- - in miwiwn win i iii m Hi I' ' 1,11 l""IJl1 " HlWWlBII Jl'Milal.Tf - "TUrnl II V- m I1 Ai 1 u raMiaggMMBanaH8gaMnHMMnMBttaaMMWwB TliK Or L E A UN K li UK AH M.?T LVOct. 5,-1 m rxt Ininouiikmunt. nn wlilph llnldrtn win uertiidiKiil ciiairiuau . wim .t , U I lll6tj.- Xfa was ni;iiivi9u uu sua uisu ' MAAaviflfail in tliA t li ar. imnnrr fcWU BUU WOIIVTOI WI-V v... j.j.u.it.g W. 6. ctai ru'o I mil of order be was not awem ber of the convention, not Ulongiug 10 1 those who "voted orfg-iilsj,,; oa the J. I), KKKNODLE, Editor. L i ..... . I Democratic Stale ticket. TO COSOKESSMiH AT LiBGE: J?IS MSN TYLER BENNETT, of Anson. 0R CONGRESS. , ."' . 6fDi.-imFiU 3f, SCALES, of Guilford S POR SCWIEMH COURT JUDOH rJfJf4S -8 UFFIN'of Orange. for juioes: W Dis. - JAMES E. SHEPHERD,, of Wash- UnDis.-FREDERICKPniLLIP8, of Edge ZdHs? A L LMA ND A. McKOY, o f Sampson. 4th IXs. 'JAMES G. Mac HA E, of Cumberland 5th his.-JOHN A . GILMER, of Guilford m. Dis WILLIAM M. SUIPP, of Meckhn- &urJ- ; FOB SOLICITORS! 1st Dit.-JOk H. BLOUNT, of Perquimans. 2d ms.- mLx.iAM 0. BO WEN, of A'orth- idaDUS WIFT a ALIO WAT, of Greene. Aft. THx JAMES in .vol ran. vj W Dis.FREVJe N. 8TRUDW1CK, of MhTis FRANKl7oSBOJRNEt if Mecklen bur a. AU of the above nominees will be voted for throng!, out the State except the Solcltor. AUhoou is about being buibuwi up in Virginia. They are now at. work on his toe naiR VVe never heard of such a thorough examination of a politician before, however we nrmh preier ineir (.ur . haye oary compjeted the West making it. - the ring, It is said to have been a warm and boisterous time among those who knew ot the clans and those in the dark. Evi ry thing was carried through in accor dance with the instructions received from the Collector's headquarters. general State Expenses. The tabulated statement now bofore, us, taken from the records ot tho Blate Treurer's office, gives the State eipen ses from 1868 to 1882. It shows that the Democratic parly, with largely increas-. ed objects of State expense, have I on the State government ou leg than one-. half the money used by the Radical ad ministration. With no public charities on their hands in 1870 but the insane asylum at Raleigh and the white asylum for the deaf aud dumb ami the blind at Raleigh (which together cosl $100,000) "he Rad, icals required for the State government the enormous sum,, ot one million one bundled and 8evonleeii thousand one hundred and sixty dollars and forty lour cents tor the year ending Septem ber 30th, 1870. V The Democratic administration have completed the unfinished State peuiteri- The Tariff Commission was in Wil miLgton last week, making some en quiries. The work that this commis sion is doing will not result in any good. The members are having a free ride through tne country and getting paid for it. They care but little about our peanuts or any thing else. Same of our readers may not know that this commission, was appointed" purposely to g't rid of doing anything with the tariff. This is the unvarnUh. ed truth. A pretense is , now being made to gather faoU (pr future use in dealing ; with this question. ' But the real Oppose of this coniniinsion was to v ;Vy n Pbfi'tacle in the wny of any re- '& htkn er!y day. : An atteir.pt to break up a speaking at Lmi-Jaster, South Carolina, last Wedues 1. jesulied in a riot. Col." Cash was sIhii i P)0rtKii!i( when a negro k t"'i I it i won I at nun. wincu d ..;! i itial tor Hie attack and 4 -ii vie uu W'l i .ura.Mi.i 1 1. k ti if ineii. 'I le , V- l.ieiiiiue. - Kiritsi ii e it I K tolloWLit. .r.fM'M'f re killed "lit riuht aiuj vlip'r Iiiim1 sinee diedjfroiu their 'Tiie neitrne1 oulnuinbereu V 1 l I sw ern insane asylum at Morgantcu; have built the Eastern insane asylum at Golds boro for the colored insane? and; the colored institution lor the deaf Vand dumb and the bliud at Raleigh, and have supported them all, except the Morgan! on asylum, by au annual approX priation for each of (he said iiiilitiuions, together with the other institutions in existence under Republican rule, tor an average annual expense of not exceed ing $520,000, or less than one-half of fbe expense of (be State government under the Radicals iu 1870. lu addition this record shows that ont of said expense, the Democratic party has made large appropriations to the construction of the Western North Caro lina Railroad, the Cape Fear aud Yad kin Valley Railroad, (he Oxford Orphan Asylum; paid the interest on her bonds lor the Western North Carolina Rails road aud on tho Stale, debt, and, ont of the same fund, inaugurated and proyid ed tor normal schools for while and blark. Since 1870, the Democratic rd minlstrition have erected the following chbii'ublc iusiitulioiig; WeaU'i n x 'i vi UIIU. the whiten three to one but uotwiih Uiandi'.K the if rekt odd against , ihe whit!s"nV'iie w kilieti. It is a gtea plly thatVa riot aud lilfe between the two races should occur. The whites aN "'Vsy come oat ahead. The negro in T ill" ignorance cannot nndef staud thls, but be should learn a lesson. i - O: ll. Deckiry, the Republican nom inee for Congressman at large, while Id Congress about ten years ago, bor. rowed $15,000 of B. F. Butler, for which be cave his note signed by sure ties that were of no account. In other words it was clearly the intention ot v Docker y not to repay the . borrowed money, A lew mouths ago. while Mai. Bingham was in the Stale of Massachu setts, Mr. Butler donated this note on Dockery to the Bingham School for the education ot poor young raeu in the South. Will Dockery Lave the man hood to redeom Ibis promise to pay, or will be cheat the poor young men that need education to badly , out of (bis sum and appropriate itjo bis own benefit. Will young men who are eutilled to a share ot this moey vole for a man who is depriving them of the priceless boon of an education? We tbiuk not. if they ever felt the need ot education. Vote ,. for Bennett, an honest, Jusl and capable : man. . : . Insane Aslum, Inch cunt Eusteru Insane Asylum (colored,) , which cost Colored IiiBiiintiou for tho Deal and Dumb and the Blind at Raleigh. K. Addition to White Instilus ' tion lor ihe Deaf and Dumb and ihe Blind at Raleigh, $265,000 00 73,599 19 15,000 0" 7,000 00 . , $360,599 19 Other expenses for Permav ? ,, nent Improy emeu is: , For Western N, C. R. R., to date ot sale in 1880, ' 141,832 83 For Cape Fear hnd Yadkin . Valley R. R., ; " 80,000 00 $532,432 02 ' And all theso things were done with rato ot taxation one and two-thirds cents on the hundred dollars worth of proper ty less than it was in 1878, and jast half the RadiceJ tax of 1869. . J. W. Harden declines the Repub lican Nomination for the House. D. W. Mich a el, t Thos. Duck, ; - Secretaries Republican C ivention. Gemis, . On my return from Balti- fiisi Article was John A. Gilmer, while L, C. Edwards voted "guilty" on them. Iloldeu had made hiturelf very odious to the dowoerats, but notwithstandiue this when he was on trail Gilmer acted as an unprejudiced Judge and voted ac cording to i he dictates of his conscience in opposition to a majority ofjthe Demo cratic .senators. He bad the moral cour age when acting as a Judge to-oust aide political prejudices and partisan bias, and such is commendable iu a Judge. But how did Edwards act.? as above stated he actually drove lloldm from the court room! On the eighteeu'h day of the trial Senator Edward, acting as a Judge, so grossly insulted H olden that he abruptly retired, stating to the Court that did "not mean to tay to be in sulted,' and never again made his appear ance iu that Court, although tho trial continue forty-four days. ' Day after day the trial continued and yet Hidden would not appear before the Court, be cause one of the Judges had iusult vl hiin,aod Edwards now calls upon the old fare-: ncu" republicans to make him a Judge of our Superior Court i. , A Judge should be free from preju dice aud passion, should ijipartinlly 'administer justice, and, above all should not browbeat, and insult helpless prison ers. The only time that Mr. Edwards had the opportunityjof acting as a Judgs he proed himself unworthy of the place. Would he do any better in the future? Mr. Gilmer has been adjudge for U' aily throe years, and all that time there has not bee a a single complaint againts him, on the. contrary, all men of both parties, who have attended his courts are unanimous in the opinion that he is a model Jude. Would it not be a bad swap to exchange him for Edwards. Pittsboro liecord. "' Mansfield, Texas. , , . ; . Sept., 1882. Mr Editor' - Away ont in the de lightful and fertile Texas, where the las boi'e's toil not in vain, whore cotton and corn fields are yielding abundantly, aud where the cowboy can be seen, whip and lariat iu hand dashing across the Prairies, attending his daily , labors. This is where the young, wn should come and get 160 acre ot Ian i that the world cannot, beat, lor only $H,just to settle upon it five years, aud they cau brius their little darlings with them, as 83ine of them seem to think thU theie are none iu Texa as beautitul and re fined, in which they are very much mis taken, but I forget that I s ud (oo much about the dark skinned girls ot Texas once before, for which I received sever al rakiugs, 1 will only ay to those who have taken 'so much trouble as to sic down and vrri e ine letter, of reproof, as regards the young ladies of Alamance, that they must not think thai there are none so dear aud sweet as those of Ala mauco, it my old sweetheart doos live there, l should have said, nxiiing more about this, but for tho last letter of re proof 1 received a uiouih or m ire ago from one, a bright young man iu ins own estimation, iu have awoke at ihix late hour to find that I had written a loiter to the Gleanek over six mouths ago. ii' which there was a tcreat reflec tion csbt opou his Sal or ir may be Mol, it matters not to me. I will assure the gentleman that be uor any one has more respect for the young ladiei ol Alamamo than I do. I am sure of one thing, and that is, that the laaies see but little of my young friend, unless they should happen to go by aud see him sitting tpon the lence iu the sun shine, I will now dismiss the subject, leaving it with the rooro iulelligent, who I am 'sure have not seen os my young friend has. , . ;; . I suppose you would like to hear somethnif about crops. Cotton is fine iu western Texas, and corn is fine all over the country, but cotton is not so good iu northern Texas, on account of so much rain. Wheat crops were yery fine, turning ont from 20 to 30 bushels per acre. . Cotton is selling at Hi cents. we were visitea a tew weess ago oy a half dozen or mor wohes, and had a nice cbpse. I was very anxious to go, as 1 bad never seen a wolf, but after a few hours chase, the wolye set up a terri ble howling, and 1 told the boys, that 1 believed that 1 would go back, not that 1 was afraid of the ;volyos by any meaus, but that it was verv annoying to any one who had not beeu accustom ed to hearing such a noise, so I weut back home aud played croquet with the other boys the remainder of the day. There are plenty of wolves here, but they are not dangerous, and as hard to see as a fox. The . Prairie dogs are more numerous in Ibis part (western Texas.) than iu eastern Texas. They are very pretty and make the Prairies ring at night with their yelping. The antelopes can be seen skipping across ' The Republicans of Guilford county held a convention at Greensboro last Saturday, Which nominated A. 8. UjIo - tou for the Senate, h, F. Davis and J. S. Morrow for the House. ' R. M. Staf ford was nomiuated tor Sheriff. O'her county officers were also nominated. ' A resolution was, offered adopting (be Republican platform as adopted at Raleigh, except ' Ihe anti-prohibilion plank. As tho convention was being manipulated by the 'revenue ting," the resolution was promptly tabled and the draftsman retired in dipgust. .. A reso lution instructing the candidates for ibe Legislature to support (V. Ike Youpg for the U. S. Senate was adopted. Iu (he VegiuMlng a motion, to make more. I was informed that the Renubli cau Conyenliou of Alamauce , County, J the Prairies like an arrow. They look held in Graham on the 16;b inst. , unan imously nominated me as their candi date to represent them in the next Gen eral Assembly of N. C. You will allow me to return to yon my many thanks, lor Che honor conferred ou me, bu r it is altogether impossible for me , to accept the nomination. ; . .. , ,. : : I am, Yours Respectfully, J, W, II ABDEN.. 1 ' :t Choose Ye- - The two candidates for the office of Judge of ibis- district; were democratic members of the senate in 1871, and act ed as Judges in th-Iligh Court o im peach men t that tried, and convicted Gov. Holdsn. We purpose contrasting their conduct in that great trial and wil. show that Gilmer acted as an imiarial tnJ unprejudiced Judge while Ed ward acted as a bitter partisan and by hh insolince drove the defendant out of the court room, .'.There weie eight Arliclea something like a goat and are very wild. 1 was very sorry to hear of Dr. John A. Moore's death. Alamauce has lost oue of her noflest citizens, oue whom she loved and esteemed, Uow little 1 knew that when 1 bid bim adieu, that it was forever on earth. He has many c Mends as well as his loved ones to moaru bis loss.. As ever, ; " ; ' ; ' " ! ' . Frank, . '' ' Charlotte is progressive. Her citizens are talkii.g about street-cars The cap italist want somewhere 1 loputthei mouey. ;- ' - -. ,' ' Dislomper is doing some fatal work among the cattle iu Forsyth county, y "Never interrupt any conversation with a hacking Cough; it. creates a bad im pression. ' Betterinvest a quarter ol a dollar in a bottle of Dr. lull's Coub. S) rup aud cure it. When others are suffering, drop a woid of kiodness and synipathy". if they Are tuBering f rom a Cold, give them Dr. Hull's CouitU Syrup; a few doses of this va uable remedy wil! afford iuslant res ' lief, and a tweuiy-five ceut bottle will , cure tbo worst Cough. - ' " 'rTiYuous Factory Jtnrned. About half past one o'clock on . Wed nesday morning Wood's tobacco facto ry was discovered to be ou fire. 'Our citizens gathered with their usual alac rity on such occasions, and soon the fire engine was on hand doing good and effective work and witb ahese attached to the hydrant ou the South side of the house the fire appeared to be under cons trol when the Captain ordered the was ter cut off to change the hose, which caused something io get wro:g about the engine which rendered it useless for soiuoinne, and the fire again got under such headway as to totally destroy tbo building and all it contained, and it was with tho'greatflst difficulty that the fac tory of H. Scales & Co., ou the adjoin ing lot, was saved, Mr. Wood's loss was about $40,000, covered with $30,000 insurance. Hi s indirect loss is very heavy iu the loss of his stock so that he will not be able to 1.. I.:. . A tl (J.., I.. V fir. Inan I tuyiy uis unuo. 11. ouaios uu vu. i"- about $1,000 from damage to stock aud building. The fire is supposed to have origina ted from a stove in tho prize room. The safe was Orawu from the burning mass this morning, and all" the papers,-ect.i it contained were found to be uninjured Mr. Wood has (he sympathies of1 the Sentinel aud the community in this, his nrst experience witb tho .all devouring clement, as the working season has about closed, and it is impossible to re build this winter, and a full stock of his amous brands "Maud Muller" and "Old Oaken Bucket," for tho season's trade were entirely conBumod. Win ston Sentinel. FALL AND WINTEBaooj -ana rr Hisr.sj j oj ex L3L M. m-, flfe.- i ?M .. t'OxTlPAS7 SHOPS iH DEALERS IK" ' STRICT IY F1IWT-CLASS GOODS IN. O L V BIN G - V DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS. GROCERIES, i - . HARDWARE, WOODEN and TIN WARE .: . ' DRUGq, ESSENCES, 'EXTRACTS, c TIIE LARGEST STOCK OF - ' BOO IS and SHOES in the County. GOODS Sold at LOWEST CASH PRICES. PRODUCE BOUHT or Tab EXCHANGE for GOODS 1A&WU They respectfully invite their friends to call and ezamios their 8tock A GREAT OPPORTUNITY! I am manufacturing three stvl- of Swinir Machines and selling them UNHEARD OF PRICES II 8 as to defy competition. No fa-uly need ba without a Machine, and out of employment a't.pr reidine this ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY U t inek no peri0 !No. 1 Style, The "Cenlennlai; makes the stitch directly from two spools, is .war whole range of family sewing with the greatest ease and most perfect manner, and aells Fr -.. $15, No. 2 Style, The '-Best; a aincuy nrit.clasg Shot! uiyjaenine, lnlerclian!e,t io wwn ana warrented tol do the same work M iJ "'t uu is a superior! maciuus in every respect. Frlce Three Car Loads. Messrs. F. & 11. Fries, of Salem, N., C. who propose to make an exhibition of Forsyth coun ty, in fbe way of rolics, curiosities, minerals, manufactured goods and ma chinery, have succeeded In getting to gether a large and varied collection. They will have in their collection many relics aud curiosities which will interest. As Forsyth couuty is, among other thi ns9. noted for its mineral wealth, Messrs. Fries' collection of mluA era I specimens, relics and curjo8ti03 will no doubt be peculiarly interesting to all. They will make an exhibit of maniifao tured-goods, among which will be a full lino of their celebrated woolen gvxls; tbeJwill also exhibit various machinery, agricultural implements, &o. They in form Secretary Williamr that they will bring about three ear loads and will re quire sixty feet space at least in which to show their collection. This will be the largest single exhibit that has ever been made in this Stale, and will place Forsyth largely in tho lead of an other county. This reflects great credit on Messrs. F. & II. Fries. as energetic. public spirited, live business men, such as any county or sta'e may well be proud ot. News-Observer. 7 , No. 3 Style 'Tho Triune" makes at will either the Look Stitch, Chain Stitch, or Spiral Embroidery Hlci! anu is me usi-oewing jiiacnine ever invnieo. jrrice - 43a - EVERY MACHINE IS WARRANTED FOR 3 YEARS. ' S iwiag maahine agmt and otherd will Hud this a grand opportunity to enmtif u a (uuutayiu uuaiuaoi, uouu iur viiuuiur anu luriua to HENRY LOTH, - . Ulanofinciurcr f lhe-patent Folding Table apd the Latest Styks of Sewing Mil chine Cabinet Work. 645 i ORTH BROAD S'I, P AILADELPHIA, PA, Aug. St. 1883, 9ai.- v. , '7 : : What Prayer can Do. A r-mark-dilile lusuuors ot bhe muetit of faith and' prayer ueoured yuatHrday at Mmr's Chuptl saiup-meeting. The wife of Sain. H.Tylor,wh.'o rwide near New Garden, b-s been an invalid for two years pst of the time unable to walk at all and for a long while compelled to go with crutches. Yesterday she went to the meeting and denired the prayers of tho church that she might regain the use of her limbs, and said she would not leave the church until the prayer was granted, When the recess tor dinner was taken, she refused to leave the house, but still remained in and passed the .hour in worship, Capt. R. P. Troy, who is noted as a reviyalist made an rarnest appeal in prayer for Mrs. Taylor, just before the services cloood at 5 p. m, and when the benediction was pronounced she arose with the congregation and walked as well as she ever did. She is a good woman and her friends will rejoice with her and husband. We have read of such things but this is the first instance where the parties are all well known to the writer. G reedsboro Bugle State and General. The case of Henry Oakley for homi cide at Pittsboro last week was not tried, but by consent of the Solicitor a verdict of manslaughter was submitted (o. He was sentenced to a term of im prisonment.in the penitentiary for ten years. ' ' ' Y " A srxall colored bdy, Xvbe Uoltoii, while playiug about a belt 111 McMa hou's factory at Greensboro last Friday was caught aud so badly - bruised that bodied from the effects ia a short whjle. - . , " Jute culture in this section is not ful filling '.he flattering promises held out for it- though the yield has been all that odb could expect or wisb,yet the farmers say they cannot afford to cut and haul the crop to market, profitably, at the prices offered, We said some time ago that one could not afford 10 haul dirt three -BtiksHttfJeronxCorn, cotton, Tico,-pwnMind potatoes are thecrope for Eastern Carolina.-Newbernian. TIicm wk have niac caildrea May have, as much trouble with them as did the old woman who lived in a shoe. The children will alt the time be getting their noses bumped, their haada bruised their fingers cut, and their stom achs and ' bowela disordered by unripe fruit. The mother who is wise enough to keep a bottle of Perht Davis's Pain Kilxkr saves her children much suffer ing, aud herself a great deal of tiouble. I IlI'lHHKTtly wEDIGHEESiEBS K HfcJnifl'UUUI Nm II KID 11 msam EHI AHLIH iasisaaM " w NINSTV-EIC SEEDS SEEDS For the MERCHANT ? wMywPian For the MARKET GARDENER For the PRIVATE FAMILY Crown by ourselves g 9ur 9ri Fprnff ED M HT YEARS SEEDS SEEDS t Handiome IUaatrated Cataloane and Rural ReglaMr FREE TO ALL. MERCHANTS, BE?0 VS YOTJR BUSINESS CARDS FOB. TRADE LIST." DAVID L AHDRETII a SO NS.SEED GROWERS, PHILADELPHIA I laxide of Iron, I'ervna BarkandPhosphonui a toalatable form. IM otuyprtparatioHofin thnf .nil! tint bUiekmtSt teeth,so charaeterMttf mnrrr irvn pnywrnwww Uce, ana in an expertenceof I ie reinlU that Db.TUbtb'" Diseases, uvspepsla, ana mm- na.. miuln mnm. wonderful CfiTw. I wme orsVeBitainl physicta.7bave yielded tojM tocompaj Ibe it to luene to any iron preparation, made. 1 VXrT ltoinoetytnniypr,cW.. mBmllAim: , mot, ma, ibbi I nave used Da. IUbtib'b Ibon Tonio In my pracl riauMi th.t hKTe baffled able remedy. Ipreecrlbe a Da. Haictb's uox It gUte oolor to tus bUoi, MMrtiaiOIWUMMM Me tUfestUM organs and nsrvus system, making it mppliebU to Chenerl Dtiilitg, loss Appe tite. Prostration of Vital Powers emd Impotence. St. Loots, Mo SlMWuhATWUfcl 'MM ML rowers em Jmpotenee. a i mmm m yuiia WRUFAGTUKEB IYTNI DR. HARTIR MEDICINS GOM tl N. MAW tTIT.UW For the Wheat Crop. ALLISON AND ADDISOEI S "STAR BRAND" COMPLETE MANTJBE ! It is fine, dry and iu excellent condition for drilling' . . . xnis rerniizer nas ueen in vise iweivo cio, o reputation ior excellence second to none. Standard gutf IT CANNOT BE SURPASSED! Toy sale by Who Avill take .WHEAT, -TOBACCO and COTTON exchange for it, at highest market prices. pni4 . Also for tale by J. A: JMcCauley, Company Shops, : : 1 : - rTTTrf&BVm E. F. AORli i, JJ. A. CJLEMi.V, (Late with Holtaud'S Warehouse.; UNDER THE FIRM NAME OF Acrec, (Dollcnifflanfi & Co. - WITH- ,. ' - TlrSilAC. SMiTHas Auctipneer, 1 "dL..-:,'' ' " . 1 L innrs of ibe. f, , , Will sncceed f. J, S I JiiKNlS S W., si prwpi-- w Cor. Main and Bridge Sts., DANVILLE, VA. J Possessing every facility for Jhe mccessful conduct of our busi . ; with cenfidoufe to the public tor us-iay"-e. ' CT J. B. IIAZELL, of Alamance county, N O , Is with this Wsrebouse jsii licits the patronage of Ins frionas, and promise! to do alt in bis power baeco bring the highest prices. - . - . , 8ept.,83 6ui. ..,