'1'. Th E VOL.. XIII.. GRAHAM, N.C., THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1887.: NO. 8; ADVPBT(SEMEN'IS, A Toilet Luxury In every respect, Aycr's Iluir Vigor never fails to restore the youthful' fresh noun and color to failed and fray lmir. It also prevents tho hair from fulling, eradicates dandruff, and stimulates weak hair to a vigorous growth. Five years ago, my hair, which was quite gray, eoiiiiiieiiiod falling, and, in iite of cutting, and various prepara tions faithfully applied. licrnine thinner fcvery day. I was finally persuaded to try Aycr's Hair Vigor. Two bottles of this remedy not only stopped the hair from falling, hut also restored its orig inal color, and stimulated a new growth. - Eli F. Doane, Machias, Ale. Ayer's Hair Vigor, 6oid by Druggists and Perfumers. JJbdpttoxs of tub Skis, whether in the form of Pimples or Boils, indicate mpuHtiei iiTfliS Tl?i6VrnHrSlionW Bug- " gest tho uso of Aycr's Sarsaparilla. For the radical cure of Pimples, Boils, and Carbuncles, I know of no remedy equal to Ayer's Sarsaparilla. G. If. Uavies, rawtucketvilli!, Lowell, Mass. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prtnnrcd liyPr..T.O.Avi?r&ro.,T,owc'll,M. Cold by all Drugglnu. l'rice $1 ; ix lotilen, r Bi'iiiliL THE TAIiTNKIl. Mr. Thomas Mathers was only a lcdjjCT clerk ia tho banking clerk of Hodgson, Dunford e Parr, St. Swithin'ti lane, Lom bard street. It was neither a very re spomiblo nor n very lucrative position, and Tommy (as nil lib friendo called him) longed, air ix.rhaps fifty thourand j-omi; men in n similar situation in London are longing at this moment, for a chance of turning his brains to ljeticr account than mlding up columns of figures and copying entries from one big book into another. Tho chancy did not come, bat Tommy did not despair; and thero was thb dificronco between him and tho treat majority of , bis fellow prisoners of tho des,': ho bad th-j plui:k to work away manfully at whatever be thought might ptissjbiy conic day help him to lietter Ida' position,' even tlumyii bo could not sec exactly how it v.-aj to Ik done. With thb end i;i vbw be got up Frcnch,sGeniian and Italian. find Ik. fli.l of,..-v.irii,,.r l, nnnl.l tnmVIr "US V " '"" 7?rtZZ":i: l" lt: tar.t niti v. if ivt information as to tho financial circutn etanees of tho customers of tho haul;, llo tcrajicd1 acquaintance with every clerk employed by those who bad accounts r.t the bank, as far as bo possibly coidd, mid picked up in time mi idea, more or los accurate, as to tho commercial status of inoKtof them. ' " Ono day bp happened to Ixj at lunch in his favorite restaurant when an acquaint ance nam. 'J Diu'ling camo in and sat down be ide him. After a little casual conversation Darling usked him to let him know of any vacant clerkship bo .might hear of. . .',. ' "I will, eeri-iirdv. oil fellow," re Mathers f.iund (hat hb Italian went but a very littlo way: and. besides, bo hael to do tho work cf three liei kn. fJoinctimes he was tempted to regret that bo luid left bis comfortable rooms hi Torrington square, JJloomsbury; t ut in bin calmer momenta bo reflected that at bat he v,-as occupying a eliacront position from that of th. re-.t of lib fellow clorko. . Tin. juicf ma:i in Turin, so far as Hodgaon. Dunford & IV.rr wcro eon- ceruod, was a certain Count Mnrsoui. The count 'h nobility did not prevent bin being tho principle member of a largo linn cf r.Kichanu and shipowners, 'i'o cultivate thin man was, indeed, tho chief reason cf Mr. IIolgr.on's journey to Turin; and, as the old banker knew very well how t'j lay nsielo.hb' crusty and pompous manner when it milted lilt book to do so, he soon came to be a not jinfro (jiient ftncftt- at tho Villa Marsoni. Mr. llolg.ion liognn tqf seo that there wnsfa very fair opening '-for a;i English bank at Turin, and ho was still engaged The Great Southern Remedy jV-st'' BQQEL'.TRGUBL&S AND CKSILOESN TETH!ri-3- Thoro nro very fur, who do not know of this little hush pruwttn; aUntalC. of our iiidtiiiiain tit id Kills: but verv J'f.v uiil:;'R Iky fnct, ,1m-; the lUtlo piitplo borry, which m nany oC j Jmve en ten in nvnt every t-liupp. ii.cio ic f. r!'i ctftle in It vini? a woiiU-rtil cf-oc- r Jie howiri. Dr. BiiitciT's li nckiebcrrv f '.$ u ia theUKKAT HOUT If Kits' El'MEDY tiia,'. M'.tiorfS the little one teething, and cures '.arrhau Dysentery ftiid -'ri.inp Cctfc. when tt la rins:tI-rod tlit.t fit lh!asoasnnof . the vi r kiicMimi end dut fi iMiB &ttut ks f tl:e bowrls uru fnKjiicnt, nml we h.ctir of no ninny death occurrliia bt'tn.'O a rihy.slcfan run bo called In, It is Important tiigsfrRvery honsc liold should provide tl.oniseivos with Mmm teedy relief, s dosn of which will relieve the Rnin and nnve much an.:iPty. Ir. I'.litxr's lucklrhrrry i'ordlnl Ir h r.iaijlo ro.edy whiot any child Is ptoftcd to tuke. I'rfro, SO ci-nts n, tifiltle. Mnnufnctured by WATTKR A. TAYLOR, Atlanta, Oft. . ,'lravlnr"a Ohcrokee lirmeity of fewrrt'um an4 .ftiillelti '-III cure (.Vmti". Conp and Coo-iimpi;,-i, price Srts pml l ? fot'if1- Real Estate Agency. LL2.J GitaiiAsrrNrcr t3 acres 45 utics in Oihrimd crowlh. 50 in pltina. W In ciildv: tion. Tho .lco Is ell wa'ert'd. u rrt-i-k mid two hraii,lie running llito'l'li it. A liti! orelmrd, 8 g(fd Inburco (linn, 2 tenement I uh.:. eond ti ed biirn, an 6-roinii ilwcllinif with tmseniiiiit1 and I., mid tiMid well of water, arc on It. ('niivoii-ni lo eliii'flits. ncliool, i.nfl u aoiiA new mill in mile of the hmw. It a ilc-sln.li'ii fa, in ' idnp'cd l- the irrowtli nf tnbiccfl. trin and ((raife, P:ace U aeeileil In wJ.ont nnd otils. rouifsiou len ui once. 1'ilcC W IIO. j ni!3 IflmeTMiQRESXfS tlELIASLS PATTER M8 An tha only on?n that xrl!l give a perfect fitting garment. f.f.lll. DEMOHESFS feystem cf Drees Cutting. artsnd Coukcf fj!l dlrctlonn, enabllnj &r.jtr.n ti (Jul unti 1 -pctUxttj: TucViOZmOOm Bc&t by mail, jMBt paiJ, ncctpt atpdee. mm:, DcaidRcsT'c KDRTFOLIO Or FASHION'3 AND WHAV VO VTEAIS ffmbire AUrmzlM of 80 ryn of TMliion Hotca ri 1 bijl, ll.uul1 !Ui jKut l.OOOC'u:.. Suut, pctt-iaiJ, kx Hi tcr.tii TZX23 yemcrest Sewing fachin3- THIS CTVLE OKiV III fci I BB5P4bk tuniod Tommy; ''but I hope yd'.i iiavt'ti't lEjjfl r cjrln jM;Y 'jot into a row with Apploton." (Frod Js5p Mn-TsH erick Applcton was U::ri:n:''a brothw-in- lxs& "ia a E i j i i.. ,. .,, !. Mudford and County Chemical company ia whose counting liouse youiis Uariiug had a uubonUnato K2t.) 'Oh. no. nolliia cf tho hind," re turned Darling; and thou be changed' tiio eubiect, . On bia way back to tho bank after lunch, Mathers aske.l himself why Ifcir ling shoald leave UU present Hitnalion. llo bad a capital prosptft ihoio hut brother-in-law being the secretary; and there was no disagreement between him and his. influential relative Could it bo that Darling had bad a hint from his brother-in-law that tho Chemical com pany was getting into shallow water, end that it behooved him to lw looking out for another situation? It Beoined more than likely; and young Slathers determined to C"t at once. . He slipped into the bank parlor that afternoon, hoping to iind tho junior partner. Mr. Pail' a pood natural sort of man, who was not likely to snub bini for volunteering information. To hi.) disappointment, ho found only Mr. Hodgson, a sour tempered old man, who was Btrogijlmg into his overcoat, lvpara iory to leaving (booliico for t!io day. . 'We'.l,'' growled the banker, what do you want?" Tommy was on the point 'of saying that bo bad co::io to s;eak to Mr. I'arr, but in a moment be changed bit mind. "1 bea;'.l tiomething to-day i;ii" be re pl!ed, "that made mv think that the Mudl'ord company are not hi a very good wav." -Well, what of that? what's that to ine?" "Xot'.iing, si;-; only I thought there was no harm hi letting you know." 'Anything of that kind you can say to Ilr. Parkinson,"' una-.vered tho old ;ren- tlcman. ai he seized bia umiaelJ.i and waddled down tho nassaTe. AASKBS a KBSMODJUiS, ACentS, I Toinniv fcii siu!)!h;, , 4it .liiv. (lid-iMr nund that mauli. lie had ucmo wliat lie wanted, brought himst'lf -under the er- A pluntiition one niile from Me- l,a.l given the bint to Parki;ij:i. tho licatl BhaiiP.in Alumnnee l oiii.ly, (oiitiiiiiin(r caJhier, Parkinson, not bo, would 'havo bad all the credit for it. Ho retireil to his placa among tho oilier clerks a littlo Boro at the rebulf, yet not entirely dUsat-iified.- On Ids way home 5Ir. Hixlgson remcni bered that tlio lank held somu nbares vt the Mudford Clicmical company as se curily for the balance of tho account of ono of their customer.! who was deemed rather sliaky. Jfe::t morning cecurd bigly ho called Tommy into Ins joini r.u I ue:itioned lnui as lo tho nature of hia information. 'Perliaps yoa will excuse my entering fcito tliat, Kir," said Tomuiy, with the ut mo.t cof)bies.. Mr. Ibnlgsoii dismissed Mathers to bir, riously id. Tliij r.iado biiii bun-y oil to England, leaving Mather.) In-hind h::a to complete a transaction which ho bad al ready practically arranged. ' Delighted iit.bemg bit to reprcw.it t!iQ firm, for ever ro short a time, and ever so formal a 'matter, Mathews waa pacing one day down thd" pri:ici;)al stivet of tho city with a look of coniidorallo import ance on liw faca when ho met Count Mar soni. The count stopped and usked after tho old banker, when Tommy proudly informed him that bo bad returned to E igland. leaving him in chargo of tho -jif&ira of tho firm.' - ' ' . "All. indeed! .Well, there'o a littlo jiiattcr I wanted to iipeak of to him." 1 "I t;hall bo happy to servo you. count," eaid Tommy hi hto very Ix1; Italian. 'Well, suppose you diuo v.'ith us to night, and wo can talk it over after din ner," returned the count, who thought bo ought to chow a little attention to tho lonely I2u;;l;:.!inian. Of cour.ie tho invitation vnw accepted, and Tommy bad no Hornier entered the drawing room at the Villa Mar.--oni than be 1 wt hu heart ct once, irrevocably and forever. Maria Murnoru was, hidc;;d, beautiful and vivacioui enough to have turned the head of a wiser ;:::d col lor blooded iua:i than Tommy Mathers; end so ready v.vs be to amiiue her by hit" cfrortu to s;icak a languago that be pr.i tially knew that he won nioro favor in tho maiden's eyes than many a mora brilliant talker would hava done. Such an impression, intlceu, uul the Gignorma. u bright eyes make upon Tom:uy't! (xitwsjf tihle heart that be was barely able to givo duo attention to the count, when, after dinner,, ho Ix-gan to til k of biiLs, discount, mortgages and debenture:!. Time went on; Mr. Hodgson did not return to Turin, and Mr. Mather.) paid nevcral iit:l to t!:o count's residence, coining away more in lovo every time. 2deanwbik'. by dint cf coin;; about co:i timir.lly among the cith'X'nu, tho j'oang man win able to send homo no good a lLt of urosTxn.'tivoc;istoinrrjthat tho uartnerj determined to establish :i bnmch office at ! GeorgLma. Cut C--or;:ku-.a A!u:-'.nlrina Turin, and o.Ter yoimg Matbera u subor- would bavo deprived (ha cm.xror ol'the dinatopofit i:i it. ' place of pncxlcnc-.', i::.d A!:sKinh-lwa Nothing delinite. however, had been i Oe:rgi;i;i:'." void.l have dtrogt.tcd irom wbkh (ho young mr.n was atnumfng, 'We'd find lii'ty clerks ready to jump at it livo hundrot'l, for that matter." "You forget sir," said Tommy, ro Bpcctful;y but (irmly, "(hat I havo becu r.t Tiirin for io:no time. I know ti:o basines3 thero. end what 1 came hero to f voposo wn3 tluit I i.hould have u small share hi the firm" Mr. Piut stared and ejiiculated, "AVliat, sir?': Mr. Dunford laughed aloud and then swore. Mr. Hodgson choked nnd gapped for bi-cath. If a shell bad burst in the room it could net bavo occasioned more, ir.'.r priso than Tommy's model reijuciit. If the sweeiier ut the next cncr.ing had de manded -to bo allowed to help himself from the dniwers under tho counter, it woidd not have cocmcd so absurd tji this demand of tho junior clerk's. 'Of course, having no capital. I expect only a very small tharo ia tho business," continued Tommy; "but you will sec that lis (-bunt Mursoiii'u soii-r.i-luw" hatlWhat? What do von wire? echoed the partnera ia v;u'ioi'-i inflections. "A.1 Count JIan.oni's scn-in-l.iw I should lie able to biiluenco a h:r,ge amount of business, and it would bo mora, lilting if my name appeared ia tho tsas of tho branch linn." 'Do you mean to cay that you ore going to marry that young lady; Count Miireoni'ti daughter?" iiaid fir. IIodgMHi, AvithlvondcrT-ii'.ereduHty. and a tinge cf new bora respect for lib clerk mingling in his count jnance. , "It Li as gco 1 as netllcJ, &'r," eid Tommy nuxl'jiitly. 'Ofcouiuo this ii a "privato matter, IrnJ. It ij cno 'that would naturally bo taken into recount. " Ibbt was mito evident, an. Tommy, having lnadehi jfihot, rose, bowed ami withdrew. Before half an hotir bad paased tho l;nu had taken their resolution. The uliaro which Tommy wns jiven ropvcsentwl littlo more- (ban a somewhat liberal calary, bat be was iiichu!ed as a partner in tho branch lir:n -of Hodgson, Dunl'ord, Ila thora di Co., of Turin. As toon c:i tho partneruhip deed was c'.rawn u and exe cuted. Tommy returned to It:dy, and had another interview with tho count, who. imagining (hat he had mu.conci ived tho young luan'a true position all along, waa poiitenc-.i itself. The young art:v:r in tha wealthy bo:::x? cf E:ii;Ii::!i bankers was ono vho might, without any impro priety, lxs presented to sf;cie'.y c:i hia daughter's hui'.iand. V.'iihin threa months tho marriage waa celebrated. Tommy had done the trick. V.'lnieliall Review. . Ylctoriii Watt Ntimcil. Considering the "rstramod rclaticas" with llussia which have marked tlio whole course of tho cjv.eeii'ii reign it i s re-i:uu-kablo that h.'-r fhv.t name, AIe::rji Urina, tdioitld have tern fo:fcn-ed upon her in hoiior of (ho Cun rei.'yning c;car, of whom t'w Du!:- cf Ilcnt v. ;ui an od minr, r.hd who v.t.j c;:r fa:t':fi.l and claw ally. It ra: in the Casillereagli period of our forei.x-i policy. Civvy IV was toliavo coiitri'-juted taio! her name, -THAT HAND, THAT VOICE. , If I coulil f.-el tiironrh tho ilaiic h;ili s to-n!ht Tht Land rcouiicd tJ u:o fur uiy C'jmfort Thi't roft. otxl lmnJ, lt'j toncli tender llpht, With what wild Joy my la(j ;liii? puLo nouM b:-ut: W'ann kiA-n irould I pire on t'.ir t fair r-nlm. And U-nvj nt Joy, olear aa. pcrl I'd wot , IVIllu'ii itilltlk' li)lljv-t.-arjlil;o balm , To eyes Willi sorrow loas yuam worn and wet. If I eoul I h?nr tlirffcolffo Kirousfh upaco to-night, 'I ha: viiic.., witli ita ol I timo t aivosiius lone, L'lt'rin'f my iiami". 1 Ihlj'.: it would rcquito- l or t!n utill year.) I've ljasa.sl so loa,t olciu, 'fhn I'H.'at yrara, whvr.'i:i no r.'Oclo:in nota II.V! (.tirrod my v.-oary BJirwu lo ttcll ;lit: For when tSuit voIm r;npw oilcnt. nlcncj emots Tho day of music i.ito t.illicli nl,lit. Thai hand, thr.t voico! Iinimaurablo far upaoe, Radius! t'.ndiatincoHrr-'tjhinT b.jtwrou. I shall not fx 1 or urar tbeir vauLUid 'iwjko V hih 11m i;iill biixxlos through facll sUlfting Bat I would yHd Van (rift of nil my yearn Totouc!i Uiat ban I, to bear that voico once i.ur;v And ooaat it or.'.ilit, ell i:iy Ix'ln'; no wears lai:o waiT'it n'Kia an adain:eiti:io t:'.:o;v.. ta Idttlrj''stMir'ttro-t;nrrcot irmu mi "Captain!" Tho vtJce was soft and gentle as woman's. "C.spir.in, can't you ta!;;; no with you to St. Louir.i''' "Jlot rllowcd t carry any passenger.-.," said tho c;.pt::in, cruCly, without 1 joking up froai lib tie:,!:. Tho tug boat Stnvcr, villi her tov of barijea was lying r.t tho bank r.t Cairo, 1 11m. She wai tho only boat. in r.lghtthnt showed any sign of life; n'l the others wcro hid "iip for tlio vjnter; naviga tion was perilous. The great river was choked and full cf lingo musses of floating ice, and all the land wus dsep with snow and hleet. It was iutausely cold. It wa.i tho 2il of ULCumbcr. " ''I didn't mean to go uii n parsengcr," cald tho voice. "I thought may be you" might' let mo work my way with th crcv. ' pot all the bunds wo want, I bc cahl tho captain, bucy with his fined, when one tbv Tommy bndiag i t:ie c!.:n::s ol t::e name lic.no ly the ::c Maria Mar.soni alone .when he called ut t' -'f England and uJl 1 is Uai;o- the viib. l ist bis hea l eoni'iictclv. and venaa predeeesjors. lbo Ban e f tuo y lindiag i the c!.:ii::s of (!:e name be.no ly the r.c called at twill king cf England and all 1 is Uano- was r.i'j.'uag love na v.ell as ins laipencct j iec.i u iiiui:it waii m ."n-iouo i,a:fumieu kno-.vlaigv 'of Itaiian pcrhiiltcd,' when ! for that of her uncle, la tho comaicncc thecnuat. s:idleiilv coming in. caught j meat of the christening of the nov l.orn him ia Hih act of kisshr- his dau-.:bar's ' luii.cerg ube w&; called Alcx'unUriim Vki- hm:! her work wkh ix dissatlsiied gnint and n ii - ' hr fr, - eatisfactiao. -yPon't psy c'.icr ocmpanic 040.00 Erofit on mf bine HOT fo ccoo A3 TH3 lEMOiJST, bot lay direct of the tUctotru. Sent C. 0. D. TTrCt far Cfreute CEMOREST FASHION end SEWING MACHINE CO., If Eul 1 4th Street, Mew Vrk City jiS.Ii.BOYD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, cu y Will hr it f;r-hn o Vdj o( nrh w k to altcod lo'e''01, etiM. Jeep lJ wave of his hand, and iiiimedmt:-! set (o work (a have the share:! of the Mud ford company exchanged for otiicr se curities. Tii".iy, who manag"d ta know most of v. iiit bappeuci at ibo Umk, noted tho f.ut and rejoiced. Vv'ilhia i:ix weeks the shareholders of (ho Jludford Clicmical company mot and rsolrcJ to go into liquidation, and, though Mr. Hodgson did not think it worth while to thank tne junior clerk for the information ho bad given. Tommy was .sutislied. lie knew (hat pwple do not forget things which save tlK'ir pockets. It liapponel Ciat. ome mon(ln nf.'cr (ho incident of (bo Mudford Chemical i company, Messrs. Hodgson lia l iiu;)ort nnt b.LiiK'js t (ransact in Turin, and it was (liought advUioIo Hut tlio K-niof Icrtncr sliould proceed to tliat city to oofc aftrr -it. Tin-re wax uoi:-j? idea, if tlie prirspoct seemed favaWp of iart- I Jng a branch liomo ('len?. ' llw fjuc:.!in j then anw, winch ( Lie cutku t'nndd ncoxnjxuiy llie hea l of (lie linu ns bis ecretary; and Mr. Hodgson. r.ii:lfid of (he servico vbic!i Matiicri had ivntlrTcl him, coitadU'l tho Iwal cr.!iiT oa (ho proiT.Hy of lbo w k-ctMn. rarkin-son, it hapi)o:KsL, Jiad a favontc T011U113' would Itave I t if lie had ih reuiPiii!xTel time, when he was bent on acmirin: f'jn.ign tong'K'S. lie lud qvnt liw even ings for a few. morCUs over tui Italian grammar. He contrived tt l t this feat 1 If known, ami ii di(f ti.n Mr. I'arr in forme. 1 his omiior partner tliat "it MH-meJ that young Mat!M-ra knew liOfuetltiii of tln language." i TliU deciikkl tlx point. Torumy rr j ciire l hu onhru, oixl in three days more found himself on board the Dovrr 1 nd Calais locket, in rtiarjrc of a lalT? dis patch lx ami Jlr. Uodgwn's bnlkr portmantran.1. The Journey waa by no means a comfortable "one. for tiro young man found tliat be was expected to travel second ckis. and jpnenilly nrt a$ , oonricr to liis emjjover. When at last Turin was renclicl, (kings were no better. Maria Hcl like a bare distiirlx-d 01 form, and the count advance;! wi llL'iliylrtWH OIl 1113 Jin'SocTiitie brorv More as :. matter of I'oKti than nny t'.ibig cl:a for l:e knew hwer..so wiai box lcss, Matliors formally askinl (be band of (ho ;igiiori!in in maiTuige, laying tho blame, of hia liTe.'dar declaration 011 t!u) slitnijh of lib 1 assion aud his ignorauco of Italian ctitjuetto. The count heard him to the end, and then surveyed him from head to foot with a look of contempt. 'it is u. piece of gross presumption ia you a mere clerk, a nobody to address my daughter." said tho count at kvst in English, witli his chin in the nir. Of corx.-i1," t-i.l Tommy bitterly, stung by the count's look. If I v.oe a partner Li HiKlj-son's, (hough, you would give me u diii'orciit tnswer." 'If you were a isut.-icr. i:i 5Ie-rn. Hodgj:i. Dunford ii IVjt'k," said (lie count, with r.u r.Ucrqil opreKsion, that would make a tlifiorenc'j of course; but as 1 do not understand (hat yen Invo uiy proop!! of uteringthat iirm, I don't iec li.jv that affect m yon." Tommy dgbcX and made hit escape as , soj:i ai pprwible.. Hjkno that he might as well ak for the bird c!iai!cellorslii t;s ask fur a ir;ntTBhi; in the Ixink. for two kiys Im remained !n p. state cf coUnjwa and t.'uai lie received r.dvicxi f ram Lcr.u'oii iiiforuin himr.f (lw de- 'cisio;i (owhic!itS firm luid come with resixct ( (ho new branch. A few lau.ilhi before ilatlicrs would liavc liccn traii;porte-.l with delight nt (ho 1 rfiosiJ wl,.c!i 1 ho (inn made to liim: but now he j considered tin t be was iretting bartly his (oire. br.t tiie ncco Angliciixd or'liiti AJiUIobf-fjj; tntTiJvi'ao uomc ;vl nuui'j wi h ixwiiy nirx'd i.ito V'ctona. Uutter uuioiig oi Hove, bill:-. "Captain, I'll work mighty bard cap tain, please, can't I ko with you, ulr)'" llo tried to coeak bravely, but it was pain fully evident (hat lie wes forcing back a Rill. Tha captain finished his waybill and look up ct bis vlf.itor. "Well, I be dam!" raid tho captain. It was a very iniall boy who had o.Tercd his services to the captain; a lad yKh-lbo face -end features o( a delleeto trlrl. His reft dark hair bung In wavelets about bis neck. I.'Is chreha were pinched uud shrunken i s if fr im ill:iei;s. His clotlilnfi was seal: t and thin. llo won trcmbliiig with cold, and bin wide brown eyes hud in (hem a look so imploring that tho cap tain, us soon aii bo bad recovered from bis astonishment, told bbn to coins iuto tbj oiilec end get van.). "I know I'm nighty little, captain," said tlio boy au lie stood by tho ttovo, bat I'm 1- years old, uud I'll work hard as cnyhody, sir." "That's; r.U right, Kormy," paid thn cap tain. "What'o your iiaino..uyliow?'' "P-en," r.u.iv.ered the boy. "So you wr.nt lo pj to iii. IxhiIh, do yon, IVn? Vbat do you want to po liiero for?" Tho boy looked r.t tho bluff ofHccr n mor.icuP. end t hen bo said: ' It n idtuuit (.'liriiitmas, and I promlwd mother I was coming imrae. v.Iolhcr lives in St. Louis." His r.impls words (oucTxkI tlio contain. Tiic captain'.! mother lived in ft. luis, too, end bo ra trying to reach homo in tii;u to spend tlio holidays with her. "Well, v.hal'n the matter?" asked (ho captain. "Ain't you Kot r.o t.vmeyf Hot ""1 l!;re, Id.il'i tf 1, mi lell viimn,t vrork. - CTense, sir, let roe gol" and (lien tho little chup broko down uud the tears had to como. Tlio captain Rot np and looked through tho littlo window. Ib blew bis 1103 cud wiped tt carefully. Then he sat down again. "Well, well," ho cald, "I wouldn't cry about it, sonny. I reckon wo can 11$ it for you. 1 e::pect you do .want to see your mother, euro rufT.'-' "Thank you, sir," said (ho boy, crylnp; his cyea; "I never will forgot your kinel nc.'A captain, and now l'ui ready for work." Tho captain looked at tho boy and laughed. ' "Vou nccdn't do anything, Eonny; just stay aboard cud mako yourself comforta ble." - But the boy persisted, and (ho captain finally told him to go below and do what ever tho mnto commanded. An hour Liter tho Slaver was making tho best cf her way up tho ico Idled, tur bulent Mississippi, and tho captain bad nearly forgottan about tho lioy. lie worked with the crew, pulling tho eleety, frozen ropes, wheeling eoul to the fiiMtueej-4 doing whatever tlio men would let him. They wcro rough, kind hearted men. They Joked tho boy in their bluff way and told him bo bad better lio down by tho furncco fires. They bad cupper in a dirty mess room, whero tho men slept on littlo nhelves against tho wall. Ho was glad whe.i ho crept in be! ween tho rough blankets, and I intoned to tho men talking about ono Dill Howe, who it appeared waa an extremely unpopular personage employed as a cap tain of tho watch. Their conversation was not of Interest to lieu. Ho was noon asleep; ct midnight lie whs awnkeheft-toj?- tho gruff voice of a man who was shaking the deck baud itt the next licit h. 'House up, Knglish, rouse up! Ilnstlo out, now! Want a man on tho lookout. Come, now, pile out!" "Vou no to' " said English, Tho man let him alone. Ho came to Ben's lied. "Hello! who's thlsf Tlio out .bore, young follcr! Vou'l! do as well 11s miy body elao. Pilo out, now! Dou't lay thero nil night." l'he boy was on bis feet In a moment. "What do you want mo to dof" he csked. "Well, Ton'ro a sweet scented speci men, yon are," r.aid tho man, eyeing the boy disdainfully. "Como on wil-h mo. I'll soon show yon what you've rot to do, you tow beaded tramp, you. Whero tlio dovil did you come from, anyway?" The deck bund known as English luokcd over tho side of bis bunk. - "Look here, Bill Howe," bo grumbled, "do you mean tor say you're going tor WHEN ALL THE DAY 13 DONE Whi'n o'.l tho day h done, then it Is nwt To t;irn I by luilns steps ijpon tbe wajr Tlict triads (.r.-.vo labor to love's endless day. 1 There, for lay coming, quickening pulso ana lay . . , - ii..-' Of Leart-stin-; Trelcomci rln,giag trao olnray, Fill all thy boina with ministry rcplct?. V.'hrir all tho cloy U done, then It Is sircct !..- That laycllova bath drown thee from tlio race Anil ('ircot trialef thyiEtren.Tt!) froo pine? j For then, the world shut out, Ihy heart can " . . ' , . .- Its Ungilom ho'jj wlthld one blccseil face. Thy wife, thy queen, thy other soul complete ! tulwar L. Yckciuoa la Tho Journalist. CECflET OF.. MIND READING. put that there kid out 011 tho front "I menu 'to ray I'm going to.do just what I blnmo please," ald Bill. "Well, you oiighter bo r.:;hiuued of yourself," you w'.iito llverod puppy,"rald the dock hand, with uomj warmth. 'I'm a pretty tough man myself, but dam if I'm going to ceo such a-'outrngo as that. You i;o back to boil, souny; I'll tako your place." "Now you - don't, neither," retorted THH. "Von wouldn't eomo when I called you, and I'm captain of tho gang, amf what I nay kocs, and don't yon forget 11," 4 and beforo l.nglish could interfere bo bad caught tho lioy rudely by tho arm and pushed him froi.i the cabin. "Ikid'Il ho ijock inside o' ten minutes," ' hall nnnutca 111 reprotlueing a geometrical; A Uoaton Editor Tlrlnk tie IIa DIsc it crcil ItIlo EsKirlinonts. One cf tho most attentive spectators ci the recent rcmnr!.)'j!o mind roaduig per-, formances of 'Washington Irving Bishop in this city wa3 Charles II. Montague., city editor of Tho Globed Mr. Montaguo Is a gentleman of Cno nervous organiza-, liua, anil ho made up hLaiInjLt liat hft . could duplicato Mr. Bialiop'u perfonn anccs. Ho at once begun practicing Mr Bishop's feata, end with such marked: success tliat on Friday evening ho invited some twenty of his acquaintances to hli room nt Hotel Middlesex to tect his pow ers. ' Hero Mr. Montaguo placed himsclJ in tho power cf Ilia friends, and under condittais wluch rendered colluhiora i;a poBsible. Ha snccessfully pcrfonned, every ono cf (ho masterly achievement.! with which Mr. BL;hop clcctrilicd Bos ton. A rarf jii:i was taken from n. Gcn-tle'-ikm imd placed i:i a "match safe aus- jxmded from the chandelier; Mr. Mon taguo was (hen brought iii from r.a ad joining room ijimdioiueu; iy taiang; U10 hand of a (rentleman. who kept bis mind intently lixed cn tho object, Mr. Montaguo easily found the-pin. Vurious agents wero Delected from tho a&sembly, and with every one Mr. Moa taguo had no difficulty in finding the con cealed objects. When the ..'unattached proceaa" was tried, articles were secreted about tho room by various persons, and by having tlio agent hold lib liand about four inches over Mr. Montague'd 1-ar.d tlio latter c.'.silv found all tho luldc-i crti- clei. Mr. Montague "then euacto.l (ho mock murder econo exactly; v.t Mr.. Bblioi) dxa it. Wliilo Montaguo v.as' blindfolded in (mother ltxiia a knife waa' prcxluoetl, a 1 rctcr.ro mado cf stabl -inx a lnwtr-and the hnifo was then onecakd ti tho clreve of a r;cn(lei:iaii. Mr. Montaguo' was (hen b.l in, ui.U bhndfoliled, and b-r niiii';lv ela-ping tho li:d of an c;Tnfc ox; inin 1 was JL-axl intently tho. act, he found (ho knife And rebate .1 tho feint cf iitabbing. Th; i oMration' v.-a; followed by tho !i:i!ing (f ft i;po;.l lu-ldeti i:i tho atUe. Mr. Montague being cu::-, nccted with his agent only by a pleco of wire. . . Then the mind reader rsjked a lady se lected at random to think intently on thd first unto of somo fire of rnuicJIo then went to tlie piano,' and, aftCflfTno mcnt's lingering, played (he Vancient ng, "Go Tell Iihody," v. bich (bo hub said was correct.' Wbilo blindfolded Mr.' Montague 8iiCcK!ded in four and cno- jit. Ix(krrnkb j ju've Uea laivliig a pretty tough time.'' Tbo boy iwt down, r.nd the captain, by much ;tii-;lion:i: r, cbltined his i.tory. It was (old in 1: almplj, lionest way. Ills parents bad resided in Ne'.v Orleans,.. Ho vc3 born there. His fattier waa an artist, who r.indo a si ffl i id bieoi.ie to siijiixjrt bis family ia coj jft.vt .".ad 1 1 send bis littlo win to a Musical fchool. Two years lc foro bis fatlicr died Hndilciil ;, and bis mother moved to tot. Ioi:is, v.Tiero iilio la under which chc xho dd rei'i. Among ! vrotM Iter fuiuh J.i trade, 11 n l opem i a jxmplo iu to (he dcsifpiation tinder which (ho ijuoon expectant siiorjil bo i rcclaimivl and Khoiild reuiain, ar.d Ix.nl Caniplx 11, I then wir John Camplx-ll and attorney gen- I cral, represents himself ns having deciiled f t'lis matter, hi conjiuxtion with Clmrlcs j Groviller.n I IiilLyiidbuiT.tao ivpresent- j ins (ho opposition, in f-'ivorcf the liaptkr , mali'.ameufor thoprotkimatioa, I'.vavi'igit tothu qiKviitochootfcuftfrwanl tho mime otiicr aiiairJ l uggiatioiu Ihcrc waa ono (hat sho thoidd l styled KliacU-th II. The assumption a;:parenlly v.vji tliat her majesty was nlways lo rr'iua!:i u iii:ui!i queen, wi'.h crba;,-j Lord ."delbonnic lor her Leicc:;ter, Iird John Kiiill for Iter Exms, und .Sir John ('aniplvil for hi r Sir 1'raiKh Bacon! Ilia fifes lu-.i pily have othrrwta detormincd.' L:it it ij ciu'i an to thmU that but f ;r chaw? .r caprlca cr cowl sense wu might now Ixi 1 preparing fur (!;o jubilee, v.U ;f CJii.fu ' Victoria, but cf Queen A! xardriiia-ir Ciiecii G-'o-zriana Iputfjac;':i K'i.-.-J-c'.h 11 out cf tho (jiicstiou. London vor!tL reflected English, when be was through cursing Bill JIowo, and then ho dozed off to Mocp again. . It was terribly cold on ?eck. Tlio boy shivered as (he man led him over tbe Ions bno of iKirgcs. Finally they reached t?:c hu:t barge in front of tlio r.teaintr. 'There vaa a torch biinihig there In r.n iron frame. Tlio sum told tlie boy be j must keep a ulmi-p look out uhcad, and , tvIipii be saw a duiigcrous iji-ift coming tQ- fljiro drawn by a memljer of (ho j:arry winie lie vas aoseni irom mo room. Many other far more complicated feata were buccet&ftuiy perfomieiL Mr. Montague kv:i he rerforms . theso acta through no occult power, but parely by natural ajjencyr" Ho Idiiii.ioiii him-; c.-If ia order to iwure (ho most perfect a'.tir.ction of mind. Ho wants tho en- tiro oubacigjhijgcJaa-CiU.CUt UP tnt'tnrifeplhariulTifT g&t'Hr.' Wiur-Cutrlliu subject niuaffe A tVct Afrleail TcIrrapJi. Amid tlio throng cf canoes t'.ir.! cenie crowding i.iound ia 1.1 iuua! c'xmr (hrce cr four I ig r.rL .teem lie lit t mairie 1 1 7 ( we;;'.y er (hirty trtlivcs;i.piro. Ltnl nx.red 1:1 amiiuJiip'i v. ith (!k; jir.-nng i,l l.rov.".i yuving a light "All rl-right, sir," ehritlored tho lxiy, and tho mnn swore ft hlw two pr thrco (lines uud went back to the steamer. Tlio stonn of wind and i.lcet vas over. The night was beautiful and still. T!io deep, meast'red breathing of the tug away back In tho .rear, tho crushing of tho ice along the banks and now and then tho bowl of n furnished wolf from the swamp lands on cit her shore only mudo the frozen silence more awful and subllinc. Au. cIkivo liim tlio stunt cccuipl doubly bril liant through tho eleir, cold air, and li fore him was the 'great mad river filled viih Hashing, fantastic, ghostly forms lii.'.L niovi-d, and changed, and waved and seemed to lckon liim. Aud it was so cold, so terribly, deathly cold. An hour two houro, went by. Tlie boy kept bis eyes fastened on t lie river, bill every twvio in bin frail bfKly. ,wr trembling and bis f:.c.' wns purple. Tbo ; cold hart liim; it wa.'i nil agii:ry. Ho not j dovn on tlio front of tho barge. Once bo looked hack r.t tho headlight of tho lug, br.ck to the glowing warmth of tlio fur nace. "I must try end stand It," ho kept re pcatiug.to himself, r.nd presently bo took fro;r Ids" raggcil Jai l; . t r. littlo I ox. r.nd opened lt It co:4:iine! n clirap black brc.u,l)ln. Ho bad scut bis I Lit cunt in ! n l;!irir.tinas gift for hm inolher. Ho nodcr.t hulo Millinery eslalillshmeiit in r.uo f the peorer s'xtioiis cf tlie city. Husii'.cstt iid i!t llourlsh with tho widow, but i;hc managed by dint of wiving to keep ' b"r boy at 1 cliooi. j "I r ver knew but what mother had plenty at money," (.aid tho fcoy in bli; 1 r.ifnplo vny. "iV.:r) nlv.-.ys gnvo l ie every- j fling I v.untd, t'il ..!- i!i las;t Miisner j iil.o car.io In i.ty room, mid I was cingiiig j and playing on ray j.T.iinr" biri'o tear ! drop: lu:d Ijccii Muvly forming In tlio by'a eyes. He bntihc I tiitr.rflway has tily witli the bark cf his band "Hho b.vilic 1 r.o pretty," be nr.l 1, "t'u.t I ran up : ( V b r cud k! :ed bcr. ivio ve i M.illing f ! v.hea ciic caiiie In r.iy iykjiti, but vlicn I ! ki.'ax-d heri.be fold bcr head on my :,V;vl- ' dor and t ried, r.n I it m i.rly kilkd me; I ii.'vr kiw mcCicr cry lx-f..re. And r.he j mid' alio was ju.-t nervous tnd n'.tlimij i r.as rherirtter; but I i-.ia.le her t.'ll mc, ! und idie Ku!d bcr mii'icy v.-n 1 nearly f?mo I bked at it and It nccnied to"wr.rr.i liim. r.ud eh!" ui ufmid I world biive l Ltup rix lain s tb'sa i Ic (!r ' lau ;! l .son';. Ar.d I to! I Iier not l'try. lUaltiiig v.-;-.!c.i I roc j.roK rty i't ui U'u f. One t & tbet.' I brls Liagncfiti iiii'.'.Imt f;xl !o.'!:!i'.,g (.vr-g fellow, wit!i f-jutm chnont cs r.-uLr t.i those of a H.irixaii cojnc.i -n la-cd. dae, and. o.A les, ha waa 10 cut up "with f and is iimcntrd ui l.y ti-j wnwlxt resxrt to tin- Uautifii! Maiii llu-t mere Coniiiicrckd midters cod nut owjo3 their it.iu.1 intcrei4 fr.r him. fAidik-aly, as he.wt witli l!ic npra Itt Vt Ixsuing (he v.cil known f jgnat'ira be-, foru liiia. Tommy -s-.ccive 1 a:i i loo. Wit'-.out n momcat'o d''by he caKe-l j mo.;i::::i fm:icl f (Ian flatnf , ti:J I u;if.:i a r.r.r;!i frami-wo: v.-(y , nntl for Ida bill x.t (hr- hotel. rit a waiter for t l-Lived with two Uunt ..fKicbn, ..-..1 !?. a call and (ook l!ie (ir (rain n'orthwanl. ; carioin coiitriv-anf-.- i i a i h-graph 11.1 vt-H li crrivcil ct Victoria early Li l! morn- j m n r!U-..' : l i.i.4n:m-::t, crer- n-:e U irg in?, went (an hotel, waii!c-,l and drewl J ti.gn m iiiMIigi; 1 (j iui!i rr. In himself, fjnfl. parrmody k-lavi:ig until this way two fativi--. Cj.- bI I nci:ivr--v tho crt icr Hliould haw reachcl th i tioit r.t a on.i Table di-tacn-. r.n I a o.Te." hi fit. riirUhin's lane. Ik? pn'SCtiUil ', RCrT (rrd:r a!vir.l riccf tho tUtzt n .V-.ur? I'd ntnk'! moin-y for bcr, mid, cap- r.in. 1 iV.u? i. lof." Thero wrs a tone i f trliii ipli i-i Hi voUx-, and for e nionictit hi.) p.dc tjrv llu bed with c.iti'cioa pride. "1 never told uu:tb( r v. lict I was going ( i'o I fcw f.bc wouldn't let f.ie but 1 ( wk my i u,t.:r nod wentoiin f the home, Mttl l'ir-i f t rrtlrt tMAflt. r n n l).i mill tjild arii from Ibc.a a weird, i.'iuto::vja , j.tr j ,vaJt (.iag ouay fur a lit llo whib miKJc lh tl iTut u.t Lrctmg cf a i!n:m. ; cnd I woeld v.nto lo bcr everv day find Tlii.i i 1 rro.iui.trl l.y a 1 L-.d of ni'1r k-.r- ; n-ud bcr mr.w t im.ev. I r.-s.lkcd from ono original li:!e f "L.vi I i'i!io-'o:i:j As ll.?!yja!t circle t- end fi' 1'.t? j town t niioili'-r r.ll t!i? .UMiwr, e.wl lu . the cirr:ii gs I" ur-d t i.taud oa (he cor J ncr find Blag, rud jxoplo nave nic l.t of ' j rKincy. I ren'. It r.ll (.1 trvAher cxr-.ptn ! little I kept to t.3 y ray Ixxinl. I lold ' r.t'llxrl trnji In busini-fts. 1 never suid r. '.uit liu'.incvt. 1 triade plenty cf Liuuy , lit -die j ur.iCKT time, l.ut when tlie 1 rcnt!:T ,g H t hilly f didn't make m r.mcli, t H'xl I m at it all lo motlx-r, end ixjrr.e I1L1 mind intently on tha object to l.c tlis-. covered, and must givo no mutcular in dication whatever. 'jIio secret consihfc hi this: A jx-r.x'n Lealthy in body, find mind will go toward an 6'jjcct cf which ho U thinking a f,Teat der.I cciiicr than ho will c) away from it. Ho has Uxn ac cu tomed ever siiice birth to do thin. If by fixes his mind intently 0:1 toroo objret bo is Ixniud by the very nature of Ids mental mid phyd'rj ornniiaiiion to go thr.t way more ra:;ily tljan tbo op;xtito.'. Tho provinco cf the mi:l reader in' simply to ciiovcr in which dirrc(;o:it!io cuiiject wl.hc-j to i;o end to livid him there. Eciug b'indfol li'.l and hsi:ig lis mi:il inte'.i'.ly l;xed on his fiubject, (lio uiind reader olicrveu (be lightct hidica lioai of volition and ly iu:c.';riots of mo tion ho tcon (hrovra Id.) liiibject oif l.Lf guard, and the ns;t iucaiy. Vtrioua rl;-' tricks conncctel with thcaliovo dewri'iel i;rii;ci h' ennbh-s the reader to perfonir fcala without ph'T-cd cinmcction clnic" as rcadi! 7 ca with." teflon Cor. Pklki-' delphia rrc.j. Tbo CimiUit ?.nmlrV 1 Hume, the liiiiorian, b.and himself cno' day at a rxx'ir.l dinner uet to Lord Jc!:n Rusfxll. In tbo cour t' cf convcrtatioa IrLt linl'ihi,) tcld: "What do you con titler tbe olijcct of l-;it;kitior.:;" "Tlin fjiKitwt Roixl to the jrtctt-jt number," wan lluino's r.TViWer. "And whet dor you corwiiler (be pvafcst nunibcr" cm (iimed Lorvl . Jc'm IIii'cll. 'Knnibcr oi:e. my .1 rd," v.-as tlie hiteruih's from; t rcily.---3'luj Argonaut. cr his own. and iurann:niT.iiuii-; ......... . m.-ifj 1 :.i-pt m:i iKjrs. Ani thin 1 ft hU opixjrtunitv ' "'Swl m dtocuasing tlie inoniing's let- j Tlie lingt? v .-! dnuitnf IIk- Liiii!L,s. , i had chilli t-vsry !ay, ! I hey tliat at faie . :" -1 "t. - , niKxii: morn l. p:-xvn, r.tui I toi ltin t king "llc'ioiir. cnoil 3ir.- llrxlson. ft lie fiau. -r nr.i . ur.i;;r iiirai iiireui : iiko 1 ll-y-j 1.1 cin ponHO llri.u-1 paying caught si.'dit cf l!io yotmg man. "Wliat arc yosi c!oin,g hoc? AnyUiing v.-rrsigi'" 'iothmg M wrong that I knonr of, sir.y ta'fl tlie yopng man. coolly. TlKn why cro yon Iktc" without U'dvcY" cskcl (Ik? junior xirticr.--J,Didn't on pi-t our letter hdoriuing you of our new an-angnncntv" I diL Mr. I'arr. It in in con nuercc cf tlmt lrttcr that I ua ,-re." Uiia r.-as ci.l vith conaidrraldc frnn it v. aud Trr.mny licljxvl l.urtsclf to a c!ia w ho poke. I am afraid, ir," ho contio 110 1, '-tliat I cannot accept tlie fdruaUnn you were gorI enough to offer mo at Turin." "Don JAbonri lim .-m aU-U'rf-Ilodn, hi jrcol wrath at tb tc . y.ew York TinioH. UI rwtlcnt V. I nr. Cliampoirrou wca dining a f'-w friewli. Wlxn dirrt wci p!rrt-l i (ii tl h r!l Ids igiicstj jwnc 1 i.i oiapli:;wtt(ii:g I.hn on (be ricclL-nc? cf his wiur-. "Ard yet." cried Mcif. (liarnpoirecu. Tatoi.t on mniaioining (lie family rcpiitatKm frr Munderin, "do you know we have y po r-K-am fjiven juu tha htl we Jaro 't" From tlto Frcnclu Ocncn Tietflritt !iacrt aerrinr (4 VI Se-re (ho (inert in lie world i vol- l- of hb sdventnrc. uol at i'i0.ooo. ni" find I kJ1 my euitar to a uuio, aud I ! sent I he raonc lo moihrr. . j "And every U-ltrr i p from mother ! c!a was br'irj rue (.- conje lomc. cud ' she r.s!;l lie ilid Bt need mr tnKtcy-nat MisbscEj v.mj re-tt'n;? pol. but yn sec, c:i)V.in. rlic f.xk-l mc ooro Ixforc. I l.iie v r h tal 1 auf enlhin- to ret nic iKXk, but t!ic last lrttcr I nnj I told licr I wes cmniii? home aud I'd be there f-r f "j ri-t mxt. Arxl yesterday end t r.i.-;:t I talkl aii Hie way frort - I'adfHrV i Ihrnnzh lira snow, ami cuptoin, I raa'-JL , wilt any More.' lis 1 n.1 jrcm(lm cm prr-a-nt (rmiMa l:i I In rocraeil tudilrlily to trnirinhrr bis om!iox lie lwktad at (lie captain with great f load Ins The cold didn't hurt bin any more.' A phwcint, dn-ainy ncriKatloii r.a.s stcalimi I over biui. He thought he would lie down i with Ida bead 011 his arm; ho could watrh ' the river Ju-.t ns wvlL And then no; bo j coul 1 not l;o dreaming! byiome curioi: 1 i nia--lc lio was at at honui nisi h'.n nuaixr ; was v.ith him. How well be rciiiciiitxrcel ' (bo blixbt, cr.ay littlo nxjia! f.ud there - wa bis UmLi ami lib music j;.t t m ho ' l.a l left tlie-in, and on the table by Die I window a txmcjuct cf j.-rc-tty f ewers, tt , mui t Ijc summer time, txe-.11 o tlio v.la . ilow was open and I lie warm air and ' trairfons innshloo were dancing In the ; rexjm. And bar pretty bis mi thcr v?as . a i t!:e took bil l l:i bcr arms ni l iK-nt arrl ' Lbivcd liim! 'And lie imtlctl bis head in bcr Ixwom, and bo felt her nam breath oa Ids r:H--.-k end Liugaed v i:h glaiiness. "Oh, how I love you, pretty neither," ! nnrmured happy bub lk-n. r.nd fee was Coiug lo tcil Jscr atx.ut -the tu', nud the ecpliiin find t!c strange fenns on (he river, but it slipped (rem bb i cn.1 bj for got il. He forgot everj'tbiur. -The dock hand known cs "Kn-dloa" ' woko frea.i a nouii'l sleep, end instantly whyheroidd not say aetiiuu jht cf (be boy. ir.it finding liim In b:i cot, bo basiiiy put f.n a iTcrt r.harjsy tnt-reuct - . , and went f jrv.-rd to rebeve hir.i fr.a (ho TntMnl Umr. wat-b. He f;uufl btlle Dcu Mug wi( j ' "Indeed, it happcaed in loss time fharj bis !ie3l n bin arr.i. a i-raile cn his lips, I take to tell it." sakl tlio lady, who" wat ami in bis band be held bis mother's gifu cousielcred somcwliat of a bore.' "Oh, I bet kin fare was cokrb-9 as itkiw, red hareu't (ho least doubt of that," replied. life had reared to beat ia hi htcrt. Tag- her patient and truthful listener. hrh lent over hira a loux lime. Theu Le Toukera Wtatcsmao. J ,i I n , n.w) -.rli.A . 1 . 1 r.-'i..i. !- . 1 TTu Wrll Acqualntl. An Oxford univer.ity iiiau insisted on Ltvping Ix-ct. Cno t!y a .-xxd clerical dignitary tclil him rbir.lyjhat hb bees mint l sent away, hecaiuo a gentlemai, commoner liael yj? t bevn etiing. IIo re .U1 hteta::'.ly "M-. Dean, I essuro yoa you tire 2iing us a rreat hijuitioe. I Lnow tliat Ixv well.' Ho b net rauio r.b " r 11. but lielongs to Mr.- Eigs, of MeTton."1 Kcw Yerrk Ijun.- It Am Awful Conrr Ic on twfvJ conceit of one nea writer Unit tho tVxliei of t!w d.'ad ff.at ; lutve been cart overboard along: tho prin 1 cipol routed between America and Lu- rope ore now standing erect on the, bet-' torn cf tlie sea s'lotiblert shouleler, from port to pert. Novr York Sua. EytlmplioJit is tu.kn.rirn la LrjLwl. 1 "'vr'-,j,l. j- he n!nwrt fobbc-I. Ill cat b's bet. "He's eleaL"snjl KoslL'U. bin rtrr."-, toft v.-hxir. Uua Kueid (a Albuta Con wimt.er.1. The t:iXTTt j and lndrailT!o;' farmer sel iim -'v.:i t- v-r.L 11c L tL. i-i.3or fC'ux.-vf tut ird tt'rifev . Aa Eicrptlaa. . 'Pitcli your Tojce irt a low key," fay i writer cn cliquctie. Wo prcsuino e'i quotta can be temporarily eo: penned wj'h wlien try Lag to v.rJij ta Loyn i-i (' morning. ritt.iL-.rg; Clrc-.i -7 ct'o.