells Ronev, Alfred M. Hazell, Henry Hazell, Margaret Msvnard, W. J. | Murray and Mary J., nit wife, John Hazell, J. M, Tapsoott and Olaudia> Ms wife, Robert Faucett, Cornelia Faucett andM. 0. Hazell. a minor, the defendants above named if they be found within your county to sppear at the of fice of the Clerk of the Superior Court for the county of Alamanoe within twenty bne days —wice of this summons on them er clusivtr ci *n« day of such service, and answer the complaint which will be deposited in the office of said Cleri within ten days from the date of this summons: And let said defen dants take notice that if they fail to answer the complsint within that time the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demand ed in the complaint. Herein fail not ao4 of this summons make due returc. Given undeimy hand and seal of said Court, This sth day of December 1881. A.T4TR, ©.».©. «r AISSSSSM Osssir. Graham A Graham—Att*ys. 41—6w. LARGESTI CHSAPBST -STOCK OP HABDWABE ever offered In Piedmont N. C„ is for sale^by Harris fc Flippen, GKKBNSBOBO, N. C., Those wisiA§ lowest prices will do well by calling on us.,* . . In additlon'tO a varied and extensive line of other Hardware, we bave tor sale V 4 AM. AXH mt AM. PRICES. 1.000 lbs. Iran SHOE NAILS. 1.000 « Barse •• •• 13,000 " Steel PLOWS* too DM. HVIVGAIIIAIV IFAIF.S. 1* Gnm AXLIOBIBfIt si 7.30 p«r Orail. June 20, 1811, 81-ly. - GralMi Mnplet. TFOBRECTBD WHIKLT BT J* W. HifiDEN, * ■ Apples, dried, V1b.... Stos J green » bdshel, . k 1.50 to 8.00 3eatts Mixed V bushel 1.00 ! " White ¥ " 1.00 Buttet Vlb S5 Beeswax V lb 30 Bacon sides V tt> IBW " shoulders, VlO " hanv.................... litdlS Beef* lb ,"vv Black berries, dried,. 8 Bark, sasafras roots V to ......., 2%S>3 Cotfee V tb 19@18 Candles Adamutt V lb.; > ........ 15 Cloth, tow and cotton, V yd — 16a>20 Corn Vbush... LOO ChickonS Fryldg 10®1S Chickens er0#n...i...ii... 20 Cotton Inilnt, ¥ tt> ; lo Cottonin seed..... _ S Coal oil V rai...»...i 90 Cherries Dried Vlb » 15 seed SUl®3 Clover seed V !b Castings, old V lb 12 Ducks V Pair '. 30 Eirgs V dor. 80 Flour, fatally V bbl 7.00 " Saper V bb1............ 6.76 Feathers S tb »• 30®40 Hay » 100 1b..... 46 Hides, green, V lb • ~ dry, »lb.. If Lard* lb 14 Molases Cuba * gal. , 50@53 Meal, corn, * tb 3 Oats, seed * busa 75 Onions Vbu5h............ ~8.00 " sets V bush.... 8.00 PeasVbtuh 1.00 Potatoes, irt tb V b05h.......... 1.00 " sweet " 75 Pork * lb 7 to 8 Peaches; dtfed, peetod,. .. .. 10@30 " unpccied, ....... 10 Rags * tb 1U Aster' Oil V gal, 40 Salt flue V sack 1.05 " course 1.10 Wheat * bush. 1 50 Cabbage,!/.'t.5 -HOLT, XH WIN «* HOLD'S COLUMN. Go To ■> ' • ( f" i **T \ft *€ K " ~ * * irn mm *Em • « , ! - ifj»; V lV ■ , •F 0 R Dry-Goods, ©SSOGBBISig, i / n:o tion s, Hats an* C*pi, «. . • ♦ • • • '*? *■— ■—- boots &»»shoss 4 - ■ • T 1 J— TRUNKS —K D TALIS M 8 tt. BM8W&I S, *Cf /L A» « ' | " • a!i. . i' '. 'jjp vri f, ■ wwsmmmz GlasswarE, Orielerj Ae. Their stock is kept full. New arrivals every few days. Everything sold at ROCK BOTTOM PRICKS. Satisfactioa guaranteed. 4 -• •* 4 * COMPANY BH&toL N. 0.