- ',.,-' I' ! 1 1 i " - . . . . ... ' i1 1. 1 -irtrt UANVlLLJi b iuuav.vyu 1 I. I 3 t) 'gWtfODLK,' Editoiv 1 i (jOv . . u v t U nmc-it ; in cornier 2 K. - ' .. - .J. II. WUGeler,Jh Innt1 and native of this Stat, 'xlicd in Washingloa fri1ayi agV 75, per. but worst than tint lare iiropur- , senator UaiisQm lias a itroiijr, op,f. hawr-tonls r.-.eletioti to the ISenaie Trr tha person of itbn, VV . Wayne connfy.! ' T. Bartow,., of WashtoHoo LeUer. j - Washington, D. C. Dec. 10, 1882. It would notb possible, perhaps, for a iy Pta.Mciit- 1 f r.'JvfctiMiol uuiiuai mcacftjjo thai' would sftcnpe Giitlci6ro ttui the varied au I Vmicail poliiical 'i:itio.iitJier jei llic CVnal . K resident AriliW r- cert a i i f 1 v hn at n co m p'lshoil tlie feat this ) car, though hi mess-ape boars internal evidences ot a labored effort lit l hut ill'i'U.1 i'JX.l"P ,' W wlio acrbni it fifiik as atr a:le state pa uon ol the FieMueiii vwit party ore - II la aM trial. Tow OWrHre, a mem! birr elect orihe-aext ONirress frota Tex as,. will xrsoiiate Baron Munchausen, and: lay Sunset Cox In the shade. Ji T. Uptlegra , a Ittpnbflcaii ueiti. htr of the present CoiiKress 4 Weenber elect of Ike next Congress, died ,u flist last., at 8(pui envilte, Ohio, , The Patriot has received a letter from "' ?cn. Scales in wh!ch he says he is not OTer Sunjuuine about the paMg oHUt Kelly bill abolishing the tax on tobacco.. It Is quite likely tuafc we .wiU soon Lave ' cheaper peetige. The President reoosnmeuds it in his message and a bill has been introduced i n co.-gie&a to lie aaineeffoct. Two cent letter postage is what we want. The tobacconatiufeturei'S nt Winston Have been interviewed oa. the tobacco tax quest'oD and the leading inanalact nrers, with oibly oue exception, ex press themselves as favoring an entire sbollliauot he tax. Every one is busy naming his man ( Ibp the diilereut (fflccs in the legMataee which will assemble tbe first of January. Juf to pii k ip a Raleigh' daily ooe "would lwst be torcsJ to the conclnion ll-ai the Sat lejUlaiure wa elected porposly fr office gcekes. Lot n stop I4tia rosh fc.r clerkships ami return, lo Hie good cnslQin ol olden limes whoa the fBce sought 1he man. ' jrttsttlvely displeasotl wiih inn of his uttnaiHiex. i TMe fesliuar, slightly sp parent'al iini, ha-'boen growing daily eveisitce .the fltessai'a atipeareii in print, t hu tjinlwui't , Uiwicrs are not oflily oinsa'isfiid uuli Uie , raena"0, hut wittr thf PFesideut's Soutlmrn policy, wbbMtirel' controlled by that as. i".;-jj', .... ' .: iuie'-uu nnicrupwuiM nu-irmnei , Secretan Itill .(JiMn-iler, and has been to manaecVas-lo sqticlch the a'taiincti lie puUlicans ot thai section iu order to iui- ther tlipiupoe ot snch schemer as Hahoiie. 1'he Half-Breeds are best Arabi Psiha wa"! tried by a court mars rial at Cairo. Euvdi. on SatuMlay the pivased with the messnge, though fijlcd with doubts ol its sincerity. A iran icai smile piaved upon th Umi M lis teners in both houses of Congress when the PresUenf fexpvortsio on the sub feet of political atfBemtnt wee i tad. One U-adiu Se at -r &'uk half "aloud; me ahiuld have put tl.ose HUriinents into practice before the elecUon instead ot giving Iiubbell and Mahoue ,a carte blanche to ml) the poor clerks.' It wt'l be rcmt'i'ubc'red thai the, President w-iil flhhiiuf last sum titer and allowed his position on the iatseesDieut' question to be interpreted ty Jity lliibbsil and Ma honeaiid Don Cameron, v hose demands were mde iinitei aiive, and tnere never wu a wort general belief that th csuuis of office holders depended upon compli ance with thene deiniti.lK. 1; may safe Is; b said Ibat n e inesmige has taken Wkauy peisonaby surprise. KMc iinnta it said ou 1 1 ho stieets and iu the hotels that thel'iesbleut ban iiemd the venilct of the 'people and been guided by it. Some are" agreeably surpi ist-d by his ree'iiiuiendations and oilwrs ejeak of the message as a 'death-bud repentance. Senator jJiilor of Nw York, laug hin rsets to tne President, recomineiuia tions as those ot a convert. There is a good deal of arnusemeu I for us lookers-on io uwe how the views and' purposes of Congra-snen change priiLefn to U irst-n nvW as I'.b : he toaxtofi hint at a inr.qttet in New j Yurk, just-a'ter t.h f iwjvu n lboU, :h the eavior ot tlin onrty y jnuicinns 'U of 'sottp' ui luffiniiii. Pusey uow says that Arthur. I trying to save '. hlf t-y going back ii thoae p'-'5"' ljim in offio". Thera is only one ' papeiV in vVm!i i.gJwu tin Evening ttart tlhti the Sine i-Mite iIudkb coniti dot I5ui iUfveai lie-ll.-uicru tto Post feti wii-h tht oihr. LViU jj some d y tha Deaiorr.tiotarty will have an orgnu here controlled by men of character who teiU 'keep iav fro.n fllL pot. The Portt Mid lir-jjubtican " ar' now erajchiag -each othrs Wke wiih, re.411 Jarity. 0-e day ihe fonner tioom & aham for S:!i-rntary of ikn ynfc and the next day the ltler SrfS liutohina a booat fur Clerk. (if thd lli'is. It to be hoped inUhrr of thoai will 'gel there,' TliADE. T. L. Prow n, Presidfciit t the (obaccA asso ciation, reports edTcT'in Danville ,.V., tliAllnei'two mouths 4.435.000 poauds of leaf tobacco against 2,931,000 pounds in' the'saino , Wiod last tobacco year. Tlie 'average , price last month wts $1102 per hundred and'in November last year, $L0.80jThe Inlernul rev!iti9 on tob-ic-c: tlio last two mouths was $137,000. Same it)nth8 last year $159,000. , Yii mora iruv to live than .0 die." Therefore dnu'l Wait till a slight C.-mgh develops itself into consnniptii'U.hui seen- a "bottle of Dr. Hull'i Couth Sr-ip t tlio small outlay of 25 cent,cur your Co'r' and live on hpjiilv. - - - iraiieMaesssssaMfBSSTSSSSsrseaM . - 1 1 m zzr - An unfortunate shooting affair took 1 pl"ce in L"Xingtod last week. pni ties to thn quarrel on 'Wednesday were Gen, J. 3d. Lmtch aud.C. L. Ileitman, Esq. The difficulty grew out of an interference on the part of LumcIi itr a salt in which Ileitman was eounsel. Leach was about to cane Iieiunan when Ihe latter drew a pistol an in I ne ed him to delist, without haviuj; to use the weapon,. Tnis was thoiuiht t be a-. end of the matter. ' - I Tlin firnilrtl In lliia ' ( ra riailio.l I iot ' Friday altcrnoon. Ilfwmah was on ihe at reel.. Ho was hailed by some one from behind and on'oivil to throw, no his right hau l, in oullaw t-t-jle. On turning he wj ciinfron ed by J. M Leach, Jr., who fired 011 tdm at a di lance of thirty steps with a shot gun. Ileitman drew his pistol and empt ed it at him without eflcc . Three" allot hit ileitman wuho'ii uuy sari u conse quences. Leach Is out on a flvn hun dred dollar bailjWliich is very small un der the ciifunistanoesTiie sympathy o' the coiniiiunity is ou the ide of Uei mau. The great superiority of DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP over all other cough remedies is attested by the immevtiFC popular demand for. that old established, intt mm r Any, Id 5 STEIGTLX FIRST-LASS r, DRY GOOPS, SQTIO'SH, HATS, GROCPi:ir3 i "UK-ST. STOCK op BOO.S and SHOES i 8Ad atj -LOWEST CASH PBI0R, r-n S 1 141 V tt u rJ HN EK.ra f-dr 1ST They respectfulty. invite t,helr friends t call and For the Cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma.. Bron chitis, Whooping Cough, Incipient Consumption and for the relief of consumptive parsons in ad vanced stages of the Disease. For Sale by all Druggists. Price, 25 cents. s-- . 1 . .....j. 111, i,n ij V B r A negro nae9 I S.a.le was tried at the recent term of Caswell court for the runnier onus wife, tniid guilty aui sentenced to be naned on Friiay, the 29th of this month (December). Decided ate)) ought' to b tatrn cure Id or Cough at obch. VVc should rooiiniend Di, Bulla Cough Syrup. Thia valualtle. mediiiin in indor sed iy thf phyaician und yon can r-iy a.i 1.. . -I-.J-.I ....ti.. a. it, ! froastlku'' to time., ffiur liiHiance. aotva iii. iiiiiIv urwuwi kuiij ! , ' 1 J..:.,. i W l.WHo end wtuv .e.lenced K-PWi E0ers are -udd.nlj di.s . dy1Bg it,, work ev -r, tode.th.bal theKbedirebaeeommated 'tmf ceesi.y lor avishm of tailM.klll, OHIICI. AIK1 ll,CU vutiga his sentence to exile for life, It seem lo have been a prearranged plan thai he shnj4d' plead jrui'ty an Heseby get lb EtigUlvand Egyptian goveruuwuts oat of aswsxnbair using situation. . Ara- bi was obliging In. the extreme to sdx. 4nit himself rebel since tbc 'lawi of " his cnaiilry eon id not be construed so as li make him snch. He baa - become Hit scapegoat, and the absurdity of a regular trial Is eovered up. lie will go iuto-MBM part of the Brltikh dominion. Thia is the cooelosion of ihe war is blah Wolsley gained : hie- peewge. . t TTe-herereid the rreioenta message o Cdnfreu. It ie-quile 'a. long paper, M eucb generally are. Weoannot print . ft In Ihe ULKAitufor it would take up almost ear entire paper. ' So m will ' ceutent onrseif bf merely, all udtng. to . eomecf the main featnres of the mes . ege. Ue-.cefcM brieUy 10 the Chi. ' uet , Immlgratioa bNI; wRhouH com .sent. Favors a peace Coegrew lot the arbiiratloe of International dicnlt.les. I '. TheperailoHe ef the treasary depart " mailt am navlawad but wa will ' aot tf eak ofubaUa.ibU connection. A re1nc- 4 p.t- . Uon of ialeraal-rerenae is favored, and , ,. fatjre abolition of Internal taxes exveptv ing 'that on tobacco spirits and fer tneated Uqaon, wbiob be thinks sbonld bear the harden. A farther refunding of the national debt j Is favored ' The tar44oooiiisloi. is endorsed. ' A rv'o rlitelion pi postage is reeommended. Au . . 1 , . . - .. lUUVNVIilJNNWI NIU VHIUHJUVUI . in appropriation 1 are favored, also the ImproTesaent of Ihe nary. .The .PresU e'ent desires to eee ihe . 8tarvoBte cases . f illy investigated. And lastly ihe lot' v rovement el the civil service claims the I'losidjupaailaatiou, This be hopes to ase improved. " ' ,-!..' ,'-.'., We learn that an Imvortanr haprove '. i:iiril to lha naBir Innm hii hn M re vily made b Mr. W. B. A'lretl or. JUiidleinau, iu thli Stale. Tlie device Kelley who only. a short lime ago want, ed 10 wipe ont the entire interna! rvvo 11 ue system,, lor I be-purpose 'of- protect ing the tari&, is now conceding that his plan will have to l e abandoned and tna at ter all a autall amount ot laiifi. revise might be endured. These are quesiioot which very muoli trouble the RepoblicaBj. iniwd just now. . Then, loo, some, Republican Cougresstneu are coaa- iug out tor civil service reform, among them Ihe very fellows who have heretos fore said : 'Civil seryice refortn oe hiow ed,' with good deal of euipiiaJicuesa. While thi honor is on 1 1 hem, Seuaioi Peudfetoa prupoaes 10 bring lor ward his little , bill, losv consideration. . Senator Bek. cteated so wet king of a breeze iu ,tiie Seuaie by moving lor aiiiiivestia Uoq of the Hubbeil onuiitiea uietuoils. Uis Idea is to have it aiioifii bow uiucb money was collected, where aud how It Was expended bow wuch was 'given toHabonetand how mnch, it any: is etlH-oM hand. 'The right of Coiiarti-s to make this inquiry arises under the law against assesMaaeiiis. It i ata proposed to fud out bow uiiy clerks hav tt eu diamlssedjtotlailuie lo cyiarihute. They say that Uubbeil, wux Jsuot nuw in Washington, inteuJs lo. keep M)ty as long as he can, and thai it is very 'doubt-! fal in' an v event whether he comes back to Wijdftoii until alter Ihe Senatorial election in Michigan. It is taking considerable time to get started wiih the new Star-route trial and get a jury Dorsey, too. is said to be playing jgjgHm. witb a tew obtai.dng a postpouwoeut. New that the Wasu- j . . - - . ':'' . ' . ingiaa aimospnorfnas Deeii cicarea a little'tiie rogues re badly Veare'd, and Dorsey't late 'oanl is ruasded here in the lixht of a shriek of distress; Tueru is-siilj a good deal of dhcassion touch lug the attitude oli.e- Preside :it and the preveiliugjopluion la that his apaawi of virM oiueji , a Jutlo Uie, and thus lira siiicerrv in it enrreajumda with hi" alter elcUcn eivil w rvioa aad (uiiiicHL aehUi.et.W Mr.'Anh r m all ..iocg anowB ull ur-kuew -twit wr kr bik.hmiJ- tha mova btoh ra O. W. Cair. I U. FiiM. Gov. Jar vl, R...T. Grar. J. S- Carr, Rev. C C. Dodsoitand Rv. E. A. Yates have been elected trustees of Trinity college THE OLD MEN'S HOME. One of ihe moit beneficent charities iu existence s that which prcvidnM a ra-iing plnce or weary and w- ru out old mn.a Th-y h'ave many intirniitiea and diHMUtH, ono of tlie- mott com toon "wiiii; in rue'iniaiiBm. o hhc hf re pomes in hn ndvjntage of Pkry Da vis Pan jK,iub, which hs relieved the Kiiff. ring ot many an sld man by driving awny the most, aevtra rheumstic paias, ' '. I Bend a rough sketch or r ' model of your Inventlon lo t I.' lilt f 1 1' 17 T.J.m.k. xumiuation will be mndc, without ClmrifC. Of All TTnitorltttatjia nnfnnl. nt !...' nma dan of invcutjons and you will be advised' whether or not a patent can bo obtained. .iVenn"! advls?l that your invention ispatentable. end 20, to pay Government fee of 15 and Si for drawiuss required by Uie OoYerwnej This liptt?: able when application la made. When allowed, toa ?io,rwy'8 fn ,() the Anal Government 5ee () ia payable. An attorney whose fee depends on his success iu obtaining a Patent will not advise you that your invention is patentable unless Itrea'-lyl, so far as his best Judgment can determine; hence you can rely on the advice given after n preliminary examination is had. Desijrn Patents and the Registration of Labels, Trade-Marks, and IJ 4 . . .. , ' . 4.1 K9, (f 11(1 ItC-lKJUieS Secured, rm'nt. immiH Apnlitutipiis in revivor of Rejected. Abandoned.' if fL?r t-nses made. If you have nndcrtakea ip secure your own patent and failed, a skillful hand Mligofthi case may lead to success. Send me a S in,. auurt381 w the Commissioner ot wifM'itTer.reconliie.GEOBQ,; E. Lemon, ot all i vfi , ' - s your Buorner ji tag the title of ' the inveHtioii and about thTda6 ef ZZ!!.' . 'W'raiBiii. aii exam nation and report. iLTwihln?; Bemlwr, this office has i?v.wf'Jl V1?"011 6i,ncc 1885-nnd reference cant GEORGE E. LEMON,, Attorney at Law and Sellchor or American aud Foreign Patents, SIS Ftfteeath Street, WASHINGTON, n. c, Mention this papor. . v w -An order his b:.- u ihhubi to the po liceo S PetrrnbU'g, Rumh. to expel all th Jews fr,m 'h.t eity without ot hcial permission to r- inain; also the Sen at his d'-i l'd tht h iv r- inoapabie holding l- dfd prop-r y m R maia. Thr Dnke nf Nw Castle. Enaland vm8 in (Jr-ahoro last weik. ' TELJtC 1 Is prepared to Execute Job Printing Notice to Magistrates. By the order of the BoarAof Count f!nm. tnisaionera (or Alamance conn I. c tha .n.io of the Peace of Alaraanca county are notified to meet at tha Court House in QrAham, on Monday, 1st day of January. 1 8JL Inr tha purpose of electing a oornmiduiouer to fill the vacancy eausea DV the non-nvijno . f r T it.i,-...i:. n." . .. -----I-. tj. duibjanu a i-ounty supt, bf JPublic Instrnc ion, caqsea y Ibe resignation of Rev. W " . piatey. By order of the Buard, 8TEPHEU G. McLEAN, Clerk. Dec. 6, 1888 ' THE UNDERSIOWED HAVITOPENED IN TnK A Wholesale and Retail 1: II fy ffi i II' Hi II I ll I I w II il j J V here vou;can see. Prefi of Iinro- k t , usovtant of. lothmo; ever Wnwv 'Slu:11'1 Hl g ever brought to this .WvVhaAe been in New York for '.he lant i raeti'ie of ,w Clothing. We kir PATTERN P.Mi,V..ani Oolitic CUB Vial? n J w.dlF08W CZ Qrm had. then, niade op nf VHrioti82)atteni8, htock of -AND WITH is miaoued to the stripe chain, lover, fJenled t givv4hu. th ,ct'jdi, u( h in OMrui-ai: yet for a-wli.il yr he Qfa i:.v j. t, ... - " 1 h iw'fu w ao't w nen rum uev u neri MeYeitgh rfMgncd tea the' 'coit.." fire r-aiMii;ivn by Un in lus lei ter T.iicti Mope, the khiiq, wban .IU6-uri chain iianyst (a eoiamon octnrence. ai all vteavena kuw, and sab'eiiever ii ilne. ' titrnftltlnt haa. to braak. Th.i ioom Vorka'.ou. which mate- bad 17?: -"h-d, itu-IWleas'ay v. ai-A i.i Hi cloth. This rirriru nriiita I ' . , , , . T: , jloree-wwksafiiir ihetim-h hadaw-eed ' raka ami blke,aavea limo acil. a.." . .... .;-: Z .l V'rplexUy lo the weaver, and alde - many vardf o eaah loom daiir, w Wu the lint-rovemeat annexed. fhie;deyie ti.nii lt4islt to lha Itpiilaahnrif lmm: at Njioi Fails, IUndolh coODi. KorthStKav ' f " abuse ot lf;-Vtg;H iti Dar-ry' " newhu jifn- and aidiu tlipu. to er ate (ains r'aaiu that MrY- atttad rjin awny fionj. tV ihm-s lieiuim he 1 elievMl Vjf-Wr' I laaiww th - ileciu. :" ' Neatness And Despatch, (iiveUsa Trial ESPECIALLY FOR THE Dili, Improved t OTTON. vv . :-s i tivtA f '2ifc?i&3',?,erB any. Sy.K&mt faefe:tics for ' t'Tiri tioDs. eoltnre of THE I.WEMW. JEbe Independent needs only to be better ft io- k rJ-T ay tat list of Iriends It has been published for thirty five years' and k". fSi,red u 0.Vld wide "Wtion as the ti.V Vs ,u, nuu iiierary newspaper. -' The LidepeodeLit - is T1iit. Hannminovail Ta creed and field are broader than any sect.' k nLJfoVi'te-to ftrengtbenana ZZl . l . 1 lclaloP ana toaelend id in any ot the denonima.ioLs whatever it believes is desig led to advance or hinder the rroeress In civil Hi dpolltioal'affairs. The indeLendent will contend for sound i.ieas aud pri- ciples It t,,,fJ "T Ja , aua tne iniquitous sys tpui of the Oneida Community. It believes in the reform of the civil service anl tariff in the punflt atiou of .politics nod In cheaper post" agrand wi.l maintain iho-epriuciplos which the ii-r t j "iieuigen.CB requires. . ; .f.,Ih.pe,','-ll:nt ".nesljcued to suit all tastes ...... ....no. . ..c pioviue weekly etoriesi bv the rZ"; ."""r. '-v l ien. poets of imerica and Enifland'(e first publish ed In America Te.nyeon'a .ustpoeiu), 4nd for wterWJn l0?k- esllec:?"y I" iistrnctlonT tturtner iu re liriiius. iir.ro.- a philosophical, or if.int;nr. aru JL " what ho other periodicbl does or can We Da v P .Vs '? 'Jt.aiu tUe mos emillert writers. Besides th? editorials, there art twenly-Uo Uisti.ict departments, edited by twentr-twn specialists, wluch include BiblLl ResJarch isZ. ---""- -uiuie.enui negister. Hvmn on.1nSn 1001 "iFW Literature, Re" one intetl.gence, Missions, Sunday s.-hool News of the Week. Fiiion nAn, t ' A,lens fcT. Bnlbe sod oanui iM f hoose or rnrden, FRFlC ???? SSXJ Garden. owS 5 mndVlti Siti-p' ,T,1V'""or.na Urea that U.;iMhr b ti. o..i4ed. to d XjMMiTCTsaart ' thft IV sup. L 17 noti.a r r. Stories. StoU'es. PuTmm . i?ur' cultura. Hi Paith I.. Qii B"" We wlU yeport in fail Rev. f Joseph Cook's celebrated Boston Monday Lecmiw. wL Will berfn In Jaauarv. tirJrach V0? B tW? ans' triV round the world and jHsketuresthl. Wintci wiU attr t"t great er attention, thrn ever. sre,it Our New Terms for 1883. Oue subscription one rear ... oo nn For 6 n onths 1.50; for 3 month's'.'.'.' '.' ' 0 75 One suliscnp'lon two years . e AX One subscription five years. "'""'.";." ','?. m These reduced prices (f 2 per annum in clubs offiveor-more) are very much lower than any of ihe standard religious weeklies v "TRIAL TR.ip. ;,r w hi order that bne-mav rpurl ' ll'-l ' numbers of The Inncuenflnt ... . .er he value, we offer Months iubscript Jn as 1 triaj trip, for 30 cents, which eanT remitted by pottaae stamps- Payment of 2. 70 in ad- iHnlul,,ecaret,,e'bttlailce pf W subY Especially tomet the Wants of a PiIasg our 8,0CK repjete w,tn all' thvehie8 of tl,fclmoJ t ,"' ...uiff,ri AND "PRINCE ALBERTS1 - ' in any shade you want them. A handsome line of vjiotc.o. uiaturuiLs anu uvercoats Tr ss.-I JT i A.- I. u nv.ui.iuu to uie aoove can besien fli ..i mh uil OF THE BEST AND LATESl-STYLES. ac, anyfitnf you want in Men's Wear will be furwkdat Greensboro Clothing Ha 4vBqB3ju Friccs.. CJytl 3 Ml V t-v . . .ow-ru u.iea i. with the privilege of oxsaiaiiig good , paying for them. Samples of materials furnished on TflE rULIC ARE INVITED TO CAIL. UK WHOLESALE DEPARMBNT. IS filled with .IvU nf f!!,l,iM, ...iiJ Afllininff tlula or..l ... 1. . 1 . O I uu M4,8p,y tt want QnR feU j,, l)ii!t co,mmnit, liner Martianiu n t...i .. . 'I B D,njra lo g,ve ns a can.- Urdera filled here . nTeTr "STorls: ibices,, : ; OR SENT ON IF PREFERRED. FISH BL ATE, , J. R. VAN N. Manager; OroensborV), N. C, Ocf. 23, 188?.. : '- ? S. Don't Fcget the Place. Under veArQD HOUSE. .alslonal r. Cuslou ndTuetoMS iuM it prove oUierwise, 1 -arrec to rttu d My collection-of v;e:able setdb sl Ht VaralKblK nnA Flower Soed C'atslool I 1 SH will be sent FUSE to all w 10 Itli V. last season uecd not write ie it. Allseeds. ..al.li.hni... l.h. Kn.li fr.ch .ml TTUCtl so far, that should It prove o'iieruue. 1 aetntoretUd I the most extensive to be found in any Americas cauJori I and a larov r!ff rt of It is of mv own irrowinir. As n ortarlniLl introdaear of Early Oblo and BartM Petatoeo. Htarkleaead Early Cora, nu Hstssi nuh, Marblehead Cabbffc,l'lilnej')lfl acl a score ol other new Vegerabies, I ibwk t " aee ohe awblie. ia the gardens and on the Ojm those who plant my seed will be found ny beams" ment.. James J. H.Creaory.Mrbiebtd, 0"lrtia week laaie at- 'horns Uv i Off Industriotis. Rii hneinon'o n. ' niepuonc.-uapttal not needeli t We will start you. Men. wf.niRn hnra i wanted everywhere to work fnr . ,j v i. the time. . Ypu oan work in spare time, or trlre4 rnnr nhn a i n. i ? V I wul"rv wen. jno one can fall to make enormous pay, bv snirairinir at once.". -Costly r-utflt and tennis free. Mone? made- fast. . oatUv. unA t e "7' ' . Auuress uo- AnBwa, ..naine. BLACKSMTII SHOP! uiornu van riiirun ha. i.t. . i, Hi l - -.1. .j . vuniKr m nig !ackmith Hh..p, on the cornfr opposite the jail. afiaH, B, mUlny be foundf ready to u o.t. Mima q, Brounintr on short notice Kcuinuuur me name and placa. Jo 'i8W20BtJ., . . r - X 1 ': eendpotial oard for free specimen com and judge for yourrtf. .Mdres iM 'v ' ' , THE INDEPENDENT, w 351 Broadway, Ne York, ,r a fir. '.a - : '' f ii.iryi,4 Mauiji at nr.aiina 1 1 1 1 1 1 IVI A Treatlsw. n tbr-lr w ly cure PFJfT FRE wJ ai.a-A.iiox EAT rift cts., BaconLard, FJour.Meal Mol f '! ea. tc CONFECTIONftlliViJ Pla v and Pary Canaies, onLapg - .w.VB, aw,, exi, jf 1 '. canned; GOODS. eeusltln of Peaches.'Tomatoes.Corn.Beans.&c .NOTipjfsir; GilRISTiAS TRK " V: '' ' '".- ' ad ' HOLIDAY GOODS at Company SuoPl For Presents: - Fancy things for the fatidiu. highaa - priced; consisting of Vnbes, Toilet a 7 Mantle Sets, Mower Statute,. - - China Cups ami fenc ers. Wo: K Box- , ; V ' '''-'' i. es, vc. . For the Children I To Wagon, Doll Carriage. Dol''1 I , scriptton, Music Boxen. Ac.rd. ! Wtuie Books, Building and ! Blocks and Tia Toy. in ' 'i variety. - :'r Gandies x i. Saga Toys, French and Plain Gaud f Tropical t runs-; Oraniresi Lemone, cnirants, t1WB.B ComcsTerrbodv and: buy lreseu' friends and children, - , ,v di ,Not, 30-4- " JfOTICE!- Dress "Shirts, Cohars, 'Criffs, - Gauze Under shirts, Iadie3'ad-Gete' sCirf HoL "5er baU.Hqae, Handkerchiefs, Fans, fcc.,c, Aniline of- "wrvs'iar.w :' And Tobacco, CiftassranfJ SnuJf ar -' PU'seV.vit-li; 1 'tiriL'lIti.j. tntha Soother': ' All ucrociUB iuuouio i,t 01 , zimr Company for Fertilizer vnite, Aicent ol saiq vujh".t' - , I am bound to settle MebanevUle, Nov. 13, 1883-lpj- IT1II IP people " are always ereace tneir erniuw, - - .e wealthy those who od not improve i .tunljles renjainlp poverty, we chance to mate money, r , , wonv-n, bors and gisls to work for w their own loealUiw.' Any cm cs n properly fcQiu the start The baj morthn ten- tiroes oi dinary sive outfllt fortilafced free. f y gages falls to make money rapwiy- ( leVote your whole time i your spltra moment, i Vt Ut la needed ent f re. . Address ai i- CO.,.Portland)Malue Nov. s - u.' ess r ! .

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