.-i farmer' commenced frfahlhig in the Ddt(-i.bOrbopd of Oaks last week, ni,rifl Holt has returned to KpX and Mr. Jobu Williamson Ua gc ne Lowell. - j. . L a Things Abont Company Shops. tThese news Items were wmt or last week s iosue; but failed to reach us In Utile for publication. Thatki to the writer for bis kind- Paid when last pile Is 1! ill r . we nope to hear from him A house belonging to tU rairoaC M?M aught Are on ttf nfeVof tile 15.1,' ni? WU8 badly hnrnn1 . l . T ' P" .acuve exertion Prevented a bl; fire, at the house "stands' near ( h A Mini. ILik i'm - Capt. Thad Troy's chUdren have the measels tueir granamomer's, Mrs.Troy's. who the drum- . tiflngon. paiiilcr, comes before "TB uas more good things to eat than any E- A' 'card in another column. His otr place when, they stop. Dr. W. C.-Tarpley i ....ijip V'V"" . . ... mmmilitl.inil orkish'8 t McOanley offers a number of Liscmcnt appears In this 1st ne. Is in quite feeble health,-aud is confined entirely Capt. J. A. Turrcntine has built a barb wir e fence which is quite neat and very substantial. He says that it is just ihe thing, as nothing can get through or over it, and is not expensive, no will toll you all about it if you wunt to make one. Business on the rail road is lively " The freights are so heavy that it is difficult to move (What i" heaven'" best lo man?" e 2, sweetly sailing on him, "Dr, Bu'l's m qvruD " he replied, with prudence. He adjustbsen cured it of a bad cold f. .f, J.A ft bridge to be built across Haw 'River 'at j them promptly eyen with the great facilities of iiinmer 8 min jefor pro dvertisement, The building committee advers for its construction. See iThfi Tobacco Plant refers to Mr.Uobr ' Scott as "An ; ttn iwk. e guess that's a mistake. Mr. Scsott la a na of Alamance County and is the proprietor 1 Melville stock farm m inis county. Ufa lldVA hnrd both f)mocrafs nnrl pnblicans say that there Is nothing fetter for j . .. . T.. -D..11a r'fMtA'h UMim il.In A1J I Conffa tuan ur. us wj i " wu Wisble remedy never fails to cure a Omtgh or old st once, and ra.av be obtained at any drug hore for 25 cents a bottle. The latest arrival is a lot of new fnii trcaiJas. M. Turner's, it is attractive and bstantial, and will be sold at a short profit. ome and see and secure bargains. If ihe Vflsenr proRPfecfs hold out, there till be an abundant harvest this year. Much tore wheat was sown last Fall than nsuai, and ii all looking remarkably flue. Farmers are opeful L aylng , a , plenty, of bread to eat Ld tome grain to sell. . ; ; ; We are ir.'formrtd by one of onr ppn- tue compadv. Allou P; Mitclmll. '& nn m-n. youngster of ipurteen tears, is the telegiaph operator ; hut he understands his business Mr. J. U. Holt Has lust finished a Ann nw mail and biggage car that Would do credit to any establishment. Work Is well and neatly done here. Mr. Holt has charge of the wood wora department and Mr. W. H. Turrentine, the iron and machine y, aua It all rum like clock- vcr' . . , La Fayette Mills are being pushed to comple lion, and the spl.idles will soon be started. Sev eral shipments of goods have been made from Glencoe Mills. The siht of cotton bales 1 at the depot is rather odd. A good deal of tobacco is being shipped from here to Durham. A thresh ing machine recently arrived, is an indi cation that there will be whtat hereabouts next sums mer. .-. :-y . " -. .' " i IttAmtlED. PIOKETT-HO RNADAY On the, second Inst,, at the residence of Mrs. Raohel Homady, the bride's mother, by Rev, fsham Cox, Mr. W, T. Pickett, of Chatham County, to Miss Sarah C. Hobnadat, of Alamance County, COLOR HICKS. At the residence of Rev. L county commlssionsers, that the farmers in, Jolm tf.Co3t; the ; bfflciating clergyman, -Jfr; lis coanty have made more tobacco beds than sual, and have taken mOre eare in their prepa ition. As a result there, will probably be a lenty of plants for everybody. , Frank's letter hi -another column, is om one of onr boys, who has ft ho ,ie to lake afurtnne in the South West. We hope latle will succeed ; but we dislike the idea of win? our energetic yniHsr men leaye us to help lild up another State. Frank writes a good fetter. We hope to hear irom nun again. M. F. Color, of Surry: CoXiuty, to Mits Katb Hicks of Alamanceoiiuty. May happiness and prosperity atteud them. . C. P. R. Harden & Son keop consfanlly a hasd and for sale Zell's Ammoniated Bone uper Phosphate, for c rtton.' Also the eelebra ei Pocomoke Super Phosphate, for cotton, tc acco, aud all other crops, all of which will l.e old on as easy terms 'as a.iy other standaid 'ertilizers. . ; " : , ' We treqnentlv bear complaints of fail- re to receive the Gleaner until a number of lays after it Is due at Beveral offices. It is railed here in time to leave on the first mail af- r publication, and it invariably leaves Graham tat office bo time. The faults llei at the office f de'ivery. rThe fact that papers often present le appearance of having been taken out of the ra; per and read is evidence that 1 postmasters ther. lend them or. keep, them themselves until ley are ready to deliver them, The-remedy is itlie hands of the subscriber, H having been iled that.it is a good'and Bufflcient cause for re loral for a post master to allow persons not ubscribers to read papers that come to their 'ffices. We do our part. The subscriber must lohls. . . ' "... i Twonew inaOe graves In the cemetery t of town, remind us all that life is fleeting nduncertaio. But littln mnrn than a month Biro. ft. Alice Lee Hunter was in perfect health, . wir a prospeot ot long ilia as any , Nt disease nrnsti.nt4.fi ho. nA m Thnrartur h niath day of March, her spirit took its 'u irom eann to heaven. Sshe was trie Mjhter of Dr. John M. Jordan and L. T. WdlD. and WAR hnrn in Panil,llih Pnnnt.v en P lenty-fourth day of March 1869. She Ijjmarrwd to- John 0. Hnnter, J une 11th.- Nairn ahnnt It iiiuituiiD ' ot;u am vh e whole period of h. r Ulness; her faith in m never wavered, and in dying, she gave "deuce of a hope of a glorious resurrection ' remains were brought here for interment, I after a short atrvioa at. tlA onnri-h. she '" buried with he.- infant by her side. She was Hid and . . :f . Avuvic, . ram woman, loving who. flit more lflllfl .;A KnlaaoaH we dead who die in the Lord." MlCRTIVy n n ' . hfB. j u VODNTT UOMMI8SIONEK8. I "WO met in th Hnnrt nnnu ImoI Mnnrtuv. ordered that th Sheriff j.'t:" Hnnter. out Geo. Rogers to some good person for "wnths in accordance with the order of the VpeUdon "and others to ereci, two gates acroas the "road Reading from- Haw fields to Sandy ' ' Noti( was ordered to be given, aud April Jr? DPn 016 first Monday r B mUM 0f H' H' Wilkius, J. k. Wallace, 'Wdge and others, aid G. k. and N. ablvT0,11 8ndotllerS to erect gates across rads were granted. , M I ft?1" f the iury o IT oat a public IJ'l 4 Po'nt ia the Dublie road leadins Harmon Chni-nh t p.ii nir Mill. Kved, snd W. L. Spobn was appointed Lj-onofJ. A, 4fcCauley and others i o be known ti m: it -..nt 11 JO HO LI BUVlUi . A. H.n . . - "", w. w. summers ana ass U7ppornM The Bisd. HICKS On tlie 28th day of February, at the residence of her husband at Bellemout,' Mrs, .Task HieKs, wife of L. D. Hicks, in the forty eighth year of her age. Her sickuess, which was of long duration, she bore with-gi eat' pati ence and christian fortitude. Her husband and and eight children survive to mourn . her loss; but they mourn not as those who have no hope. She left behind her a bright testimony of her christian faith, and died in the full triumph of t ie gospel, exhorting husband and children to meet her in heaven. . j . Ventral Protestant please copy. C" Tribute to the Memory of a Dear Friend. age. ' -it : A J Bragg, 1 lot at 89 00. . J C Owen, I lot at 20 00. 1 lot at 40 00. l E Nuckles. 1 lot at sit 00, 1 lot at 45 CO. ' J P Lipscombe, 1 lo. at 88 00. Henry Irvine, 1 lot at 40 00, 1 lot at 49 00. : D E Irvine, I lot at 62 00- T J Saunderc, 1 lot at 40 00, 1 lot at 50 01. R N Hngbey. 1 lot at 24 50, 1 lot at 29 00, 1 lot at 42 00, Hot at 48 00. Tyler Clark, 1 lot at 35 00, 1 lot at 56 00. f B Barker, 737 lbs at 85 00 per cwt average. J C Neathery, 900 lbs at 88 00 per .cwt avers age. .... . . ... - ,, ' J D ShleldsrS lots at 24 50, 1 lot at 27 00, i lot at 4) ou. - " ' ' Alex Cunningham, 1 lot at 30 00, 1 lot at 33 00, 1 lot at 50 00. . . -4 J W Sharpe, 1 lot at 34 00. ' : d W Colemam. 1 lot 25 20. 1 lot at 33 00. ' A L Palmer. 4 lots at 2i 50 average. : , G W Colemar , 2 lots at 45 00. . Hodges t Weils, 1 lot at 15 50, 1 lot at 35 00, 1 lot at 47 00. Moore & Wilson, 1 lot at 28 00, 1 lot at 35 00 , J A Ftiigusi,n. 1 lot at 37 00. MrsMarihii Slavton, Hot at 23 50. 1 lot at 33 00, I lot at 4500. . , T H Craig. 1 lot at 19 50, 1 lot at 29 GO. 1 lot at 3o oo, 1 lot at 44 oo. ' ' T S Flournoy, 1 lt at 21 So, t lot at22oo, 1 lot mm no, I lot at 11 il Joies, I lot at 2S oo, 1 lot at 36 oo, at 37 oo, 1 lot at 4o oo. Hodg ;s & Walters, 1 lot ut 29 oo, 1 lot 3!) oo ' .. . J C Ragan. 1 lot at 3n oo, 1 lot at 52 oo. J H Motlev. 1 lot at 5o oo. ' ' A Y Chandler, lot at 25 oo, 1 lot at 29 5o, 1 lot at 56 oo. J S Robertson, 1 l.t'at 5o oo. I lot at 65 oo ! ' ' JW Barksdale, 2 loU at So oo, 1 lot at 4o oo 3 lot? at 5o oo, , K N Hughes, 2 lots at 2o oo, 2 lots at 35 oo, 1 lot at 41 oo, 1 lot at 6o oo. " - C W Jiaya, 1 lot at 48 oo, 1 lot at 67 oo. Grav ly Jfc Vaden, 1 lot at So no, 1 lot at 46 oo, C V Ragan. . lot at 89 oo, 1 lot at 15 oo. WH Kersy, I lot at 89 oo. ; - : X Suggested .Fauceite.J by the death of Mr. S. A, a committee to snperin- and eonstructioD of said H (libers and friends of the col- tv,l'n Cnnrch will meet at Oie church W-lT Tu,age, on 8atnri1iv ltnrn th 4th 4 ID til J eTa J . f montn' ln oc to lay off the "Ort - ui3( pjauii trees, nuu uu 4tn ywqaest all who have sub - iU,t. nP on that dav. The collector wnisens and request assistance. Oast 'Winrsr. Henbt Watsow Collector, A friend so fair has paesed away; ' Ii seems too short has been bis stay; ; ''J'is si' d so soon from hiu to part; The loss doth sorely pain the heart. ' Hip life was noble, grand, sublime, 1 - hpt cou'd not linger long with time. . Why he was called from earth so soon, E'er his lifothad ruacbed ite noon, . . , Is ill tlie mysteries of the past. ' We kriow tliat time doth often blast ' . Bright hopes and crush them in the dust, . Yet still In God we put our trust ' " " Tes'.he was loved, esteemed by all. But loved onts too In death must fall; No Bower on earth can keep them here, No word of loye, no bitter tear; But we must watch the fleeting breath And see our dear one s cold in death. Death's icy hand did on him fall, No warning gave, he heard the call; And where he stood, in death he fell,' With kindred ones in bliss to dwell, Deur ones, who loved him here btlow. : He's free from pain and strife and woe. Since God bath called his spirit home, In realms of love and bliss to roam, We'll strive to live a lL'e as grand, And Join vith Lint the angel band. The Lord oth give, the Lord doth claim. We'll ever praise His holy name Now we who still are left behind, Must ever keep th's thought in mind, ; That we ioo, soon must leave this world, Ap suddenly perhaps be hurled From time into eterni y, And know not when this call may be. Fricrds cease to grieve; he's happy now - Peace, joy and love are on bis brow. Ohl took to God aud now prepare To meet this friend in heaven so fair, For there he'll wait to welcome you, W hen you to earth shall bid adien. - . ' , Amicut dolens. Oakdale, N. C, Feb. 63. 1889 - - Tolly Friends and Patrons of Ala mance County: As 1 railed lo meet you and mingle my sympa thies, as well congratulations, witnyou during your last Superior Coert. which 1 intended snd fully expected to do, I feel it due to say to you through the columns of your valuable county paper, that it was not because I had forjfo.teu you or had lost any interest In you or j our section. not at aU. I cannot forget tuose whose liberal patronage it has been my good fortune to share In the past, ai d which 1 nope to share again in the near future. - It was because of the rush of wagons and friends from my county on Monday evening, who claimed my attention the nezt day, which prevented me from enjoying that pleasure which a visit to my Alamance friends gives me; and I hope you wl'l always bear o mind and remembei that I am still at the Farmers' Ware bouse where you will find me ready to gv you a' I the attention in my power la the sale of your tobaccos. We call your attention to the list ot sale, made wijh us, which add . MAI.KS M tDK If FARMER; ' WABaf. 1 H J Walters.1 lot at 1230, 1 lot at 14 00, 2Iota t 34 00. 1 l"t at 46 00, 1 lot at 51 00, 1 lot at 53 U0 1 lot 57 00, average 85 00 per cwt.. - . , k Th'os Stirling, 1 lot at 17 00, 4lots st 45 00 W T Hodnett, l3oo lbs. ai 3o oo yer cwt iuh at 29 00; 1 lot St 46 00. - V ' J - ' WD McGUl. 1 lot at 25 00, t lot STATE AND GENERAL. ' A Buncombe County man sold the to bacco grown or. (ne aire, for $451.05. Ci nines Winmnoham, one of the oldest citizens bt Randolph County, is dead. . I)r. Pancoast, ol Philadelphia, a physi cian ot national reputation, died last Tuestlay. . . , W, C. Snow, w'ho opened a shoe store in Greensboro, but did not advertise in the newspapers, has tailed, and now a trustee is advertising the goodi to be sold at cost lor the beniflt of ciedi tors. ; .' ' The revenue pfflcia's have broken np eight more illicit disiilleries in Uai.dolpb County. If the work goes on at the present rate, the Courier may have 0c casion to boast ere long, llml (here is not a blockade si.ll in ibe(cunty, jnd . ome nearer to the mai'k lhau it did' (be other time. .. ' ' Prof. J. M. KSmberly, who lived on Beaver Dam Road, some two miles from to v ti, whs fotiud dead in his bed last Monday morning. Proreseer Kimberly was we'll known iu (be Eastern part of the Stale, having at one Mine been one of the FscuMy of Chapel Hill University;. TJefhas been in tailing healih "lor some lime, but the immediate cause of his death is uot kr.owii, Asheville News. ' Thursday morning at one o'clock, the stai.loof WvL. 1J mil, in use by Ilallii-ur on and Yancey, was discovered to be on Are. 1 he fl lines had ; made such headwav wheu discovered, that it . was impossible to arrest their , progress,, aud the stable wiih all Ihe contents, includ ing lour horses, four bugsies, three car riages, harness, lornge, &c were . de stroed. The burning was T evidently the work ot au iucendiary . 2'o6acco Plant. "" u . ; : ;". ' A Patriot represeiila'iye visited all the taclories on Deep River, Randolph county, Insl.week,-and. saw demonstrat ed tha meaning of ihe worde,'thrift" and. "enterprise." Everything i moving nn der a full head of ' steam. We see here cottin manufacturing successfully estab lished, and bearpf new enterprises. 1' is hard lo forecast the future of this 8ec lion without npitarent extraTagance in aRsertioti . Greensboro Patriot. ' ' ' ' KM at 32 00, 1 J P Henry, one lot at 28 oo, one lot at 24 po, m lot at 39 oo. one lot at 6 oo. j W Reynold V lbs' at 20 00 per cwt aver-. HOUSE,. SIGN AND OR1XAMENTAL ,, PAINTER! GRAINING, GUILDING, KALSO M I KING, -TIJi riNG, - U BBLEIZI NG. FRESO-PAINTI.nG. PAPER-HANGING, and general DEOO HATING. Ceilings and Walls Tinted iq OU, Distemper, Spirit or Water Colors, r " fif .Satisfactioh guaranteed,' and work takeu in at lowest remunerative prices. All or Hw nroraotlv attended to. Address, Mar. IS. 8 3ra. Gbaham. ,N. C. BRIDGE TO BUILD. BT authority, the undersigjed will let to the lowest bidder the uilalng of si Low Bridge across Ha River, at the Jacob Summers Old Mill. The contract will be let at the place where the bridge is to be built on Saturday, the 18th day of March. 1S82.: Specifications can behad on application, to either of the underslgnedy af ter the 1 tth dav of March 1882. .. ? W. A. HALL, , . ' : A8A ISELEi , -; Build'g Com. GEO. W. SUMMER8.J ; , 3 ltime- i!-r5 ?'' ":'"'"'s COTTON AND TOBAGCO STAR BRAl?D,, , ; ' BAKER'S STANDARD, ' ACID PHOSPHATE, For Cotton. - . STAR BRAND, PlEDtfOT, ; ' " BAKER'S STANDARD," TACIFIC, ' ' ' SEA FOWL, v - ' 1 For Toba!co. ' ! - 1 For any of these popular brands of fertilizers, apply to . J. A. McOAULEY. S4m. ' Company 8hops. P. R. Harden. & Son kep n g..ol aPP.1 L the pnnlnc Farmer Fritnd Plows. Also tho Planter's Pride, and eastings for same. F dr first clash roda at low nrimtn nn to Cheap John at the Benbow House, Greens- i Harde & Son have last re- T T AT fP-aMeSi-fresh Fish, and a full line of Groceries. Uomeand try our Peaberry Roasted Coffee. n M"- Stranas, at the Bt-uhOw Hb.iae, Greensboro, keeps a large stockof Dry-goods. Hats, Boots and Shoes, &e. -:., , . , ' Don't forget to go to Btrunss whpn you go to ttreensboro. He will make it to your Interest to buy from bhn; Expekick the Bkst GcmKTho rcssnn why women everVwliere' uso PitrUer's Ginirer To:iic i,hee&use they have lenrnud tiy cx-peiiunc-e he best !riiide--ttiat this excellent medicine overcomea despondency, periodical heartache, in-liaestion, pain in , the back and kidneys., and other troubles of tlie sex. Homt Journal. 3VO riC!7, JVOT flniVK VET ! We will. say to our ci'stoinirs and frionds they will find us st the corner stoie, rectntlv occu pied by J. M. Turner. Our m;w Mo.:k f 8priinr Goods ivill be cominsr in soon. We will be pleased to have our fi lends call and examine our goods and pi icus. Many tha'iks for the very liberal patronaare In the p.ist. and hope bv honest, square duan;; o merit a reasonable share of the trade In the Tut are. Very Rotipeciful'v, JNO: J. LONG & CO.T When yoo cm.goin J. W. HabdksV and grt n pair of Socks for 10 ct-uts, a good pair of Shoes for Slfifl, a Hat fur 50 cents and a good Suit of Clothes for 7.IK a Poeket Handkr chief for 6 cents, a nice Cravat for 5 cents, and if you wjiut something fine you'ean be accom ida'ed at any priee: I have always on hand for Ladies a full line of Shawls. Cloaks, Scarfs, Hose, Hot p Skirts, Underskirts, Chemises, Balmoral Skirts, and as good a line - ot ' Dress Go ds as ever came to town, a full assortment of Zeigler Shoes and American Sewibg Ma chines. '':' '" .5 .: Fob tub Farmer Max, I have a good stock of Farmers' Friend Plows, ail sizes, double Shovel Plows, Plow Irons and Bolts, Wheat Drills. Evaporator with boiler and furnace, Mattocks, Sprouting Hoes, Picks, Shovels and Foi ks In fact anythlog the Farmer may want; aiso a full line of Carpenters' Tools and Build er's Hardware. . I pay the highest market price for all kinds of Coutry Produce. . i I keep on hand the largest assortment of Furniture in town. - J. W. HARDEN. I The great superiority . of DR. BULL'S COUGH , SYRUP over all other cough remedies is attested by the immense popular demand for thatj old established remedy. For the Cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma, Bron chitis, Whooping Cough, Incipient Consumption and for the relief of I consumptive persons m advanced stages of the Disease. " For, Sale by all Druggists. Price, 25 cents. Clothing and Hats -FOR I i . I trj - r Q ' Eli 1 1 it.. i a m u a 1 p - v 1 , ? i NEW BOOKS. ALBUM3, VASS, TOILtT : . BETS. , r CHRISTMAS A NEW YJLR CARDS f ,f ' i &o. - ;r Blum's Ainianc.es -FOR 1 8 82.- - s CHAS. D.YATES, -DEALER IN- Books, Stationory, and Fancy Articles, Dec. 5, Itftll, -ly. IS rabr, W. fj. TUB EOLT, &UWIK& HOLTS COLUMN, t ' Go To 1 s ft. Hi' fit: if HGLSi 5 Dry-Goods, LARGEST & CHEAPEST -STOCK, or- HARDWARE ever offered ln Piedmont N. C Is for sale lby Ilarris & Flippen, Obebkibors, N. C, r Those wising lowest prices will do well by calling on us. -. In addition to a varied and extensive line of other Hardware, we have tor sale . , T3D. AXtZSat AM. PttlCBS. J.OOO lbs. Im inOB Pf AILS. l.OOO nmwme " . . 13,000" M-MW. IOO Ds. IIVNUAHIAN NAK.M. IO Orwi AXLV OBIB4B at P GrMi. June 20, 1881, 21-ly. :;FpLEr """" ; Irish Potatoes for Seed, OAT J1JBAI., ' , uoninv,"-' .".-.-" , CORN BIB At A N D Ship Staff for Stock Feed, Also larti lot ot FINE PLANK and SCANT LING, ' ' ' ' ' SUOTT St DONNELL. PUBGELL LADD m, Wholesale Drnggi sts, llichraond; Va. 1ST O TIO 1ST S, Data and Capo, - OILS FOR FACTORIES, Peerless Safety Oils, fyiM'Ms Spmalta, . -- r ' Cylinder and Engine biitioiv -C :o: 9 All Orders v Proapllj Eiecated. Jan. 80, 47-(hnl . J ; Qrabaxa EXavlzcUy COBKtCtCU WIIKLT UI , , , J.W.niBDE.V, - Largest Slock in the Slate, ' LOVItT PRICES CCABABTBKD. GENTS'HOEA SPECIALTY 1 8ave money by 'examlnlnir our STOCK and prices tiefore hsying elsewhere. Jan, 2, 4S-tf ( ifiO, N. C. Apples, dried, ? tb.... " green V bushel, Beans Mlted bushel. White V " r Bnttei TP thr . . at. neeswax r w.. Bacon side T u...... .... " shoulders, VD..... ii - I ReefVlb. j black berries, dried,... ... . i Hark, sasafras roots ? lb ICotfee V tt . .. ! Candles Adamant V B... . v I Cloth, tow and cotton, V yd. , i Corn V bosh. Chickens Frying Chickens rrown Cotton inflnt, 9 lb Cotton in seed..... .... ... Coal oil V gai Cherries Dried? ft.... . eed , Clover seed ? lb . . . . Castings, old V lb...... Dncks V Pair Egge ? doa..;.. Flour, family Vbbl.... . " Saper V bbl.... Feather &.. Hay V 100 Hides, green, V . lb.. ., dry,- "9 lb . LerdVlb ...i.... Molasses Cuba ? gal. Meal, corn, V lb Oats, seed V busu..,. , unions V bush.... . " sets V busb Feas V bnsh Potatoes, irt ill V bush, - - - " sweet ' . .. Pork? lb Peaches: dried, peeled, " ' unpeeled,r Rags?lb Aster Oil ? eal . Salt fine ? sack... - coarse. .... j Wheat V bush. Oabbage....... .... w.m m .. '- hum 9.00 . ,1.00 1.00 85 W IS to 15 45 8 2WSS 1518 15 1620 1.10 lViOO 20 JO t SO 15 TRUNKS 1 .--AH VAL IS E 8 &c. .i t- l' ' S ' M 17 ; c .. .. GlasswarE; 20 7.80 7.00 80&40 4S 5 n u 60no 75 2.00 4.00 1.25 1.75 1.00 7to8 1030 10 Hi 40 1.15 1.10 1 M . C m- Their stock is kept full. New arrivals every few days. yerything sold at Rock Bottom Prick s," Satisfactio i guaranteed. - - 0O2IPANT JBCC- N. C.

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