1 The Alamance Gleaner., ALAMANCE CLEANER. GflAHAM, -N. 07 THURSDAY, MAY 24. 1883. NO. 14. ITHE PUBLISHED WCEKLT AT Graham, n. D ; KEBSODLE, Proprietor. TERMS.:-. !... led! Id.-, MolltllS nJrtnn RpndinirtiB a cluu ti ten T"? OTom. entitles himself to .11.50 ,.....7f ,. ..50 club' of ten sub- one wribere "' 7- ' of tiln0 fOI- which . the hlub W.fre-... inn. Fauers'-aent to different offices , ZW rom System. Prepaid at this wffiub Postage .floctrti. 'AdvsnrkBtw It axes: iweekj 8 8," 1 1110. S 6 2 In. 2 In-., 3 lu. -ol cM 100 150a'0: vi iiKi ;af() $4 03 I 35 1 75 2 00 SOCi 4 00 fi 50 1000 2 00 ;3f0 5 00 3 5) 3 50 7 00 3 00 4 50 50 450, 6fW 10 50 ft 0 ) -7 50 12 00 iO 00 1-3 50 15 00 85 00 45 00 1 00 H 09 s 3J 03 48 00 j 00 f50 1 1 o: 13 50 15 00 1750 20 00 1 col. tl2 0f IS ') I 18 00 a j 00 30 00 87 0J .f earjy advertlscmentt cl-anfjed quarterly 11 'tocalVbticcR ten cents a line, ' 6rst" Insertion Hi) loci 1 Inserted lr lcSf. than Jlf ty ceuts. . ... PROFESSIONAL , CAltDfr jyO. W GRAHAM, illsouro, N. C. . JA?. A.. GT5ATTAM Graham, N. C A T rOBHUtN AT l.vA W, Practice in the State pnd Federal onrts, (tpeei it attention paid lo collecting. : J, I). KEBN0DLE, Attorney at Law, Practices m'tho State and Federal cirts . will faithfully antf promptly attend to all busi jfe intrusted to him - Dr. G.VW. iWhitsett, -DEN-TIST, . : r Uxt j ust returned from the Baltimore College of Dcnwl Surgery, and eau be'fonud it 'bis oilKe in Or'Uia m, ne dworf north of "the (il.EKNKK OIHCO. - . - S3If desired, ralJs attended in the country. may 17 2m LIFE'S STONY SCOTS. Through life's dark and 'stormy path, Its goal the silent tomb, It yet soiuo epot ; of sunsiiine hath ; That smile amid the gloom. 'Ihe friend with weal and woe partakes, U Hhana;ed, whate'er his lot, .- Wuo kindly soothtsj the heart that aehe3, . Is, sine, a sunny spot. The wife who half our burden shares 4.rid utters not a moan, ' Whose ready hands wipe off our tear?, ,- Unheeded all her own ; Who treasure every kindly word, . -' Each harsher one forgot, ' And cards blithely as a bird, 8he's too a sunny spot. The child that lifts at noon and eve, In prayer its tiny oice, Who grieves whene'er its pareuts grieve, Arid joytr when they rejoic-e ; In whose bright eye young genius glows, Whose heart without a blot U fresh and pure as a siimm r's rose That child's a sunnj tpot. There's yet upon life's weary road, One epot of brighter glow, Where sorrow half forgets its load, And tears no longer flow iJTnendfiWp may wither, love decline, Our chi'dTkhmTirbTdf, : But still uudimmcd that epot vvill shine-- KcliioL. lights that spot. A SACRIFICE. that is, most persons thought him sin gularly handsomer and that his manner? were peculiarly attractive. It was not long before it began to be whispered in the family, and among more intimate acquaintances, that he was partial lo Kate. Kate was not so blind as not to perceive it herself, and but. for one thing it would have made her the happiest girl that ever lived. She from 'the first hud seen that Isabel, though unconscious of it herself, had given her heart to the facinating Frankland, so she made up her mind to sacrifice her awn happiness for the sake of this dear sister. It was very hard for poor Kate, but she had more confidence in . her own strength both moral and physical, than she had in Isabel's ; she felt that she would be able to rise from the blow, and ultimate ly to have the power of being tranquil and even happy. But Isabel was so frail and so delicate, she knew that it would kill her to see the chosen of her heart forever lost lo her." "But if Leonard Frankland liked Kate best," said EHza, "then there must Lave bien a double sacrifice." "He liked her best at first," Baid Aunt Hannah, "yet there was a gentleness, a lossof scf reliance in the character of i' J D fyu 'i 'IsMiVKTS. eft Be Fash ionabfe 7 a iloi OKAnAlFN. 0., I prepared to make Fine Clothing for every "fldy. See his samples of Fall goods and styiea for 882. mar 2 '82 y ,HLEK. r "RALEIGH, N, 6., l-y'y ; " HAKUF.U-'TUfilNO JEWELER AND DEAtEB IN i ,u ; ' ' walche,, t'lockn, Jewelry, Bilrer n Milrer Plated Vre. Wain and Fancy Engagement and Wed ding Rings Made at Short Notice. 8end for patented card for measuring cor- - vi ungcr, "There is something I want you to tell me, aunt." said Eliza Herbert, a' girl of fourteen, and she dfew a stool close to her aunt's feet, and leaned her head in her lap, so that a whole cloud of nut brown curls fell over her black silk apron. "What is it ?" said her aunt passing her hand carelessly over the fair fore head upraised to hers. "I am almost afraid.to ask,".said .Eliza "but I want you to tell me why you who are so good and so handsome and so ac complished, were never married?" A slight flush was, for a moment per ceptible oa Auut Hannah's cheek, which might have been occasioned by Eliza's compliment to her beauty and good qualities, or a consciousness of the ridi cule which a ciitain class'attached to the appellation of old maid. It might, too, have been caused by a blending of all these, or by certain memories which the question called up. She remained silent a few minutes, and then said, "1 will tell you, Eliza I never had an offer that exactly suited me." 'How strange," said Eliza, when you are so easy to please, and are so keen sighted to everybody's virtues, and so blind to their faults. Now there is Aunt Margaret who is not half so pretty as you are, married to one of the best, the handsomest,- and the most noble looking men in the world. Come, aunt do tell me all about it for I am tired of my piano, and my worsted work, and my book." "My life has been a very quiet, une ventful ore," said Aunt Hannah, "and would, I am afraid make a dull story; but I will tell you- about some dear friends of mine, if that will do." "Oh, yes," said Eliza, "that will be the next best thing to hearing about yourself. There, I hear mother coming but that need make no difference." "tth. wants me to tell her a story, i sister." said Aunt Hannah, as Mrs. Her bert took her. accustomed seat at the fireside, "and I have promised to tell 1 tfnf anmA nf TT1V old friends. It is inn nromDt an old srory w vuu, j- - V"! .ore the Dublii. "artyou.- Men. women, boya and" Capital not net ('el. W i. women, bova and flrH . . thti ,v-'Jw"ere 10 worn lor in. -now is "'ne' tlOU Jan work In annm tmn nr tr 7C bninll ..." Be 10 the business. No other can tM , pay von "eariy-as well. Cto one t onco pmake enormous pay, ' by emrasring Tad uintana terms iroe. juoney r-i Amjufta, Maine. Address facVSnt to afy Part of tne Slate ,f satls-; me if I make any mistakes." -mry reference is given. fob 1 tf . , ,, -j nc, TTrV.Art v . "Certainlv." said Mrs. Herbert. 1 I . -- i -rr V EC Indnairlona. .Best buslneM now nah. "whom I shall call Isabel, was the youngest of a large family of daugnters. Her form was slight, her complexion and features delicate, and she might have been called interesting ratherthan hand some, Her sister Kate, two yearsolder, some people called better looking, though." ?" said Mrs. Herbert, i,..nnff in nnon her. "she was tne most beautiful girl in town, yet beauty was her least charm." - ; "T helieve vou exagerate a little, sis 4 It nnSrl A lint. TTunnah. "When Isabel tCJ , oai was sixteen and Kate eighteen one Leonard Frankland, a young merchant, came to reside in the place. He soon became intimate with their brother, who used often to invite him home to take tea, or spend the evening. He was- THE GREAT CURIE soa "HI H E U f 1 ATI-S-F V- tt thJEfbl dLZ'of UU a VER AND BOWELS , Itt" rrnttm oi the acrid, oolwn aolv? tb dmdfta afifexinff wMdb w??prt forma of thJa teniblo dlmae ."wnqnldkly relioTBd, and la short ttmei na- rFOTLV CURED. jTr' WU OB DRT, SOLD BI DBCC GISTS. Isabel, that needed only to be discover ed by such a person as Leonard Frank land, to excite an interest which "might soon ripen into love. I believe, indeed, that it is not urcommon for men -who are remarkable for spirit and energy, to be better pleased with those whose more prominent traits are softness and delica cy, rather than those similar to their own. "Kate effected more independence and vivacity than would' have been natural to her, even had her heart been at ease ; j and she soon found that it began to have the effect she desired. Such unrestrain ed exuberance of spirits offended the tastes of Frankland, and he often turn ed from the brilliant and sparkling Kate to contemplate the serene loveliness of Isabel. If he could only have seen the anguish that lay beneath the ' mask of smiles which she constantly wore if he had known how difficult it sometimes was for her to prevent the gay notes of some lively song as she appeared care lessly to warble them, from breaking into moans of agony but he neither saw nor knew he never knew, so well did she 'act her part, that he was otherwise than perfectly indifferent to her." "And did Isabel know?" said Eliza. "Never it would have poisoned all her happineas, for she was tenderly at tached to her sister." "I am glad that she did not," said Eliza, "it would have been so selfish and ungenerous in her if she had, to have received Leonard Frankland's atten tions." "Kate did not misca culate her 07'n strength, and when one evening Isabel folded her arms around her and told her that "she was the affianced bride of Leonard Frankland, she felt calm and satisfied. How indeed could she feel otherwise, when she knew that had she herself been Frankland's bride, she must have tuned from the altar to stand be side a sister's . grave? 'How,' thought she, 'could I ever have looked on my wedding robe without imaginimng it to be stained with the drops wrung from a broken heart?' " 'And were Frankland and Isabel hap py," said Eliza, "after they were mar ried?" "Yes, as happy as it is possible to, be in a life where we can drink of no cup that is not dashed with gall, and wear no flower that does not conceal a worm or thorn." "Are they still living, annt?" "Yes, and surrounded by a group of lovely and happy children." "I hope that dear Kate was married to somebody that she liked a great deal better than sue ever did Lcon.ird Frank land." 'That would have been impossible so she never married." . -. . . i: 1.. 1. n rl n . "What I aid sucn a iiveiy, uan'"" j girl as Kate, without a bit of starch about her, live au old maid?" "She did!" "And what did she find to do to make her time pas pleasantly ?" . "What does your Aunt ; Hannah find to do?" said her mother, don't know what I should have done, for if I have a new dress to make she al ways assists me ; if my music or drawing perplexes me she knows how to put me right, and if I am sick she nurses me, and then you know when you and father want to go on a -journey, she ' always keeps house for you, so that you never feel uneasy about the phildren while you are absent. It was the luckiest thing in the world for us and Aunt Marga ret Waldron, too that Auut Hannah remained single." "Then you are glad that your aunt never married, ?" said Mrs. Herbert. "I'm sure I have reason to be," re plied Eliza, "and so have you haven't you, aunt?" '.'Yes, reason to be glad and thankful, too." "I knew so, for there is no Btation in the world that you would be so happy in yourself, or make others so happy "It is not the station that ha3 made your auht so happy," said Mrs. Her bert, "but because she -early found out t!i6 trut secret of hapiness." "And w hat is the secret, mother ? "In whatsoever situation you are in, to be therewith content. "I would give almost anything to see Kate ancTherSteTand lieonard Frank land. I don't bclievo he was so hand some as Undo Waldron is was he, aunt?" "Yes, he was handsomer than your Uncle Waldron is now, for Leonard Frankland was then in his youthful prime." "I wish you would tell me who Kate really was," said Eliza. Her mother smiled and looked signifi cantly toward Aunt Hannah. Eliza sprang up from the stool at her aunt's feet, and threw her arms around her neck. "Why, how stupid' I was not to guess it was you all the time," said she. "I might have known that there was not another person in the world beside dear auut Hannah, who would have acted so nobly and so generously as Kate. And now, I know too, that Leonard Frank land and Isabel were Uncle and Aunt Waldron." gJ-g i .3 J s-?' 5 'WM'' I , e. S Fl . r 33 : E. 2 Sir M ffi . m. ' a. SS5 mm ' B S H C 5 P ?2 I o N 'd r 9 r 6 mt M I I :l o B P a5 CD G0 SUJVCr; lGarden Seeds, Drugs &c ''How does that verso run ? 'Soii.ethlng like this, isn't it ? ' 'There are who touch the magic string, And noisy fame Is proud lo win them ; -Alas ! for those who never sing. But die with all their music in them." ' "Yes, thit's beautiful, pathetic and true," sa'd vour representative, "The poet alludes to people who ar somehow sftp rcssed,and never get their full allowance of joy and air. Wkk-b reminds me of a letter Bin wn me the otl.rr day by HtJcox k (;o., of New York, signed by Mr. K. C. Williams, of Chapman, Snyder Co., Pa., b prominent buslnc.s man of that place. lie writes : 'I have suffered with asthma for over forty years, and had a terrible attock in December and January I8i2. I liardlv - know what prompted me to tako Parker's Tonic. I did so and the flr.a day X look four doses, ' The tffect astonlsl-ed me. That mght Uept as if 'mill ing was the maltci -with mo, and have erer since; I have had colds since, but no asthma. My breathing Is now as perfect as If I bud never known that disease If you know any on, that has netlima teli him in nif name that. Parker's sonic "llcuw It even after f.-rty ham Tl-.nt-tejtfn la 111 tn u-tin naf.tiwil thn fuf.. u u I I T" I . 1 . 1 Ii ! .. i J ..nnn'-." "ueuer pe wise uy iue luiaionuuco vf n;so wiwin the poet laments; e a it, u.r ,,- nrr-n Tiilrfl Till preparation wl.ith has b-en knowi, of others than by your own. lake hereUlfl,,re ; pttrker-8 Oingr-r Tonic, win here warning in time. Avoid quack nos- after U- advertised and ld ni.dr the name of , , ' ! Parkci's Toiile. Inasiiitu-li its ginger is mi ttn trums by which thousands annually per- important Ingredient, and nMpri-icipled dtalor i tt " -,,y, ,.jL a ra are constantly di-eelvlng lln ir- cnstoiiiers by ish. Use only such remedies as are I ,utatUllltna (utmlm vpHriitiull under tbe demonstratrd above suspicion, foremost ujihs or gintfer, we drop tne misleading worn. r itT -n i There ih no change howecr. lit the prepara tion Hscir. aim mi Dot i ic remaining in tin bands of dealers wrHpped under Hie name of Parker's (linger To;;le (onialn thn genuine medicine if the fac-nimile signature of . Iliscox & Co., Is at the bottom of the outside wrapper, tnyl lin For fresh Garden Seeds. Drttgs, Medi.-Ines, Oils. Paints, Perfumery and Fancy Toilet Articles, call on 8. A. WHITE, mar 8 tf Mebane, X. C. amonir which fs Kidney-Wort. For tor pid liver, bowels or kidneys, no other remedy equals it. It is sold in both dry and liquid form by all druggists. Sunday Sport Agents Wanted For The 'My dear child," said a pious-looking M L 1 ' V T A V M U man to a boy on the green bank of a UUJJUUlliiu UililUUU stream one sunshiny Sunday morning, Interpreted by Rev. H. W. Morris?. "what are you doing there ?" "Fishing, of course ; are you blind" re plied the boy. "Do n't you know my dear child " "Shut up ; I've got a Lite." "But my boy don't you know it is very wicked ? "There, dang it, that fish's gotaway agriu." ' "Don't you know the devil will catch you my boy V "I don't know nothing about it ; but if he ain't any luckier catching me than I've been catching that blamed sun-fish I'll be at Sunday school next Sunday if it rains." ' J.'Southgate & Son, Life'arid fire Insurance Agents, DURHAM, N. C. Large Hues of inmrauce placed inbfes onipanfP, Oct. 2. if. Bo o k s e I.l,r and stiti onor, Newsdealer AND rKALE IK music a ur 'be. School Books A SPECIALTY, Urctmmhmrm,'f(,V, taT1 Write to ma for any book yon want Is not in my st-re, I will ord;r it for you. The grandest object of creation is - the Sun. Centre f life, liu'l't, heat, attraction and chem ical Hction, its natural wonders and spiritual teachings am nlik marvelous, a. id inuke a took of absorbing and Intense interest. The ereat problems of the Material Uulverse un folded and illustra.cd. Maturo shown to be a Kevdlatlon of God in the nonlcft and roost per feet sense, "itighlyicoutuieiidud. '-Every fact of of nati.re Is nuide to rcpc.it some lesoii of His gosMjl." N. Y. Erangeliit. Colli t-vicntiflc end devout." Key A. C. George, I). 1., Chl--ago. -'A start Hog re tela. Ion com-cming tin wonders ar.d ghrint of the dun."- Elder J. W. McOsrvcy, Lexington, Ky. 'Interesting, In structive and very sugcstlye." Bishop Jaeger, of Ohio. It Kells fast and pleases all. Add"-, J. C. McCURDY & Co. Pbi a-lelohh. Pa.. Cincinnati. C, ChicagM,, 111., i Ut. Louis, Mo may 10 2in IBLEY? EE Tiy they call him 4iOId Man." "Yes, that's Badly so," said Jenkins, "my hair is turning gray an 1 falling out before its time. Use eomelhing? I would but most hair' restorers are dangerous." "True," answered his friend, "but Par- SALE OFTOp LOT. -By ylrtue of an order of the Superior Oomt of Alamance county, ml d i in the case of T. 1 . Ktn'th and wife and otbe.s, galn..t Mary J . Boon, Ucorgo Troxler and utile; s, 1 J all oil Blonday, June 4tli, 1883, expose to sale at the court ' boute door in Gra hm. a certain kl or i arcel of lind in tin town of Company Shops, known as lot No. 1.', In the plat or said town, and now owned and held by Geo Troil'-r uffJ heirs at law of Jacob A. Bo.n dee'd. Un this lot U a store house ajd olllcu nitarbed. Lsl U on Main biieet ai.d fr..n-s R. K Olllce. ana Is the ouc foru.or- OrALL PLANTS, FOR ALL CROPS, A FOR ALL CLIMATES. We om the largest fans era, largest seed km era and Isrgest seed draicra anywhere; henta bare grmtmt facUiUca for produrinff Bnl Hceda AU mtrStU or ttitd, and only t!io bort sent oat. Oar Annmal Catalog mnm Prict Lit brings TUB GREATEST SEED. STOKE IN TUB WOULD TO YOUR OWN DOOR. It In dadesanflw dealmhle new nd standard varieties of Flower, Ventable, Field and Tne Seeds, and Fianta. Bent FIIEK to any addnaa. HIRAM SIBLEY CO. Seedsmen BeMet) S. T. aa Cklaaca, lU, bor'a TTnir Tl.1lK.1m i.i as harmless as it is It occurded by Kime . ilanna I Terms of kale Ten oer cent rali. ono ... . . t , . 1 ' L I 1 n. M ' . . . n 1 . " " ' . enective. x vetneu it nuu muw. wiyc half the BalKam and show and the boys will soon stop calling y 3U "Old man Jenk ins." It never fails to restore the orig inal color to gray or faded hair. Richly perfumed an elegant dressing. baUuce ptyao.e lu 0 mouths and the remainder lu 13 uion.tis. Jits, x UK.UIA.M. April JMili, 13:3. ' . Coin'r nay4 4t ViSE. The next thing t excellence Is to love excellence, and to love its opposite is to nh Annt Hannah is different from be its opposite. To hate excellence is other ladies. ... . 1 If she had been married 1 4 to be at its opposite poie. coplo are always on tli H'konf for cliaixca U !' creit'e ilicir earnings, and In Inns ' beeon.e wealthy; tboi-e who do not improve I e oppor ftinliifM rpmniii in rwii-rrv Wi. - nfri.p a trral . . ,, . ju it.'" " : . Ex ery. fluty wen none anus 10 iuo . ciiance u maae money, no want many men, , . ... ii, . i worn n. bois and guls to work for us light in moral and spiritual stature. kAica op- ; t,ielr WWI1 K.aiitiC!t. Any ono ca do t,e wolk Dortunitv eagerly grasped and used is ; I ropcrly from the start Tne business will paj I more limn ten times o dmary wage, fcxpeu- the key to larger privileges. I gslve oiitult furuisbtd free. No one who en a dagis fails to make mot.e rapidly. You can . devote your whole time to the. work, or only your spare moment. FnU iufoimation and all bat l needed -ent free. Address b'lINfcON A CO.. Portland. Maine. Nov. 83. fS--ly. Cheapest Bibfesf.zSr!-! am Balk .inn arm inUw.l , lENTtt WANTED 875 to 8ISO Per Mc-ntti. Vhe COMPLETE HOME Tka KzpcHmmc4 Uaaae-kccporV rBrEXm " A book of mora praotieal atillUr idoia. Utvcr, ka found outaideof lnapiralon,' vhrutuim inwiii. UCCnCn la ercrr n- bom DV Rick aai Pur. NC.CUC.U i all rotmlty knmr DI Youma and Old. PiM Paptr. Clrar T.m Bcuiiful BindiDf .SpUndid llino AMtvU J.U ateCLRUV it CO.. lklJJi5ki..ia. THE BLATGHLEY CLATCIILlY'S triple ename- POHCELAIfl-LIEED . , oa - 8EAMLEC3 TU3E -'. : COPPER-LINED STN po' not bo irml Jfit-r t A bojing- Inf cnor iOcodn, t hAHaua Ii :a 'far la. C.C."bLATfcHLEY.rV!Dm;rrf v' 3 OS MARKET ST.. PhUad'n. V.'rite to iu (cr cune cf ncsieU Atfaat J "THE BEST l CHEAPEST." - lowPoten HinCOIJIIO ciowHulIiM (SnitatdtoallsratioiUL) WriteforFRKEinna-nunnlilca aadPrtesatoTae tnltman A Tajrlar Co ManXleld. twuu Aacata Wanted for A nclrnt A 3xlra ew and KraphM-iFictnr i .i I Hntorv oi the irreat Sea vlit oi thn World. By Medical Hirertor SHIPPBN. U. S. N. AiWn-sa J. C. McClteDY & Co., 6j Chcuaut St., PnUadelplua. fa.