A - .-v. ' . ... ..." ;. .. : ,'. .:, V.V, A " i (xKABAM, n; (3;. THURSDAY MAYZI7:18837 THE ALAMANCE GLEANER PUBL1SH0 WUKKXY AT IHrniiaui. Iu .. TERMS': I ime Mod T;,r,. Months . rson sending ns a ciuo oi len-auD- eiiutics iniusuu iu ;one Every pore nonrtrfure from me uo tAIWyilM,MJlJl..nTfB1r3 NO. J 3. poetry. ONE OF THE COMMANDMENTS. ' " : BY GEORGE A. BAKER. Postage Frepaid Office i i. I 2in..S U,.V oliKcol.il col """ T 4i nn 1 50 t 2 00 "f 4 00 5i 1 8f I 70i 200 3 Of 4 00l fi 50 10 00 1120C 1?1 I 3 60U'7.00,J33 50 18 0O .5076 so-' 1500 -sa 00 6 00 10 50 .',1.7 30 30 00 7 50, 13 00 20 00, 37 00 12 50? si PDU 85?OOf 45 00 IS 00' 23 00 18 00 6 00 yearly adverti. e jents changed quarterly il 'ilrnnhnfts ten ceiifcalitte. .first JofwctloD No local inserted jor less tii1ii fifyi. cents. , 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' . - ' - -- PROFESSIONAL CARDS. i V SO W. GRAHAM, Hll'soyd, JGr-- "' J AS. A. '-GRAHAM ATl'OBNUl H AT I. A W, ; Practice tn the State end Federal ourts, " i"dpecitl attention paid to colleetinj..- (Affi yoWncigliUor as yourself, , , ' Ssw'tho parson preaches ; ' That's one half the decalogue,"' So the prayer-book tcaUies ; MtfMw Jftf't can With but Iittic labor, ' Fc.r wttli all my heart and eoul i,iXA loye y neighbor. trty ' Jo mye)Menl, v . f Nt to love her though might be -.Soiuelhiiig of a trial, " E'uu the rosy light that ie?pi broiigh, Vac glass aborc her, f$( ' .' Wnsew 'round hor lips, ' You'"see ''-"' en the sunbeams love her. : ' So take my ncrl', moie, I'll go beyond the letter j Love my ne'gltbor as mysqlf ? Te3, ttml.ten limes better. ' For she's sweeter than the breath 1.H Of the spring that parses Through the fragrant, budding woods, , O'er the the meaduwe ! g-asses. J And tve preached the word I know, : For it was my duty . ' f '. ' '- To convert the stubborn heart ' -- Of the little benuty. i ..; pnee again uccess has crowned . Mis.-iuury labor, For her sweet eyes own that she " Also loves her neighbor. . fcjr NINON'S PRINCE. J. J). KEENODLE, Attorney lit Law, Practices in theState and Federa ors. vi!l faithfully and promptly attend to'-Alt fensi jsss intrusted to him -4 ; . ..'.- . " 4- V Fash ion ah I&tmlofP 'fit f 'f i P I A (JRATIAitl, K. Cm Is prepared to make Fine . Clothing ,f or every oody. Pee his samples of Fall goods and styies for 882. -.-w.--. ': i., . ' : - mnr 2 'g? y . ! -RALEIGH, Nf O..- , : 1 MAKUF Vf TURING JEWELER - AKD DEALER U- lies, flocks, Jewelryf MifvV ver nun . NilTcr Hinted Ware. Tlaiii and Fancy Engagement and Wed ding Bings Madft a SJidlti i "i 8end for patented card for measuring cor rcot size of finger. iiood It was the siege of Pari8. The Em press Eugenie had fled from the Tuiler- ies, the provisional government had been organized under Trochu, Paris was in a state of wild alarm and' the Prussian armies were steadily making their way toward the city, investing one point af ter another and rapidly cutting off all communication between the besieged city and the surrouniug country. Win der jras looming on ; f ood and , fuel be coming scarce"; business was. entirely suspended ; the boulevards were filled with idle aimless lotrngers, gazing with sad and hungry eyes Upon the long files of troops that marched before them. ? Into- the ' quiet and aristocratic pre cincts of the Faubourg St.' llonore the grim ghosts of famine and bloodshed had. net made their way,: and the,, lux urious entresol of the fashionable hotel where Ninon was leaning back in her . cushioned, fauteuil with the toe3 of her slippers extended toward' the fire, and her head thrown back . wearily, looking the very personification of ennui. "Filino. yoa bother me, go awiy." Fifine departs but returns again in the course of two minutes. ... . "kadam, vici monsieur.- Madam turns her pretty little head and takes a comprehensive glance at the tall young officer in the uniform of the national guard. "The Prussians have not eaten you up yet?" inquires Ninon, with a yawn that she does not take the smallest pains tb conceal " t J "Not yet. Would it be a great source of relief to madame if such an event was to take place?" , ; "Eathcr.'' v. . ;' 'bon't you care for me at all, Ninon ?" i'nnH. hf. Rillv. mv child. Teil me IS Madame de Earonue disfigured her of that tenblc cannonading, waited ' all pretty lips with ; an .'incredulous little night in frightened suspense for news niove and the door -closed -uponr-her-fiom the scene of battle for tidings from boyisn lover. .. Armand de Rochecceur. In the morning Paris in a state of siege a city "of no word has come, Dark circles have 2,000,000 inhabitants surrounded by the appeared under the brown eyesand their lorceotapcw.nul enemy, and all sup-. brilliancy is all fad.d, gone out in tha plies cut off. The streets were filled loug night of watching Kestlessly Nin with a gaunt and hungry crowd of des- jon paces the long salon. Finally a sud perate men and despairing women. ' den impulse seizes her, "I will go and find The sounds of distress and suffering him." : . ". ' , :. ' , , - . began to make themselves heard even' She finds him at last. As , she ap in the luxurious- quarters cf the Fau- 1 proached his bedside she tremble. Sha bourg St. llonore, where Ninon do Val- J looks upon the white bandages that lie cour wore out her days in wailing over ' upon his eyes and shoulders. '' Then she the dullness and dreariness of the gay f speaks to him, and the glad' smile that" capital. The liigh prices. demanded for flits across his lips reassures her. H's all the necessaries of life began to ex- e'ngle hand goes out to meet hers, and he haust even the princely De Valcour rev- ' tries to 6peak!-. A warning gesture from enues. The establishment must be re-j the nurse attracts Ninon's attention, and daced, and Baroness Ninon awoke out ' she whispers ; "Do not talki Armand! of her long spell of luxury and laziness j you must get well first." From au old soldier who watches over I, him Ninon learns , the history of the sortie As she listens to. th story ' of h m bravely the young soldier bore him self on that dreadful day there is a look of newly found happiness in 'the brown ( yes. Suddenly they fill with tears" and htrlips murmcr softly, "I have found him, tho prince." - The sister of charity comes andjwlnV pers, gently and pityingly. "Madame.he will bo blind." v - ; "Armand, my love ! Gob help you !" Then she lifts bier tear-strained face lit up with its wonderful light of lovw and pity and .looked, at the sympathetic counte nance of the poor sister, whispers, "Heshal see with my eyes."- ' The sister looks into the depth of the lovely eyes raised to hers, and , think "He is not much to be pitied, the brave to face life for the first time seriously. One among Ninon's friends were miss ing. The boyish form of the young officer, with his untarnished uniform and unused sword, appeared no more among her guests. At first she smiled at his absence, then insensibly she began to watch for his coming, and as the days passed one after another, Ninon grew anxious ." r --- It wa3 the evening of the 21th of No- ! vcmaer. isinon was sitting alone, when a quick, hurried tread sounded behind the cliair, and the clanking of a sword startled her. "Armand !" she exclaimed, as she turned and encountered the excited glanco of the young officer. "Yes, Ninon ! Paris is at last aroused. To-morrow will be a grand sortie. With 100,000 men we shall leave Paris, march j upon; Champigny ou to Villers." Du- crot has sworn to re-enter Pans only victorious or dead. I have come to say good-bye. Before to-morrow night Prus sian ball or bayonet "may have quieted forever the heart that loves you so pas sionately. Kiss me Ninon, and God bless you." .- Ninon, lifted the brown hair from the fair young forehead ; a moment her Jips rested there, and she murmured, "God bless you, my Armand!" And then he pressed her passionately against his heart and left her. ! At the head of his'company rode Ar mand de Rochecceur. He did not turn his head, but the hand that held the bridle rein trembled as the heavy tread of his powerful horse bore him slowly on beyond the gaze of the bright eyes that looked down upon him. )---: f - J ' W ' -'":'( Jill '1. I5J.' !..f 'fjQ ' ? . ':. . ' f . S ' rH. .g T . g p - . h d ... : . .sr,.... .: ... .... k . . " s. -i ;'5v .,,fc;hv .53.',.' - r. i. 3-oq "v, "-ri'io 'O' a e i - If. 5 1' K ; -'i! 8 ' $ 2 g 3 ' O H rVp H ; l o . g. O rp" .W"-:.g.;s:::..;;;f- o p CO o 3- CD CO p o o .p CO fccCrcf excellency General Trochu i I about.aud when you propose to stain that 079 rweek Wdr.., h,n ..by I elegaut uniform with Pnissiap gore?" 01 iudnstrio. Best WuMne now ! , "Poor Paris!" The young officer sign ed and shook his head. 1 . "Paris is very nice all but the Priis- ocrore tin? tinhn... ro..i .1 .,. 1 xv Z , you- Men women, boys and cirU waned everywhere to work for n. xJow is me ttm v . , . .- . ... , ;n wim in spare umc or nuoi . .. pq 'ourW Joletllie t0 the bunegg n0 other I sians; and no one is giving any parties. business win r. t ., can Iail to make eunrmnnn naff, hv flrnrnpinB' T.Hnco i Cos"J' fntflt and terms free. Money 1 "MffJSi "" " w,: : That annoys me.' J once. Costly r-ntflt and terms f roe. Monev 1 " Ninn. are VOU really as heartless BS i t"? f 2 SeHy, and bono. ably. Address r ' , - - bceU.- AuSnf.ta, Maine. . ! you seem." "Just about. . What ao you want me man. Through long nights of fever and days of weary reslessness Ninon watched by her lover's side. Strength returned to the crippled body, but the sorrowful eyes"al ways wear that heiyless, vacant cxprs 8ino pecular to the blind, and the 6trong right arm is represented ' only by an empty sleeve. - '' - - He is not fordidden to speak now; and one day as he hears Ninon's footstep by i i bil side, and the soft rustle of her dress as she bend3 over , him, he. says ; "You ro always with me, ?juon,are you not? or do I dream it ? " ' v . . "I am 'always with you Armand !' 2 . ' What brings you here ?" , r "Because I love you, dear." g d w M. c o M m C2 blind." "Yes, Armand. Your right arm and Quietly Ninon watched him go, stead-! y0ur eyes you gave to France. 'Vyi!! you ily she looked after his retreating form. A soft mist clouded her flashing eyes,' and as the distance hid him furthor from her view she murmured gently, ' Ar mand God watch over thee V1 tZ.';,. z give the rest to me ? "Ninon I" and the left arm, the only one he has, draws her quickly and paa ionately to his side. ' Her soft' breath plays against his cheek,' and as his lips All day long,' that terrible 30th of No-1 met hers she whimpers: " "Armand, my vember. the incessant roar 01 cannon 1 prince, 1 mve you. ecnoed.back into the stitlness of the SONGS NEVER SUM. 'now does that verso riin ? Something like thts.ian'tit? -v 'There are who touch the magic strinc, .7 And noisy fame Is proud lo win them ; . Alas ! for chow who never sing, : 7 . T'v " '"., But dio with all their music ia.thcm.'S-; 'Yes, that's lieauliful, pathetic and. truo," said your representative, "The poet alludes to peopio who are somehow sup ressed.and never get their full allowance of joy and air. U'fck-h reminds me of a letter she wn mo the otl.fr day by- IH.'cox Co.. of New York, signed by Mr. K. C. William.), of Chapman. Suvder Co.. Fa.. t. prominent business man of that place. He writes t vi , a .-;.- i o 'I have suffered with asthma for over forty years, and had a terrible attn'ck in December ami January 18SJ. , I hardly know what prompted ine to take Parker's Tonic. . i did so ard the flr.a day I took four doses. The effect astonished me. That night I slept as if notli ing was the matter with me, and have ever since. I havhad colds since, but no asthma. My breathing Is now as perfect s if. 1 had never known that diseuse If you know anv on?, that hts n.-llima tell him In mt nme that Purkcr's eonic '"ill cur it even, after f.ty yeo.r.. Tlicre vns a m 11 who escaped thofatu uf those tviKnii ili; poet laments; rt '"'.'' 'J'iii pr'.piirHtion w,.i'li has lx:n kiKiWL h -.i ut"fre u I'ai ker's Giujier Toiili:. will here-bIutIk- iidveitlscd n.l i-oul u lo.'r tlio naiiu! of Parkui's Toiih:. IiiHKiniieh iu finger i n 11 n iiiip'iriunt ingredient, and uiiprl'tcilt d dealer' are-coiisisntfy deivl:fg ilu-lr i-iMtoniersv by sulit-tit'.illuir inferior . nifourali.tim linden t';e "Love me ? But I am a cripple and , ujiuo of tliiuer, wc drop the niinlcuiing word. 1 uerc 1 no ciiangc imwctcr. yi iik: preparn tioo itself, and ali bnules reinuiiilitg in ll lininls oi dealers wrapped under the D ime of Parker's Hinder To'ife ( imiain thn geiuiiie medicine if lbs fac-sjiuile siguaturo of HUcoX & Co., Ih ut the bottom of the outside wrapper. myl lm - Garden Seeds, Drugs &0 ; T?or fresh GarrTen 8eeds. Drners. Medi.dnon. X Oi.'s. Paints, Perfumery and Fancy Toilet Articles, call on mar 8 tf 8. A. WHITE, Mebanc. N, C. "Evil i dispositions , are early shown." Evil teudencies in our .systems are to be watched and guarded against. If 'you find yourself getting Jbilious, head heavy, mouth foul, eyes yellow, city's streets." Paris held her heart in anguish, , Outside the walls the sicken ing drama pf battle,"lwith all ,its. horrid accompaniments of tumult noise and bloodshed finside the no less tcrriblo j kidneys disordered, symptoms of piles torttfre of suspense, as those left behind i waited with blanched lace3 and bated breath for neT3 from the scene of con flict. . . Among the foremost in tho strife on thatteir.ble morning rode the boyLh oflicer.Armand de Rucheceur. The pure blood of his Nornan ' ancestry couises tormenling you, take at once a few dos es of ki Jey-wor'. It ia natures great as sistant. UoC it as an advance gnard- djn't wait to get dowu si.-!:, " Ktad ad vertisement. ; Write tn tnn fur any book von want la uot lit my t.rc, i will order il for you. Agents Wanted For, The CELESTIAL SYMBOL. Interpreted by Rev. If. W. 3Iof risf. The ernndesf ol jcel of i-featlou is ti e 8uii. Centre of life. IWIn, Uar. attracUon bxJ chnu leal iictloo, its imtiirnl womleis and. ,.irinuii teaclil'its am alike 'iiiorvf!ous,a,'iil miku a l.onk of (tbsorl.inz and lnte'su .interest. 1'he irreat prubluii.M of tin; Vau'iiul Universe 1111 folded and tllntrn ed. Nrtturo sl.owil 10 be a Revelation of God in il.c'noiitatnd ruont iter ffet sene. Jlll-hlvKoiijUieiidul. Every fHctof of nature is uutde to iepe.it some le? n of His gospel.' N. Y. Kranell-t. '-R.t!i i-oioii'l'le CIIU UeTOUl. UCi 4. fuern4b U CUle- .Our Anal Catalog mmd Pric Litt brings TUB ago. "A slartliog retela.lon com et ninir the I GREATEST SEED 8TOEB IN TUB irondcrs ar.a glornv. 01 the Sim. - wucr w. r WUIUU TO YOLK OWN liOOU. U In. J; Southgate & Son, Life ana t'irc Insurance Agents, ! DURHAM, N. C. ' Large lfues of inaurauce placed inbes oiti) an:fF4 Oct.3, tf. CHAS.D. YATES. Boo kse 1.1 eirand stationor. iNcwsdcaler -AKD ni?Af.K tS m. u si c a a r Sfc. School Books A SPECIALTY) . OrALL PLANTS, FOR ALL CROPS, i FOR ALL CLIMATES. Wo re the largest farraem, Urcst seed tcrtrtr era snd Uigert meed dealer) anyitbcro; beixa hire greatest f acilitiea for producing Best Seeda JH mtr a tit mrt tmfd, sod only tins best tent out. "Will you have dinner at tho eating station ?" asked the train boy of a pas- wildly tluough his veins to day. France sengcr. ; "Yes," saM tnc passenger ans . . . .... t. 1.1 .. i,fa"i:hv"" t, .1.' tnrr nn V fallowfciz the bay.-' "I just a nis 1110, ami iju uuiuijinii""v w 10 " " wanted to know no inat 1 coura tci graph ahead," said tho boy. 'Tele graph," repeated the tired passenger, FOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF CONSTIPATION y CoMapaUco, aad o remedy tsa-ver c wiea u oelotmUea jtMney-won S3 WhatOTer tim cause, hxjwcver abxHnota XhiB moea v will overcame it. Pit tT!i THIS distressing lom-i S rbliijg MLiist 1m vbft r to bo oonplloated wltiiotmatlpaUon. . KLAnsy-VfcTt Ell kinds of Pn tnrert when TthvakOAOfi p O. tfll yon have either ol ties A troubles PRIGS 1. 1 USE I Drur-srts Sal! from their surpiise, reinforced by fesh jms where it fist riits. 1 'ntlme. fkifrl by drUKviats. -fc it 1 WWk ph6aD8St R?hIflE'1'urnlhedAir)nls.SM to do?" . "Tell me you love me, Ninon, just a little.". . , HT..i T Jr,H 'I -The wave down by her side, and a.smgle tear fell . .. r iauUcred bdow on the little nana tnat no sw"i'.'u,,. , kisa. . '- 'NinonrNinon, won't you lovo, mo France. Early in the afternoon Champigny yelded to the passionate attack of the .French troops. Amazed at their ueieat j vvi,cac patience the tslowness of the train theGcrnans fell back . to racovcr from ba( ex!iaated, "I thought you wanted their bewilderment produced by this al- m0 f0 gtroll on ahead and cat by tho most their first reverse. Then rallying by time the train ;would get thcrCJ' it I aon 1. ' troops and protcctl by their batteries ofrrowpread U .f U. , J mth a .,u.u,g, Wf fury Arkantaw Traveler. bis breath. The turning suJcleply to Lis 9 . man he cried : "Courage I Will you go back lo your women and tell them you L.XOU are a su-pui ! a, xn rr,,n- ? On 1 On! Com- Vnu ! IltiU. " o . 11 nnf m-tr t.r a lr f;l ftf lor l saau ne vei i re a very nice, boy, Armand, but you look as if you were going to cry. quer or dio like Frenchmen I" Then he rode forward; but the terrified pannic- stricked men were deaf to his call, and "Ninon l The word sounded like a suirerca liim to goalonfi. Withhis right cry oi pain. ' arrn uplifted he rushed toward the Prus- Then he kissed her hand again and, 'b2iS eri,ll'., I Ninon haslL.tenedalldaytoth sound Register, An elder was cramped with a'n ache, ft. Jacol s Oil dil the pain slake; He was so highly pleated, That again he was' pleased, And took a lot home lo &;lt Lake.' A soldier.on guard at Fort Wayne, Was suddenly stricken with a pain, He thought he was gone, : . . But when he rubbed on St. Jacob3 Oil was all right again.( ' American hogs are not permitted to enter Germany, but they can travel elsewhere on the continent. Mobile 1 MeO.irvey. l.exinrzion, Ky. ,. 'lntniei'iiuif,.lii slruciivc and Tery snestive :Itiop Juicer, .f Ohio. It scils fant B'-.d p eases all.' 'AddrW, J. f. McCL'KUY &, Co. t'ni..i.ioiohU. Pj.. Cincinnati. O., Cliicsg ,, Hi., i St. Loui.', .Mo. - inif 10 3m '. 17 a SALE OFJVN LOT, By virtue of an order of the Sujusrlor Tonrt of Alaiiiiince county, umde iu lh cane of T. T.' im'th and wife and othe.s," B iinM M-try L limai, iieorga 1 roxier ana otneis, 1 i,nail on : Ilondayf Jane 4th 1883; ' expose to sale at the court lioue daor1 in Gra ham, u certain lot or i artvl o! J ud iu. the town of Company Shops, known as lot. No. I. in the pint of said tnn, and now owurd and held by fe Trolr and heirs at law of Jacob A. Mm ilce d on this lot is a stmre bouse ad ollic-e ntirhed. i'l i on Main Street and fr-n's R. K OUlee. aua U the one formar ly fxicftpled by Kime A ilain ' Terms of bale i Ten er cent ca-li, one balf ba'iiice payable in 0 uiontlis and the remainder iu 1'2 month. J AS. a. "U It Ali AM. April 2Mh, 1&3. t ' CouiT. nisyl 41 . . , Ie.le arc alAaya lli Uxkiui for c!iih i' to in ereue llieir oainln tit ana l:i Uir.s become do not improve I e oppor 7ISE wcalthv: tliore who tuniae remain iu i-.i ij. o vri s"ii chance to make miiikv We want many iiK-nf 1 aora n, tot and ci:ls ti work for us njrbl 'in their own local'iiie. Any one can do the work projicrly from the start.. The butii.c will pa more iliau ti-ii times o iliuary waes. Kxppu es 1: .Hitlil! f ir..UI td fee. Mo one who m; aagta f lo make u.o::e rapidly." Y-ou ran devote yonr wlioletinie to tba work," or only Jour apara OMUiiciit. Full information anu,a1i at Is needed .ent fr5. Addnws 'l IN fcON A Ct.. Portland. Maine. .iov;23, SJ--ly. , Acnita WaaUxl far MAVALS3 few uul uraplrir.'C)il 'lj! World, by Medical Duccw BATTLES. itorv of l he vrc.lt Sen 6ffhtt of lh l World. My Medical Direnor SWIPVBN, V. S. It Addra I . J.C MtWUX fcCO.. 6j Chwmiit St.. f liilailrlfliii. Pa. m w dixies all the dertrabla new and standard varieties of Flower, VesTtable, Field and Tree Seeds, aad nanta. Bent tfllkJ. to any adOresa. HIRAM SIBLEY A CO. Seedsmen Jtwksata H. Y. aad CUcaco, 111. - 'j -' ; -. .i. , M . m ' TENTS WANTED-C75 O8I30 Per MontrV. j.Jhe COMPLETE HOHE rullW lKATiCAl. l.VfOMMATION, . x -1 The- Y Hoa-M.-kN.prr' tiUDF, "Abooiof raorprctlclutilll '.idom,lfTCr ho tuuudoutaxUaadaapilvt'ja. .aruiui44ii. - turrncn io Trr i- kmi py Rich ud r.. Fins Paper, Plrar Trr Hcastifat Blrdlon. Splendid llluj totiont. Spirit M Pana, l.me i'nte. AWUrnr.ia, AMtmi J. U MaCllUt A CUl. lUadtJjfctablfirfc AIPSD . Every Mistress of a Home In the Sooth shooUl hare THE NEW DIXIE COOK-BOOK' u containa the cream of all the other books on COOKERY AND HOUSE KEEPING. Over 0,000 rcceipta, true and tried, from old family receipt books,and 10,000 new hnts and helps and facts of Talue. Sold by snbscriptioo. AGENTS WANTED. Send for Specimen pages and terms, G.A.CLAmCSOfJ&CO., T ,. : ATLANTA, CEO.'ICIA. 7 i. sHbtH 16 sauted rfnTTcjTprMpT ' works of character: nut nriFtv:3UOKS Oi LrlSieS . tow in price; soMin f,M; Rrrd4.arreryvl1V.re. IJbr-ral rerms. .. it. K. JtftituMHt X r. M.in M.. htkl.ruoud.Va. . THB BE8T S3 CHEAPEST." ; BrsePwm I lillLOHCliO f!0TfrKa:L-

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