IT 17 VOL. XIII. GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1887. NO. li ADVEIUTSEMKNTo. Headache, Tain In tho Sido and Back, and Con atipatlon, indicate that the digestive and excretory organs aro in a disordered condition, and that a laxativo ia needed. . Kor this purpose, Ayer's Cathartic Pillj are the best inodicino that can be used. Aver'a Pills aro a never failing rem edy for Headuclius caused by a Dis ordered Stomach. I suffered for years from this iniirmity, anil never found any thing to five mo more than temporary relief, until I bejrau taking Ayer's Pills This rumlirine always acts promptly and thoroughly, an occasional tloso being all that is required to keep inu in per fect health. -Mrs. Harriet A. Marble, Poughkeepsie, N. 1 I have found entire relief from Constl- Fation, Stomach troubles, and Nervous (eadaehe, by taking Ayer's Cathartic Pills. I suffered a long time from those complaints, was nnder medicaltreat ment, witliou obtaining relief, and a part of the time was unable to work. A friend, who had been similarly alllict ed, urged mo to take Ayer's Pills. I I'ommenued using this remedy, and, by the rime I had taken four boxis, was -cured. F. L. Dobsoii, Topeka, Kans. Ayer's Pills, . Prrparcd by Dr. J. C. Aver & Co., Lowell, ).faa. bold hj ull Drugiriald oud Uculcia iu ilcdiciuc OBSTINATE. HilRHSill. :. ia& us? vrn u era The Great Southern Ksmetfy Ju.-a" BGEJEk, trouble. AND CHSLDRgfJ T2H Hli-itf. There are v.ry few viiio do lint know of this cf err ij.cuiiiaiiM mid Mils: hut very :vr r.-uKft ifcc, ilia'. ihe llttlo purple bony, l;kli Miiisnyof m linve eatoa in niont every uliar e. i.iHe iu c.w i riple lu It bavin? a wnntl, rfut .'f:.?ic ,-. te bmvets. Dr. UjKr'g lim-kleherry (: .1 ia tllOORKAT HtlVl UKRN HIUKIiy V.r&f " PllOt'PS the little one ti-etltine, a nil cures .'.arriiaa - - J)mpntery atnl CrEnip Cain. When it iaroiwidf rotl i!-.nt r.t thin Bwson of year sudOon i-nrt duipf niir: rUucI: of Ujo bowels aro so ffpqutmt, mul hrnrnf :;o lr.cny denthH occur rtnff belnt-o ft pliyichm hii bo called In; it la Import!) nt tint: evt'tv hutfe fcaM should provide thsnieelvoft witti hiudq apeedy relief, a rtosQ of whirli will relieve the pabi and save much enxloty. Vr. Hltfven .Muck k be try Coi-dlnl )HaHinipl3rci.0y hiuft Itiiv child la plnasetl u take. Prte, SO cent n bottle. Mnmifrtctured fcy - WALTER A.TAV.bOR, Atlanta, " Ta y lo r a CTieruh ee tCem et v f we p I Mum . mmd Mtillefti will cnr Ohi 'Iia. Croup auU Con-yimpt'.t-i. prtfi gciw. " mi 1 !. Ileal Estate Agency. AAEEEH & EEBNOSLS, Agents, GUAIiIm; KriT r 1A platitiilion ono mile from Me ln lie, in Aliuiiiiiice county, coiiliiiiiiii) SB3 fcCres Wacrro In oilgmn! itrowlb. nil I Dime. I'm In culiiv lion. The i hice i " wa'ered. u eret k luid two hraii'-hes. rui.iiinir ihrousrli It. A Him orchard. 8 stihk! tobacco bjrn, 'i tenement house, good feed liarm, an 0-rooin dwcllinif iviih liupcment aiid I., unit immmI well of wnlcr. sre on it. ( i.nve-ii-m li t'liiirclie. nehool. nr.d a ifiioil new mill bi J utile of the Iioiiw. it Is a ilt'Mr.iliie ta. u adiiu'ed l' the growth of tolMfeo. t'niin ana (rrSKMii". P a c 1? CC'ded in wl.eal ni d onts, riiMUFSliiD uiveil ai once. PiiceSaiOO. junl: Mme.DErViOnEST.'S RELIABLE PATTERNS An the only ones that win glTa a perfect UuUig garnumk MME. DEMCRESrS 8ystom of Dress Cutting. hart and Book of fnTl direction, enaHhic any ono t Cut aad l it perfectly. Ptrci, $300 Sent by mail, pott paid, a receipt MME. DCMOREST'S Portfolio or. fashions AND WHAT TO TTEAK (s Sbnre ManziM ot tO mite of Fasliln Notre nt WKa, UKUWWI wiu ftbouc l,oo vuu. sens puKftam, scr Genu, THB flemoresf gewmg facjiine, THIS BTVLK OSLY 1050 .VI aza mm :-br J aw Ma. Iwrle 8,C0 oH tiTla vrM atlsfsctlam. tlfDon'' Fy other ccmpeuilo $40.00 profit on machine hot so good as TB DEMOREST, bat bay direct of tie X3s oiactarwm. Sent C. O. D. TTrC or CVrwUn. DEMOREST FASHION ant SEWINC MACHINE CO., It tatl I4Ua Mivet, Mew Vrkt1lf JAS.E.BOYD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Creruhorn. If C. Win b at 5rian tw, mHi a to aUeii4 loprofcMioDal btt-lou. (Sep IS) fTlie author of th followiuic little ttory. totally un known in France nnt.l now, lives atGnitz,la Hyri. Upt.ithn b;b of IS ha wax a travelin tailor: and it u-an white workinp; hero oud there at uveniiisa nt varioim farmhouse where 1m ol t iineJ t.Miifwmiy einpl iymtut. tliat ho learned t!i.' tradition and thu htoi ieH of til s country. Ono -diy ! Mintn-pap. r puhlbhrd at Cratz a litlb st jry. ailiiiiraMy conceived and told, lint literally full of iiiisi.i i:in. It ivas rea l, and the author r.'.iusted tj vl.iit the newmuiur oiTicj. In au wur to too r. qiu-Kt atliin jn l pallid litlle peasant made hiii uparauej. Cr.-at wua everybody' iih t ini.iiiiu.Mit. Jlueb Intoivst wo felt in tli cx tr.ioiliiKiry ft.iloor, and arran;;emutits wero made t jsive Iti in nn education lid spent iu eouso q:i' iiee t,vo yeairf nt school: uud duriaj the t'.v.-iiLy yoas-s tiiat liavd niiieu ela;ed rtou;s;;or ha h vn on.; of t je most remarltnula and luout l)o;i;il:.r of Austrian writers. Le Figaro. "Yes, " s:iid Flori. "No," said Brona. "And onca more I say, yes," said tlio yoiuig man, frowninj as hi' npeko. "And onco mort-1 kiv, no." responded tho young girl, lowwiiig her eyea "Tlieu you muafc bo o;io of thoso wo'.nen who always inako it jKiint of Eay i.i Koi when a man caya YosI And you pretend t!iat you lovo mel You J. svuntta be with raa lhrou-rh. joy and Borrow, ai tho priest says!" ''Ho has not said it yetl" . "An;l. do you want to get into tho habit of pulling your own way in every-thin;-? Well ! a nico hitch that would make! You do not lovo raout ull! Good by and good-by forever!" . She tlu-ow hor amis around liis neck, and clung to hi:n: ho strovo to push her away from him, but alio would not let Liui loose, and ahe cried out: "Ojieu - my - breast aad look at juy heart! I have nothing there but you only you! I can say notliing more." "I don't want to hear words; I want to two actions. Prove to mo onco just onco what you liave been- telling mo at least a thousand times!" "If you could only understand, ray Flori?" she answered and her eyes iieeroed to liecomo larger "if youcotUd only un derstand, I would say 'yes' quick enough what diiTcrencc could that make? You lovj me; what does everything else mat tor! without you, I am nolliing now. Hut if you rivet yourself to mo to-day by a chain of iron; to-morrow, perhaps, your lifo and - your happiaesj will no longer bo your -own, ' "They will belong to you! I will marry you!'' "Yoa will marry mo ye3, I believe you will. But will it bo for lovo or from lieccBity? I want to know you are act ing of your owu freo will when you fake my hand before tho altar." "That will do, Brona! Everybody is betrothed ill'teen days beforo tho wed ding, and tho pledge is as binding ns tho IdeoJod stolo itself to thoso who arc hon est. Now, Brona, I pledge myself this day to marry you!" And you actually think you will lie ablo to many in two woehs from to-day?" I (should liiij to know who u going to prevent mo." Who is going to prevent you? Tho einjieroi-!" The emperor?" "Yoa are 31 yoara oil, arid you may be drawn in tlu conscription throo weeks from noA"' - "Whet are you talking about, Brona? Yoa know I am an only eon; my parents are old and broken down; the farm is a very l;irgo o:io. I liliall not have to servo at all." "You will not havo to becomo "a boI dier?" e::c!uhue4 tho young girl with a cry of joy. "No! no! no! And now again let me ask yoa, v.hcu is tho wedding to come Slio did not answer. But when bIio left tho wood, dazzled by tliat great af ternoon sun of June, she had said "Yes." .01.1 Schwandliofer was ono of the wealthiest farmers iu tho canton. II? had onca been straight and strong as tho tower of hia farm. Only tho weight of his seventy years liad been ablo to bend him, but ho hail been humbled by their power; he could not walk without the elpofa cane and hi) hands trembled; it will clone remained solid, and direct ed everything in tho house, llin wife was his worthy companion. She had boon twenty, ho forty year3 of ago whn they were married. IIo had cared well for her, had brought her u; from a child and loved her aa u woman. Now, it was she that was really tho man. and lie tho cliil. 1. It had taken the o! I farmer a very Ipng time to under stand that the will of his wiTo had lx o!U3 strong by comparison with l;is own; that she lial learned both to think and to act as lie did! l'eoplo said ihst they owned a good dal of money. Some even said tluit money owned them. Ln viou'i people, of couk such U3 cxLt in ail parts of tlio world. Tho old couple had never dono liann to a:iy one; but t!icy ha! no heart; none of (hat heart which doe3 co rauc!i gool in t!ie world, and to much evil likewise. T!io birt!i of tlieir son oujlit ta liav2 change I tiicrii a little; but it was too Lite tlieir feelingi had bt-n drifd up. They only f.-lt tlio joy tf interest; they neiilier know ho-.f to Jove liim iut to ma'io theawelvei fowl by bini. Tl y;rjn;; man was upright of ciiarucUT Lkc Li rurcnt ;; but bo was aUo headstrong aad tiU'm Lko they were. OH .Schwaudhofer wo3 cerUiialy not inclin't of lii j own freo wi!l to make over tlio f;ira to his son? V"hca a j-as- a:it cades iiijt property, lie too often yields u; hb liberty as well; bo beconica a mere uru'lire. tho servant uf lu3 own son; sonetim',s rJinost a Ixrrrar, obli-d to sw't for breail ia I'm very liooso wliic'i lioliini, flan w too young. he tlwught; w!ieo younj men aro masters they arc o; to live too high. and t t!iink jf m-ithiag c:xept bhowin that they aro pjastcrs,; tliy cat up ail Ciry luvo very wra. and more, too!" So old Schwandliofer used to tar. ISjt cne d3j tlio village ina-isirato aaid tolnm: "nori is 21; and wUj aoch a franio a bo has, titer 'U sa be wanting to make a cuirasuer out of liim. If you want to Ktra hint from becoming a i- ovor to liira." It waa tlw wifo that caffored mwt at hcaruig Una. Site did not want to k't tiie farm po; but alia did not want Iut hou to go t-ithor. Tlirn thti liusband raid: -Ve'v p tomake up onr muk lv do U. . I'm piling to tnaks tlio farm otvr to tlie bny; but I U make luinundrr l U uxl Out cwni d pmicrtj docsa't Uicia tirvjrjj of nis iTj." And tWa was tho state of affairs on that day when Ilori camo bitck from tho woolts. Ho opened tho door, and entered tho house with a proud gait; ho felt that ho had become a man. lie wanted to speak to tho old man at once; and ho did not feel afraid to do it. ' Tho old couplo aro Beatod in their best room their council chamber tho apart ment from which all orders aro isaued. IIo is reclining in cn easy chair with a ctiihion behind Ids head; she sits upon tho etovo tench. Kho i3 a singidar woman. When h 6pca!u, she remains silent end wait3 until ho has finished be fore giving her own opinion. It often liappens their opinions aro as opposite na a "yes" i3 to a "no"; in such cases she always makes tho first small advance; then ho makes a little advance upon liis side; tiioy nro not yet wholly iu accord; they consider and reconsider on every side, and continuo to discuss it until they arrive at List at tliat unanimity of opinion which good 6pouso3 should nlways enter tain. If they caanot come to any agree; ment by bedtiuio, they retire; an I nest day everything is arranged nr tho most desirablo way. For thirty years they have lived thus! Flori enters tho roorw Until that Jay although ho liad nlways been allowed to bo present at tho family councils, ho had no voico in them; he always muto near the great clock. IIo does not sit thero to-day, but sits at tho table, and leans upon it with folded arms. The old man looks at him, shakes liis head n little, and asks him a few unim portant questions; Flori observes: "It must lie so arranged." Tho old man turns his head, half closes lik eyes; as.if he felt slyepyi mid answers; What is that you say, flori?" "I say tliat if tho farm i3 put ia my name, I can't live all alone." "What do you mean?" "I mean I want to get married." "Indeed!" exclaims tho mother in an icy tone. "I know a frjrl,.' continues tho young man; "I don't want to waste any time over tho matter; I will bo married in lif tccn days from now," Tho old man drams upon the table with clifTcned fingers. At last he asks: "Jlay we be permitted to kaow who you are going to marry?" "Brona Brona Stegbrunn." "Indeed!" cxclaimi tho old man in his turn. And then, as hp says nothing more, tho youth proceeds to explain the various' 'reasons why ho wants to get married; and ho finds so many tliat. ho does not need to give the true and only real reason. Tlio mother shakes her head, aa if to drive away a fly; tho father is absolutely petrliied. He only opens liis mouth to say to hia son. just as tho latter is on the point of leaving the room: "Wait a littlo while; wo cannot a.-eo." Then ho rises, lexis upon tho table, and proceeds to speak: "My dear Flori, you liavo licen wast ing your word3 on air try to recall them. A3 for in?. I have heard nothing: I do not want to hear anytlling of that sort from you! If you 'want to marry, you know to whom it is your lirfit duly to' adilresa. -yourself. You know that your parents can oidy wish you well, and can only design what they believe is pood for you. They we not going to give you a wifo who will not suit you! Lcavo tlii matter to them. Now yoti can go. But Ilori does not go. . "Is tliat your answer," f.ilher?" "It is not a question, you may bo jicr fectly certain." And tho mother begins to tako part in tho cftair: "liavo you gono perfectly crazy, Flori. Y 5ti ebuM liui l:a?'ii liimto it 'oth6 i IiSWI Tliat girl is just everything which u unlit for you. Hold your tongue, and don't answer me. you fool! bho is juut like her parents! yes, you ought to have seen them when tliey wero rich, thoso people! They would not then so much as conde scend to look nt us; they wero nothing but silks and velvets. And now tliat they liavo squandered everything they hud now, when they orebeggara now, indeed, they would bo only too glad to get our son! Oh yea! And you think slio is pretty? I'd liko to kijow whero hor prottincsa Is! J'ra never been ablo to bco it! And a nico lioiisekccicr she'd rmtko for you a nico housekeeper, in deed! Holy Mother of Cod! Wouldn't thero be wasto cf money, and fino Jady ciro enough! V'by. try milkmaid littlo finger's worth her whoio body! JIarry a servant, if you wish, my son so lon.g as it is a girl Tho Lnows how to work ! But A girl who lias been onco well o!7. end has notliing now! never! tU lQa,i ro we live, sho'll never put her foot inside tins house!" Tlio old man eliakss his head; the young man trie to reply; the riot her Again protcrta. exaggerates, fcivrals, works herself into a ccrcamL'ig j-'ition until tho fattier exclaim; 'Enough cf this, Anna; it fa c'l mere foolisluKw!' , "By thunder!" shouts tho young man. j stamping on tho f!oor, ;-I will not permit Brona to be iiwtiYed. I wii! marry lirr!" I Foe!!" erclahns tlw old man, "go j Crolll oil. Here is an oil which is so susceptible to! cold that if placed in a certain tonix.-m-ttu-o where ice will melt it will freeze. But this delic:to greaso comes from a warm country, and is found ia tho fat that forms at tho base of tho foro le.-s of tho Indus river crocodilo ui the Punjab. Tjhp preparation of this c:l is tho cliief busi:ies.i of tlm Barib Indians, and tho oil i.i a famous leather dressing in tho Orient. It, is cheap enough over there, fut this littlo botUo will cot me $10. Kjieaking of crocodilo oil, hero is nn oil tliat I could Gurprisa you with if I should put a wick down in the bottlo raid touch a match to it. You would eco us bright a llame nl mobt as a kerosene lanii would give, and yet this oil is only tho tried cut grease of an Amazon river alligator. Alligator oil has boon used perhaps for centuries along tho Amazon river as r.n iUuiiiinant, and tho business of extracting it to now na important ono ia Brazil. Now York ijua. "So that's it?" observed Rchwandhof or. "Good! but thero is a mistake about tho affair. I r.m in first-class health and quite strong enough to see after my house; I need nobody's services, and will not sign anything. Give mo the paper; I will make tliat statement in writing." "I'll write it for you, if you wuut," said Flori. - I i-Vcry well, writoit! Writo that I withdraw my petition, and proposo to re main the master of my own house! Write that I tun pleased to have my son become a good f oldier. Writo it why don't you write?" "It makes no difference," oliservod tho officer; "without your signatures tho council can't do anything "in regurd to tho. petition." "Very well, then; you can go." "Glad to find you so much improved, Farmer Schwaudhofer," said tho official, as ho left tho room. - Flori was pale n death: tho veins in his -temples throbbed; ho clenched and lifted his hands as if to strike. But ho let them fail again almost instantly, anil said: "I havo no need of you! Jlay God grant t!l:t" yoinievcr- feel tho-iiced of me!" And for the last time in his life he pas'ie.l. tho threshold of his father's house. - Four weeks later lie was a soldier. Bix months later he was on guard in a nar row pathway iu tho mountains of Herzo govina. Tho old Bchwnndhofcrs liecamo ill nnd melancholy. Ono day two thing!! were sent to them a ;ttloJ)yniid a letter with a Hack seal. Tho child had been, sent to them from Brona's death chamber; the letter from tho military headquarters nt Mostar. They wept over tho letter, and then they,miled at tho child. P. IC. Boseg ger. Translated for New Orleans Times- Democrat. A Vaitt Timber Arr. "Among tho myriads of natural curi osities and wonders that confront the vis itor to tho coast of tho North Pacilic ocean," said a gentleman recently re turned from a trip to that region, "notli ing impressed mo no deeply as tho gigan tic forests of I'uget sound. That arm of the Pacific is 200 milts in length, with a shcro so irregular, and indented so plen tifully with bays and deep iiariwrn tliat its measurement is over 1,800 miles in ..extent. Along this whoio shore, line, and extending thence on Ixjth sides', miles and miles farther tlian tho cyo can see, is ono vast' unbroken orea of forest trees the like of which I never saw. A few sawmills havo l)oen erected along the sound, oud although for several years they havtf ripped flOO.000,000- feet -of lumber from these forests annually, the spaces mado by what neeni liko tre mendnun inroada on tho timber uppeur Tho mtu-kots for thii product of theso miiis in tho depths of tho Washington territory v.-ilderness is South Ameiica, Australia'; Central America and tho Pa cifli ocean Uands. Thi Teat kit tf tiinlxjr eoveiu :((),000.000 acres, an area equal to that of the states of Massa chusetts. Connecticut, Vermont, und New Hampshire. Tlio forestH aro of fir, cedar, maple and other valuublo woods. The lira two-thirds of the timber. An olilcial cstimato jilaces the nfiiount oi timlier on tins belt at noO.OOO.OOO.OOO feet enough to last tho mills now there for inoro tlian 1,000 years. Tlio lir tree grovdo the enormous heiglit of 200 feet, and I havo seen piles of boards cut from them, not ono board in which was k Ihuii ICtt fk.t king nnd sis wkhteS'itlionJ. a knot from one end to tho oilier. New York Sun. At tlio Krapp MhI n'nrha. An interesting account It given by Mr. Kichards, surierintendcnt of tho motive power of the Boston and Providenco rail road, of a visit mado by him to tho fa mous Krupp steel works at Essen. He saw a ten-tori crucible steel casting being poured, and an enormous seventy-ton steel casting being very gradually cooled, tlio outside- being wanned with coko Jires until tho inside has portly solidified, when tlio block is liammered into thajx) to form tho main piece of an imiiienso cuny" The enormous array cf furnacea iu which the crKcihlcs aro boated and the jnffort nun ncr in which such a larr;u niimlicr of men in somo cases rui many a-j 800 all j yjIK.0 iat time, from A f.EFOriMGD BURCLAfl. lltimai "filii" ivt IXuinc. Alexancho Duman lives i.i a mug man tion inlhoAvcnuodo Yiiiiers, surrounded by his children and .ir.ii'.ichikhTn. Con trary to what mi;;ht Lo thought from tho nature of ius-uraiuaa, ho u t;w family man. lie r'(ftivcsk.r;;tiy. Uo is particularly kind to yotaig k.iur.ers, whether r.uthors, actors or 1 nintcfj,- v. iio rarely u pi leal to i:i Vi.!.i ti:!:c fcr advice or assistance. lie uonis j oiitie:-., and u very independent. Under tho second empire the I)ue !o l-r.;;.ny oneo asked him to writo p. cantata feri.'worirra in honor of tho emperor 'u fvt j e'ey. U j replied that it was not fi r Ur.1 to ivien liis mouth v.diilo wieh great j.-wt 'i::H.:-. o anAtiaitlM(rcclirfwl la i -L-Dumas ctill signs liinisdr t !.!.." out of veneration for hia faii ;;:J Herald. Tno ISrItlftli Implrti, It is jxiinted out that tho British er.i piro extends OTcr a far larger territory than that which wan governed l:y ancient Pome, tho sujierficies of tho latter lie.'ng 1,S00,000 square leagues. No I :n;.;Iii;!i fijicaking i)coi)lo is under fo;vi;;n nth.1, v.'hile Britain governs nearly uOO.OOO.' 000 individuals belonging to t.H natior.i end speaking all tlio Luigtuigc of tho world, as, for, Germans (Heli goland), fipnnitirels (Gibraltar), Greeks, Italians, Turks (Cyprus). Arabs (Aden), Dutch (Airica), French (Mamliii-.u), Chi-' nose, Indiana, Persians (Asiu)i etc. Boston Budget. I'aaclmitlon of Mining. Mining ia fascinating. Host men havo tho common trait of thinking their trade or profession the mo.t onerous of all occupations. But who ever saw a miner who did r.ot consider his business tlio most alluring war of earning a wintrr grub stake? One honest miner who had" struck it rich enough to buy into a nic r cantilc houso Kiid that ten hours wero never co short as when delving in. the rocky tunnels, expecting each stroko to reveal tho shining metal. Wood ltirer (Nov.) Nowa. Dime Jliiieum Kreiilie In Congo. The Congo, according to tho rejxirts of thef explon rs, must bo one vast elimo museum. ' The latest curiosity found in tho Kaukouron region Is a race of dwarfs whoso pot:ulinritiw are enough to mako Banium turn polo with envy, Thcso Li'.ipulians, who te-arcely four fet't high, beardless or.d with woolly hair, nro lovely beings, and ought tp bo secure.-d ut onco by sonio cntevi-ri-jiig showman f r the American murket.-i-Chicago Herald. rrelldnnt I.liiroln'e Heard A corrci'ixiii'ie'iif e,f 1 113 i lltrl.t Jimtttii left their eighty-pound crucibles out of tlio furnaces, r.nd liour them into tho mold hi rapid r.ucces.sion is described nan wondci-ful fight. Tlio Kcrupiilotui care bcstnwcil upon the minutest detail wat a iioticeable feature about their manipuLi tion of steel. If. after extended trials, a certain practice or proportion of ingro-di'-nts km been found to ,'nve tlm lst re cults, tliat practice is alwilutely and ex actly adhered to, nothing in tho whoio range of the vart upcruiiorai of t!m cs tablisliment being loft t' mero pcwiibiu ties. New York Kun. writes that the story recently published in connection with a jxrtrait of Lincoln, laying that beftiro going to V"ashington Lincoln Lhavetl off his beard ct tho re tUost of a lady, is untrue. IIo says that Lincoln boie-ro his -nomination had never worn a beard, but that the lady suggested that a beard would hnprovo hia appear ane . nnel so ho lot it grow, and it was an iinproveinijnt.-r-New Yerk Kun. Haw Mexico' Tnrkrjr lliizznril. When Sibley 'a command moved from Texas lo New Mexico during the Lite war it was fuliowed by thousand.1 eif tilery l.azzardd, and eluriiig tho few years f 1 leiwing they multiplieil to frjit that tho t- nitorv was cliuo-t overntn with tlietn. Mine caw: i r other, they have gradually die-il out, 1 until now tlnTO w Imrdly vtw t. lw found ; in the territory. Chicago Times. j now tho Cliitniru u-un Ilrouclit Abii)t A iool UepMiIutloii f lie llumilU On my discharge from prison I found", tho way open to mo for fresh offenses, oven greater than tho ono I had com-, milted. My father had died whilo I was i,.ill iu prison, and my mother had mar ried again. I found my former prison associate waiting forme in a largo city. Wo formed a partnershij) in crimo which Uistcd ntsirly seven years, during which wo jierpet rated over fifty burglaries. In nono vt theso wero wo detected, though fiuveral times we had narrow cr-capes. uiid I was once atTcstetl, eli:u-ged with an intense with which, I had no connection. Port uiitely for me, t!io real criminal, a man cf . whom I had no knowled;'. discovered, and I was dischargetl from custody. Why, then, did I txaia being a burglar anil become an honest man? I hail been mere than ordinarily niececsful in my criminal career, anil, had, Kiva in my liriit crime, committed when I was a novice in the business, e it-aped u!l punish ment lor my violations of law. This U how the change cauio aUmt. Ont? night as I sat in my we'd furnfched room re'ad iiiT tlio last numlier of n lionitlar r.ia.'ra- :.lly a t zino.-somotiiin!' that J- iv.ruued set me to thinking. It was a story in winch curred the expression that in tho long run a man. other thinjrf dicing equal, could mako more by honest than by tiishor.ctit work. rstop';x;d reading and endeavored to call to mind the amount of my gains. I had no trouble in tk;ing so, being as sisted by full notci that 1 had kept in a cipher of my own desi-ning. I had never fully contemplated tho matter liefore. but now, villi mi and paper, I pat thn-wliolit-salijoet l'fijroaux. eye. Not counting my lir..t burglary, I found that my share of all the others amounted to the sum of about (21.000, or nearly f.3,003 a year. At that mo ment 1 had ns tho entire pro; its e;f my profession, the sum of in cai.h. to gether with a fair f:tock of elot'ie-a and a watch that I had bought, for 1 was too shrewd to wear ono that I had stolen. I wan not nddictcd tei drinking, j.unbhng, or other ef what I may c:.!l vices, but my exiKnRKi in tvovehn;;, in eludiiig detections and in feeing certain Jlleers of tho law hail lx:cii heavy, i.o that I had never lioen able to do much. mow than to maintain myself in a way thai was neillie'r hixurioui as regarded the body hor comfeirtaiiw so far tu, the i::i:tu wail concerned. I wu i tdivays up iettled and constantly in f.T.r of nnvrt, I vta never t.u:v .-.t night when I went to Led that I idiould r.t before moruiug bo hi irons and on i.i v way tu prl.u. licK-V.oi all this, I had had ft groat deal of h: r I jih.viacal lalxtf to perform, nnd wa j often obliged to ;;;x'!id hours i.i all Korl3 of cramjied and otlicnviio imcainforlablo p.'): ition t. - - . Three thousand dollar- ix year! Thnt was all. I knew that I had I! to ability to mako much more than that laun at honest work if I could only git the honest work to do, unci that, too, with out such wear and tear of mind a.i I had endured for feven ye-iirs.'lo Kay nothing of my term of hupi iHoi iiieiil. That night my resolution v, taken, mid tho next morning I was on my way to a remote part of the country under tho name tliat 1 now licar. With my $-00 an 1 $100 mora that I obtained from the calo of my watch, I bought a small bnsi ne:;s that was for sale, und became a citizen of a thriving town. Heading i:i dueod retlectiou, and lx-tler principles wvro deve!o!ed in me, and littln by little tlio idea tluwned ux)u tno that it was my duly to make restitution, nnd I lxgan to siivii money with that objee't in view. I cannot, without danger of revealing mkililvpvejinXyrthijiarticulars of hiylrrerfiUii tii-sty" tTiWR ' now nearly CO yettrs of ao. that I hnvii restored over Ifl 0.000, of hIoI'-ii money, und that.I have ifieT rest in. safe J:e-e-iing ready to give it lac!( as sikot ns I can find tho lawful owners. I havo retired from business of my own, but I hold a reqionsiiilo position iu a lin t-cbva er;tal lishmetit with a Kilary of over $1,000 a year, and am, I l!ieve, reiieerted by all who know me. New York Star. THREE LITTLE LIVC&. fa n sunny home, with waltt to fair. ' IVntored and tf n!ed nltU faloue carj, ,. Lived and blosoau'd and laughed 111 gloo,' -Ulios and kmcs and panaies tJiroo. The Illy was frail anrf dainty and pura Surely no a:oln couldJier btauty vedure; Hut her delicate lifu iu tho end proved l)rar- Woven Into a fiword on a horo's (prava. Tho rosea that Idusbed In tho morning light . I Still breathed out tlieir fragrance at dead of niirhf. Proud of their mission they daintily rest In a-gleaming knot at my lady 'a breast. . Tho awet lit t lo pansles nere sent over tbi seaa in a letter that ljru two kinda of '"hcart'aeaiie."y la an old mau s Uibl j they have slept faanj years. And olton he water their dust with hi tears. 1'liiladc'lphla 1 lines. In n Blaaloan Tlroatrc. , One very fumiy trustom of the theatre here, ia their manner of keeping their re-", served 6eat diagram, tho seats being! marked upon it by small holes, in which are placed wooden pegs; When you buy, a reserved soat the ticket seller removes tho peg from the hole you havo cclectcd and gives it to you aa your check. Tho. ushers know the 6eat it designates by the length or color of lheV"peg. As coon aa, tho act drop fall3 every gentleman puts, on hia hat. rises in his seat, and turnu about to tako a view of the houso through, his lorgnette They subset piently pas3 into tho aisles to greet their friends, ami remain there talking until the prompter's bell warns them that another act U about to begin. Then they hurry to their, place.) and remove tlieir liata. Tho np oaranco of a Mexican theatre lietwecn, the ucts-r-jts aisles crowded with groupa. VI 1.11.11 IUJtlll t.HiLlu..lill n i..,ij would cause nn unsoplu ticated American to think that free lights were in progrcsa all over tho house. Very few ladies 'wear hats or' bonnet3 in the street, sub stituting black lace mantillas Lmtead,, and even these aro elispensed with at tho. theatres the liair beirj elaborately dressed and a3 tho majority cf tlio i;cr. tleinen aro in full evening drew, tlio ap-' Tieardnco of a Mexican audicaco U very brilliant. Cor, l'iltsburg Dispatch, ' Evolution of Invention. r Facts and natural laws, known for yeaiu as curicailica, aro taken up by somo inventor, who faila hi the attempt to render them' of practical ttx-; then a. cccond gi'niuo takes hold, and. proiiting by tlie mistakes of tho lir:;t, at ' great ce:t a working nuicljne. . Tb.c.i cornea the successful nuui', who wevk.' out the iinal practical dcr.ign, and whether, making or lo-riug a fortune, yo per-, maneutly 1 cnofuu mankind. T'hiscourno. ia ercmplifled in tho add.! by the rela-, tiou of tho growth of tho steam engine and so with other inventions. The steam- 1 boat was being developed from 1700 to 1807; ihe locemiotivo from 1H03 to 10S0? tho telegraph, from 1729 to tG-Hi tho sow-' ing macliine, with its 2,000 jiatents, from, 17'JO to 181)0, and tho reaping uiachino for seventy-five ye-ars, the last successful' man adding but little to the work of his fore'rumiors. Tho rtdo has been tliat "the basis of success lay in a thorough acquaintance with what hael bevn done, before, and in setting about improve ment in a thoroughly scieutilio way," ' Popular Scienco Monthly. Tlw ".rp Care." "Grane cure" ta iTadiced in ftancj out In tho yarJ if you vr-.nt lo Ll:o;it ru:J j and (h-rutsny m tlie autumn, and n re- swear! It-woulJ Lo a f.Teat deal lx-tler for you to eco t!iat tlie manure ij spread on the turn::) fioKi to-elay; ny nrmi aro paining t:c, tmd I'm cure it's goin:; ta rain." . , "F;d!ier. rcturrxel t!io ymtng mnn, making a great cf7ort lo control himself, ever jdno I've b-n able to u;o my har.da and fert I've been workkig for yotif Many'n the timo I'vo been toll I waj r foe ! to keep working Uko tliat ell day l;ng. from morning till niglit, wbitcr and imckt I, t!ie eon of the family! but I never said anytliingi I he; t on workmj, toj lcaan yoti. Dot r.otr things aro ciiTereat I and tince yn want to preveirt mo from marrybj. I'll ek ai I plea-!" D-" tz& 03 yoa iJenser 'Nciilxr gml nor devil bhaTl prevent m? from marry ins." (:i)c one Luncks ct tho door.) Cotno la!" erica tad oil man. Jt h Ua rural ofiirtT. bearing a PrTT Wliat do vou want tiow'f" bavo rww tiren their flret tctv jrm'll bvo to make aU the property I otiii3ihjaeTeeaLVaXrc jui g to j .iv v ork ;-un roi t jus air to yoa: "la unta :) thn faktr, tb l-tttW of lurrT. ofV-d a wan,' V,f. an 1 ot t.a 'una. fnyi m la rscmpa as of ibnr wr, Craa insy aemcm M IV miuatf of aa tarlnr l-R? rxJr Kppvt 14 U-aVtml.y. oi hp am tht tucaUoB ais 1 iniOnaHt la- owl i-f ni.nar cf Ma nliai i pttkktxrr hrfu atal - "L wir uf tbc Jiarr!al Cmalmlfmrr gardeil as a euro for many iliii-jwu due to lnr;!i fi-edinf?. llio tu-nt t ;.vt :i a pound of jTTipen to cat tins first day. This umotuit ii nUded to until tlio rso:i c:.u est Cvo or'r.3t KTun'b a day. 'ilie o'her food Is frnvhially h'vatied, and tlm diet: t Lut couRrft cnlircly of grafn-a. It cures oUir'.ty arwl many other cemiphunti. and arti tho jitcmi off on a ne-w leaie eif Lfe. 1'ruit U neewiary '- n rational0 t'.iet. end r f imiii' nno -aluc in dietetic methcinc. Denton tudget. KiC Slxhf tnt Mftht Tim. Tlie- ('.uaculty I sighting dark hi warfare Ima been ovcrconvi by tlx- tuxscf lumitKus paint. A fcnirdl luminoiui la-ad u clnijitxl -n to t'.n rifle otit tlie f'ire fcigbt und ci:m!t onrlli? r-ar ai.rht wln-n ul nt mgut i t rrjdy to an enemy's fire, forming two loniinoits airditi Tlio Engiiah vax cfHce autlioritka liavo liud wxno of lluf- Mg.ita tinder trtd for tho pa tit nx-hth:;, cml orJiT icy riilca in tlie ing-nioudy IU'alltln In lh r.itrin. I Tlie Priw of TIontentfTo once insi.-tnl on a frightened arti:,t jmi'itintf. a ia('!o j scene on the field ' f 1-.:(tli" il.-a lf. 1 !i-j ; Tvn't v33 roaK itic in the exlremr, Iho : f c-an-.r' 1 cingpi"ivd with wveml en'iir.o , b!ill hol.M. Tim nrtif t c;-rd without ; anything Irut a wrvoro fright, and tho ;;ct- uro tiiua obtnini"! fonnsouocf the Irra't- j nn-1 nrt ohjivt-i in tho ilaco ut CeU tinge. Iiton dob", ! An Kl-trlml rxrlttiit. A slmt 'f ordinary j.-qieT warme.d in front of a fire wi!l, iu a dark place, idvo a very decide il tb'Ctric s:aik njsm l!io cniilicafkm of the :uti !:Ie. with a crack- ling Miund. On pkickig a slut-t of gold : leef l-twn tv.-o shtt.i i f paptr tlnui , clcctrifle-J. end ixviiig a pencil u:t ; imt them In a zigzag c'lirw, u luminoUH flash ijtiite birwj v:il op;ar. New York Hun. j Oat of Hwl Pena, ,- Tlie diminLilie-1 o.t 'of pro.luctkm In j m.-tel werk was i!li-4 rate-.l ree-r-ntl.v ! Dr. John rv rcy :i an od:lrtn fo lh;- Frit- ! Lsii Ipmi ami Kte4 irtituls l,y tiie bt.itr- ra'.fitllL-it aKTf sti-el pent, fumx-Hy ri.ting ri. ini dit now bo prr!uc"d f'-r Mg!it ren's. Tb - t i t making pl I chiiina has ler:i rolucr-l to ait eigh h of . wluit it was ICana City Tiuuii. j A Vrry ItfllHito Alif-rittor. Word comes i f the death of the Due do T'vL'i. heal (.f t'leeihk-.t family of TreiK h nobility. 1:1 hi'i unce!;tral b:.lls he had (wo i.uirithi;"R, one ivpn s,'iitiiig eno of bis nnetr-.toni lowing, hat i.i hand, to t!io Virgin Jiarv, v.-!m i jv.s to him. ' ( invre;:. voiri inon cmi 'in!" and the otbor showing i a nuirj remote anc-lor i honting to Nmili Qi li.' cn'rre I thi'lirk. 'aave;-. Vr4 mpiti3 dj I.i M:u..o:i tui cvi.i! -..iw iorit .Trihime. " A Cnriona OliiMTTnt lin. Afeord::ig t i Ir.i'-'.r.:cien, "I. II. l,m vi!l:l ped;c;i hi.i wie::t:!:c reptltu'irm ! the cce-urary f t!ic fol!nwingo!Ti'alii-n! If nro glasses of wate r l plaee-1. .na upon t!ie r.o;-t!i K.!-ji-f ap)werfid mag net, and tlieoilvr :;xti f ho south jk)i-. hi foure.r five inir.u'.ra the former no iur:H a ( lixbt tdk:.!:no reaction. w!i:!i t'f t"Ut!i 11! Ictilil(-S (liht.'y aci(i. I'Az&mi TraiiM-riot. Kow tvlllnc' and lllich Oiiea.' The sanitary institute of Ureat Britain lias discusaed on interoatiug jiajKr in which tho writer argues that ventilation, that Ls, the constant cluingo of the at mosphere, goes on moro satisfactorily iu a room with a low ceiling than a high one. The argument is, tlie to have tho currents of fresli, air circulating only ire" Hie Iw&arpirfcBf ygCTTOy camtyr npsn x.-r jiortion of tho air iu it unaffected, u practically a much worse way of ventiki iing tho room tlian, with the camo move ment cf tho air, to cut o!T tho upper' stagnant portion of it by a law ceiling,', for the stagnant atmospheric maci under tho high ceiling, although motionless, keeps actively at work under tlio kiw cf the diffusion of ga3, fouling tho frcch curreuU that cheulate ta-neuih it, whilu with low remi and hi;di windows no tiectimulalion of Rtarnruit air con exist, tiie hot and foul ntnieupheric Htrain beinj ewept constantly from t'.io ceilinga iu tho' current.! jxvt as dufct i swept front lb floor by a broom. Ikistan Budget l'.uni t lit. . "Why. mvd!-r.'-, whr.t's t!io mnlter';"' ni'lv a he I n 1 id" f her frien I, "Oh. I fee l I'm N-ritning to M." va;i lh mournful niily. ''.(murtrc'. hr.'.ereT put f::c!i an i lea f:ito your l:e".!r" Dit'.iivv," v.-:-i the r"p!y. '4 notic-? t'wt wheacvt r I iroxa Broad ay tlie po llcetnct revT take my arm aa t!u v uu-d to do." Judg-e. i Tha flout In America. . Tlie gout hat' .not yet l onio so exag gerateil in it". i; intoms hero rji it Li iu Ihikmd. There aro occasional jiaticnU v.-ho sufft r it in the citremett degree, but in general It ii leta pronounced end r.tlilw born under treatment. It lias not beeoma . hereditary with us, in short But that wo will tre t thero in duo tinw tlicro can lie no doubt. , X Tho m.inife4atirn'i of American gout nre in th:s much different from tlMfc.--Cnglish that it attae-ks our womeit mord numerously than c.'xt men. Thid may bo accounted for by tlio active live-i our men live nnd tlie iJuggii-h and filo eiiistenccj of many woman wliowi.!ca.ii ;!neo them r.Ixive tho nf-ccspiry of domestic labor. Inartion, overfiwlinij or ovvnlrinkin; bring the g'Hit on to the Englijhman of tlie novi N end tho farces, and inaction and it:ijxTi'ig send tho twinges into cur women's pretty toes, Alfred Trumblo ir . New York News. I:!lni1 Cralurr. Tli(T r.r.i J7J jticciiners f Mind t'tres Lr-'iv.-ri t ivik". i::t':iiing rray fi 'i. invi;;:ix(!.i. etc. They nn niostlr v.-hi'c, t 'v.'.'v. r fn::i 1 f stinnihts of l!ie I.'. ,'.t .r froi:i bl wliing out of tho sk::i. f Vmr sjire ics hive small eye3 Mul Ro-nu havo ii iuiy. Chicago Times. Frafftnrnt of tha RelnilKr Ae. A reindeer's antler, pi-.rced with a large heIo and U-autifnily de-erratcd with , carving, waa exliihited recently by M. f A. Gaudry before the Parii Academy tf j f-'c'enet-i!. 0:i one fac? are two ceais. a ; fkh and f!irce'twigs eif plants Ou tlie oth'Tore two ec!-!iko, slender nnimab, tlvrce indeterminable arumrls and tn bi sect. ThU ii a fragment from tho rein 1t ago tn 1 was dicoveTfJ in t!;9 Mont, gaudier cavt-3, Dertmcnt cf Charcnte Clucago TiibeL-KV yirdieiuru af lllfl Natloaa. Franco 1 1 criliteJ with having tnnlV-incs m it plmxirtx-oiKi-ia; an-LIlgiiiiu, I..!; Ituwna. OrtTH-e mid f--it.TTlaniT. 1.0 COO fijain 1,0!0: th9 raltlU IJonntlfal fltftv 'A.'rli ia l:Uti'se x4b in V.'aU lsClle.1 wfth the to-V.y ar.d fcautiftil gifts which e!x I -.1 rec-.ircJ duriag Imt career testi in.'.ni..!( ef l;oni.igt for lior matcbleM on-en. Tlicy tsiy r!io lias seven solid 7w racs A KaUalara B-a;liialBa Arayot. the Iri'iiai.t K Injur and prv fewer "of Greek. Uelcow and Latin, wl brankxl atrMalg tlaij who K-i e coo- tribub-.l rv4 twrl t!c frfi1ioo t the Fmxdi Uagaage. l-sirnl to write i Bn txreu bark with charcoal, while be I Vnitcl folates, I.OI0; Great Britain. Sir,; Kweikn. 7ftl; La-nmark. "CO; Holland, lU-'ti lannaDv, 0O3i Ausirui, 51; llun trary and Rnumankf .14 ), end Norway, WO. BoKton Traaaciil. k.ivt r fccimces -rrtv week, LlevtL-.i;d Leader. Tite fi!-.x r mills e-f Montana represent an of v-1.003.o00 and minim; in..; ! jiKry cj rmch CKire. Aa rnalBkaJtla I.lrbact. ' The entire lower part of cn nnsinkablc h'fehoat recently pntentel is CiM with Jal'S of cork. Above t!dj w a CUinr of ntalies, set up vertk-ally end having their 31 da rendered wctcniroof. Ahovo tha eklj Lt tha jrrk end rushes 4 aater tight elockr w!fich seforates tlio lower lia'f cf t!ie Ixct rrom tho upper lia'.f, vrhcT? reals are pro vided for crew and paicngtrs. Chicajtj Times. Simikinff of cainin? and Imklin)? porm- livfd on a 1-cf of brood pT dayt IUcn lar favor. ! know," aoij Chriitino NU ta !2t - ;-o-a "cf ordy one U-Iisman -wt,L ' T!e I -!'-t r.rmy this country ever had wa3 in lSo'i. wlien over 1,000,000 soldicni Ta PrTnt Veaalrlina-a. Tlie Jatet theory cf a prevrritiva against seasickness li to ride tr end ('ovni on clevatrm c frojn--ritlv ct convrnicat for tcvorJ divg U fure -mlur"::uj.

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