I 1 .- I- Sanaa n 1 El AiAMNCE VJ - flJJL2i fHE ALAMANCE GLEANER i eRAFiM7N7c.. Thursday: august aoTir NO. ;!7 y octrtt. , t(BM3IIED WV.KKLY AT lirnhnnii " W. I l)t KEKNQDLKt' Proprietor. Terms : .. 70 .. ..60 tt Vtontbs ..."" km Months rwrf person sending us a ciuo bi en sua E? iEr.th the caU, entitles himself to one for tne lens" i.lu &"np.- Paper Bent to different offices Ho Depart from the Cash System. Postage Prepaid at this uffiue "IvektCisiXO Mates: lweek t " 1 mo.. 8 9 " 8 1 in. $1 On 1 35 1 75 200 3 00 4 00 ti 50 10 00 2 in. i ft 160 230 3 00 4 00 6 50 10 00 15 00 8 iu4J .'ol roll tcol. 2 00' a ro 3 50 4 50 6 00 7 50 13 so; $4 00 5 00 7 00 9 50 15 50: 12 00 15 00 IS 00 20 00 $7 50 11 00, 13 50 ; 15 001 17 SO 20 00 35 00 4S00 (120C l0l 18 00 8a 00 30 00 . 37 00 45 00 00 Vearlv advertisements changed quarterly if spired. '.''- ,,'- ', Local notices ten cuius a mie, moctiiuu (Jo local inserted lor less tbiin fiftv cents, . PROFESSIONAL GAUDS. JY0. W GRAHAM, H.HsDJro, N. C. JA8. A. G-RAHAM Graham, N. C ATTOKNJ' AT LAW, Practice in the State &nd federal ourts, iirspcci il attention paid to collecting. I D. KEENODLE, A ttorney at Law, FAin,i.o, Practices in the State : and Federal ourts willfaiilifully and promptly attend to all busi less intrusted to him Dr. G. W. Whitsett, DENTIST, HajJ'jft returned from the Baltimo-f Colleire of Dental Sursery, and can be found ft bis office in Or'tliam, ona door north of the Gi.ba nek office. .,- ' SIf desired, calls attended in the country. myl72m ADVERTISEMENTS. Fashionable 7aiot 1 Prepared 10 make Flue Clothing for every See his samples of Fall iroods and styies for 888. . mar 2 '2 y 3. SULHtEH, --RALEIGH, N, C 3UXUP,f TURING JEWELER AND DEALER IN leht, Clock., Jewelry, Silver and . Silver Plnlt-d Ware. Katn and Fancy Engagement and Wed- aing Rings Made at Short Notice. tea ?8cff Eatcnted card for measuring cor , "UOQl cnt to any part of the State, if satis -citucc ig given. febltt $1 week tuade af home by tho forH ,n(,uslrii8. Best business now 'lUtatpubliiV Capital not need t!l. W wtedM,.- . "' wonien. boys and girl fctfi. evevrwher to work for us. riow is rwli).i ,?a Jan work in "I"11"6 tlme. or srle 0u,'nes8 will e 10 tue business. No other " fail m ir i ' v u neiirly well, no one 0Bce. e e,,0rmoas pay bv enaflEing T. tORlly outfit li.I (nnn. --. "i urn .iaine. Money Addicts HHEJ3REAT CUREl SE oiSHSA,,Da OP CA$E8 9 VUokly rllecL and In hort tim ! tNTOLI). A face may be woefuKwhite to cover a heart thai's aching ; And a faee may be full of lighf.ovcr a heart that's breaking ! Tis not the heaviest grief for which we wear the willow , The tears brintfsldw relief which only wet the pillOvV; Hard may be the burdens borre, tho'iigh friends would fain unbind them; Harder are crosses worn when none save Christ can find them. For the loyfed ones vho leave our ide orirsciits are welUuigh riven ; But ah ! for the graves we hide, have pity len der heaven ! Soft be the words and STe'et that so the spoken sorrow? : Alas ! for the weary feet that may hot rest to morrow. Margaret E . Bangster, THE SQUIRE'S FUN. BY EEEN E. KEXFOBD. Squire Doolittle was a farmer, fat arid jolly, who liked fun; but always prefer red it at some one else's'expense. If lie could play a trick on one of his sons, he enjoyed it hugely. As a con sequence the. boys did not reverence him very much, and were always trying some practical joke on their father. Sometimes they succeeded, but not of ten. , "I'm too old a fish to be caught by the pin hooks of boys" he would say when some plan of theirs had miscar ried and the joke was turned upon them selves, much "to his delight and their chagrin. "You've heard of weasels, haven't you? Yes. Well, weasels, es pecially old weasels, never sleep." --"-We must get a laugh against him some way, said Tom. "He's too pro voking I I'd giye a dollar to trick him in such a way that he wouldn't like to hear about it." "So would I," said John. "And I'd make it two," said Robert, but we are hardly sharp enough, That' the trouble." It happened that the tquire Was In the haymow in the barn when this con versation took place, and the boys were sitting on some boxes on the barn floor. He chuckled as he listened, and a moment later called out from his lofty perch, "I'll tell you what I'll do, boys. When you get a joke on ine I'll buy each one a hat. The boys looked foolish. But Anally peculiarity, the boys would drop down behind the bank, and David would go over them and into the water, with a plunge that would have done credit to R Newfoundland (Jog. Then he would get back to the shore looking very wrathful and sheepish ; but lie could not be induced to renew the attack again at that time. His memory, however, Was poor, or his pugnacity was too strong for his dis cretion, for in an hour, if the boys came back and showed themselves above the bank, he was ready for another charge: Perhaps the foolish animal thought that ; sometime he would be too quick for them. The squire had often watched this sport, and laughed at David's reckless ness and;&t his appearance as ho plung ed into the water and came forth with with wet wool and disgusted wrathful aspect. One day the squire was in the bartii yard salting the cows. He had a half bushel measure in his hand, and as he looke l over the fence into the sheep pastute, and saw David watching hiin, he held up the measure and shook it at the old fellow'; David gave d snort of defiance, and began to curb his heck and shake his head, as if chalenging the squire to a combat. " ' "I wonder if I couldn't trick the eld fellow in the some way that the boys do?" thought the cteacon." He "looked about the yard cautiously. His sons were not in sight, and he concluded he would have a laugh"at David's expense. Crawling through the fence he reached the rock oti which the boys stood in their encounters with David The r.mi had not seen him. When the squire raised himself cautiously and looking over the bank, David was watching the barnyard, and evidently wondering What had become of the man who had just challenged him. "Hi David!" cried the squire, holding the half bushel measure out before him as a target for the sheep to aim at. "Hi David I" David "hi-eh" at diicc. He gave a grand flourish as if to say, "Look out there!" then charged. Unfortunately for the squire,, he was so excited over the fun that ho forgot himself .completely, and only thought tbout the half bushel measure, Iustcad of dropping out of the sheep's way, he swung the measure on one side, in his excitement forgetting that David always "Laugh away boys if it docs you any because they had nothing else to say gj,ut eyes when he charged, and aim they accepted the challenge, and in a half-hearted sort of way, set their wits to Work to earn the hat. In the squire's flock of sheep was an old ram named David. The animal had a chronic spite against the whole human family, and never lost an opportunity of exhibiting it to any member of tlie fam ily that crossed his path. If a stranger entered the yard or pasture where Da vid was, the poor man was fortunate if he was not knocked down as suddenly as if he had been struck by lightening. The ram always attacked from the rear. He would get behind the object of his at tack, curb his neck, shut his eyes and charge ! As may be imagined the great horns of the animal, backed up by the ed for the object before closed them. The consequence him when he was that the ram did not follow the measure, but bolted straight for the place where he last saw it, struck the poor squire squire in the stomach and ho and David went over the bank and into the creek as if shot out of a cannon. ' "Well, I snum !" sputtered the squire, as he made his way to the bank, "I for got all about dodging. I do b'lceve the old reprobate's broke my stomach in, by the way it feels. You old rascal !" He screamed to David, whose air was one of victory, as he stood on the pasture side of the fence, making defiant mo tions with his head at the deacon who had clambered out of the water on the momentum gathered by his charge, gave barnyard -side, "I'd like to break your anything but a pleasant sensation when ol(i neck t I shant get over this for a twmfi in conaci with the legs of L.nntn jft ever do. I wouldn'i have his unsuspecting victim. Generally a board was strapped across his horns. , v: "' f.tno fn hrmtrucfc hlS . over ma hiwuj ""j - range of vision and serve as a warning toward the barn, under cover of the . n-iii-lika propensity. I fln.. TTe didn't want anyone at the lo siiaiigcjB ui " - t. .. i. o vod to tear it ' from ! wisr to see him in his wet clothes. As been so bruised for five dollars. I'm glad the boys didn't see me." tie made his wav up the bank-ami But be often contn his head- and then alas for his unsus pecting victim. The boys enjoyed many an hourof fun with David. The shep pasture came up to the barn'on one side and a creek run aiong by both. Where the pasture c-ame to the creek was a very high bank, and this bank was steep, The Doolittle boys used to get upon a narrow rock that was just under the edge of the bank. Here when they stood iip, all their bodies above the waist could be seen above the level of the pasture: Placing themselves in position, they would attract the attention oSold David by calling and shaking their hats at hnv He was "always ready for battle. With lowered head,' curbed neck, and a snort fcAwonld rush at them with I eyes closed. Taking advantage of this he opened the barn door, a broadside oJ laughter saluted his ears from the hay mow inhe end of the barn toward the creek. lie knew that the boys' hour of triumph had come. They had Been hisiscofflfltnrer-"-'""""" .. - ... .., - ssay, lamer! lrrevcreuiij kuicu price of hats?" asks good." "What's the John: "Well, but the joke wasn't yours," said the squire, "But I'll tell ,you what I'll do.' If you wont say a'nything about this foolish affair I'll biiV the hats; and give you a day's fishing any lime you want it." ; ."We agree! we agree!", cried the boys. But the story leaked out in some way, and the squire had to endure a gleat deal of sly laughter from his fun Food for Thought. The first grent work is that yourself may to yourself be true; What is resignation? Placing God be; tween ourselves and our trouble. Faith is to believe what we do not see; ftiid the reward bf this frith is to see what we believe. The only sound and healthy descrip tion of assistingJs that which teaches independence itud seli'-excrtiou. There is no trait more valuable than a determination to persevere when the right thing is to be accomplished. , A work prospers through endeavors, not throinrh vows. The lawn runa not loving neighbors. But he never quite Linto the mouth of tjic sleeping lion; forgave old David, and although ho did not say so, he had a feeling of unquali fied satisfaction when he heard one day that the old sheep's neck had been, broken in a fight; Married Folks Would be Happier. If home trials were never told to neigh bors. . If they kissed and made up after every quarrel. . If house hold expenses were propor tioned to receipts. If they tried to be as agreeable as in courtship days. If they would try to bo a support and comfort to each other. If each remembered "tho other was a human being, not an angel. If women w ere as kind to their hus bands as they are to their lovers. . If fuel and proyisions were laid in du ring the high tide of summer. If both remembered that they were married for worse as well as better. , Alicock's Porous Piasters tUKK WUKUK UTIIKK P.ATK9 F.tll, IJVICN TO HEI.iKtK. Take no otber r f.. will be di.hpi pointed. InUl on karinx AIjIiCOCK'Si PniXA., S08 North Third St., ebruary 1st, 1U84. ) , I have been using Uicock's Porous Plasters or a number of years and always with, marked beucflt. I have been mikli troubled with mus cular rheumatism ; have been treated by flie of our best physicians without receiving any re lief wbnto' cr, X tiien nsed Alicock's Porous Plaster on ihb pnrts affected and I can assure you tho pain has almost entirely left me. I can' recommend ihem to every oife'-ai tho bes plas ter made. I li ive tried other plasters but found them worthless.-" ' , . B. F. GALLAGHER. The Pennsylvania' Excursionist. Poetry is tho only verity the expres sion of a sound mind speaking after the ideal; and not after the apparent; All the results of religion imply a lifo set right with God. If there u to bo the river there must bo the fountain. As the light gftes out with the exhaus tion of the Oil, so fortune fails with the cessation of human endeavor. Habits are the daughters of action, but they nurse their mothers, jind give bith to" daughters after her image, more lovely and prosperous. When a high minded man takes pains to atone for his injustice, his kindness of heart shows in the best and purest light. Tho grave is a very small hilibck,' but we can see farther from it, than froin the highest mountain in nil the world. When you fret and fume at the petty Hbvof Hie, remember that the wheels which go around without creaking last longest. ., ''' ' "Let us havo faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us to the pnd, dare to do Our duty as we under stand it." The hope of our national perpetuity rests Upon the individual freedom which shall forever keep up the circuit of per petual change. Weak Kidneys Cared; - Contoocook, N. H., ) March 3rd, 1880; j . I have been crrcatly troubled with rheuraan tiini I nhd weak iidneys. , l was advised to try Allcoek's porous plasters, (baa1 used two other, kinds of so called porous plasters, which. ,dit mo uogood.) but one of yours has worked like a charm, ivi ig me complete relief, and I havd not bcun troubled with rheumatism and kidney' complaint since lining them', aud I consider my lelf cured, EDWARD D. BUUNflAM. Do. good and bo good, and despite, all that Hsnid about this world s. ingraii- The gentlemen.wlio camo her) three weuks ago from Pennsylvania to seo how North Carolina looked, were cer tainly pleasantly impressed with the people, our lands and our climate. Capt. John T. Patrick was in the city yester day afternoon. Talking with a reporter he said that of the tbirty-six Pennsyl vanians Who came here no less than twenty-five, he had been informed by a rncmbcr of the party, had purchased lands. All were pleased ; there was not an exception." They looked at the State pretty well while iu it. lie was impress ed by the fact that all of them were substantial men, who meant business in coming here. In November the next party will arrive, fn this there will lie over 100. It will go over the State as did the first party. Capt. Patrick gays he has sent a man t;o Mefchanicsbu'rg, Pcnn., where there is a big fair in prog ress, with specimens of our field crops. Tliist whs done bv reouest. Several of the Pcnnsylvanians who were through Young rtan, in building thy temple of this State have volunteered to attend life, let the foundation be hoiurty, the the fair and make speeches giving facts ; timber wisdom and the roof thereof about North Carolina, the advantages of . tcmpeiance, virtue and manhood, coming here, etc. There is no doubt i -'. ; , . , .. . . that the excursion was a success in all I Man is not born to solve the problem respects. Some one remarked yesler- i of the universe, but to lind out what lie dav upon our speaking of the exhibit ; to do, and to restrain himself within atMeehanicsburg, that it would be a ; the limiU of his comprehension, good thing if our eihibit fit Boston could j Th(1.e nrc Rtn,s ,08 oftI)e spmt fi0ul, bo moved about so that the people of t know1 ,,v t0 (;M, , that mark the fa. c ew York Pennsylvania, Is cw Jersey, with a,)(l ,(.hi,cu ie , ai in(ho Connecticut, etc could sec i it Lv crj Iimohood' strcng! h. one of these exhibits is pushing the Slate ( " , forward, and it may truly be said that . Kmol ions are the start that giuda on- no Koutnern nate lo-uny-occupies :i V wjK. ti,e iuUven are clear; Dut In the Pilot House, "Yes, sir; tins Kind of work oblies. a msc to keen sober as a iudire.. Of nil men In the world steniniiont pilots and railroad engineers' should let liquor aiono. For on their clearness of skill aud coolness of head de, cuds' the safe-, ty of life and property. 'V . . . : Keeping his hand on the wheel as lid said, this, Mr. A. Broekman, of o. 20V SUven street. Chicago, added; ''Of courSe, . some of 'cm drink: but the sober ones have the best po-i eitlons and tho best pay. Yes,, the work and exposure sometimes tells ou us; but tor my part, I find Parker's Tonic to be all the in . viirorant I need. 1 ve got a bottle aboard h r j how; never go on a trip without it. W'hcii i haven't any appetite, or am in anv way out of tort,' it m;M hie up In no time. If drinking men woulduseihcToric.it would,, help them to break off. (So, tint isn't a lightfioue? jt'j a Htar low down ise.ir the water.) As I wa say ing, the Tonic Is new lifo bottled up. You sc-j, . Unit flag staff? Well, with a bottle of Pakkrb's ' Toxic in the locker I can kep malaria as fur from me as tlmt, nil t-.e time. My . wife In used it for three years for summer complaint mid colic, ind us ;in lnvlgriraut, when she' tirt'ii (iiil from m-ftrti'tti'lf Kbit anvff tlin Toiilit - ' tude somo one Will love ybu and greet is adaisv. Good-bye! Doirt break your fleet t vourcominff. going below." . , . , ' ' J .1 Tins preparation, which hai been known' as THelvWiKOuUl be much better off k.jRS (iiNOEK Tomc, will hereafter be adg se.u .r? i. i .,. ..u y.-rii-cd and sold tin ply under tho name of' ifthepaius tawto analyze the sub- ,V,r..r. T,.,(;, A. ,.inrinmiA rtir. ... ut.'di. luurui iuw wiro jivi-n iu niu i'iuv- tice of the'simplest. Bv rousinff himself, by earnestness, by restrair.t and control, the wise man may make for himself an island which, no; flood can overcome. The mere wants of nature, even wlnn nature is refined by education, nro few and simple, but the wants of prido and self-love are insatiable. If the Lord does not give you what is sweet, lie will give you what is meet ; ho is consulting yoitr welfare when ho ap- ' pears to forget your comfort. c.nii-tuiilly dec. fviiig their customers by mbsii t itin inferior article un-tcrs the name of frin- ger nnd aj uingcr is really au nnimpoi taat in gredient, we diop the ml--leding word. " . There is no change however in the preparali' iS j lulf, and nil bottle rcmuinlng in ihehant'' of dealers, wrapped iiuue .ilic nun c or J'jihcrn Ginger T.n!e, contain the pr'nuliic medicli.e if the fiic-slnii'e I'lk'imliirc of iliscox & Cq. Is tit' the bottom of the oiilsid wrapper. Aiig I In'1 WISE: more advanced position iu the eyes of Northern people than North Carolina. Ncws-Obse.Tver. Chicaffo's First Citzen The Chicago Tribune, in reason is the iuagiicti; needle that di rects When blars are bidden and shino no more. out Tom, in a voice choked with laugh- H1 ter. "You didn't scoocn quick enough. Next time you'll know better how to doit." "What became of the half bushel?" asked John, and Rob screamed "Hi Da vid !" in such a Way that, notwithstand ing his pain the squire was half inclined to laugh himself. acknowledge that David was m much for me that time," said the elabVate article on Hon. Harrison, Mayor of that city gives following as Mr. Harrison's opinion St. Jacobs Oil: "When I first found my self suffering from the my leading thought naturally was to call a physician, but my neighbors all advised me to try St. JacjjM Oih the G reat German Remedy. I procured some of i'-' imediately, and found ft excellent for that ailment. The action of a man 13 a representa tive type of his thought and will; and a work of charitv is a representative tvnn closing nn j0r the charity within, in the wrnl and Carter II. mind. the j happiness of mail arisen more of from Ins inwam than Ins ouiwa.nl cm- j dition; and the amount of good in the ' world cannot bf much increased, but bv rheumatism, increasing the amount of gocKlness. always on' id lonkoni for c!ianee8 lp4. ! - ereuu their eainini's, and In tiins bocon:o wealthy; those who ao not Improve t.e opimr tunities rcniiiin iu pov-irty. W'c offer., great chance to make money. W'c want many ineii, wonii-i), bois and giils to work .for us lilt hi m their own lorulitiea. Any one can do the work properly from the start. The business will ay more than t-ji times a diliary wages. , Expv gsivc outfili furidshtif frt;e. No one who t (lages frfils to in ike. money rapidly. You mi devote your whole time tn the. work, or only your spare moment. Full liifoimatlon nii.-i all bat is oe-.-ded ent free. A IdreiM 3 I INSOI TO . P..rtlini(l. Maine. Nov. a;. biU dealers in Typo, Presses, Paper Cutters; and all . kinds of Printing Materials, both, Now and. Second-hand A corrected list of prices Lr . sued weekly, of all material on hnndf f or sale,' (much of which are genuine bargains) will bo tnailed free on application. . We can furnish anything ftom ft Bodkin to a Cylinder Press. ' . - . , - F. A. I.eliriiaiin. Solicitor of Amciic-tn . and Foii-lirii Patents. Wasl'.iuirton, 1). C . AI .bii,- -n.-its coniiecti-d with pliiiv, , .whether .Sx-forq the p:ite iti'llicc or the cimrts, prompt: ".' u . tended to.' No cbnrge made u.ness p;tivii,l t secured, fiend tor circular. tf . 26.999 NOV IN home feeautifnl Thonghfs. Witty sayings arc as easily lost as the pearls slipping off a broken string, but a Word of kindness is seldom spok en in vain. IUs,j 'ccd . jvjikh tycn when dropped by chance, springs, up a Life Is too short to he Worrying as to Who likes you and who does not. Press on through the shadows that hang over these low" guU:i l to tho bright moun tain tops over yonder,-, where you will not have an enemy. Sometimes God garners the dew of life, holds the tiny,- precions drops in reseve to form some sudden" shower of mercy, which shall save from under barrenness the parched, arid soul in its i Nobility of birth does not always in sure a corresponding nobility of mind ; if it did, it would always act as a fclimii lous to noble actions; but it sometimes ftcts as a clog rather than a spur; A man's moral principles, like lliz dykes of Holland or the levees of the Mississippi,' . .uevd to be continually Watch'wl and strengthen! d. He is ruia- eu if uiey are unacrmiueu or over thrown. . " . . The life bt a dependent being must I ever he a rile ot laitli,- and Hie eseiuial property Of faith is obedience. This runs through all the rchitions of this life and those which take hold ou the eternal future." Here is a thin 'Wherein I would wih fmglyiavc you ttgree, that ia to dispute nd not to quarrel: for friends disjuito VtWeen themselves for their better llslructoh, enemies qnarrel to destroy j one another Ax to being prepared for defeat, I ! certhinly a hi not. Any man who i pre-' pared for defeat would be half defeat cd j before he commenced. 1 hope for suc cess, shall do' all iu my power to "secure j it, and trust to God for the rest. I , All pervm uy thrir ;ood re the jet. We ask to ex-. Im our I n prmvr4 kollrr lonitl Frw F-tl. Urvta. Serd mm4 WrrtUMmg UrIU uid out IUy bin. .1 i.t, mrea vood ulhc het.an.iaa licvoMaschmp, Al.j,rrr ' rntirf. Circular, nj.iw-l (re-. Newark MachlnwCCv' NAMrark, OlliO. tutsrn GruUi HooM.iUswvU V, K.al'.tUE, General mtliern Agent, Louk-vUle, Ky. fKKsi s A 1 1 1 wj far all ciiefcsses cf tha Klcfacya zni - LIVERS It hel specific action ca. tkia xaoet ixnpcrtcfift mran. muJillav il to tbrcnr off biCi t? sd e! loaotian, etimnlattnc UhMllhy LcaxCcact.t condition, eiKetigg ita regular 4tr iirg8. 1. tkiUliJl lfel. cuaari,haTe the c:a, .ro l-ilic-ji, di'ait-'Jtlq, croonetipai", liiaosj 7ort will ffaralr rellervo and qnJcSJy rac, la tho Bprtag tocloan.i3ttTta. tve?y oae KlioaU tike a UiOTCujrJieoariecXii. - SOLO 8T CRUvClaTS, vricl squire looking very red . andfohrSeasons of burning need. Ellen Oliver. Nobteribr for l&e CSXEAXCI!. year in a4Tttoee. 9i . ALL ILSI !A:i. I i d brtlruswu.. iii P,j CUkES vhere al r1 BtiOufrUByrup I Use iu iip:b. ts