' r The Alamance Gleaner,-:. VOL. 9. ('HA HAM. X. 0.. THURSDAY. MAY 'A. 1883. NO. 11. , rlBLISHBU WCKKtr AT Grabaa. pTKEKyoi)LE Proprietor. 'I'KttMs: Duty $1 ' 1.50 1.50 75 - club;. Of ten svb year Months .. tint iveryPe"!" h -entitles himself W otreH n, J for the lengh of time for which the fumade up. Faper sent o differevtofflcba Ttemrture from vie wan oyaiem. SCULPTORS OF LIFE. "ChiHil in hand stood ft scubtor boy, W ith Lis marine hloek before hiin. And his face lit a ) with a smile of joy , ' As au anire. diram ...aai i,;. . w-?i tlie dream n Jhat shapeless stono umiijr a Buarp incision ; n !.'eiVcn's own uht the sculpture shone uu cauai mat, angoi vision. " ""n'piors of life are we. as we stand, V lib. our souls unoarved before us, I ; . , ' " s iuu uuurs wueii aiuoa s command I ' " Uur '"e dreain passes o'er ns. ' carve " t,,en on 11,6 vcilding stone vv itb nian sharp incision, X.lti heavuly beauty shall 1e our own ; vt)ur lives that angel vis on.' in. aiu.,8 in. week; mo.. ol coX'X rol ;7 6C12 0C ..ahaa a i in a,rr En ill) tv I 9o 2oi' 5('ai.sJi co:1?oj kvlfT' . - r-f y i !. Isni jio? otf.48-flfr-J8 co fc-i.'.? very pirange jviieu we m jsa -sss K i? 820a0s thiukofit'on whatsmaiicgs 6 50 l5 00j 18 50 15 00 5 00 45 CO 1000 1 on JSOUi !Wjw'Piu "iTarly advertisements changed Quarterly it fxicalnotices ten cents a line, first insertion local lnserwu ...-.v.-.T. - j PROFESSIONAL CA UDS. JAS. A, fiBATTAM SO GRAHAM, Hillsuoro, N. 9 ATTORNUVN AT.aV . Practice In the State arid Federal onrtSj GTSpeci il attention paid to eolleeting. , J. i). KElvNODLE, THE LEAF OF A G ERANIUM. ots the wheeh of fate run, Attorney at t Law, GVAUAM.N.C. " Practices in the 'State and Federal ourts. hrill faithfully and promptly attend to all busi- 1 6is8 intrusted to hiin ' . AD VERTISEMENTS, Ji Fashion'obe 1 ailor, - ; v: ;. . S I & :' i:S "ST .4 !J SCI CffifSk,-? k U TV T prepared to make Fine Clothing for every wdy. Pee his samples of Fall goods and Btyies lor 882. ' "u taar 9 '83 y ' ' --KALEIGn, N, c ' ' : MANUF Vf TUKIKG JEWELER AND DEALEK IN Watches, Merita, Jr.wrlrjr. ilrr nod Kllrer Flnlrd Ware. ' l'lain and Fancy Engngemcnt and Wed ding Rings Made at Short . ... , - ' . Notice!; ' ? Send fnr wot s 'sc of Auger. . " i Roods ent lo, any part of the State, if t satis- wctory reference is gWen. 5 ;"" f ;febil tf t TO weekjuade at kome illilnslrlniiia Roil tuicIiiPBB HOW ot ore the public. CaDilal not neue l. W Will ... " . come to and piv- on1 .jIo f o U(1U IT UUU C snglUrjar will do toward changing the whplo machinery and set to running in an entirely different direction ' , It was a genranium leaf that altered the whole course of my life. But for the trivial leaf picked by a young girl in thoughtless mood, -1 should . siot be sittinerejto-dayin this pleasant din ing ,'roora, . where , the sun comes-in through the vine-wreathed windows and falls upon the geranium pots inside, j and thii little girl would not be upon my knee, nor yonder red checkel mai den on the verandah with young Smith era, and neither would that very hand some matron who just passed into the parlor have been in her present situa tion. If you will listen an nour or so, I will tell you my story. It was just twelve years ago this summer that , I married Carrie Dean. She was twenty aud'l wa3 twenty " scveriboth old enough to know what we meant and what we were about at least I was, but Carrie was such a coquette that I used to think she had no mind of her own, Oh, but she was lovely ! All ?ose-col-ored an white, and brown tresses,', and pearly teeth, with theroundestr plum pest figure, v.s graceful as a fairy in every movement,' and with beautiful shapely hands that were a constant de liht to the eyes. ...I was just homo from college and she was ou a ; visit to my step-mother, her at: n't, and my half sif ter Lilla, and her cousin. I have seen a good many girls in my neven years at college, and some of the belles of the land; but I had never yet had my heart stirred by any woman's eyes as Carrie Dean stirred it when my eyes met hers in greeting ; and the touch of her soft fingers , completely set me afloat on the sea of love. I was her slave from that hour nor her slave either but her passionate lover and wor shipper.. And of courst she knew it, and of course, being a finished ooquette, she queened it over me right royally. There was Fred Town, the country physician, and Tom Delano, the hand some young farmer, both as bad off as I was, and a pretty time we had of it. Fred and I old chums in former days were at Words' points now,and hated each other splendidly for a few weeks. i And Tom I held in the utmost contempt, and railed at them both whenever an opportunity presented itself, for Carrie'fr edification, after j the manner of men, and was repaid by seeing her bestow " uwrt vim. uni: ivr.man. horn and Biria .. i ..nn wanted everywhere to work for uV ow Is , her sweetest , smues anu g.u tn time. You ean work in fcpnre tkne, or el e : thom tve nex time they met. yonr whole tijie to - tbe . bnsiness. No other ; them tfte nex. um j funvaanA business will pay Tou nearly as well, jno one ! Fred drove a splendid span ol Daysana n fail to make enormous pay, by eneatfin? , dashed UD the "once. Costly rutfli and terms troe. Money , almost every day tney aasucu up !e m f easily, and hono abljr. Address , ilVtCnn t,,u...i U.S... ... i ! 4- 1 rie'a added wexgm. au ' i i xnf arrain with Car- avenue, ana uasucu uu - -.- D ATCriTO NO PATENT NO '' hand nearly every evening, and she was Ml til 1 O. PAY. is our mot IA 17 i . W . t,n Vioi Ann v; , t f . . j- ' lust ao p fcV v , . the same to me and that was what J;PyrlhU, etc.. in this .and other countiio. ; , e ' : Is '..' ! . .... not to be satisfied with a wia "r nana Books .u'rlns-. full illnatrations. in rtenufree. Address B. . & V. V.. Lcr. lteot Att'yi,H F.'8U vvai-blugtop, D. t. COf JQTi P ATI Qtim. Trmfwii inn in riiTiimri-i t VllVll eqamUed ih oolcbrtitad Kidney-Wort "th en, this ramedy wUl cmacommlt. " ' r 81K.iJ plaint U vary P . (WmpUaatedwitlioonslipatloiU KMncy-Wcrt v trenjtien tha -wmkenod parte snd quickly o- tJTf yonhKgltherrf thwatronblas 1 T wt . ow's third" by any means, and I told her so at las't, and asked how the matter was. to be settled. . i "I love you better than those brain less fops know bow to love," I said hot ly; "and now decide between us." ' She had listened to my love confession with blushing cheeksanddowncasteyes, a ride, which was very aggravating, I must confess. I thought ovcr-my conduct that night and concluded that I had been a brute. The next morning I found Carrie a the at the dining room window alone and saught her side. She had her hand among the leaves of a sweet scented ge ranium, and just as I approached she plucked a leaf and twined it among her braids. I remember how bright and green it looked among the dark locks. "Carrie," I began, "1 fear I was very rude yesterday." "I know you were," she said looking indifftrentiy out of the window; This was a bad beginning but I went on: "But Carrie, I love you so, and when I see you with Fred" But here Miss Carrie turned on her heel. "I am ndt going to listen to you while you slander my friends," she said. "When you can speak respectfully of Mr. Town, I will return," and here she left me again. I left the house then, and did not re turn Jail afternoon. As I returned I met Tom Delano. Poor fellowhelookecnike the last rose of summer after a rain. "Good-bye," said he, "I am going away. She has sent me off, and I can't stay in the place. I hope you are the happy one I do honestly Al. She said her heart was given to another, and it is you or Fred. I hope it is you, and God bless you." Here Tom dashed away and left me staring after him in amazement. "Given her heart to another !" I re peated with a vain in my chest some where. "Well it is evident that I am not the other, and that Fred is. Poor Tom poor me 1 Tho best thing that I can do is to follow suit and leave too. I can never see her the wife of another, and the sooner I am off the better." So I went moodily up to my room and packed a satcheland gotjilJhings in readiness for a speedy" departure. On my way up I met Carrie just com ing from her room, arrayed in her jaun ty riding habit, and I could hear Fred's deep tones shouting "Whoa !" down in the yard below. I wached her trip down, the stairs and out of sight, thinking that it. was the last time I would ever see her for yeais, perhaps forever. - Whe I had. strapped ' the last buck'elon my satchel ani all was in readincss,I went downtosay good-bye t father, mother, and Lilla. Lilla was not indoors, and my parents looked at mc with amazement. "But, Allen, my son," pleaded father. n-r i 1 1 1 Li, ..Ail rstialsl untor 1 M tn i naa mougut ) . mcn ig deRtined to be remoddled by business with me. There is a grand f . have held orjenine for you, and I position in reserve." "I thank you for all that, but I want to travel for a year or two before"going into bushlessfc" was all I could answer and my father gave up in despair. Lilla was still absent ; but it wasquite dark, and the train would leave in half an hour, so I left a good-bye for her and passed out into the hall. It was a long, narrow hall, reaching the whole length of the house,' and with several rooms opening into it; but as yet it was unlighted and as dark as J Egypt. About halfway through it I heard the street door open and shut, and a mo ment later ran full against ome,one entering. fall of tears. "You are too bad," she sobbed, "and I hate you." But just then she noticed my travel ing attire, and paused abruptly. "Why, where are . you going?" she asked with interest. "I was going away, never to return," I answered, "but since you have said what you did in the hall I have changed my mind." ! Carrie pouted. "I was only speaking for Lilla." . . "Then I shall go, shall I, and leave you to marry Fred ?" "I detest Fred," she cried. "And you love me better than all the world?" ; "Yes." So that flirt was conquered at last, and I was the victor. . "But how did you know it ' was not Lilla ?" she asked as we sat together. "By the geranium leaf that I saw you put in your hair this mbrring," "And but for, that you'd have gone away and not come bak for years ?" "Yes' perhaps never come back, but for that tell-tale leaf." "TheirweTvill keep that leaf always," she said taking it from her hair. And so we have. I procured a golden box, and there it is to-day, one of our dearest treasures. Of course I married Carri, and of course that blooming matron is she. Tom Delano did not die with a brok en heart, but married a lovely girl out West a few months after his departure and Fred Town is our famiiy physician and has a pretty wife of his own. A chicken at Aiance, Ohio, went to roost upon the axle of a freight car. During the night the car was attached t j a train, and when the feathered bi ped descended from his unsteady perch ha failed to recognize the scenes of his childhood. He was in Lima, Indiana, and the man in whose garden the fowl went scratching got into a fight with the whole neighborhood by accusing every body of owning the bird. t E9 Wt U,- 'J . - K)lB q .l..vM.I --''h:- -vW'r.Q ; 5'- " " g i . ,g....cft as ' rg:'-- ' -i " I -fc!; 'ffiiEr. . rjatfer"-?-- " pr- r. ?.'! '" 3a vt . . J fcj x- ' r-' r-r.---V I .. f;t; -fin-lit IT i iusa till . - I' m xgj h ' -, in , . , 'fell to W E'?:'" w . - -h g-r S ... ; .... . .t. ...... . r.r..'.:. Garden ,tSesds. 0 rujgsSc Eor fresh Oarfen 8-eds. ' Dm w. Me5i.;lnes, Oi's. Palo U, P erf umcry and Faacy Toikt Articles, can on mar 8 tf 8. A. WHITE, , , .MebaaNC. What great restorative,. Ilostetter's "There is no arguing acoward into courage..' But even the coward may be brave after trying Kidney-Wort that ! . gSfftJ US W&S2fSS medicine of wonderful efficacy in all JgJ. i" tJZ&?&S, f ii10 livor anil kiilnrvs It nervous affections, general debility, eon' diseases of tlie liver ana Kitincys. 11 ,tip,tlon, sick headache, mental despon H prepared in both dry and liquid form fH &J$!St nA ftlwAvs Vie relic 1 on as rn aubjeot. - effective cathartic and tiurei c. Try it. Faith gratefully and reverently ac knowledges and uses the past, but she sots her face toward the future. The. outward form of truths held sacred by progri deeper essence there is a spirit which will move energetically with the devel opment of all that is most precious and business of saving it, . Mr. F. C. Vaugham, Warrenton, N C, savs : "Brown's Iron Bitters is a first- class tonic ; it cured me of drills." Avarice is pem-rally the lat rnwsion of those lives of which the first part has has been squandered in "pleasure, and the second devoted to ambil ion. Hethnt sinks undi th ; fatigue of ; e tii g wcaHb, lulls his iigc flith the milder bujiiucts of saving it. . . Misfortunes come to man through 'excessive love of self. He misjudges "If Is Lilla." I thought, and reaching. tbi ,usf K()0j ani beautiful, r . . ' ai . , . ' outy,arms caugnt net neiween uaau. "b it you Lilla ?" I said. - ' 6ut she. did poti anVerL only twined her arnis abbot my necfe; ; fVvTiy, UtUq'sisteV fsaidsoftjy, "do Ebr Lilla was not'demonstrative as a usa tiinfoand I y as surprised at her movement. i i Qh?beMer thau all the world beside, AJlen," she said in a whisper. And then as 1 wtea ins lace io m3 when I said this she turned defiant-,' lips, the sweet odor of geranium per Drutrniwf Sell ""11 JMHERl U UJE rAIU. I I - , 1 Qelntlme. Bold bv droggiala. j but ily oume. : I "They are no more fops than you are, she &id, "even if they have not spent seven years in college. They are , gen tlemen, and I can't say that of every man of my acquaintance, fuirietheair, and my heart gave a great leap. i . ' It was Carrie, not Lilla, whom I held in mv arms.i ' . ' She was trying to disengage herse f now. but I suddenly caught her light through thinking he ought r.lways to honor what belongs to hirast-lf ii prcf ference to truth - "T Rejoice not when thy enemy falleth, and let not tho heart be glad hen he stumbleth. . A benevolent oyo, humility of ppirit, and a mind . free from pride, characterizes the time disciple of Abra ham, r Cheerfulness makes the mind clearer, gives tone to thoughts and adds grace and beauty to the countenance. . .4 -...v. r , ;n mv twa stout arms, ana, open- And here she shut tneaooroeivCCuu0 wriHv - , " with a slam, and left me to my pleasant ing the library door, I earned her i-(inn. ftnd half an hour later ImetUhebrilfeintly; lighted room. Her face 2 at the gate withered, go out for 'Wot with blushes now and her eyes complaints and are so or sale by all Drorclst and Dealer J Mil) fencrall; HAS BEEfJ PROVED The SUREST CURe for ' r, . i.a bi-x DTd.!erlcr-vl tiio lr.ii th.r. .nn in a TMti t TVLZX IO KCZ ILE31TAT2i va EMacy-VTort atonoe, (druff- rlresommeB41'.or"ai wi.ipc:iy r7 .vima ih it'uoui ana restore lieaitliy acttra. LclUlwJii to-roi:? eci. nueliiu rair- nd vtaknetKw. Kldaey-'-Vcrt la um.arpiel, iMitwlUaotprcniirtiyaaaaciBiy. biici durtorroydTo'.u.auddr.!! droeslac 7ia. ail pduy yic;a to ira earacTO power (S BO&D uT ALI DaiTOOISTU. Price 1 Dissolution. J. Southgate & Sbri, Life ana . t'irc Insurance Agents, DURHAM, N. C 'Ir .Large lines of insurauc Uaced in be pmiani.-. , t a Oct.2. tf. i CHAS. D.YATSS. u Bookse llej: and 'stationer, Newsdealer i:, AKO "KALE IN MVSIC 4R'C School A SPECIALTY H' " GreeaBr, J. C. ;! ', rf .frt-'.,i) y Write to inn for snv'hook ton want is uot iu my store, I will order it for ?ou. . 1 ke firm of Holl, Frwin A Holt has Hits 4ay dl-folvcd by mutual consent,' for the purpose of enraging In other bui-lnos. Having sold our store house and .stock of goods, &c , to Mefsrs Locke Er'in an1 T. P. .uoi.re, notice i beiehy K'.vvn to all who have Halms aguiust. ud those mdehlcd to the. late Orm, to conie forward ami seitle tlie sn e Willi W. A. trwin, who will be found at Company Shops. In retiring from the btulnCss of" merchandis Inir we wih to express our mot grateful thanks to oui many customer., for tbcSr liber al i atroungc ever exttuded o us. wlikb we ilwavs strove to merit , and we take pleasure hi rccfiniiH'iidinc toyourcontldcnce and pai ronsge our wor.uy successors. Alefrs. Erwin and Moore, who will conduct the busine.a in the same lire as heretofore. Wo are, Very t nlv vours. - HOLT, fcEW IN 4 flOLT. AprilS, l8S8.-4t OFALL PLANTS, FOR AU. CROPS, ' FOR ALL CLIMATES. - -i t We ate tha largest farmers, Ureeat wmA araw era and laraeat aae4 ealera aarwlten; baaea t bare greatest t acaiUes t at produetas; Deat Sccda All oar SU ar imtml, and only Uu beat ami ooi. Oat AnnmalCalmlnr" a4 tri IM brings TUB GREATEST SEED BTORB IN Til WORJUD TO YOCK OWN DOOR. It tab ctadee an the dednbto aew and standard vartoHea of riowerVeireUble, ndd and TrseSeada, and , Rants. Sent FREE to any addreaa. . - HIRAM SIBLatY A CO. 8oedrrjea , Kha.T.aa4CkUaUl. - - -s - x m ICNT WAffTEl-S78 to I50 Per Montrw ar PICA iy., -j Tha aj?eriaiia M.keearVWtrE!fa FiM Paear. CUa Trp. BeaUl f 4Uoras . i smCaJKDX at V ihiAfi.. mitiilirtllltva-' widom. enr. ta fooad eutaidaof iMpirVlbn,' ihrutian Ad cult. NEEDED S3ISS BY "-tf 1 COb, VhUmUlpkkiirm K " r ry - .... L r -x. TTy:4 iifit'C &t7 A granger whose name i Bob Shield, ' Was mowing the grass in his field, By a snake he was bitten, ; . inil hn h:iiiist written. "Sf Jacobs Oil has the bite hcaled.'i j A lame Chinamau 00 the Pacific, Of pains and aches was prolific; He limped all around, - . , . Until he had found t. Jacobs Oil, tbe gn 1 1 pciSc. S1000 Keward On or abovt the night of the 36th of Decem-Im-i, )83. Minnie, my daughter, aged about 13 v nrs. was abducted from my home iu V ake Conniy. , - ' : bhe is of a 'bright ghigcr-cako color, well ?rown for her aire and medium in fljsu." At times she was subject to spells, when the life of V ber mind deserted her t-he was carried off b one Ilaywoo . Bcckof a dark ginge-rukeeol ' or, sparel uiltsnd aHulS feet 10 ucte hiu . and about 23 years old. Said Beck has a w:f. ' I have information UiM.tuey aroln A tarns rc y XTirVi A-r - - a con ty about some one of the laetorles. Ant- (Ja Aa CLAtiwi JuCwrf one eivlug me sgoli iuformatioo as wlUUsad to 1 ATIA"JTA t" ! iiri.i.iviri nf tnv dHiKrhsor aha llio MirnHfpri-I " ' S aw... tion uf the offend r a Li te paid s, reward of 10.00. - ; ,t - . A lrcss : X "JAMES LOWE, (Cbl d,) - care of James Ptou, Post Msstn, . . ' -i - Monisvllle, N. C. March. 24;h. 18S3 tin Cheapest BlbleteKSjftltiT! 'Every Mistress of a Home in the Sooth aaoaloV bareTHE NEW DIXIE COOK-COOK. It contains the cream of all the other books on COOKERY AND HOUSE KEEPING. Over 5.00O receipts, true and tried, from old family receipt booksud IO,CCCF saw hints and help and facta of value. ,, Sold by, enbscriptioii. AGENTS VfAMTED- Sea AGENTS wanted ZxZZTmXiZ :uuu.g ii uiuivg vrkmofcliMrtcT: vt wlrlclr:-?Vu',' ' .; It F. JkiMu a; t Mai Knluuuod. V. THl BVST'14 CMfaprST." Kcisrs, Tiin cenpne saw nix Ierwm lllIiLOn..0 ckf rULT 1(SnftI to all jxysuoni. UTiiaiura.a.ernn!i.1m-v'4 aaariKasUiIlMAuluaaadCIajiic tu, a..., v

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