. ; ;-. , i,, ; L - : - 1 - 1 - ' " '-. t - . JMNE VOL. 9. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY; A P KIT, 26. 1883. NO. 10. Uottrn. . FUBLI4IIE! WllBKtT AT Urol,.... N.-C "j71)TkkRS01LE Proprietor, TEKMS : due Tear .il.50 Six Months 1 5 liirce Months ..... .. , 00 Every person sending us a club of ten sub scribers with the jcash, entitles himself to one poov free, for the lengh of time for which the . '.- .....,ln nn Vaunt's Kfirit '. o diffprpnt. nflip MUD lo "f , " o Departure from tiie uasn aystem PnsTAGEREPAID' AT? THIS OfFI 01! tTisiwo H Axes: 1 week 3 ' 8 " ' 1 mo.. 3 6 B 2 . hi. lip THE GIRLS. 'Hear the laughter of the pirls- -Pretty gi, Is, What a fund of merriment each ruby unfurls. 1 llow t .ey chatter, chatter, chatter. 1 t" balmy hour of nijjht. While the stars that over-spatter, All the heavens hear their clatter ; In a soft and mild delieht, Keeping time, time, time, Iu a surter kinder rhyme. To the tiniiiauabuldtiou that, unceasinjr. ever purls 61 From the girls, girls, girls, girls, Girls, girls, girls - nuui me wild, capueiousv Girls. saucy, jaunty, 8 in.,3 lu. .-ol col jl col. I 100 15o!200 125 10.250 1 75 2 50 8150 2 00 8 00 4 50 3 0C 4 50 600 4 00 6 00 7 50 6 50 1 500 13 50 10 00 I 0j) i lS 00 St 00 ft7 50jfl2CC L&t'O. 11 CO . K0) 9 50 l(J 50 13 00 15 00 ff20 00 15 00 17 50 20 00 S5 00 48 00 22 CO 80 CO 87 CO 45 00 W 00 ; Nearly advertisements; changed quarterly if Local notices ten cents a line, first insertion i)o local inserted lor loss than flftv cents. rt m r ci ci i r xr a t n a i n cr NO VV. GRAHAM, Uillst)3ro,iN.,Q,5J JAS. A. GKAHAM tirabanjrN. ATTOBNBtS ATI AW, Practice in the State end Federal ourts, ' tSTrfpeci il attention paid lo collecting. ' .' ' i,..-v v'":' V ' ' fL..f See the flirting of the girls - Radiant girls, How the softened brain of lover wildlv - - whi.ls J : Through the mazes of the ball, ' 1 Lp and down the stately hall, How he sktpeth to and'from, And perspires. Would that we could tell the idiot ali we know - Of the fires Into which the false one hurU iacn new yietim-see the flame how s.firlK, . How il curls, How it curls, Better far that they wcr churls, Than fall yicirii to the girls, To the prattle and the rattlu Of the girls, girls, trills, Of the girls, girls, girls, girls, Girts, girls, girlt JTotheauking and huart racking of the girls" it J. D. KEKKODLE, A ttorncfr at Law, GRAHAM, IV.C. X Practices m the 'State and Federal ourts. will faithfully and promptly attend to ull busi es intrusted to him AD VER TISEMENTS. FasMvnable llailor ts prepared td make Fine Clothing for every-tody.- See bis samples of Fall goods 4nd styies for 882!" ' " ' ' . '. mar 2 '3 y ' ' . RALEIGH, N, C., . MLMTACTURING JEWELER AND DEALER IN- M'nlcBcs, ( locks, Jewclrr, Hilrr anil : Nilrer IMaled Ware. l'luin and Fancy Engagement and Wed ding Rings Made at Short Send for patented card for measuring cor fwt8;zc of finger. - ' Goods ent to any part of the State, if satis lactoiv reference is given. . r f cb 1 tf JTPQ a week "-ado at home " by " the V & intlusirious. Best business now ore the public. Capital -not need ed- W ,., a y)u- Mcn women, bojs and girH tli t everywllere to work for U4.T xiovr is . ? , You ean work in pare time, or e'ue kHrU0'e tlae to tho business. No other can T?.S Wllt pajl VOu ,,early 08 weH' JN0 one lau to make enormous pay, b v engaging T.. Costlv flflt terms, tree. Money & i.f S eaMly, r.d liono.ahly. Address Wtlor., AiifeuMa, Maine. : THE TWO SHIPS. PATEF1TS, "Indeed I am sweetly blessed, Mistress Myra." "I should not pause to reck how deep my love. tnat I.should dare dare and win, ah, me ! a jewel that I have no right to wear." " "I am but a lad with empty pockets ; only that Heaven has given me health of iron and these strong arms, truly were I poor " "Xay Julian, and may not the kind Heaven that has given thee these also bless what they may do ?" "Come and tho girlish voice yas bantering-have you won my heart to pine upon it and thrust it back again ?" "Heaven grant otherwise, my Myra." Happy lovers they, standing side by side on tlie vessel's clean deck, seeming to gazo on the dark ocean around them, yet really looking inward at their own true hopeful souls. Among the pious pilgrims who weigh ed anchor from Co.wes, in the Isle of Wight, to plant the banner of religious freedom in the wilderness of Maryland, 1633, there was one unfit for the pro tection of that God to whom all prayed as they faced the perils of their histori cal voyage. Fierce Spaniard or cruising Turks lay greedily almost directly in tho course of the two staunch vessels, the "Ark" and the "Dove,"storms and privations they could no avert but heroically anticipa ted. Our interest lies in the "Ark," the better manned, better armed of the two. On board was a lovelv orphan : fol lowing her guardians when they forsook home and kindred to worship after the dictates of their own hearts her name Myra. " She was loved by everyone, and wor thily, for her purity was even lovelier than her face. Especially deaf was she to Julian Grange.- And when it was observed that-Myra regarded him favorably before all oth ers, they yielded the field to the hand some youth. Only one demurred iu his callous heart and mentally vowed that Julian and she should never wed. x Voter Hardv had been an open suitor, NO PATENT NO . '"., . PAY, is our mot-!a?awaiii'Iuuli'"J' lcJt , f 14 yews ' experience iu ans. and the maiden, rornis iouihku Then ensued a blessed blank and she lay delirious on the couch. History has recorded that terrible tempest, the mad tossing of the "Ark," the pleading prayers preparatory to the seeming inevitable ship wreck prayers that were answered by Heaven, at last, stilling the deep and giving joy to every pious breast. But the "Dove," their consort had vanished She was given up as lost forever. While matters were righting on the shipboard, Peter Hardy, in a .mysteri ous way beckoned the Captain to one side. ' "A word with you." "What have you to say, Master Pe ter," Peter looked slyly from his little twinkling eyes. ' "1 have heard it said that John, the sailor lost his 3Up and knife ?" "Yes." "And Richard, the cook, has lost some silken hose?" "True." "Ane Mistress Myra mind 'thee We l.,jv Cnri ? '"fc"i! 4 caveats, lra Our H i ' 111 1,118 and other countiiei. ratPwif'i0 Books K-Tiuff full illustrations iu SJ a??- Address ft.- 8, & . F. Lact. Att'ys, 604 F, St, vyabhington, DA. HECREAT CURE T Kirs... u Vintal diseases of tue itTff V? syoten cf tlia acrid poiion only thflTSLi 6read BxtOBrmg whloli ! '"S.cUta sf Eheraifttism raa realize. ? iSli,i!"ND? OP CASES w AuruiB rw Vina a.Hi hljrf e5fklyrelioTcd,andliisliort)ne L PERFECTLY CURED. ' "ICUJ 0 Dai. BOLD BI DRCflfilRTS. -, 1 wa CO Co.. Kmrlfn Hnn Vt I VVfti ance was that of a rogue. Three days following St. Cecilia's Day a violent storm arose. Just how it happened none could tell but above the roar of the tempest and crush of waves the shuddering cry went , up "Man overboard !""'..;. At the same instant Myra was seen running across the rolling deck and shrieking piteously "Julian! Julian!" It required strong arms to restrain her from throwing herself ito the raging wa ters. 'He is my Julian I my We ( Oh, he is lost lost! . ' Once she saw a chalky white face with cannot find anywhere a golden bracelet that was "hers, a gift from her dying mother."' "Well, and what of all this Master Peter?" Peter's lean fingers beckoned toward the cabin. "Oh, come with me, that your own eyes may discover what I but half sus pected." Together they entered the cabin. By one of the berth's was Julian's chest fast locked. "You are Captain,".said Peter, pointing. "Julian Grange is dead, the key has gone with him. Open that and see what you may find. The captain hesitated but at last the chest was forced. And there, amid Julian's tidy cloth ng, lay cup, knife, hose, and Myra's bracelet. Unfortunate Julian ! Soon afterward, those who had mourn ed his loss were angrily shaking their heads. Julian then was the thief, and even to steal the bauble of his own true lady love that seemed tho uumanliest of all. ' " "It -was not he," declared Myra sadly. "I do not you must not believe it of him, I pray." "My Julian was too good, too noble, too God-fearing for any crime." When not quite two manth's later the "Ark" arrived at Barbadoes, seeking provisions, the people were inhospitable and extravagant in their charges that the captain himself, with three others went to negotiate. One of the three was Peter Hardy, whose reputation for driving a good bar gain was well known. Night came on before they could re turn to their boat. ; The captain urged haste, for in that January, 1631 there was a pending in surrection among the slaves for murder and pillage j Their haste was too late. Even as they reached the shore a "I lovcd.M.yra:" , I I71 T. jL.i' 1 . ' vt nvu i saw in:u sne was not ior mo I hated him who outranked me iu her heart." "At times I fear I dared to hate her too." "I am dying' , "Forgive-" The wretch died while speaking. The conspisacy of the slaves was dis covered in time to utterly suppress it a.nd the "Ark" lay tranquilly in the harbor when one bright morning there was a clamor of trumpets, and the air buavered with glad shouts from all on board. The "Dove" the mourned for vessel that had vanished during the storm some weeks before sailed gladly into view and anchored near. . , First to gain the deck of the "Ark" was Julian Grange. A plank washed from the "Ark" on that tempestuous night had saved him, after an almost hopeless struggle the "Dove" had rescued him. Ho' describe the emotion of tho two, fondr re-united lovers. They were at once married. From the pair grew sons and daugh ters to become a pride of old Marylaad, the only State that was not wrestled for settlement over the bleeding corpses of the unfortunate natives. The Men Who Succeed. The great difference among men, of all callings, is energy of character, or the want of it, Give the same amount of learning and integrity, and the same oj portunities, and energy will make one man a conqueror. The want of it will see the other a total failure. Dead beats are all men without force. They had as good a chance as any of their companions. Others went ahead and carried off the prizes, while they were lying by the wayside dispiritied and des pondent. It takes nerve, vim, perse verence, patient continuance in well doing to win a great prize. And the young man who goes into a profes sion without this pluck and force will not earn salt to his porridge. He will drag along through life with the help of fi iriuls. ffettinir soma credit with them . . . .. what the treat restorative. ITostettcr'i tor being a well meaning man, in ueiica e stomach Bitters, win do, must be gathered , , , i mi i ,. ,, i irora wnai it niw aoue. ji Das caecum rau- health and unlucky: The real trouble i0i cures in Ihousamh of cases of dyspep i u 11,. All th lo,.,!n 1 f Bia, bilious disorders, intermittent fever. iijuuia.iio-iu.jW. w.v .voiu...e . nervous affections, general aubiuty, con- the world will not qualify a man for usefulness. It requires push stamina, will, determination in O P J J ft - 2 M C, "0 pi p a Y) S " K 02 g OO s . . )A . . P , g g " . . ; If 2 o u g9?-.g- I g : Sw S. 2 K i U B 3 ,H CO ffi 1 , CELEBRATED WTw mar 8 If b o P iT ce p ft. CD' CO CD CO p p p- CO D en W a o 4 r o o w o a. CO c to o X 'g Vigor, courage one word, ciiei'g'y vcr. -Xcw York Obscr- Heading Aloud iu the Family. Books and periodicals .should be angels iu every household.. They are urns to brine . us the colden fruit of thought and experience 'r )m other minds and other lands. As the fruits of the trees of the earth's soil are most enjoyed around the family board, so should thoe that grow upon mental and moral boughs be gathered around by the entire household: Io home exercise cbuid be more appropriate and pleasing than for one member to raid aloud for the benefit of all. If parents would introduce this exercise into their fami- liuci tTioir wniil.l anftn thn ipvilv nnd horde of yelling, frenzied beings poured . , , . , . v J I giddiness that make up the conversation upon them. ! of too many circles, giving way td There ensued a terrible fray. refinement and dignity. Bravely they fought fought until rr every bandoleer was emptied, but one j "feh are but sorry witnesses in after arftthef went down before the their own cause." The praise of Kidney- . .ia ! Wort comes from the mouths of thesj bloodthirty assailants. J who haye been ma(,e 8trong an( healthy Iu desperation the captain sprang to- bv it. Listen: "It is curing everybody," ward the moored boat. ' , writes a druggist. ''Kidney Wort is the most popular miiiii'iiie we ecu. 11 should be by right ,for noothermedicine "Save me! save me 1" screeched the voice of Peter Hardy, directly beneath his feet. It was a hazardous task, but by su perhuman exertion the captain reached his vessel, bringing with him Peter Har dy. . . , f Peter was badly wounded dying, pro nounced the doctor. " When he realized that there was no hope, he summoned, the captain and, a holy man to his side. "Let me confess," he gaspcd,"pain fully. " . "i cannot die with sucn a gin as mine tintoU," "My own hands pushed Julian Grange into the sea." :' " - "My. own hands stole what was in has such specific action bowels and kidneys: on the liver, Irish driver : "Shiire that's the Cus tom House, sorr. But it's only the rare j of it you!ll !e seeing thw side, sorr. The fronts behind. attnatinn. sink heailaehe. mental desuon dency. and the peculiar complaints and disabilities to which the fccblo are so subject. for i ffcnerully. 'or sale by all Druggists uud Dealers . 9 M1E - 'A 1 IS A SURE CURS for all disease cf the Kidney end lthasspocdfi.oaotLa.oa tiis tnodi Important organ, cnablins it to thro off torpidity and Inaction, stimulating tha hcaltiiy secretion of the Sila, and bjr kocpinff do bowels la tna oandiUon, eflbotioj ibt mcnlar diso'.uirce. rinln!o iryooaresuflfcrinj from lAlUIUrsUa malaria, have tho cMUs, aro bilious, dypepUe, rrconstlpstcd, Kidney Wort will surely reUove and quickly core. In tho Gprins; to cleanse the Bystcm, evsrjr one should take a thorouch course of it. U- SOLOeVDRUCCISTB. Price $ I. Garden Seeds, Drugs &c 1npre8il?atr(fCP 8ed. D"'!?. MedMncaY . Ol.s. Faints, i-erfuinery nd Fancy Tollcl Artleles, call ou . J 8. A. WHITE, Mcbane, N. C. J. Southgate & Sonr Life and t'irc Insurance Agents, DURHAM, N.C. Large lines of insurance placed In bes ompanifP. Oct.3. If. Bookse 1.1 e4r a h d Statioiior Newsdealer AND HKALE IN MUSIC ART fa. School Books v- a SPECIALTY, 6reeaabrt tt,Vi G3T Write to ran for sny'Iu.ok von wnnl Is uot In tuy store, I will ordur it for yoa. Dissolution. IBLEY' The firm of IIoli, Krwln fz Holt has this da dUtolvcd for liiutimi coiiMiiit, fur tlie puqiosu 05 eiie;ii;inLr In oiImt iHi-lmm. 11a' liti? sold our storu Iiodc! ond "took i good, iic , to .Messrs Locke Ern and T. P Slore, uotlec I beifhy .vcn to all who have claims atjainM. and thusu uncbu-d to tho lute fir a., to coino forward mid ieUlo the same with W. A. trwin, who nill be found at Company bhojis. In retiring from the but lues of merchandlo iiij; wo wls.t to cxprc-S4 our inot icnueful thanks to our many customer., for their .lilji-r-al i atronj;e ever cxtttiueU us. whit h wo llways Ktrove to uicrit , and wc tako ilcauri- iii recommcnuing to yourconlidonce and pai ro:iai;u our wor.ii v uecersorii. Mexors. Kruin and Moore, who will conduct the buclncs In the same lir e BJ heretofore. We are, Very tiulv vonrs. IlOLT.feftWJN &JIOLT. April 3, 18-3- . S10.00 Reward A little' f;irl being asked by her grand fathcr,wiiefe cotton grew, answered with the greatest simplicity, "ia old gentle- - men's cars. ;ntrl nnse and baleful twinkling u nf Pter Hardv. and he Julian Grange's chest cj iixv- v.j v- , ; i ,fornallv at her. even in Her ( O i ; , .... - misery. "I had a key that fitted cleverly." "But forgive me now I implore.' A hotel clerk named Briscoe Stumped his foot out in 'Frisco It Jiurt him like thu jd. r But the pain was got under, . , By St Jacobs Oil rubbed on histoe.- A conductor' Who live at Belair, Qot hurt, being thrown on a chiiir, . They took him away, - But in less than a day, St. Jacobs Ofl made Mm all square. 1 On or abort the niht of the 26th of Decern bet, 1883, Minnie, my (laughter, acd about 13 vears. was abducted from my home lft iVake County. . . . bheis of a briglit giner-cako color, well jfrown for her nsre and medium In flesh. At times she was subject to spoilt whin the me o( her mftrd deserted her &b& wa( carried jff b oue Hayw'wd Beck, of a dark rinirc--fakecl-it, spare-rrilt and a ''out 5 feel 10 , ucl es hiu and about S3 years old. 8aid licck has a wife and ehiid about two years old. I have information that they arc In AUmnuc con ity about nome one of the factories. Any one KiViiitr me such inform ntion r will lead to tin recovery of my datigb.er'nd the prosecu tion of the offondtr whFtepuid t. rcnard ol 10.00. , ; . . ' . iddress :' . . . . - James to w e, (Cord,) , care of Ju es Pugii, Pott Masti'i, - , Morrisville, N. C. Match. 24th, 1883 tra ; , . - ' OrALL PLANTS, FOR ALL CROPS, FOR ALL CLIMATES. - ' -W are the largest farmers, largest see! crerjr era and largest seed dealers any" hero; hence have greatost facilities lor producing; Beat Heeds All our 8fU ars Ifttd, and only the best sent oat Oar Annual Catalog and Prlct LiM brings THE CJttEATEST BEED 8TORB IX TUB WOULD TO YOUR OWN DOOR. It in cludes all the desirable new and standard varieties of Flower, Vwrtabla, Held and Tree Seeds, and Flanta. Sent FK to any address. ' HIRAM 8IBLEY A CO. Seedsmen .- Xsckastsrt N.T. aad Caiea IU 2ENT8 WANTED-S73 to f ISO Per Montpr Vhe COMPLRTf, HOnit tail mt PUACT1CAI. l.NKOUMATlOS, . The Yaanc lloase-keescr'a HIDE. O . TaKprtcMdWiMfcter'sTHESIa . " A boo: of more practical utllit'. seldom, if ever, be round outside or ioapirsion,' tJkrUiktnAiiKKut. If&E.UC.Ufaafl tomtrp hoM O I inmg and Old. Fin Hspr.ClrTTp. BcaataalBlnding.SpUadidlllas tntifmf. Xmrlu fl(IO Pnqct. LnwFriteM. HelUnpidltti .idnss i. b UCLIUt At CO., rkiladelakia,V a4ZZ H .TOW tCMt I ' ar v tt ' ' UUUIL ' Every Mistress of ifome in the Sooth should ve THE NEW DIXIE COOK-BOOK; b contains the cream of ell the other books on COOKERY AND HOUSEn KEEPING. Over B,000 receipts, true and ' tried, from old family receipt boeks,and 10,000 new hints and helps and fact of value. Sold by ntaCTiptioii. AGENTS WANTED. Send for specimen p.ipes and terms; -.-i G.A.CLARKGOrJCO.y ATLAfiTA, CCORCIA. AfTil t, . . A -I lor Llulai. Illlralrd .Imrnl- works of rharatttr: rreat arilv :DOOKS Ot BIUICS WW in PtKe: scllint; fast; needed every irlttrc; Llarral terms. U. f - OQ MM.. A. t iuix Mala t.. KklliUluoa. vs. r " "THE BEST 19 CHEAPEST." nam Tl . R F J 1 1 F IK m r11 ' HonePot en I lllll-OllLnO C!,Tf r JIJLi CiMsMtoall section. Write lor .ts Jln.. 1'- m-M anarxiceii Vy Ilw AulWata Si lajiuj to-, l.uu..j,

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