... ...rw- - ,-Ierw-nwjs"""'S" ' ?Ti .- -y, ..r. j ' : - . 1 .- .. ; ; . .. :.s.. ;--' -: ,J; ; ? .11 ;i : a :f r. -I NE1 GT? AH AM.V. C. THURSDAY, APRIL -i7BU W 15UKLT AT - :rnbm n. ... 'VTKiSoSLE Proprietory" TKIUmT ,41.50 75 ' 50 Tniltll8 larce Months " --won sending us a club of ten eub- jsverj . b etit os ramseu to one 'WJn -Paper wut io differed ftfflces SPr from the Cash System. iwPAin at this t Office iwcck 8 " S " 1 mo S ft 9 2 111. a in. 1 oof 150. 1 85 1 75 2(K)i 3 W 4 CO 6 50 10 00 3 U. 9 200 ; 8 5(1 8 5:: 4 50 2 ( 0 2 50 300 4 50 6 00 i s no 1 0O' IS 00 2HK 7 5' 13 50 1400 5 00 7 00 9 50 JMIB col 1 1 col. 11 00' If 01 13 50; 18 00 15 00, 23(0- a0lK)iS7 00 st uii 4a uu 48 00 J00 1 bk p " ' - ? desired f! piiOFESSlONAL CAJWS.. JN0 W. GRAHAM,--'- --i-uwAo. A. UMJ Prnctico in the State und Federal otirts, K 1 Attention paid to collecting. wn - JttdrAjtjfqt Practices in ti e Statfl and Federal- wrt , ...n ... -mUiviI,- nHtind to all busl- , (rciiaiuuiiiiy f,v,v ' j.w Intrusted to him .1 2) VER TISEMEN TS. 3 Bo M taskiomble Tailor, aUAHA IV. c, Is prepared to make Fine Clothing for every- Body, fee his samples of Fall "good and siyie i for 882. ' " ' "" ' . ' . . ' mar 2 '3 y 17 JjtM $ ''iC t- . A Generation Back. We are apt to think of the present times, - As sadly out of joirt, . To sigh, and then toward ages past The reverend finger poi-u ! Of model husbands, model wives, S iy we there was no lack x Of manners, moril prido a d worth, , i generation hack. The girls were modi st, neat and fair, The boys ero brave and true ! , They labored on from tnn tu sun, , .With joys and plewurtc few-! The childreu went to bed at dark, And seemed to have the knack v Of being seen and never beard, Y-A generatii n back ! " And thus it is froia ige to age, . ' And thus tiil efir be ; -; Tho scenes enacted long ago, 4 yWith parti .U eyes we see, (Jar offsuilng ia the years to come. j -ill tread tha beatortrack, w' And prafse the conduct of their eires A gcucratiou Pack -THE GOLDEN-TEST, "I'll do it," he said, promptly. "When shall I begin." . , , "Next week. By that time the report will have got found. You mustn't for: get yourself. Lay aside your fine cloth es and dress yourself in accordance with your altered circumstances. Seek a cheap boarding place, and we will sec what the result will be!" ' "Very well. You'll find I am right and tha't I dont rely vainly upon the friendship of such men as. Bolton, Gray and Ponsonby." , , "I hope you may be right. It will in crease my respect for human nature." The next day it was currently re ported thett Lionel Harcourt as a bank rupt. His extravagant living and un fortunate speculations had v brought about this disastrous result. Everybody was surprised at first. Ilia friends re gretted the dinners they had lost, and the purse which had ever betsn open to them. How much more they regret ted will appear in the sequel. ' It was with rather singular feelings that Lionel Harcourt started to visit his friends, knowing that his bankruptcy had been reported 5, 1883. ;S;V " ;'K9- T- - h 1 1 " : .532 . vwr-.'H MAMFACTlHllTCraEWElEIt AND DEALER IK '! - .'. ... Valchea, t lork, JrvrrlrT. Hilrer on Nilrer Plnied,Vorc. , Rain and Fattcyacmcnfe aiidiSVr4d ding Rings Made at Short ;. ". . -N:tice-. n .) , - 8end for patented card for measuring cor4 rwtsze of tlngeri w.-fn-i.'jt. ;f; Goods ent to any part-of the State, if satie- iurv rciercnce irtven. w ieu ui - .-. ftTft n wrek n.nde l l.oinp by. IbP 5"re the public ftiiitnl 1 net n 1. W waiittd everywhere to trof for niiMt '.xiwr i the time. You .-an work jn spare Unicj or ktle your hole tine to tu'e '"bueiiir'ra." No . other business will pay you nearly an well.' So ne en fail to make enormous pay, bv crfansrfng wonce. Costly outfit and terms tree. Money lade m f - eifHy, -iir;d Hono.ahly." Addrcf-s ""W"., Au&u-ia, Maine. DRTCriTO-NOr PATENT NO e uatu tiHU,i4 years expmenctr iu prBcurmg Patent, 'Caventa, , Trad Marks :Pyrn;bt, rte.. Iu this and ' other countiie. "'iir una Books t'.viog full UlufratUna -went tt yg, tHM j;tt,, l Arhlngtn, U, V J. Sduthaatfi Son, e ana it rrc lnsiitancfi; A gSr.ta BY HORATIO ALGER, JR. , i . ' i At twenty one Lionel Harcourt be came absolute master of quarter of a million. No wonder life looked bright to him. lie had.buj to , form, a ,,wish, and his. purse .enabled him to gratify , Friends nocked around him, such as the world calls friends. They ate his diuners, drank his wines, borrowed his moneyr fh t'ered his taste, professed the warmest friendship, and he in the warmth of his heart and the singleness of his nature, believed their professions, never suspecting what it was that made him such a favorite. . ' So two years passed". He had spent large sums ; how large he did riot know,' for he kept his money transactions in the hands of a husincss'fiieiid. , . ., One day he dropped into the office of his agent and called for a thousand dol lars. "You are spending money fast, Har court," said his friend gravely. "That's what money is meant for, isn't it?" said, Harcourt lightly. ' Yesbut"!" ' ' ' '"' "And I am liberally provided. It will take nvi :t long time to spend a quarter of a million." . 'No. not at the rate vou have been spending money for tho past two years." "You don't mean that?" said the young man seriously. "Yes I do." . , -"Have I exceeded my income?" . "Largely." -"How largely?" ' "Within the, last two years you have got rid of a hundred thousand dollars. You can judge how long your money will last at that rate." t H-Vi '"Three years more." ; "I'our including interest." "And then I shall be penniless?" : .,. "Yes, if you continue, but that I hope you won't do." "And yet," said Harcourt respectfully, "it has 'been so pleasant to gather my friends about me. Suck warm hearted, pleasant fellows." , . His friend regarded him fixedly. "You have perfect confidence in their friendship?" ' "Yef." , . .'. - "And you don't think they are at tracted by your dinners and your ie-d-iness t knd them moncyr or father Jo give it, since not one in ten of your loans will; ever ba repaid," . 3 i' "Of coarse I do not think so basely of tbenjj'Vsaid "the young man, indignant ly. V' "You th He met Fred Bolton in the street. "Ah, Bolton,' said he, "how are you?" "How are you, Harcourt ?" said Bol ton, but not with his usual cordiality. "Sorry to hear of your loss of fortune.", "Yes, it is unlucky, but I never val ued money so much as friends. I am young and may get back my money." ' Yes, of course," said Bolton, in an em barrassed manner. "I hope you will.'t He had borrowed two thousand dol lars of Harcourt only a short time before, which he didn't mean to pay if lie could help it, though abundantly able. He was He caught fight of his friend Gray "on the other side-of the street. "Oh, Gray, good morning!" "; 'Good morning, Harcourt," said Gray, half cordially, curious to know the par ticulars of his friends ruin. "What is this I hear? Are you really bankrupt? Shan't you save anything?" , . "My debts, are provided for, luckily, and I shall have clear the money I have lent out. I believe you" ; ' "Excu.se me Harcourt," said Gray hurriedly "there is a man opposite I particularly wish to speak to." and he turned away .fearful of what woe coming. : ' , ''. '", ;' "All alike," said Harcourt Litt?rly."I couldn't have be'ieved it. - And yet these men have eaten at my table and profess the greatest friendship ..for, me. Ha, who comes here. It is Miss Ridgely. . I wonder whether she will act in the same way." . ' Y '' "; ' ',. ". " ' . . Miss Ridgely was a fashioneble young lady, who for the last three months had laid yiolent seige to Lionel's heart. He was not in love with her, but might have been flattered into offering himself if his prosperity continued a. ft! ,irt 9 if o ?'E2 1S& . tti v.. t.c iia,Wf III .Q.kU.S;.-0.?H O-? 5P"-5 "'tfi S : ihti. i f ,trt ?J! WD .it Miss Ridgely made a very slight ' and cold inclination, ignoring Lionel's evl-J ? dent intention to speak to her. 1 1 "She too," he said to himself, ' ' '.'.This repays me for all. I might have fool enough to marry her, and so ed my happiness." That was enough for ono day, Lionel was covinced that his friend was ; right, but he was resolved to carry out; his original plan and keep up the show,' of poverty for a montb. Y .' . Tlie next Monday he went into .Ma son's officej a clerk on Bix hundred dol- H. 1 -ti! I ,ve, been i.g Ei.Q'flJ ! ,H, iO wreck- :k " -g - ..(xl,"" ' 'r, ?T v ... a:- i , afraid Harcourt would mention it, and i are salary, as he took care to have it un ite wanted- to get away. In his loose, , derstood. He obtained board at a cheap unbusiness-like fvshion, Harcourt had neglected to take any acknowledgement boarding house, aud entered upon anew life. Every day he met his old friends of the money lent, and there was no legal j in the street. They just' acknowledged rr;"YT i; PtAIN TRUTHS S )-. !.!"! 'l' Articles, call on k'orl . iY mur 8 if proof of it." f , "Of course, if I can help you : in any way, I will," he said' coldly. "I sup pose you will be looking for a situation in some counting room." "llavc you a" vacancy in yours, Bol ton ?" asked Harcourt, beginning to un- his bow and no more. . Lionel looked after them with a quiet smile. .1 y j "I am glad," ho thought, ,'that my eves arc ooencu at last '' .. . t r - f 7 So things continued, for a month. But one morning Bolton and.Talbot, walking arm in arm, were almost paralyzed with derstand for the first . time, the man astonishment at encountering Ham U -t whom he had feted and obliged. . -"Well, no," said Bolton, "but I may hear of one somewhere." "I won't trouble you, Mason has offcr- e l me ji clerkship." "Has he indeed? You'd better take it."- li: - y : ."I don't know, I thought I might like to go into business for my self." "But you would need capital." ' "Yes, I know. But I have provided for all my debts, and have enough ow ing me to start mo in a small business. Talbot owes me three thousand dollars, Gray one thousand, you two thousand, and then there are some smaller sums." driving up street in a stylish turnout bo hind a handsome pair of bays. - Lionel was elegantly dressed, never in his life had he looked brighter or handsomer. "Good heavens -is that liar court?" asked Bolton. ' "Let us speak to him," said Talbot. j "Come and dine with me to-day. 'I've been intending" to ask you for some time." : ' - ' "So have I," said Bolton, "Dine with me to-morrow." "Thank you, gentlemen, both," said Harcourt, "unfortunately I shall be oth erwise engaged." ? Just then Miss Ridgely passed, and seeing the fine equipage smiled sweetly, - The blood' il "the foundation of life, it circulates through every part of the body and unless tt ia pure and rich, good health is impossible. If disease nai enterea ute system the mly sure and quick way to drive it out is' to purify and enrich th blood. ...... . , rY., ' , These ' simple facts are well . known, 'and the highest1 'medical ( authorities agree lhat. sMTii'w bnt ' iron will restore the, blood Jo it natural condition s and also that . all-the. irott preparations hitherto made blacken the teeth, cause head ache, and are otherwise injurious.- Brown'sIron BiTTERSwilllhor oughly and quickly assimilate with, the blood, purifying and strengthen ing it, and thus dnve disease from , any part of the system, and it will not blacken 'the teeth, cause "head ache or constipation, and is posi tively injurious, i " ' - ' Y ' , Saved his Child". ' y 5 -ft ti K. Eiltaw StrfiaUior. Md. " Feb. ia, lib S G)tt'.- Uvon the rttommenda tloo of a friend I tried Buowh' Ioh Citteks a tonic and n , Moratf vo for my dsi(hter whom ; I u thoroughly convinced wai - . waiting away with Consumption. -. Itawina ln, thrM latiffhtcrs D llio . tcrribl diwaMi under the care vf ( eminent physicians, 1 Was knn. to - beliere- that anything could arrest tho progress of the disease but, W " J urpruf , nciore my uaun kc one bot lie of flaowa I "I owe you ; two thousand dollurs ! i UHt with a suiirrised lock. surely -you are mistaken.' ' beliere- o pr ft" . tcr ba my great surprise , before my dangh- tcr bad tscmowbatiteof jBaowa r Ikon Birtaas, the began u.mM .A Garden Seedt3rDruds"&d: ;T ':.; f liy-v :i ?a-l .uK9 e ' ' ',!T Ejr fresh Qrfen; 8,-eds: Drug. 'Medlclnw, Oi'.s. r-ainte,' ferfumerjt and Fancy TuUui i," 'furoerjani ina fl. A. "WHITE- 1 f..,ff -,MebaneN. C. . T TUB ilfifit . m r tTiiinrnfi VI JJ J O M l U ' lllt.DCnd. .i4 t. J I 'I f" M vol limo:, Cloth $25, ' 7 ...The puiiilcatlon of sneh facpir la a ' tliat makes them' acccslblo, U the vnry beat' service that, the public t'.ini men id 'tbd . South -eail do their States N.IT. Wprld. . Y 'The very thins' ncoiled. A very , JmpoUat - J work for th eSute. Wilmington 8tar. ' ' 'Alinifliyr and valuable' publleatiWBifnt prove nf frrcal service ;o (he bt iteVnarlKUo T; Journal. -: i,; -' 'Mr. Hab lit dime the State great verv1u5. ' BihliCiii Recorder. ? l ? T t ; . : ''Of such thorouzh excellence that it dpscn'cs ... the wliestclrcuUUiolif-yaHliviire Lumuorman Tlu bonlt H trelj prlntipdoi' ti ted paper.' Jit -,f " hand'onioly bound in cloth, couuius i"U pmrcjt .,;! iind an upciir.4H and mil fully exo-urfd iiimd of (be Bute, with a.l Its railroad mutes AJhx- CuV 1 ' Within twenty four hours all LionclV "Not at all. A year ago you borrow-, friends had come back to him. They edatbenmnd." Y ' ; ' all endeavored to make up for past , liT . .,:,t tf VrWIl IinV'A fnfO-rtf tfltl.'' i K.. tkn ,nMvil1. i tUnim-'..-1 1 "And three months since you borrow- i ftssions. But he had learned a .lesson ed a thousand. - Both are still due." "then you have my notes ?" , C-ne wcic jjiT.i. by which he resolved to profit. The friends who had deserted him, were henceforth treated as mere acquaintan "I regret to say you are under a mj'cVv'He lived bandwimely as his weMlth understauding. I owe you nothing but , enabled him to do, but Wssuqilini thou if a loan of fifty dollars will , be ;of any milds were no longoV lavished upon sel service to you fi.-th parasites, but he lesto'Aedj udicious - "It will not," said Haicourt haughti- y upon Bueh as.-nced it. 1 "I bid you good morning sir. There ) '. ,. has indeed been a misunderstanding. ' I ',Mcn condemn in others what they 1 ,,. friend T discover "inv practice thenwlves." Thorn; who prac thought you in) friend, I jliscoier, m Jce tbe ose of Kidney.Wort never boii mistake." . ' - ' - demn its use by others, biit commend it ""Lordly airs for a bankrupt," said Bol- to all affected with piles, dyspepsia, con .rrYr t,5m,ir lfr -m't nrove the 1 sjipatlfn rnd all other dim-H resulting iou w .!....-... - - . ..fxopi a (lisoraercu state of Kuueys, uvcr and now is quit restored to fVraicr health. A- pub, daughter began to -how signs 1 of Consumption, and when the physician was consulted he quickly said " Tonics were re quired;" and when Informed that : the elder sister was talcing liaowir'S Ikom Brmuts, responded "that is a good tonic, uke it." , .. t i . - Adokam Pmu-s. i' BRd'slROHBiTTVRSefrectual-- s'fc ( ly cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion and ( Weakness, and renders the greatest relief and benefit to persons suffunng , from such wasting diseases as Con- , sumption, Kidney Complaints, etc ,-'m;'' fa ,...LY " H e rE.it rn..q i),y;s book. : . Anewer to imp!e qucbtlous , f cqa mrty put i to lawyer by laymeu. : Ptilnu in Law vf yahie to every mnn In' North. Carolina -lite Profenloiial man. Hie Farmer,, the Mcc!miikr.! the" Landlord, ihe . Tenant, tlio Urol'jfer and the Laborer- . j u- ' 'o iime.. Pnprr, 3'J pgr, Prier, I. lr ., ,i t) PoatBe Hianta, 15 real. , . - - . i ... ..... -v ?jr . For s il hf &"ltellehf fjfencnit'y. who nmjf lit? 'i!)lied in j ii.nULiinsoii avoritljle tcrnia, ' v h- e 'I e of the hbc'' rKlrfn-'d.' - Jlf i't to be had t vour l.xal- bo-'k tore. " n Hutitl po.itpaid on ioccit tho price, hjr.-yorf ink their friendship'would bo; debt, and I can't J0;' bowels; ' y rge liifctof JiSgifiluce jlact'd ScUk Oct.3. M; ' - ffl? ts,i frM . . i,.u Mam fcl.i JtKUBMK. Books & Bibles lr J rZr!"Kh '"'. 1mm (rood. I I and reta . j ' I 3Ir. Talbot in?" . he inquired one of the clerks.. fJAVAL J un.cbangingifyou were to . lose your money?", ' y . ' - , ' "Ccrtainlyrj ou arc a cynic, Mason, or you would ntver doubt it." : J-'Supposo you put it to the test then," aid his friend quietly. TT .... -skii niAflll V" TM, Tt mc report tJiatWlhaTei.'dl go and sec. , lost your mVncy,.by.. have lost by, the Grant; uoniDinai.uu Petroleum Cnipanysbnt up; your es tablishment igive np your f luxurious habits, come into my office as a clerk for a month, and see how your: mends will i tiovelty of trie- piau . bitui. dollars go wUen l cau just a wt l, jiarbma: lQh, you naughty boy,' to o&rt ; indignant and disappointed , K drowning flies," . Fred :- "!'' nofc if at Bolton's baseness, kept on his way drown until he reached, laiooi s store FOU THE PEWHECpT CURfijn CONSTIPATION. 1 Ba ctfcer dMaeiaeopMvalontrHthtteoM- SB-Be plis Of I iwning ;iies," ,. l rcU :- ! ' not.) . ir.l v i ing 'tin I'm putting 'em into th rptic8tial i ia nrr-apt to bat 'TrCZT-s, f t p-va men wita tayaiciaa! Iftj a. V J 7 u fc iire i;:icI' of rrottb"" i Pii'tlleher$,.Bool:cttcH and Stationing " t , j Yf-!-0-? I fit V '.i 1 i It. ft ALE, Pablinheraleigh, fV, . The : l-American- Farmer, Aptly a id J 'oily styled by lt filoiwlt" ., ; " a0tl) It E Li A B il E:y i! ' ... t .:i ,t. 'VtZ mUlti W b a.clevcr- myBtifica- ' J c. itecSJSif?i,,'SKii. v. s. m Address tion. "- vneamut at., rnuaacipata, ra. "Who is it?" asked TalM, who was reading the newspaper. T 0 f -; ; ' i pir. Harcourt.' Y ifj HU "Tell him lani particularly engaged," . ;-'-v-'i ! ' . ?-' : ' was the reply. . , , . ,- : - r ; i This answer was carried to Lionel.. . ; "Does he baOVho it is."., Yca,-nr, bejji(iu3red." r'iiLiAin.t.f , Qmck. complete cure, all annoying Kidicy -?j Udder, and Urinrr, Diseases..l)rOodt . Y i i.irhoc pnc eSpcrlenco aud prore-s ?jyr , hiind In bait I. nd to which thi!iihlet and niont uncft-fiil flu-n and woiiiviMif tbl- stitioa ein a ' : tnthu (liKlr M B'- trioiKjhis fn every department of Fan i-t life, nnd.wor.ltv r '" ! Alfwii of thri Unionalive to ihcd sco'verlcs of Seiotife, yet teiinfr U hy tho tmchMrie if ' ' ' piaciicf, new at-qiiainiancea willoon pmyti is a triitt t-iiinpitnioa for tlilukiiiir fanu-m' nd ' . .,. l ulaaterlij fru t groircr and nrdenem.1 rkv !" .' ptii-r uim-a iiiyini'ii, wi lui.us oia irlMMa jj (s- 4 fctttffo tliab M rtiirliift ihe lifetime of two Ken rrali'HMj (irinc 13l J it ruHtinnoftobi . the a -'; 4 I iccieriiid anpurchanble adtoi-ate and rotn-. . f iehutlre of tho iatii.o IniwrtntttandTrl '1ii l r at-f p Hfvcml pevotlnn l paid to Fertiliser, include to ingnune ,o-coMimcnr"na or tlie lann; to LK ,. the Uclrt,., Market-. Iardtauiji; -r n-J ''' Frtil! . ir.Awinif.-tuei'otiltrT 'Yard Ac -s,. t.'v e;o ik nf Mivamed, Farme'roran'rs are ,!'-" r6nrfeauire iue.ich iwno. , . ' ;f r"'..-iT ! TbJ.4l!aiie,di;lrtiei.t jKalwavs attrtici fve to - : !ho lailii s of Hio rountry bonsebiJd. Ftower andt'Ui j'; ! Uraaiiicnial tiai'dcniiis:, the "rare of Vlnjiw f f . ... tmt. Uoui.iUh1v r wivoi -giilnr atiention ' ' , ! frun cultiVatora ; alniit';il to be sit tio bead t-f .v. YY-i " the proffion In the fjHlted Plate i ' ami ftf 1A AkfKi rhtijiViericnn Farmer, U pulJlf bed. twice I rllUll'y C'-T . i''e,v niomli, foil the -lt aiiU l.nlil. .14 ia ; . i ; aV haasi -1 J- - t"..Uit,H !-prir.iion flit -white papei fln r'" . 1 r 1 r v: , v;. i-riypa. ,i.ai a year, loeiur 01 flv'or-; ;its .'..". - - io ana uuiai srrfaai' - - .liaXiaiUU. lie duiu nuiiunibiij, - .--"- ? rt ,W1T . I f.ii u,,m .min "Kn ' tli . ' flrtM -D1 ItTTfi. FOR ALL CROPS. L " ? 'ir H'-tJ l nrojflinn ' - wiu-ii iiaiurc 11m Ik t n u mism&D ; . ' . - . .- . . , - . .. 1 rra .j,,, utweat Been aeaiera supiuere, u, she the t 'non;n on bt. Clears out raw. mine, roafhes. tlie. anf. Tjopel smiled slightly and left the f bn?8 nnk, chiprannka. gopbt-w. i store. H' - ' - '!i..ML.'NAXIlA KtlMR. Pi'il.PKoia Vf.? ,:,' ' never repeat the experiment With' "v gMatest faciutiM for tmiiadiat bs sefda.'tJsc'i a Ja8 t&ionid: tf st ; BkituiMtr. v , D,' - same material." ;V -lV' . '.Sim 'M. Y.te I '.V- '"V "." . - ' 'L J!.:- CiRBATEST 6EFJ? I2?1?IS!S tHSl.' Vi' I. .'.Z. i L LJ dnUttodeairatSto new and standard wtotiM - ? y '' SrriowaT. Vewotabla, Reld and Tree .Seeds, and ;', . ".--". '', ... - pianta. Sent FREE to any addreaa. '!'.-, ' ;- ; : : ". . HIRAM SIBLEY A CO. Cesmetl :! ' r . Y t Uru,

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