;ri:'';: '.."xiv :- v,f '''''' : r- . j ..tt.'-.'-v ;"v" , . . """" ., . '. ' 7 r -. r- - -... .''..- ,.; 'V-- ---J BMiifflMciaf Gleaner , r,i, " - - .,-!.; , . ! r.' - irr.r. ;n!tr,,:- --;..'!:. :i , I"--'- .-'. " . vr- T-y -wr ; . ,: , ' - ','-' . - ' , . , . f j . - - VOL. 9. t . . ... . - ,, . I -Ir . . ' -ir ; tJoctrt). . , , ; , f'1 i'bilrnr lairtit wi'Il- liHr r - i.t " -' -GRA.HAM, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEAIBEK 13, 1883. KO. 43. J I)4 KERXODLE, Proprietor. Terms : lne Tear Six Months .. ' Throe jMontha .! .mso ''- .... 4. 73 Every person sending ns h club of ten' sub scribers with the canh, entitles himself .'.to one .jpv free, fon the lenirh of time for which the -lub" is made np. Pperi. sent io different offlqeg " 1 ' ; Wo 'Departure' from the Cash. System,. Post age PrtEfAiD AT THI8 1 ' OfKJUlt I week 8 ' ,8 " I mo.,, I 9 ' -8 ; in'.' ria lnii)' iu:W .7 10Q I 4 1 75 3 ()0 8 yc- 4 10 10 00 50 00, S 00 '4 00 ! 8l 10 00 MOO 2 50: 8 sn 4 SO '6 00 7 50 13 50 Vt col 1 poi' 4O0 7 CO fl80j 5 00l il 00 If j ,7. 00, ,13 50, 18 Od ' 9 50 J 5 00 ,23 00 15 SO 17 50 !3O0j 12 00 .20 00 37 Ou h IS.OO'-t 20 00 48 00.. On Local notices tcti cents b IWe, first insertion No local Inserted lor less than fiftv cents.- " -r. ( VROFESSIOXAL CARDS. p WHAT FOUR MAIDENS CAUGHT. F'jur uiiirrying maiden summering went, ' a;,h t-a-t her littleet , ; , ' Returning th -y r.-!.-. e to "Ma" "' WiiLt fortune each has met. "O, Ma!" said intellectual June, . . "1 caught a college man. No monej but his stock of brains Would load a car.Vvau,'' "O, Ma!" remarked young 8ophy Ann ' "I caught a splendid dude; , Sio brains tui, lois und lots of cash, 1 ... And bluest sort of 'loofl." ' .. i "O, Ma !" said delicate Loulser i' .5 "1 gained sonio strength an4( heiflth;; I also caught a journalist ' ''" ' :',y. Whose brains will-give- him wesUh," 1 ,"No time lo fish, had I," said Nun " (Some thifty -four years old), : ' 'Yet staying out to watch these girls, I caught a dreadful cold." i .. ' ' nved. .It was evident to her at a glance tiiat he had been' there some time, and that the, long separated lovers ha.f lost none of there' mutml interest and chai m for eaeh'other. for Bertha's face looked sparklinsj and pretty" (beautiful, '. her niece thought) while Walter Brockway well, much as she had heard of him, Floy, was totally unprepared for the Splendid vision sof .magnificent, manly beauty who- was introduced to her by . ,. ''Well, what do you think of him, dear?" asked Bertha, with shining eyes, when they , were again alone, V ; , U "Oh, auntie how CaB I express' what room and begged to see her. , ; J Next day Miss Mason received a let ter from Floy saying she had gone to make her home elsewhere, and declar ing t hat Walter's brief inconsistency had been far niorq her fault than his. j. . "I was strongely infatuated with him from the'beginning'Jie wrotel'though he was twenty wav my seuior. Then his wealth was a great templation. I wasj so desperately tired of my drud ging life,.and I feared I would not be welcome' in your home and his if you were married, Som,e demon seemed to Whisper to me, "Marry him yourself;" Pretty as' you are, Aunt Bertha, rl feti Music. 'Mi A S'UlANGfi SITtfATION.I BY CLIDE RAYMOND. Bortlia Masnn knelt, hosidfi t.TiA firn lesSy ?V wmKh it L,a ing some delate slices of breadlfor' the evening meal. ' r : :, ''' She was nottter.frstyo'uth-fnfact, she was every day' of thirty-five. jNor was she exactly a-"handsome i-woman, to:ii ; j U ii j sue yuBsesHew several pouit.i oi de cided attraction ."'and iost how with' the QEJJ4ffl( Si Q1tA.'SL&M',"' Slight dancing over her flushing , her 1 ' 'i'-' A it . ' ' '' I r. ehefikft Willi a. mrt.t ilnr anil vaith tiiat light of haprjy expectancy shining in the I thin'k?"'.' cried 'Floy, drawing' a long-' sure niy yotirh and freshness would con deep hjeatt ..file; is glorious I . magnifl.j qiier fjhould I try" to win him from yon. dent I I never even imagined any one And I did iry. Borne evil spirit surety like Him. ' And Bo rich too! What a - nnqpi)RPil mp Vint. T chall noupi- rMnrn . ,r . . i t ... v,. nappy. wQnxan you. will be." u ii ' Bertlia smiled proudly. She was well pleased.' " ' '"' ' '"",'' .; t ":' u . , Thedays glided byk Walter spent all his evenings at' tlje little cottage, , and W GRAHAM, , H-Usoaro, N. Ci .',.. JAa.AI'flRAHAM ; v ; Grshara-,. N. C ATTOKtVHVW ! AT LAW, Practice In the State and Federal ortrts, S3Speci il attention' paid to collecting. J. D. RERNODLE A ttofney at Law, '1. .CiPAIIAM. ' ' '" t raciices in tne estate ana f ederal onrts U1 faithfully and promptly attend, to all, busi- i(H! intrusted' to him ' : ADVERTISEMENTS. ' Jailor, i;-j r " lei 1 AW't U ' ts jirepar'ed to iriake "Fine Clothing for every (4vV Bee hts saipjiies of Tall goods and styies for 882. mar-avarf Jiquid depths of her pleasant bro wh eyes; one might get a very good idea of what she must have been in her girlhood., '. Those .pleasing anticipations related to two events: One was in no way unusual simply the coming home of her niece, Floy Mason, from her. daily round of music lessons; Th4 other was but no'; we will allow Miss Mason to relate that little item of news herself. . ' The'last slice of toast had been delic iouslyibrpwnedf and the cozy tea table with its snowy damask cloth, was' alL in readiness' whfen Floy arrived. t She ,a,me in ,clieerily bringing some of the out-door frechnese' aud brightness1 with her'-t'hough, if one looked closely into the pretty, fiur face, one mighthave detected in it a sort of weary desperatiori which she always tried to carefully hide Ifjiom her loving Mint. ' J , They tt'ere very devoted to each other, tes6 two had lived , with and for .each other since the death of -Floy's' parents, when slje'. was, ai;mere child. , She was now 17, and exceedingly pretty, witn a blonde face, gftVet, yet full, of purpose, atid little rings of 'silky bloude hair curling about her full white forehead. .""Well Auntie, what's the' news ?" she. exclaimed brightly, as they .sat dowu to gether to the pretty tea table. lOh, Floy, I walry nare spme woider-, ful news," said her. pnoL ""You could never guess if j j try it iimui ,. niuBtrat U!l that tiia rtoobtf nl ourioudttr thoughtful CUiOE. 200 pgs wnnt toi T'otn na gUt bind ia.. 6) ct, pupor 26o, Mar-. o -.iHatlcfl anil Pamphlet fret. - i: .. r preparations for the wedding were going on. Bertha' was charmed ;by the mutu al admiration which her lover aud ,her niece.'ev.inced. for each other.'. To her I it seemed an augury of the united, happy future Irt store for'them. ' ' .. But d?rin i those, evening, so sweet and apparently so uneventful,' some thing' was really happening whichj in such cases, nearly always does happen.. Floy and Walter were falling in love with each other. " Bertha, in her blind, adoring confi dence in both, never dreamed of such a thingj When at last the - whole truth burst upon her not gradually or gently, but with the startling suddenness of a. thun derbolt-;-the shock was terrible. Looking back to that hoar, years afterwards she alwaya wondered how she could have lived. : ".. . ' ' . Walter and Floy were alone together in the-pfetty little parlor. Siiue errand connected with that bridal trousseau had called. Miss Maon from her home, and she had not yet returned. Absorbed in e ch other's society, they seemed quite forgetful of the danger of her sudden en trance. Floy had even forgotten to brhig in a tight, and the cold white No vember moonlight streaming in alone re deemed the room from utter darkness. What'they 'were saying perhaps they ... U ! . ... fl .5 FIRE 'INSURANCE. i OFFICE OYER '-Vv; EUGENE 'MOREHEAD'S BANK t LIVERPOOL, LONDON & GLOBE ' . . ASSETS, $33,000,000 00. . INSURANCE A COMPANY," NOltTH .AMHK AN ' iv - ASSETS",' IS.OOOdb'OOO1.:' L- V.A.I' STAR INSURANCE COMiPANYf T. : i- , , ..4MJsJW:t)RK.i.-. ; . j r. ASSETS, $5,000,000 00. f .. ent F"' Insurance Oompanj.- of New VrleaB8: till. tiiK 1 .ooii.tanil.lM W at-rMI'v , M1B i-.ttKC"iersnirer un pirn: .class companies. - Write for rate-Ac.i; an 23 it (l"Then I shall never trv," answered Floy, laughingly.' "Wliat fs it auntie? Don't keep me 'in' suspense.' ' - i'Weli then, 1 have had a letter from Ipdia tp-day,,-nd aud he is coming FJoy. He.majr be heteto-morrow." V ''What!" cried Floy springing up ex citedly. -Nofc Wltiii Brock way that spfendid surpassrhgly'jhkndsome fellow wh.om ypu. hiyi'e )o()en waiting far all these years? 'iYoii don't mean it." ' 'And Floy hugge4 and kissed jher aunt with aM the fceady enthusiasm of impul- "Yes I do," repl ..t.Ji,.'. eplied B 4'JL scarcely kmevv, theiaselves. It was some low murmured lovers' talk, however, , ... ........ . . . i and Walter's arms was arou'u.d Floy's slender, form, holding her close to Jiis heart, while her hair curly head was resting contentedly on his braad should ers. .' " .' ' - '' 1 ';.' ' 'Suddenly, the .noise of a heavy fall arqusd them. " With a guilty start they glanced' arotfhd and beheld the uncoi schjus form of Bjertha, white and motion less, lying at their very feet. ' ' 'Great heavens !" cried Walter, struck to the hea-i't w ith remorse at sight of the still, death-like face. uShe has learned allvFlo'y,M turning to bbr with as-.range look on his, handsome face w'ich she never afterwards forget ; "this was but a nassius tcihntation.' ito which'" we both foolishly yielded, ft Ifc.lig, best , that -we should 4bialrt' i-w- -more." ':y '' Floy fctljerhea.rt.grov' cold.', ' ;. , ;5'Th'n you mean, to be. fale to me, Walter?" ' J ' "' ' Hcr voice sounded hollow and unnat- urAl. She did not attempt to assist Jnm in his efforts' to rtatbre Bertha to con 8cibusnes3.j; Perhaps .because she felt herself too guiity. ' ; 1 -""Heaven help niol""siud he, "despfr ately, chafing Oie, cold, pulilesa Jiaiids. to you until I can he sure that it is com ptately exercised forever,. . , t ' s The welling wai delayed for Bertha could not 'TCCover,1 her fkith 'in Walt .r Brockway. as suddenly as she had lost it. But, at length he succeeded in i.eonvinc ingher that his h'eart ''was all her, own,; once inore, and iorever ; then their 'mar riage .took place, and a very happy, one jit proved. ' ' , ' " " . . 'f Such; was . Bet tha's love for Fl oy that, had it been required of hr, she iwoiild generously have sacrificed her own hap piness to hers. . But the latter's depart ure and Walter's renewed constancy rendered that Unnecessary. , -v From time to time she heard from Floy who was bravely pursuing her chosen voi- cation, and trving to atone for the )vrong she had done her best and truest friend; Shekjuew thatishe was forgiven" long ago, and that she might at any time re turn arid meet with a loving welcome, but she Bhrank for such a thought. '-. It was not until she had found perfect peace and happiness in a new love, and was soon to be a bride herself that she returned to them. ' There was a little blush on the fair, swaet face, and a momentary drooping of the lovely blue eyes when she first met "Uncle Walter," as she now called t - him ; but it was merely the confusion of an embarrassing recollection, which soon wore away. '( V ; : In a few weks she was married, and now the two happy families dwell within a stone's throw of one another in cordial and unbroken friendship." , ...t ' :i :,. : , ; J- ,.. ' ';; , . , , r- r ' U . Shall We Meet Again. Here, partly from the pen of George D. Prentice, and partly from- the inspi ration of, Tfhomas Noon Talford, is a short nd most beautiful termou up death and Immorta'ityi '" ' , ' 'V- The fiat of death is inexorable. There is ; no appeal for relief from the great la,w which dooms us 'to dust. We flour ish and fade as the leaves of the forest, and the flowers that bloom, wither; and fade in a day',' have nd frailer hold upon life I haii the mightiest monacb that ever shook the earth with his footsteps. Generations of men wilt appear and dis appear as the grass and the multitude that throng the earth to-day will disap pear as footstep? jfp the shore. (,Men seldom think of the great event of death until tneVhadowMalls across their own pathway, hiding fiom i their 4 eyes the faices of loved ones whose loving smile was the sunlight ; of, their existence. Sunset'CbJc on music: ' Nature is a song .The spheres sing together When the sun gives prismatic beauty to the dewdrop, or whert in the dove's neck or the humming bird's wing or the opal of the seasbell nature paints its glories, light is music.' It is a palette full of soun-. "It combines 'concord. When gay plnmaged birds fly and eing over the lochs' aud ' hills of Scotland, when the wind wails wiid! v at night or In the loftiest Andean elevations, when the ea gle screams at the sun or when the sea harmonipuaty surges . over . the ; shingles it Kent, as Kind Lear heard it from jofty cliff?, there is'everywnerp, siu'sic in na ture. KEven the mefeors which break upon onr upper aii are musical. , In the grand drama,.of the universe light is the orchestral overture. The universe ; is but the grand tnise bid Scene. The har mony of it is like the attuning of a great harp or organ. We loyef as Mendel, sohn' .loved,.' naturefor , its melodious marvels. . : ' T .' , . A HOME DRUGGIST TESTIFIES. i PoptiUrityrtlioiiMltoiiotalWayBtia ten of merit, bat va point proudly to the fact that no other medicine has won for Itself t uoli unirersal approbation In it own city. Ayers Sarsaparilla. RHEUMATISM. -The following- letter from one of ear beet Known Massachusetts Brnezljts should ha at Interest to ere rj sufferer WtT,r VMM r bad an attack . of Tare that I could not more from the bed. or " 41 . . . -rm, VB '"'" ""p i uiea sereni reme dies without meek if any relief, entU I took Aja SAMAPAWttA, by the oae ef two bottles of which I was eompletely eared. Hare sold Urge quantities of your 8 An a- mAtkvrw a . m.4 iav .n a t T ... A Georgia Itfdyj whb "engaged in' the pursuit xf her domestic duties encounter ed a mouse in the flour barrel. 1 Host ladies, " under " similar ' circumstances, wouldl have uttered a i few genuine shrieks and then sought safety in the gar ret ; but this one possessed more than the ordinary degree of genuine bourage. She summoned the man-servant arid told hjm to get the gun, call the dog and sta tion himself at a convenient ' distance Jhen'sne 'clambered up stairs and com menced to punch the flour barrel with a pole. Presently the mouse made his ap- yearauve uuu siarieu across me noor. The dog started at once in pursuit. The man fired and the dog dropped dead The lady fainted fell down stairs and the man, thinking she was killed and fearing be would be arrested for mur der, disappeared and has not been seen since... The mouse escaped. - - ' .! . . j : i , , ; dopit uriuTuinaK. ' Is the best blood medicine erer offers to Vam ynblic . F. Habbis." . . jUrer St, Bnclrtond. Mm , May 1 ua. yas for otw twenty year before oJ rtaoorai to Ixnrell afflicted with Salt Bhvewjm is to vorst form. Its nleenukms actually eotawd nore than half the surface of his body sad limbs. He was entirely cured by Atkb Sajuatabtlla. See eertificste U- Ajttt AlmaaM tat UO. ., , ,, Dr. J.C.Ayer4Co.,Lowen,Matv. BoUbysJIDnabtai Sl,slxlMtUsatetk. . "There is no use crying oter spilled milk," says the old saw. If you are not only bald, bqt have no life in the roots of your hair; there is no use crying over lhat, eitherl-' Take both time and your self by the forelock while there is a fore lock left. Atrpry Parker's Hair Balsam to your hair before matters get worse. If will arrest the falling off of your hair and restore its original color,' gloss and softneifc."1 It is a perfect dressing withal, dean, richly perfumed, cools and heals the sculp.- "' ' ' ' '"."",' 4 1 -. . . . , . -. : ' "Lov lightens labor.t : .''Yes it does," is BurdetWs .comment, "and ' when you've take a fat girl out for a sail, and the wind goes clown to a dead calm, and you have six miles to row against the tide with a steeriug oar and a canoe paddle, "labor 'lightens love," and! you bet your blisters." - - ' I ..-I .' ' it'. H ) aieede. :-" ''! Mr. C.8. Hotlis, Veteriuarr Surgeon, Bob ton, Mass., certifies that he has made the great paiu-cure, ISt. Jacobs Oil, the sole remedy "in iMSjraclice for horse ail meuts, aiod considers it superior to any cure he has known in forty years. , He tried the same, great pain bonisher on himself ibc rheumatism and by which he ;wns completely cured. . ' . ' "I tell you said the bad hoy, confiden tially, to a group r of youthful ' friends," my mother may seem small dont beV I)eath is the antagonist of. life and the J !ve she'd weigh more than I do in her thought of the tomb is the skeleton1; of j stocking feet but herslippera are heavy, Bertha,: . with a laugh arid fc'-ldty'truAM r''And y6u will soor.yftujlf'triftfi'?9 won. r.hia Ion? waitlue for." , ' ' ": ' ?,.r,..-. ;:. .:.v..;,).L..A. vuu6 But a suddwi change -natr swep, over i j mfct De.fegt0 0ne.' Better to you, FTov's J?rigM ftottnwnaiiceprv, pnw,mjp- lneht she had thought only of hdr stint's gnat happlnfek. 6W WWitf Oect kg uponwba eeulifhit be to he leaflets. WeTdo m-t Want to go though the dark: valley, , although the da-k pas- age may leaVl to paradise j ' we do uot want lo go do'wii jnt damp graves; ev though, you bet !" A farmer in "setting a hen, made I misUike,'anct got hold of aj number of t ' rurfc'iiiii' npst-.rir instead of tha nni. en, with princes for bed-fcllows.- In 'the.. . , , , , . . ,.' .. , j 'Tr irfhfH&WVikVtlL toe happy Iit- tie home.'iauAty, I shfetaid quite serious- Ui And what is to becofJre: of me 1 I away doiWi iu-the Utipfam of my heart I j D ARf fl ' f. SHeYcheq " ouflarge i?fVlllmtJU JU page chaimnigae- , trjaf fw 25 Vent : bnd w J every f1 ,,,'e.,' fre" 0nr' HoliiRV Fackae'e. In-fOuieeeapirpnlBrinfigie,1 10 inier con. Floy, who baveMkndwh.,'ta' sifcahttie wliile, thaii.Aer ,who has been true- to in) so many years." r ; , ,. "You1 sKbuld'eo'nsult your own heart and notWng.elJ,V.sbe answered passion- atelyl Make yburi clojce .between us, . now and forever.il .tiii i. i . ' ' He paused one instant to look at herf The faii'yo'nthful'bearity'.'asshe stood un 'near liaC WAM.a-J Vf . -. .-. a. I.ll ill "V L' . ' " ' - . 'Why'yirt,crdtb .jsttuvlfoi himself, once more proved almost ir- ted k wavs beVourAMAtil itforadiappieTneoi-you-BWir.-- - f! ; e,n.na,; i ae( uc.u u,.,( 4cfi- turned -and left eyesvt llowf camyou uik w au resistaoie; uav luiui .eyorv, now, my vetphWkoY 'hyrhejBhalt al- 'controlled his head jf pot,hw heart.!' 1 1 yonchooset to, leave , "My loyalty ndr my love' belongs to his Clemauthe asks' if they Should mee airain. to whom he . responds. ' "I have Km,? ner bestjsay so. ' ked tht dreadful ouoiAion' ofthe hills ft'! i.wvri . . - 'i " - that look' eternal-of the clear streamu that flow oreve,r of the stars among whose azure my. raised spiails have walked in gloVy.' "All are bumb. Bui as I gaze npon. the, living, lace-1., feel there is something' in "the love , that mantles through1 Its beauty that, cannot whollyjensh.KWe! shaU; meet again, Clemanhe." ''hK"- COJ1PANY shops, k c. " .Clocks, Watches, Jewelry. I hare larrer and iner One of WATCHZ3 and JEWELKV than erer, CLOCK8 TO SUIT EVERYBODY. 3 SPECTACLIS AM), EYEJLASBES OF EYERY-VARIETY. Wat oh repairing apeeUIrj-. jmu aa4 amin mj guoos. , .., ... . CF.KEESE. . oe33Sat ':'.-?. Swept Into the Stream. One Thousand Acres of Land and "Right Smart of Bears." On tbedcrk of a bis MEvUsftmi stood an gt4 Soqthern planier. IiKficatiw Ijt sweep oi Du arm the water the boat was ua-iui; oer. he aaid to a retainer frooi the North i "VV hen I waa twetre yesu old I knted mj- Am bear on a new pUataiioa) ajy fsAber a Ibrn cnttiar oat of a forcat that rrew aV. rectlT nrer the water of this bead. Taat waa a raiirtitT ood plantatina. and there waa rVkt i-m art of burs there, intv Bat that asm tkom snd acres went into the Misefceppi. yrars xtx Il U pnuinr no ftraia apoei the aaraa to say that frl form of Tonik'ul hope, ai It beamy and manly atreoztb a- sweet ia Ui same war ever? year taitn tb pnt, tarbid toe rent of dUeaue and death. Yet it aaoald Bt i be. TbatitUtoiaa dutcraoeaa weft a lo. Peoui are Ivztli tna eareitsa or tr stupid to deftnd their ova intertsu tin saaL preciona of whua is beiiib. Tbat roae, aS ii- eone. Disease is simple, bat t wckleasaae or ignorance the simplt thmr saicat aa we 'I - be complex as a proposutoa la uonie Beetinaa. tbe bosi Weatera rrrera, wftiea s ofte; flood tire riLea ainnjr tbeir shore, ame ba few moontain apriairf so all oa a.'rwp caa be traced to iinuore blood and a wttail rreat cf disordered ORrana. i : The nxjs. effmtiT and htetuaire 1 1 an it i f r disea is PRKEX"3 TONIC. It pm it lis iKJunr of pain sod . weakneva. Ia tcraoam; l iu aptiou, tbe liver, kidneja. ttoaaacsi ar J heart beeia tbeir work afresh, aad iTw as m : driren inii. Tbe TonJe l not. howerer, aa for toxicant, bat earcs a desire for atroef; dries. Hare voo dUrepria, iweanatisaa. or traatk'a wmcn axt rrroaea to jawa la otaer agesaur uere as jjor ocip. .':,. - : '-. - r ,sT-' S -a .1 -.fa V V-- - II aVawh. M ' II f. a a- T i. :j..ii. . ur.if .1. 1 i. Ocuui nui ur.iiua oi iuii tie uuia: ii 1 B, : . ' i vuiwiere is atireu looa. ot wtmuer, tuner 1- luinovtaiity, eloquently uttered by .the p'. ... 1" , . . , l, , , 1 1 -yes thiU to pitoful to sea. if il il.i l li.ilvviUi.il (Jr.-ltlf fiiiila iit till , . . . ...... il ) . .., . , 7" i I"' ' -:' 1 f l . . ... ' : i Li' if: ':. r ., ' r a ' ;n.T - ' f Tone up the system by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. ? It will make you " ' pack of aire and H-rtune- Wlrnitj " " , , , r .Tt' A l' ' 1 it-' t; u tt'LL l.PWkftrom jo "Lteht" card I packf) "Ah 1 hut that wonder jWalber.msy , Jer nothing shall, come &ium'Kn B. th ' . i . ....... lk I ' .. . .jJ,.ll.'j:l.J .1. A uuim' KhA KfllU ,. -. iiijouo oriuio. so wy iu k wiku, i aope SnaBOwr HPT XUriY Dllnup 11CTU...IU5 j. wonaertMl delnoiotr -cards,-etr., etc. I - " ... r . t' -vr., i!-N r n tnflle m...- ,. i . ..j. o ' i. I nri..i.!itiiiWuM TinmA the followinor Walter or . cuiciiLi j ' nvmiu wiuiteu. doaultio i nucu ouv . " , t o itSir -BA0to:?I,MJ,j jere&Sae hero 'pjter wnj forgiving message to her when aU other means have failed. She refused see either (eel Hke a new person. Thousands have a. 1 . V - I 1 J Lm.1U WB..1 A a FaA-. " aWIW AMI 11 S) Wheneeiached home the following Walter or uertna again, tnougn tne lat- by the HOT 0f thi3 great Hood i nrifier lure, impairs Ihe -teeth, and predttposet them to d oy. Young man, cut this out and show it to yourgirl. if you want to save money. pext-summer.- " ,f? ; ! rr. ; s i " ' 'RatJ,M says a Writer in "Chambers' Journal,' ",are,very clever animals.i Oh, they are ; they are.; No matter how careless your servants are, you 'can al-j ways depend on the rat toi dean out the pantry: f.u ll: y i ! Jher fsaTi; old proverb which says; "You cannot ge.,. more, out of tv bottli than was put in it." .This is a mistake! A man,can'geiajt that.was in it and $l6 . t tniriy uays. Sttbscribe for the QitisE. v i "-:." ii.':-' -.. . . . - . '.- ':;". ' . . '.. 1 Aa a laTtrmaat- Bustscaa'a Stoaaagit 4UaMra ha raouvad tha saoat assiirsa ee. . dorarmeat freaa aaiiawat pbTatotaaa. aad has ton eeopied a foreaaoat rank aaaacx ataadard scopriatarr keasediaa. Its aic. : erUaaaaaaaltctatiTa ( daiardend eoau tiooa el th stomach, brer aad bowele, aa3 . -a praiwaUT of ulirial diaeasaa are no bwa ceaowwed. aad have beew aeeorded . emphatie proNesloaal lenoMaaead at wa . Jo aalebr rmtjrrinta aad Dealers, to whora ' 'agplj furHreiatter'a Itiaaaan For laf. J. Southgats & Sen, Life ami j tins In8uranoAger.ta Large Uues of iusurauoe placed Ubea alante. ''. ' ''',''"; :; OeUS. i ' ' v ''' v '"''''' -'- ''- oil and all Bams CQMHaiht are reliered by takl'ic. ,?.sc:iTS zzm yechls r:us twij YtKtUUei K Sritar. IVji Ev42r s. " ;'

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