MWW 1 " r : 7 ---r-s ! Ill MM III JJlLUilJLJilJJIJ-lJ (JltAHA.M,-N. (J.. THURSDAY. N(WKMBEK 22, 1883. NO. 40. THE ALAMANCE GLEANER Poctrji. me Vcar .... 3ix Months . r.'.rce M"'ltl,s . . . . 7."i p.-nrv uoron son Mrt-uf cthfi -of toil' roiw 'il.g wulUbu ci'Ht'u tiiiiiHell to one the Icififl. "ftm.ofn Vv Hm mi. l'tt!crnent-.o di r which the iTcretit offices icnili'tlirf from. the. Cash Sisfnn -o. ; I'tJKP.WD AT TI.1S Ofr'tuB I w lich she : had made ready fortius very (lie optif fireplace. Over; the 'carved and ' I arched ton it'ermioiin TUnialiniit whs rv- t ecU 3 " I mo.. S A 9 " I! flu. too 1 35 1 75 :09 3 nf- 4 n 10 0') JTM .TH'EXTY. TEAL'S. BV F. H. CURTIS. No doubt tb flirted all (iris do ; I5nt then you know fUc Uicl.i'i moan it T.i me in all tilings slic w..Ktrue- ' A blind man even could have seen it. Hut thorns arc fund ntar every rose,' Add after some fow niontlit re ianed ; A tour drop uiisu-ned on liyr )m, A ud 1 for days wuc brvkwn .J.cai'titf. A score, of year luvc passe;t away " Since then I lately heard about her Her li:iir had jrrown -i trifle gray. . Her figure icrown a -jieat d!!irtoiiter. l Ajida siiue then have m.iniod tw itb, aiv heart no lonr re tel.e toward hers, I hard every now and then to keep back In the J ant.y were four tiny foavs of fiuitia'ie one.-for each member, of the family wliich-she had made iiH se cret, and the wheaten ' bread, the 'Gra bamroflar the chipped beef and homc niaile preserves were ready for the sup per table on the shelves. - No work wa3 pressing for this" after noon. For a week sheliad planned to secure four leisure hours at this time, and now they hung heavily and sadly upon her hands. ; She wandered around from room to room for a few. moments, biting her lips And lutuly g,me to take in boardew. A HA1PY MISTAKE. i 50 f a on 4 m ; so i y or 20 0, 2 5i 5 on n n i it a'.'sor.T? M M ad lis acj SOU 4 50 95.1 15 0i) 2 00 4.')() OiHI 15 50 17 50 3'H)J fi 5 i : 7 50 VI OH 20 00 15 0 ) H 00 a ( 0.) 48 (X) i ro stood in her cottage door lookiirg after "? I . I'f'r mb uu .iBUi-riuswi. ui uiu setiooimaxi .S i A.V . 'Al. l.tJ:.Ui!..'iji 'I'iii .PanjjraTjuaricriy-ii mat i , "No, life is uot fair.; Its troubles are given to the many, its pleasures only lo i?Z5i? ! th fcyj'' mused Mrs. Merriam as she liftd just dashed by, "She ; has so first Insertion i""' Hllu 1 su luue ! Amt J n L 01lee I lirid the opportunity of accepting that . . . rich husba'nd ol bcrs, and she would P,iOFE(OyALCA(lDS.t U those days, if yearly Hdv'l'dfsCitfeti desired. i notices ten cenl? a line, fJn loeal iiiMM-ted lor U;f thn flfi v eent arched top Ilei miouo Marabout was ar ranging a wreath of goldeu-rod and field daisies, while Tom Merriam was fastcii ingFabove the wreath a finely' cxeeuti'd inscription,' painted in ccUrs upon tinted pasteboard. . "Oh, do hurry, papa, please I" cried" Inez; dancing up and down in her Sun day slippers and best m Us? in frock. "Rosy and I just now saw her coming out of the wood, and oh, here she is !" ' Ttcre were two screams of delight from the lips ot the children in their Sunday attire ; and Tom Merriam-also (dressed in his best lumed from the chair and added his embrace tohaof Inez and Rosy. ' ' "Welcome, dear , mother !" said the glowing letters on the board. . "Welcome, clear wife !" whispered her hushand as he kissed her. 'Inez painted the lettere apd I male the wreath (" cried Rosy, capering about The 0!d Times and the New. Tom Merriam would luive cured iVir mf.t JA?. A. OHAIIAM : T , , lii aliaiu. N. cT 1 wonder how it would have been if I jvo W GKAT1AM.-" u irn, N. C. ' nW rf 1 fW"' Jtr ftXf'& 'i i h:wl tokrt Ja,:ol) Marabout, instead of Awtieo-in tlxt Federal. oHirtSi -pjTiiMic! il itte'H.iou piiTtl to Voljeentf.. . Attorney qf J-TJm , I'ractice? m"thH fctatc nf.l faiilifull liwlnlri aiid ftaen.1 and seViiiigreartearsin his eyes as he listened! I wonder if Tom But what ' am I thinking of? I am quite sure that I Tom could never have cared for her '. . . ..." j never !" ; : , I Mrs. Merriam's set face softened a lit- )le a3 her memory went back to the days jyhen Tom bad .wooed and won her, and ' wheii she was so glad to secure him1"" aP fully a.d pi piii'i.tlyAUend to all ousi- ; ter ilcr iong fear tlat Hermionc -tell W hhWb ,''' H- , . .;.' wuum lie mo vnurv;ii ui mv- , - Macy A D VER TISEMENTS. But the next moment the bright sun- r panels ofllei-uiioiie's poiiy carriag far up on the Gorge road, blie turned away i kmMiqlfe laifftr, ! and entered the plainly-furnished ' W Tr "fT f 19 ri-a -f "f , b 5 1 .' ..' ".- '411 4 m . 'l,"Wr i. ' 1r '114 m: . .. uir girls GRAHAM W. C : Is prepared to make Fino f Iloilun for every- oody. for883. . UiUt, j ting-room wheie her two little I iirnvA (Trot 1 1 n nr innflr fiil ai'llllfll tivj. . "Put it away ! Hide -it under your apVon, Rosj,T)iV m;imaill see jt!" she heWdliertVvelve-yeaVold luck" say in a friglitenedvbisper as she laid her hand on tueJatch of ffre door. ,-- . ' j'Rosii was shuffling, something out of aight under her white pinafore .with ( a very guilly - face. v.'eri anxious to setotf to school before tliejr usual tniik, and; w ben; the mother had allowed thenf to do so she &iw them tur'S out of the roadlo goto their father who was at work in the field on the hill- the unwelcome teaw. At last she snatch ed up her sun-bonuet, and leaving the house by the back door she hurried across the garden and a small neck of Pture land,; and -reached the cool, green shadow, of the pasture woods. : . In 'the silence and beauty of the ma- ple.she flung herself down and burst 1 ka mad thing., "And we wero eo into tears. Long; long she ; wept'i" till the sadness and discontent which had been making her heart sore all through the day were entirely gone. ; Raising herself oil her elbow at last a ! afiaid that you would see them both this hioinin? !" r O , "And papa bought the chair and hid it out in the barn all last night," chimed Inez. "And dear. Mrs. Marabout has quick whirr of wings close beside her ' brougntyou-on.sucn aioveiy new wacK cheek startled her. She searched "tin- Bilk "t such lots and lots of nice der the moss and found under the roof ,Li"g3 for And it is just, the of three tiny maples, scarcely two inches i 'uI,niest birthday in all the world-now isa t it mamma t" - dy. See his saMktf off all gifpdfl ad f ts' j mar 2 'S3 v A'jft n.ttVel ei.4i.ui1r'. low I'V Uii" h :(ir thin itn hi;.. r.inii 1 not. ni l e !. vv ill start vou. Men. .imn. lxv and irlrU wanted evervwhere lo work ,fo '. t the tine.' Yi i. :iui,wor!i,'n p",re fliw. itle roar whole ti no to til s buciiu ii. No other ouines will oay you netfly ns. ,wr)l. JNo ne mi fail to make enornioun pav h ciii-niriinj twice. Costir r-irrfit Hd tniii-lr'H. Money Todemf e iily. ar.d li .no ably. Addie-s 4 nono Wi lli, inn live. Dili I bv M meMibem of the B. U. Mutual Aid Society. Don't YOUR htarn and' panic uii-rs to die MUTUVL A D SOCIETY, " II nlBi.irfikWWIMaM''''M for all disease of the Kidneys and LIVER-, nuaaipaaifloaotionon thtomoet tmportan Orgta, enabling It to thitrw off torpliity and tninUnn, timnlattng tiiehealUiy secretioiiof BO and akrtphw ibowtoia WmllHcn, sthcttqylta regalardljchargq. rif I ITirouaioBnlferlilrlhna bfllona, dpopUo, cr oonstlpated, KldnBy Wttrt will eiueiy xeliavo And quickly curo la th Spring to clcaiua tbe System, vwf o Iboidd talce a tboriMfflieouMOtik. 8QLDBYDRUCCISTS. Price fl. V'Ollffiriatfe Institute, FORfiQTH SEXES. Term tw fin, -JeIm moderate, 'efflclnni teacHer advanta- Ta two trim lit tle figures '..stood on the billWp; in" strong relief gai6) the pale-blue horizon, and Rosyapron was unfolded, and "father" was eviden tly made ''the participator in tbo secret which "mother" was not to know ! : It was a little thing but it added to the discontent with which the neat and capable housekeeper went about her usual tasks that morning. - .. To; Tjfer riaw waf uutisually ;ilen ; -tHa noon wlieiAc came to dmiien He partook of the tempting meal, in au absent-minded kind cf way Mid Went back to the hillside the moment he had fiu-ished,-ifctead of lingering to talk to his hiti wife as he generally did. ' And yet this was her thirty-fourth birth day ! Tom might have remembered it sufficiently to say a kind word or two in praise of the extra good dinner wMc!i But 110 : llicru high, a lovely little hair lined nest with four little warm white eggs in it, ti e last brood of the season. .; . "I will not disturb you pretty one," she said to the small brown mother who sat on a barberry bush el use by chirping pitifully, .. ' '"-j She arose and walked on. The great trees rustled aud waved heir green and golden leaves about over her haad in tlio sunlight and fresh air. A brilliant red-bird with a jet-black head and wings, flashed past ; a golden robin chattered and scolded from a tall ash at her, and a red pquirrel barked himself awry, just above the robin's head, when he saw her coming ; sweet scented thistles, honest, faced mulleins, and the che?rful golden-rod were in bloom on every side ; black-berries, late rasbcrries and crimso:i.L"Suotcli-capj" overran the woods and barberry bushes hung full of yellowuh' fruit. , A bird.uu seen in the depth. of tha forest, sang every momc:it three flute-like notes, half sweet; half sad. Toward the West Both the' children fl deep bell twinkled melodiously, and the strawberry roan cow came in fright, leading the rest of the herd to higher pastures.. A woodehuck standing on his bind .feet at the door of hid home, bolted down the narrow path as she passed by. : .. ., ' .', , '. ,., ; All was life, movement and lmppiness, blue skies aud perfumed breezes wherc ever sho turned. She stooped to won der at the curious tunnel the wood spider wove for her hiding place in the midst of her net, the rounded shaft sunk through .the dried graes by flic nieadow-mole.-atid the busy ant3 carrying their eggs about when a stoue chanced to be upturned, alike attracted, and enchain ed her attention, v - Two hours . passed before she 5vas aware of their bight ; and in all , that time she had forgotten to be unhappy. "The woods have taught me a lesson that I nee.laiVlsIic thought, as she turu- ' "I Congratulate you, dear; and I am af. r tid I envy you," said H; Taurine ina kw tone, as dic kissed her friend. '. "I mar ried for money, you know, and have it; but that is all. "Never once in" all my life, Ksther, have Iknowu the least tithe of Joy that you feel this day. ' You arc a very happy woman, my dear. May God ' keep you so V. . ; . --': .:';.. With light hearts th,ey all sat down to gether to share the birthday feast. ' Bat in tho twilight of that evening, when they two wero alone, the wife con fessed to the husband all the' 5 evil thoughts tbdt had beset her that day, Never again will they trouble her. Never ha she forgotten the silent lesson taught her by that momentary glimpse of the two sides that may exist in the most fortunate of human lives, i leaninsr over to talk to iienuum hout, as she drove by on her way - to the bcautifuUittle villa which ber, b-f band had taken for fier daring - hcr sence in Europe on important business. The hillside conference lasted nearly ten minutes; then the pony carriage rolled by the small brown farmhouse ouce more;. but Hermione's face was persistently turned the other way. . "She has forgotten, too," thought Mrs. Merriam, bitterly. "Arid yet her n birthday comes only One week af- that hMly&timd emfeJt? dear ; "aud I had' pleiuaaE' birthday, aftefafl." " I7-5 "By the bVck doo.s!:e entered her hom again. t Guneingiutothenantrya. slie 'l, t,.. .1 rrliri.ll him siiu . I . ...... ...... u. i ..w.tft. waSo the hillside n, and u - orarjniaieriais ior tuo oinuuay n.ioi uuu vu- Ulied.-iC t. . . . ' : ' A confused murmur "of voices sounded r. ...... ,- f.f IMS'"1'" from the parlof. TheUinni door? stood wide open. Thereon arable beau tifully'decoiated with, hot housa flowers were Ae' lbViUniiUe !oixipcuiy .. with rakes, ,fees 'fruits antl creams such as she had ndv?r seen .before: while ou -an im provised fide' board stood "the t heavier viands cold roost iowl,a ham, in paper ow ter mine. '" UnlverHityconrse'of Study She Huished washing and putting Wu.Sff l7" lf a away hdr dinnei dishes and swept the tier nouse wm uvuo un tid' because her heart imdHnti rtifft J. m(re;! hen floor. lless spotlessly When Brigham Young was alive ho c rilected bis tenth of the farmer with a persistency ' that' balked at nothing. On one occasion he called before him a subject and said : t - , i "Brother Bland, you have ! failed to bring in my wheat this year." "I didn't raise a single bushel,", was the reply. ; ' ' '; . 1 "Then I'll take' it iu oats.". ; . "I have none." 5 ' ' ; ! "Well hay will do." , ' : , . "I have no hay." , - "Then bring in some potatoes or jorn." .. . ' -' ; , ; ';, "Both crops were a failure, oh, wise prophet. All I have otf my farm are ten bushels of onions, aud of course the Lord doesn't eat onions." -' ' "Maybe not," replied the old man, "but you may bring me a bushel and well take the risk." Mr; Blank said it was that bushel of onions which convinced him th&t there was something suspicious about old Biigham's , inspirations. It was tco strong a religion. 'The Bmlington llawkeye thus'dis-, coui-ses in a "lay Si'rAionV preached foi the benefit of those who are perpetual!' con: ranting -the present unfavorably with the past : '"': " ; "Dearly beloved, so there are, men its Burlington this very. Sabbath morning who sigh for 'the good old times,' when our times surpass those of Solomon more than hi? days surpassed the year? of Egyptian bondage. You ; can buy a box of matches to-day for five cents; while Solomon's" throne of ivory and iiold couldn't have bought one match. The Queen of Sheba thought Solomon's wisdono and greatness beyond compre hnsion. What would sho say .could she only have beheld'a yard tnginc ol the Burlington & Northwestern Narrow Gauge ? '. Tho weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred, three score and six talents of gold, but with all of it he couldn't buy a common hard coal base burner." He nad fourteen chariots aud twelve thousand horsemen, but he couldn't telegraph to Hiram that he wanted a cedar iaft as soon' as it could be shipped, and he'couldn't even give his messenger a horse that could trot a mile , iiy 2:C0; There wasn't a newspaper nor a jpiinting press in his kingdom, and he didu't. know what it was to write 'dimes' and see. it printed 'dinners." There are1 conveniencics to day in. the county almshouse that Solo mon had to do without.' ? We can buy a watch for .twenty .dollars yes, . fof five dollars that he couldn't have bought for his kingdom. We haven't as many wives as he had, but we have better chil dren, much better, irdeod, for while Sol omon had the theory of training children all right, be never put it into practice in his ojjn family." : FROM THE PRESIDENT " OF 'BAYL0H UHIVERSITY. ' : ' "Independence, Texas, Sept 28, 1S83. ' - QtntUmen: ' ' AyePsHyigbr Has been used In my household foe three, reasons: ... . ... , ..?,; ,- ' 1st. To prarent falling out ot the hair. , ' 2d. To prevent too rapid change of color. Jd. As a dressing. ' It has giren entire satisfaction in erery .. lnstanoo.' Tonra respectf ally, : ' '" ' ''' VTMi Caset Cbajte." - ' !i: j'l!--U'. ' "r . ) '- . ATSB'S HATR yiGOB to entirely fr ; from uncleanly, dangerous, or injurious sub stances. ' It prevents the hair from turning gray, restores gray hair to its original color,' ': prevents baldness, preserves the half and promotes' its growth, cures dandruff, and , all diseases o the hair and scalp, and to, at the same time,, a very superior and desirable dressing. , r rUEPAfiEDJBT . . Dr. J. C. Ayer 4Co., Lowell. Mass. ; e . .BoldbyailPnjgglsti. i J Full Length, or Bust ? She was from the Country, seeing the sights, and wanted her' "picter E took so she called on the photograph man. . ' "Well, madam,", said the polite engin eer of the camera, "what can we do for yon?"- ".. :'V;; "You lakef likenesses here, ' don't you ?" .. i'.i';,,".'.r .',... ;V' "Yes, madam." 1 ' j ! "Well, I want some struck ofT.'J '.' ':, Tho engineer, got everything' ready, and, telling his victim to take her place, he moved T. Is arm around,' sighted . her once or twice, and popping up his head suddenly, said: . ; "Full length, or bust?" , 'What's that?" asked the startled yit-tiin- '''' ''' ' ''"''', '''" ' '' ' "'' ' ' "Full length, or bust," I said. . - -t "Hold on a minute. Drat your ma cliine.". Don't pull tha trigger yet. I never had no likenesses took, and I want a stand up picture, but if you've got to take it that way, or bust, I reckon I'll set down, I'm ia town to see the sights, anyhow, and if j-ou'ro goiu' to split. I s'pose I might as well tako in the whole show. Now then go ahead with your rat killin'." ' ::;ayer's Ague Cure 4 IS WAKRANTED to cure all cases of mo larlM disiise.such a,Vcxtx mid Ague. later--inltteiit or Chill Fever, Remittent l'eror, JHimb Ague, pilious Fever, l.lvcr Cciu f iilnt. In ense of riiiTur7artcr due Irinl, , dealers are nutbnrlzei,: br oar circular of , July 1st, l&tt, to refnud the money, , ,. r i , Dr. J.C. Ayer &CoM Lowell, Mass. ' , ' Sold by aU iJruggists. , Climbing the Spiral Stairs. Invisible Architecture in a, New England Cottage. " "Yis." he ald, "our children are marrid and gone, arid n.y liucliand and I cet by nr wlmer fire mueh a we did before the Htile rrne came U widen tho circle.1 Ufa to soine-." tbintj a irnl ptnircafo, wc arc all tho time commK around ovor tho p w started from, " onlv one degree further uji etalr. . . "That Is a pretty illust.atlon.'' "vnmrked fipr friend, mtialntcly..icaziiii; iuto tlic glowing coals 1 wliich r .dialed a jile ifiit licut fioui the many windA'cd dlove. "You know weciinnot stop-' toili'' up he bill though.", . ' 8urely Wo cnr.iiot. and for n'vself 1 doht And. fault with Hint necaity ; rovided tho ad- i Vance In life it not nttendvd wit i , or , iilfciinjr; for I have had ' myf. .liro. of that. -" Not lonz rince my liealih completely broke . dowi,. My iyilein was full (.f malaria. My dlgeatiou .bi-eauie. ihorou'bly diaordorc I and my nerve- wre in a wrctehed ft ite. I whs iaivruid. ate little and that wltliont enjoyioir it, -and hud no cirenirth or anibition to ierforni even my lli-ht lioimcbold duties. ?'cdlenl irent Incnt failed to ie.u-h tho seat of piy tnniblc. The dUcaw whleli seemed to be w caknefc of . a'l-the vital oriratM propra-s.-Kl until I had'1' re vera! uilai'kx uhieb mv h.V6iciaiia pronuun-. 4 eed to be scute pouiiK'lion of the tma';b Th lust of these ivus a-duaMtrta strnirifle and I was irlveii up lo die. As ibis crUto had (ar-" tlullv pns'ed. nir l.baiid heard of tho merit ' of P.UtKliH S TONIC as an inviirorant in Just fiich cases " inliic. I t:x,k ii and felt it" ihkI cffi'ds at once. Jt appeared lo penudo my '' body, af. thougli the blosinif of lie' rile had. oine lome. Taking no other medicine I eon-tiiiut-d to Improve, aud am now in betu-r health : tbau I hare been in a long time." . . Fxtraet from au In tervb'W with tbo wife of Rev. I. I'erry, .piutor of lb llaptit Church. -Coldbrook, ilus. I)V Ii Tlie D- u- MutiiAl Aid Socl.ty la lllil If j l'Wliuf i!iiiyerf.a)ly popular, asajia. v$ brcutiiHs u lu adapted a ieiu of InHUninee that tin public litis lout; wanted Jf lbrro to no ageney in your town e want to eUblWi one, ana it mlf pay ior fint flaca m snrauce men to address B. U. MU'UALAID KICIETT. , 16au3ui , ...HarrlAurK, Pa Bui Wra-fhl ia ikc Psrwl, Wuiskev ajjd Talext. "Take that bottle out and get . me some whisky," said Col. Jimjams to the sad eyed w-, man whose misfortune it was to be the J wife of a, convivial inebriate. i - ! "(Jive me the money to buy it with." "Give you money ! Why, any darn fool can get whiskey with money, but to - m c 7QK THE PER.WEKT CURE Oil. How depressing it is to see acres of trees cut dowu in the midst of a in-Mc r- . . Tf....r '...Mniiii.A W ia nla 1 t u. lore&i. nun . I . ... . .t. i 1 that thin spot iu ihc midst of your o'h-; ui.-kcj v. huvui erwisc abundant hair. iop n at once . takes talent, i inougnt you nau some by the use of Parker's Hair Balsam.; talent . v or actual emcieney huh lainous ai ucio stands at the head of its class.. Jiegant , for the toilet, delicious iu odor, and re stores the original color to gray or fad .'d hair. Economical, as a slight, occa Monal. application keeps the hair and scalp in perfect order. . "Why, how do you do ?" exclaimed a gossiping lady to Mr. and Mrs. Battler as they paused on the church steps; "ditTyeu know, that ilighfee, our so- rprftno, is going to marry our first base?' "What ball club does 3he belong to?" constipation; . v .w. n.i isnwictu r in-r mm LiOtuniliniL A a kn Mnnlw mwm4 itcuhin vnt eri inu uaney-won aa ale Clone. waMtfvatesaM,liaTvreroc3tiaatalsl PILES. I 1 - w m -. . . . I n lejovrea slllrtixV.of PS wmwia nhrsielrwl rmB6 -nadlotn'ja T.-im trtor &Usd. SZ nfyoaaav ltligr of Mxm trooblj 3 1 HriCKinUSE DrurlSejTpl was aching. She put on a innocently queried Rattler. The ladies grills, rind dr'eseed wfth pscjy 'hud; V? continued the couverirtion without his ' . 1 Mvjii:! t-i?i . ' toiigu ; y;( ,.,.v;,wr..-.-.-f .wr't. ash-wtanc& Speechle with astonishment the farm-1 - ert wifo grossed the ball aud, pfeeped ju- yeaf" gaid a fashionable lady, "I to the futjorvi .t'V.Tt'ltWqk. Mary, has made a very good match. A beautiful ro3CWi), coy- Ji YientA that -her husband is one of the ered wjkrcYjx:UKlich a'nd most ; " unprraciplcd as she b&l arwaVi rseJretr'ik)h d1for,1 lawyers in the prefeasion, and, of course. clean dress of pink print 'ut never hor tojHMgrtood nearhecan- afford to Gratify her every wish.' Taking up the bottle with a sigh, the patient long suffering woman went out. Iu a short time she returned. Appa rently she had lxjpn successful, for she placed Ihc bottle before him, and said, in low, reproachful tonci : ' ; " . "There! take it, and drink to your heart's content." '. ' r ' - "Now, .that's what I call smart. You have got real genius or you couldn't get 1 G-' J1. ' "TNJ"TTT::!IT! 1 ' INSURANCE ;; t'mt dies Insure;, to he B. U. Mutnal Aid ttoclcty. aadress B. U. MUTVITTAID SOCIETY. 1ju3ui . ; , j r. . Uarrtoburg. fa. . a '''' ' wnisKey wunout money," ana placing , the bottle to bis mouth he was about to quench bis thirst when he discovered the bottle was empty. 1 . ' ' ,.: "Why, what doesTfiis mean ?' , : ,! , "It means that anybody can drink whiskey when whiskey is jn the bottle, but it takes, real talent to drink whisky when there is none in the bottle.. Drink away. , I know you have got talenti, ; ' -T a mm, ' . Subscribe for the Gleaneii. COlf PA AT SHOPS, N. C. Clocks, Watches, jevyelry ': . i ' 1 have a lanrer and oner JIne ef WATLUES'u and JEWELKT than ever. ' , , BLOCKS tc suit everybody;" SPECTACLES AND :EYE.'gLE3 y o EBY.VARiiry. . , . : VVatcii repairing a eialiy. - "JaU aud ex.' I amine my goods. . , CvF. NEESE."" oe25 3u ..

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