JL Jtliij .Oil... a A3VLANCE 1 11 ' "-' " VOL. 9. THE AIsAM XNCE OLEAJVElt. GRAHAM; N. C, i HUE3D A Y, JANUARY 24. 18b4. NO. 49; Poet J'UL.M'SiJKD WUKKLV AX ' itu(uir,. A. C, J D KEliNODLE, PfO)iiior. Tekms : tue Year ..... Six Months ... fiiree Mouths . ,il.50 ...TO' . .-.to Every patron sending us a club of ten sub---ribcrs with the cash, entitles himself -to one wpy free, for the le.ngh of time for which the lnb is made up. Paper sent io different ofllces So Departure from the Cash 'Mfniem. r - Pose ao n 1'ei'aio at this Offkb 'A I VEIIT I Ml Xft ItATEft- Tin. I 2 in 8 In. hi -ol col 1 col. 1 week 2 ' 8 " I mo. 100 t.l a!.iJ00 "WOO .17 50 f,120f 1 85 i.,,,2fliU.3 eOwWO- II 05- If , "3 501 00'"? 4 50 4 "0 ' 6 00! 1 75 i 3 01 ' 4 00 ' 6.(j 7 50 50 P 00 -.13 50 10 00 . 15 00 IH00 7 00 13 50 9 50 , 15 00 15 50 17 50 13 00 20 00 l.roo.' JJ5 00 30 00 48 00 18 On 2 Of) 3't 0(t S7 0t 45 Of, WORDS AND DEEDS. They do the least Who talk the most ; Whose y;ood designs Are all thoir boast; For words are de. They do th most ,., Whose lives possess The stirli.iij .sisiup Of ruhteM'Sness-; For deeds are true. , And if the heart Bi; pure and good ., ,; The life will be ' Just what it shonld- Not dew but true. By .Tame H. Hoatfsy. MIRIAM. 'Be die decay's effacing flag-era' Have swoi the' liue where beauty lingers."' -ettho dead past bury its dead. I will go away with you wheneyer aud whith ersoever you please.' 'Jn one unclouded blaze of living light' the sue is sinking behind the . rug ged outline of Les lies Sanguinaries. From the bosom of a cobalt sea the pur ple peaks of Sardinia project themselves far into the pale transparent ether, whilst broken shafts of silvery moonlight gleam through the chestnut trees upou the des olate house wherp.two years before, Tre vaunion had brought the fair captive of his bow. They-ar&on the terrace, watch- j ing the dying day. Silently hand in ; hand, they note the shadow's of the 'isles ; of blood' creep along the sea. Presently one speaks it is Miriam. ' 'I have been happy, very happy, here with vou. mv well-helvd. ntrrl th Beneath the lofty cliffs which frowas thought of parting is bitter pain ;' but above the "silver streak" there is. a shel- my days now, I know are numbered.' tered spot called Maderia, which is much Trevannion leant over the couch on aftectedby those who love the gentle which she was laying, aud looked sad- It 11 itIotit nf fhn w'hTa. a.. '' :, . ',- . . . 0- . w.v, nwvci duu. ; jv into ner iace. mere, was nc innm h 'Now open your eyes ' she said, 'and I friend. Mr. Smithers is no more. He ex-. here is my hand, and with it mv heart' i nWoA cmManii? lact ni.rft i I ------ - - . wv-va ua.a, v fcjuyva j j UWV aJ I Va 'I am inexpressikly shocked,' said Tf e vannion, 'to hear this.' 'It is, indeed, a great blow to all of Y early, Hdvettiseineuts changed iuarte desired.. ' . -. . '' . - Local notices ten cents a line, first Insertion ' It was them, irtwm n-'nortn-in MAimtn : .i.. tt local inserted lr less han flftv eonu.' .. , TI , ' ' ,..uB . i.wvu, evu mmw uie uio.-ning. lie " ' ' ftJat "erbert Trevannaion found him- had known for many a day that she was ren in a Datn-cham A fall from his, too frigile to live. H saw that the shad horse and. a broken limb had brouzht OW Of death was inflPAfl nnnn hr Hn PllOFMSat UNA L OA HD V. jyo.-w GRAHAM,.: . ."J AS. A.tiKAHAM uxm. w gBn, ne was bomoly bor- he answered never a word. ed.ofcouse. ud had he had a sympa- ; 'You have always been so good and tinging- triend, he would have ex pressed hi mseif thus : 'What in the world am I to do Avith myself In this abandoned place ? There is not a house open to me ; not a soul H.ll60;ri N. C. . iiraht;i. N. V AT'rU!MtN ,T I A i; Practice In the State phi Federal oirtA. s3TjJpeel.il .tttontion paid to co'leelins US.' , jls there anything in the circumstances of this case extraordinary?' 'Oh, no. It seems that, in consequence of your instructions, he visited the cus tom bouse yesterdays He wa appar ently qujte well when he started. In two hours he was brought home, alive, it is true, but in an unconscious state. I understand that, in order to satisfy tha authorities, it was necessary to examine tho coffin aud this wm done in his pres- ence. While the operation was going on he appais to have fainted, and accor dingly was placed iu his carriage and sent noma at once. He never spoke af terward. There will be an inquest, of course. 'BSt, no doubt, it is just a case of heart complaint.' 1 'Yes, I shonld think so. Has. Mr. Smithers, may I ask, left a widow V 'Well,no. . And yet it is not absolutely certain he has pot. The fact is; my poor friend was bereaved of his wife Plantation Philosophy, Darsmore true 'ligion in de hoe handle den dar is in de aberage pra'r. ' De man what would abuse a'enemy when he is in trouble, "would not help a Men' in distress. De sensible man sometimes reads de foolish book, but de foolish man neber reads de sensible book. In de spring nature smites ; in de sum mei she frowns; in de full she smilns: au iu the winter she slaps yer It ain't de brave man dat will al'ers frjht when yer calls him a liar, for de brave man. can Stan' inoi e dan de coward, De man what tells lies fur de 'mus mentobde crowd ken be putup wid, but de man what lies to make hisse'f 'po; tact i3 a mighty disgustic' borie.. Poor joltu Carlisle the Prrru( Uo aker 'Shewed thathe waahia Oiri fllaater. Louisville Letter In tho San Francisco Chroni . cle.. Much might bo wHtten of Carlisle. Only fovfcy-eight years old; he is a self made man in a double sense, for he has J - 1 f j ? t ' ... some time ago; not, however, by death 1 remaue oihimh-wunin .ine mac tweiyo i.,,t ii.nnMrAnr. Tt ia iv most infixnli. I years. At mat time it seemed as if his i... . . . . ..... cable storv.' , Jue nad been lived out and that the coils An Old" Soldier's .EXPERIENCE. ' P.; , TdanttfUau,-: ;' "I wish to zpreM mj appreeiatioa ot tkt valuable qualities of J ' . AyerVCherry Pectoral as soough remedy. .'4 -, T H While with Churchill's army, Just before the battle of Vicksburg, I contracted a ae rere cold, which terminated in a dangerous conch. I found no relief till on oar marek we came to a country store, where, on asking for some remedy, I was urged to try ATtM't CmiKay Pectobal. 4 "I did so, and was rapidly cured. Sine then I hare kept the Pccroaui. oonaUntly by me, for family we, and I hare found tt to ha an lnraloable remedy for throat and Itmg dlseaeea. J. W. WEmjnV . , . ., i, ....4 !-- '.'' i-i ' Thousands of tetttntonlali ertlfy to the prompt euro of all bronchial and lnng afltoctlons, by the use of Aria's Caxur fxcroavax. Belss very palatable, the you&f art ehlld take ttreadUy. . mnuon ' iv.v. DrJ.CAytr Ji Co., Lowell, F.Iat. - au in DraggiftaV . . COMPANY SHOPS, K 3L is. .- kind to me,' she contiuued, 'that I know you will not refuse me another favor, the last I shall ask of you.' -'WhatTs itthat you would have me do for yon. Miriam ?' i) ICTlvKOlJi I' ! t0 speak t0 5 "ofceyen a women t0 love l-'I would have you by and by when I . . ' ' at least, not a good-looking one. And am gone take me away from here, and i Homey at Lm to think that it will be at least a month lay me away in the old churchyard on be.ovel Ciu cross a horse ! It ismaddeu- the cliff at home ; and I would like you io'S-' . 'to beg the rector of the place to read the In deppair he produced a paper the service of the church over me. The rec- Daily Telegram and abandoned him- ter you understand not the cuiat3.' sell to the charms of its sparkling col- He kissed her brow, and said, 'You umns. . j have never told me darling, where your He was in the midst of a letter from a home is.' " -KTi; i ;!y buttevman, lamenting the difficulty of 'I know. But when it is all over you fk- TfCf?4 ' Piovidiug hi these hard times, with a will leam that from my papers, and the w wwy duereiard lothoi :.. .Clip AM t.H. .' , I'racticen iu tlie State and "Federal oirts will faiihfully and promptly attend to yll bus! i iutrnsted to him - ADVERTISEMENTS. - ioir position iu society, . name of th5 rector as well.' k';$)&$Uji -; i!c'-''k'rSiti:'n foi eleven sons lawfully begotten, when the sound of wheels disturbed him. It was only a bath-chair passing. An or dinary occurance .enough."- But in this chair was a-woman Whose face which seemed to interest him, for he followed tShall I take you there now? Per haps you would like to see this clergy man ?' She did not reply, only shivered. The air of the Mediterranean at sunset some times strikes cold. 'I think I would go it with hi3 eyes steadily till it passed in now Herbert,' she said, presently ; 'I .'!i'iVJ Is prepared to make Fino iothfnjr for every away up the cliff out of sight. ezclaimed : 'What a pcfect beauty ! She is the very iaiae of thatGreuze at home. Vvrho can she be?' Then he feel a little tired.' -' ' That night she gre v worse.-In a week the wanderer was at rest. Club London, July Yon will not think me inquistive if I beg you to tell it to mo,'said Trevanni- J on. . ' " .:' 'O, certainly not. Mrs. Smithers was a lady of beauty, apparently attached to her husband, aud devoted to the duties of her positon. On the advise of her doctor she went to the seaside for a change let me see ye3, just two years ago and never returned. If she is dead, there no proof of her death; if alive, she has given no signs of life. It is indeed a great mystery.' 'Is there anypictures of her here 'There is one on the writing table be hind you ?' Trevannion rose and approached the table. Upon it was a phiotogragh of Miriam.- . .' Iteserve Power a Necessity It is not wise to woijc constantly np to the highest rate of which we are capa ble. If thu engineer of the railroad were to keep the speed of his train up to the highest rate he could attain with his engine, it would soon be used up. If a ho'pe is driven at the top of his speed for any length of time, he is ruined. It js well to try the pover,occasionaIly,of a horse or engine, by putting on all the ! mftt1fn Vf iri11 iit tint nni.mn. Dear Sia-Shortly before the death ! "" "'".. ' 7 T TT " ' A 11 .a n ih n info Aaa if nilnf I Perhaps he obtained an introduction of my w ife, which took p.ace last month . , . A. y. . -j . j i uinvUlUtO ov vuuv V"vi v in a a vw w t to the 'image of the Grcuze'J through the a ine isiauu oi Corsica, sue eipresseu wish to me mac ner remains snouia De French cliiarman, or more likely, pre ' sented himself sans ceremonie ; at all iy. See his si!nples of Kali L'oods and styios events, he is standing a month after tor - - wards by her side. He is quite well now rf - : aliU UUJC v U ii Li v e auu J atva j iiuii wn aUNmiDinil. tfX. Nh. atfMa ose, Iiirota.uiii,a, lull idea, &G route, ooat, free. AND HEALTH 0C pks ; thoushtf Q) iruiit to. zuo, juar-i or u,oi 'J that thArUinhtfrtl ntirlnn 33h" BUtbladin SO t il, pupsr . pit t s;t-1 FIRE IfJSURAHCE; removed to England and interred in the churchyard of the parish of Old Haven, the . rector of which I believe you to be. Fuiihcrmore she particually desired but not the fox. 'For beauty lures the that the funeral. service should be per- full-siown child' as effectually as the formed by no other clelgyman than redvermin of the woods, and as often yourself. ..... . ...1, ' . Tom aAvtami nnw ffitif. tllA Af. as not leads mm -a caase or mie nopes - '7" -7. "" " fun proportion. It keeps thr mind and fears,' to finish up, alas ! with tears, tainiog her bedy is in the custom house , -&ui b The per. That the quarry is hard pressed is evi-, of Old Haven awaiting prance. ! w5th no re8erVe force is always in dent, for her face is unusually pale, and As I presume you w 1 not be indispos- j & l Am liti li n hiitiin I awnxk nrramonr. force. If the power required i four horse, then they make a six horse power. In this case it works easily and lasts long. i.A man who has strength enough to do twelve honest houis of labor iu twenty-, four, and no more, should do but nine or ten hours' work. The reserve power keeps the body in J renair. it rounaa ous tne icirne 10 ed to conduct, the burial arrangement8 , of oue who was formerly your parish- her voice trembles as she murmurs in re riiv to an armeal of her companion, 'It can not, can not be !' - ioner, I am writing to the custom house But if you will not marry me what authorities to forward the coffin to your will you do ?' OFFICE OVER EUGENE MOREHEAD'S BANK mortuaiv denot. . Tsball lave town myself by the night On home and trv to foreet you.' You dare not go home, for you can '. i to-morrow, and propose waiUng upon you me ionowiug aivcruwu,. Yours faithfully, - , HEItBEBT TftEVANNIOW. ; not foreet me.' WP " 1TAI fi TI!!? CJirP ! The image turned her, face towards llvLllI 1 lli ijAf lis thApa and was silent for awhile. Then ; - . ' ' - said, 'What you tell me is, also; too true; ' To Rev. Josiah Smithers, Old Haveu LWRPOOL, LONDON & GLOBE T ' nnt. vou ' ' R-d. V WW" wv i uru m. xtMrti I' 1 'Is Mr. Smithers at homer asked Tre- M. UvU J y, . AMERICAN 'I can not marry you,' she repeated. ASSETS, $8,000,000,000. I Tell me, are you engaged to be mar- oiak INSURANCE COMPANY, ned ?' ; NEW YORK.' ! 'Iam not' . , ASSETS, $5,000,000 00. . n o. Th ii ! ' ' ' r . I 'What, then, is the meaning of it all?' Nevermind what it means; enough XZtrX ; that 1 love yu't0 much to leave ,you:' Flace tnen. you nanu id wiijc, , T , . ' - I M Lflifli ," vannion of the butler at the rectory ,soon after his'arrivel at Old Haven. ' 'Mr. Smithers ia at home, sir, but una ble to see anyhedy,' was the answer. My Business ia urgant,' said Trevan ion. ' - a L ' bility than he already has. A 11 tie ez- l.L! -..4 - i u ir. ... T ertlOu puui j.iui uub ui- uicubu. 110 etui- not increase his work for an hour with out danger of explosi on. Such arc gen erally pale, dyspeptic, bloodless, nervous, irritable despondent, gloomy. We all pity them. The great source of power in the individual is the blood. It runs the machinery of life, and upon it de pends our health and strength. - A mill on a stream where water is scanty can be worked but a portion of the time. So a man with little good blood can do but little work. If the reserve power of an individual runs low, it is an indica tion that a change Is necessary, and that it U best to stop expending and go of drink would never' be loosened from aViut him until he rested with Meni fre and Marshall, ahd the host of other bright Kent ickians wbo have graves in the island where the Circe lives .Frank, fo. t is about as demsi alining to a youn. fellow as the Sonoro Mountains to the Avlzono Indian, and he had already served two terms in the Legislature and was then, rt thirty-six, Lieutejanfc Gov-' e.nor. There were few who did not think that this would be the end of it There was no Cassandra to hear the whis perings of the gods about him. It ' was 'Poor John Carlisle." Suddenly be shattered his cups and placed a teal upon desire and ' became, as ever since he has remained, a devout churchman and an exemplar of the strictest temperance. There was sur prise intow.i when more and. more it came to be seen that the change was not the freak of ( a headache, " but gravely made and met nt to last a life time. But so it was. He shrank from all fanatic ism and was as blithe as , ever, but the club rooms missed his epigrams and his books grew thumbed - with - use. The comrade had become a student. Clocks, Watches, Jewelry. The Growf.li of Boys and Girls. F.-om bk th to the age of five years the rate of growth is the same in both sex es, little girls beiug a little shorter in" stature and lighter : ia weight than boys. From five to ten years boys grow a little more rapidly than girls, the diffcrance being appa rently due to a check in the growth of girls at these ages. From ten to fifteen years girls grow more rapidly than boys, and at the ages of eleven ' aud a half are actually taller, aud from twelve and a half to fifteen and a half are actu ally heavier than boys. From fifteen to twenty years boys again take the lead; and grow at first rapidly aud gradually slpwer, and complete their growth at about twenty-three years. After fifteen girls grow very biow. and attain their full stature about the twentieth year. - A vigorous old fellow in Maine, who bad lately buried his fourth wife, was antrtat nA !iv nn mniiii.intii.ii4- whn im- J 1 ' I ware of bis, bereavement, asked : 'How l is your wife, Capt. Plowjogger?' To ' which the captain replied w ith a grave face : 'Waul, to tell the trewtb, I'm kin- der out of wives just now. Ayer'a Sjra-wrilLi is the most potent blood purifier, and a fountain of health and strength. Bj wise in time. Allpane- ful infections are promptly removed by 1 have a larger and finer line- of -WATCBXS aud JE WELKY than ever. , if CLOCKS TO 8UIT EVERYBODY. 3 SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLA83E3 OF EVERY VARIETY, -i ' Watch repairing a specialty. . uan and ea amine niy goods. C.F.NEESE. ocS5 3m -T" ' , .. .".'- . Where the Fire ist OuC Magic no More a Mystery Seen From v Across the World. ' Haronn of Aleppo, said ' Sir Pblllp ' terra4 'had masto'cd every ace ret in nature which the nobiest magic BecRa to fathom He discovered that the true art of healing Is to assist uature to throw oft the disease -to sumiuon, a it were the whole system to eject the enemy that baa fa-ter.ed on a p irt. His procesnt- all , included ' the n-lnvliforailon of ihe principle of life. Iu thi- the Eastern rage n.ere)y antlctpatod r thrt practice of the best physicians of tchday. What life itself i, nobody knew then noboy . knows now. But we hare learued something ot the reasons whr the mysterious tlda risea and falls, t'rovlded the great orgaue of the . body are not irreparably destroyed, medical science can always relieve, andf often aava. -Yet no reputable physician now adberee to the barliarouj uad stupul processes of depletion such as bleeding, by whl.-h it waa attempted to cure dieeae by reducing the patient's ability to retiisl it. Now adays wi do not tear down the fort to help the garrison we strengthen it i - In thiK intelligent and beneficent work, it ia conceded that P. rker's Tonic leads all 4Kber f medicinea. As an invigomnt it acts imniedl-, atelyaud powerfullv npon the circulation aod' . the org-aiM of iigcctioi,. It follows that all ail menu of the "tomach, kidneys and liver are at -onco enrjud. Nn other preparation - embodlea ike same qualities or produces simlllar results. It Is dulicfoiis to ue. tnd the best known anuV -toxicnt. Price 60c and 1. lIUcox cc Co.s ' New York. :i ' ' '' I - . '.r t t ..... .1. mi 1 ! this unequalled alternative. to accumulating, just as the miller does ... The necessity for prompt aad effletaaaV ' bonsrhuld rrmedice is daily frrvwuf aaoro imperative, and ot these Uostctter'a Stens f . sell Ititlers is the cbirf iu merit aad lb -most pupiilar. Irrvf ularity of the atomaaA - v: . and bowels, malarial ferer, llvef' eons plaiots, debility, rheumatism, and aslne ailnirnts, are Uiomaghly eonqoered by this . Incomparable family restorative aad mdie . n inal safeguard, ana it is Jastly rrgardad M , the porrat and most cemprrhensive rmsT -of its class. For sale by aU Druggists aaa Osaisrs generally. , - ''."';' ri ' ' - ' v :.'.... '....- '." . .'.vi v J. Southgate & Sea. n83tf & lslackay, DURHAM, N. C. ' the hunter, 'and I will lead yon faraway , beyond the sea, to where we shall be to - ' one another all in all . : "" S A ain there was a oilence. Then said llt.1 the woman, 'Close your eyes for a mo' ; n-iiy . pent 3 meat Hebert, and promise me on -your ud i rial fm. ytt . . M. -a ta w ' j Z'nwAi honor that you wUI never seek to learn t, . "- ;"- who i am ana wneuce x vuuiv, uv w u. 1VI IUUV . WUiUj caide, 1 pacl I I A !m 4 a ary-.w9 QilyaVa I w If vou will please to come into the - ,. I am afraid you will come to want,' ' . " . v .ii . iv ' miu ii viu laujr iv av tuuux kviiuciuuu. i drawing-room, sir, t win gpw-snr. fix)m phyg;cal bankrubtcy.-Herald of. "I have come to that already," was the yfe &na t"lTQ InsuranctJ Art , V i repiy a want your uauguier. lue oiu ... - . , DURHAM, N. Cs ' Large Unas of insurance plabad (alteJ He sat himself down and waited. Pres- j ht f!!r0 10 l'ces popular music, crTt8' pack of age and foi fklpat-k.Ho!d to Liabt ci .ni.rttioft cards. 1 set chromo cards. 13 -tw irh'ka In t. . 1- . , 'Jrttinn 7i. u "K'c. new vusuiiB, Kuig . , -r- HelCr-i myanc oracle. 20 ways to gel ; rtcn, Ten gjjg drew, from Her Jeit nana again of marriage.'. niii? ? mscments ! Agents wanted. Sampl, dove, and cast something with a sigh, BoySOln .into the . ently a clergyman entered, evidently the curate, Health. Ayer's Hair Vigor improves the beauty : of the nair ana. promotes us growui. it. f lady opened her eyes. A doctor gavo the following prescrlp iinnarts an attractive appearance, a .de- tiontoasick lady, suffering from de- oioranias. .. .m . Jl 1 - .! A . liri.:l - I HMWOtAIII ' A ... kAHIIAt A .UkAkmAKA . . . A 'I am here,' said Trevannion to him, . ,ate8the root5, cleanses the scalp, ihawl, and a silk drwa.'' The lady, it is. 'on a matter connected with a burial, in ; ana elegance toJuxurianw,its effect needless to say, entirely recovered. : . short, of my late wife.' is enduring; aeatnus it proves it-ii , 11 .. - ' vl r'trnAur' MM tha oiW- vou '' be the best and cheapest article for An mel & you,lg man who haj Yes,I know, said the other, you toHet . recently been maried and wked him areMr. Treavaunion, and have written , . a r how he was pleaed with hU change in to Mr. Smithers on the subject?' . Mrs Homespun, who has a hard time life. He took along breath and turned ir.,.. 1 - . . Bvervmormnitw zei ner young urwxi uim,it......,.us ..wwu - ub w. ..... -'y i. .. m . . ' , 4-- 1 . . J Ml I n t 1 ! 1 1 L lA Well, I regret to have to tell you of un,je3und why children Ot sad death of my dear aad esteemed rMmj goneratiou.'' m . m . a - www a ' ill r arnw. anrw w nnn aoiv-a a an . ann aiimnii Rumiivnaiwrvt. ktp( 1 i out of their oeos, says sne capuoi f'.:, .vr.lS jnarecaiica "ine 1 wuu.i , wuuuu ui iw ol . jmywelf." i tzrJZJ

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