Sell your Tobacco at Parristi & Biackweffa Brick Wn iwi..,m. jy. c , jou caii gist ilia iesi acco;a idallo j and hlglicst prices Paia w&ki last pile L soM T H E GLEANER. GRAHAM. N. C, APRIL 24, 1882., lloppenlngrs at Home, The Gleaner will hereafter be pub lished w Thursdays. Farmers are busy now. jlr. Jas- H. Holt is having his dwell lag roofed with tin. - Holt, Er win & Holt are- gettiug in a floe stock of goods. We yield considerable space to corres pondents tbia week. TCfliid the Hardware advertisement o( H. F. Vass & Co.. Loafers in GraMm are scarce-now, . they are getting other employment. - Bead Holt, Erwin & Holt's advertise ment in anothef column. a new lt of nice fnrnilure has just been received by Jas. Ma Turner. . Mrs. A. Tale has beon quite sick for several days but Is now improving, Senator Ransom is dne our thanks for various favors in the way of speeches sent us. Mrs. It. S.' Hnnter and Miss Mary Albright were in Raleigh last Thursday and Triday. a i 1o moot llinrn wra Tint nn idle horse In town the, "pply at the livery stables was exhausted.. If you have a good work horse to sell brine him to W. L. Hunter who will be found ,t the Sheriffs office, We call vour atlentioti to the adver tisement of J. V. TrolHne er, dealer in No. 1 Jeruvlau Guano and Star Brand Fertilizer. Be certain to read S. A. White's Machinery advertisement. Call on him or write to him. He is agent for 3rst class articles. Sash, Doors. Blinds, and all kinds of Hardware at H. F. Vas fe Co's. Fonroar loads of iron ore from the TTfll nfl.HnH tlila nlriA a Yaw 1U1UVD .1 0 " . i .:--- . f - I ' it days ago en route for some point in Pennsylvania.-" BOV.n on rats.1; Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies, ants, bed bags, skunks, chipmunks, gophers. 15c. Drug gists. . . W " :. The Editor will attend the Prem Con tentlon' this weekr-it -convenes at Elizabeth City, and will not return before 8aturday even- Tatp & Co.. of Mebanevllle, begun the manufacture of smoking tobacco some ten days ago, and have received some orders already , one for a thousand pounds. . . ., , . V The editor is not responsible tor the view of correspondents, but nothing will ever see daylight through the columns of this paper unless the teal name of the writer, is known. Mr. R. A. Noell has plates of the latest New York styles of suits. The Spring styles are elegant, to say the least. Call at his tailoring shop and examine, them, and let him Inta irnnr arAar tnr A nl An an It. of clothes. m mm mmmiMT, mm m vim m. .ft Quick, complete cure, all annoying Kidney, Bladder, and Urlnpry Diseases. l. uruggists. " : We learn that Rev.' J. N. Garrett has resigned as Principal of Friepdshlp Academy for reason that are considered justifiable. This Is to be regretted, for he was doihgf a good "; work and was a good teacher. Beauty Regained. The beanfy and eolor of the hair may be softly regained by . uslnsr Parker's Hair Balsam, which Is much ad mired for ts pcrfrime; cleanliness and dandruff eradicating proprieties. The Edior of the Sunday School Worker, Rev. Pressley Barrett, spent laf t Tues . day In town, and during his stay called on us. We were glad to learn that the Worker is re ceiving that support which the earnest efforts ot the Editor entitle it to. t Paint your houses, while.wash yonr fences, sweep your yards and put everything ' about your house, Inside, and out, in order. Don't wait for nature to do all. She is dressing ' the field and forest anew, acd will be too busy , to do these little things for jou. Tesrean. Petfv & Co. are offering .!; Special bargains in Hosiery and White Goods. Cochaco, Pacific and Merrlmac Lawns No. 1400 at & cts.' per yd., H'dk's at 50c, 75c and $1.00 ' per doz. Tom White, of Alamance Uo , solicits , orders for the house and guarantees satisfaction. The 'fixtures of the well north of the : court house arc out of repair and have been for some time. 81nce the coming of warm weather water is more in demand, and it is high time this well be put la order. It is hoped the Commissioners will give this matter attention. Mr. Junius H. Harden, ot the firm of P. R. Harden & Son, has just returned from the i northern cities and has bought one of the larg est and most complete stoak of "roods that has . ; ever, been' offered to the public In this place. . Such enterprising men as Messrs, P. R. Harden " & 8on will commaud aJiberal share of th pub- .' lie TJAtmnntfrA ' T1 m A -nrAll fAriivA anjl " we their slock before buying. j The annual report of the N. C. Agri ,. cultural Experiment Station for 1881 , has been received. We hare only been able to give It a cursory examination.. It is a pamphlet of about 175 pages. It contains a history of the station and , -i i.i fertilisers, marls, soils, water, Ac, which ' should he of interest and claim more attention : than heretofore. ' . Scott & Donnell have commenced the work pieparatory to building thuir cotton fac ;' tory. The well is heinp Antr and the brick '; yards cleaned off". Now let our tobacco maun-- facturers- put oa more steam, ad those who have surplus capital build other factories," and & years Graham will have changed into a " Hye business town. JW were In Durham last week. The :"oaoc trade was not as lively as it had been tto or four weeks previous. Parrlsh & ; fwltwell were In good spints, as they should 'be, for they have Bold a slgbt of the weed lately. r.E. C. Haokney, one 'of - the editors of the HeoeirrlM- i. , i .. . . . ' u . nnav DiA.tiAna.Finff n a ii.b n juraiiy bee In his bounei. Hope he will . uui ahead, he's a Ana fellow and will ' "wCw efflcient officer, . FONVILLE MITCHELL. At the late resi dence of T. R. Mitchp.ll, dee'd. On the 19th of AprU, by E. C. Murraj, J. p., Mr. G. L. Fo viixa to Miss MATTi-J.-MwCHSL7all ol The county of Alamance. The Publihers of the Richmond, Va. JSnquMtr heartily recommend Dr. BuU's Cough Syrnp and says : 'It has been well tried iu our office and composing room, and has cured our city editor of a very bad case of Bronchitis. 11,li?m, L Lon- of I-ogs Mills, Randolph County, was in town last Saturday and.called in to see us. We were glad to make his acquaintance, personally. He is well krown in this county and before the war was the leading lawyer at the Alamance bar. The violation ot any of nature's laws brings its warning by the feeliny of discomfort. Exposure will induce colds, throat diseases, conaumptlonetc, all of which give warning by a troublesome cough. Lse Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup iu time, aiid remove both the causes and effect of yonr discomfort. Nothing contributes so much to the success of a newspaper as a goc d list of baying subscribers. If you can't take our word lor it come up and subscribe for the Gleaner, and pay off the old score. Plenty of good whole some food and currylug will make a horse sleek, active and viyacious. Do you see ? A farmor of Wake County has this notis' posted up in his field : 'If any man's or woman's cows or oxen gits in these here oats his or her tail will be cut oS, as the case may be, . I am a Christian, and pay mi taxes, but darn a man or woman who lets his or her crit ters mn at large.' Evening Visitor. That fel-1 low wants every "man or woman" to keep up "his or her critters." Evidently he Is in favor of a stock law. Do you always look over our adver tisements ? If not, do it. They tell you what Is for sale and wLo has It, and by this means you are saved the time and trouble of going to a dozen different places, trying to find the thing you want. Those who read the advertisements always make the best trades. And another matter we call to the notice of our readers, it Is this : Don't grumble because your -paper has a few more advurtisemeLts and a little less read ing matter in it about this time of the year, when a vast majority of the people are more in terested in finding out where they can buy the best goods and other things needed than what happens in Patagonia, Belloochietan, Kamchat ka, or some other distaut country equally un Impo.tant so far as we, here in Alamance, ate concerned, SKINNY MEN. "Wells' Health Kenewer" restores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence, Sexual De bility. $1. STATE AND GENERAL. The fruit crop in Indiana, Ohio, Ken tuckey and Virginia received serious injury by trost, A mill to cost $500,000 is to be erected at Wuldon, N. C, by liobert Peeples, of Northampton County. $4,123,000 have been recommended by the House Committee for the improve ment of the Mississippi River, Barnum's monster elephant, Jumbo, is the most noiable arrival (bat has reached New York port iu some time lie has cost $30,000 already. Ro8coe Conkling has a brolhcr, Fred A. Coukling, who is favorably spoketi of in connection with iho nomination tor Governor of New York on the Democrat ic side, ' . . - We 'earn from the Torchlight, that T, Liawton Williams died a' h.s home in Finning Creek township; Granville, Co, on the 9th iust, at the advanced ige of 87. years. That Oxford will Have a lady photographer set up in that town in a short while. Her name isMrs. Davissno. Durham Plant: From the first of April , 1881, to the first of April, 1882, Parrfeh & Black well paid to the R. & D. U. JR. Co., on freights received at this point, $19,958.07. Is there a firm in the stale that can beat it? On Saturday night, the 8ih instant, Mr. Wm. Bianley dad a fine young mare killed by the train between Durnam and Chapel Hill turnout. Farmers Irom the southeast ern part ot Durham County tell ' us the wheat is taking the rust. At the recent term of Orange Comity Superior Court Frank W. Roberts was convicled ot the shnder of a y oung lady. Judge Graves sentenced Roberts to two years confinement in the county j dl. Motions for new trial and arrest of judge ment were overruled. Defendant apo neaL'd to the Supreme Court and gave bond in the sum ot $1,500. Tne injured girl was declared bv the jury 'o be pure and innocent of the vile charges which ' was in accordance with the testimony, j The Richmond and Danville Railroad Company's statement ct the earnings of the roa(fTr tnssirinonihseinliiigr March 31, 1882, is as follows : Gross earnings, $2 023,877.18, which. Is au increase over the six mouths ending March 81, 1881, of $212,022: expenses for the six months ending March 81, 1882. $1,212,738.82, being an increase ot $170,000 over same period last year. The net earnings tor the six months just ended are, therefore, $810,638.36 an increase of,$42,031 over .... the six uootitns enuing xuarcn ox, oo. As will be seen, the expenses are very litttefliote than 50 per cent, ot the gross earnings. Richmond State. A Brr of Histort: About 108 years ago the mother ot Mr Ehffw B. Hester, whdtfiedwme weeks ago, moved frorn Gianvllle to this county and brought ii her pocket a walnut which she planted iu the yard, now known as the Elnah B. Hester place. This walnut soon sprouted aud grew to be a very iaree tree, and in the year 1872 was cut down, sawed into lumber at the old Kerner mill, and purchased by our townsman, Mr. Jonn F. Plunkett, for $22.50. Mr. Plunkelt used a portion of this lumber in making a bureau, which is now in his furniture store and contains 180 pieces, 13 of which can be handled separately. The top leaf of the. bureau contains a lead ball, supposed to iVeigh about one ounce and was found when sawing about 14 inches from ihe bark of the tree. The kh ia nnnr visible, showing half n'ze uni " " ' . . .. i alter the work is polifhed and, wen iiu-1 ished up.- KerMfsvilb Jfews, 1 Milllnerr. Mrs. C. P' Albright St Co. are now receiving their Spring millinery. It is cheap and at tractive. They respectfully ask their friends and customeis to call apd examine prices and qaal ity beforpyuichaBiag elsewhere. Apr. 3,6 4w. The Distinguishing Charm. A de hghtlul fragrance of freshly, gathered flowers and spices is the" distinguishing charm of Floreslon Cologi.e. c New Spring Goods. P. R. Harden & Son are receiving new and complete assort ment of Spring goods, consisting of. Ready Made Clothing, Ladies and Gents Spring style Hats and Shoes. Thpse goeds we have made a speciality of the season. , How to Save. AH hard workers are subject to bilious attacks which may end in (langerous illness. Parker's (linger Tonic will keep the kidneys and liver active, and by pre ventiug the attack save inuuh sickness, loss of time and expense. Delay at such times means danger. Detriot Press. See other column. NOTIiCB, NOT GONE VRT ! We will say to our customers and friends they will find us at the corner store, recently occu pied by J. M. Turner. Our new stook cf Spring Goods will be coming in soon. We will be pleased to have our friends call and examine our goods and prices. Many thanks for the very liberal patronage in the past, and hope bv honest, square dealing '.o merit a reasonable share of the trade In the future. Very Respectfully. JNO. J. LONG & CO. DONTCOIHPI.Al!V OF HARD TIMES, YOUNG DlAPT, When you can go to J, W, Haedkn's and get a pair of Socks for 10 cents, a good pair of Shoes for $150, a Hat for 50 cents and a good Suit of Clothes for t7.B0, a Pocket, Handker chief for 5 cents, a nice Cravat for 5 cents, and if you want something fine you can be accom odated at any price. I have always on hand for Ladies a full line of Shawls. Cloaks. Scarfs, Hose, Hocp Skirts, Underskirts, Chemises, Balmoral Skirts, and as good a line ot Drejs Go'ids as ever came to town, a full assortment of Zuigler Shoes and American Sewing Ma chines. For thr Farmer Man, I have a good stock of Farmers' Friend Plows, all sizes, Double Shovel Plows. Plow Irons and Bolts, Wheat Drills, Evaporator With boiler and furnace, Mattocks, Sprouting; Hoes, Picks, Shovels and Forks In fact anything the Fanner may want; aiso a full line of Carpenters' Tools and Build er's Hardware, I pay the highest marftet price for all kinds of Coutry Produce. " I k?ep on hand the largest assortment of Furniture in town. . ' J. W. HARDEN. NOTICE . I AM now prepared to take orders for - the GENUINE NO. 1 Peruvian Guano, s - .... ' guaranteed to contain 10 per cent Ammonia. Examine my samples and you will be con vinced it is GENUI E. I also have a large stock of the celebrated Star Brand for TOBACCO. PRICES ; Pbrdvian, jc per lb, Stab. $46 " ton, - Tour Friend, Apr. 24. 9 4t. J. F. TROLLINGER. YiTigan, Petty dCo. Headquarters for all Kinds of HAMBURG, NAIXSOOK, CARRICKMA- CROSS AND SWISS EDGINGS. Insertings and En broideries, all kinds, and novelties in Cotton Trimmings, Tuckings. Puffings, Ruffling! Colored Hamburg EDGINGS. The largest stock and greatest variety of all kinds and novelties in White Goods SOME SPECIAL BARGAAINS IN CHEAP VICTORIA LAWN. In fins Scotch and Soft Mull, and India Lawns and muslins a great oargain in sheer, soft finish, 123x120. CAMBRIC, Red and white, black and red; green nd red, while and gieeu. yellow, green and red, gray. .. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED LINIEN AND TURKEY BED . DA9IAIK9, and Napkins and DoylicS to match. Those who buy of ns save money. For sale cheap at YEARGAN, PETTY & CO'S., Raleigh, N.C, The great superiority of DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP over all other cough remedies is attested by the immense popular demand for that old established, remedy. i For the Cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness. Croun. Asthma. Bron- rhiHs.Whoorjinsr Couch. Incipient Consumption and lor tne reiiei oi consumptive persons in au van ecu stages of the Diseaseror Sale by all Druggists. Price, Za cents. MACHINEM ! IHAVE the Ager-cy for tha Counties of Alas mance, Orange, Person and Caswell, to sell the machinery named below. I ask the farmers of these counties, that may wish to purchase first-class articles, to write to me, or call, on me for information as to prioes fco. I will sell the SWEEPSTAKES THRESHER, VIBRATING THRESHER, BUCKEYE MOWER and REAPER, MONITOR ENGINE, TIGER RAKE, RANDALL HARROW, and TRIUMPH DRILL. I ill furnish all repairs for any of the above gieccs' of machinery. As I do not keep them on and, but order as may be needed, I ask any one who may desire any ol these articles to give me their oider at once that they may not fail to get them.- - . No one need be told that the Sweepstakes :' ' ; and Vibrating Threshers stand at the HEAD bf the list of Threshers. 8. A. WHITE, Apr. 24, 9 tf, Mebanevllle, N. C. Ill G OLD SB OR O, If. C, call special attention of every one wishing Tin Roofs Put On. We will do their work ai Rock BOTTOM PRICES, and WARRANT all we do for any reasonable length of time.- Wc use nothing but BEST Charcoal Tin, and have the best of Hands, We have ail the Roofing of our city, and do a large business. We respectfully solicit a correspondence of H concerned. Very Respectfully, i BURCH BROS.. AprU 17, 8 6m. " Goldsboro, N. C. 1- iiu BIl HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER! fJRAININO, GLAZING GILDING, KALSOM1NIKG, TINTING, MARBLEIZ, PAPER-HANG ING, and general DECORATING. Ceilings and Walls Tinted la Oil, Distemper, spirit or water uo lore. Satisfaction guaranteed, and work takeu at lowest remunerative prices. All or ders promptly attended to. Address, Mar. 18, 3 3m, G a ah am, N. C Notice of Dissolution ! THE FIRM heretofore existing btwera the undersigned under the name of Eldridge & Kernoflie, uttiis day dissolved by mutual con sent. J. D. Kernodle willcontlnue the business. and will collect and receipt for all accounts due the firm, and pay all demands against the same. T. D fcLUKlUUK, J. D. KERNODLE. April5, 1882, 7-flw. MILLINERY! eti HBS. B. W. HAMLET, MILLINER AND MANTUA-MAKER I f One door West of J. L. Scott's Stort, Has just received and Is now opening a betutl ful and well selected stock of Millinery Goods, CONSISTING-OF HATS, BONNETS, FLOWERS OF ALU KIND. PLUMES. LACES, SILKS. 8ATIH. COLLARS. FANS, UKNA.M&JMTH. KIBBUKrt. HUAKKS, AND IN FACT EVERYTHING KEPT IN A FIRST-CLASS MILLINER! . 1 Invite the ladies of the vicinity to call and see my stock pf goods before buying elsewhere, as 1 intend to spare no time to keep in stock all of the latest btjle goods, which will be told at a living price. - r v aIoa that T trittnrl tf An It li-ln of Mantua Work, in the latest styles. Such as f Cnttlno- a.nd Fttintr Dresses. Makinir Dreasea. ' THmlng Hats, Ac., Ac. Be sure and call before purchasing, as I intend to devote my whole time to please uiy custom ers, both in iiLS and rjuvc. April 6, 1882, 7 tf. Cotton and Tobacco STAR BRAND, BAKER'S STANDARD, . ACID PHOSPHATE, For Cotton. STAR BRAND, PIfJDVIONT, BAKUR'S STANDARD, PACIFIC, SEA FOWL, -" i For Tobacco. For any of these popular brands ot fertilisers, apply to J. A. McCAULET. S 4m. Company Shops. LABGESTT CHSAPEST STOCK OF HABDWARE ever offered In Piedmont N. C.,' la for sale by j Ob iixib o ro, N. C, BOLT, EKWIK A BOLTS COLU&ty. .JJ(UMIIM I THE GREAT" ELEPIIIil! IS COMING ; and;; Those wising lowest prices will do well by calling on us. . - In addition to a varied and extensive line of other Hardware, we have tor sale TSDM.AXBS HAM, FBICB. 1,000 lb,. Iran Ml OB WAIIiS. l.OOO " BsrH siei PiiOfrtj.' 100 . IIVNGaBIAN ITAII.H. lO Gri AXLE GBEB1E mt T.40 per OrMu V' ' ' June 20, lS8t, 21-ly. , PURCELL LADD k CO, Wholesale Drnggist s, llichmond; Ya. Holt, Irwin & Holt Are Coming WITH A HANDSOME 8TOOKOF '3 KKEgINE-(D)lIL( OILS FOR FACTORIES. Peerless Safety Oilsr BpinDU iU Specialty. Cylinder and Engine (iilPI a f ii is e :o: All Orders Promptly Executed. Jan. 80, 47 6m. Fertilizers ! ' iiM. i..v n...j r.ii.. v.sii.. .i Jj omnm auvuur ifranu wiiva ffcruiixr mm Graham Station. 200 at Hebacreviile Price s)40 per ton, cash, or 400 lbs. lint Cotton. Apply to A. T. WUlTSETT, Graham, 8. A. WHITE, 6 tf. Mebanesvilk. , Dissolution ! THE bnsli.ess relations heietotore existing between the undersigned are by mutual con wnt dissolved, J. A. Tate retire, having sold his entire interest In stock of merchandise, to bacco, leaf and manufactured, tobacco and wood-working Machinery, and the "Tried and True" trade-mark. In future the name and style of the Arms will be tcott Bros., Merchants, James Edmln Scott, Tobacco Manufacturer. J. K. 8COTT Mebaneyllle, V. C, R.W.8COTT, Apr. 17, '83, 82t J. A. TATE. $25 Reward I I WILL pay the above sum for the appre hension of (he Individ isj or Individuals who broke 1du my smoke-house and stole my bacon last Tuesday night, April, 11th The evidence must be sufficient to convict to entitle any one to the reward. J. O. ALBRIGHT, I Apr. 17, 8 1m. ... ' . ' - v. v ; INCREASE OF ! CAPITAL STOCK ! TT HAVING been certified to Ihe dd - ders cued. that at a ceneral meetinir of the tnckholdera of LaFayeite Mills, held at the effice of the Company, in the town of Company Shops, on the 8ih day of April, 1882, at which ill the stock was represented' by the holders thereof, except one ehare. it was resolved that the capital stock ( said Sompany bebiereaaed to thirty-five toousaod dollars, the ircreaje to be in shares the par value of one hundred dol lars .each. Everv ahars of atnrk end everv stockholder voted for the resolution save one snare oi sioca owneq oy one sucnoiuer. Notice of raid increase of capital ' stock is cereoy (riven ana ooKs or subscription thereto autnorzta to oe opened , van at onice id Graham, April 17, 183. .A- TATE, O R. C. , 8 w. , "... . . Alamance County. :0: Prices low down to meet the hard times. Crops last season, everybody knows, were very poor, and it stands to the inter est of the people of this County to buy to their 'best interest.' See Our Good AND . TT.L1. m.mI In WIMIi IU Ana orpniao iu w wi -- ra,16enrer BMW to rtlents In mil vmxt j THOUSANDS fii taMnin carad. N ol Ue country. Or. r. & nnth qulicy , iuctt. r uul tarrf, VnA tim-uia, Mw,; iiARIT-iq.2o Hear Our Prices; And he Convinced. We call special attention . to our immenso stock of : H'OTIQH. 5 Consisting of new Styles f ' . ' ': J'-.-' - ; Ladies Neck Wear, -DRESS TRIMMING, 40., 0. We are Agents for the Popular ; Anchor Brand amp.,, : COUFAHY SHOW, C,