'4 0. Baa 35 1 ' y f i ' ' , r ; - ...... . - niy . -S' , ," ti y 1 . . - J i . 3 . ! . " i ! I . is i : , . . i. . i . , . ; : : ... a ri ; Jr. yjjj ?a .few ifV,;,. S v I "r-H. Hli- ' -! V-:-: -.j - j4 4 mmm Lp w f W . I . A II J ' 7- .IjW Ac MMHCE ( Ki-ir to a i ii li i l i w i ,tAt o .: v vr t.-r- " ' ci i nnnrtf IH If tint . ,1 ID' l SW'Hir I GRAHAM, N. 0.. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 9, 1882; NO, 37. tJottrn. n. KKKNODLEr Frprieor. TERMS.. .r t. i.r.o Summer and Autumn. Goigooiu leaves are whlrUng i )Wn. Hcuiewrard comes the seeded liar O'er the stubble, war a d brown. Flaunt the autnma ft ivrers irav Ah. Hlao! 6 .fVB for the leagh of time f of which the "W, iin Pauor eut :o dlflFerent offices y Departure frqm Jhe Cask System 1'KEPAID AT THIS OffK. I ' i " (mo, i I 1 in. in. 3 lu. 'oiM col 1 col 'i - m, 1 .a r inn Mlt 2 OOlf 4 )I 7 501200 1 9V 001 2 Sin 57 00!. 1 1 00s, 1? Oji rfl Aft l ift RAH IS HC i t OO AOr 00T TO 50- --I7 50 .SO 01) ! ' 6 50 10 00. IS0'. WOO., J500'4500 ! , 10 Ooi 15 00 1 18 00 30 00 48 00 . 3 00 r frtri dvrtieiaent " knged quarterly U Io'iiotlces ten cents a, line, flrst lnsei tioo Joel inserted lr less than fifty ccnU. JNO .CFAHAJ, r JA. A.GRA11AM GRAII & an AH AM, Practice in the State nd federal Courts, eTJpeci il attenticm paid to collecting. ' J. D.-JvEKNODLE, ,f--. - GBAnA.-n.nr.c. '"Wictfcel ill the Sta'te ''and , Federal Conrts wH faithfully and proiptlj attend to all bnsl- jew intrusted to hlml M ' '. "V : Br. J.iJdiPifiitIl.-: , DENTIST r " rt-v . fully preparer! ts ilo any and all , kinds of ork p(irtaiiiii!; to the pcofVaaion' '-' -;: pwial at.f.f uiion trlveu to the treutunat of Cee8 of th MOUtij. . f jy it f :h "OArw-itrENftSD m .ip,vnjirf.,, ADVEtttt&tffeNYB:1 sitrlni' 1 lnvHd i ii.. 'Neath the newly bud led tract, flavin.. ... . i . upvniu tu me 8Ki K"t. alas!' . . . Time will pa, flower of apriug must die! Oft oay maiden sat with me, Mi-toning to the tb ruth's tone, Warbled forth from trvury tree Kre tlie meadow bay was mown- v ' ; ' But, alas'- ' ' Suoinic.a'rasr- 4 Now," I wanosr all tione; - ; Lovo, like summer time, la fair, Decked with budg and blonsoms gayj But upon thi autumn air Float a Voice, which seems to say, 'Loves, ata! , . lsu DrtM. . Aa thr summer pass away!' Alt luineil with a start, umi oaw ihab the silent stranger bear ilio door bad riM-n Iroio Lis seat. 'G n leaienhe couttnafd.aintI tha uiayeraal hush of amaz inoal'. I niuat tell you that I urn a tailor, aud that i eljct Id hear any uhu Nvak ill of my tra..-.' ' . . -;' : l)o yon, really . ciiod Henri inn wilh a laujjli. Wdl! lliuu, I in tit tell you that you will ei.iiur kop a civil loiijfu" iu you hea I, oi Mi have to show you til diS-ireosd iMtwuuu an li.meit lon-sicr and a icllow wliv lives on clotU clipping uud ends of tli id. ' 'tit'ltvr live on-tht tu limn on atolnii Farallj Leiler Writing. Georgia HospllallU ten the letter U urritUu by.tlu hol of the lauiily; and of those ait ,a eq ul proportion are addrewd to Lit wite' lolk. We don't Wnoir why it it ih-tt t man so rarely writet to hit own foU, but as ii ia not the province ol this) aril Kame,' retorted the unkuowu, with bit. Ie totreal on tl..it tolded Will nr.- tend we don't care. Tbte tour being -Qeorpe Arnold. Job Printing r Neatness And Despatch,' i i Giv TJsa Trial. Fashionable 'Lailot 1 . ' :r4m$m ; .. . . .'iSi--.- t Xl'J ' Is bedi for 1882. Prepared to makeTlno Clothing for every. Duiuuir-H nan irrvins nnn arv pi wa way widla,afji tn t3dir and CLdyain- - 01-DBvr.p.. T- pHc, Tbellttrdest tug or All Tli mm wt just lifgirning to sink oyer the iieuuiitul hillt of- Southio Bavuria. A big red (warded man with ariui bare to the elbow, stood at the dour of a little iiouutain inn upon one of the higher fclopee, watching, wilh.hia broad, browu baud ar- h-d uv-.-r hi eyet, n groHp of live men who hid just issued frjiu the tuasa of dark green pines that ouvi-rod the crest of the oppjs;e r:-dge. 'One, t p, 'hree, four, five, counted the landlord, 'They're all the re but HeniMiir; but they've found no game can t.ee. Where can Hermann be, I wotider?(Ht wou' come bujk etnj.iy 1iainled, I'd be bound.' . 'Hi iuibuii's lxte,! FHid oni? of the for- V t rs, A nt I; -.. warrant JliVil tie ready ov liiii . mijip-r 'Ueu he .. d oef ooiie. - Anl we il he may, if-hA In l'ouad. Miiy aain , fur I can "ell Jrou, ladf, that .o cany a q tarter of veninou from tb Rieneiilierg to my doo , on a rousting day like this, won d be a job for string S hulk hint If.' . " 'Aud who ni'V S'rong Soha!k be?' asked v-a'1snniuiftJ'"peddlr who was Viltinu beMile the window. Vh ?' echoed the landlord, staring, V1.V. brother, you must be a stranger in these parts to afk that. But il you want-tj knii1 aboirt him, all yo i've got. t.. do iiio go down to Sreuzweg toWa youder Hiid ask any man, woman, or oiiill yj '""J meet - about Strong -gchalk,' nod ih)'il tell you tomelhing that'll astonish you. And if tliat'a uot enough,' struck in one of the hunters with a grin, Met him go into Schalk'afh .p and challenge him (0 wrestl-tnd he'll be astonished still more-Uh, Frtifier M.ui'i V Ugli ! dou't talk of i?' grunted th. land ord. m .king wry face; 'you mk, my lingers ashe with tlie very recolleo- tion v . Vhj, he must b a perfect Jftant!' cried t ie jieddler, who had ben tUtru iff (innif moutiied. No, that's the t ranges, "part of it He'- no bigger thaii another man -rath er smalh r, in .fct--Hnd a tailor into the bargain; nd yet he can do teats worthy of Haus StrouBh-nd in the ato- '. - : Of whom - areyo speaking?' ked a deep voice Iro'U the door. OI Strona Schhlk, ttie wior oi If re.izwee. friend Hermann,' answered the landlord, shaking lianas with the new comer, a powerful young ftllow, . . a t L I. a tkaI with an air which noweu inai. w no email idea of Ws"own importance. The wtscheif take StroDg balf cried Hermann, angrily. H ni aiok oi his very name;' and with the full power of hi mighty voice he rolled out tbf song; , " There were a host of tailors, UravA fellows one and all; Thn rimnk thev. at the ninety, Ay, nine times ni. e-and-nlnety, Out af a thimble smaJL , . n 'And when thU draught bad quenched their ' Tbcn'wcih themselves would they; let could not ail the ninety, r , Asinsjlego.tnpweufh. Th. homeward trudged the all-but lo! The door was locked within; Then hopped they, all thrt nsne.y. Ay, nine Urn i nlne-aud-ninety, , ; , - . i4lghttbrouh the key hoU in. Tho bot-steroua chorus had liarUly died away- when a quiet bnt iinmitaka b!y firm voice waslcwr l to say' S op then I enoigh of his!! iu comeinpi. At Ibis last iiiMuuniion, honest, llr. uittiiK -who ceriuinlj was said to be uot overparticular whether the deer that be shoi belonged lo the park or to the for est, lost patience altogether, and laid his baud upon his long hunting kuife, but instantly the lumllji'd thrqsl him self beiiveen them. Halt there, lad, no bare blades io my Louse, If you please. 1' II tell you a belter wiy to settle it than iliat. You ; tii.sliy found, the fi tlalua neatly know our old Bavarian fashiou; wheti Iwoyouux lellows waid to try eacli oth er's strength, ilioy join hands and see which can tug the other across the line, vleat a space there, and let us see which is the best man.' The table and benches were pushed back, a Hue chalked en the floor, and lleiiiiauii aud the stranger seizing each ..I.A.MJ I......I. r t h .... . . -. 1 uiiici b tinuuv in a Biiuiijj grusp, nuuu I toot lo loot, awaiting the signal. Now tor the first time il broke upon (he forester that their champion might not have such an' easy vjctnry after all, for (he tuple jig or of the etrar:jer' uioteiuLuts, and ihe firmness with which he planted his teet, showed Ihat Herinanu had his work cut out for hiui. J Uerinann luuiseltr feeling Ihe iron grasp bt theunkitiLwn'ii . long," bony' flugeV began to think so ipo; but could auy inau, much less a tailor,' be a match for him? Absurd I And he began with a pull that ought lo bavo ended the whole bnsiiiesiat once, but somehow itdidu'l. . Then, Stimulated ' by his comrades' shout?, Hermann put foith all his strength, tugging as if be were uproot nig a tree, till the sweat hung in big drops on his forehead, aud the yein of his hands stood 'out like cords. But though the unknown was sorely shaken, across the line lie would not come; and at length Hermann paused,' exhausted. 'Then ihe watching eyes around saw the stranger's arms siifleu suddenly, and Hermann's hage frame bend slow ly forward. - Frantically he struggled, but' his strength, .was spout, aud for ward he slid, inch by inch. - Just oil the chalk line he made a final Aon, aud stood firm for an instant , but now the stranger exerted all his force iu turn, aud pulled htm over the line with such a tremendous tug that they both lolltd , . ' ' on the fioor together, (JoinradcJ' shouted the nuulei's, ei'nwilinv round ihe couaueror, 'you've-- v.. - .. - . done what none of us could ever do--1 Tell n your name, that we way remem ber il. M) parents named mo Ferdinand,1 answered the , stranger, with, queer little mo3king smile, 'but of late folks have bet n calling mo Strong Schalk!' Strouic Schawl' echoed Horinauu starting from toe. et opon which be had snnk" dejectedly, 'Shako hands, The family letter is written, Sundays. ! ' Aa I got beyond R issvNIe, id ri .ling The reasou' that day is selected is not out to Ihe batta-fl Id of Cldckamatiga, alone because of tho leisure It presents it began to rain, and the wa the Ihuii The q'niei of ihe day, its relief from ail ' der roared and Ihe lightning fl ished and influence- that irritate or agitate, .frees the flood-gates opening was appalling, the mind from irrelev nt and a ifauo) i A , farmer juat over the Ueoria line Miotic matter, ami w ikes it prcviuitnu J beckoned me .in out of the wet, and ly a fit occasion for coininuuiug with dis. ' fhere I stuck Irani one o'clock nut il taut loved one, lu nine cases out ofidaik. It was a steady storm, without a break for a uluute, and as I here were no signs of lis clearing . r.p before ; the man said 1 had better stay all night; It looked that way to me, but it was a log house with only o-te room, aud only two beds for ihe. twelve of as. There wore six children, some half grown, the farther and bis wife, an old w maii. soii-invlaw, a young woman and inj1 self. It looked as it some of us would have to stand up to sleep, aud along about 9 o'clock j began to get nervous. Perhaps the man noticed i', lor soou at- lerthat hour he said; ' Stranger, we'll a' ep out aud looh at the weather.' We went to the barn, and after a look lit the horse returned aud found all the women In one bed and the light out. 'Shake oft and jump into t'other bed,' whispered the man, and I followed di. reciious. I waa no sooner In than he (oilowed. Then came the young man, then I he old one, and then three Loya lay across our fee, ihe upper one resting across my knees. Il waa impossible to move or tarn, bat iu teu minutes all I were snoring away as-if that waa their uaual way of going to lied. I heard The old clock strike U, 12. l and 2, ard was finally doaing ofj when some one opened the door, walked in, and begau lo nu dress. The noiso aronsed the farmer, who carefully cxPed out : , Whoa that?' ' -. ' Wbo'aicer . -! ; 'Jim Baker.' .i . h, Jim, oh! aight?; ' 'I reckon.' ' ' selec'ed for indicting the letter the first thing is to find ihe paper.' There is al ways a drawer iu every we ll-regulstod l-uiily for keeping such things. It is cither in Ihe table or stau I.' Here the writing paper and old screws and fi.ldle strings aud broken locks add fish-lines and grocery receipts are kept. There may be other (Lings, but If their are ho will see them. The abeet of paper is scraped off, and the seareb commences lor the ink and pen. The former is iu variably foun t on the m til tel next the clock, a::d is immediate! laid on the table convenient to the perspiring man, who surcustically inquires il the letter is to be written to-day or next Sunday. This Supplies the wile with new xeal in l ho search. -She goes oyer the nrawcr iigain because she knows he wouldn't gain see anything if it waa right; under hi nose, but the pen is not there. Theu she l.wks over the top of the bureau and lilts everything on the front 10001 table, and says it see ins singular jt can't be f Hind, when she saw H wnlv Ihe day before . and: thought about, lbo loiter. Then, she goes lulu the pantry, and after exploring the lower shelf lit rain stands upoti a clihir, and carefully' goes , ot er (he top shelf, where the1 medicine bot lies' aud unused cans' are stationed. AN ter she has dene this she starts up slaiisand pretty soou returns with the pen, and takes it to the sink to wash the Kreaie from it, bat does not succeed iu quite ettuoiug the dolloate aeent of Berg amot, This leads him to ''observe that anybody who takes a pen-holder to lift hair grease from a bot'le ia too j.ure and innocent for this world. Everything iiow iu readiness gooJ humor is re(or ed, the wife lakes a seat opposite,' with ber elbows' on (be table, and her chin in her baudi assumes an expression of couiiteuauco that Is mysteriously calcu lated to.both enconrage and depress the writer; and he grasped the pen! lightly between his fingers, and Stares at .the paper with an intensity lhat is entirely Ru necessary. The date line; atarla oil glibly, and fhen suddenly ceases as it reaches the date itself. He pais the holder in bis mouth, aud immediately spits it out aniu, making up a face iu. no vie sugjjesiire of brgainil, and pettishly asks her it she knows the day of t.ie month. Ot course she doe. It is the I3tlH-or is the but no-it must I OO. one nei., .miw ihi ers, and is loaf. She doesn't know whether it is the the 13tb or 18th, ba, the almanac will tell, and she at ouee starts to hant U up. ' This occasion a delay of some fifteen mluotea during which he makes ninety-five pasaea at one fly. The date having been aatisfac torily settled upon aud the things wbie b ' rolled over the floor aa the stand drawer Waut to stay f al lad: it would have broken my heart to ' onexpectedly tell out having been re- - - . . a '. I. a. It... fl. stored to ibeir place, the tiate Uue Is completed, and 'Pear Mother' started. Tbe pen la a borne ren, of basblul mould and whenever it starts a line it requires a hall dozen passes to make it give down. All home pens do this. And all home sheets of paper have weak VOt which the ink relates to cross, thaa ere ating some remarkable divisions o, Im haien bv a tailor, but I dou't mind vw 4 ' a bit being beaten by you. Come, let na be friends 1 - And from that day forth tbe two men were the best friends imaginable. VuowShk Saved Ubb Dabxikg. 'I shall not teel so nervous again about bsbj's teething wriiea a grateful mother. We almost rosi oar aarimg .r... uv.-, uA considerable eontaslon Infant am , but happily heard of Parkera ' geHtencoi. Some of tbeee epou are two rt Tonic iu time. A few spoonfuls , ii.cl.es in diameter, and anybody iu (he Ginger ionic xa time. ) utxl room . can tel! the moment the soon cored baby, and an occasional dose , wrUer comes to them jut aa well as if keens us in good health.'-Brooklyn he waa lobking over his shoulder. When keeps us iu i ibe letter i completed, which generally Mother occurs at tne eud f the fifth boor Irom ... tiieommencemeiit, it ia carefully read pie-rate ten cents a over ami -uppueu wim ei au.l then gone oyer again and artislical- : ! ... . 1. . nr. allh I lis tvall at th birR i iv .iruvticii iitF " ...w r-. , - Then it is icuiea up lor me Well, strip off and pile in between the first two on the front there's only four ol us lying len'thwise !' Jim piled, in without another word being aaid, and was Boon asleep, and aa I waa sliding silently out lo finish Ihe night on tte floor, lite farmer sleepily queried: t ... ,' . , . 'That you Tom ? Poll ofl yer botes and slip In here lots of room left yet I ! . 1 WbKSty 01 Ceii Fall. ) t. Young men often fail to get 'on in Ihe world becanse they neglect small oppor-j (unities. Not being fsilbful in little things , tbey are not promoted lb tbe charge of greater things. A young man ho geta a subordinate aitutiioo some times think It nnnfeessarv for him lo give it much attention. ' He will wait , ST,Si0!?? t-.-.u. ...i-i.fi j. anuses inns. nvw - I Illl lie HSC ri..'nii.i' ? ttieti he will how people whal he can do. This is a very great mistake. What ever Lis situation may be he should master ft In all its details, and perform all its dntiea faithfully. The habit of doing hie work thoroughly and consci entiously is what Is most likely to ena ble a young man to make bia way. With this habit, a person ot only ordinary, abilities would outstrip one of greater talent who is In the bablt of slighting subordinate matters. But, aHer all, Ihe adoption by a young man of this essen tial rule of bueeess shows bim to be; possessed of superior abilities. New:Eife ' ia given by Using BRdwira f Iron Bitters.' ! In tho Winter " It strengthens and , warms the; system j iji Spring it enriches the blootj and conquers disease ; in the - Summer it gives tone to the nerves and digestive organs j in ' tJie Fall it enables the system to stand the shock ' of sudden change' ' ,,A In no way can disease be so surely prevented as by r keeping the system iii per feet condition. Brown's Iron BiTTEKS enaures per fect health1 through' the changing seasons, it disarms tho danger from impure water and miasmatic. air, and it prevents Consump -tion, Kidney and Liver Dis ease, &c .... .-,-..! .... i' w- tit ri.'iv'l If, S. Berlin, Esqct the well-known firm of H. & Berlin & fJo., Attorneys, Le , Droit Building, Washing ton, D. G, writes, Dcc jtji, mi: v , Cemthmtn: I take pleas '. . , re in stating that I have oaed Brown's Iron Bitters for ma- ' kria and nervous tronblesj Caused by overwork, with " excellent results. ' . Beware ' , of ' imitations, ' Ask for Brown's Iron Bit ' ters, and insist on having it Don't be imposed pn with something . recpm-, ; mended, as "Just as good -' The genuine is made only by the prown Chemical Co. Baltimore, Md. . J s IaZt. i. nnnl ts d-nladm as a msaws of -an. aaT- haasi ulto- axpkxIM BT Sh ; Om . laBWnaois issmoiot sow; si Tins' tToaaa srer im.sotih. Tbp., modern piece. ur.v Vh . ..(ml anrl nlacea. IHE OAFMrr -""- . . Mtu.nrv , marla that restore iheyontnmi con r ' r .i . .i i it i ' . ' 1 1 " ;.',' if arooad isanrlaff.w i ia rsfard , aavs kw M of tha syssaca, tn im malsrli jt hLMrl. tha livwr aadpoa,tlai,sUe'bejdr.- . a, J" sals ay aUTWftrts aa Vsalsef ' j T Do boldly what you do at all. Boldly do we affirm that Kidney-wort is the great remedy tor hver,bowela and kidney diseases , rheumatism and plies vanish before It. Tbe tcale effast of Kidney wort Is produced by Itselesnsins and pnrifiing action on tbe blood. Where i here is a gravelly deposit In tbe urlne.or milky, rcpy mine from disordered kid ney's, it always cures- : 7 l,; ;r Chicago girls liave discovered that by keeping fie. or six beans the mouth tbe vok is itiven an 'old artcxratsc family ' accent something between a fall down etalrs and trying to sing with the bead in a box. From the Danvers (Mas) Jfrror:Mr. town was cured Jacobs Oil. SilliiM III, mm butUtmmt arvar raiisia w titayac imm am MM. M s 4.;; Gil llCSlf t V us; WIBK-r, BBSBB, MR.HIIM, WIUI-SW many of Iba beat aiediriiici tnowa kaecoavf Lined int-amclicia-al aack vmied ana cfleett i po-n.aslDBKjLetli-GiTaaIUixxtPiMiacr&lbc' atllsalasMStreaattm Itenrct Irqu, Km-tiwa, fplrjia, It diwues of tlie Suaaach, hMftH, V-mJl V"b KilucT, and all Feauh Muntfc If Toa ara watting -waa Vim iUaiawuOaa1 or any disease, mc tha TP'-":?V.,-i,T- wlJ ,ure!T h (oral, ranemberl a ubrsnorrlorta Bitters. EiseacaiofGuiferandvilsc Tonna, aa St txalds ( up the system wiiWf ijjcnvng. joe. and $i I sizes, -tall dralcm in duv Ko.-iwuiulioit siputtircof III COX & t-i) K Y. bc:uilorcoulari UBUBSATMOMBCTlita iKKDOUJUISIZS. btZSmrasBMSsVaaBajpSBaaaai J. Southgate Son, . Life. and FirelnsuraticeAgjnH DURHAM, N. C. Large lines of insurance placed,. i.i i'"r comfanie. , Oct. 13, tf.