6MSsJa- - i . - i t - .. - 3 . J VOL.P-I (i R A II (..M,- N. , (). ; ,TJ URSI) AYt : Al1 HI L 12, 18M. the ai wantASlta?cf,5 .... r no; 8. piBLI3HBl WBKKJ.T At ", UrnNnm." ',1,' CI. D, KERNODLEt Proprietor. Terms s ,Af r.-;?....-x:..; :.bo .1.50 fl'75" One Tear Six Months t;im9 Months . . Fverv person sending us a club of ten sub bribers with tho cash, entitles himself to oue Mnv free, for the lengh.of tiftjo for which the S" is made ug.tJPpe!MOU different offices jio Departure from the Cash System . Postage Prepaid at this Office lweek 2 ' S " I mp. 5;i 9 ' 2 $1 00 f 1 50 125 1 75 3 (KM 3 0C 6 50 10 00 1 2P0 2 50 59 15 00 1 00 $200 2 50 8,50 TIE 13 50 IS 00 U 00 S CO 7QQ. Jcol jl col. . t750 tl20C II CO If 0 I 13.50 18 00 15 00 SJ5 00 45 00 20.00 , 48 00 )0O yearly advertisients ;chauge4 quarterly 11 Local noticesten.cents a line,, first Insertion No local inserted tor less than fifty cents. NO W. GUAIIAM . HillsDsro, N. C. True Beauty. May I find woman fair, And her mind as clear as air j If her beaaty goes alone, 'Tia to me as if 'twere none. B May I find a woman rich, And not' of ioo high a piti:h ; If fiat pride should cause disdain Tell me love whe.e's thy ain ? , May i find a woman wise, And her falsehood not disguise, Hath she wit as she hath will, Double arm'd she is too ill. rMay I find a woman kind, I- 't And not wavering like the wind How should I call that love mine, Whi n 'tit his and his and thine ? May I find a Woman true ? ,,. .w.r" ': ' ' y.t Thi re ia besuty's fairest hue j I. Thete is Beauty ,'"love and wit ; Happy he wlio can coinpass. it. " Eh ? ' ejaculate Mr. May, jumping J Bass and the othersOs well as .for Sim THE DAPLEV ALE MILLS- ! It was just such an American village as you see in pictures. A background of . superb old mountains, clothed in blue-green cedars, with a torrent thun- iRAHAMI er'"S dawn-adecp- gorgeandfalling in Graham, N. C from his seat as if stung. ' " And I will not pay it," calmly coh tinued MademoisellOIarle, . "'Very well, iust as you liie, Madem olselle, only if you wont pnfortn to to the rules of Dapplevale Mills ' " Ate these the rules? !'f I scornfully demanded the girl.' ;' . J',U ',. ,,J' Pray consider your name" crossed off the books ; you are no loogein my em ploy. Good evening Mademoisellei Mr. May slammed down the cover of his desk as if it were a patent guillotine aud poor Marie's neck were uiyer i. -3wo or kree of ti'e fiwtory girls who j had hovered around the place to hear l the discussion, looked with awe stricken faces at Marie as she came out with four dollars in her hand. ?. "You've, lost your place, mam'selle," eon Pettcngil. And Marie never re gretted her week's apprenticeship at the DappldVale Mills. . - ; " . The Mad Poet. Such Was the name given to McDoh- aid Clark, a wild, , eccentric writer of verses, who lived in the city of New Vrtl, it. i. i lum suuie inirty .years ago. iie nuu talent for imnrovisation .which he Used to celebrate the charms of those persons of wnom, iram tune , to timeji he liecame enamored. A Volume of his noems. published by subscription: contains these ouchina Daratrrabhs: ; ss;; "I won't pester .' folks with apologies Here's a rough . handful of flowei--a little dirt about the roots a tear'llwash it off!" . t.vy ... "If the life of my poetrV is wholesome 'twill breathe after the wild' spirit that inspired it has been sobered at the terrible , tribUha of eternity, and the weak hand that traced it long wasted to ashes." ' .yi--. ' ' '. In one of these wild moods which ed gM who supported . cnpp.ed mJiSS Prnctico In the State and Federal ourts, f mr8peci il attention-paid 1 OWe'eiing. V J. D. KEENODLE, Attorney at Law, "tSBAri AM, W.C. - ' Practices in ite (State ' and Federal- ourts . Kill faithfully and promptly attend to all husi- jess intrusted to him AD VER TISEMENTS. , . k -' ? FaMomi$'laiidr, Ts prepared to make Fine Cloih'pw for every 'tody. See his samplejpFaU good and Btyies lor 882. mar 2 '83 y foamy billows, a river reflecting the az- GBi.H jLH, &rGBALi3Ei' Ure of'the sky-a knot ot-houses with'a j . u iVi J. '. j. . church spire at one end, and a thicket 01 i.iuLuiy ciuumeys ai ine oiner, wnose black, smoke wrote ever changing hier oglyphics against the brilliancy . of the sky. : . This was Dapplevale, and in the rosy suushittfi of a June.hty tbe girla jvere all issuing forth, while Gen. -May, the foreman, sat at his desk, pen behind his ear, and his small, beady eyes drawn back, as it were, in the shelter of a prec ipice of shaggy eyebrows. One by one the girls stopped and re , ceived their nav for one - week's work, fir this was Saturday. One by one they filed out with discontented faces until the last one stood before the desk. She was slight and tall, With large" velvety blue eyes, and a complexion as delicately 'transparent as rose-colored wax, and an abundance of glossy huir of so dark a brown that the casual observ er would have pronounced it black, and there was something in the Way theblue ribbon at her neck was tied, and the manner iu which the ample details of her dress were arranged that bespoke foreign birth. , "Well Ma'demoislle Marie, how do you like factory life?" asked the foreman. "It is not disagreeblV she answered, a slight accent clinging to her tones like fragrance to a flower, as she extended hsr ha!:cl for tho money couhted out to her. , " -,v "' " : 'You have given me but four dollars, 1 and it was eight by the contract," she said. . The foreman shrugged his shoulders with an insolent air. "Humph !. you aint much accustomed to our way of doing things, are you, mademoiselle? Eight of course, but we deduct $2 for a fee." " A feel for what?" demanded Mane, With flashing eyes. "For getting you the situation, to be sure. Such places don't grow on every bush, and you naturally expect to pay for the priviJcgfl.' ' rt I did not.'-' , Oh, well you ain'tiobligedto stayun- ess vou choose.' " Do you mean that if I don't pay this money ueaitaicu 0.1.. "You can't eipect. to stay in tne works," said May hitching up his col ' But the other two dollars. " Qh that Is ft percentage all the girls pSy," said JhC foreman. : , "'Bat what isitfor - VMr.. May -laugbecl i 4 ?i It helps out-niy -salary. Of course I you know the giria expect to pay some j! thing each week for keeping their situ- ations in a place where there are so 1 many anxious to get in." 4'AndMr.J21der?"; "Well,ye he owns it, but I manage eyeryting. Mr; Elder reposes the ut most confidence in my ability, and he js and two little sisters out of lxcr factory 'And he'll never take you on again, he's as vindictive as possible," said Ma ry Rice. ' ,. MAMPACTUIUNG .JEWELER ' AND DEALER IN - walchea, Clocks, JTewelrr, Silrelf ami Silver Plated Wore. ' Main and Fancy' Engagemftifrand Wed- amg Kings Made at Short . v.' Notioe, ; (A . ' Send for patented card !for measuring cor' rcot size of Hugef . ' -' Goods ent to any part'of "the State, if satis- -vtu, r rcierence to jelrea. ;S3 ; . feb 1 tt OTPO week made at tome ' by Ihe yJ& industrious. Best buI0efs new ?vii0!,e 'Pi-' CapitalVnot metelo W "in start you. Men, women,,, boys land rlt filled everywhere to work foi. n&rkipw to ,,. ?S Yon n.work in apare time, or glire 7 ur Wbole tine to he? business, s No other e ,., ?6?,8 Wl11 Py oa "early as well. : Ao one n iaii to make BUiJtnadui pay, - by ,eneagngr uT-, .Cost'J' Btfi' a" terms f r: , Moiey n,. ea,;iJr. and'hono.aMy. Addreta RCECor.,Ans,uHa. Maine... 4. ., , H I Cli I J n pay,, 18 , our .mot hr'n.. 'l"iV da4yerr" elrp.ience in t2S -mAl p"te"s, VCawuM Tride - Aiarks; O, a " n te-tn tia and ' .other icorfittiie. Kt,a Book8 Vriugvfull Uiutratioit in 2,tent AX' 8hShBctPPPx:&' T HECRCAT CURE " u tat a fha iMlBfid diaaaaes ot the T?ynET8,LIVER AND BOWELS . that ?U? dremdltal nflkrH f which . ma . . --w w" w-w olhrL."UI. iorm of this terrible CMew 1 - "vBuqmcklrreii-niH mrA In abort time f,,, PERFEOTUY CORED. I n. IdqVXD OK DBT, SOLD BI BKX0CBTS. W & Co.,TnrHnetrrn Vt. " It matters not. He is a rogue and rogues sometimes out-geueral them selves," ' "But you can't starve," said Jennie. " Come with me mam'selle? My home Is a poor place but you are welcome to stay , there until . you - write to your friends.," .trs . ' ? s- :J- Marie turned and impulsively dissed Jennie on her lips. . .'. I thank you, but I do not need your kindnes, I have friends nearer than you think." Marie Duvelle went back Jto the red brick house all thatched With the growth 01 woouDine, wnere sne lougeu wnn me wife of the man who tended tie engines in the mills. ', ' ' ' ' " Does he cheat you out of your mon ey too ? " she inquired of Simeon Pet tengill came home, smoke-stained and grimy, to his supper.'' - ' ( "' " One sixth I have to pay him," said Simeon, as be glanced at the five 'little dues around the board. "Yes missy he's a villain but this world is full of such; and I find it a pretty hard world to get on in. Mr. Elder never comes, bere, or maybe things would be different. Mr. Elder lives abroad, in Paris, they say." ''He is in this country now, and- I in tend to write to him." : t ' V " It won't do ho good miss." - ; ; ' 5 " Yes it will," said Marie quietly, . i : ;"'-"''' "' Thfl tieialsofthe June roses had fal- lenlikeapink carpet along the edge .of, i3joBvI " to object to miracles. Hill ' ' ' " ' Washingtoh: r ,..',:-' Etdruity give him elbow room t A spirit like hi to large ; t w ' Earth fence with ai tillery bts tombi Aud Are a doable charge, i-w - v . -rTo thermcmoryof Amerlca'i greatest man 5 Match him posterity if you can: '" ! '" .The "Mad Poet'" died ' In the lunatic asylum on ' Blackwell's Inland and was buried in Greenwood .cemetery, j rsew 1 oric. HpeaRing of the arrange ments he desired made for his funeral he said: . - ;" !;; "I hope the children will come; I Want to be buried by the side of children Fouf things I am SUfe there Will - be in heaven music, - tloWeM, p(jr,ftlf. fthd plenty of little children." - , Some of the Difficulties of tfn- ' ' "1','.v.,.f.' belief.. tt,-.-.., ; a. '..;;., : If, notwithstanding eve'ry appearance of truth, you suppose 'the testimony of tne Apostles to be lalser inexplicable cir cumstances or clarlhff absurditv' crowd upon you. ,; You must suppose that men, of mean birth, of no education, living' in that humble station which placed ambi tious views out, of their reach and far from their thoughts, without any aid from the State formed the ' noblest scheme tnnt ever; entered the mind of man, adopted the most daring means of executing that, scheme, and conducted it With such redress, as to conceal the im posture under, the Bdmblanco of simplici ty and virtue. -You must Suppose those men guilty of blasphemy And - falsehood, united in an attempt the best contrived; and which has in fact .proved the- most successful for making the world ' Virtu ous ;that they formed this singular enter prise without peeking, any advantage to themselves, with an avowed contempt of honor and profit, and with the certain expectation of flconi and persecution ; that, although: conscious of one anothera providing for his own Security bv dis- ?'tt5il,u it?i x11 tn? ft closing the fraud, but that amidst suffer-1 For sale by all DrngrUU an ings tne most grievous to nesn ana Diooa, ' ' jeuerauy. V ey persevered in .their conspiracy to cheat the world into pietr, honesty and A4i 6 . ' - ;!- 5, : I M h .all- si '4l:;.Mfi?ii-.rr 3 ft , I - . J ... SX S ' '''"' - - . ' A .. ' ' . f - - Garden Siseds, Drugs &c "Oor fresh flareh fi.-eds, , Drags, ikledlolnem. X Oi'M. Paiut" Perfumery aud Fane ToUel Articles, call ou , . i D. 4. WU1 1 IS, mar 8tf Mebane. N. C. W"hal the great' rertoratlrr, 1 notettcr'i Stomuch Bitten, will do, mutt be gathered irora wdh ii nas aour. -11 nas enccteu rau cal cures in thousand of. ease ofdyspep i bilious ' disorders, intermittent ferer, nerrous affections, general' debility: eon- ' tlptlon( sick headache, mental deapon' deaey,. and the! peeoUar complaints and jceuig . j aro , v , the woods, and the Dapplevale Mills arnTf ttipir liolidav emise. even dowr to sim'pnn' Tktim newlv " brightened V?'?n condemn lit others wjiatthey' .. - -it -rTu i v practice themselvea'' lfloe who prac steam engine, for Mr. Elder and his tice the use of Sidney-Wort never bride were to visit the factory on their wedding tour. "Itffl a . pity Mam'selle Marie went away fioofl, for they say the master is kind hearted in the main and she might have spoken tip for herself," said Sim' eon to his assistant." Mr. May, in his. best broadcloth suit and moustache newly dyed, Stood in the entrance smiling as the carriage drove Tip, and Mr. Elder, a handsomer blonde man, sprang out and assisted' ) a" young lady in a dove-colored traveling suit to alight. . i ' " May, how are you ? " he said with the carelessness of consciotis superiority. Sfarle, my love, this is my foreman." " Mademoiselle Marie!" ' , Mr. May found himself cringing be fore the slight French gin he had turn ed away from the factort a month f be . . , j f j. .; i its fore . , , . . . 1 ' '- ' - " May," said Mr. Elder authoritative ly."my wife tella me some very strange stories about the Way things are . man-ftn-cd here, It became so nptoliotW .that the rumor reached her even at BlytheaJ Springs, and she chce to come and see for herself. Marie, my darling, the best wedding gift we can make thee poor condemn its use bv others, but commend it to all affected with piles, dispepaia constipation and all other diseases re sulting from a disordered state of kidney liver or bowels, . ., , .- . ; -. ' Sparks. : . When is a boat like snow ? 'Wheh shtf is a drift What jpaft of speech la kissing ? A conj junction . : , .5 , i v When a soldier like a watch? When he makes time What Is tbe form' of ah escaped par rot ? A polly-gone. rWby is F like a bullock's tail? Be cause t ia at the end of "beef.'' ' ; Which is that 'which docs not. die though being drowned ? A voice, What k'ind of a Tobbcry is not danger-: us? A safe robbery. - '. In what key la tho Gobble SJong writ ten? ' Wb, Turkey, of cUorse. ; - . What Is that' uobody Wafa " j'et no body likes to lose? A lawsuit , ... .. . Why have chickens no hereafter 7 ; Be cause they have their necks twirled iu this. . :". ' -ii Ci yv: X Cleveland Ohio. The Daily Ami get says: "Chief geucr au4 Pekler WWW 10 A CURE CURE for all disease of the Kidney and LIVER KhTertfln rfirm on tbJ mot luiyufiaiU oisaa, aabltac tt to throw S torpidity and Inaction, arlnrnlatliic Utahealtby tmOmot tba BOa, and by keeping the bowela ia to oonirtlttnrt, aflwttag H wcolar afcwparga, '- MlMt Ifyouaroaaflfcrlngfrttia . aIUlUllmalaTlaba'fettieeUlla. ar1ntoo,dyt)eiUo,orooMUpated,Kldny Wait win nrly nli and qtiickly euro. In tho Spring to claauM Ui Byatffin. aaaabotUd ak a tboron-lxocmiMO( it. -a. SOLD Y DRUQOf 8TS. IMeaif. liissolutioii. ITT ..T- ,h4 A io arm oi un. Krwm A Holt hai tl.li i dlMoIred by mutnai eonaent, Im tbe purpose of , lla'-iinr aold our lor lintif ami ik nr .K'xxlt, Ac . lo llewri Locke Eriu and T. P Aioore, notice is ucmy given to.aU wbo bare rUimi atfalrut. and thorns inilebied to' the late flriu, to coiuu forward and ci tin tli name with W. A. tt win, who will be found al Cowi.auj tShopa, ;.. i. . - v " , ' In retiring from tbe but iiiCM of merebandbi Inf we wUu to jreM Mirlno. tcmteful thanku oui inmy eiiMoirter.. fr tbeir liber al t airoiiiine ever xkHted k'l .ua, whlb we tlwart trve Ui met H , and we lake pleanure m.niuii'wniiK iu jotircotinaence auu pai ro.iniTM our worJiy -ueceAMira.- Meinn. Erl and Moort. wbo will foudiiei tbe bueluce In uj0 tauie ur ea as itereiiiiore. ' ' " We are, Vry t nlr toWf. -. f'- April 8, -.18 3,r4t - , . - ;;J. Spiithgate4 & Son, Life and tire Insurance Agents; DURHAM, Cj ) .i. ,,s Large lines of insortnee placed in bet onanif. oct.a. tf. inpeitioRCocRTi 7 '"!.! ' Alaaaaaca C'aaalf. Petition for Partition f t :! : Sally Briasfleid, JkcW) hoy and wife Mary j, and others. . , . t. . , William Baldw in and otber;5 : This la a Cpeoial procecdlua for fhe tela fo ftartitlon of a tract of some forty acres if land a Alamance county, wliich itaceiided opon tba heirs at Ia of Barbara Hufflius, wbo inter married with Ridlara "Baldniu, and is now beld by tbcm as tenauU-Jay-amnrndn. ' ' :. It appears thai defi-ndant William Baldrflri Is a noa -resident of this ritate; - and an oidcr hat beeu made that sei vies of auaimorm be hai ' UDOn him br rinli'lpatinn f nntii ill fill i. eecding lii f UK AM,maKC GhrXntH for 'At ucct;sfive weeks. UMn Ms failure to anaeV or demur wilUiii twenty dart aftrir aaM' nnhiu . cation Is com-jlete imlsc'uieiit pro tconfeuo wUl be rendered wld him. ' . , At oflice in OrabHi March 14.' 1835. "' v ' marl5 6w A. TATS. C8.C. . . 810.00-Reward.' n On or abwt 'ihe night of the ijdth of becem bvr, I8SJ. Minnie, my daughter, afod about 13 vrais. was abducted from my boute la iVake County. ;' . i - ' fche in of a jbrtiHit eiior-cafca Mint, will flnnlIS a iM l" orhM -"d toedluai in aesh. At p,,. . . - - , . . HUIU was nuncct u snens. alien t ie n ol r fil' wHUIAUIUE fl5f J 1 Uw'oma.Bogbydni)4uta. f J a good business man. He understands own interest. And now if you nave any more questions to ask " I " I have none ; but I need this money ' myself. I work hard for it, I tarn it of nfTfird anv 'more rignieousiy. -"""v - - than the others among these poor labor ing girls to pay it to your greed." 5 girls is a new; foreman. May, you t ore- of this city, who has been in the service i bermind desurt her the w'aHnL-d off br . . ' ' r ' T a quarter of centuryf endorses St.'; one Haywoo it Betk. of a dark fflnge-mk.eoi-. Jacobs OU a a pain-Daais.her. It ctfred ; "r,i'arV.a","nq ,Tul a !eeX 10 ,,cliC bih him of rheumatism " - i i v ;. - - f?"t3?Jr' ',d B has a wife fflmoirneamanhui.. i and child about two years old. . , . . ,i ! ' a ' i .'.i I havelnformutWni tlmt thnt rln f - .nl Mr AfaVy -rrpnt. nut Mr. F. W. Wheeler, Warrentown, N,. cod Afabaut omo one of I be laclorlea, Any- lowenng broW.andMr.JIay crept out . . 4eed bcefit one jrfvi.i? nie sacl, Information as wiliJeadto dismissed.' But sir" " Not a word 1 " cried Mr. Elder, With with an uncomfortably consciousness of fom Btoti's Iron Aitters as a tonic." Marie's scornful blue eyes" following him. s .. .' i ..f-, Eldefituf tied to his wlfel , "You were right, my love. The man's " Bluff old Mrs. Jeffries ; Mrs. Benjamin I heard that your son had been quite ill." I Mrs. Beniamin : "Yes he has been suffer- 8 ine from neuralgia of the heart." Mrs. Jef- . (.TT 1 . V . 1 A. 1 1 face ia sufficient evidence against him." mei -umpn i x migi uave gucu aa iace u Dumwcu . e. , mucn from Beemg him hugging Laura And a new reign began for Jennie Philips bo often, , , tUcrecovery of mi dancrbjer and ih i.MM.n. tinnuf tbe offundt.r wllftepuid u reward of 810.09. ,.,.. i j s-'-... ?. j ' .,' 7 .'. ' . tddress s ' '',' JAMES LOWE, (Col'd,) care of Ja Msa Peon, Post Maatei. ' MorrisviUe, N. VaiCb. 24th, 1883-tra AI.atlAKCB cOCrVtV,' ; jl'ftth Vthd'ltBperier Caairi. Summons for Eilirf, - '' - ' ! - t's X- Special Proceedingt: Wm, ii, fi.binsdn, Adm'of Win. C. Robin- iW-MJ 'an'l " 1 Mary Elaek . and tl Black. Mr husband, Uao.1 Kobliiton, Wm. IKoiituron.- Frankliit . Kobiuson, Bulb BotiliUMtm.' Henry Robinson, Jolma Robinson. Jos. B. Robinson, Bulb la- ley, EliAabeth Bialirtj and ttjbi, Bishop, her -t bnaband, Wut fioblnson nuX a minor child 6f Jos: Kdiiinson, dec u, name and nvaaencc uu kaowil.,.. i - ' ' " ' . 8TATE OF N9 f K CArtOWA, 2b the-Sheriff of Alamance County, , . . ?,e7 v' -iHi Greeting:. . Yriri are hcieby enmmandi-d to t toimon Ma rr B'ack sihI Bluclt her husband, tied. Itobinsviii. Wju. Robinsot., Vrauklia Riajlnson, -. Kutb Koblnfon. Ili'nrv Robinson. Ue..ry Rob inson, Jibua RohluiMin. Ji. B. Roblnsoii, Kutblsfey. Eliaabctb Bishop and JtobL Biab . op bur lidsbaiid. Win.' H. JBoUnaun. aLd a mi nor child of Jos. ftolrinsoii, dee'd. aaoie and; '' : renidunce unknown. Tbo defendants . above -naiud It they he fuund witbii. onr county, to? HpiK-ar at tbe office (if the Clerk Of the Superior : Court for Via caunty ut AUuiabce wttliin tweu ' ' ty fivud ivs after Hie srrlc'a of thU summons on lliaui eclii.l e of l tie dav Of .such .eenrtceV' and answer the complaiut whicli will be depos ited iu tbe ofllre of said Clerk within ten days ' -from the date of tilts summons I And lef said defendants take n tlcC Uiai If they fail to an swer ll-c eomplalht within that lime the lain . tiff wilt Apply to the ;ourt for tne relief de munded in the com lainw -i ! - - ' Herein fail not, and al tills stimmona make ai-t rciam - . -.- ... 'flittn andrt- my hand and seal ef said Conrt, ' this the sixth day of March eighteen hond'ed and eisb'T three. - - ' mar &6w . - A. TATB,C.8.C. f 1 Phltnilllll RiklaaHxrFnniMolAnMLCM lila.trMla., tlv ntoa tn.. Wtm. Bk Tirilm Saw TkImh iruuni 171 aitrm Ite. aMMl 17nti;b Or ALL PLANTS. FOR ALL CHOPS, ' - FOR ALL CUM AT 0. WdarefM kvjreat faraaera, laijsat aeed Wwm ' era and lanreat aeed dealers anywhere; bence have gnatast fadlitlei for producing- Dcst Seeds All tw Sd mn tKcd, and only the bort sent out OUT iuwl OataXtxnm and Prim Li brinifa THK GREATEST RTflHS IX TUB VOUXJ TO livoji OWN tOC.i. It hv eludes all the desirable new and standard rsrietice of Flower, VecHnbla, Field and Tree Saeda, and Plants. Bant h HL. to any address. HIRAM c:rS.EY & CO. Sec-mcr? . Jb.iss;j'2lVaji4tiik!!201U,