- . ' : ' ' - 7" r. r : : : : " FUBL18HD WKKKLT AT A H A Af . 1SV O.. THUR3T) AY. DECFMBE R ,7, 1882. NO. 4 D, fcKKKODiuK. Pf oprieor. Tckms: :::-:::i::::::::r::::: loetru. -i. t-r party had not appeared foil the scene, horii large (oriuuutv but the ; tiVfueubled arid turned cold iu his. 'Do Hie Tear ..;. a...- . .60 jjx Months ..... .7 .75 Thret Months..... .60 Eery pawn sending us a club of tea snk jerlbers with the cash, entitles himself to one wy free, for tbelenjrh of time for which the qlub is made up. Papers sent o different office IT Departure jiVQ$ . the Cash System. FOBTAO ' pRKfAlf) "AT THIS OFFrcK AdriBTiAise Rates' 1 week J o., . 6 1 in. SI inj.Sfc iu., 5 'ol.Ai pol u -- 4 15 175 900; IOC: 4 00 50 10 Oft I 800 350 S00 "4 50 600 000 5 09 - --400'. a00 t7lliii.,5C 3 50 8 50 4 50 fl 00! 7 50 2 50 800 800 50 501 boo 85 00 48 00 50 0.0 00 1 col. 2 CO f 00 8 00 23 CO 80 00 37 00 45 00 & 00 Tearly advertisements changed quarterly U desired. , -- : ' . i: ' " i' - -. Local notices ten cents a liner first Lnsertioa local inserted tor less than fiftv cents. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. j HO - . GRAHAM, HUlsooro, N. C JAS. A GRAHAM ' Uraham, F.C on An ah & mAam, ATTOBNKtK ATI.AV(. ' ' . s , r f '., - ","-:-": ; " ; ; Pmette in the Btate end l&fewt Courts, ' t73peci il attention paid to collecting:. j. D. REENODLE, SVAHAiHiN.Ct ' Practices in the State " and Federal- Courts, will faithfully and promptly attend to all busi jess intrusted to him J v ' ' . ' ; " j ' ; J ' Q.ur Owo 5f I bad known in the morning How wearily all the day The wordn unkind Would trouble my mind. I eald whii,you; went awaf.' I had been, more caretul, darJint , Nor eive you needless pain ' But we vex -unr owu' k i'h look and toue . miglit never k bade again.. For tbaiigb in the qjilet evening Xou may give me Che kiss of peacot let well,tmi(ritbe That ntjv'r for me roe pain of tho heart should cease. How nittnjr go forth in the morning Who never come home at nlgtit, And hearts have broken ' For harsh words spoken, Ahat sorrow can ne'er set lyghfe. We have c reful thought for tbe stranger , And suiilRg for the sometime guest, But oft for "our owu' The bitter tone, -. ..Tn,9nKn we love our own the best. Abl. lip with the curve impatient: AJj! brow with that looK of scorn, Twere acruel fate ' Were the night too lato To updo the Vrork of mora. Ihe Hewcotner was a,aiout, man about fjrtv ycaia,ot'go, witli a long, black beacd, largo soft ' hat and brown Tel vet coal. ! 'Hullo, Murleyl what Uick ?l . lie. ci claimed. The sou-id of h is v.jioo Vu,rt t ied tiie girl, lu- a hea thy coiiotlesi e isience had eudowod her wil b tnng ntrves, and her siipi iso va not alarm tie U1 ' pan into aaiUer branch of tbe family, I omild not fktJ ay trace tl Stanly E trl woody I (hail re tarn toEwg'aiiil m-xi njfMijb, but I tare, done nothing.' 'You can( lndt a, .atjo ot SUiiIy Earl woodair. Where?' aried Uarltou, started out of hit cirwless attitudd by the marked sig Slie gazed at the almweis with calm nifloace ot his tone Dr. A fT. Grtitbf DENT 1ST. OIUHAK, , , rork red to do any and all kinds of ertalnln? to the profession. ; fully prepared r " .. ..... . . Soeolal attention etven to tno weovme MOUfll QtfiA Attbmj is Town ov'CDutar ADVERTISEMENTS. THE Is prepared to Execnte Jol) Printing - .... -He-- . v . it -AND WTTB-w-- NkAthess Anb Despatch, G i ve Us a Trial ; f Winning; a Wile.- "Go down and pick a tew quarts of of blackbetTje8, UtilJa, child and don't tit doubled up over that book any Ion ger,' said Mrs. Holt, as she dumped doWH a basket of , linen, she had just brought in from the bleaching patch-? fresh, fair, iragnol linen A with the odor Ojf new DQjpwu hay perweatiug tiu-oogh every fold of it iulda lifted up hot golden brown head) antl gaed at her aniut with g,l'oat, soft appealing eyes. Oh I atintyta tb. Twc Orphans,' an. clft ymt to know whether they ever find each oilier again. knojt Louise is blind andn-' There, that'll do. 1 bet tbey found each1 othfr all right in the end. You know it they did it right oft there wouldn't be any story,. Takd your bav ket anrl get enough berries for supper. You kt.aw J.e-Travers and Aleck Hunt ire helping your nncla ith, the hay and hungry enough they will be. 01)".'. So the Two Orphans had to be laid aside, and Uulda, somewhat reluctantly tok her way to the blackberries. Tney grow at the foot of the meadow by; a ruuumg stream, and they were tempi inif. luscious and plentiful; Ilulda's thongH were with blind Louise, while her fingers were busy with tue berries and she soarcely let her eyes wandcf from her laket, . StiB was tai to look 11DOI1 . this 01 phan nie ot the old New Eiglandfae mcr. Tall and sleBder, with gold tint ed, brou hair brown eyes, and jnyi pissed, luiooth oJieeH, with a peaoheu Jdowhon them. Uer eve-iasnes wsie particularly Iwg and curving, and she bad a, way of looking out from under them that had a great efloct upon the young men the pet at meeting and .;uinr aluwil. Not that she tried to fascinate them, but she could not help doing it auysuore titan a rose can h.lp smelling syet. -: Uulda was iiof quite Her father ha Deen a Fashionable laUor a i J 1 11 11 rrr.. Is prepared to ifcake Ttne plothtog for every lfody. Be Us samples of fill goods and styf forssa. K-..:VO:M! "". atarS '81y - ... - J . interest for they were ' tyuli&s niuu she saw in her daily lile., . 'Poor la.dk Uarltone. I Ujim, iho trout are too sensible to take much Lyiico o my uiiiophisaied etforts to aurtua their attention,' ' Yonder' replied Sila, ppinling I aaross the meadows, whertj, i,n. the ar- ly auiuiuii inaouligiit Ilia whue toinb slonea. of till churchyard gliaiened,. vyiia, here?- 'X'h nt,18- Stanly Earlwond, tor - i you, can you. love we?)' Yej,' vbp whispered. 'I've loved, jon ever since the first tinio I saw j"u. The mNfiage took; plaen ' nt an ar'v dty. Aad sory h SiUa vaa to ai inth kis nicf, he k'jew she lonnU' a h stand worthy of ruer. en l Vie h a tory of how a wife wnn won hy waing uqtil, the. black tvjrriff were rip. Vi like Si. Jcobn Oil, n'n.d oVe'V.e too that the lit. lirv. J? a .cp .llnnr .n lorr th rein-dw Jfadlimore Md) Mrs- PArangtun Agalrjt PLAIN TRUTHS -VPjjssihly so. -Well, 1 have whipped f ried my onlrsiater, Uaitie, fctter he skill, than war. He mm her in U iston, and they t,he ttieain lso with more aaccess. Liit us adjourn.' iiulda had leirjn ued to her,, berries, but her cheeks were flushed . and her yojjLiig heart ihrojjbiug, tor she tell Afr lieyi kes fixed on her face." 1 1 'What a pretty girl!,' saUi CarUoue, iu an undertone. 'Yes? air unusual style ol beauty, I uever saw anything mere lovely lha.u, mixture ot tints ou her face. No com-. wejM to, Portlands ' He sickly, and ooiydiiM get ajong, aut tbe came home here for six inontn tneu tliey. went to B.(ltiuio,ro tor a spell, but he got worse aud wjise. Now auJ then they would com and stop with the old womau and me, but poor Earl wood was mighty in dependent aud dhiu'l like to be a bur den. VV1I le died fi,ve yearitgo aud be ia buried, i uy plot, aud ' hi head stone is mere you can sea il te-mor m.jn pink aud white b'ondu beantr, but the ripe toue of the eld Italian mas- j row--aJ all his papers are lis my sit ters,' i tliiff room iu his owu desk, aod his ou FcaT;:it:r..:.r:rfT cu?scfi VoMkadlwMkw T faiipttiwv i laqwUsd the ostein mm, thU tywffl iwwosMlfc a m. this m nai o this fll--0 plain ta I K SS.k Ja plaiaS la tnrT P T jatoaaatiiaiia tha waakaaadpaMaaod iU7 laui mi Mnhtl Miaa a in waa. Maawi SB. rnfymhvataiarttTnaaaww ai.Ur"; Hrw-rtt.aSu 1 '.i seveuteen. a teacher of music her tnothor a euter ot Silas liopo. Thy both died young and poor, so Hnlda came to the Hope homestead when she waw a ally girl of eleven, slender bat not ungracefil, loot. lug with berwUtful browu eyes like a . . i i i young fawn. Her nncie weioomeu iwr with open arms, and hie wife, mougu childless herself, was woman a with big enough heart to have a place for a,ll the friendless little.oues thai came uer war. Uulda was baprf, thoroughly happy - . a) . Ml. and, content. The rresn air. new sum aud early baurs soon built op hor slight form, Though she remained slim, she filled up with the ronoduess ol beau ty. Her warm cheek glowed wilh a sunset flush , and her lip were like cor :l iinM.iitnuiwui simple dark- B.I. i UI1U " Woe print, aod ber bead was covered by tbal' wellVnigh obsolete form ot ugliness a tan bonnet. Still the waves of golden har showed W tje smooth young brow, ind the blsek-berfj gatherer lorrfled a pretjy picture.-" - 'tcf BibseVrHjd.tfllher, for acroa the brookl unaerUe shade of some droop ig wUlow.'a tairinan in gray shooting drese Jaf wtph heir. :! '.. What study fori Evangeline V said be to bimself; ' Wbat a Maegueiie V probability Hulda wonld. never have becrt conscious of his presence, if tnoth- Tno basket was full now, and the grtl, was turtiii.g away, when Mjrley rose to . his teet aud addressed her gently' aud respectfully. 'Qui you, teJl me ' where I can buy some milk or, cider, auythjng CJul to drink 'Yes. If you go. tor the mkldle of the meadows you will find a bridge. I'll wait here for yop., and that red hou8.e is where tnj u,ncle lies. A,unty will give you some milk,; we. haven't any 1 cder.. . 'Thauk you.' ' She stood wailing for them basket iu hand, while Moiiey gathered up his fishing tackle aud sovigUt the brdje, followed by ba friend. . ' liuldjv was aby but she leplied to the questions' addrested to her by Motley with self-poesessiou. lie was surprised to find bow well iuformed she was. She bad a passion for reading, and fortu nately bad been able to graiify it, for the library of the old clergyntn who lived near the Hope homestead bad beeu put at her disposal. " When th,ey yeacbed the bouse supper was already on the fable. Mrs. Hope x pressed no surprise when the nil tnber of giebtaat ber table was increased by the arrival of the strangers. She made tbem welcome and tbowed them their places. Fresh, home-made bread,' cold boiled bam, com ' cakes aud Uu.ide'i blackberries wahoi down wi'h creamy milk, engrossed (lisir attention for a rase ib.e lime, b a the men sought ti t doorstep witu their pipes aud Hulda, her auut and tbe hired, girl weut out milk. . Silas Hope was a shrewd, middle aged Yankee laruvr, God.fearim ' and sober, safari andfar-seeing, aivl i0ri.y and Carlteu soou became iQierested iu his conversa ioa. lie. asked them no questions that bordered ou the inquisl live, bat sail teamed that they weie strangers in the neighborhood, Carlton, an English lawyer, capje OTer to , look for a lost heir; Morley, "also a lawyer from New York. 'I've almost given qp hope of Coding the wan I am in search of,' said the Englishman. 'I lose all trace ot him since the war. He was a music teacher n Boston, and joined the army, was aken prisoner by the Rebels aud es caped from the Southern p'iaori. 'An Englishman music teacher serv ed iu the army. May I ask bii name, sir?i ..' ' " ' 'Certal nly. HU name was an uncom mon ono, Stanly Earl wood. Be was the younger son of a younger son, and when he lelt England bad no expectation ol ever coming into the title or estate.' Silas Hope took bis pipe from his month and rubtd bit chin lhooghtlu iy. ;;- - : " , 'Supposing the man is dead, sir Supposing he brrled but here, aid left children Wba then , 'If those children can prove their gesceut they will JnnerU tbe title aud estate. ;-. ;; . , -. - . v.' - ': . ... .i . knni mavKa .av)ia.t vnnld .11 "il IUT J" J-r " " " au l . . they get it they are giriar, 1 tbey are gif' 1T in y daughter is out there with Miss H pe milkiug our briudle cow. Sox the object of tbe ajeiajcli w,s ac j coapUsied ; i,u fcau unexpected maiiiier. The next day the. grave was visited, the papers tortuuately Earlwood had been a methodical man, aud ia his desk all tbe necessary documents to prove ' his d1angbjier' rlgtts were iouid iiulda was' spise to learn that she was a memoir Qf an old aristocratic family; U,er aunt said, she always knew hr ,brotherinslaw belonged, 19 good kinsfolk,. Silas took; tbe matter very calmly, SjOd oaly -eewaned sorry at ihjt WMiDot ot loosing bis aieo. whom he loed like a. daughter. ' I rpos. you will go to Eigland add live amoug Lris and Deiks?' be' said,' placing his arm around her breast. " N;, 1 will not, ancle Silas. I don't know the Lords- aud Dukes,. Can't j stay iu the S,ut if I like. l$r. QaV tour -' .. Certainly, Miss Erlwoodv I think your wish is natar!. Still it might be better to go horns, just to form lb ao aj'iaintanoea of your father's family.'. 'I dou's want to kco item.. They uever did my lather any good, , , Uncle Silas wan the one who, always belied us. I'd rather, stay. ' Morley did not leave the Hope homes Umd till ly won Bilss eonient , to re turn, (e told him that be admired Hulda, and besought him to give per mission that He might address her , Nol'i reulied P;iiu sturdily. Tk girl is too youog. Qo back; to ;Nsw York and com. hers ia a year's time. Then w. shall sc.. : '' Morly obeyed, though he was loth ta do so. l took a long walk .with Hulda, but faithful to his promise, said no word ot love. He was ; wealthy, but he worked bard during his probationary year to bitei hit fortun. t was a glorious moonlight nigh t, and Jin Ida stood .bftsi Silas who smoked bis pipe on the stoop. Holds was simply drissed in a flowing robe uf thin lexture-of a pale shade of silver grey, She was beautiful and tho past yt-ar had been well employed by her, for she used ber new .found wealth to improve her mind, with the assistance of a good teachti-a lady o( genios and eultar. She was sometimes thought ful, ber goverc.u thooght a little aad, " but hever ' expressed any' reason for being so. ' , As she stood Rooking acros tbe mead- ownalisteniiig to the chirps of the ervek eta. and watching the shadows cast by eloads, as they orossed the old caeen,' of heeyeo a click of the gate caused ber to turn in that direction tall form i SJ snit st before- face that to her looked unnaturally paje ia tbe moanlighr, ... . . . ;ftFrauk Morlyl' cried Silas Hope, in testes oX.warm welcome, ' f : " 'Yea. Ive come now to ask the que tion voa wnuldSuot alktW bae' ta ask a year ago. Hulda-,yoa tno w what it is. Do you not? tie took her 1 hand, which T..; i Vf:.'i ' 1! '..: s -i: . Il was at a distinguished partv, called by the ladies in nid of tt;a. Soldiers' 13a war thai Mr. Puriingion found herselt as well as she cunld tor the crowd, iheie was muoli said, in aupport ol the object, and, a, wanu entliusiamn prevail sit MnoWtiiig at time to oud lUanit j lestHiiou of approval. 'Quite a furor',' the President of Hie meetniK remarked to he s)aiuy ibat sat beside. Id in, 'A tew roar,' she i;c piled her spec tacles fljasbed'witli excitement. 1 should cajl it a good mauy roar, and everybody seems willing te exhilerate the move ment. How much we owe to soldiers who made sacraments of Uieiuselve for us, aud laid down ibsir arms and legs only when the Union was saved,'. - , Very true,1 responded the President Sand 1 trust (hat all are . williug to ad mit their indebtedness.' 'That may be,' replied she; ,'bot J, feared it was Something like AJisi. lli'e4 borrowing my eggs and saying she would be tiidebled to mo lor : them ; as she was for -ue ne ver paid ein Lack,' The President looked a little annoyed. Soou there came another shout. ; Don't you ttihik she sad Uha.t these few roars should have' been perpetrated wheu the war was orsr' and not leH the woman what was, incumbered ou the roan?' ' ; 'Perhaps replied Uer interlocutor, luti better late ib4n 'ucver, It cam,e nigh being too Isle,' said she, 'with the poor legless heroes running to their long home through ' a poor house gate; but, thank heaven, some will have a comfortable home to g. tOi alter this, where they can smoke tb cs'ltamy ct Desoe. wiihuni evaii ,. a lax . colW.ior to make "WarAlfald f She was wearying, but ' sho meant Well. . r ::. ;' t I r, -J ; . : . j ' The blood ia the Ibnndafioii of r Kfe, it dtculqies through every part of the bdyj, and unless it is pure Sd rih,'good heakk i impossible, disease has. entered, the system the only sure and uick way to drive - it out is to purify and eerich the ; Ifiood-i., p ; ,.: .. These ..simple. facts,( ire well .known, and the highest medical authorities agree, that nothing bat iron will restore the fclood to its , ; natural, condition j nd flso that. all the iron , preparations hitherto, made blacken the teeth, caase head-: ache, and axe Otherwise .injurious. ''; BROA'i&o"M.TTEkswmtlor. " pughry and' quickly assimilate with) the blood, purifying and strengthen-, iog it, and thus drive disease from iny part of the system; and it wilk' not blacken the, teetht cause head-, ache or constipation, and is poair. T.lfe ?f mjunotts,; i 'f 'Do not grasp at the shadow . and lose tbe substance,' Kidney-Wort is able to jonyey you from a 'shadow of your former self into the substance of estab lished health; Said a soflVrer from tid ny trouble when asked 10 try Kidney. yort foy a tfeinedy, 'I'll try it, but , il will bo mv last doke. Itouredhim and now be recommends it to all. If you have disordered kid neys" dt n't fail to try it.. " : ' ' ' ''! i;- ' '' . 1 , . JSSI . ; , .,. . Persevere Don t stand aiflbiog, (.wishing- and waiting, but go to wrvk with an tncrgy and perseverance- that .will 'sel ' every object iu tlie way of y.ur success flii g like leaves beiore a wniriwtnq. urns snd-walsr way of doing business,' leavis a man in the lurch 'every time. He may have ambition enough to ib him self on the topmost round of the ladder of suoceas, but if he has no the perae yersnn. to pull himself up there, he will inevitably remain at the bottom, lor at least on the very low rounds. Nevei say I cun'i; ner admit there is such word; it hss dragged its tens ' ot tbous ends to poverty and dtgradatun, sort it ishih lime it was slacken boat our lan guage. But carrr whole 1 leaUon o cabs aud wills with you, and mus armed, every' obstacle in th way ol your success will vanish. IJever envy yuur oeighboc hisncoes, but try ,an become like him, aud as much btter as you can. If at first you d m't wilt down with despondency and 1 cm t, but Saved his Child.) 17 N. Sutaw St, BHi)Aon, Md. ' Feb. ia, 1880. ' - &Wty-Upoa tha recommend., tion of a friend I tried Bkowk's, .Ibon Brrnss as toale aadra stormtiva for my daughter, 'whom I was thoroughly-coawncied waa, waatipg away with Copsumptfoa. ' Havins loathraa dauahtaza hv tha terrible disease-under the can of ambient Dhvt loans, la-u loth am believe that anvthina rmM mrrrmt f ' tha arograsa, ef the daaase, bat, to nr ereaf SUrDrise. before bit daurh.' ' ter hail taken onabosdeaf Baowa'a laoH Brrrns, sha beau to mend and now ta quitereatotad to formar health. A. fifth daughter begaa to, ' show sisnS of CaaSltmtption, and, a . Jrooo tha physician ws consulted ' ' " Sa quickly aaid lMca ware rei . o.ulrad;.' aad wbaa inforased that tha alder sister Was taVInk Bioww'sr iKow DWiaaJi responded "that h . , f good tonic, take tt,',' "; ' . t V-tus. fttam. ' "'JSri'CV i'.i tV''"ll ' BicN's Itiii Brvrtxl" efiVchiat-. , ly cure Pyjirepsia, Indjgestioii anc Weakness, and senders the greatest ' relief and benefit to persons suffering tram such .wasting diseases as Con sumption, 'Kidney Complaints, etc. ;;?,!"' -i-jvy lis-ieT - Li utm 1trM . f .1 '.riif.,,..' j 3a- r J aUtnemosW ttkat jStaamaw Rat nergJS thm lir-nrinrinle. or whaiarejlf yon ma chooM to eall (be restataot Jftrn whle battles against Ute eauaea or dia and Grain. 'as worn mrmwm wi - It to the trnxrwo" t tb human fortrww. -wtum'it wmxMTmUJt, true poig Is to throw In remforeenunts. in other words, wtsea snob, an eitneTtrency oCOTra, commence eearae of HoUa Bittera. For sale bjfDrnjrffists end JOaaOata, to whoaa "FT gird on tha armor of I' for it, you will, . cXri. my word flow 8ns Sated 1ir ..l)asuiro,r shall not ieelso nervous sgaln about aS J Is.. . t . sV.. t MAllisaW babj's teeihing writes a grateful mother We almost lost our darling from cholera niantum. but happily heard of, Parker's, Ginger Tonic In time. A few spoonfuls soon cured baby, aud an occasional dose keeps Us Iu good' health. -Brooklyn Hot ber. ,, i-Z. 'IV, Only what we hays wrought in to pur cbaraoters during Jife uaq we take away withes,. j iU-,Vttl ... In the Ne York HeroU we lately observed montton of tho spe dy eo ot rhaddene Da vide. E-q.. of tho sreatink firot, 127 , WiIIam?steeyNew . York, b iheumatie got by St. Jajy V Oil, ' t' PouMlvn. Picker Bnu.f , tiecollectioili "Is 'the only' paradise fronx which we oannot be tomed oat, ; - lieeara.;, J.V.' Crawford '4t&;0s ford, N. Cls aay ! Vfe consider Brown's Iron Bitter : the most reliable' tonio on IUf anisn, ' " !' it? ' ti PMERISMlOtlSllH. The Te-t. Cleaeat ann insW) rcuooaucal Itair IJicsmt;. ijfu ris n exit '.he vou-'ihit color to CKV r hair. ' tttc. and 1 sues at .I Irugtv-ta. S. ! i.' iillorrsi'-a wiepiB. u IimiiJ ..xfrlr - fi aHeaieu4 !. tansasa TQHIC a - - A Pars Faitf KciT.ase t!rat Rever lirtpsicatss. !(-.. cv4hanie. 6r HiroT. -rorn, out wilh ot twats. or aiherrua,daB b fjinMjrrhoua hol-J duue try P.iktaa i)ait xntc. 1 tfy'are'.-tkwrer;rneotawncs hausted ly saentaf strain acxmu.v c-ve do rot lake utnxicauuz stuniitauti, tut use V.-kKaa s GisMb TuMICV' ' ' Tfviu Ravei T)VrAJ"',vl,,,aUM" Kidney ;. Urialiry ComplaltiUk u if TO" V rJ,ui'Wni wtth disordfarauialuiin HoiracTi bow'wa'.tJoriierre J- you can ue cir-e-j y i-Ak a v"--. t v- - - If ottar'waslr.T away tVom aw. djtioe) or aiwdiKWorwjaeaaandteweastJmiuantuls. ftiNCToOCat pneerf itaiU tnvijjrate and bui!.-. j l uofrosn the ant d but, will never ir.toxTCMo. f It has saJ huiuireds of live it may sa.e yours, i 3 as eJU ,aU iil. aidB creat savinO sirrrxa boujib aia. . seaaWaaWsWBWJoa,assai . .. , . .. - v . )l Southed & Son. Life arict Fire- Insmtace ( u Large line ef iHSTase plae?d 1 v, V- - , t - omramee. Oct., tf. : w