JL JL Mj ' ' . . . .- " - ''; - ' - v".. i" , ' T H E A LAMANCE -GEEANE R , 1 Jul.' -" - GRAB. AM, N.iO.:nl'HUR3DAY, NOVEMBER 1 , 1883. .-, , -N0.'3S rj4 kEKXOPLE;, Proprietor. 1.50 "..fid r . - Six Mouths : - Months ry person siW b oLtt ibpri with thoW&T entitles himself to one ' e?Kfor UieJenib of tlma-for which the "ii&Ms m&le tip. Paper sent'.o different offices yrftertlirr from the Cash System: iii;p'iilD at ' 'i-His Office rae AdVI V mmm jij bjmjm thoroughly I ! AT REST. 1 weeR4' 2 ' ,3 " rfto.. 3 0 -U 1 In. J 3 ii;.i3 .ii-J o'lJ col IpoI. i-roo r't so t aoa,; $4 nrt.' w ia or 1 35 8 O'Vl 8 W 5 00' 1103 If J 1 2.") 1 75 5W i ' 3 Of: 4"0 4 CO l4 50 LVU)0, 13 50s 1800 ) fin is w as no 6 Oil; 15 50 17 50 3U00 151 7 50! Vi 00 'M 00 o7 11!) n l!" OJ.L1250 . 15 GO. 85 00 ..45 0,1 10 00 15 0.1 1S00 2T 00 4S00 i" 00 desire quajptjjf il fiwal nntieen ton. 'cents a line, first Insertion tin local inserted l;r less than fiftv cents;.,. ( PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JAS. jVO. W GRAHAM, H.llsDDro, N. C. A. GRAHAM Grahiuu, N. C fnctlee In tho State &nd Federal otirts, eK)9.i jiV,toutiy;n,.p4iid,t(. coUeejLing;:.' ; 9 IT iVactiSiS3QtaSaI!wi&dVL'U (fill faivhfnlly and promptly attend to all biisi- Composed by John H. Boner, of North Car olin i, exuresH t for rlio h,.,..i ..f ,1 .. At rest anions tlir owa- Rest to ba broken never ' ...... Thfir folded flug.for them out-blotyu No more.' forever v They did not think to come. . . So silentlv so late - When eteppinK to the tonndins; drum, ' They left the Stat They thought to see aain .' ... . . . Tr.e loved ones kissed through tears, I" ' 'INoiln, tljp trenches of. the slaiu To lie for years. But lips thev kissed grew old !. A,nd eyes that wept grew blind, ' " And hearts that could hut breuk.lay cold. By grief enshrined. . J And jfirits veiled iu woe, L.iokin toward life's west, VVtre cailetl in lenderuess uiilo Eternal rest. T" Tlie'f Samenot but thev come., t .1 vuuquisiiB.i, iaitiuui le.v, In silence, anil are welcomed home t ' 1 . 1 Iu sileuce too. Their place of burial Is e , f. $ "Jlaliowed" by woman's prayers, t ' " nibioi epltiph Vi un this Could not be theirs. 1 A NIGHT OP PERIL. . .. v - A THSILLING STOKY OF PIONEER LIFE. A D VERTISEMENTS. Fashionable r Jailor, h. 1. i ' . J ' ! ' 1 ''ft -1 IC C ? Is prepared to make Fine Olothin? for every-' oody." "See'LislampleB i of Fallgoods and styies mar ! - v- una mfl'-.tjSim ' BEAUTIFUL4 Catal?irua X I FREE! 2 a week inafl imitisifio'is MILLIONS OF THEM 5 For FLOfilSTS and - AMATEURS. " lutcb Bulbs, "apatt Bulbs, French Bulbs, r JT. BMW,-Also t r U VUtiH fftrGreanhouaea Wii WtadoW.fld- f. HIRAMSIBLEY&CD. BCSDSKKH, , Bochester. N.Y. ft Chicago. M' , ad8 at home bv Hie Best business now before til ft nnhlii' flariital not ' hL't'd 8 ! ' W will start you. Men, wonien.boTS Rhd Irl? wauted everywhere to work go: ii. riavi is the time. You jail work in aartftimevr.!;i?e roar whole tine to the buSnei. f dther Dusine.ss will pay you nearly as well. 'jNone au fail to innU-H PiinrmrviiB nair. bv entrn'di)'' t once. Costl v ontflLand ternis f roe. Money. Tademf easilv. Iigathono.aWvEAdarefS .... ..j , , If t - nP A IS A SUSIE CURE for all diseases of the Kidneys and TttlttHliniiUlo Ion i in Uiia most impovtaot WttnMUig u to ttnxnr offtarpMity nd JnHa, tinralatbig Jlifl healthy aeoreUonof tb Bfle, and ty keeptnff th IwwbI IS tree wWlton,ayBpoptlo,oroQDBtipted,KWiifly Worttrm mrWy reliuv and qulakJy euro. wtha Bprlng to cleanae the ByBtem, every OM-ihMMtiikathOMtKrliocranBeof . . n 'SOLtj Iry bRUOCisTs.' Wi?e f Wfcile yoaC'tTWSJlJflipf . uy tlit members or me t. u. f It w a.5 my fortune sometime since to take a trip in one of those splendid float ing palaces which wind their way daily upland down the Ohio Rivevrand carry their living and commercial treisht so safely and speedily, in comfort, ease and pleasure to. their destination." r-j; ' ""Tfiatli; was not always so I ""was re minded by a story.which J Upftrd , from an old sentleman who was a fellow- passenger, and whose acquaintance I pleasantly formed on deck ; and, finding hin to be relative of a Ken! ucky fam ily, withwhom I was on intimate terms, I accepted his story os entirely reliable, and- will give it, as nearly as I can, in his own words. "It must have been nearly a hundred years ago, not later anyhow than 1800," Uui Mftolmfuthit my grandfather, Horace pobarf j settled wheme the city of Frankfort now lies i-as- a, mee )iamlet? theo.t Hp. was: the ovinei? di a llatboat, so th.e,1ettiert caHed him Cap'n Hpbart: an used to hire him to make I trips dowp the rijcr for supplies for the settJement. no som lines utscu w a3 M as Pittsburg, and bring powder and lead and groceries, very often stock or a -small party of emigrants and their plunder to points along the shore. TOne trip! he niadef I ' remember mbtly, was.about'isuiJ or jtov, m ic I fall of the year, tho marks of. which he carried to his grave. His cargo that time was mostly of powder, lead lor dui lets and cured bacon a very desirable prize for the Indians who were lurking up and down the -shore.' At Pittsburg he met a party of half adozf-n emigrants for central Kentucky, who gladly avail ed themselves of the opportunity to go as jar'as Frankfort on captain xion flatboat. . . Well laden, the little party, among ivhomwere two women, set out on the retmiTvtryftg going on prosperously a great part of the way. Capt.- Hobart knew that danger lay between the Big Sandy and Kentucliy rivers. . y After passing 'the'mouth of the Big Sandy, it wouia v ucurooaijf w qfiutiopsly until he leftthe Indiana sborer and turned into the Kentucky River, where Uey 'would be compara tively safe. . , Nothing .occurred, Ijoweyer, for ever 'al klfly weather waiglorious, the j river smooth, and they were enjoying J"the trip very much, when one morning two men hailed them ' from the otner shore. ' . ., .. - . ' ( What's wanted-?" demandeti-Capt.. Hobart. ' '!" ' C ' 'Want to go down the river, land and take us aboard, waf the answer,.; , " " Are there but wo of you?" shouted the captain, j . : : " ' "ThatJalll We'll be no trouble. Pull in arid get us on board ir the men shout ed in that region tpnafr "What say Jo ?" asked Captain Ho bart. ' : ',," ; "Don't like it Captain," said Jo, lean ing on his paddle. "Nothin but a decoy fry my notion,,'.'' , ' . , , . "To mine tjoo," said 'Captain Hobart. "Ifd hate to leave them if I thought they were honest." ' ': . . , "They look, like .'.rascals from here, Captain," said Jo! "Tham woods, like as not are full'pf Injuns, and, we've got weemen aboard." v . ; Wontdo.Captain.L, "No, Jo, we won't risk it." Captain Hobart1 then shouted to the men : , ;. ;.. rj- , , , ., .; "You'll have to wait for the next boat. We're full." " '! ;- ; -"' i The ilatbqat passed on, leaving the m$n making profane.exhtbitionofanger on the shore a proof that they were not what they,claimed to be, , . The travellers proceeded very watch fully down the'river, but saw, no, signs of trouble until near sunset. They were passing very thickly wooded spot, when two men carrying a third between themj came down to the shore and hailed the boat. 1 ', , "Haloo !'r answered. Captain Hobart. ' "Come in and take us aboard," was the next call. , '' . . . - ' ; "What's the ;;matter shouted the Captain.-1 :fC:C; :- "Got a man hurt here. Want to get obeyed - but not too swiftly; for the la dian boat was steadily drawing' nearer and nearer. ' '- '' Another volley and three of the pur suers tumbled overboard, but as they returned the fire , one one ot the emi grants dropped, groaning, at his post. r "Steady and' quick ! Fire in 'succes sion !" ordered the captain. "They aim too low. Disable them before they can board, us.". ', . ,-, , . . , , u, The bows of the two f boats almost grated together, and one daring savage sprang upon the flat boat's gunwale. ' . Captain Hobart sprajhg forward, 'J)ut, before he could' raise.' his rifle a . shot went through his ' shoulder. 1 "' He staggered, ,but; with desperate courage, rallied and fired hU adversary iainng uajKwava ana oyer into , ine Maddoned at this, for the assaiiiijgln-' dian was their leader, the Indians made a rush to the craft. In the iiupetuosity of Itheir onset, the old, ; unseaworthy thing capsized, and the swift current of the bhip .wks full of struggling, scream ing, wounded and drowning savages. ." The violence of he knock' gave the other boat a sheer which sent it off di-. NEWS ITEMS, IV 1, ;t.; : ui)-- : ,; ! Crowded out of inside last week. ,; . At'Brewton, Ala th,e epidemie,i9pro nounced yellow fever, .The population of the town is between 3,000 and 5,000 and there have been 34 j cases j and 8 deat!'s... v .i ' y v 1 Failtires last weelc run" hp "243 'as agaipst 187 fbi4 the preyibus week. '. As d conseqihce there is a 'shrinkage in, the - volome' " of trade" and on increase in bank deposits'.1 " ' ';' -'.-..- ,The'body?ipf , FaWfcV Rpge'rpohy - Wo disiipparel 'some lime last July, it is supposed to avoid' trrest. was foimdl3th inst., neaf reenvitl. .f'TIie , skeletoii, clothes and a kiiife were all tlxat rerriax"-. j ed.f It ls' thought he committed 8uicide Asbeboro' Coltrtff i Eet John Paris, Di1 ft.yof the Methodist ProtfeatHnt 'Church igde'ad1 He was one of the1 leaders' of tttat Church in this Statd aild ktitrof the1 Wftt men iti 'lt. - He was "borli'J1n "Ad- m'airice courtly."" ' -: ""' -u naf""K7i .run tyc-. :iv! :nU .Mli-rn v ' - Greensboro Workman.) The schools oi tbe south-east f Greensboro -are1 ' dointr Allcock's Porous Plasters AIKK WllllltB OTHm,lMTB " ' FAll. RVRN TO BEI.IKTK.., plle4. ! m Murine :k nil dicates an increased' interest m educa tional matters. . '!:,- ;.S f'U ; ", H 'A .f '''-i': (.- i'"' : 'l. -..il U, A ispecial, session of the Texas- legist laturo is, called to ,mept , in , January. , to consider the lands question, and other matters. The fence . law, , question , haft . , . t," ' i . ... rectly into the middle of the river and ' creae? quow,, ana xence uwing ana j .i, "j ' '.,'' ' i rancn uurning i iju prcyaium. tuui yrvp uniLeu lb rapiaiy upwn xoo rar. irom. me shore for any danger from lurkers uon' unusually u-elh Pleasant Lodge has 80 k'chWftvlljfme pupils; Oak Dale 90 and, Munt .PIe'a. not beeo tJoMie& wltfc rlreomatlBtti aoaildoW ant 52,i This is a good showing and in- ' Un. ni Matu mmA i m.. fc ' PmiA., 308mnh Third 8tn 1 -,) :n. '. February 1st, 1684. ' ) r Ihaye beeia using Mlcock'a Porous- blaster or a number pf ygars fud always wlth ciarke beucfiu ' I have been much troubled, with mum cnlar1 rheumatism'; have tefri treated by fie of" our liet phy8lcuiBa-wiCfttnrteoeivlny; soy Te- lfjel whatever. n -XKB,pBc4ilA4neoc)i, foroo Plaster on the parts affected and I can assure you the pain has almost entirely left mA, I can' recommend them to e'vfj'jMDne as the,bent pbw tcr madef.' I have' tried Mherplaatera'bat fodnd ttbeni worthies: 7,'.n H ,lf i,K T-dun-'l I sui l i ii,un ;!Marehrd,1880:7 '. tlhav'e fceea. greatly 'trotrWel wM eoiia. lism ahd weak kidneys. t.l,KM, adrlad. .irjr. Allcock's porous plaalfirvfliad used two other klpdjs. pf so called jporona,, Plaster, ;,wW)qIi, lid tne no itood.) but one of yours has worked like. i ! i the bank, free froin i,ts terrible pur: suers. us. A great shout of joy at their deliver- j ance rose tip from the little CfeW.. at him up to the Folks. Pome in andbelp least from all; who. were- able to i shout uaptain fiooart lay senseless m tne dot;-' torn of the boat, one man was dead and ree others badlv wounded, leaving bat three"jdnhurt to care forthe rest. ' "rr !'',' With the help 6f the: tw6 1 1 brave i Wd- .. -Captain Hobart took out his pocket telescope ahd hauled it up -to his eye, and took'a look through.,; ; ; .;!-' , "It's the twp iye , met this morning " "I thought so,", chuckled Jo, close be side mm..v i: h -. f,i ..;u-- -.. ; "Well, they WOQjt trap m" said Cap tain ifobartr; and then heshouted lusti ly : 'Can't stop for you !'.' and ,then or dered the men to help the drift all .they could with te paddjes,. ', ', l "Cap'n,'.' pud Jo, "take a, look thro' your glasses at, that clump of beeches. What' under tern?" ; .'. : i The1'' Captain' looked,! as directed, where the trees hung far over, and the bank was in deep shadPW. , v, , v i "Wnat d'ye' make?" eagerly asked JO.v r': '.i'.t- j . M. "It looks like an' old flatboat, but I can't surely . make out. , Bo if they've got a boat we're in a bad fix.'' "Fac'J Cap'n, and ' it 's goin,' to ube a moonlight night, full moon, an' comin' up airly. , Weemen aboard too.". r "Well, joeU prepare, fpr em,, and then run bur best. It's all we can do." As to proya that their suspicions were shore, falling shfirf. pf j it mark, 'which was probably the tall term pf captain Hobart, as' M.tOcjd boldly jip;m : bis boat. J, . . This,dec;4ed him. . He called tegethej the men includftig the emigrants ; there5 were pnly eight men, all told-directed the wemen to lie flat down in the bet torn pf the boat, and made atl the prep arations he cyuld for. a fight, in case it came, -i,-'". - ..'. V:'? ; They did not need to wait very leng. Even befeje the moon was fully risen, men, who had not uttered 'one' cry du ring the'fight,,' , they di4 this' an4 '.afiej their arrival, atf homethe three 'men recovered, as did Captain; jjr3bar. j' ; But Captam Hpb.art carried, to his-; grave a shoulder scarred with ( th bul let received in that fierce, fight on. the Ohio. ''." ' ' The Number Three: A i ' -i. I I ' 1 , When the' world was '. created ' says, a writer, we find land, water and sky, sun, moon and stars; each treated in three days ; Jonah jas in ,!thV whaleV belly three days .; our Savior passed three days in the tomb Peter1 denied bis Sftvlo thrice. There were three patriarchs Abraham, Isaac ''and Jacob. Abraham entertaioedj three 'angels,' '&muelwa called three times. . -"Simon lorest thou me," was repeated three-.tims. Daniel ' was thrown in a den ; with three Hons for praying three times a day.' Shad rach, Meahaclt and Abednegoi were' se cured from the flames of the furntce. correct, an aVrow wai burled from the The ten wnfcmandments were delivered onu tne .third daylt Jaob had . three friends. St. Paul speaks of faith, ! hope and charity these , tbree. Those' fa-' mous dreams of the Baker and Butler were to come to pass in three days'; Elijah prostrated himself three times on the dead child , Sampson deceived' De lila three tirne before she discovered the source pf nis' strengtliJ There are three cenditipns fpr man earth, heaven and hades. There is also the Holy trinity. In my thelogy there wer& three traces. Cerberus with bis three beads; tbey pould See that the. woods was full j Neptune helding his three toothed staff, '' "j'.M. v'.l iti'f!? j ' til .iui 't,,i I U A,y,1A nfrtolnVii rhAriahml with Vn- of mpvjufcv painted, half naked fQrms, and heard yells which cpuld come from nene but the Indian . threat. '. KeeDine a careful watch, they could, after a time, distinguish a dark object . ing neon and night'j trees group; t,heir moving.on.ihe;viterr.'Cjt ew leaves in three ; there, is "p. three leaved nearer thev saw that it , was a flatboat I clover. Every ninth wave is a grand the oracle of Delphi cherished with ven eratiea the ripod j and the nine mnses sprans from the three. In nature . 'we have male, fenfhle and offspring; morn- filled with Indians. . - ' :'" r "It must be the old thing, that used to lie up at PorJJiason, ( JHUe j9tation on Ue,coast)fayt ,Jo.(. ';Ifr it is, we can sint w"; ' : ''," i 'iWaittiy thty get -near men,", said the captain, "and then aim low ad ; give them first fire.! , '' "V : ' Breathless the. men crouched ; in the Fntual Ai'' Society. Don't! t fantaia Hobart knew where he i!l O fc?Vrss this aJCertisnneht with- J But Captain xx 7rfw. ',. W-Wndinsr for c rcuiars auu and meant to pe otiwu- "' - MUTUA.L AID SOCIETY, 16iu3ai Harribur. I'd. ed to cue ef his boatmen an pld . fellow called Osage Jp, who had spent his life end efthebpat near which the Indians were rapidly drawing, as sbpn as they came within rifle range, eight bullets sped at the wprd pf command and made havee ampng the pursuers, j Shputsand groana Jbllpwed, . and the savages poured forth a fierce volley into tbe little group. One of the three horses was killed there were three on the boatbut ne men fell ; ' 'Lokol i quifik!" "ordered the captain. Swiftly and Bilently his order was j . , . t- -:. ' T."" erty has .depreciated in value. 'Eeidsviile 'Dollar Weeklvt There.is fn th'eneighborhbodpfSandy Ridge, pfok,es c6unty, an, bid hegro', man whe. .cfaims to be 114 .years ' eld. '.lie Wap , broMght irom v lrgiuiit WJi unqiuw . uy ,i uc jre?- cfjt Judge ;Ruffin'sf CTandfather. , Th' VkilAmir ollri1 "ii'ft milaa ; friar, ftiitnl on leaving this State te make his fidmc elsewhereron the 6th lnst.; sent jiw to Superintendent Mills,' to go to 'thfe efi dewmcnt fund ' of the ' Oxford Orphan Asylum, in mempry:df his wife !whd' de lighted 'in helping the Orphatis 1 whjle livlriA-1" '-'(" '' " ''t.".vv..v 1 We learn froto the, Wil8on L4djancw. That a thirteen vear .old dauohteii iof Gilliam .Eure, of Stanhope Nash doonty fell into a -well -hrty leet deep and was killed -instantly. That several -rob berica have -been - committed !in ,tbat town recently, the booty consisting-iof money ana jeweiryj nu t ja. i v'-'-' 'i'" j ."vj.T 'if! - ifTftAsiijL, s: I-(."i J : ; jpayetteyille, Observer j Qpe night Jast week ilr. A,lderman Holland, iliying; in Carver'B.Oreek Township, .was attracied, out of his; hpinje, by. the cries ,9f, young tnippy, and on gpipg, ou he. paw. w.bnA he. took tp be a hog or.dog jBgljting .his puppy. , he.seized a pail of, 'water a,d dashi, it.on them, the jntrnder;.raa. .off about. twenty paces, and then shpwed fight nd strte4 back, when Mr. Hol' lanq picked up,,a hoe and struck him, across the head . killins. him iDStantlv. he Jhen got a light and found., the . sp- i t- ft,!. posea nog; or aqg m oe a largej,. .ijiib s queer Ju(, true sjUry, a I'm , ! y ii ' ii i m s.i i iil i i . Resnlte cf-f Talking When Asleep, ) ! "Who Is Maria?" was the'' qh?stim that startled Mr. Brown, , who : talks in his-ialeep, as he -waked up the1 other inorning and found Mrs. Bfpwn fttihg upjn bed. with an. intcrogation point in one eye and an exclamation poinfin tfid , "Maria, Maria who . at.- ! "That's -what I want ' to 'know', "you repeated that name over and oyer again. ii,- . (1 lV if ? last night." f ,'Let me see oh, yes, that's. Parker dog a splendid animal. , I have been trying to buy ber." " A "You ought io own.he.r certainly, yoi are so excessively.; fond . of herj , You asked Parker's dog to ' pu ! her 'arms around your nipck, and Ids yoii., ; You even went so far as to tell Parker's dog that you ioyed her withra!l yourJheartf, an that, when you came to . die, if you could only lay your head on her bosom you could breathe your life buf 8weeiy there, i Then you, asked Parker's dog to have another plate Of ice cream; and, if the watch, ypu had given her, kept good time. During tne nislit you Kissed r&T"j ker's dog a dozen times J called, her' alj the pet names you knew, .and, proved to. pne conclusively that you-ought to: five complaint alnwuaiMg them, aad Leopslder tern. Climbing the SpiStaW; Ipyisible f rcMter&irein a, Kcw ,r .linland , Cottager ! "Tts." she said, "our children - artf tMrffsd v and gone, and my hiinhwd and I set by onr winter fire mnrh as we, did before, the lltfls Ones ame to widen the circle. ' life' la1 souew thintfaapiral atalicaae w: are ail ,tba Ume; Coming around over the spot we started fromk Only one degree fnrtheiupitlrIi .wirii' I i Thats a pretty Ulusti atlon.' remarked her , f rleufl, miisrnelv, garinflfito the glowing coals whk-U. related a. jitoasaot beat froai te any i wlndo,vcd stove, ''lou know we cannot atop Ulo irplhd Wll ihtiua-I"J ! it : fi( J "Surely wo cannot, and, for, nirtelf, dont . Janets ipHifa I not attended , wjttv; cabMLtty, Off mffoilni;, forlbav'rha'd my share of ' that. Not IbiSa: -aineematf : bealtbtonwtate brok ' dowi,. My system was , full of malaria. , My. .digestiorr- became 'tnotonfenly disordered "and my aervei wreiirn a ,wrU.-nea.;StMe. L wMg laniriild. ato nttfc and that without enjoying It, and had no atrenirib or ambitkM'Jlonertona't -tften my light househQldJUliou Vedlcat.treat- ?eut failed to reach tne seal of my trouble. Ie dUeaan whJch:emed to-he'nreakneasi if ,all 1 lie vital organs progreaaed , until ( had e vt ral aitacka; which mt )hylelau 1TOnormJ tied to beacule congestion ci.lhe atopiacbr-Tbe ,. leriof fhWe WBa keb5ratt iruMW abT I waairtvan ap, dto A, lhia Vlinad -parnl t)ally passed, my h-isbaod heard of the merits, of BAUKR'8 TtNlG' n IntlirorantlB'irt a- Ml .A T . L- I. . I ..f . 1.. .aj . effeoU at 'on6e. l lP appeared to pervade my ' body, at,th,ouKb the 1)leing irfekew ,lUe Jnd ' cbma In m. Taklrnr tin ntlmr medlnina f m tlnued to Improve, anr am ao tn better liealtb 1 th8.ut.(,hi8V!ibeeP';,n ft u rtHiJ i Extract from an Interview with the wife, O , t Rev. '.. P. PerrV. iiaato of th-, Bmtlt Ghnrc-h ' doldbrrM(a,8. j . jfrw r-rf M'rt'- i IqMMOIfS., poi ReLlBirj..i,- I an ji-jwYi j 8PECUI. PROCJXDlNfl&ii i,;, Diram Wells, a Executor ofH'm, . Wellt. V wa. Anderaoa Werfs. ItH Hinihaw-atrd UonnU - Wl'viiiC lVe11"4 rVpoa-fVellSjWd Kptta. State of North Carolina- "fff '" : 2b" tlieShirijrtf Alamaiice County r ' Gakir'Ao : '" n. t eb:t'.K.fil i . . Yon are. hereby commanded., U i f uinmon Anderson Wt-lla. Jr' Hlnabaw an4; r LouisiiiU wife.. well BokMnaa f weiu i and Kosam.a VVejn, the defendautaaboveiMutaT . d if thoy M fohiHl Wlthiii your eorraty, to p- pear at the office of Uie L'terkfOf. toaJ5piur,, CouK and Judge of robate for tne county of , . lamaoce-wniMtn! twenty day; after kba aarki ' . . , , ! i i .1 Jam OI 11118 U1II1IUU n tuny CAiiuEjiy v iu vmj , of Mich aer iei and answer the eowplBint for - 3 iliu u,fiLioi,iit i if -.Lute which wilLba Aeooalledo-, n the otHeeof safdCk-rk and Probate Jndgn wltbln (en a) s tioiq,uie4Stf otuis sotamoaa. i ihJ f.. il..Aull riifn..rlant' tnbM nnf Ihm that If they friHa anew 4he-said rmrph-ltit 'wlthlri ' I that time the plaintiff a will apply to be,,lkrf:, f fur tbe relief demanded lo the complaint. Herein fail nntaad. iI AMU iimmona aaaae due return. lven nndertmv aaiiaandeal w taUtCOart tliU 25th day of September, 1883. .f - f . .. , .andetofflctoibaUrtdim i L ' -'r ' ! ' ' ' ' swell. -We haye fUb, flesh and fowl. The majority f mankind .die' at thirty three. What could be done -in mathe matjes 'without 'the .triangle ? , Witness thA rtowerof the Wedge! and in logic three premises are indisnsable; I V common for three to re a lucky nuroper, j v ? 'ii Baia Wrsakl la the Frcl,,, , 1 vfi r..:- 'Wit i 3 ' "Men often mistake' noforiefy for TTow dPoressinir it is to 'see acres'' of fame," bat they never mistake Kidney- trees cut down in the midst of a noble Wprt for auy quackinedieinei.i Kidneyj forest. How saddening it is alsp tp. see Wort jf universally ( recognized as, a by the use of Parkers Hair Balsam. Ijver, bowels and kidneys. fcp For actual efficiency this fameus article . aw ' stands atthe headofchw Elegant sfpure of 80 crushes for the todet, dehaous odor and re-1 u rom he&r . fce t stores the D color to grav orfad-, ftfterward, the con9tant weight',! of lt "d ha"-- E.cnPmii-" Vi';- brings forth bitterness-the teste " and sional apphcatipn keeps the hair and, 8train3from the losa 0f the Vat. , " t scalp m perfect .order, f , ... w-- .t . ? -: yV&j ItJUiJ-lt'a bwaaehaadoped acayaita of Inanrance that iU public haa lone wanted r J.i 1 w.a4 Wl-I establish one. Urancu men ( H. 16au3m .': . Harriaburg, Pa e, aud t wat ra lPrat class, x in in trt addreaa' 1 . j' V Vhe cnnATicyiin L -roa iaa It to aw an tba p-taftAaui ef KIDHEYa.LtVia An J BOWKL1 haa- km- faa orinu iminia nun : THOl At Of CASH MUm nl forma of thia Snibl eMat ilaawf, bean qnirviy 1-Atmd.nd iaettua 1 . .- mi aw law wasw --::-j1 nra at. uaciaoa Bat, sols at MrSSwtoa. IwiXta, BICH Riwvw at Ca.,-luili-" (...i m eir:t .: ':f,,t rtat dies Insnre; U the . U, Mntaalf Aid. mvlMtr. '.Address' "'''"I"1'-" loauittn xiarrieou, (i , paiaMrfa far the GLEAN? B. yearlaalvare. . $l.0O. i Truth is the h:ghefi thing that'man ' may keep. Cbau :er, I- ' lira ,1 .- v-; UllkKOU' 11-irlcu. Absolu mm Uiloe slM in Aai-Jrtcu. Abeoluto Cfuiiur. t;