F i : 1 HE A lamance G LEANER TtTTTnAY. DKCMBER 14, 1882, NO, 42: J, 1). ivMNODLE. I'inpnttr. 'iKRMSj , .r, , .: one Tear ....,.......-....."..". gir Months ,,.,......... ... .... . ...7- fnro Months..... .... V. Every perron sending m ft club t ten auir jcribers with the cash, entitles biaiseii to one opv free, for tlie leiigh of tlWfor which the dab l lB nP- PaP" "e,,t ' different offlce Vb Departure from the Cash Sjtem. P06TAOK TkKPaID 'AT THIS OfFICK . tdtBBfHUC ffATM j U - .- 1IM . 1 . 0 1 50 f a 00 no 6? - CO Ioluihi,roe tiy a;no-iii.ia.ht and stir t ita puW troirfad in 93t t r I ci led thv name aloud and lot the hird Burst Iua iK withUi tne tuick 'hmed tree : JitS i ait - ' 7 He wa about io draw hi wrd. The man wuli the beaid mad Kit! II. - . In an liigiitui t nr nUtnti were rolntail f r 1 ik'lli' OllrtJ Wat Oil IO III, I And atxaisut from out the east npf hot the I spake K in the right-th eloads that roll Above disperse, the tfar came one by one, 1 aeek face let-ping abdtsr- 1 75! 50, 8 501 50 8 OP 2 00, 8 00: 4 59 O'Jl 6 00 WOO 4 50, 8 00, 10 7 50 B00 60 7r),''l'5!y' l 00 87 00 000 ; 3 50 i 2ft v 5 00 4500 5 (Hi 8 00 30 nn 48 00 J 00 1 BO.. ft SOI ! a 4'K, e I 6 50 S 0 00 ; Tearly idvertisement changed tpjarterir if dwlrcd. . Local notice fn centi a I tn. first Inrertifn o jocal iobtrtcd tor lew than fiftT ceaU. PROFESSIONAL CA11DS. no . (tIiabam Should any whisper it when on nrt 1 he black earth lies, calr tlw I thluk ray heart' on'd bat apace, And that my lip would ticmble at the sound. And if before the te of leaven I came, Andemtl for my own worth n. entrauc2 win, i think that tben If I gli.mld nmiM thy name The eternal doore would stir and let ntts in. . Baltimore Day. The Wager. JAt,A tiKAHAM iiraban, N. C lTTBHKllt AT I.AW, fr(MSice in the btam and Pi-dera! vorrte. (fiTSjci il attention paid to colierttnj. . . . Hiort tp at Ltic, HrAtttn. ts.r. Practtfei in tmt fctnte una fiaerai ni:f HUI faiihfnli.T and rron j llj" snenrt to iV nnfi j,wintiute'i to him 1. eiutUM, -DE? 118? - M 0 fnlly prepam' to do wr n1 H Mac l TrK pe.riAliiuiit ',o me ri'ir.-niim !ptoll artfUnion irireti to the In jlmiai i!.-Hes of the M tTH. " (?.MI ATTOH IS To.- ii l is prepared to Execute Job Printing IN- ... ... .. iiiD VTTH-: 7' JstATjiKs And DtsPAtcft, . . " -- -' , . ... .... I 0 i ve Us a Tri il Fathumable tailor. ' ft prepared to make Fine Clothing for tody. See hla samplea ol Fall f ooo Mr l "y - J ti I i s V .11? fl 1 1 AO CZZU PROVED 13 Th tuatir curb for ' ielMaMl UiUuHWxMi Doafewie taok isiw&5; 1 Mmintt)aadUmipnMt. aua.ui i.iiM miiiiii imnn I ' ir " DccMedir yon are ma t, mv dear I Mamati aaM the Count deTcviih io a )oiijc fllcer of liyhf cavalry, who, holding a g last of wie in hit hind, wi'medlii eliallet.itea dumii ot yotnix coiiipanioiin, whom a tahle spleiiilidly rvd fxciied at om't to' apciite and fairly, . . , Mad at maeb at you plnane,' aiswer wl dw Mai -an. 'but 1 mill renew my lrtUMaal. 1 defv inn ta Intra fr..iu inn ! ill antifi Im.i. eiilicr iv force or strata. ,. ' Do ji u take it ?' II w lu-iiiv davBiio you allow hip Io jiu :V y n vmr loiivl' , j MJ."! " tJii-ii I' cii' d U? Teyilly, aiui ll XlHkU? j ' A ; --r luxnri at lliia, in tiKhi dAi m al uiv ItoQe.' 'Arei'ii! irie ail the company. Three day arieiwardu, ( Margan iu. t Tevldv fu the Palace Ito al. 'Wel, )u le! ui ill effect l ruin dor jt.)oiia iiijtlii?' 'My dear ietk", iu arrnii. thinga ! a mam! , You'iliinK to?1 . ' nid ol honor In (hat case flirt me a j'inchof your odmirt' Us utifl, ' 4 ith pii-aauie. De Man.an did not ohti rve ibe slight '.niiie that ptt8id over liu friend couu t .nce. Ttie aliudt d in no ay l the foolish wktr naaile by ihe Ut ' lights and 'iVr the taiue-i of winns which had 04 goatd n; crbp ii was forK'"eu; u weTer, the two youg men sejwra- that tiight, toward ,tU:ien b clock uoi lar Irona bia bmw, de JlaVian- wat aM)ted bv two 'aerVanU, who begited him repeetfHliy to be good euoagU to at-p a moment Ai iheine liuoe, a man. enveloped I . a in a long drcMintr gown, brown who rril ttart, and pren $d by two torch. brarert, opi-earea iu iho middle ot the atret, ii. normooe beard flowed near ly to the weiat of the lingular person age, a ho approaching de JJareaii, bow ed cad itt alrongly prouonnced natal iot.e, tald 'How do you do. ir?' ihatiaTery exiraordlnary quet tion,1 taid de Marian, afttr a moment t , Qo ((retl . fr0DJ lbeDC e i ioe .viiiniK inaii, wh-i, 'iif i-im tii aiiavvmable anjument, trembling with rai, ore m out hia watrh. ' There, sir. taid he atu ui.fy. 'A tin usaiid ttitiKkt, dear etr,' taid tin unknown; M feel mudi in l.tni J to y u or yonr genvroui bildte, added ba laughing. VVi lii.Kly x but I ' burr again a rew quest Io iuak-.4 "Bh quick about it Hid o 'Tiiat sword 'My sword? Yea.' ' " 'You jedf sir I fiive mi1o my word of honor, air thai i never jesu What tloyou meaH lasoal? riiin,- to morrow 1 have a duel I r quire a sword and have lakeu faus'v t yours; tbeiefoie, be to polite a not to roluseinv it not' he pointed io the armed domestic. De Mai tit it tJunjj hit tword at the leet ol tii U iit)8ieri..un pertouuge. 'AliI uow?- 'Now, tuy dear sir, vio are perff th Your ivay is direct, tirt to the riht, J si oiMid to the leit, 'hen tldid dour to tiie r,HI-' ' 1 in pertinent I- . ' I'oi'' wed bifi to concadict )on. 'Aoii.t, my duar air, ihe artuiaiicu hi mv prutou. d ei-tetui, and my inoS1 tin ot io graiiiude.' JJe Maman uad -caici h gone leu paci-t net ire a voice uuiie I idiu air I' Agaiu?" Y.t. . 'What do you wain ? . 'Will you bo good enough to give me a piutih ol anuti? . Tb pUgue wiflo jrou! Here, talio iM 'On I il beauiitnl tnufi bcx! How aplisiiilidiy h gfiliJi i the wooo.igUi ! '11 belongs to you. ttr?' 'Why do )om auk?' 'Tnai y.'U ma no me the honor to re ply ,sir.' 4 W ail I yea ii bol ugs to me. " 'What then? Wh-t i ben? Wh), I think it will b piiBcb belter iu bandthau inyoart,4 ' VVby so? Became 1 thill not let it be etolen. An! eu wili; ' 'A yoa tay.' And ii 1 cr I inur ""'You shKii be bot luat momonl.4 4AudifIgive ya tbU auni-box coniiuoed de Martan. I will aceepl if' 'Think that it it a gitt fioin Ihe Duck' est ot Berry, and that to morrow 1 will have all ibe police eu ytr track. l authorisa you tr. 4 There, tuenl' 'Heaven be with yoa! Iam happy to h.veinade your aeqoaiHianM in inch aa agreeable inauaer.' Freed at length Irom bit alormentor, de Martan made iemblance to retarn kouie, tat. iuaifiad, concealed bimtelf 'in. A Nortk Carolina Venice- when? -r- M'hia ins'nn', evaa; the 'kief ami a antii), 'in Ijti' that; hit intention ia to rnurdr y'i to mght, bd on a dref-ing-gown, brown with red ttart,4 A ilre-iiigsown,' alauiwerad Ibe old) nisiv iiiirnii-atriiclc. Yet, air.' B'..i. Yet, nir, wfth red airar ' lleroilnl heaven I," groaned tWe old man, mrikiug Ids iorc'iea iu detpair, , Uy ma, a reboerl On, my friend! oiua op with me, and coufor.iid this lniaereUe diennel4 tfiiio'ine! th ug'itrde rfriail. 0 '? ill iulamoui. 4Tni it then wimie fate pattiou for pliiy jjaa fed bhn C"me " They reach hit room : bfjr enter. De Mamm nearly tell over a font; black , ia ahor ug'n, an l etrand themtelvce beard l)ini on the raipet, while from behind an alcove 'hey heard loud pealt ot lambler, Do you date.' cried the okl man In a tuice ol i harder. . ' Ah I my tat her. let me langb. taid a tr:i Probably Morohead City f theoiry ci ' . W tj ia the world without a wheel in it. do uotlblak there l t wagouor hoiy or Iwrie in town.'' tad .very tew fn ibe eonHtlry KveiyiMng hi dmio iu boat". Tbera 4 Iit4 house in the county tbat a boat eaanot gat iridiin a' mile ot. N it a fot or or lawyer,, wnt a . hor-" I hey practice la boatt, TTie people go ' faaefc'lt In tata, and. whe tliev arreal a man 'hey carry him to'jit in' a boat . ' The main' export of the foWu betide track, to 9u caogbl bre enifbracet everything frbta a w bale to a- ahrlmp Latt year t o nr three wlrslet were ta kn'off ibis coaet, and a whal" ia worth 1,200 to $2,000. It ia fid they get bo- ttMi ill ahnn and tow galf atreana, an I n rina to heat mi tA the aea are aickenedhy the war in wa'er. They turn meoecr 4 the owner ol the voice maile himself vl ibio, voting man advanced. It wat de 'Irlvil'e. J ' Here, ake bk yonr anaU-box taid lie to de iiartati, who etood tlupe fl ed, and w lime a ahameil. The topper gained by the Count da relvil'e tik plw; and the a-veintrre wa lonx ta'kjd ol in ib aay circlet cl I'aria ;,:. .. . Jt U. 1.1. mmttinimU mmtlt j alienee, cenaiu wj - It it not the lett a question observed tlte mau with the ioug bf trd. ""' -dt tltf this hour, that dress, these aervants saw bis thief stop belore a porUcochcr of sumptaoua appearance, euler myteri unly iuto the house, taeo. uotbing wore, sileuc complete. Au instant after, da Maisan thunders This hoar pleases tte, Ibis areas an... W4ke,ll9 ea aat " They open it': a servant ahows bis mT potitioD, aad tbei servaute are a!na for ibe second time, sir, how do yoa do That is fhattoyo?' A great deal. But then Bfv dear air, Hstan; my qaeulon is .mmonptaee, I allow, bot bera is what I wenld come to. .wr. . ..irh. ah I bow happy t'IMW" ""'"I " voa araf ' I fcavanot, and I take medicina to IgLI "" - . , more, net a mlnirt- !? fon M darstaud that for lb exactltade of fhe tbit-g I nmn htttyon watch AI,.:air.crfod al-WWW. who began l-llara ha had aneoBatertd a mad aun.and hoped laget r bylrghteo. ingbiai. II to tha ambaikf , face only half awake, What do you waat? .'Your matter?4 Itiu bed.' Tell him I mntt aee hi. IiBK-,aibIe.' ''I rn'itti hia life ie wenaeed, aaid de Maraan in a wbUi ar. On! in tbateate follow They oen, do Jlarenn eotera a haodibatM apartmeot.and aeea a man of a obtain ag-. preparing to enter bit ba J L- -riutkl' aed dS M ra. 'Hih, eirt dreaa yowtwU, aaJ flva ma arwJ-.. . What 4oa that aigniff f 'It sfgniiiea that there are a tea anna m Li'Ue i hank a ar dwa to ' niin- li.i I'D'y v'q' hi ia of n' use in liin.lt.'' Tho ihiik of invalid h world over are being all jwered on 'ii ineior ol K'drtyVVort, foT it is gmnx health to all. Kidnry Wdri motea 'hrt h'lwela rgnlirly, clnfa i no l)l-od, and " radically ura kidney d.traie, gravel, pil a, billiooa heaaacbo mid aina wb eh are aauaed by dieof Wed lvr en! kidaya. Tkouaauda havH m euiea why auald you not rv H? Websterln'iliTn Ooe day the man ia charge of th lorn f Daaial Webater had fourteen tena of Eufliah hTv wall mde and ready to put in the barn in : the aft era toon. It wax a buey day on the farm, nd all who eonll handle a rake or pitt'hfork were ireaeml iuto . service. When' they oaate to iauefc in tha fore too a, Mr. Webater entered the kitekea in a plajfiil manner and tone of voice eating '." '' '-'r- Jobn TayW, what wagea will you give ate to work for you tbia afternoon? 'I will gi ve yoa half a dollar air , Why, Jhn Tayljr, I eaaoot aflbii to work for that price., and yoa o ne'er rata my abUitiee. I can pitih as mneb hay aa any other man i ' ' ia on the arppoaitton, airthat yoa are a goad band that I offer on Iboee wage; we get bar beet men for on dot lar a day I replied. 'If that ia the oaae job TayW I am your aaan. I will finuh my eorrepon t deaca with tha department, eat an early dinner, and ba ready to tak the field with you As nooniug on that day was very abort, by the time th tenaae were ready Mr, W'heter maJ hia appear auce; we drove into ibe field; the hay ley ie win Irowa. Mr. Vftbater aad wj aelt pitched on tha same cart. He look a wisrarow on one aide and I on th oth er. A ton was pot on a eart, wjaa be took the whip and drove it bj to th bam, leaving sa ia thajneaatitwa t woik in Uim field Wbn unl jaded he vtarned with the ampiy ' eart, wpon hu'b wepttehed a ton, atakiag in all three tont between at thai afternoon aad I obawved what 1 had before 'seen when he owed maiiar exoertion, ha tweat wore prolueelj than taoet aaeaf it literally poured off of him like rata. 'When I met him nxt morning, aaid he: 'John Taylor, I hav alep eoaader aad feel in batter health than oaaal. j How I wih 1 eonld five as yoojyoa d A farmer's lift ia the moat rationwt of at iencgood foodiaroe raiaad . with healthful work for tire day i aeund elawp for th nibt. I U give a ntatr a efear hedr a largw heartland strong bands' M eonrt Ueatney,' v ' Al-ing the bv nnl inlttt uitckeiel r eanght in large qnaatftiea jnjieta, ... To tttia Wwoles-le (ixhing ie neither pictns rwqie nor intreeting. A pretty tMri along i h'ire ia spearing (tiunder, A amnll ro kHft at pttt a lrrft." A man voice lioui l a alcove ; at the Hne iim with a tfamhran wtfka alneide op to hia kaeee in wg'er: 'In the bow of the boat eportameai stand ' with slender g gs." Along the bottom:, by the reflection of the light, can be aeon whl e fl Hinder half hefried in the nan.l. They remain pefeetly atill while the gig is poised above tauk end ver move until the are ei ther tpetred or mi-ad. , The only drawbawb 4o thia sjx'i.t ia that oeeaaion- allfyoar torch-bearr n aioi by ating raiee. A atiufgaree ia simply a ong bugify whip broken oat with, aiaallpux and filled with Meet spring,- aqaafcrtia nnd needle, When he bite yon, 1-iokjaw ia tha.mUdett jcflr. The ''little niggW coatinaVnt about. Mrhmd a nakee iu ltiwg by crabtiag. .With a little boat hardly bigger than a tab, they go out In Ihe turf, and flopping in and out like taphiba, aoon eoiue in witha baahel oi aoof ike ugliatt-looking aad,. sweetest. tasting tbipga that awioi the waUT. One other very amportant iadnatry ol this moat interaatiag plat yi th VaUing of "marah lackey a." , ,Th paifth I acky is a ahably pony hardly larger than the Shetland, Ugh t built and hardy. .He livee in the water, and will not eai jrn or hay. lie is brought ap on the tnarsh grata, which be eats between tne tide. IVey ooet, literally nothing, breeding ia droreelik wild. . bortea. Each 'droit haa its leader, who aeiwta thV Ating groands, aad dweidas whan the tides are gaing out er ooatia't (a. Onus every year tha owners hive What is called a Mpoty penaing." 'all ' tha' ponies along the eoest, ranatng t into th ( thsosnaus are driven in by boat, and iiler brartdd or (oM. Thay bring ti ! 1 30 a iet and it iaatribate to their utter wiWw s I thai a "broke" pony tbat tt, one. tha J eaa be ridden if driven, is called, a tratoed tackey," and brings $70. itI 'They are in treat dacauid in. ibe mid dle jart of th tate, eating littWf and doing a heap of work They fan down to akin and bum before jlhey., learni , to eat crar stay, but then fatten rapidlv and lose the a gly rediah color th ; salt water givea them. Tk raare taea who bay them in Itrgi stumbera .train, them, alid take them tor tha. aaauntaina and fH Cane prioe for thent. Aa I writ thr Is a drove f lackeys march iag in alow ao4 date rwMion against th h irizoo. Th lwder WrU hi rvtpontibilitv jri'J. dignity, ricks th way arefufi aad -liie eoatpeny fol low with blind sena of eonfidenee. Tha water, salt splabas about thiir leg, glieV-aa like thoweriag silver, and t their red avdea thine again U. aea like broas. On they f, aa birda beat Lome- ia the tiligt, eeaallar acd mora iadia tinct aa they plol their steady way: At last they are batapevks above the watr, moving dumb1 aad patient to some well dairwdgoal. i 'oV.; 'V: '''', " 5 Mr. Harrv MeL whornr-Van.-ehur; v.AA.n in th honae: the wretehea bare N. C. say-: "I bavo Brown's Iron Bit' iiiw" m a . . . . . fus, robbtxl os of wT.rrxkJI. I. V: l ..of he universal success of Brbwh'slron Bitters is"im 'ply tfiis'j It is the best J rout 1 Drtriarattbn ever made: ...is t''!- -iif .t. , (.ompounacvion uiorougn; dtoti1ffC,nucal and medicinal a principles, anil doef just what is chimed for Ifa-tid toon and bo less. . "", By .thoro"ugh and rapid issimilatiori with the blood, it reaches wery part of the tystemi, dealing, prrifying and tstfenbnlf.- Com mencihgf at' this fouadation ' it builds tip and restores lost 1 health in lib other way edit toting benefit be obtained. DcmHSora A, ChacA,'Nov. f, ' I Wea tMea a CW tuSmt frem crywtHtBachVMMbara,an4 - yiiauia tmt went turn, Nearly evtryuuaf I at n & duwa&) i " .aad ItMM mi WlRulaj I havu , tiivev-jvytlitaa--fiaBMtkhal,havfi ' Sakatr ttie arcscpiptjoaa eC a 4oKn , BbydciaM bt got rttitf otil I ' iook twovraVtraii BitMn. I foA tnaaaf ika eU Irortlw. aad am , hw tua. I ata auich ' atroacer, and fcd ima. I ,n a tailraad iaaaiiaa4 aaw tatke my trips ncuUtty. Icaaaattay . . too Btach ia araha ef rear aroadae. MaMdidet, P.C.Uck. does not containt whiskey or alcohol, : and wUi not blacken the teeth, 6f cause . headache aaA constipation, , tt wilt cure dyspepsia, indi ' .. gestiott, beartburn, sleep lessness, dirzinrss, nervous 'debility, weakness &c .. .. TAaoaly Bntmigb tMflaia a4 ttv . Browa Oealcal C., Kmkimtorm. Cratspi S:.iyjl i.l '- TaDentbef utaT atatnlaaV Vital enerry. tba Ufe-prinotpl. or waatever yo.i uu.y ehoese te eaU tbl laaiauat power whi-,1 1 baUlea aiart tea ctose r.i6ea& nuA ttth, tt the (rraad aaftgnirrd of be!rj. It ia tha txrruoe, ef Aa feuman i.jj-ti-. aad when It waxea weak, tba U UOt IHlili' is to, threW la jattMemente. Iu oi h&' t, wbea twea aa enaerracy or core. fintaiajaiins a onarai nr. nrwi mvixs. For sale by DminrUu and Hajtiera, to fawn apety letwewiiere a,iji w bk Eci,ianni;ii! iif lirftnitoFr-trf i he rijiitMul r 1 -r r 7?r y 9S -. r. st aaa i w p .. rut ft . . r: st-e -w h Ts Safest WavTb safest and surest way to rest or : the vbathtnt color of Hie bak is furnished bv Parker Hair baltam, . which, k ; deeervedly popular " or us parity, anq Teauuneta. A tneitalrtn in a room ia Mi to owti reflections. . : ' 1 1 I- i Xst' " t 4 hHrity rj Eedides that ftorar Irtxics':. S U vt 4r a i-Kdtni w hnra. wn cut vuK & f '-venirk. era iti.4lierrjat!vrn lv fir liyotiwif-3 : . .a4ty r..aaa Oi!Ck l.ic r St , If rv.t are a birrer. minister bainr il ex. j? kaamd I ytaerrJ Kraia it aaxwo rmt &' g wt nuvxicaunj HH'-lama, hJt nAXKt.KK ; Oi; Cta 'i"-KrJ .-..... f V .? tf ronh-rra Irpii-i riMnmatom. Eidwp - 'Trirwry OvitJoiiia, or f you owwleii with an jf ' .Mrdttef 1aeV1nn.mm-.aci! bowel.luoJtriiivc- A i'fucicurully JAaa"tirca Ionic li'-auan V;.inf wy rWnaf d"e;i vir- v ajhrcai c vc ib wts gJenuir at vtiawi I rfit ,a 'I 'sa-a Toxical w&r; ftwBt ar ' H "e-? 2 ' " ilirafinl.Salirsratnl will eT -criauciti , a ' f o uJ auq!r! af c W awy -j -"S a ro.. ki Wtiiaai. -f f' V- tai. "j 'H rtWJltlMilUllll'Hil - - .'t" txcAT 4ri aim.ta ikuxak t'r.. . ( ' ' -TiarBBaaCaaWBjatnBRincrrVT-'S 3 ;f Jnt? , is;.. u-. f : ........ Ilife' An3i Fire lasarsaccA -; K G. & F7"Kdwi.rd .ewru. , fjK I have found Brown a Iroa fill tore to bean excellent toaio aai appeki- fi,. At. V Large tinea of iasutanca pUcJ f cmr'1''- OutJitf.

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