.. Vol. xiil - GRAHAM, N.C., THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1887. NO9r Yoii Need The most effective meillvlnc, for the cure of any aorlous ailment. If you are suf fering from Scrofula, General Debility, Stonmcb, blvor, br Kidney dinenses', try Ayer's 5aifiaparlll-.llie aafest, best, had most economical blood purifier in line. For mahv.vears I wn troubled with a Liver and Klilnev colnpliiiiit. Hearing Ayer's Siinwunrilla vcrv highly rccnni mended, I decided to try it, and have done no with the most satisfactory result". I am convinced that A'ycr'a Barniiparilla.lf The Best Remedy ever compounded, for ilixeiiscs caused by impure blood. Edward W. Illdmrdson, Milwaukee, Wi. I have found Avert Sarsaparilla a more effectual remedy, In the ulcerous forms of Scrofula, than anv other we possess. James Lull, M. 1)., rotsdaiii, K. Y. T have taken, within the past year, sev oral bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and find it admirablv adapted to the needs of an impoverished svstcm. As a blood purifier, and as n tonic, I am convinced that this wonderful preparation has no equal. Charles C. Dame, Pastor Cougro gational Church, Andover, Mo. Ayer'sSarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aycr ft Co., Lowell, mm. Suld by all J)rugfc-U. l'rice tli,slx boltle,. TWO 8IN'NER3. SlIBllJiL There was a man, It was said one time, ' V.'Uo vent astray in bis youtliful prima. Can t!ie bra!i beep cool and t!ie heart keep flldct. When tuc blood is a river that's ruunln.'j liolr Aiul lxij-s will lie boys, the old fults Bay, A'.id a mau'tt-o better who's bad his day. Tie 1'inn.u- reformed, and the preacher told 0 " t.'.v i rodi;.-al son wlio carau back lo tiie fold, '.ad Ci.rV. jwople threw open t!ir door . .'th a wa::-p.ier. woL-ome than ever before. ;.!' :i t. 1 honor wero bin to oininund '. ! a a ci -ess v.'Oiuan g.iVO lilm licr band, i v.. .rl.l i;t:c-'.vcd tUclrpathway with flowers ,.-:.;.() n, . .- 'V-J Ucsa lady and Gad bless groom i" "t- -r ; i w utaiden went sstray, ' ; ;.: i'.-i.ya t ( hif life's youajday; "(! r.ioru swRsiiiaaad teari ttiaii Mod, i i ;' ,.i jiviM liivdiy where l'.nd Ijvc led; ; a-? ter. 'w.-cked i-i a i'n:i;vroiiJ (.iiido, . . ,v ..lu-i-ui wid by a fair ii'ii aid-. T"" womau repented tnd turned from gin, 1' .in 1 1". jor up., n. 1 1.) 1. 1 her in; " 'i . pr. MUev prayed that the alight bo forgiven, 1 it t 1...T t Uo!v for mercy In heaven. I'ji- tl.is i.i tlw h.w of the e.rt!i, we laiow, 'liiut t.w woman i i scorned, while the man may (. - ' - A brave man wedded her, aft?r all, Cut the world said, frowula;:, "Wo shall notesU." Uila V.'hecler Wilcox. rLIIlTATIOXS. Tho Great Souihern Resisc'y it-' a?" AND TETHIKO- Tlien (ire very fow who tlo not know of thli ltille hutli pnnvinsaiongHk!'! of ovr HKmntniiia xniil Lilts: b.it vory" i'uvv it i ;.e ti f.'ft, klisu the little purple bony, Tihli li .-o many n m im entcu in nw-ii ovtvy slit' pp. tuffe in cr'-,-ciplo in it ha viiii; a vonticrful cfltct r Ijo liinvoif. Dr. II uclpborry fi i Is tllOtHMiAT SdU'l HKH.V 1IKMEUY tl.ai l'B(Orf'9 the little ouc IciUtlnp, und cures 3arrhaa UrsnitDry m1 Cr.,inp CCffc, When It W ci!slflf red ll-.nt nt thfaseaonof the ye ar ;it1d-n mid Oui'f ti ur zuuek ct ibe bowels uro frequent, ami w hca.- of bo many deaths oceurriua before a iOiyaleiuti cun bo called In, It is important tna: eei y huKHH bold should provide U:?m.A'ivfs wild Koine peedy relief, a Joto of viili-h will rcltrve tho pnlii Riid fffivo jiiiirli an.k'ty. ir. liluacii' Ilitckh ltrrrv l.'ordial fun8fmijlorei..ety wiiicft fcnv child la p!fA-ic'd to take.- Prlr, tV) rent- a bottle. Mannfactured by WAI.TKR A. TAVLOK, Atlanta, f'.fi. AVlatr a i'.tifmii. am Mullein iiritJi'iiv of hiel Hum ill cnr CViutrhn. Croup and Cun- b z.ct. and It n ochie. , Keal Estate Ageocy. AAHKEE & EEHNODLE, Agents, Git A HAM, UT. C. ,- 1 -A ttlonfeiiiftJuMM jnilc-frftm ?Ifr 6 rRtfp,in AlainiihcoiToiiiily, con till nihil i'63 ucre 45 acre In original irrmi'll', r.O'ii piuea, 1K in eui(iv.Mlon. Tho place i well watered, a creek and two braii'-liei rnnninj; throu.'liit. A fine oreburd, 8 sro"d lobaceo- barns, $ tenement l-mim, ;oxl feed bams, an 8-kidiii dwelling with biicemciit aiid I., and pood well of wiiter. are on It. (.oiivcuieni to churches, school, and u irood new null in 14 mile of Hie lnme. It. is a desirable fa. in adiip'cd t" Re irriwtli of tob,cc i. train and irruKKcs Place U seeded in wl.cul d n.itf. rS!!e8inc Kiven at once. Price 62 )00. j;inl3 "Do you intend, to flirt with Jam?" This inquiry was from inc. Corn v.-as LnLsiiinc? out Iict curly ninno before Sirs. Iletciiam'n uialiouny bureau. ' . "Do 1 intend to iiirt willi him;' sho repeated, wuilins nt her reflected toinge, I knew that particular b-milc. I bad seen it before. It diviv up the left corner of the mouth a littlo. It brought out a cer tain exi;re&iion ia her eyes which v.aa ab Bolutelv hot ta bo mistaken. ""DhrTeTrvell, I observed", "But do-r! you think .him worth while? II? btruck mo an rather insignificant." Jly clearest, every man is worth whiio --when theru'u no better. But ho is not bo very id looking. Anyway, beauty counts for nothing in a man." ' 'No. It'i just as well, bo far as Mr. Whitney is concerned, that it does not."- Cora had completed tho brushing pro-ce.-a, ym p'.ailed the hair into a chubby braid tied up nt the end with a bluo nu bon, mid now turned hernjlf about modi-taO.-ly to look at mo. Presently blie re marked: "You are a strange girl, Eilon." "Why?" I ventured to aide. "O-'iyoa misstluiiip." Shogavoher front liair a dab with the brujli. "Iai pressions censstioas." "FlirtatiouB, do you uusaa?" She gave a shnig. . "VV'cIl, if you choose to put it in that It bring j out one's best resources. It r.cfnahy improves one's looks. I know it idiproves mhie. I never look bo well ivs when I'm having a flirtation." .She re garded herself plieidly lhree-fjuartur face j la the Ivetcliani loolung (jlaus. " "Even with as unexiuiarating a spool. B3 Mr. Whitney?" ' "V"os. If ho is unexhilarating. iSomc timei. those plain lapking, quiet, insigr niiicant uix liavo a strange jiow-er of ias ciaalion. Oil, you needn't laugh." "I wouldn't ihvam of such a thing. I am lost in admiration at your occult knowledge," I declared. "Voiucoul.l have it. too, if you would take tin interest in the subject practice, you know." "Oh. no, I haven't tho necessary quali fications. I am not Sfl and ahcml lovely. I am 2U and usually considered plain." 'Oh, looks havo not really very much to do with tho matter," Cora was good enough to say. "Neither has ago. It's all in kiio'.viii:,' how to manage, iteiilos, was probalily nil right, and nsGuroily ho concern of mine. ' . One. day as I sat nt my customary window (wo had been Ura. Koteham's "city boarders" for some three weeks) Cora came in, and tossing her racket againbt tho first support sha found for it. drew a chair near my table and tat down. t . , llio Bi'.enco that ensued caused mo to look up in surprise. Jliss Weatlierloy was Btaring out at tho trees. WeHj' I observed. "What has Imp pened? What ia tho matter?" - Sho promised the sjiecifio answer by saying that she did not fori well. "Yon probably imbibed a littlo star light last night. When ili.l Fttlher Ketcham cIcjo up and send Mr. Whitney home?" . . "Oil, that's nil right?" sho exclaimed impatiently. "Ono can do those lhing3 here!" ' ' . " . " "Do you refer to the atmospheric freedom from dampness and malaria ot to tho rural freedom from impro priety?" "Both," she replied promptly. "Oil, I did not know that, where a iUrtation was concerned, you troubled yourself about tho former coahider.ition at nil." No, tho excitement keeps ono from taking col 1," tJic said, with jiertect grav ity, still Btaring out of tho window. . I buret out laughing. "Now, please don't laugh," sho said, relaxing. tho seriousness of her own face. "I , came to you because 1 have gotten into a tight corner, and bec'auso I want you lo help me out." "Oil, indeed! that is usually the timo one seeks out one's friends, I beh'eve." "You can bo as sarcastic o.o you clionwo. if ymi.BaliajwjLgasl you to do." . "Weil, what is it? Havo you been going a litilo tx) far with Mr. Whitney? Do you want to dra'.v yourself out of tho alfair?" "That in it precisely!" she criad with creat animation. "You nlways seo tlirough things clearly when you take tho pains. Kllenl Tho fact i3 I am afraid that tiio fellow is getting a little. too fond of me. Mind you, I have never en couraged Iiiin" "Oh! Yoa havo "never encouraged hirar" "Now, don't bo dull!" cho cried petu lantly, "You uiM'enitand what I mean perfectly well. I have never encouraged him to think I might well, marry him; I liave never gone eo far ai that. And I have never said a word outright to not BUro" and cho p.-.u.-d "!'m not tiuro but that, i:ow that I havo mailo up my mind to Lreak otf my flirtation with ttiia, I like him rather better than I thought I did. If it's going to be hard on luin, it's just poislblo that it may bo a littlo hard on mo also." Cota delivered herself of thii litilo harangue beforo the- niahogany bureau and its mirror, where, indeed, (iho seeintd usually to lie standing when in the retire ment of her own room. ' Whaffdt of answer sho expected mo to mako I do not know, but what I did Say, bluntly, was this: 'I wonder if you'ro blind, or if you think I am? It has struck me that Mr. Whitney i' doing i n Lis (iido just wl'.at you aro doing on yoiUMwitlidrawing." I suppose (iic-se aro br.ual thiivps to say to a pr!. But Cora wan of tho sort, who could stand them. Her b;t quality vas an elastic, fihroiw, indestructible kind if courage and fraikueis. Tilio never hes-i-tated to apply tl;PN.e.;t cf tho latter to hcn;elf. fjiio now t;irnod round and looked at mo with a j.LiciJ contem plativencss. "I have , noticed that,", she "said," calmly. "What do you uup;oso is t!io reason? I wonder if any ono can havo been t ayip.g anytliing?" ' "What could they say?" "One never knows," oho returned, falling to fresh brushinja of her hair with an absent hand. I will admit that if Cora hail culti vated but one -art sho -bad mastered Hint ono in all its details, and attained not alone a wondrous scent for tho possibili ties of its Huccwsivo stages, but. which appears to lie raro enough to 'i)titlO it to special commendatory mention, an equally unfailing inntinct with regard to the exact time when tho gauio might lie siiid to havepasSi.'d ovrt 'Of -her hands. -; pilie acted now, with a promptness mid flnisli which I could not tut impartially admire. Instead of enervating hcrtx'lf in baflled ittteniiits to draw her recalcit rant admirer back within the chela of her fascination b!io aui'omic?d to him, with a charmingly nai.un.1 gayely, tho next day, that she had suddenly decided to go back to town.v "I am very sorry to go, too.J' sliesaid, pensively, "I have I ad tuch a vtry de lightful time, in spite of tho Uulliici:;, thanks to you, Mr. Whitney." Kho did the whole thing m well that in token i f my approval I told her I would g'j back home with her. We left, with flying colors, tho follow ing morning.' Mr. Whitney, ladetr with a basket of to Live wiTHOut eAtin& make him think that I was really foil JoFrrmt, etc., came down to seo us off. lie IWU be made. Cut till-! nut I and return to u, and e- iil . Bond von free. .nirt!iiutr nt . ireut value and iinportuiu-0 ' lo von. that will slu-1 Vm in liriKniifii wliicli will brl't' yon In more money riirht away than nnv.hln t cl In tbi win id." Any one can do the work mid live hi homo Either rex. all aw: Some, tliii'a; new, thai int C"in money lur all woikf. W dwill rtm y.iif-; c loilal not dee.ucU. Tbix l one of ibe irennliie Lnpoil i. t h nice nf a lifelimr. I inwe who lire HUibU lion' "'id ciilcrpriaii. win it..t del iy. Grand ouilh f ce. Address IT, UK A CO.. Anstma, Maim-.' dec 8 ly i lRiOU RliLgxft RiffJAItW m A Life Experience. Remarkable and Qulclc curaa. Trial Paclcases. Send ntamp for aaalod paxtlculara. Addreea y-. WARD & CO. Loul3fana, Mo. I'UOrc10NALCAUUS. J AS. E.DOYD, ATTOUNEY AT LAW, Grenuboro, JV. C. .Will bt at r,r.ham on Monday e.f each wck to atlci.d tn profminnal bu'iil'K. ?ep 16 gt B "WTIITAKER. Jr . him in any war. One can bo just us cir- euuispeet a.-) that, you knmv, and K'.iiliiirt hke liko everything, Blio concluile simply. ' ' ' "Oh, can one? Don't say 'you know.' There's no knowledge nt all hi my cai;e. I havo already confesncd complete ignor ance of tho entire modus operandi of flir tition." -. "Well, you know enough to seo that thero aro eomo girls who flirt in tho r.vxl horrid, vulgar way imaginable; corres ponding with a man, and languishing nt hi:u, and letting him squeeze their hand. anJ all that. And that Ihore aro others who flirt but who never, never permit any - tiling of that kind! " The -whole or" "Performance," I uiggectod. "Coiififcts in shadingsin iincsstsjnl "Intangibilities fci excellent." "And I can assuro you that that is tho fxn-t cf flirtation which ia truly artistic. Tho other is a baso and a grcsa, counter feit." "What ia tho trouble with your truly artistic work, then, may I inquire?" "It has been too artistic, she ret urned. stooJ on tho platform till tho train began to move, and to tfie last Cora plied bun ATTOK.VEY AT LAW, GRAHAM. N. C. Prartlrr In the fttate and Fede'al court. CoMerttnn luade In all pft ul Ihe Tlaie. Ilcluri iicMuit. u.rS16Tiy J. D.IiEUXODLE A TTORSEY AT LAW tiV aiih. m.v. frarlieea m Ibe blate and federal Coar vCI laiibfulljatil priaitlj aturnd lo all boa jtm Inlraaled to bin JNfl W. liRlHAM. HJlatur.'. N.C. it. K I1UAIIAM tirabam. KX GRAHAM & GRAHAM, ATTaRima at t.Aw, Practice in Ibe tlai a ad Federal Cnrtr. no use telling such things. You could pass for 23 if you chnoe at least, with the manner of weigliing the matter ciro- fully, "I think you could. "Oh. thank you," I yawned.- "Sup posa we put out the light now?" - "Why, youlre not sleepy, cro you?" demanded Mi:ss Wcatherley hi surprise. "it -dix-s seem strange. We've lieen discusf.ing such engrossing subjects," I repliad. An I was falling mdecp- I - hnnrd a mu'.iled laugh. An., astounding thought ha1 struck my companion. "Goodnes-s! Ellen, wliat do you sup pose I would do if I had to stop in this stupid hole d:c weeks without uny amuse ment at a!!?"- she demanded. What do you expect to do? Yon -did not Luow thero was" any Mr. Whitney, Rjol lool.i.ig or ill Ixiking, exhilarating or uncxhd .rating, when you came." "My dear, they aro building a new road near the Ketciiaui ho.nest-ad. are they not? And when there are new road.i building there arc usually engineers to build them. There was sure to bo Eo:n -bo !v." " " . ' 0'i," I exclaimed; "and tiicn tliere w a silence. ?. wai understood tlict Cora WVathcrlry had been str.t to a quiet place in ord:T to Mni't froai tho effects of too lauch BockJ dissipation. Sho had, as it ij er presicl, "run down.' flie herself, in speaking of her debilitate:! condition, o su'.cd jKjojdo that she liad hud ciwiplcte nervous prostration. TIioeo who could havo !c:i her a wet-k after her arrival at t'le Kctchaui farm, playing tennii in t!iO June bud all tio morning, driving down in 'Hie nrighlxirhood of the new road every afternixm and sitting out in tiio UampiKfiit every cvenmg till old man KeU-haia cams thumphig around from the back regions "shutting up" as lie went,, might liae been inclined citlHT to doubt thin awrtion or attrdmte it to tlte air and miik and other aaluliricNis projxT tiea cf the Ketcham acres curative pota bilities of a miraruVKM order. WhenercT I looked up from my aketch in? Cora was eit!nT just coining in from aiaicwhero or just going cat. Tiie pot of coll Imt rcl UT.nia 1-jit made ngainrt tiie environing Kr-cr.nfs got t- Lo a sort of perambaliting objective point ia Ilia lan't--!,-'. An 1 it was usually n4 tdond. On tuo- occai jH3 it wa accouipBnel either ry m while straw list or araue kind f ft cap with a v:ir, tmth of which pieces of hearlgear cirterH the capita) eitn-mity of a alight, fair haired man of medium "height. "Thia. tnra." I would any, runung to my water olnrB, "ia tins nirUUim." We'J. if tiicr both en- j-ve-J It (and to seo thnn laughing and talking and planring nt earli cthrr one j rey jit-t what I tiikl you (he lirU day itnhie stimulation they iliTi-vml frrea the esrrrijc w-M liifdi), and if Mr. Whitney could spare thut much good time from wark to dovote to auch orninafkm. it window with a piu tiiig salute and a ling ering look toward Cora, two young men came running i.long tho platform and boarded our gliding car, which appeared to be the last. They caught sight of him, shouted a "Hello! You here?" laughed, nodded; and then iStanhope- Whitaey pOKicd out of our sight. The two young men found an empty seat immediately front of Cora and my self. "Wonder what Whitney b doing at t'nia jumping oil place?" cried ono of thorn. Uk.lm'simNTiWlheKcW riad'mm-ir," you know," said tho other. that so.' And they opened their now.'i)a!iri-a. An hour later, as we were waiting, in Iho purposeless fashion way trains allccl hi rural districts, at an uninteresting lxik ing station, for ajiparently nothing in par ticular, it' Ijccamo evident that our. neigh bors had fallen to difcuavdng the friend from whom Cora had just summarily parted. "By Jove!" one of them was exclaim- Fittenliic H Dineuiboweled Tortoiae The Senantinn of llunir- llreat Kuters. Auto'SUggcHtion, or Icliof that ono ia nouribhod when ono is not, U a great thing, and accounts for many .phenom ena olhrrwisa inexplicable. Boilillot re latcu'aii incident to prove its existenca in the animal kingdo:') as well. "A tor . tula' weighing one kilogi-ammo and a half had been captured and iK-rniitted during sevi-ral w-s to wandi;r nioimd tho garden, cnbsliting on flies and other hisect.1. Whoa weigliing two kilo grammes tho creature was recaptured aud eviscerated from behind, its head, mA'.ilxTii and shell being left intacf." It was tlwh restored to its liberty weighing f.fiecu granunes lofa tlian at lio lime of jts lirst captura, and although entirely hollow and open on itti pwlerior a-.pect it roamed about as before, mapping up flies that after being swallowed readily escaped from behind. After two weeks tho aninii-.l waa taken and again weighed, when it was found to . bo iivo grammes he.ivier than at tho perhxl imuiediati ly after its eviaceratiou. Tlio.creaturo ivus a c.war.t that is, bolicved that it wai tahing into its Bywteiu an abimdanco of aliment; it- wuu Rowing fat. What was ttiH niysterioibi energy that worked an apparent imnos.;ibihty, if not auto suggestion?" - N (in tho other linnd. this sensntion of hunger i . at hast, in a certain measure, independent of tlw ttato of inanition. Ia other wonls. La c:vxvj of nervous diseases hunger may lx; felt acutely, with all its distressing cffect-J, in a body sidilciently nourihheil. In support of tiiis distinction, M. do Pnrviilo says: "We aro acquainted with a l.'nu lawyer and a fat engineer, both of them neurasthenic. If tho lawyer does not tdka-4i-4;k..JU;leiraaiid a sandwich at 5 o'clock,, ho bocomis livid and has an attack of vertigo. Tho engi neer is tougher. Tor about a year ho guarded hiia'If pretty we'd against his idiosyncrasy by smoking; but toward 7:!!0, when ho canio home and sinelled tho odor cf the ditoa.se, if ho aa not served on tho in.-.lar.t, ho could not con trol himself and went into a' veritable fury. Ho Ixi-amo positively and in spite of himself f uriounly ravenous. And yet, bo was fat, and had no need to repair the losses f the organism that was already too well r.burklied. " Ko r.luO mimtroua stories aro found in all ancient medical dictionaries rdativo to those great e:iter.i whoso . insatiable btomachu ciigiihil ie-1 enormous masses of rolids and liquids. Kuch was tho caso of Tnrarua, who wcnl no far ns to drink tho blood of bis patient and eat tho flesh of cadavers, and who wqs ntispicled'of hnv- with Em;h7ff;Ai5 herstepjied b!ickfrintiurigJ'om'cdail-y cliUd; yet he had a most sweet disposition when ho wmu't hungry. Ileiiry Howard in The Cosinopoiilan. f neD ,maN and His wife. The Hull i:-ed anl Sorrowfnlj Inillan Yi oinnn IThou Toll C'eaaea Not. A truco then to the sentimental suffer ings of tho Indian. Let us havo charity when) charity ia due, ay; sorely needed. Abate not your efforts, reader, in behalf of the red men: Ho has liis wore. Lis true and particular bill of grievances. BuCforgot not' tho dislrc&sing csso f tbo Indian woman, the sad eyed and sorrow ful, v.lioao toil never ceases, whoso har den li hover laid down; but who joumeya on. ever in tho 6hadow, until, tho end con ion and there is rest and pcaco ia death. . - . -' And so tho day drags heavily on. " A littlo visiting, a littlo racing, a Utile hunt ing and iishijig, but poorly rewarded and altogether unsatisfactory when judged by tho Indian's only standard, siiccesa. There will bo sonic games of skill for tho boys and young: men, many games cf chanto for young and old of all sexes and con ditions; for tho Indian is a gambler, deep dyed and inveterate. Asiiight approaches tho fires aro rebuilt or replem.s!iod, tho prt goes c-n and tho valley is filled with tho btbillo of f reparation for tho evening iueid- In qmdily it. U lh K.-inie p tlijit which ushered in tho ilay; in quantity it is perhaps more; liko it, it is quickly and silently dispatched. Tiio iiica. may no-.v sleep; tho slutp of carelc:;') eaticty. Tiio women, after a few more duties in prepa ration of tho morrow, they loo may bleep. When tho sun has pone and tho twink ling stars havecomo sho seeks" the hardest spot, wraps lkn:elf hi the fewest and thinnest blankets and strives to forget, in tiio heavy sleep of wearinera and c;diaus tion the crushing, labora of Iboiby, tiio sorrowful prospect of I lie morroV.-. : It must lie eaid for tho red man Hint ho keeps goodhom'SwJJiirkneBs ii;iiidiy finds him in bed, and daylight, tho jarig.V of hunger and tho r.warms of bussing, bitinj Hies may bo counted uxm to rouao him at the lint blush of dawn. His toilet w coon performed. In summer it h limited to a stretch and a long drawn, chest sat isfying yawn, ending in ft querulous de mand for breakfast. In winter it is somo what more elaborate, but is ev(,i then comprised in a jmlieioir.i selection "cf blankc bi and robes for the dny 's' wear; choosing from those in v.hieiv bo h;u jiassed tho uiglit a greater or Ices quan tity according to tho inclemency of tho weather. Tho Indian goes to bed as ho dies, with his boots on. Ho washes never. In all tliii.gs &avo eating, horses and t!ie lulxir of women ho i.i bcrupr. lously cconumical. : lio 'wastea colbinj;. A few slicks of wotxl, and they arc al ways surprisingly small, sufliee to keep liii loI;;o tolerably warm in tho -sevcrcht v.-eat lur. If thcuighU nrocool, ami they vh6 KnowsT woo of na know . . ITow tur nest neighbor (areaf ; How of tbeVoea aud inny caree ., That riso liko raountabia la their wayf ' Aud who of us can lay ... . . Wo Unoir ot that lare world we borer aod, Tho world of povci ty - tVboof usknow. , ., ' . How nrich of jiata a amtlin faeo eoriecalij How little of tho aiuill,rht ever steals I:.to the. lives of those-who seem the happiest' Tho one who makes u merry with his Jew, May he act carry In hi3hcsrt o freo . , A wound he does not wish tho world to ioef Who of ua love,-' ' V ' And loving, ehci iRh but t'jo empty nflme, And feed our hearts ou nought; the tlsmo That burns so brilliant and bo bright; . That lights our path ea do tha Btars at nlcht,' -Goci out as quivii as beatn's lightning Uashca, And leaves uaaahest r ' , , tlecr-re Wilmot Ilarria. , Con Fhil Kherlriim'a Conrtahlp.' . 4 Not lon,,r since, at a dinner. vert id New York, Gen. Sheridan related tin in cident that befell him whilo calling ori tho young lady who ia tho present Mrsi .Sheridan. Vurfhf; tho war Gpn; fJheri-. dan was tOQj.iiuch occupied defendinaj his country to full in love. When the malady ihially-ovcrtook him Jn Chicago after tho war Sheridan had passed whalj is Konera'Jy eddied Uie romantic stagd and v.-a3 Botthng down into, a woJ' seasoned old bachelorhofxh Old Ixlehelor niako t'.io most enthusiastic of lover? and tho general admitted that lib waa! n . exception to the rule. ' "It was a warm summer evening,", Sheridan bean, "and upon my arrival at tho liouso tho young lady and mystlf retired to tho l.ck parlor. Tho, fronl parlor 0x.-ned hito the hall, and as tho: nij-dit was warm, you know, wo did nc think it necessary to liht lhot gas iu tl:d back . room. Now, this young lady. father had n great fear of "burglars. I' -had burglar, alarms oil over tho house, and had recently put a now claim on tl' front dxr. Neither tho young' lady nor myself know anything about the alarm on the front door. After .' timn.thoold gentleman came dow set his alarm on tho uoor, anil' dim light in the front parfo that I had' gone, and turned i in tho hall. Wo were busily cr ing, you know, and somehow j -him. Finally when I got up young lady accompanied mo ' 'o wcreuiu'urLwd to And the li. out and in fumbling aroud fo, Unob I tet o.T the burglar alarm- to me linn i neve, anew a uurg -J or to work so wt ll beforoi It eow pliiaV tho explosion of a keg of clyi.'i n ijt far moment later the father of the.. y loada appeared ut tho head of the stidi .Voted night uivsu, in Ming a ngnt ui opo t .icnal ff 'nitedi fiequeiiTly mV itlio lixlgo fliJortit ni;"h nnj ft fcrgo pistol in the -other At i; a wniinng macs or in-yans, great anil small, lying closely together for warmth. I Night 1ms lew attractions for those who beiieve that it was made to sleep in. Their savage fancy, therefore, iooplc3 it with harmful Bpirits, whose presence means no jgood, whoKO influence is alwnjuevil, bod- mg in .on unu niifcioriunc. lNOiiiingMiort of tho direct necessity will induce tliidn to I would' havo had something to say about that, 1 tliinJ;:" "Old trick of Whitney V returned'tho other, nonchalantly. "He's going for money, you know. J havo known him to havcTtalf a dozen such affairs. If. in tho middlo of a flirtation, he fiiuls out Hint a girl's (inancial pro:,M-.-l3 aro :'im, or nil, ho lias no bcruplonlxait drawing gracefully into the background at oncv not tho leant. He'll iain bin point yet, cannot have Mr. W bitney following ino : coining to see me in town, lio makes no secret of it that ho has no fortuno at all, and that )x-ing tho caso tho people at home would absolutely not hear of his'i having any well, intentions. Pajui has j caid a hundred times that ho doesn't want a poor con-in-law; as for iftamma, j bho told mo every day since I was out f shcrtffrocks not, as I valued my happi ness, to marry a poor man, for it did not pay; which, by tho way, I always thought rather hard on iupa,""for he's poor enough, heaven knows. Kate has threatened latterly 'to paint cards and things for some exchange, ho has kept us eo nhort in money, fw gloves and thoso necebsarie-i. But to' como lack to what I was living; It would not suit mo r.t all to marry a poor man. Accordingly, I wish to begin to draw a line to dig in trenchmcnts. And here is where you can help me; by happening around, ju.-t in a casual wajvyou know, wlien ho comes over." "That is a very agr8"ib!o littlo plan you are laying out for me! Oho which I shall enjoy immensely, aud Mr. Whitney, too." . "Now, lillen dear, you know you would do that much for a friend. I'm Hated by a Hair llopn. Five minutes later, tho tunnel men of tho I'xcelsior mine, a milo Uflow, taking t!ieirhineli on on the rude platform of debriq IxToro their tunnel, were buddenly driven lo (.belter in t'.io tunnel from an 'apparent rain of btoiies, rx:kn and pebbles from tho cliffs ftlxivo. Ix)king up, they wero Martied at Riving four round objccU -.revolinif .juLibouldi'ig in tho du:.t of tho slide, which evoiit'UaHy.,., resolved themselves into three bova and a'pirl. i lor a moment the gixirl men held their breath in helpl.f-s t.urtr. Tv.ico one'of x"to VoeMtf Mou. .Kduentmtf the children bad btruck thirTiuter edge of Tho artich-s oppe:u-iug in sevend lcar the bank and displaced stouea that shot - ing monthlies on "How I wasIiJueated," 1,000 feet down into the dizzy depths of ore all written by educated men. lit the valley, and . now one of them, the j wero tho uneducated men edne.-.ttil? girl, had actually rolled out of tho elide Among thorn wero such men as ff 'riry and wua hanging over tho chaMU i.np- j Wilson, Andrew Johnson, Abraham Lin- opiinrition the young lady deserhjgjg 9 and flod into tho darkness. My pi jo, was iiositively dangerous. I supp-cly del. -Ix-en in dangerous places Ixfore" tern tbinlang of it, but I confess for tM hara meat I trembled all over with f, xh ecarci'Iy mustered up voice enough fndy--'Don't shoot; it's me.' I'ortuuat n,. to reco2i) ized mv voico and let mo n. .i move jr travel at night, and no form of "Now, you know; gontlemeii,". Bnj -. . 1 '..! ,1.:.. t -.l I ,1 amui ement can bo conceived of attractive enough to draw an Indian from tho blankets which ho fcoeka at close of day. ew i orlt u rapine. ported only by a cluinii of chmiasul to i which she clung. niiiix vn l;y. your.. tY' b''s hut don't stir for lii.-aven's' sake!" i.libiilwlT or.o ot the men, as two others started 'on a hopelcsj accent of tho chll alxvt them, j irul a light, childish laugh from the i clinging littlo figure alxive them wined j to nixk them. Then two small hi ikU upp-iiired at the edge of the slide; then a diminutive figure, whose feet Wf.ro aj- i jnrciitl.t" held by some invisible Ciinpan- j ion, was chovtd over tho brink, and j htroti-hoil i;s tin v anus toward tho girl, i you'll iw, Whotevrr'e the r.wwn, the ! I"ut in vain, tho I'l-ttancu waa too grout. sure I would do as much for you at any time." ' "That, my dear Cora, is tho safest offer you ever mndo'in yisir life." " "But you will oblige ineanil -a hang about ft little, won't you. Ellen?" "fl'i. vra: t!iouL-li whv I should I mv- self do not know." . I esf UUy fruits, as c-sumng uugbt The little maneuver projected br llis f Vf, H"1 10 WW,U h"v: bul l"c" Weathcrh y was only catrie.1 into' mmo Uie eanv. A can of grcn s itt corn 6ort of effect, Bul. t.'xmgli si-antily vcnotl i "'- " ........i- u,-. vn i uie girla nil take to him. lle ijcemstohavea certain way with him. There's always one or another on the tapis. The oue-o ith tho hatful of money will bo forthcoming one of Ihe-io flays, too. I haven't ft doubt. " I turned rlowly, and I met Cora's cyrs. Sho had heard, of cour.y, as distinctly as myHcIf. fcuddeiily sho put her bandLir chief up to her fa; anil bur;t. Ix'hind its shelter, into an interminable jx-al of noiwle Lutghter. These, then, were lit tlo games ut which two could play as well as one. tvelyn Thorpe in New York Mcreury. coin, lidward llitchcixdt and buudreds of others eminent in public life, whoso nanies ar almost household ivord-i. Iiow wiXS'JiiyMdWifunX-ilr" Ifr wwil I VsW paying investment for some maj azine to iiiro liim to tell tho story of his eai'y mental training. Wo recently read that "when Dr. Hitchcock w:u president of AuiherHt college lia was as ked from what Institution ho graduated. He replied, From my mother's dye tab.' T!ur who wero children when Iresii!inl llifeti cock waa a boy will remember t'nt i.i many houses a wooden dyo tub, liolJing eight or ten gallons, hixl in nlm t every kitchen chimney corner, filled! with dye, where tho g'xxl hoiux-wivi-s colored tho yarn for tiio stx:ki.ig:i and milieus f the family. It v:on'a w.r.-m, cosy .Iaco, und wua frequently occupied ns a at lot coiir.:e it liad a tightly lilting cover) by chil'ht-u when studying their Dalxjll's It lfoaa FurnUtilng lu Ulcxlco. U no i-JMirgiraliori to say tliat. article f-T artith.', the" furiiisbliigijfa Another laugh or intense yoiitWi.l en- 1 joymetit followed tin failuie. and anew1 insecurity wtiH addcl to the n'.ualion by i the unsteady bands and ihotfldivj of Hie i relieving party, who were apKir.T.l!y ; baking v. i ll . laughter. Tlwn the i-x-j U ndid figure wat mill to detach what lxked like a snrill black r.,x from its' arithmetic and Hurray's grammar. diouldiTS and threw it t Ihe girl. 'J Iut" ! We much mistake Iho object and Kcopo wasaiioiber litlh" giggle. Tim fac- of i of education when wo supixw; tlu;t a rr-.i-tho men h .'ii'v i.-ah-.l in terror. Then j dVnco i:i college balN I) iiiisr-viry t'i ua Folly f.r it wns she liijigmg to tho long pigtail of Wan Ix. v.:idrawn widi Ids of laughter back in uifuty M the .Lli.le. Their ch;ldit,!i treble of apprecia tion wiui tiiswered by a ringing claer from IkI'jw. "DshimI c(4 vcr-want to cm lusise in Mei-ieocit-tthreetias'Kannn'.h tTiluaman s plgtr.il ftgam, boy. km1 as it dix-s in tho I'niied Stales a jxihit ; " tunm l men ns be went which railway cumpr.nMti do nit take dinner. lin t Harte in vTlio tJ'K'en into considerition they pay not I of tho Finite Wo." over high sularios i.i fc.:vi r to tis ir cm- ' plover) b'-ro. I A Iwn llrlil In Tawa. Tho liiglicst priced food fa cannrd t It may not ! generally known tliat tiio gooiit ik-xico ouglit not toi:n;rtth'0 j little t!M,rt t'twn of V. ininar. lit tiie education. We U hi ve in colleges. They bland as ont;o;ds against ignorance. I'lsS'-ands of- Iho lx-;t ui';ii mid women have been clm-ati-d by them; but an edu cation outside has le:i accoimdi. luil witli j excellent wtcccwi in a multitude of in- t& ai atunci") We often bear of very i nec:.--- in the wcatlhT indications of tlsw; ilcnii- i mental latitudes, it occurred to me iu t.ie ! course of a few days that t.'ic young lady 'a f uni-a-'ii.Tns uiight xaibly havo Ut-n j:b4 , ft little premature; in utlvT wtnls, that j tins hiUanii)tins che pLumi! for me to ! execute wero ra-ln-r su;xri!uous; that, as j it were, a gap waa U-ing as qtis-tly made on the otiier rtle. I wondered, oim o rr twieo wlict.'ier Uw) fact would dawn upon Cora's conf itusn-i as well. I Kurricrtod, ilirtleliy. tliat t'.:it it had, wlien 1 found hT growing bligbtly un,r when rime with rrK, and aiigh'Jy inclined to he a trifle more provixntivo, to f-nsa on tiie ajtuatiou, Uwigh evrr di licaUdyr'hi trad yX tlsiing from it, when Mr. Whit ney made bis now Domewlial U-ti fitvpirnt appearanet I was convinced linally nna emung that she had rather dry native stulT, eict ai-v,iity-lio it.U silver; a K.na!l can of oytT, thirty -tv.o cent-i;. a small ciin of ilmmgton pre pared liaw a xxind of Am rican ham, lifty cent.-; I.olojna fausa-T", ij'l a Hind, etc. Imit U alxmt clienn as lium- ; pagne, and to auk a friend to tako a ; gkiiat cf T i.i a titt inarkeil cooq li j Ui' nt. Tiio lurury of "a liam leiidwk b j und a gla-o of Ixtt" Is alxit ea high oa j one can g in t!ie treating line, and lite qu.-iulily of ham u not iu r-rijrtk):i to tiie pm'crful deal t4 breaiL C;.t::iJ cwU th'rty-rvcn cetita a xxind Ik-re. Mexico Cor. Ikr4i HiTahL Baltic, ii virtually i.i tiie name po.itia vn ; M'litiguo Tigg'a shirt iiamclv, nt tiie j awnbroki r s. It was in l:-'W that w ful liten In uismiss fijjlcea f a.i 'uiieuu-caU-il." Arelhey? One in min i kid a tlniw.tg'i knowledge of nx'n. He co.iM read tlK-m like a ln.k. His judgment -f rf xks and investmi-nts waa exccHaiit. IbiliaI aggn."-Mvemt-'s, cauticiu-i,ud yi t wai chi):4 lavh in bis oiulayi. lie tm-v; i:o:!iing nf titla r Crn k i rl.-.ti;i. but was wi il v rsl in t!ic kingiM-f v.-ava binuiHM As a commander ,f men bo win unexcelled; yet ho waa unedii- tinuou, "it tiui young uuiy nan i 0()i mo there would have lxen no'dangyt j alio didn't, you know, and -my pa j . was rather awttwarn ueioro I was tyrinta nize b Ono might die on tho field o' without regret, but I should hate' - xii! -419 .ft midnight marauder. I r umr the 3tory mmttseit actually tnkd, for in-' have said, and to Dhow tiuaa) Przia--times when we may all lose out yawr cf Chicago Herald. , ,Waltiln: " 1 Gaelic, Ceil. Uutlrr and lira. Blnmjjj j m It is very well remomljcrod tV ford was hmi.'fed in New Orleans Interest ' hf jwT-itiliii''a Hinlung fur bar. ulunt nf . thu .flap on tho United State? ugo and thero ii a sequel to tiir.t histtlum The that has never been pubhshiv-r'r'atinj;' years after the war Gen. Butt'.; iiiemlx-r of congress and lcarfr Mn. Jlumford was in a small town with her children in an alf'Vhite; tituto condition. A week aftcnjrHjYork. JJumford was appointed to a cUlsoman. the interior department. 81:o 1J. t Mr.: wI-.iTe the influence canld fro;' ' pus her hi the xition, and coul;??j3oiat It enabled lur to live comfon- t '"ad, educate her children. . Tgynian With the first change of odminirf "-nd she lost her place and was in gr 'bout tress. Again Ilia unkr.ovt-n ,Nye,. came Ui her and she waa givol wll , place and her salary incrensei,'""!''' . or two afterward by accident of an out who had been her unknot .etato of, When she found that he was fcbefore a hed always considered tho winded by; derer of Iht husband alw hal Jtom the struggle with liertolf, hilt nt I dignity, C-n. Butli-r to tliank him. J'-ive utter-, Bcene between tbcia was i " Brethren, oixl pathetic one. C.aci-"' that had ; ClalGaxette. atrua waai. '-l roars. Tlia ui;ar JIupl" for. IS;.a'W min ' In a talk to Ma.isachusettW far , , lr -L. M. Iiuwi-n K.id Hie wi or LM Wr; p!e was the lx4 tree to fLmt. al.oat. oi ii-'iiiK-nt or ijiade, . Hp saidi slo,h lmndsome tree from t!W rtaft-. Wlt and we'd balanced in maturity: 7? -fc-go udeepcn l cooling in wimrf"0MeT . g-irroui as the aunHct elonds hi ',V.1f It will ly-rir inure mutihilum an.'' J. Carton la LunfrnUj. Activity, out i f ihx exetcise iuk! crly riaing. with mJ)-ratit4i in diet, ere t!ie inert im'xiarit factors in kn;vvitT. n pawr.c-1 the town to tha IHichy of ?.!ec;-.l-!'bi!rg for a nsoid 141m f i nioiicv. It wj then Minul.it-.! that the , lnwii rhouM Ije ri-4rrd to iSnedcti at li o -nd of n ci-titurr, roai lid Um r-.im lerr". tig-tlHT nilli uilcrest, were jai l back to Mekk-ni-iirg. -.ThisMim ii now ail to atiuamt ti wv erd bu:ulril t:ii:ii nlnarkft. a: d apprr cntly t!nTo in bitUi ci..incj tA Vt l.imir be ing able to pay ii nt the dale flx d. T!.is ainguLtr Trc:ity lias L.ia donnsnt in Fie archives .f the miuiU -qtdity ever aincc it m made up Vt tin- tX'.xt day, wNu n(iro;:u of tiio CilKVion rf mui? laixl to tlte cjr.t.mia aulhonli-. il wua r;: I mined for h-gal pur.ioriM. Itil Mall Uaax-ur.' catel. v.u lie? lite most important and still tlir.ve tlian almost a:'" . l,.r nil i.iii '.tut nnw nmdiwl fur t'.n i...u I ,.' .1. .1 u-....i!rf i mkrnftlllO) iiuninary, ioon to ap;xnr, it r-vr tiutt olu word, education VlxxJ Jwinul. Japnn'9 V.lg llora I'm! ura. Tlx ro is now little lft of tiie clorr of tiie great pa-ture. with its lOO.Od biad of honiw. its ei-ciu-mcnt of tiie roui!diqs. its annual mx-s an 1 tin iniprovisr d tnvns, Willi T"n ir iVutrc j; iggk-rs end ga ly dre -d I'arw-r.). The glint enilsinknn::t and corr-'f Vr? t!;erc,-a::d they tire all t!:.-.t r;inam tf !io i-iqxai.il Ixme pasture cf !iiima a. IL Lalliam in .-Ji Franciuco ClirouicK )...,!, f.r -1 !'l.. it lu nnn rt l. UI It would give comfort tnxs. tl and lies tlteeye ty itJ C hicago Tiuies. A Tt jl A WUI il him to' come to' "first." expected him and he had ixit come, ahe j Few things t n l to pKimote Ixnltli and awklenly rpmarknl: j vigor more tlian t-tivify--activity- witb- I wonder why all the nicest men Ikith oul cscititncnt an mlivity which in to Le inoliiriblefc? Now, riutnlxiie Whit- I "t "'ear Ihe Ixxly out. Iho rnixilo ouiit ut ixirn i.rtiiy, rnu. oa a giwral rule, at ixHh en'X regarding tl lxd or hrain as one and t!tc binba or Ix-nmoiorr ageeb as tlte otJu r; but it aixxtU cot tt was pumible that he might be one cf the f-THr-inating men who are jnt tle OMwr thuigeroiM Ixcanae at the first yl wocikl ucver aiirjiect that thf r ixxdd m.iLe any ct of an impresaBoo Usurer. I'm licrn too J.iurr.U. fsaL-Cw-. Dn-jOi 'IWrlnsa la tla Mle Ixlta. Tiie Ixirin; in tiK Hi lta 'f llie Nile, undertaken Ly tlwi liiyal arx-a-ty an-1 in tniatol to a detachment 4 tlte Bov: I engineers by xrui4'ott of tlx? Br.ii.h -n inry of t4ate for w?r. bate rnw readied a df-jith of nrrly 20 f t vrilh ctt the wJid Ixittotn having been rcai li'tl. a dejr.h grriti-r 1'ian .u prmrndly rn txi:t"I. A coryigntoest f iji-i;:i;; liax LiU lr arrivi-J ia Icido-i cn-1 is n nr llixbcal -j urxlcr cxaniinaLxja. I'w (Ak-vna TLirea ' lAocn.. IWIrtT'a Want fclnav &xriy" wi pt rias are-the raL-ing of a fa!s crri cf vanity, dijipation. txecM, and tb.cn wben it fc rutu-l by a cry fnm tho lx.rt iti i"iijjwivc it I bmr i.ot it-!f. hut anoshcr; idUar-s. jeaiousr, hatlij. fTf T! 'TP. rll fiiriil tfrr Sr-r V'-m fcivlstoi-la fci a rr.r-ien; caltivaii.ri. i& ' tcgnty. lionor t!) l Myalty fnrot 11 li rr-nic rsrJen. V.'e CJ. it r'l rn.r. tL. John f:h:Twol ia Kcw York V.' r! J. Ia Qimo Ylrtorta'a KIU . In the queen "a kitchen there jj ajneed' j keeper to give orders to grocers, -ija ' and other dealers and four c,'erL, j bin in nis work, a chief cook,- four n,;1 ; cooks, two yeomen 01 tiie kitcheir 1 asMUar.t cooks, two roosting coukaT i ectxireni, three kitchen maids, a tc kcerxT, two 'green oflice" men, t Etoam epforatua men, first luxl soc,. yeomen of corifi.-ctknorT, an apprentn. tlare female assLitarts, en errand m;.::. a pastry eook. two fenialo tssistantA : baker and aabistant and Jtan-e c room woutrn. Georgtf Heiiy asr:t i Herald of Hmlih. CliautaaTia i an IrCiaa war', aud arJ-1 tj to-r-jt a V-A ted in the c-iiillo. A Coatly falaitlaiB. It U aaid tho cx t com !t wr.trr c ' in the world ia a wort 13 "1-2 by 1 1 1 br Hi-laua:?r, i"':tr.ilir. a Lm.e f d:cr on etroU duty. U is tai. j WW .,

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