r if EANBE; GKAHMrN.C, THUESDAYv MARCH 13, 1884. NO. 5. THE-ATIATVTATVCE GLEANER. .-J i I ' j i . 6'i D . &EKN0ULK, Proprietor. Terms: me Year .".i?:;. Six TOtA-.,., vv i Throe Months ..... .. :.. .tl.S0 ..so club of ten sub- bimself to oue for the lcn;b of time for which the different offices THE THREE LESSONS. ' BY 8CHILLEE. Every pdreon sending us a Bribers with the cash, entitles r1 ..sopy freei for the lensb of ttroj i iliib is midatip; Papers senile I I V heinrfnle from the Cash Syste Postage Pkbpaid - at this Officb ;.r,- Adt'ERTIftlMC Hates: 1 In. 8 in. 3 iu. (! M col 1 col. I week 3 , ' ' i 1 (XV $ 1 50 t a 00 $4 00 f 35 ' 3 0 .3 50 5 00 1 75 3. to 3 50! 7 00 2 M- '8 00-' i 50 850 8 Ofi 4 00 6 001 15 50 4 irtn i"i A !K 7 SOI 19 Oft' 60 10 00 ' 13 50! 15 00 10 80 15 00 ! W00 )00 750 t!20C ll JJ ll i 13 50i 15 00! 1750 30 00! 35 00 4800! 18 0 82 0 30 00 87 Ou 45 00 00 4 Yearly advertisements changed quarterly if desired. ' T-- ,: ,'. .... ' ,!i,oaal ii4bc5h ten Cents a Udc, first Insertion . ir lonal inserted lor less ftmn flftv cents. ' PROFESSIONAL. CARDS. 30: W QRAIIAM. - JAS. A, GRAHAM - i -..;:., ."AT'rOBNMt'H AT I. AW, -j' ;- 'C', . ,. . J ' -;j i-Tftctleftltttlie State nJ Federal oiirts,' v. ' .tySpeci ll Attention paid to collecliug. There are three les oni I would write " Three words a with a burning pen, In tracing ot eternal liht. Upon the hearts of men. . Have hope. Though clouds environ now, And gIudiie9S hides her f ace in scoru, Put thou the shadow from thy brow No night but hath its mora. ; " Have faith. Where'er thy bark 14" driven '. The calm's disport, the tempest's mirth . Enow this God rales the host of heaven, The inhabitants- of earth. Hare love. Not love alone for one, But mm as mm hy brother call, And scatter like the circling sun n. Thy charities on all. . lhus grave thCi'e lesson on thy soul r.. . Faith, Hope and Love and thou ah:lt find Strength when life's surges radest roll, , Light when iboa else were blind. . EATEN BY A LION. LOUI K0U8SELET. JT 1); KEKNODLE, t'rwticeVin the State '-and ; Federal urts wi'.l faiihfully and promptly attend to all buei ' Jess intrusted to him ' " Si'. FasJwtnable lailcr. ' It prepared to m)Tii Clothing for every body. Bee bis samples of Fall goods and styles tor oo. , t,:' . mart 'S?t . . ';.r.''''"'L- , iiXhroitxUii full P roat oort, iM ' 5AathrtthdbtfQlcpathooeUUaiMto imnr, -lottl ana iuiubuu vi iw , 'I i C!t WITTIER pWVfeJ V-.-', i ' ' .--..r.. l , Tt SHIPS i . :r rST.and'. BRAN ' r twf-M . hand In any quantity, and or i 1 t r r J V . , ... . ' . t S Tato STroIingeii - - p---Ds . your order .Of vcome to the Mill andget what yoa want. tr " -Ifeb'y 14 Sui .-. ' . i-,. fall of snakes and crocodiles ; thenr fur ther back, the ground is covered with forests so thick that you can scarcely get through at nil. But then, those forests are full of the finest birds in the world. On the whole, the Gabon coast is the Worst place I ever- struck. The inhabi tants are so laiy that they grow noth ing, and keep no provisions on hand, flj we had to go hunting every day for some thing to eat just as they had to do them selves. I tell you it was pretty rough apprenticeship that I had to go through. We were nearly all . the ti in those great woods, where we were sur rounded by all immaginable dangers. "One day, when our provisions had run short, a negro came to tell ns that about a league from t he camp he had seen a great heard of those big antelopes' Holbeck and I went after them but th" savage had deceived us at least so far ' as the distance was concerned ; for we were more than 2 hours running through woods, tumbling, over rocks and stumps, and wading through marsh-grass, and weeds before we found the beard at last It was composed of just th reft animals and no more, and they were grazing in the middle of a great open space, about three hundred yards away from us. They seemed to be very wary so that t was no use thinking of trying to get any nearer to them." ! "Holbeck, who wore spectacles theu just as be does to-day, could not have hit a mark fifty space's off. So I had to take the chance myself. I went ou my k nees took a long aim and fired. To our great joy one of the antelopes made a tremer. dous leap into the, air and fed dead on the ground. Asl had only a siugle bar rel gun I could not attempt another shot. - We proceeded to cut the antelope up, and finding it impossible to take the whole away with-us we selected three fine pieces as big as we could conven tently carry. Holbeck and I each took a piece, which we fastened on our ghoul ders, and the negro who accompanied us took the other. "As the evening was advancing, we started for our camp as fast as - was pos Bible, considering the weight of our bur dens. We had already made half the distance when all of a sudden, when he tra versing u thicket, we heard suddenly right behind us, a moat awful roar. "At last we have got to the lion," cried the audience. f "Yes, it was the lion," resumed Bar barous with his cuntomary phlegm, and I would have liked to have seen - you in my place. When I first noticed the lion he was only ten steps away from me, in the very middle of the path ; and I as sure you that the mght of him -did not make the laugh ; for I immediately re membered having been silly enough not to reload my gun. .But I did not have much time to meditate. Holbeck who was behind me. fired his gun at the lion, who immediately leaped at me with a the good-natured face of Holbeck, who off on a tear, git out of money before, i Was bending over me, and crying like a Trusht me, soor. Is it a twenty ye want? ' child : O, my poor Barbarous ! O my Here it is. Will ye have drop before , poor Barbarous ! Then I tried "to get up ye run ?" 1 ...$ .J ; - J t and what was my surprise to find that I But before any further explanation j could do so without any difficulty I Once i could be made the Chief Justice had ; on my feet I began to feel my arms, my grabbed the money and was running , head, my chest, my legs well, wer they across the street. In some way the tick , all intact 1 I had only a few scratches et agent had learned of his blunder du no serious wounds at all I , ' . t , ring the judge's absence, and was all po- "This revelation was received by the liteuess when he saw the money. Mr. audience with loud : murmurs of lucre- Waitt barely made the train, but be has Julity, and one of the captains, iuak- not had such a shock to his dignity since ng himself spokesman for the general he went upon the bench of the Supreme teutiuient of discontent, cried out : ! , Court. Washington Letter. . "What sort of a yarn do you call that, , s . .. ., . . j Barbarous? You must have been Cold Days. dreaming, and that lion simply knocked ! you out of his wav and went by." IT LEADS ALL No other blood-purifying medicine is mad, or has ever been, prepared, which so com pletely meeta the wauls of physieiana awl the geuoral publio as , , , .. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. ' It leads the list as a truly seientifie prepara tion for all blood diseases. If there is lark Cponri'l a tag thrt of Scrofula about yon. pbriurULA Aykh's Saksapasilul wiU dislodge it and expel it from your system. For oonstitutieual or scrofulous Catarrh. , fli-rsnnii Ayeb's Sabsatabilul to thai UHlHftUrt true remedy. It has eared , nuraberleM eases. It will stoo the nauseous . catarrhal discharges, and remove the aiekeu- . lug odor of the breath, which arc inrtloattmn ' of scrofulous origin. . - , 'l!irr&nni "Htto,Tsepk,u8it ' ;. ULlLfSJUO "At the ate of two yean one ot . Ortnro mv ehlldrcn was terribly afflicted) OUilf-0 with uloorous runnlns sores oa its) u At she same time It face and neck. Its eye very sot. "That where you make a big mi-take," tid Barbarous. Eveything happened, just as Hold you ; so that when Hoibock ret urned from the camp to look f jr my remains he actually saw the lion eating me as last as he could. The br a te only left me when he saw the torches ap proaching." "Aud what else?" asked thi sailor's hearers, quite nonplussed at this affirma tion. ., . . ; ' "Why the thing is asplain as the nose on one's face," said Barbarous, in a mod est sort of voice. "When I was knock ed down I had falle non mv face ; and the lion imagined he was-really eati-ig me, when he was only eating u splendid quarter of antelope meat I had tied on my back." A storm of applause greeted this un expected conclusion : and all present rose, glass in hand . to . toast the sailor with a Ionjj shout of "Bravo, Barbarous, hurrah for tbe Marseillais, traveler.'' But Barbarous simply answered with a smile of triumph : "Well, I told the truth at the didn't I?" start, Justice Waitt's Dilemma. AN AM17SINO ADVENTURE OF THE OF THE 8UPBEME COURT. HEAD ' -"Yes, gentlemen, I assure you again that I, Jean Barbarous, now sit ting here was once devoured by a lion, and if you will not believe me, here is my friend with the golden spectacles, Dr.Holbec who can tell you . whether I am telling you the truth ? the pure, unadulterated truth. .. At those words air, eyes ! were turned to the man with the gold spectacles. He-cbntented, himself however, with one of those smiles which leave it im possible to divine whether the smiler ac tually refuses to sustain the assertion referred to ' him for authentification, or whether he simply declines the honor of being regarded the hero ' of so extraor dinary adventure. , The aitdienCe, so bolsterous but a little while before, had become, perfect ly quiet. All awaited , with visible euriosit y the recital of the wonderful story suggested by the declaration of the Marseillais. Barbarous, quife satisfiod with the re sult of his words, sat down again, and without further preliminaries began as follows ; ' ' , ' :, "It was about ten K years ago either in .1872 or J873 but the date does'nt matter. I had served my full time on board the Juno. ; and thanks to the rec ommendations of my Captain. I easily procured a situation as tra veling agent for the Mennevals, the largest Persian house in the commerce of feathers and stuffed birds for the millinery buditiOM, in the Rue St. Denis, at the sign of Cas oar (-ta?soway). The Mennevals send their traveling agents to all parts of the world to buy up ostrich plumes, mara bout feathers, andv rare birds. They sent me for the first time, in company with Holbeck who you see -before you. We were ordered to the African coast in search of a certain kind 'of little bird, like a bfack bird, which has its breast covered with feathers thai look like-! terrible roar, aud felled me to the earth, gold, very pretty iudeed. Our employ, j "Just as I fell I caught a last glimpse ers wanted to place these on the market of Holbeck au'l the negro, running away as a new ornamental design for ladies' I as fast as their lees could carry them, bata ; and w were ordered to procure i and then I lost all consciousness, all that we could find or buy. ' " I "How long I remained senseless I do "Holbeck had already traveled a great not know ; but gradually I found my. deal, while I was merely a new appreu- self coming back to life. At first I bad tice in the business, that was whv they ! onlv a v&2ue idea of what had baDoooed sent him out with me. Since then we ,, to me, aud I made a painful effort to rise nave money' have always keen traveline toiether. when a deen irrowl came in nnwftr to! The Chief Justice glared. Holbeck and I are now Inseparable as - the movement and I felt myself nailed the cloth of a coat is from the lining. down to the. ground by an enormous "But to come to my story." , j weight. The lion was lying upon mr "We both started from Bordeaux on a vessel which took us to Gabon. As soon .every limb, but that was nothing to ; Mrenjtbened. ineCnier justice aasn m vta vnt thaw wn hiinrjvl tm rionia h h.f t u,t.an T r tui .t. I ed out of the station hoiue to see if he . . o r ... vrf tthmv a av. t v nuvu Jl luuuu tiut bUV 1CIV best nlc Ti f- , . m . .. ... . ') I tt is a on oi coincidence mat tne com . . et upon which Napoleon's soldiers gazed ; seventy years ago, when they were mak ing that dreadful march for Moscow, which resulted in the death from cold ; and exposure of 400,000 men, Bhouid be accompanied on its reappearance with a '. bitter cold spell of weather. - When it ' swept from sight the world witnessed an unusually bevere winter. The incident, as well as the present cold snap recalls ' otner severe winters. 1 In October, 763 and February, 764, the denizens of the ' cities of mosques and minareta were as- j tonished by a cold spell of weather, and the two seas at Constantinople were fro zen over for twenty days. In 1063 the ( Thames was frozen over for - fourteen weeks. In 1704 the cold was so intense . in England that all the small birds per- were swollen, much inflamed. . O.nii-riir Physicians told as that a no. OUKt tltd erf ul alurati vc medlalnc mast '! be emploTeo. They united in reooramendlBg ; ATEK'S b AaSAPA&lLLA. A few doM pro -dueed a perceptible imprOTatMnt, which, by au adberenoe to your dlreotions, was conHu- . . ued to a complete and permanent cure. No -vldenoe has since appeared of the existence of any scrofulous tendencies; and no treat, ment of any disorder was aver attended bj more prompt or effectual results. lours truly, B.F. JoanO.,... . ... rasTAaasBT i-vj.'";.. .. J' Dr.J.C.Ayeroi Co., Lowell, Miw, ( Sold by all DrugfUta; 1, sU bottlas foe a . '. "'V. f . ' - , COMPANY SHOPS, K. a Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Having an imperative engagement in Baltimore sometime ago, Chief Justice Waitt of the Supreme Court, hurried to the Baltimore aud Ohio depot teu min utes before the train started. As he was about to purchase his ticket he discover ed to hi horror that he bad only a few pennies in his pockttd. He looked around for a friend, but fiuding none he resolv. ed to use desperate me inures. He filed up in the line to the window. As be reached the agent he smiled an awful smile across the full width of his enor mous mouth and asked the ticket agent if be knew him. X C , "No, I don't," snarled the agent ; ' 'and what is more,! don't want to. What do you want ?" . : ', 1 have a lar?er and Oner Una of WATCHES . and JEWELHY than ever. j ,,, CLOCKS TO 8UIT EVERYBODY. SPECTACLES AND. EYE-GLASSES ; OFEVEBY VARD3TY. Uan aad ex- oc 25 Sm Watch renalrino- a. nmrlaltr t J , I. tJAntl..1 i At.- . r laueu, auu m iioo(iue lurgu iuwib ui tue i amine my gooos. air wprfi drivAii hv then tfirrihlft mid into i ' - C P. NEESS. the towns and cities of Germany. In 1863 the winter was so severe in Flanders that the wine distributed was cut with hatchets. The year 1858 was noted for cold weather in England. Thousands of for est and shade trees were split be frost birds and slock perished, a line of stages run ou the Thames for several weeks( Stones on the Road. -" ..j.-. ... - - , . .. . Commercial Travelers at a Wayside Ian Something to Put in a Grispsack. - "Gentlemen, I almost envy your posit'as you fill ; your experience of the world ; ir knowledge of business ; the cbanirW si h'n yon set, aud all that, yoo know."- inn wanniy expressed regret fell from, ths and shop, were built on the ice in the I "nd was addd ts!ch!Sa of1- m . pwi I ..1 1 a i . J . . 53 middle of the Thames . In 1601 the wolyes were driven b7 the cold into Vienna, where they attacted men and cattle in the streets. In 1810 quicksilyer froze in the ther mometer bulbs at Moscow, One ,pf the lal ItiralaiM aafaH u, a. - m dell Hotel, St. Loais, Mo. "Yes,'' reepoodeda New York represeEta tive of the profeseios, -a drummer isn't witha oat bU plesurcs, bat he runs bia risks. tK risks oubdtie the chances of railroad collhuo-a and steamboat explosions. - "What rUks for instance V -l- "TLIs. for instance." ald Vr. W n, v. illn. who was then traveling for .ia'Ei.?- most remaikable changes in temperature boue and is known to merchant in all , . . t I of the country s "The risk which trri! nna witiloaaArl at. Ttnrnv unit Him. w.ua-u' .K.a. was witnessed at Hornsey and mersmith, near London, in 1867. The thermometer was 31 below zero on the dyspepsia from perpetual chance of diet n "l water and from havinir no fixed hours for c'a' Inif and sleeping. I myself was an exarar'e r. .......... . i . h1.l. 4tn oi January, ana seventy-two noure "No discount an jour digestion rbrokah later it had leaped to 55' above zero. With respect to America, some of the remaikable cold spells were as follows v In 1730, aud again in 1821, New York harbor was frozen over so that teams were driven across the ice to Staten Is . land. The neighboring State of Indiana saw wenth.r cold enough to congeal the mercury in 1855. The itcaro drv foods traveler. llrhtl-- ki. ; afresh, , " ' " "Wot a Quarter ner rant Rut 1 1. j ap tr veLna for a while. Tba dyspepsia rud my pape-. Finally I came across aa aiT--tiaement of PARKER'S TtlNIO I tried it B 1 h xnerauBothiaoa fixed tne up to perfection. rartb. in my opinion, equal to U Htf rnra!i Mussrs. Hiscox A as a curs of Nrr VnrV proprietors, hold a letter from Mr. Frai siatlne that precise fart. PARf-EnVS T( MO us uixcaviun, cures uatariai severs, H winter of 1RR1 V.r",J'? na ail cnrotiicdi.e Winter or iel e, f tlie Liver .nd Kidueva. Put a bott -n was made memorable by cold weather. ; 7 ' rricea, 60o, and 1. coas- i "I want a ticket to Baltimore and re- . I-4. t CA.I lS. 1 turn. I am the Cbier Justice of the Bu- un tpe itn ana zdii aays oi January preme Court. I have no money with many deaths occurred from the intense me. It w purely accileutal. I can give cold, and the residents of Mobile saw you my personal check," replied the rep the thermometer sinktotero. reseutative of justice. ! A record of cold sieges would be very "Oil, I know you, 1 know ail the important withouta mention of the ter- bloods. But that dodge won't work on i riblv sudden storm that sweot over the me. I hive just bad two members of country in 1863, which has gone into his the cabinet to try to bilk me outuf tick- tory as the cold New Year's. A dray ets, ond no chief justice dodgo gets me. j raau was frozen to death in Cincinnati Take your ugly mug out of tne window J while driving along the street ; a man nni out. nut. nf thA wav at np.or.lii who ! climbins a fence in Minnesota froze to e - i :. i . i . i i .. . . i , i J while the loss of human and animal lives He - could I in all parts of the county was' immense. not fine the young man for contempt of 1 " V 1:1 ' court. He felt worse than if he had Take Ayer's Snrpaparllla in the spring ' been a retl fraud and'he blushed ant 1 1 This discovery made me tremble in PerflPired 80 thtt- the agent had his belief action, and rt.tore the halthly tout and vig'r ui iuc nuuic yuyoKixi jucvu4.11-- jlflSflPlDi ;er on the coast, and he said to . cious brute was actually eating me alive. us: ".My children, it you want gold" I beard my owil bones -cracking in bis birds you'll have to work pretty hard to mighty jaws, nevertheless a strange find -them ; there are none- left here, phenomenon ! nothing hut a horrible You'll, have to go up the rivef tothe iu- sense of weight and oppression. Then t terior just asfaras yon can' and we rmembeed of having read or heard started up the great river of Gabon. somehow that men or. animals iu the "All along9 our route we stopped at the clutches of beasts of prey are subjected to villages, and at every village we had to a peculiar and providential species of kfUIo.I8tt?"'!Jefi-Par'' -.'torpor, which exempts them' from al leys which 'sometimes lasted ' several sense of pain. . " hours all to-obtain a few dozen bird v "When I came to It was black night skins. - ' ' ! , : . and there was a rinir of netrroes standimr "Finally we'decided that in order to round me with torches in their hands. complete oar stock we should "have to On first opening my eyes, and Heeing leave the river altogether, and travel in-, their grimacing Wack laces,'. lighted by th? JQnown countiy- ' : : ; r. flames, I began to think Iwas in bell or' . "Ah f let roeLtell you about that coun f , try.'. It isn't the sort of counUy oho at lea8t iu or dld would like to retire npon one's income ; member ..having ..done.- anything yery could not find some one to ido itify him. He bad only five minutes left, r It was too short a time to run to ,Xh,e Capitol, lie saw uo one. Across the street there was a saloon and au eating house. . .The Chlf Justice made a rush for he place, but stopped at the door. Spying a pri vate entrance he rushed in and accosted I She Made no Answer. I A lady of uncertain age looks unnttera- bleoo Chestnut street at a gentleman.who thereupon ventures to offer his umbrel la. ' , ' "How dare you speak to me, sir?" sb e demands in apparent anger. , "Iheg you do. nut be offended, I the proprietor with the frantic inquiry of MU,dnorreiist offefing you ft imple "Do you know me?" ; -n hereplies, -you look so much 'Yer betyefbeadl do, your Honor," : ,.. othe-.it . -r said a short-baired, freckled-face man Somehow she scuds along alone with behind the bar ; "ye are the boss of the , look that wouJd have token the snprame coort. I see ye 1 very day going offft Btone jr. , by here on the cars." , - , '.' ' 'T "Will yon cash my check? I have'no i fuYoung Alphonso, "Mercy, child you Hm to 4nla.n Herts the Jnsf irw e-rnh. "" uo" "ueu your new wax 0011, Will time to explain. Here tne justice grab- rojn lu infant TerrihJe, "Ruin it how?" bed a piece of .paper and pen Upon a ; Young Alphonso. "Why, one drop jofwa desk near by. and began to write bar- te would spoil its complexion." Infant jtcrnuic, ii tuat luuuv r iuvuoil and kidneys, neither excites nor irritates th it ion; The Want of a tUUable Dinrotio, iv men, wnue actios; as a stimulant Of 't Was Stomach the requisite di : these omas. ana is, tberetore, far better adaited for purpose than unimdicated exr.iLint of - r. resorted to. DTe)i, fever and ague, Uudrvd diseases, are all cored by it. . l'orsale by aU DTOCTitttii Jealar ' -jrencrallr. supplied bv liostetu-r s This One medicine ex r l derree or sumuhition ui)u s, Without prodactnar irritati;-.-'. J. Southgato & Son, - ' ''.. .v r-"w9 Liiie ana .r ire idsui DURHAM, N.C. : Large lines of insurance plaooi in Us ompanies, oct.a. - .-1 In .11 1. Ti A - 1 ; a.. r reldy.' n. ..11 : . r my big sisters have tl t iuj uou ana 1 T . , B8 kiad of -Cnn-ryour J l -V f