;i'T;WVU,,'--:V. ,. .1. strwc'- npmic 'i-rlt ,..'1 1 7" (,11 Hill (t !:;! .1 .-ii ,t, . i irt , I I1 ,fj' vXII. J rowi. J.:; sit i.'"f.) i if. a ml :w'.p t5 j i ,-r-ii - ..', k-.f ,l, ti n .bf. .. ... , r " , v,J r.(H;'1 1: ' iiftJ " ,-:l' aV .-if 1.11 lil't ! ( (fii'tiii :.. i . .-:'i, VJHUiift MI'J .J-'rfllif -''111 ,;t.f !1 l,f'i V' iilir i- infjllc Vfi3 i'.ititlr-j i,WlS f !li I ill,.! i"t in ( i ', ,ii i j i hi I i ! L r ii i i i ii i ii m Hi i mil i 1 1 T ( I l i 1 1 ii im i in j iii immm 'tn i n fl V.." ,L4?i,Iluft 3,1 ln,iAM ItujrrWf fto,piPe,RWr tlp,,Ul, .cotagfl,.,, Wilht'lm A CURIOUS MANUFACTORY,, .., ,fl 79,9Tf ,ACHARt,ttJNfin"'': ; AEAOY: fCft THE NAVY. , ' i.lTv riiV. T'TTn i nwniHy s : n-rrrn irirwrrr n77")"'" . lit'r ti. v MOITSIEUR ALBAJfO. , Ho was a little old man,' TorRing pcf- mips on oo. with closely-cropped . mu " and a hat-tvWcli Willielin could not keep from tliinkinK was one size or wore top . big for him;' A little old man with nan V'Ml!l'-B i 'NO: 28. ' XwUMit evfeuteft'liad 'been' tag -wwitii 4.1Jn at, cliafniing,, UUAe,, Jtotel; anAf xv.iili tmtfliDltebM. monswuriiDaa. "Stiid1 11W -or'!nlji!hinfe -bduf WhieM;'4)6t, Iiad led tile tbiiftg mi ta.,BWiaft. Of .all ty,. ln.rftli a' pleasant voice, and tuitJlttiJionffffad fttMJHOWJ. , i v ! . smile thajiften nuite banished all trade of melanffhcriT fsuua his face. - But yi hSjlmt head- waitor at tli months bvtiad pv" himself at thjo ; same houi.iily Aad token to lum fro: the verr ffTBt, Sha . as the genrlemi seemed tecnurlettrement, used in variably to enscoirce him ' in the enui- Treat corn i'p JIT the room, not far from tli charcoalHTtovc tMjtiai8 was winter-j-and witjff""jfc otliii' companions savo a lair of ta.bbjcats. j ,; "WhaMfNJj to-ifel1 M. Albano woulfl inquire, as he sea himself at his tabli, with hiifjtet ot0L morsel of goat-skip placed theiWor tbcaii. "What is it ti- day," Wilfrefm? ' - J And Wilhelm uses invariably to plaqe a wiuie wnpieu (or-imger agauist lira name ot synarpat ticular dish on tlio -card, aiii. fliat wall the dftli M. Albano inrariabhrx;lose3 It wasjuotjoiig before Wilhelm founjd , out that M. "Albano was, like himself, a Hungari&n7ndi himself, an exili They wert-frieafl)L indeed, after thii 'Wilhelm told thaT little old man his story, and to some extent the little ol man toldrWMiieinTis. '. There was soi differentiveVtless, in their Btatioiia In life, fofm bisgyn dear land M. Al bano liaSTtSenl count, whilo Willielfa had beeijjuj a jtuilbr engiueer. "And yrTou aje really going?" sail V llhelmVuJie Hboa one day near nip, lils friend, tBC eviipty sdup-bowl in his right hand.- ' , Jj: -Reallrtoing.Waheliii:" "Oh. dear! Monsieur, I shall sadly miss you. X or Mosco gaKementi ki all thaso lilaces." "No, npJJ.iepfied M. Albano sadl is neithj!""af theaf) places. it Brussels, monsieur, Berlin, iivYou say you bave had ei- 1t I am doqe I lint WillwunVernit scheme was conneoted TVItH' (rffctrf ftpVttr.lt 'for 'fhflr parftte but as the moving power of ;tlie.,ifu.tuj'p; and".''M.-,ATbanoi'1;nov' enough abont chemistry -japeftiilyHfoijcern that. If pimerly v-otkedout. these Dlaaaf ,WU helin liiilitMd hiui t' linOjd '.or- "Ybu vriu eorne to Erlziknd! wit. WilfieJro,'?'laye saved 'a Uttie' sum; ' No, frietip.r; to fingaft ; I;, will come, but evM-yiihg I will pay niyself. Two - more moflths will I vork,' and then 7!I.'.I1 VH ' - J-h . '? . ? ' "Yow wM ,'conie ?" t cm J i-l i .)., "Yoafi in ; ' ,i; - i" . ' . ."Ajul be inV iHiest for .T.fev ;weeli8 at hi y' little cottage home V . . j . So the two parted i ; r- Winter, was. (Still holding Bway,.arid snowuay deep,ajl round tajas; ,Jbit-- in niiie time what a fctiaiigO jtliere was'l ,'(yjtli j ParLs, liowerer,' this .sliprt and siijiplq ehjry lias noT6nseririyjtbing" to do.;i.J?iie cee shifts; ;t(V, jtitTy Vibtit' ,bmuiiCill flpttflge in sWw? U stands "on jklifefljojwvof gen tlj-rwingi bill,. and is,a1iiMVbti'ietf in pine 'wtoqils.Y 'I V ':" .(YesfSYallieHh," M Albpnawas Btty jnfl l& thdiC tirb sat t6);etber iff a' little, tentOBio' lawn, "this cottdgev ' tliese garilent. fcho' beautiful copntrV-artoand, do not soojn tlio same. sjnce JIarie since my dauKhterj left me; They aret , Ibo sanjfprj arn folder no w jj1 .J cau ' pot see1 Vyjffg jjfp same eyes, beaf f"ili j the Rame( eflirs jt aeems as if ,;$ejf Iopi 6f tfie grave were already clpsingf around, vwith themVajl donf with the world, iwgiu ty am going uome. . -Whatfried Wdhelm, with brigh ening eyA"honie to our dear land pf ; " . g. j. "Nay, jbigj nay; Dover there agaiij. "What matbn'hfrWial forgiveness? Cajn a king mondfla bikikjn heart, even if lje could restore mvlfloftuneij? "Could I gae without Mdet orf-4hose green-wooded lulls an(ajjeystlit once were mine? Could I nitllgle.witli the good people wtyo dwell thlri4and'who once called ne lord wfciQut satfJesH? - No, Vilhelrh, nov Mv home iufSdr London, the honie of tlie refugee, trM&rily'city in the whole , world aiBidthe mmle and stir of whiih n exile irr wStHfergetfulness." - WilhoWltngered by the -table for a few morfterrjte. 8was deep inthougli t. Ut-iid at last, "to hate employtueiifjin oudou has long be n with nielvaiul)$iiii dream a castle n the air iettV it hcj'ou will I ha e the garbfef ervi in which you no -v fee me. (TVTl theuuii-e times, monsieu r, that I wallhy iEiin all night, wild u thought, befkfasejyteel I was born fir letter things.1 1Q try to do my du j my humble dntYt? 1 es, JBjid Albsno, spealtiijfl(i-'Ww' Wore in any orctWhtmil, Wop -Yea, mine uiFk W is nght jWT mine, iiifmn felmiTnlt as Ills yovffluty. is ita wealthy owner, Marie its mistress. And long indeed they would , think.. Uiafr' daj' that did not' brlifg tlichi a visit from' father Albintq. -MSordoti Stables, JI. D. , .'ft.iJt., ih'Canseira Magazint.i -wii )wv i 1tiies report 1 published by tle'ut! Van 'Kimptsch; of. the German- army,' sorf-m-iaw at Gen. Von Ie. aideHle-ckmo- to' : tlidenippror, gives soma tvry interesting !ietails oi tlio,. journey, Twhicu iie, niade j.witb JUerr. Wolfft ft.;,tr4vfilr B.tlWLaarjr. cetof the'Congo Freo ,tafe, nnd,!iwliidlv has' resuUed in'tlie discovery of a 'rivie likely to bo of material value to traders WitlilliB.nbnm.''''' i , 0 - Vlitl to i nut In 'Il'1Vhfrii ffttolo- t" w.,iiirti,J.fU n-t.vim i , Tlie other" da beiiinia-isit' 'iw-' luii in iu jity. i,ib iii ftiiu fJy si, '.' ai lent opportunity of obtaining some really good' eateolOgfc&l preparstiuuu which 1 had bu.ini wier to- bui had 'ah- aiitiibre' Teasonable figure, tliwt rth' 'fancy -prices' asked -fan. tliem in: England jit One (fciy, v'bilcr nwibtmg it tint clinitiuo of w -well-known physicinn, onetrf'tlie ' jintttyrltM ioh' lieing . asked her , rjrofwsion said, she WmwT ;wf Jrr.:1. lvi I 2 in if 1 "Bw!t!llWfeirlB-7your' datfgltM'm.ay!re turnI(,il!)i(.Ml " ' ,um- ! ,' . ',- "ijiiiitliatciit not, Betxtlteiijirlde, (that caused butd o will prewhtihet retilrn- mg. . -Sue hv ill inever coma bacK.T. ii I ,i:ftWflhemf wis silont,,laj;'vMi I ; ."A'feW fiadty words and, CtKa" WAras were niinej-r'few peaviabimutteringsat the fate that, bajiished me .from uvy po. tive laiidyliai had tdmfron'my orast tKe uid'i'gnm of 'title and b6npr,' and cyifa- pelled'jrieiT-njP.ia count, to., drg .jbut a' niisetablo.existonce in ajtoreigm country, i i.j L.:. ti ji:ri . : imply ti,iat kept lier as i to b(jliieve;sof and I would ..bnya laid down ny. life next minute.tyihjiYe been ab!e,W relj!act,'to unsay my.crittlf.wardsi Lu(aexti iuinufe Marie was goriO) IQone 3d.jgo6eKvfli tears "on. )her facd iind lnaybap a bixiJren heart, though fa proud one. And, Binqe then f. have sought and obtained engagements in almost evcly capita : ';ny Europe. Ii likVe fcVefr'f-tiU now tliii one' I ,l-.Anmia.f J,I,A 4l,nf 1 ever on iiro move, uumovc. always kWg.jWBuld lind hij' 'M!irjt';."'fDr fef Jtfife-tlii. onlr. bririI'ri!L'fivUil Tlie' Congo itif Its coursB'.,'froro.',''tlie souUieast, makes a -jveryuwideVbend ' td . the ncrt!i, and; tbeu descends again,, to Atlantic, a very .large trac.t f country lie-' ing embraced in this curve., .Within .this curve is the river Kassai, wf(ipb Lieut. Von Nimptsch regards as behig "of feven greater importance to commerce" tliity the Congo' itself. 7 Describing i-ihdt; ' journey;.,he says thai as : far as Luobu,- the Kassai flow" through ' wde plains. Weil adapted for .cultivation, pasturage, and forests of palra trees and gutta percha"trees. Tliere ire many villages' on the banks, and tlie.travelersrnot with great civility in all of them' save bpe,1 1 the inhabitants of which11 fled at their n proack f,One - tribe;, add i Lieat; iVon1 Niinptsch, "was remarkable .tTfor.j-its joviality. The - natives' accoin pftfirert 4he stedmerViA'- their ca noes, ..and when we. ,,laBded, organ ize'd dances and bngs in our honor." Th'erW is a great ileal' of. ivory all aloh tlie' KasEiiL and large' pfecas'' of the finest quiility - wet1! readily given1 in exchange for empty boxes and tins, ' , , ' They discovered several atHuents of the ' , Kassai, andtliey calculated that , they were navigable . for a . distance . of . 30 ruiles." ' "But ,the inost important afild-, hat." the rendrt 'frotis on ' to sav. '"is tliiit .. ,i . . . -;'.. 1- ,' v ,. "I wmcn ; tieir ' woiir espioreu in tue steamer VorVSrtS ditfirig" the month of Febtuhry anil Marcbii He ascended tliis, stream to adintHioif 480 leagues fronj its mouth, and one of its northern aflhi: ents . brousht him .to. within a week's march of Jyangoue. Ho ,uiight jliavij gon6 still' further had f las steamer not J met with an accident," for"tnere-' are no cateracts iri tliie ri ver.!' '; All this'network .of - rtavfgabla water, more than 8,'000'i miles,1 js most adirtrrable, i and in future- it will be possible to travel eastward from the Atlantic, reaching Nyangoiiet 5rose iWUKMiitict at W ,i cr,, n., 1 1Kb. wasoopea o nnw oviimxueu v ylei-irif the Kasfiai, whole ef the' (ormer Rtreonii, tug the Stanley falls.'' I .A . - . . . I ' .ft nearMray, out witu a wiil.iMi.flhvtfuiucs ana was a I ready, on t lie i Kyj LKawprtarigrUIUP ifvee.i , ana aa-aymest pndtiof actioti, first ,tWl !Oi tlie ladder tuaj leads to work. Ih tliese aays eacn mau got rour- Jjiflrdlyat duty U a sacrfd fant.t'i H.fiT ,lK,-rflf I t rtm?StotottilbimP&& mmdevtu. MtuJy to Te content with tieitamMisiittoloTtnent freauerlUrTedAiai to. I more. , A iiggor j a-in cup on top of a t trust I do i though that u. , Do nbt lot pridejhn-rfwi ith that duty. Be not sellfe'oila Concentrate voir thouglitfln emizgiea in your wur c, menial otili'Xe may call it. Jii . lieve iiKVVihelrffti halo surrounds tl e head of fl(at liixa;. or woman wlio does whatever ldsV6r r hand findetk to dp, . in no half- "a purpose, feeling thing. -1 state in iwhjch Providence has placed von, WiKrii. Study that study thatt" "But, trmrrsieur, you would then leare anibitio of count." ' J " "No; dWb! Onl let your ambiti'iin be sulwervlcnt to your duty. The march of intellect the march of the world es ever, eves-snwind Better yourself, 4y - all me.-ifnyo5tii: by so doing yiiu luay betWvthT jjprld; but ambitioif tliotightpTjictidJniust never interfere with yokr--4urs .lalxir. These belong to ybnr Fre.-ent ejpiiloyfr, Wilhelm."" j "I set fcJimeifi. J "AVV11 yand iilnk of it. Meanwhile, , liere Is ftyiil oirVe Grand N r ooh-J cert.- YVu'l ill. me and my littje violin. iifThBecorid row of tlie orcliestrju - You wilFMnt for 'fhe. and we will sup togethetffie KHocievilie." , . mgh a score oc naoiera at te l V ., : told ii)5 be ,- snd' tJiaf!t oa ter voicfl' alony shevpnjld iiniu-.iiupeieasj anil wearvv:. ... ,. j t6s Are Aalijoet ti-"kijhiifi FIt'.; ' 'The talk'about Pastour and hydroplio bio, a:dog-fauck)r1;-.foi-nt3 cs, has had a niarked -effect ou his trade. The sendiax of jieojile hcfoss'tlid water t6 bo treated for hydrophobia has riveted attention to tlie darjjgarif.kfpiBg Jojtu, and may fashfoiijreMj; hj ve jjjiiosed.of tliir Va'r" fodepWdlntrO u liiuli will pi' -IMBS IlaVoTUlmiii ills' : i --rr--T '' ri ' t r - 1. 1 i t A vusiltMidari " u rAA vMaMi-A-n-L . y . . . . . . . . . j . - . - J mSt-M 7T .iiWJlt&hiXi HltliAifU lialiilfcth, K'aild Hhat Rome wbiotf ft We LrtSHa ratters to have taken a new leans. la. or glorious me. , r IYT3rrVilrT Pwf wUpb is com niTTti liiks1.Hl Tlt tl liki4f,Ubst young men: Wilhelm. fell in love. But I do not blame lllrrt,' tot Mil Rome was capti, mourne4 jfo .rWs, dugUt ej- as for one dead. . .. -, , .,, ,,r. , WYufeim irai a 1 requrft Visitor1 at the cot'oXjiUldid in- his'anibt,ftirl .by'.'tlie r'-p(juviaia'jpoo8esse4. of 'tTie 'will to worly .(ytlfarminatiOtij to 'rliuiirji, and that WWal itying power ''whlcju. loften timoaloadsi to success wftliouS x) ven the ,tti4iHtASe,ilI..iIie young, miji'cojiHered r Jiet contlilipu, viui;h.Vaa,oua,of clilbro-). , sis, and ingriXtiated,niys(?lf, with.hir.so J j,.uutft.iee4c rf(lwp-.lati; W , accadea.1 Uiougu reluctantly, to. my . requests toj take me to the fabrique where the speci-, mens were prepared. It ' Was ,a';long., lonrricj'i'viglit away into one Of the des. ert plaihs briatling! with' chininey stacks - which biitiiid-Paris' 'on',!the riortli ti&e. The' building W which hp conducted me Viis in immense ' 'wooden constructfon, subdivided ijito a inain uteliqr rtnd'''nit bouses. The tafgef'robm was 'occupied by, a scries of large ..cauldrons, the em anations iroio wbick 7 wr.,even -to oud' 1 accuntomeU to, tl 10 suave., odor ofi the (lis-" gectingMroonv nauseatiflg in the extreme, Hand'the blend formed rwitbitJiat of . varP1 dm crude antiseptacs Was inoro psculiar UMtt fascniatmgi 'i -t; I i . ch, - ' s. 4 ' The disarticulntidii of f.kulls la carried" i on separately, aa it is a branch requiring : greater skill and nicety in itn rnaiilpula-. tion. " ', It is .. effeciiid on '. tlio 'slcnlis of .' I.-'- .-..v- ' , - yoiuig aiuis. ov .eiuiuren .,oy mij iigcni;. oils plan of .fiUi'ngi le., emptied cranial cavity ,w;iUT.di;ied. , peas,,whii:l .are then steeped in )Watej,;aud ill sw.eUMH; compel : tlie, disjunqtioji.iiuijre -. doIicaU'ly', tlinn ouhl.bejdono,4a any Other way., ,aoma of the cauldrons contained tl.bpdea; of animals whoso skeletons, if not as valua-i "ble'as'trtb'sd of huiilan beings, a'rb still in'. uiHjieiiHiiuie lur tue snuiy ui .iiivluiiii hiv tbry.'and are 'forwarded iiv fai-gef ninn-! bei-s to the various " 'fbtloldtl' establish' iiieiils fh Franco. 'and nbtoafi. Afttra-.p'rolofiiio-1 boilinz tlie ''liiiibs' Kr'e 'placed jon a table and tJio adlioi ufg tissues tare' woman'liaviii'g JJis.-prijr, ovu.gpecmty.' I saw some moil at work on frog3, liz ards,. etc- to obtain,, a satisfactory, lirep-' -,aiatioh of whiclefluues 4 ,spet;ii)i and. Mighty ; j ; remianoratud, , . , dexleiity i , , X ho u in Ueflmieo ol . aU the olifitiwlen .that iaasftiled ita o isinatOrs, lAt'tuv 'years dfh pfct ten t; n it cent ittin g ' toi I j hv fthout tlie aid' Of the jdord perfect 1 njnilinncea, of .later rlaysthls exti-fuirUtunry hnut completed thw tuiiivei aiidtviMr'roOilitiinad the cbn qudrof of rnoiintaihs, the king of'engin- eef,' ihe beiiMrtet'or1 4f his country. Do-. eing . asked her , rjrofwsion said, she ienfdliit! Ida srln'riTrtti'''i ' which on in- ouiiy. I ascertained, .to, lftean .n.ibinie iVGiu T'o-f.i.'ii' V. ' i;. i ,V..4. . ''! yvwui,,,, a -an. vuwu iiiccituv-m mxt ov. as , . .......... .. . j I . ' " 'i,ii''. '..'! J '.".,.' TSirOilJi of Obtulni il' t ie rVMt'.ha"liad so I- '... t i'.i 7",-.,..' .... ! I , Bknto o 0va Ma yrao Oava ill lira to 'H b?ff'R M.ftinjertaKip("j BecMfUli, .' ! ! t Juaii,lsabr.Oiii Svpyard pf, bumblo pa-. , KeuAage a))rt,Hb(ur-j,lJiith,ctaiceive4 and xuoutBd. tiie colossal,; work of , piorcins IkT ... ' l ; v t, ... , IHiuimMJUW , qaUHmniHaK ,.pv;w .ftiMi f - . fQ. iu 1..,..,, i' ;;.ti Uaiy .Thw gigauAlQsdiwiw w-iparo .receptacle in tlio.wriierof Uw room, Nbut,, ? T. ZT The '.bane, (ara....than .bleao1u,d.!:thv'fis'i'?,fl "nd J! LLin- cheaper varieties simply, by.,meaB.- ol Wi.K, 1,10 $9wl ; ,S''Ve.h Chloride -of "hilie, t4 better ones sun, and they ultiinatly 'lMiM : tut nniichinir room, where thev are tittvatoiJ.iii assorted tSpnvcked, a. '.far8 4s may. hi ' . i .li J l- ' . tl.. . i.uiiiLii-Liikiiiiri. rruw'iiiil 1jv no, into "articulated skeletons. ; ii .ix-v"-"' .tw r' . , aniiW no small amount of iiiiiuil v nod0 "MqcesH. ..iudde-ily tnAiiW.f t.!-,;nriU1!r di.'r,nrlinMiti! -"! W tagger richly" 6;ired:!'MJnsietif. Fabre; l-etifed into the nerteeft'il. comfortiibW villa he 'liail'ercfc'li'd,' and' prepared to live there wfth Jiisfily daughter.. Ilir called it by (ho curious and unusual name of La R, misej the literary iheaning of ; which is "coach house, "and which is' sometimes used figuratively Imply cessation from active work i and. retirement from the vvorld. , , IXd may have intended to imply, that he liad taken l(ia, .retreat, end ex pected to live iu repoae. ', Apparently ' be had given pp ia .procession when tlieru-1 nior of a new and even more scupcudona enterprise ireachod nis 0uit-iUw piurci inf lofi the , St. ,tothard a for inorff diilicult, fao mors liaaurdous experiment than tho previous one. 1 Ha ' was eagerly solicited to place : himself .- at the liead of the undertaking.- The" stimulus of a irreat obstaclo- to: conquer silenced his hesitation, and he consented to visit the. mountain with 'the Oermtin and Swina 'engineers. After a minute examination, t rocks, crests, nid slopes ho 'gave his deciaWn:. "I shall do'it,,r;ha said, "if it costs me iriy life,". ' ' f " '.' Tiieae : worda werii ' prophetic. . ' Jean" Fabr'o yejj'ah lu's colossal struggle with atqig. ,.lIo,jfoiiglit , irirfh by .'inch, hour by hour with cVfiicuttiusof allklnd; with 11(6 invasion , qf .water thruatoning the; ,Hewly-conatructfld,,vaultfj with iuteiise', Jieat stirit;a(iug thq workuitini with poj-i tuettiuf ntiuosphorefelbfig tliem at their task, f jjiit tliesu vro npt his wort foea,'1 lie had tj struggle'iiguiiist tlie colleagues sunt to liim by i tierniaiiy, men ignorant. lof the oil,i tiid i'jcnlity, the mountain," whoHa potty-; jealousy and obslruutin opimsitioii made hi.t mission exceudingly' bitter land ' tenfold morevurduous.iil At bnbr time the "scheme was i about to bo, glveii tiji, when Fubre.' nrtilatirited, irnle-' ffttIgabU, redouliled hlyefrits'porfootetl old machines',".' irtVebted new one,; en couragei, rallied. 'comforted,' nursed' hU MM, and atf ':the tnd ' 6f eight ye;irs of stuntiion' the fepresentat..; :'nniont: to , in the f"''jP ,j(llum!l itn(!ll,.ron' onJ . f tt'tli,!" ,twW..tlien of tiyjobstac-lis sur' (Jiat hercfilcan i Hindi ' n.'iirniliJ ' 'i liis.yorjit.diiad'l' aud !! lo Jtr,iu: ir . " i, i ' Th Docks rotlnd nn Hoard , a, . Ship if'vif. Few' AwvlJ-Virioas 'Walrk.'1:'i' 'i - " ' ' Althbiigh'" there havo 1 always "' boon filirai'ies' On board our navM vessels, it was hot. until' Commodore Walker be- crew lexqept. the oillcexa. ; formerly, the hooks pn board a ship were for tlio ex plu&iva una. of . tlio. commander and. the higher officers, and were principally con fined to wovka.of a purely tochnical and professional description,, i i Now no ship going to a foreign station is considered to have its full.i complement, without a library, and by the" efidof the voyage tho books are well thumbed by. the many hands' through which .they have passed. " The favorite form pf reading is that contained in books of travel' and this propensity is encouraged by the navy de partment because it is well for tho men to be informed ft to localities" they may visit, J Books of a technical , hature, too, are read with ' interest, as well a his tories' and ' philosophical works. . Very few novels creep into' the libraries. Tin books are furnished , iho. government at about 50 per cent, of .iheir pubjished .values, and are paid for; , out iof, the ap propriation for navigation purposes. A ship's library, as it is now constituted under tho system used by Commodore Walker, consists of about 800 books. The same list i used for all tlie ships, of which there are about forty Which have the librariea. This list begins with tho Bible and .the 'irayer-boolc ' Tliere is quite a little law library of , nineteen standard- works.-' ' A few books on diplomacy' aro also added and a number if works of a naval and Military char acter. Tliis department also includes a book of naval sonqp, which is now but seldom tiaed, " because the.' sailors hayp learned tliem aU by heart. " ' ' -' . Then there aro technical, boots on stcsni, Oermsn and Spanish hnpdbooks,; with an unabridged Webster's dictionary and lioget'j , "The aHrUB,r i pvo.vidc), tho requisite instruction-i in langUago. t,' ATI the published volumes of "the American Coiiimonwoalth,".'' "American r States man," "Campaigns of tho Civil War" 'arid "Epochs of Anolentand Modern Ilis- tllry, series aro ' provided, vand many other works of lustory and biognipliy., , LHeni-y books belonging to a -ship, are Intended for ' tho use of ' all bffiwra at-' inched to thti'vp.isnli'also '.tor be'lontiofl to petty 'ofhwrs 'Brifl"' nW - when the coiu inanding oClcer may think it expedient.- THE WANDERER'S RETURM. 4 "How cold uuou . my eassion blows tb wind, , ' - ' Over the ' old? 'sweei ? fields so swoet .' that I "... . ' Could wander more, yet for Ml memory Not sweet enough. Beloved, ah! have I siimed; ),-, ''.;. That all but these dumb fields look so nn ... kind, ..'-''"' '... And I, without e'en one familiar face, '! Mast see tba darknoss' In tbo sunny place,. , ';...'.: , - And set my feet here, wandering still la mlndf ' -if i i Then-f?ltnolng np, If heaven might. look . sweet t f "'T'T Upon his sbrreiv; ' one' bright star he : spied. ,, ,''.'" ,' ' ,i - . "'',.v...;l..:" but bs hb 'gazed his hungry eyes grew n: dini, :i t -f,.! . : : ,, And the star seemed so many worlds from ": bim.-1 ' '.'' ' ;'';' ' '-'' ' Heart sick, he turned; and in the pool .; beside, ;.; Lot the same star was shining at his feck . ' MucMillan's Magoaiua. TREATMENT OF BILIOUSNESS; Boston TransciMpfc..' .a ,ftjpg, wiU be cured.of ,tlicse. fits,,,, (The-y limt bkoiwiiiitiiaj; UiCidrutiUubiit fsr'Wslf" win not neiri tie trade. ; vo& with -run-rihigriiU,c6nt,iimd' to ; (reivted 8a ailr,jnd Uiey aire not .likely to 'get the' benefit of. any doubt on "tl. subject, eiyjetSey Tot It jiews, xa.tedJiy the sweet master. voice of ay you ukt ind mod T f hfrfdgu-tlisf oitA(great ritafflht,Ahrf8?,Bh sang,' kVjfciU-.'LrriJiteniJ,7 infh railed,' lut lie could obtain no introduction, one was so near, and ret so far. 1 . niiOUg ktwa fcia-bnejiigat trr-4uiesH that liad occupied him for nearly eight-B-ftty hours,' with ' if tUs tiine for sleep, he beard tha sfartling -fhout of lire. He followed'tlie mob and the rat tling iU-ooatzvahrl iigiftS3oan iUuow dark - ftf ov ht, (iyB Jit bowers pf arrand cohcett thai evenimr. M. Al band's little TicCrnbgo nng-seemed, ktJ.plH.jtl anjl Agnioke. and Leat, seemsd sdl rvenbih WOblm's ears, just as of ffrtnPtiti.rf - bears anj cjn lis! only to the nightin-" . , . . . .. - & i i i . , , ' iiei u uuv spring. i dmiier pajl.i. Ths -fir" qttesiion. , asked,! tho subtt'Branoan J to im able t'n t:li,Kisii nut of .'ilio . liiiseer- I " ,4oonstniot ftskWatw,wliteJ.-uUt.,it , ' " '.'. 1 r," Hnd.-cmW.tUe ltouelU wo, tMuTiiltf !" h.r- w'f.at.4.' gbwiorsi; tho irA-nWl t.M, 1 Haul a IsI.ia Ui.dvilu HA-.... .12..- ttlh. uevenf thdugti .Hidely adtrUsLuf tttaVt itiJ. skeleton ipoejess- tAr,ivk hoblu Hoiil fled to tha blue heavens iNve. I ,'.'' ti.wt.-Hii-;i i v TliW ingratifode of lirh',k! oblivion has! the more economically disposed students. TPn "K.--urX "'V '"" Li..i,ixllu r '1n.A'o,L i. J naugnrer tins oisappearen. . xiis.'-nn. Have a distihat In flumiuo ou tlie Val Je of j s-11" y1 "?ro "' 1tbooinaia'Uir tjoiua (a inuke riip thwijlifr- tartipulateili andi haif i steiitona .sviiicU, have to ausvilf tlio pin-pot at ntuiT.,for; .: l. A KtMa Daito In Pnralai 'Tivb (?Ws' cOmo forward 'slowlyi-i-fqe f. the H ue Oriental W never in a' hurry remove their chnjrnts or head ctiVering, 'and liow lp the assembled guests. For sbtfio eebbfidi thf-y rtand quito motion hss, jhen A0 o.ve;li'Ij bgin to iiioyel n" J by ihvrces each iiiuscio comnicii'ces Ui 'n,,rv.iii,lili,vi.limhM ofT,...l ' A I. foil sen:- 4im,,,,,i. -ii ,,,.,.t .;m, i't,a'.'r.'nr.f:bV,Lri4t)frt-kti6rt. andfcvnrirent vorn- a.J"rcu,. iiu mi.ii mia .A,v'r. lmiiv., w- yffory. po jicyner had U, (l.'uicrrsfldvanoed tliau tiw fltK'nUoij.i'f; yeryon.!waai en- trreseil, ;r Tl-o,, erfJiriwra tjicn bent h'.-ids gradually Ticit tmti). they almbrt What an Enzliib fhyslclan lias to Baf of tlio Allinont A Word or Two. , ' Tlio symptbtns of biliounncas are nn happily but too well : known.-'. They dif fer in different individuals, to somo ex tent, howovor. , A bilious man is seldom, a.hreukfast eater. S Two frequently, alasf he has en excellent appetite for liquids, but none for solids of a : morning. His tongue will hardly bear inspection at any time; if it is not white and furred, it U rourii' at air events. The "digestive sys-' tern is vAolly dtrt of order; diarrhcol, or constipation,' may be a symtpm, or tha two may alternate,, , There are very of ten . hemorrlibds, or loss of blood even. There rriay W- giddiness, and often headacho, and acMity or flatulence, and tondoi-ness af'tho pit of the stomach. The pain felt in the right shouldor would indicate-i an .extra bad case, but apart from tin's, there are, aching pains and j eveiJ stiffness in the limbs, with more or ' less of cramps in 'the limb ; inusolea, or burning in the palms of the hands, with hot, perHpiruig.fcet,, .'. " ' .' . There may be drowsiness and torpor by day; and sleeplessness at night, and . ail . sorts-, and conditions of mind, es-. i pecially irritability;, fits of bad temper .that come ou suddenly and go oil agam, ahd that none are so thoroughly grieved iat the poor patiout .liimself. r. ?&, Bilious poople, generally fly for relief to aperient pills, and there is no doubt that . they often , ; adord , temporary relief fcy relteying the avor-gorged liver. ( , This really js!' hutiplilogistio' treatment, btit it tissiirodly iii not railicai. When ,a. iish pond wallows its. ,bnnks. we may )et off a portion of ' the' water, but after this' wb ought, ' tdothinks, to find our (vy t the other uend, of thei pool, and lessen tho inflow.) ;,,,.,,. : t Well, justaa'ord. about treatment FhvjL ain forouoE then in sudden bil- 1.0US aLiu:4, 111141, are ul tja acciiiiniarueu. mg a value man tliat of the boft-efc' my irancs iiigiiuruian MirdlhtflhaTe."'''!' . ; : In hnothe'r tanK' aitlnir treatment. L were, a nurrjoer-oi niairt iwuius, Taryiuxi ifpra, minus xourmantns to- pius sevww, dayB? In fjib hhiiw nioins they wro ar-i (ranged, (n ft gtadulated' scaw (cchella '.;(n.'; V,U... t. ,li,i'..iivA"1tttUT. fio Hrace' rerhains 6t liira ' Who twice paiscd' tTllimphant, cleaving the stone as he wtnt, through eternal hight from ono land fo another. rr ' , .' ' ' t' T ....:....' -..!.' i i- '.t httiqg1 alibJo for a great misfortune, ti the nit four incnes' tbfio adyl ib. 'rneasur ihg from eighteen to' twenty, all being ifi he,ttjtnd ;kBvn .ifffthe military A.1,I A. l,..t . f Il..n(,,.n ". Tli,. own for' man tip here who'll give fourteen.? , I'je-, jlrreat,. jo pi-oprtiuii V W-" siw.titrt- "How many jiggers do -yon jio? i.wbrU as,' ,tipi,at, ptWntion,' Qb,y'oVfo nq;'of'',Iknowa;. k.'v JW rWr''7f Writ ph, y'oti; man tip here who , next qnestion Wat: 1 "How mnoh dd you,ij ids. where even tho cats an 1 dogs had Llia of fhi.ir, l.i.tirnr. bruthiuaL.Ji nfttn- faJt waViri'ilie'sVdm'prf of AfKim J. rally .wondl-rod wlire a4(tha. bodlesl oarno minis 1 was U14 liiali.liie (Uiwect ingf'rooms and hoatiKals furnished a large proportion, and 'that tha .proprio-' tor ut the -establishment, took care Ui monopolize the - suriprr, whioh was al ways khort of ther- demand. Louden Medical Press. ' ' - ' ' ' ' ' est add 1 4t"e- - 1 want.ilwre sick 'and worn but I neither nokeI kor dmok.-' I wae told I fcouldf not ao'witbonf wMskivlMt I Vbs fdie oif y nian tot fifty "wbo made full lime, f x . garoeUy ninrij poapusv winie ha,who coo id fcava thrown jnepver their brad st the boiginniiig ot that ear' Urt.UV 1- s v-va m ;vai tj.- ua , Ufdxm Globft-Dlmocrat 7 i, J liouso-lie bbitt'i sttviklS "desolate, the gardens aro deserted, mo smoKeioss'i, - : . . ... -,. ' .4-. chirhneyi rise olach In tleAr Mr. and TntAll Jrpio side to iJe, tlie qniyvriu motion reooiuuA'iiCf 4, ail the ilaiic.'rs, nBsuiuo their upright ixwiuon and bsi-ak . into a sor, o( badjy, clauced polka. Tliis native dancing niight sliMuSt bo called, ft song' UitrnUtd ! ty ugvature, anil, poflu ring mthrr tliau ihincing in oor ncci'ptatiqn of the - wurit t T!u-s" song ' daneM sre Usually nroompuiiied fcy ft din of tom toms, or a squeaking sort of- violin, but played by the tinkers only; tli9'1sMtnd produced arc! nioiiotonou. and not ulooa- iiig to Eurojiean ears; tho movements of il. r.l.l....i . t . -J--i..... ' inn iitiiivrin aia jiiuruii vj winuiiiuwo. Londbu SocTefy;" -;- "'' " .' ' rtiigj it, i-1 Unstii to send for ft medical ! rni.juKft'ta'J4. r;eru?raIly, pome on ,in tho rnorning, at the time the body is liSbsfcVeaV. I 36' Vioe think upon tho 'Whole I 'should bd.justiiod iri suggesting toivhf "tlio p-Aiiriil, tlleii they I raised (uWtHHtjaayiWUas-! tisia .papt. ?P U thhirtseiy'eV 'nrtd"li.nr!ed 'foKvard iiiitiJt th'cy'Wk-'Aiwiirlttimt 'tneirv ku;- ,'Mili iiiiver:ng"lfi " every' irnacK''ttntil at ""l'or HoiiiirHK'buila Uief"rt;JiiUiiied tiiero' q:if(a.i!iblon!ess, n Mhjugh' iinlni.i'.ion emtio castle w,U. for thp praient (d tejitt,' .I...,...- ,1 .. ' -J:l.. .'. -L-.T.....'. Y - Cor, York 6mi,, ,:,.h . i. 'Amarlraa, Caitrulon In furclgo Land. v. In traveling .though Mexico, Central and South Arwrica, ami some parts of Europe,' I have bwo strut k by tlie fact that United States controaUirs and toa lators always iftay'i American rati! of wcmL'-wbi'(j' .,l.gi(!miin'- takft advanr gftle'i i's va amidbt the bel of TQices urthe woodiTni cafTv spnne. After rrfonnance.f ilhelm waitid for whaft t vesri'd quite a lonjr lime for hi frientfjaVAll the-owHnusicians hd oresses and nied away? U stiu be caiae not. . ' r Williebientured at la A to ask one in anthorirTT "l i 'n "Oh. rVirwsi the Utn "M. Albaa has not JUZX - He is te'ing to. the mah - ger. TlieianarTT J-.ita him to stay vo, out B oi rials on ui rowing up ms cji-jj -Strafe!" said Wiltrjm. '. "ies.lstnnge. are hi friend? Tm, AtVD, and even, voo do not able to Im the dMmv. But this At- bano pr-ndid vifaMSK Any orchoa- oh'ftre frOnTend-to-end K,!JVilh;lsa' got,, oioae to the turning bnildmg, and iieiiied to work the etutiiwv rJuftlx're Was other and braver work for him to tacklei- For lookl tha. faces of will clirnblaAitirrtpsrV and smoke np' 1H3 rickety, ladder?' Who ut Iruuin Uet)saro'tiini? . WUbelni will!, He i-eptmo tftward it," up -.sad flows, al.d up and'Sown. and hk has1 savvff thrv. -iiu , is scorclied'anJ bnrnl.'..to f eern t bear a charmed life. The hut he uvea, tra in Vyr ) would tfwjlhng to retain' nis servsf- Yet, MltlyatloA if Trnipiui-Con jh. ?Whooplng-coygTi,paroxys(ras,jU is we'd nown.'are sensibfy ameliorated by the almVB,Tififffi nf c-aa wurln. jtnii therA is same reason for the Ixilief that cures off tagewf sny local mtes-whlch may profit tliem. Thus in Mexico contract ae car ried out side by aide, and wlnlu Aiui r irao contractors pay $1 and $1.2) ft day, Eoro-peah btJasi-s "far '. t.Hf emu and seventy-five cents. It is just the same in the, Argentine renrblio, on all tHe pulx lie works thrr. Local labor is absurdly cluap, and F-ngli.h contractors pay.just as little us they can, "while Aiu'wan1 old g- U to to a works for this purpose. . His plan attach pieca ct rubber tubin burner, the tubing I --ing, long enough to fVach the floor.' ' Trie gas- - h tirmed on jnit enongh to maka a prepti!il od.tr,; and the cWM Is'to"fnhSUit fof a -few Bflrratei at ' thne iutufUii tJ ctinftnienU Ciiicago News. ,,i loJiisAupif jov. irtfw-yowng, Uasi U UUiUx boU Jj in aferr, h faiata sad falls.' - - . . ' If fi'iirdjiaji fwfors be wms l Tiis Sf lues at 4)i, bJLeli iX would bo, . ww-KS befars ite rM raaadL Waa4 snatudU it? pay, dfa-nl.r ales al thro'Jir.-uid.in tlt lonir run come out the boat. Uiuir terms attracting all. tha'lwat.men, J, S. M ' areovid Runddy W M.tt, and M, Uantit-r, ,( Itlio,i oftdrurtlnlii In'rarl. - Lf.pnoof itltoifirst thmga which strikes Hieioy of ,an observant Aiurica tr.lv ulur in Eaglaud and Franut,iith differ, ence in tho nature of th warea ndver-i tinod, ..in largo liittur on a hlank . wall. Sbo it bills ,cf theatres and -circtm- are ia Slxinciincoion both aiilasof- the Atlantic of course, writns a corre,tonJ- ;' ent, trt second only to thsse m imrod tance are the flaming adm-tisemen's in Artier- ic. of varioM- tobaccos,-' in England of various eatables and drinkables, and in Prance of various rte wspipors ami books. In Paris a large ptister is likely to reconi-' mend a new book or newspaper, in Lon don a new jam, or a new soda water, in ' New York, 4 new brand , of tobacco t smoke or to chew, Tlie 'onipiiriKon is Wtjf the disadrantoge of lli jrrebch mau. Aqother thing to hi noticed is Uiat tlie pro. is.callfd upo i to do public work more often here tiianiq., England or even in America. If there is a ureat ratastropha the newspapers not only ; opn , subscriitiuni tlKr are awo ex pectaj to orgamzs an entertainment, performance, or a fete of some kiii'l. And the ftolitifal nMrnpriners omhine in groups aimomirrtiriinvmitfriis,- Thdre I was an eh-ctiiH here in lliri tho first or f : t. .. r, , Hhi TrM yfork aad Si.,. Ociew Ji.Tft, found out. souurfLing 4 tSe pine Rlie'cs'r'il tikfTy td ee and inquire after Sand rvmouaa die him wallH XTiTTt v tu nM rM rtorr" Rrtt ha a-"r4;h h fa .rotich. ltais for- I J rif.t rh. v . a. "V. . ... ' i ,- ron i iruiri. iiaav. iw-ip-nim rtiir- I . . . . . i . ,-- . , . 'iw . : I 4 -- wTiTT a.i (. uinri iiw mu nr iuttml i a- . . ,,f. ... fnmdschat diatrailT . v-atmr rmmtw Wm-iub daui- "I aui sure lie is not. I only know he j y 'iZ-YZ .i I'ihiL Aa l tha ha a tenicn or immoos for hU nrmia-fie rrt r"H' fM '-r'and thm tftioVncies, but lie luts not thought fit to ug e l WViaVai "J enhizh!i me M to what they are. and it Tt.C.i i aJ J'Ha ti jt "S-rnry fottago woold i't breonn me to inouira. But whn M.iri r-ror-r. Vii wr rot n ' ' A BlamJac M IM llnnls. - . , - j . TJ picnic, is aa ancient institution, but it hnsrrached ilafulk-'iiktwnsnatnritf onArhrt-iraii soft Wth ail iu big bugs i vrj novels nansery, 'that the frait tn-p and Iitt.e bugs ant red bugs and hunt- I sbunben in dayona4uia works at juglit. bugsitcornestonshkawaterinatriirity ! This saodera itWa ta that fruit travs ao land, like a lpndilia ot. Ti. fa the j qnire nsnrto thaw growtli at nigbu The eary. It is better than Cie txill, trilh 'frott of tfc- ehrry laur for- instance. die ' successful ' competitor, was an nounrl es the ctndMaW'ff th radlinU socialist press.-JT. Hnf York Oraphic. Caaaaaaaccawnl Shcmia ba lAixriiaaad. - Tlie ria:i Brunei iaro Import wantn to havranmiremenui abol:Ahfyi on tl;0 gratmil Uint they are ont ef plNtft. in a country where fn edocatinneisrTen-d - .4-- . . . . ..... ! to a.L - Titm tnVmet-nmamcmerit. us lau aressana it nutiug, awW imnis I Has omt laana vrva. avrqw, oi jiaue, j - .. - - . -- bar. ad lar.u. ki. It U batter 1 to' inrru at U tt t1 p. scat at ' tf. thanlt-.creligiomi ftfvL rrmrion i iriebt and on!v'rrr.nt. by day,-while I blU K-bor was a,rway aal adi . - . ih i r V.-. .1 Willi t'tftAiMA liiti-r . IIj rvnurnlls WI ffuavsKut rv ft -Mawi raaa i.!' V.iriri --t w 1 - - . "rr ri" M vt-xttmriH vw-' t .'"I-.. .J comjKsihsd tosuJv Jardiiira) and is ribbed to Aha souud f cri:d uiuic toz-XiUm (Da,) Jtlrrm. TT " r''' ' ' ' ' ' , ift-ord-r to. hi. kaowi. Trrryrfiar t-frtr Xfta baT. j-f"'Mr. rT!li5riwxt, twt ift IXMikifl t spondmaji rwpec. ufoa .wjiiaing.n Kut it ' irtlVd alnisniiH. TVIct hi was pn par- - TS danrtWTBof th tmnre-of Wabtf "ttnTitrteal thatters. - snva taat thrrs an I si aonru tor uaa auOK.to I union ma ' Tli.IaMi of Ooata.ra Catlfnmla. . rVjiithem-Ualifornia is fifll of 4nsoebl ftttd'rptiI.'-'TbPrn 'nra thirty-five va rieties'cf arfts.-1 'OcrsnionRlly a tree Is so full of iherri that If.' as Ir. Van Yijke naively says,' a ijuHImt griwlj-lierel't of her cm w-ro raprlrig Iri onels immediate rcsr it wotild tit- 4 erion question whether to Hinlb the fn" or ' tho bear. There are about a down kinds of wasps, eaeh with a.. .Lutiuefei end. tho lrgi-st I cing Uie tcr;;nlul.i ws;p, which is nearly two jnc!i'shiig, Tho turtntida prop-r is found only in u few pious in the low Ian Is, Thcro nre two Liad tiio b.'ak and the trow n nd the largest : are nearly two and a bidf incht-s long by one ant one-balf wid, with long, thick, curved legs, and tba body hung low so that the curved part of tha leg is above tba back. Tlwy look lika a huge spider, and their bite is said tobe fatal, though Mr. Van Ijr kr twarw heard of anybody being bitten by thin. .n.' i ''. ". Of befit!, btiturtlirs, brigs and fl(a, therfl is apfrtrently no. end. and scorpion sro criniimalry het with. but are by no means imm,m or dnnger oiix.' LrsariW are JTrtty thick,1 snd rat-tb-snakes are often sc-en,-lrat are ustrdly sl.igt!t. -l!r fsT, t! commonly ao rrpt thory toth contrary, the poion-, tnw tpt'ps of Calif orrria 'do txit littlo harm.' Tbo Califnrnian wonM gladly take twenty rimea l.;a; pnpnt share of snali , NrplTrui, ttrartirhM, d-ntipeJea and esrtliqnaks rather than give up his Jirew-nt immunity from - windatonns, ivdrophobia Bad lighbiiu. Ite view of Van Di ke's "fvMithni California." ' simnlu reason that cases (liner so. "tUlVhWwift aku'ff frdifi treating a case liko tliis, howovor, if, when he ii ' on co more well, tlio - patient returns to Tiii uiii fawaiygujtBtr&Bbitt tif lifn? - -"What am J to do thfiTjuay beasked. Yill teh.you what yo'-i aro not' to do. " You ite tiof to over-eat; you aro not to use sugar or fat to any extent, puddings, pastry, or cheese. ," , You ore not to touch alcohol. You ure not to sit in over hciited roorrii. ' You aro neither to over work hof over-worry yourserL And you ore not to , nhiik tbo-piarning-tub , nor plenty of exercise. . ,,, . . What are' ' you to do" for the oddity? Abstemiotauiess, Sfid ' rtcgiUation of diet and haliits,, will i.tnitiivly banhili it, and you will hayo, (ha .pleasure of knowing that its absoQce i a sign of rejuvenatioa of tho liver?" ' ". .' If you bat try week of the treatment I suggest, I fn convinced you will once more feel ft plcujuiro in life, and aa in (efest In oi yo-ir surroundings, . , But aridity often leads to rheumatism, and on this subject I hopo to have mora ' to say another day. ' I shall be quite sat is fled, with my present paper if it put a few of my readers on tiio- right road to ' henlth, ami that cr.n only be git at by seeking for and removing first causes in stead of. treating eyinptoma. Family Doctcr in Cusrecll's 3Ligaiine. ,,,,, Ardtlanu ftai4 to la KpUamta. , .Accidents aro Jiko. crime, I believe, rpidemic. Down in Caroitdelet this is more noticeahlo than ebjewhero. Some days, how, tliere are as many as three or four a day for two weeks accidents on, thu railroad,- accidents at the steel works, ' and outside accidents. Then there will bs tlmas when we dont have - much as a crushed finger reported. It may he that the weather, tiie atmos phere, h.-Ji something to do with It, la rraklng people more or less careful at different trmwe I tjon't pretend to ex- U-nti!i(-dr!aain-4vrTifier.r-ir. 6tarkloff la Ulato-JJiunocrat. -' ' A' rU.mo(l tttta la Earap" ' ' Jiut now tliere is a rage in Europe for pi u. ing diamonds , as - single onset atones in - flower, aigreUrt and all ' kinds ''of c unexpected ' pUcea. This has lad" . to tj - introduction o' the real diamond JSmsscls lace, la which the genu are insorWd quite safely. In a laco fad sliown in the Antwerp ex hibition there were ' 790 raai atones. . Now York acapnia, : i i Bay Wk Nrll tb Tfaalb.. ' ' 'A W)i4afTf(i.frr JnewFrper tells the tiink nothing of trirychng fifty. iuil-s ft I 1r0,() jfrm-mtr?v4 fit one er-ity J children of this suite with a free eJuca dv.' 'and jusUv waU si tba American- i or another hi London theatres or ranao'! tion. and then to make' fcerwa of thlm' riri who fainU afUr ft hilf-miii waX- halls. London Letter. - for accepting It." Chicago Times. I r... r. r.,., p.'i.ni i; The London Athenaeara thinks tha na- riri London Letter. ifiiiH. nlun h was pn par ing the one for lTWoneof his boys aked him what he should pnt cj.ponite the !3th Of July." Mr. Thomas, being en irsgod, replied: "Anything, anrtJiing." "Die hov, thus ordereL returned to the Anoy Whlah Kspaads aa Ciwllnft , Most metals and alloys shrink or con tract on cooling. But an alloy whrt h will expand on coolirr may be nu 'e of load' nine -part, aTrt:mony two port, bumuth cm part. This alloy can bo 1 vantsgfouily usd to fill small hol-s an 1 defects in irou cstir.;rs Oikvv;o JCt-wa, No great man is frreM in 1-? r.--i