.: - 1 f -A uAlV (fa JMNEE,; V ( ): : 9. (tKAHAAL X. C. j IIURHf A V JANUARY 10. 184. NO. 47; TBEAIMANCliTtEANEK- PUBLISHED ' VCKKLY ' rnhnni. -to ." C , AT j u KEiiNODLE, Proprietor. Poet rg. band in the passage, and her pulses leap- j fund young wife could bear. To hide the befortr nor since, and of course I put Term a : ,f,lie Tear iix Months ... fares Months ....75 Every person sending ns a club of ten sub bribers with the cash, entitlos himself to one A ,opJ free, for the lengh of time for which the iut) is 'nade "P1 f'aPer' SehtTtf aiffe'rent offices nepnrtnrt from the frith System. Post ag K I'ukpaID at this )fficis AdvERTiitxe lliies 1 In. i ln.,3 - iu. H -ol X col 1 col. I week i " A ' ftl 00 S 1 50 1251 2 0V 1 75i-' 90 2 00 .. 300 8 0C.t'4,00 " 4 00 6 5i 50 10 00 $2 00 $400 s7 50 1120c 2 50 5 00 11 00 1! , 3 50 7 00 13 50 18 0,i T 50 9 50 15 00 22 On 16 00 15 50 17 50 J30 0,. . 7 50 -13 00 20 00 S7 0a 43 an 10 uu iooo 1500 is oo' aooo LL'LILL THAN COLD. Better than gou is a ti.lnWng mind, 1 h.u m the realm of books .? find t IK"9.8?''"'- ' AiiMi-ullan ore, And live with t,t great ami good of yore, 'i k i e u ami thc i w.t's lar ' ineglorie- oi empires ped away ; iu. ., j M great dr-siui aIU thus unfold. ttlir thai go'd in peaceful liome 'Here a.l the nienido-cLamciiTu -ome-1 he gUine of love the t . vrd of life, -Hallowed dy lauttier, or taster, or ife; aowever huinb'eUie home m:y be, r Men wiih sorrow by U.-aveu's decree, the bli.gii.(j Unit never was bongH nr sold And centre there arc In iter than gold. - Faifter Kyan THE SHADOWS WE CAST. BY T. 8. AKTHTJR, A child was pmying with ?ome build ing blocks, and as the mimic castle rose before his eyes iu graceful proportions, ttj ed wiiu fluttering deliiht. Like u bird upon the wind, she almost flew down to meet him, impatient for . the kiss that awaited her. To men in the world of business few days pass without their disappointments and perplexities. It is men's business to bear this in a manly spirit. They form but a portion of life's discipline, and should make them stronger, braver, nnd more enduring. Uuwisely, and we may say unjustly, too many fail to leave tbeir : basiuess cares and troubles in their j stores,' workshops, or counting-rooms at ; the day's decline. They wrap them in bundles, and carry them home ft) s'lad- ow their households. - It was so with the-young husband on this particular occasion. The stream Of business had taken an eddying whirl and fthrown his vessel backward instead of e.trs that came rushing to her eyes she chased the two volumes and had them turned away from her husband, and to bound in one, and there is the book in conceal the sob3 she had no power to its case opposite me as I write this let repress, she went almost hurriedly from ter. Now I do not wish to let this cure the room ; and, going back to the room lie buried in these volumes. I give it in from which she had brought the preseut as condensed a form as I can in answer she laid it away out of sight in a closet, to a request for a cure for stammering : Then, covering her face with her hands, jjraw a iong breath so as to fill the lungs she sm dowu and strove with herself to with air lo theip fan extent, and di ne calm. But the shadow was too deep vide tho 8entence you wiflh to gpeak in. the heartache too heavy. 4 i,ui. u-i: : -tia. In a little while her husband followed . ' ... . . - . - l 4. her, and discovering, somewhat to his ble by bringing the first finger of the new pleasure swelled in his heart. He felt himself to be the creator of a 'thing onward, for a brief space, and, though it yearly advertisewento. changed quarterly ii desired. - .-. ------ , '. Local notice" tea eents a Hee, first Insertion Jo loeal inserted lor less than tlft.v cents. PROFESSIONAL VAHDd.' S5 00! 45 00 ! ot beauty,' and was conscious of a hew- . Wfls still in the current and gliding safe- - j born power. Arch, wall, buttress, gate- jyO. W GRAHAM, HJlstorn, X.'C.y JAR. A GRAHAM lirahain. N. C :.TTOKNlSt'N AT I.AW, Practice in the Stale "e nd Federal ourts. . Sdpeclil attention paid to" collecting. J D. KEENpDLE, Attorney at Law. Or All ATI. w.c. practices in the htnte and Federal onrts fill faithfully and promptly attend to all Dnsi iftiR intrusted to him - . . ' ADVERTISEMENTS. 2 K 'Fa shutii able Tailor, Is prepared to make Fine' Otnthin? for every-, oody. See his samples of Fail goods and styies for 883. . mar 2 '83 y . MNITARI0M. Bhrwride. it Th J"tl3 jjd ThrwtfiTt" - tall Idea, 86 pH roat, coat, lree- way, drawbridge," lofty tower, and bat tlement were all the work of his hands. He was in wonder at his own skill in thus creating from an unseemly pile of blocksa structure of such rare designs. Silently ho stood and gazed upou hi3 castle with somethiug of the pride of an architect, who sees, after months or years of skillfully applied labor, some j grand conception in his art embodied in imperishable stone. Then he moved around,Wiewins: it on every side. It did not seem to him a toy, reaching only a few inches in height and covering but a square foot of ground, but a real castle lifting itself hundreds of feet upward to ward the blue sy and spreading wide upon the earth its ample foundations. As the idea grew more and more per fect, his strange pleasure increased. Now he stood rath folded arms, Wrapped in the overmastering illusions now walk ed slowly around, yiewing the structure on all sides and noting every minute particular, and now sat down and bent over it with the fondness of a mothe r bending over her child. Again he arose, purposing to attain another 'and more distant view of his work. But ' his foot st ruck against one of t he buttresses and instantly with a crash, wall, tower, and battlement fell iu hopeless ruin. In the room with the boy,satyiis fath er, reading. The crash disturbed him 1 i - and he uttered a sharp, angry reb uke, ly onward again, the jar and disapporat- kment had fretted his mind severely. . There wasim heart warmth in the kiss he. gave his -wife, not be muse love had failed in any degree, but because he 1 . l , , i , 1 . 1 1 . TT nmri9 t hr. h was weenin. said, in "8" n;tna ana lnumD a sUghtly reproving manner: . confidence in yourself and do not be era 'Whv, bless mo 1 not in tears ! What a barrassed in the preq ence of strangers, silly little puss you are I ' Why didn't Get some good poem and read it thr jugh voutellme vou thought of making a always beating time and drawing a full dressing-gown and a pair of slippers,and breath at the end of every second line. I would have vetoed the matter at "Gray's Elegy in a Ckmntry Churchyard" once? You couldn't' hire me to wear ood nofem to raftd. ia Tassou je. O I - such flaunting things. Come back to the parlor' he took hold of her arm and lifted her from the chair 'and sing aud plav for me. 'The Dream Waltz' or 'The Tremolo ' 'Dearest May , or 'the IT LEADS ALL No other blood-purifying modioli) is mads, or hat erer been prepared which ao eon Slotely meets the wuau of phjucijuit and ' is general publio M , . , , , ,. , Ayert Sarsaparilla. It lead the list as a truly sctentlfle prepar Hon for all blood diseases. If there la a lurk- ' Cnnnrm a lug taint of Serofula about yon. ' puniJrULA aveu's samapabilla. via : dislodge it and expel it from your tntem. For ooustitntioual or eorofulout Catarrh, PHTMCDU AVKtt'a SARSAPAalLLS. ifl til - Ufl I flafirl true remedy. It has cored ntunherld8s cases. It will atop the naoseoot catarrhal discharges, and minors the iekeo tog odor of the breath, which, are indications of scrofulous origin. . ' . . 'IbPnniK "Hntto.T,Cepi,'M81'' ULUCflUJO "At the age of two yeare one of VftDCQ my children was terribly afflict! WUflLa with olueroos running sore, oa ita faee and neck. . At the same time its eye were swollen, ranch inflamed, and very sore. ; QnDC CvCO Physicians told at that a pow OUnC blLO erfulalteratiTc medicine must - ' De empioveu. xney unttea in reeomniendlag AYKtt's 8ARS4PAKILLA. A few dose DrO- ru?alem Delivered." Shakespeare, Virgil by Dry den, or any good book of poetry will do. If you have hone of these take the Bl- .... r, tj Stilly Night,' are worth more to me than . peat tne psaims ox uaviu r fortv dressing kowus, or a cargo of em- the proverbs of Solomon, as I have di. broidered slippers.' rected, always 'folio wing the rule and q Almost by force, ue lea ner DacK ro rcaaing aioua. xou must always use had let care overshadow love. He drew the Darlor aud placed her on the music the measured syllables in conversation his arm around her ; butshe was con- stool. He selected a favorite piece and at homo and in your workshop. If you scious of a diminished pressure in that I laid it before her. But tears were in her are a schoolboy, in your classes, take embracing arm. eyes aud she could not see a note. Ov- care never commence to speak without 'Are you njt well ?' er the keys her fingers passed in drawing a full breath. This rule must With what tender concern was, the 1 skilful touches, but when she tried to be followed at least four weeks, or per question asked. take up the song utterance failed, and haps longer If an adult. He might be in body but not in mind YUobs broke forth instead of words. " ashamed of the monotony ef your meas- that was plain, for his voice was far from I 'How foolish l said the husband in a Ured syllables ; be convinced that your duoed a perceptible tmproreraent, which, by an aanerence to yonr directions, wa ooqiii ned to complete aud permaneut core.- Mo eridenoe has since appeared of the existence of any scrofulous tendencies; and no treat ment of any disorder was eter attended bjr more prompt or effectual results. lours truly, B. V. Joajraoa.' 1 raxrxxto sr Dr.J.C.Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mast. Sold by aU Druggists; ft, six bottles for fa. COMPANY 8S0PS 'N. a ' ' 3 Clocks, Watche s, - Jewelry " I have a larger and finer line of WATCHE, and JEWELRY than ever, ' : clocks to suit everybody; a . . ' ... 1 . . . Do not be y SPECTACLES AND ' EYE-GLASSE3 being cheerful. She played and sang his favorite pie- ces, hoping to restore, bv the charm of i a89 tafK room: A little while the sad young wue re mnined where she wa3 left thus alone music, brightness to his spirit. But she was conscious of only partial success. There was still gravity in his manner never received before. At tea time she smiled so sweetly across the tea-tabio . iTI ! .1 aV AI1 ' . J 1 ll a.' 1 X' vexea tone, l m surprisuu u new metuoa or speaking win not last. Audheturned from the piano and walked iong, and that in all cases it is better than the grimaces and painful contor tures of the mouth that some stammer and in partial anger. Then, rising, she went slowly from the room her eis have to make In order to articulate certain words. ; 1 " These directions, if faithfully and ener- Where the Fire is Out. Magic no More a MyBtery Seen From husband not seekingto restrain her eeticallv followed, will cure the worst A r : , . . , 1; and talked to him on such attractive , ttnd back io . case of stammering; if the upper od ! S'XAlSi SiSSSSl- themes, that the right expression re- j l!! L Hv t n er incisive teeth are perfect and the i" to turned to his connteuance, and he look- ' I .. r longueana larynx are oobueioruieu. to throw on tne disease -to sammon, a it wer , , . .... : hflr nnirit was verv deep. andthoueh. rr.t.- i.ur ki,. ".i.,.: the whole ayatem to ejet the enemT that Jia eu as nappy as sne-couid desire. .... .- r. , -.. me uou- wuuwt w ; fSter.ed on apart. . HI processt- all htcluded grows with the age of the individual aud , the rein vigorai ion the principle of life. , 0 . , . i ' It-thllbe Eastern sage cerelr anticbitea .AcVn O w,l it- - Sm nraimn ' Anal At T t. . .t t t a t i i ' j OF EVERY VARIETY. ' Watch repairing a specialty. . 1; ail and cx amine tar goods. ; t C.F.NEESD. '. ' the hidden Bun came out again right ear- lv.it was a longtime before bis beams Za Mii.:Z t. 'Mol.- tn i fV'!KS?I. "f??!!? DOW the .CUUA.CU( DV IVUC.V IV SO M"VU vtsutvs ; .U3 lt'li:UW Ul fUC .UC7b IISBU:UsVII Ul UTMUIT CARRIAGE AND HEALTH CUiDE. 8CC pga I!lu8tratca i H that thsdoobtf ol ourions ; thoughtf uiwaat to, ; SOS Pk ij, "-fo ? uVMtZM FiVrst'., -iH, , pAj. FIRE INSUHAIi V OFFICE OVER EUGENE MO BEHEAD' S BANK glancing, for a moment, to the startled child, and then turning his eyes to the attractive page before him, unconscious of the shedow he had cast upon the heart of his child. Tears came i nto those fair blut orbs, dancing in .light a moment be fore. From th frowning face of hi3 fa ther, to which his glance .was suddenly turned, the child looked back to thoi ' shapeless ruins of his castle. Is it any wonder that he bowed bis head in m- ience npon them and wet them wiih j tears? . ' j. For more than five minutes he sat as ! stiillaj if sleeping thn, in.a moamfil kind of way, yet abn aoisebasly, he , I commenced restoring to the box from which he had taken them the many ; shaped pieces that, fitly joined together, ' had grown into a noble building. Af'er the box was filled he replaced the cover and laid it carefullyjipon a shelf in the J closet., ' Poor child! That Shadow was a deep I ni inno- in oanc away. . His UUCf tA'a sw-0 ' From the tea table they returned to ' fchftir nlpnsrtnf nnrlnr A nrl niro f Via 1 1 1 . ... .L. I . . .1 . .l.i . . . - jr- t . ,1 naa power to scatter mo viuuua min time had conie for offering her gifts add v . , , , , , floated in loves horizon. - receiving the coveted reward of glad , surprise, follow edby sweet kisses and The shadows we cast! Father, bus- loving words. Was she selfish? Did band, wife, sister, brother, s.n, neighbor , , ' eu , ' , , . i --are we not all casting shadows daily she think more of her reward than of' . . . - iL i. ..,i. k.o 1 o" some hearts that are pining for the . t.u .i t i. m a . wiiat lire tu xcure acauawneu uew yearn S ' knows uow. , Bnt w have learned someU.in than when he is 21. Love in J une. On a quiet eve in leafy June,, when MAI! -'v., C nf,M r,,r.a O Wa Vi.tVA fVlVAtl 1 .1 1. 1 1 . 1 1 2 ... 1.. ... ... . , , uuiisiin i uui mwiai- "r ueessuu uirun were 111 iu luuv. iwv iut- h i-v '"o w -..j,. x i youtwo pictures of life, . true pictures, I will be back in a moment,' she said, nQt ft mirror bat ;M ft kRieidoscope. and, passing from the roon?, she went ja ail tncir infinitely varied relations, lightly up the stairs. Both tone and ; men and women, selfishly or thought manner betraj'ed her secret, or rather j Iessly from design, meanness or igno the possession of a secret, with which . ranee are casting tbeir shadows upon arfl ninincF for sunliirbt. A ,.. k- s..: - u. ! wnrrl . look, a tone, an act Will cast a ' to her and she to h,m- Say8 J,m ,to New York, iv uiiu ner luniii; lute luutu iiuui ueiuie , , , , - .... , , . . , u- u 4i w a i shadow and sadden a spirit for hours 8uo, By all the snakes that squirm i his eves, when though r. rAt.nrnnd n-it.h a. ..w . . . .. . t , ' ' , and days. Speak kiudly, act kindly, be among the bush and brakes, I love you nuiiiic uuiiuu, iu au uiimen.-suui cvKiib 01 , ... m .i . .. , , . ' 1 t. -. . ... . r ..,.1 ,1 MA.ii4aM ia luiltftr n 1nii.tr inhbAr. mItm ularava watchful, lest he wound inten- were again troubled. He had actually ' tentionallv-al ways thinking when with arisen ana crossed -tne noor once of the reasons why the . myttsriooa . tide risna and falls. FrovidVdth trrrat organs of ibe body are, not irreparably destroyed, medical olonce can always relieve, and often save. Yet no reputable physician now adheres to too barbarous nd stupid processes of depiction, snch as bleeding, by which it wa attempted to enre disease by reducing too patient's ability to resist it. Now a'-dats w do not tear down the fort to help the garrison we strengthen ltv In this Intelligent and beneficent work. It li conceded thai, Parker's Tonio lead all other medicines;' A an liivlgorant It acts Imtaedi- ers walked beneath the moon. The night was fair, eo was the maid; they walked and talked beneath the Bhade, ately and powerfully upon the circulation a ad there was none to harm or make afraid. ttents of the stomach, kidneys and Uyer are at Hr nairiA wan Rn and his was Jim once en"- Ko olnor preparation embodies iier name was ue, ana nis was Jim , tkei8mc nualitles or produces similiar rwuiiiv and she was fair, and she was slim.' He It is delicious to use. uid the beet known ar.U ' .. . . 1 . Tll (A. A, FT I m. J.. toxicvut. inuc uuv miu i. jiihus or KavH Sua to j , . , . vni a v. o-,.. v.. v-w., . . rf the day, and the waters of his spirit . .va tBatnhM ,oaf wM1B4i :. JSm ainna V.A w.,n It nA W - v" , -! - unfl aimt nnl rnn and dnne it. - T likfl with others, of their pleasure instead of vou next to a new bonneL" Savs Jim twice, moved by a restless concern when .hia own. jj& ca,u, but few shadows. g M heari ,ye bugtcd but j l' nis wno came duck wku me ure.wne k eeutiemea laaies. or m a wora ili(Alli.u Li : ai .. ' w UIIVUIB LI1U llftin U11HLI UBbCU DUVO UUD : She was .trying to ! that includes all graces and excellencies . ,. . ... . ,f , ' f t fA - a 1 .t m a 1 ri ' lorce.ner voumruuuw into a givc e5- . -uiwians, lor it is tne vur.sua.. tu. as I lovo VOU. UO knife can cut OUT love t a 1 ... t llf' .i -.. ' expression, to noia oacic inc smnes mat casts lewesi snaaows were continually striving to break in ; gown and slippers. WE HOLD TBE .MFE.I-rrcS 1 flcK0,i man unusual brightness. She S LIVERPOOL, LONDON & GLOBE ; flushed. 10 an unus r- ASSETS, $33,000,000 00. knew nothtng of -that, troub.ed pa . ' . . . ..ii,W,vnunz life: and the father had INSURANCE COMPA1NY, JNUltin . ' . AMERICAN ; ASSETS, $8,000,000,000. STAR INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK. truant circles arouud her lips, when a single glance at her husband's face told her that the spirit, driven away, by the i exorcism of ber love.bad returned again to his bosom. He looked at her soberly ; as she ccmc forward. '". i 'What are these?' he asked, almost coldly, repressing surprise and affecting an igrorancc in regard to the beautiful present she held in ber hands that he did not feel. . ! "'Tbey are lor you, dear. I made in two." "Through thick and thin, for your true love count me in ; I'll court . no other eirl aa'in." Jim leaned to Tb i..tr-cii.-. .ld D.w. i- the Old Sue)Bhe ieuljej to Jim, his nose just hit -;' T her jockey brim, four lips met when " Ira Jones in Detroit Free Press. . ahem ; And then and then then ! A few years ago in my wondering O, gals, beware of men in June, and un A Cure for Stammering. them 'For me ! among the old bookstores of New York, searching for copies of rare works, a fa vorite past-time of mine, in a store on Ann street, at the bottom of a pile of old magazines I saw two volumes ia paper covers and on the pack of each was writ ten the worda with pen and derneath the silvery moon, when frogs and crickets are in tune, lest you get your name in the paper soon. low n It.si.lcel Hit Trad. ST. sWt . tjt. :'; mm lm;; - ; ? y- ASSETS, $5,000,000 00. V ' ! The Lion Vire 'Insurance Company. The Crescent Fire Insurance Compiny, of New Orleans.-and the l.Kcaetershire. oil strictly first class companies. Write for rates &o .to j. forgotten, in the attractions of the book , hfl read, the momentary annoyan e .,Jj onrl tones. Willi P"v vtuuiau b Mr. Beni.W. Patton phannacist.Globe ink ''Or- Village, Aiass., says mat ine luiracuious thl5punWhatsunouaiUee,pedW thought I. Perhaps they are-music of tne remedy nave aouoica in one for onhos in Urceic mea J . Nonsense! What do I wantwth tuehjimcrackery? , Thisisa . . Grcek j. month. He keon . a largo supply on Ttn I'nn think I would ' . . . . .. ' nana. uarawMiaray,u.j pressed iu words and tones, wmi i , "right," and phono, "sound. 1 ney are pronounced 8t. Jacotw Uil to De tne erinthemto shadow the heart of his j disfigure my feet with embroidered slip- either njusjc or books that treat on the greatest pain-cure of the ag. v ipcrj,wuirauiiiu...w6v". correct sound of sometning ; we win aig 1 - : . . T""" -' " ! them away my dear. 4 Your husband is Anvan -n1 hrna them to iiirht anyhow. "In onr country," says the Englishman, ' - . . . ... . . . .. , ,1 l.nnl. S tm AtlAlT ''ttafl.M RIA The necessity for prompt and efficient household remedies Cs daily showing more imperative, and of these Hoetetter's Siora-v eh BiUers is the chief in merit and the most popular. Irregularity of the stomach t nd bowels, malarial fever, liver eoui plaintt, debility, rheumatism, and' minor ' ailments, arc thoronghly conquered by this Incomparable family restorative and medic inal safeguard, and it is Justly regarded , the purest and most comprehensive remedy , of iu class, for sale by all Druggist and Peelers generally. child. Hackney & Klackay , j p"se for her husband .f .. r r - DURHAM, N. C. . .. ... . 0 - . . , , j, i uf. .1..:. ii...r..A Ayoungwife had busied herself for too much of a man to robe himself A-d and when j. reached as i mnnv davs in preparing a pleasant sur gay loiorajiiK-oiswunr" mem, iounu iuey wng upon the wife." "xes, 1 Know," re- ... . 1 - . , -. V . - f The worK wan . ne wavea uis uauu mvu w au 23 tl with a piece of faded blue ribbon. Hav- plied the American, "but with us it, is ; mm. a M AltAlir W. 1 HI H Wtl H lW II IHrriHI .. . t,int ThcrA wa a cold, sneerinsi .n.mii thom Htirt aAAkin!? out tne . - - . nih.A At last - and now she awaited ' . " , , that we settle everytning on tne wile nnibucu bb '"'i .luiiii Mm nartlv anVrtl and nil. .rihn flnl. vnlnmn. found th(V . UKiiiuw c wva v Ma a. rf VltiO ptalto J j - r ann ttrntUUV IA uvav vui livuiiviim , 1 sas. t nnnrri on Sketches, our large ; Ulllllal IIM ifl hum chaimi.iff se rials, stories, choice miscellany, etc., U. sent 3 mo?, on trial for 25 ccn W ; and W- setd every bubncrlber free our jiew BolidaV Fachajie, cm istlnir of 10 nieces popular musiCi lo haereft intr gamts, 1 ,pack of asc a? d f..rmne teli ng cards, 1 pack ' Hold "to Light" ca: df. 1 park Inn A flirtation cards. 1 set chromo carcs J3 new iik-ksln targic,- new dozz.Is, game ot fortune, the mystic oracle, i'6 wj s U get rn h. Heller's wonderlui uelut-ion caids. et., etc Endless ajnnseinen la 1 Aeents wanted. Sampl PPr fo- amn. JUcsixXJ Ptolmho- co,. j . . r . t a A. . 1 1 sf nromr) his return, witn a near iu. wait r,ft reai norn of his uncom- nriM in Paris and in the French "Haw ! I see. And how do the credi a i .aN nn1 ntlir M'J -v-- ' ws,sv ---v- ... ATTintHinR. a aressiuit-Kuwii m . , r.L.i jus- . ,..,t u j tors LQKeltT" mwv.v .. - AMfAk a atata tr mi mi tpl ne. uiveu ilia iAnMnaAvA i r.A tiiia in riiiriiHii rtf&u. v - -J ci i rrnia 1UI uivtg aiw v " - lauKuabCt o of elegantly emDroioereaiii i , . , wr.li lr! not. ttf net nur- I'Troiica mi oil npfi'rtrt ofSneech. , ;iif ,i fi ncrprA bwccu r n, ,. r muo, 1 miHrht bv her own skilliui nngers, . . . . , - niv-- tors take it?' thing to take." They never find r any- J . Oct., J. Southgate &Son, Life ana Fjucejto DURHAM, N.C " Large lines of insurance plaoed ia Ws l . ... .. .lrtl f,, tfiA world. l r I.. ..1 fiiammnnnor nr TVi o 'fY 'th which she meant 'O P0' u'v im iirwimiij vu....i-(, . were tne gms wiwi n -.v.. ,:, ' .,nnTnMpr1 rAnnlBft this cruel Pr-A'iil Ileearches on Or- a -r,o.hfhim What a troop of fancies. .j .r .. delight him. w m. reiecti n of her rr.scutcver which she tiiophony." was in her neart. , u nt patietry, in golden hope In looking through it I found it eon- tiently.di.t sne wan or uo vuiu(u - TT.in- alm.mt imnd- :!."" haJ wrougut paueiiiiy, iu goiueu uvi A :.:., j ikfr lt!nl in tia :i a laari niton of tri vocal ortr.ins. - , . ' a 1- for Billy UJ iu" ,u"i"""6 vaiut" e -f--. ---- , light, wliicn was i , brimful cun of iov.iust an and a number of rare anatomical engrav- cVsanarilla. and it win make the bW-' r,",lT!l,'w!i!H7"Trr T IU'? 1UH V er sr r a . . . " 1 ' 1 . ' - ' " - - . - . . k f.. A.1. . a.:U N 4 ifitnlmtn. ... ;V' . ... . . sa f . , . M . . Health is impossible when the blood is fuapure, tbu kuirt Muggisti, .i ncu it is. thin or impoverished. ; Under Such , conditions,' boils, : pimples, headache, . .., a J J: neuralgia, rncumaimm, aim nns ainse after another is developed. Take Ayer's PPAR it " ) rr and all Bu.KU3 COUPUlNTSarer . nyt.K'.nr " ' . . t proachicg darkness wncr. , than tlw in: I had never ait a book litotbis . pum, rioh, wacxn iMi yitUialiiifa.-;: 'i tafcwtr.-: ahe brd tae bi oi aw nw( ' - . .,.--. -. ....... v- r i ,t-..

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