6 71 ANER VOL,.-XIII." GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1887.: NO: lOi ADVERTISEMENTS. Liver Complaint Is moro surely and speedily cured by the Use of Ayer't .Sarsaparllla, tlinii by liny other remedy. I was. n great sufferer from liver troubles, and never found any thing tbat'gavo mo permanent relief Until I began taking AVer's Sarsaparllla, about t wo years a'O. A few bottles of this med icine produced a radleal cure. Win. K. Baker, 1J5 W. Brooklino St., Boston, Mass. A Remarkable Cure. Aver's Sarsaparllla lias cured mo of as bitd a cae of Abscess of tin; Liver us any human being could bo alllieted Willi aud live. I was eoutliied to the bouse fur two rears, and, for the tust three, months of that time, was unable to leave my bed. Four iilivsieians treated mc without giv ing relief, and-, in fact, nothintr helped mc, uiilil I tried Ayi;r's8nin:ipurills. After uiing a fu:irtcr of a bottle of this medi cine began to feel better, and every additional dose seemed to briiift new health and strength. I used three bottles, and am now able to attend to my business., I walk to town --one mile distant ami return, without difficulty. Ayer's Sarsa- . parilla has accomplished all this for we. V. S. Miner, Carson City, Mich. Ayer's Sarsaparllla, Prepared by Dr. .T. C.'Ayer k Co., Lowell, Mss. Bold ty U UruggJiU. l'tic. $1; six Ldul.., Si. FAN AND ANT. But iL didn't gt. epited on The Great Scuthera Remedy U a'" .BOBEL T-RQEJBL.5:. Tliero are very few wlio 60 not lc nt7 of thti llttlA buah growinic n-Jonasa.? of cur ii.ouuialna mid MM: but very fnw irnlke tk fact, ;liH 1 tie lUtlu pitrlu barry, Mch m nrnny 01 liv eatou in most evvi-y fltaj. l tit re is cr' v ' ripl lu it havm a wcrMJcm'ul flf; r f be' bowels. Dr. Biftr'9 liucfcleterry ftr i it tlieaRUAT ou: kkkic sujwfdt lttui sloros the little one tet!iine, ctud cures j;.Arrha'S lVBenifcry nut. Cramp (.'clic. wben It t i)tuit!f ro1 ilmt nt thtafteaeonof the yt-ar audtf-.i und dure 1 uuh Attack iff the bowels are so frequent, aud we fcfr of ho many . deaths occurring befo.-a a phyfcitm can Lp . railed in, It is important thai every house bold jhoul) provide tlienice!vrri with some stpeedy relief, a done of wbirh will relieve the rain and save much anxiety, ttr. If in vera luckli-lrcrrv Cordial is a simple raiedy w aloft -. any child fa plenard to take. Price. 50 cent a not tie. Manufactured by WALTER A. TAYLOR, Atlaiitii.Oa. Tavloa ClroLe hniiird'v f Swte. Gum n4 Multelv will cure t.ur(i.. Croup and Coo-uimpfi-. tri 5rts. tmritl n boiti. Real Estate Agency. & SESN0DL2,. Agents, GKA1IAM, N. C. 4 A rtl.mtitiinn miA tYiiiA ftum 1Vf. I banc, ill Alamunre onunty, cuiituiiiiutr L-vt bcres 45 u res in original rrf)M tn, AO in piuos, lull In cuttivflion, 'I he luce Is rll wa'ercd. a creek end two l.ninl:e rininliie ihrouiTli it. A fin orchard, 8 cihkI toliaeeii barns, 1 tenement l.iiuscs, kiihI fi-ctl Imms, an 8-room dwelliiiL' wllh Inisciiieul and 1.. und (!o(l well of water, are on It. ConvC'ib ni to cliiirelu'S, school, unil iroocl new mill in mile of the ln'iixc. It Is a (kclr.il.le fa. in udap'.cd to the irrowth of tub .cc , Kr;iin and Kiaises, Pace 1 seeded In wlcal d nats. I'lissL'ssioi! clrcii ai once, Frlce d'l iOO. j in1:! H B! AtmSSti J insde. Cut till" out I H j ' 1 fit and return to u. and we ill V! 1 1 rJ li I re" '""thliir "1 IfiUilU A i?rciit value and iinoiiuii II IH V 1 m u vUi (!,;,t u ill tlarl von ill liiihin 'flii'll Initio ynn In more money riiht away than anvililiii rl In this wmlJ. Any one tun d. llie mitk nbd lie al Imine T.itlier sex. a!l age. B..me ibtnif new. Hint jnt c.'in woi.es lor al: svorkers. We witl.iVarf yn : e.tiitl no l.-cdi d. I one of the iri-nnliir Imperi i t h nice, of a lif"lime. Tuose who are nii liou snd oilcrprisiii wiil ii"t di-lny. Grand oifftit free. Aridre TUCK .V CO.. tiitnsta, ilsiiir. dtcSly 'Member CliarW IMt'a wife? Sak'ea '. livo, course j-o don't! It's i.lIi twenty year sence ha brought lit r. bum, Lord, htfw old Ant Lot t Kioruicil. lae lliat old woman now, ruania' vouati to tlie neigh bors, Umaaiiia'. blio cutiie Uirouprh tho pantur where I 'was Juiyiji' with Cy Slullott, on'Iicr way over uja riter'i. . I hollered out "Anil' Lord know.- why ull called her ant; b!io was evtrythi.'i but an ant to fol."'! hoar Cliarlcy's gouo 'i got T married." I "Yes." ' .' "An" to Tan Ijomr' - ' ' 'Low c!Vjti;;l!" ncz tiio cl ! woman. "Wal, Qiaiicy ain't so very higli," I anmvcivd ratht-r s;iitofull", for he waa . tho hi';:. i;t criUcr 1 over iwtnl. "llo'e my youngest, tho last o my flocic,'" grauied tho old woman; '-I'd vrorkol for 1.1st to th-i co:j I o' my days; but Koxvt' t'io k!io:I: her list, an' what atwceii "let iUt 'u her tow, V couldn't t. U i she w;u) laost wad or fTievwl: ''iwan. wail, t'lou'rh last loii.r "on CJi.ahy; it all pouJf l'an. Ar:t was a engirt woman, an' jie.l r.otliin' beticr'n to read the papers I G't hit f a discussion. Couldn't she areo, though! I'iio very jwrson couldn't prove he u a eouI, or t.icre wag eny heaven cr hell, when Ant. Lott licit o' him. Yes, yo ray true; lie did reo'lize lie was in a kind of hell, then; Lord, yesl but ho wasn't ogoin to let on 'twas sol &bc was sot ainst tho gov'ment. 'n so ciety, ' 'n tlio 'church, 'n eddicalion,' 'n tic:, 'bout ev'rythj; , coin. .JJolhin' was right,' 'n Bho.i.-jUd pro it.p-an't. Iuuvcr knev her to 'tow "there was but one thing rirrht In tlio hull 'viirs.il world, n thct was God. She hedft't got bo low down as to say cnything aginst Him. But of the'd ben parlic' herself, she couldn't have sot down harder on folk 'a failins. Yo can 'isaine inter what kind o' a iKOst poor fan coaio. Teor. Fan! Hhe'd lx?n a depo' fal, tondiu' table tiiero, 'a her reijio-tltion warn't o' the best. I oilers pited them depo nals. Ef eny o' 'em wo3 smilia' 'n kinder decent to a feller, ten to one tlicy wsb took advan tage of. Plenty o' men inean enough t try kiss a girl 'out o' brass, 'cause she titan Is in . a public place. I nover b'liov no harm o' Fan. I bccJ her onca slap a filler squar.) ia t!ie facefi an intidtin' word. But folks would Lavo it she warn't oil right, fur sho'i given tor foolin' au' would git pooty Lig'hty-tighty now en' then. Hut lort eomo pi- hoint- no mofti hariu 'u their -hearts tliet way tlieu a frisky young' lamb. It's the luiuc kind u' bubblin' over 'n bath. Fan lied laislrty soft gray eyes, an' when ye looked inter 'em aa' saw Iter rexl lips tretnblia' 'i if they wanted ter kirf right out, 'twas as fresliing a sight a ye'd arsk to see. "f was a s 'prize te ev'rybadly when she married Charley. IIo warn't known to 'vo been v.-aitin' on her. Coarse his folks ull thought shed'g drawn the wod over liis eyes. Ant was tnist of til. Eut nbotly, not blind, could help secin' )j's dead in love with her.- I never eoe sich a happy look as his'n weeks art?r tho marriage, Ant's railin's to the coutra's nctwithstandiA't She began on thet, wjth a never-to-be-letup in it. Fan w;d, it 'ptared not to.nig nify much to Fan, eo long aa Charley looked . happy. So the two was like a riair of kids a good while arter many a married couple, with KemellihV belter than a mother-in-law's railin's to begin with, gita marster tired o' themselrea. Et Warn't in natur thet this would last. Charlcytvas lazy aa ull time, as I said. Ant was right when tho said lluaut'gl It law M .wwty.twws Waail a' could leave It, how that woman did work! She never said nothin', but we all knew she was tot on arnin her livin' 'n EiUe's. Sho went out wasliin' 'n cldanin' paint, 'n doin' ov'rything thet sho coull hiro out to do. Sho worked m the iiclda, sho picked berries,' an' 1'vo mot her many a .time luggin' homo dead wood from Mullett's tim!xr, far he told her Charley might have all he could pick up there. Sich was tho pity of fo'kj fur her they oilers was glad to do her a favot, 'Jlemlxir onco hclin' her hum with a sizabla log, but I met Ant 'fore wo got to tlio farm on' she give mo a cut 'bout hangin' 'round urter married women. Sho Baid souiethin wusa to Fan, 'n I hung back from doin' her favors arter ! that. , , Charley never spoko .mo decent ng'in. No'Jiin' fco mads a man. as to do a kind ness to tho wifo ho kites. Hates? Vol, yes; he'd 'bout come to thct. Sho prob'ly didn't git a fair word from one year's end to unot'iicr. Eut i.he boro up. Folks said 'twas 'causo she forgot horbelf workin', but I think 'Uva3 'caiu;o slie was doin fur EiUoV '" him. Ye3. she was still thct se t on him! an' he uctcrly ivjed her money to dress a liulo spruccr than Ant s means allowed." Eut a great Llow camo to ixr Fan. Al ter sho lost her last baby sho took t ick. She didn't go to bed, as jnett ailin' women do, tut tried to help a li'.tlo bore and there, though coiu-so it didn't 'mount 'to much. . Eut it sorter sarved to ex;e htr mind, BIntlia went on an' she didn't grow no better. " ! I called in there one day on an arrant for neighbor Ilullott. l.own I did it moro to git 111 an otlgoway3 word ' com- fort to Fan, if possible. Course I 'specied ""noihih' but tant3 from them. Fan wa3 layin' on tho lounge an' Ant was but terin' ''bout some cookin' on tho stovo porridgo fur Fan, I guess, fur 'forn I could tell my arrant she blurted out some thin' 'bout 'hovin to slave fur low lived critters. Fan 'looked like death. " 'Spoao ye mean Charley," bps I, "he U 'bout as low lived as any one I know, ruiinin' liiu wife, bdy n' Boul. " I felt that nothin' coald make things wussn they was, an p'raps the truth might wako a spark o' human natur in 'em, Itnew Charley was listoniu' in the nest room. 'Lord!" cried the old woman, "air eny ' ye neighbors hankerin' alter the wife he's got, or, ruther, who got hiiii? Ye're welcome to her, 'n the sooner yo pack her oil the better!" "Yc," drawled Charley from the nex' room, though ho didn't durst to show his shame-faced counl'nance to mo, "I'vo - come to jost tliat conclusion myself Jl "Whatl" cried fun, starif up an turniu' red all over, "do yo say thot Charles?" - "I do!" ''She looked at me so beseechin' I axed: "Can I help ye?" . "Let me hear him say it jest oaoe agin fust!" Sine couuin t iiave praj-eu liim, on her knees, to oueay it, more rurtly than bhe did then, by thatreinblin' of her voice. It mad? me cbake from l;ead to fut. I pitied her so in my heart I hoped that Charley, utcaa n3 he treated her, would unsay hi words. Eut ho didn't. . - 'I'll say t a dszrn times cf thct '11 con vince ye, 'sez the brute. Fan riz up. "Whoro can I go?" scz she, sorter dazed Like. "I know a pkfCc, " scz I. "Eut I her to see the fam'Uy furt. Got yor things togetlier, 'n ye'll be called f ur.thij arter noon. Cheer up; I promise you 'n EHie'lI be looked arter 'a a way to comfort." . Ant gie a scornful suiil, but I 'pcarcd not to notice it. Fun wentlowly on as if to da my biddin . ' I did my arrant 's though nothin' 'd liannp-nin Charley. All to no good. IIo fan'ly tuk to his bed. Ant tussed over him night 'n day. She'd no time now fur argy ments. You'd a thought thero's nothin i l the hull world but thet there sick man. Sho never looked at tho papers. No Eir-ce. Sho hadn't tho 'nponiiilility of rnilin' at tho wrongs In tho world now. Did ye ever notice them kind o' folks? Let a litllo adversity come, an' whoop! tho world may go to decslruclion fur all they mind. An' afore ye'd s'KWcd nothin! straighten, things 'cop' their waggin' tongues. Charley didn't get no, belter. One day Ant, in goin' down cellar f vr somo tkin' fur him, fell on tlio stairs, and when she como to found herself on the bottom an' her log broke. "f was hours 'f;yre uhy one ootno to tho house an' both she- an' Cliurlcy was mighty sick arterwards. Folks ropol Fan should be Rent for, but Ar.t wouldn't hear of it. One lielp arter 'uother was hired an' the Ant began to pick up a leetle. Charley was growin' wniis. Tho help all turned out misrr'blo. At least Ant was forced to consioiit that Fun should be arsked to com, l'rob'ly Charley'd been willin' long before ef it he lu't been fur his mother. " A I hated druffly fur to have Fan go, but Lord! you should 'a seen the liapp;.'d!y' thet woman when she was told urtsho v.'a3 wantor. Her eyes spark led 'n the looked for all tho world as she did 'fore she was married. 1 druv lASr over. I know I shouldn't , hev seech a chance agin. She ccterly . larfed on thg way,,an'jald she knewsho -could UUS3 Chlu-ley v.-al. , j Ant met her, grull ns everr but Charley cried liko a baby, an' he said somctliin' low down to her, but I knew 'bout what it wast, jedgin' by her looks. . " j V'as I g!ad r,ho como back, do ye ask? Val, sir, I orterhov, cf I waa enytiiia' of ; a man! , j Tho way that woman nnraed 'em! : ight 'an day, day ,au' night, up stairs ; an', down stairs, trudgin' to town an' back; e!io grudged cnthin' other folks j could do, an' nothi' ueomcd to tire her. ; But she couldn't miss Cliarley wal; no, i sir. 'N less than three months wc hwked ev'ry day t hear he's gone, Eut no- I body could mako Tan b'heve the truth. I An' when he did die, r,he jt'st went out of htr head fur awhile. Ant got ro as die could limp 'round, j but, bein' old, sho couldn't be '.vpected la '. 'coo;)orate like young folks. She nc r j got the proper use of iter leg agin. 'Cotfrse j she was feeblo on' a nort 6' burden; an' I j Uiilil: thet was viiat called lan back to herself. Sho lu't to wnftLn'. oa the xtld woman with double care, an' she eccm te lind more liapjiinesa 'a thet them 'n teadia' arter Eio. Slia acterly seemed te live RELIGIOUS SCENES IN CHINA. A Picturesque Church ntir Carrying Out a DrcdrTul Tow. "Church begging" ia very common in China. Tho temples advertise . their wants by posting on walls In tho neigh borhood square pieces of yellow paper, whereon is tho exact Chincsu. equivalent of the scriptural, "Ask and thou shalt re ceive," together with the name and loca tion of the templo whoro prayere are always answered. Eut there are also more personal forms A DOG'S SELr-SACRIFICE. Haw a Save Venturesome ' Lad Was from the Jaw nt a Shark. , A southern paper prints the following moving flory of sublinte self -sacrifice by a dog a fine largo Newfoundland. A camping party on tho roast of Georgia, near jiavannah, had been amusing them selves by swimming in tho bay, and a Tenttiresome lad named Charlie Butler had swam much further, and staid longer than tho rest. The writer, who was tho owner cf tho dog, dressed him- 8TANZA9. 1 a. of begging. Tlio writer has ocen in To- f self, and was busy at tho cam) ground kir.g a "priest whoso checks had been : preparing supper when ho heard an pierced, and tho teeth knocked out. so j alarm. -'V ' A suuuen outcry torn nio sometmng that an iron rod, as largo as ono's middlo linger, could lie pussel through, to pro ject nn inch or tw; beyond either cheek. An iron half circle was hinged to each c:id of this and passed around tho hack of tho priest's head. Attached .to' the lialf circle was an iron chain. which was so lonjr as to drag on the ground several never got fully over her hate o' then; but, eiu' wtiit die was one. -" Fan warn't to blame; I happened to know Charley promised all sorts o' line things, 'specially one sho was sot on thct-lie'd work Lard 'n not let the old woman s'port 'em. He did work oil an' on fur a while; but when laziness ia 'ngrained in the bone, not even a wom an's love, pooty driilin' aa 'tis, is going to thirst it out. , 'Twas a'leel'.o farm where they lived. . nil my I seed Fan to part fstnn him " I druv over to an uncle o' mine in the next town, who was a widderer consid'ra bly wal-to-do in tho vrld, an' who was looking fur a housekeeper. I staled tlio circumstances of tho case to liim. IIe 'greed to take Fan ef she could do hit work, 'n I 'greed to pay fur her board 'n n breathe 'in Ant, an' when the wasn't (loin lur licr seemed kinder Just Ant Fan till aa M tiie txior w;man, Ant quite broke down, J htppen to drop iu unee nn' see a sight as I uhan't never forgiL The old woman lied bed a f.ort o' faiutiu' lit, an Fan was tryin' to bring her to. She thought she wa dead, an' tlie jwor critter's tears streamed like a hrojik, aa' she was a kissi-i' an' luiggin' her an' ayia': "Oh, don t die! don t die! "I don't b'lierc kiss the old woman afoi. That seemed to revive Ant. . She hxiked up, au' emiiin' kind e' faintly, said: "Poor Fan! Do you reely sot by me so? roorgal!" " Then Fan esid, kinder timid like, aa how slie was glad she wasn't goia' to leave her as Charley di 1. Ant seeiued to bothinLin'; tlicu t;he drawed herself up straiiihter an' set !ie an' I knew how luud it come fur her t Kay it ' His business was to go from house to house, Waling a small drum, asking lielp to repair, a templo; Sympathy would lie wasted on liim. He wan a "professional church debt lifter," who hail monthly wages and a commission on hU col lections and the rod and chain were hU stick in trade. Tiiore U nuoiher way, still moro pecu liar. A priest blonds in a small box-li-e structure, jilaccd in front of a temple, through tho Ixiards of which ppikes have been uriven. so that tho imprisoned priest can move tio part tif hia Isjcly," except his right arm, without being pricked by a spike. With his right hand ho rings a bell to draw attention to his, piiial.lu condition.- Charitable jx;rirs give so m:ich for-the privilege of drawing out a spiko. Tlio .highest priced spikes orp those which point e.t tho vital parts' of tho body. Tho priest is supposed to stand in his kennel day and night until all the spikes have been bought and drawn, but no one believes .that he really does so, A single incWunt will show how much hardr lip and self inflicted Buttering home of these heathen will undergo to fuliill a religious vow. One intolerably hot and dusty afternoon in 1871 the writer was resting at a wayside tea house and taw approaching a man and a woman. The man would fust tjke ono long step, then bring hu other foot up aud incisure his whole length i:i the road. Having knocked his head three times on tho ground, he rose, took another step, and' aaaui prostrated himself. The woiiShf was the man's wife, and wa waiting upon him. Iu answer to ques tions, lie Kaid that . he bad made a vow that if Buddha would revtoro to health hi ton, who was desjicraleJy sirk, he" would make a pilgrimage" to Wutat-shan and home agaiu, a step and a prostration all the way. Not more than three miles could lie ie made m a day. Ho had traveled about j . I COO of the 2.0QO miles of the double jour- -i ....1 . ..1.1 I... - I ." :.. uij , ftuu wuuju ma two vcius loiiirer in completing hU vow. As he was Ja years wis going wrong on tho ehoro. Grab bing a riilo and hastening hack, with j Carlo at my hceb, I beheld Butler eome ; distanco away, swimming with all his might, and ordy a few yards behind liim j the vertical fin of a liugo shark. There i seemed no possibility that tho boy'a . li could bo saved; we wcro without boats, r.nd fish ond man wero so nearly in lino from us that I did not tlnro to fire. In a second I 'lack Carlo, comprchcr-ding the situation, dashed through the surf, and started to swim toward Charlie with a rpecd I have never teen equaled ly nny land animal. Tlieboy, having leisurely covered nvst of the distance between, the rrif and tho thoro when tho man eater started after him, was comparatively fra.h, and, when ho saw tho T.ohIo dog hastening to his help, made a i'nxl a'es-. xrato c.'fort to escape. In miother in stant Carlo v.-as closo to him. Just then, however, tho shark, having come near enough, turned so that we could see hia white belly glittering in the twilight, and was all ready for (he Rpring that would surely have endcu Chailios life, when Carlo, leaping clean over But ler's form, npjx-ared to go straight into the monster's mouth: and the latter, hav. ing got bin supper, disappeared In deep water, while the kid in a few seconds was safe .on tho riiore. That night our joy over our comrade's rescua was mingled wrJi sorrow tor ti:e mo bo gallantly sac- ritined m hu behalf, and to tius memory of that thriiling sceno iills mo with padness for tho b sj of Black Carlo, my dog licro. Exchange. I watched theo wben the foe was at Our side, Rrady to strike at him or thee or me were safely hopeless ready to divide Augbt with ono lored am love and liberty. watched tare to the breaker, trhen the roek J Itect-ired our prow, wben all was storm and fear, ' And bode thee cling to me through every shocki Tula arm would be tby bark, or breast thy bier. t watched thee when he fever !nzcd thloo ereai Yield taj couch, and stretched me on tho ground . When overworn with watching, ne'er to rtoe ' From thence if thoo an early grave hadst found. The earthquake caoM and rocked the quivering wall, . , And men and nature reeled as if with wine. Whom did I seek around the tottering hall? ' Fortlioe. Whose safety flrut provide for? Thine, Anl when convulsive throes denied my breath The fintcst uttornnce to my failing thought. To thee to thee e'en in the gasp of death Ily spirit turned, oh I oftener than it ought. Thus much and more; and yet tbou lov'st me not And never wilt t Lot d f. clls not in our wuL Kor caq I blnmo thee, thousu it be my lot To strongly, wrongly, vainly love thee still. Byroa. SOME NEWSPAPER STATISTICS Reentry of tha Danube. ' If any one has taken the river ronte to Buda-l'esth under tho delusion that he id to sco line hcnnrry he is rjtilcLly disabused. The fintnt scenery of the Danube is clxjve Vienna, lirtween tho crj'ital and I.ir,?., and al-io farther U, as far as Pasiau. Along tin's part of its course thvre is a constant Bucccfwiim of villages with cas- ties, hills crowned with ruins, abljeys iaT filil. uiif alitifKt; trrn tt:t it uts nnatr In ' picturesque localities and Kuidscajies of great lieuuty and variety. It is in thin resjiect one of the must noted parts cf Austtia, which has a greater variety cf t.ind.:caie beauty than any other country of Euro1. Below Euda-Pesth the views are fine and bold. The shores aro more abrupt and there are spiem liu readies or tiie river, which receives large" tributaries and be Cariosities That Arm Wall Worth m Para graph An Intereating List. Thcro are now published in tlio United 6tateril i,lG0 newspaiicraantl pcrJodicals of all classes." The net gain of the year, has been (WO. The daily newspapers 1,210, a gain of 33. Canada lias C79 jK-rimlicala. There are about 1,200 perifxlical3 at all .sorts, which," accordinj ' to tho estimates cf tho editor of Th Directory, enjoy a circulation' of more than 5,000 copies each. -Tho increase in, "tlio weekly rural press, which comprise about two-tiimis of tho whole test, nasi -been most marked in states like Kansas and Nebraska, where the gain has been, respectively 21 and 18 per cent. Kansas -also shows tho greatest gain in daily nows-. paiK'rs. The weekly press ia gaining in Massachusetts, whilo the magazines and; other monthly publications are losing; ground there. The tendency of well 4iL publications toward New York city, aa; day tha. f. , , 41 ; shown by the establishment here of not leas than t" eat y-throo monthly periodicals' duiiig t lie year. Some of the curiosities of newspaper statistics are worth a jwiragraph. Thcro j are .7(10 religious and denominational newspapers published in the United, Slates, ond nearly onc-tlyrd 'of them aro. published in New York, PhikidelphiaV1 Boston and Chicago. New York is far ahead iu this respect, but Chicago leads -Bofctcn. Tliree newspapers aro devoted to the silkworm, G to the honey bee and not less than S3 to poultry. The dentists). see tliat he would not live to fuliill it. A j comes more majestic. I'or some distance callous lump as l.irge as an egar projected from Ids forehead, raised by. hi knuc.kim; his head upon tfie dusty road.. Yet tkia man was shocked and aui'rr lit a bi''k- she'd over durst to ( tion that he should atamiun his uwleiu K pilgriaiage, and ynvsneti out of sight meas uring the road with his uihrra body, You til's Companion. nmh tliiia Wnt awav. hopiu' willl, , -iJ-'an, I've been orful inean on ye; but, nlajjy to the traveler who I.vj j 1st left L manufactory, said tho other day: y might ; ttarXfe!ey.rre1eiitrtur: IttOHrtW iMtrt ttVKlt ! UJJ WBilr 1 Cafl fi fi pNha'wjamfftbOrar1 I thet 'twould be nigh like death fur aforo I die.". . 1 great. No Swii-a village is so mean, no care how hard; but it'a awful t and when Fan found Charley Elackiii' up . E.'Ii's fur a fortnight, 'u a sarvant's A Life Exparience. Betnarkable and Quick: cures. Trial Paciiu?e. Send nun; for sealed particulars. Address V. WARD A CO. Louisiana, Wo. the -turned to, an' planted 'n hoed. "i" would a changed the mind of a man who didn't b'heve ia the hull possession of the devil to a' seen Ant then an' hear her cay, "earves her right!" . By ant by. Fan was obleogcd to give up farm-work; an! though all work was wearyin' to her, die did what slie could. 'Twas huckleberry time, an' tiio gal 0p e ell benic-3 (o sell to the neighbora as I mg as slie could get to' tlio jianiteia I happened thet eumiuer not lr be druv with work, nn' many a timodid I go out an' help tliat poor gal unbeknownst to enny body, letiin' her rect what she would under tiie i!iado o tho 'trees. It get round thet Charley had gone tack on lLi wife. So long as he was well an' lively ho could i-tan' tho, pressure of IiU mother's tongue; but with her lookin fecbla an' kin' . o' Bomwf ul ct lii.n, he IjCgmi to feel lio'd Miado a fool rKOr'fSlUN AL CAKDrf. JAS.E.BOYD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, a OrrcniJnro. A'. C. ' Will be at Oreh"ii ou M.Mli.t of i m-h W"rk to atiehO t prole-i'iii bnfbi.r. rp ll!J . i v - -t IX WIHT AKER. Jr , ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, GUAM Aid. V. f. Frmrtler in the Pl.ne an Fed "I "rouTt C'oi!tetiu m.de in all part u the -iu-lielurr prouilt. Ii.ar3l87ij o' bL-nelf maiTj in', bad i.i;Tcl at him from the fust. Io f?l Lurly, n leKoif Ins soft ways to I an. I 6.rrx tiic:a soft waya daugiit lier. frages inter the bargain, cf lie'd take Ian in an '.try an' sea tf tJio'd bo fit to take holt at the cenl o' thet time. IIo 'greed, 'n promised to call lussclf thet arternoon fur her. - Wal, sir, he found her packed, bag 'n baggage. An' Ant faid to 'em M they druv away, '-1 ain't a grot liand at (Uotin Kcrijitur', but there's one tex' to lit this case: ' 'f-'ho went out f tow amongst us 'cai lse she wa.sn of us. " ' . The a'fair was the talk o' thf town for , the nex' week. Ev'rybody pro; ljMcd Fan would die. I- felt a continooal jinkia' o' my heart, fur I xpectcl each day to I'.ear the wust. I felt cz I waa txter to blame for the scp'ration, an' yit it must a' como to that cventooally. But l'a.i didn't die. At the tend o( a week eko tiai.'e'r picked up an' begun to tako a holt o' tilings. Before the fortnight wa ii,) s!ie was aMe to git a!onwitlicut help. Just aa IiU motiicr 'fcho 'ciprovc 1 siiddily, an' in tlie cc:ir no ci-itt to t't'l, COud'ii waj allars lr.l on her. d.-i til ivir, cart down crittera. lio'd lA.-i liu o beki' kind and tho r-or I Ci-.n't Cur..t to go over to tee Tan, J. jy. I131t'OJl-Ii ATTOKXEY A T LA W lisiuia.lt. I'ractk-en in (he aute ids IVdetl C - r 1U faiibf ul'v and pruipUy aua tu .t t lulru.leH tu kiut JNI. t.KAIJAJl H.liM.r. N.V . GRAHAM &GEAH 621. trellee In the etalr i- i t'efc-nd t'in.n: . jremdil auailioa (iJ te eol.aruo. E.xr tLLik thet there's niaU-'t a bay man for vjjx? Yet Le CrJ'j rj j.U .riz, and she'd 1 x,k lanicr vhilo Uie LirbioL Bet ti.o way lio'd let I.-.-r work l Haw a r.taii wiTi a coul in hli L'jL-jm coold do tliat! IIcUjo bo 'Io-..' 1 l.ii motiKT' coctri.no t!.tt we lia !a"; r .uU. Yiio Ia'y como a Lt-tlT too toon, as v.-as taitral, tut di 'j't Ant's t.;-o wag that fU.T tlxn ever! H-. 't Jic sJIts i tU Cha:!r7"d Nti im lx. I O fjoon'a Fan got well, sho ijriU il I.-avo 'cm. bag 'n tapegc It.t the Uotle thing didn't lite noro'n a rr.o.x'.- IIj- lr.n lk on! cs cf she'd cL-en r& ev'rything. Ar.t didn't . co. !e to tay 't .vT a '7tnsat ion tu be g'a. I ' -cf f-iika IicL'vc:l ii V.-rnastions. V ur.1 e I'crt. tin Cwjgi.t th Alinighty'd bc:tt r b-iiire-jltiai Ui;uia' to sicU crittera ai Fan Lot. Utc'd udr 'lovr as Fan 'a namo wst Lo'X Y.aL tin:? r.-ert on, en Tan !rag-rd on a !S7r'b!o 'xatenoc. t"u.rley e liu Kj sulirkwe an his bzcvw ina a tcaai, ca lirjj said thct r.iony a time ho-J-kiU-t V'" wiahe-1 r!K'J clear oat. ihou ,-h.Iio dHn't rwly ay it. 'E-.rt every two years a loe Jo ra was lor, but t'-tf y ail foJere-l ti.e t-sU, 'c,' om , a vrreily rr.:U o' a gul Fan "but: worsliipe.1. . Art 41 tJm em g-rw lg r:; tciba o' acyiple o' m.Tfitlu w-m bctu-r'n slie'd be i far a long I'ia Uncle was kind as kkiJ to bir, cna tlio little one began it lock licariicr. I t;!iyc Wl;at, sir, there's iio'Jiia' Lks tindnets fur workin mara- 'care I fer.rcd ti.o talk. I te?' mv-i-if josted tkro" ;U unc'.e, ca' nevtr waj a r.n gladilcr'n I to Lave bJpod a jxor unf-irt'i.iate. Then she drew Fan face down te hern 'n kkfied it. Pcor Fan! She larfed 'n cried both to once: an' I felt so mean, ncein' her takin' oa ro. I slunk away. Tho ix' day, ae I hopjicn to know. Ant called in a lawyer, r.n' :he made her will. She owned her liilta place clear, and hej a few hundred dollar 'n the bank. 'Bhe willed all ( her "de:u- an' honored darter Fan." Fan didn't know of it then; but she iriw satisfied with what tlie oi l woman had said. two pooplo ever lived far. one another as them two did. But Ant was fuilin', a:i' at the ' end o' a year i-he dieiJ. I an b"iro up pooty well. JV!k raid 'twas 'cause i!:e felt she bad done hr dot;ty, but I know 'twas cause i;lie bad won thet old r email's love. Till ye what, sir, 'tin love that does tli bdtine:a, every lime, 'n this warhf. ?Ii;;hty wal as the v.ill ilid fur her, it ronldn't give the wtUfociion thet did, the rest of Ant's l'.uck tiiore was six or seven on 'etu tried to dispute tlio will, but 'twaa" fixed up tight 'n -ouldu't 1 broke. Nothin' hke a gray-eyed woman fur ttickia' to them hho' fond cf. Never Married arter, do ye ask? Course not! Who d-J ye b'ixjso she'd a married A. SI. Jaiuiett i. Now York News, Tha I'ountalu In Tarma. , In the sMare close by is a .statue to Paj-mcggianiao, at recent workroansliip, and a drinking fountaia. There are but two or three fchoots of water in I'arma, but oven that ia more than one can find in most of lliene plain towns, and, cs- below Vicuna the levees are numeroui though not continuous.. The land near the banks is low and the bills lieyond thcni--thc gentlest undulations. The towns that aro patju'd from time to time do little to enhance the interest as respects their ap pearance, though all of them had their little affairs with the Turks U00 or 400 years ego. In fact, every square mile f ground along cither bank, soon after Icav. ing Vienna, is historic. Buda l'okdi Cor. San Francisco Cluoukle. The Modern MrdwM. town so crowded, but from au unpretend ing iron pijie.tJicre giiebes forlli, jiellucii!, glittering and opuJeuf, a stream of- the purest and freshetst water, which leaps in a joyous and clastic curve into a ba:iin v.-ilh a gay fla?;h by night and by day, and pours off with misjudging pxif union. But in these IvoiuUird tovns ecarcely hero and thorn can be found a lumbering pump, with long and u.-u.-;ivo hanili;1, at which a few minutes' sever? toil pr'xlii'.'js a mighty ivxir and niggardl dribblvof In one of the better cm of tenement houses a woman, a poli.dier in a jewelry . to me tu ee my nine uoy anu ma way lie goes on. lie's a cash Vy at D ', aud they Won't pay by the week, they jay by chocks, so every cash boy is ou the keen jump after a calk They're so worried and anxious and afraid they won't gt .enough, and Johnny trim and says: 'Oh, mamma, 1 do try, but there's or.q loy that always f;ets ahead of me.' I think it's an awful system oven if it dox make thorn smart." j An awfil -fctrm,' yet in i' ranks march moro end nire 'thousands every have 18 journals, the pbonographers 9 and the deaf, dumb and blind have 10. There are 3 publication exclusively de voted to philately and 1 to the terp sichorean' art. The Pronibitionists have 129 organs to the liquor dealers' 8. The' woman suffragists have 7, the candy makers 3; gastronomy is represented, by a newspapcrs.gas by 2. There are about GOO newsjmpcrs printed in German and. 42 in French. Tlig towns which have tlio moiit French ..periodicals aro New York, New Orleans and Worcester, Mass. i apiece. There aro . more Swedish print than French. Two ikiily newspapers are; printed in tlie Bohemian tongue. Thas toughest names arc found among the l'olitlj, Finnish and Welsh press; for in-' stance, Tho Dzienswiety and Tlie Przja-' ciel Ludhi, of- Chicago; Tlie Y Wawr, of Ulica, of N. Y., and The Yyhdyswaltain: rianomat, of Ohio. Tliero is I Gaelic, publication, 1 Hebrew 1 Chinese and 1 in tho Cherokee language. All of thcio facts have, a direct interest' to the pliihuopher and the student of. sociology. Tliero u no better gaugo and register cf American cifilpatipg than The v.'spaiurTJirocloryT;;i'lie PruiLng" " IYeds. water. Where fountains are they prattle with a fatigu'-d and parmmoiiiou note, i year. It won!:! seem as if evt rv force in and hheltcr their inadeijuai-y under tomo j niodern cirihzation btnt tuward iltit otif" stafue in tlie modern ta4e. i end of nouer retting, and t'le child irf in'Kk in tata in Italy is dava and the old man cf ycaivj alile As a rule, the not one whit Jctter than hi England. They delight to lienor tho martyr and the hcroenof United Paly. No town but lla.4 its Cor) Vittorio EiiiDi!iiiu-b mid its Via, Cavour, v.-itli for tiio most jiart stat r of th cunc. rjere an l tliero U a Via Hapdmo 'lAz'glio with no tatue. Tliero works of art are not letter tliauaio etiigies of Mr. t'olicleu cr Kir Ibliejl Peel, and the crowning horror of all is a Ktatuu of Victor Eminamii I lu-re in the Piazza liiCorte. H would bring a Uj .1i to Hie chcf k cf a Yc.-.keo ktonemakon. Gentle ntau's Magazine. Why Mioes are Throw at TTrridlnff. X!ie custom of tiirowmg one or more j oil docA r.ftcr (lie bride and groom, j t'.'.':?r w.':e:i Ciey go to church to bo r.icr- j t:--i cr lv.xn uey tian on ir.(r woucag liared the iiautiorMind ran the wme mad race. It liahe jiWion itself that has out grown all boimiis s::d that faces us to day tiio nuxVwi Mwlu'i, m which he w ho bioks lias no more heart of fifth and Mood but forovn-r heart of (tone, Liscnti blo to any stirrov, uj-.movfJ by any cry cf child or woman. Helen CuuipbtU iu Neva York Tribune. A yiclit Rlcnal Italern. A successful tftX of tho Out man night signal lantern waa male in New York tl e oilier ntglit by ofiicersof tho army and navy. Tho cr-ninion tor-h. lighte?! with i j.mmey, i eo eld tluit tiio nemory t oii oriurpe niine, i;as niT.io.ore i-ceo liOJl f man ctxtc!ii i:0i liak toit beginning, lorcarrwr-s r.iw? at nigni w- v? m hum lay nsirewnai aa csaau, end ' -- "t i muum i i m I : w-I n r tTt rtiM ri iii:w ! hr tjiffw rti (imn IIiinaT iliif yl 1 r mliA ix.-ley Eercr cearetl t.wsn jtrmiaes, ( - u ,.-imtlw, ,... j cot c-vc.iti.reaL.Je. IU Uze.1 bouta , . . t-ft orumll tmiAM Om nwaL aa' Ant wer.t ro-jd g-orym ia r by th:. parents of aU Uominiot, h-Li cos n 1 o o great ttT.scucc. . ai, t.ai:4fr;ty 'osct fcr daughter. It bca myvax ;ae-. rn tri I went to ac I R,;scn(,,t3 .jish c,.a tioned lint. C.a t very vrj I;c.. u t-tn. ; o ; . t,., TuW in jj,,,,- , ' ; 1 , . . 7 . i ' rs.-.i t.alT.-aenUKjirot.i'Tor aucad man rry hi widow she arvrted In? ini-pendencv of bi:n bv 'doming his LcarCiiT'n I 'ipcctrl crt rir t-iVI e , - .-. , i i WiM-i 'ii i. . . : i r. i r . rwm i -l : i "... i . i ' . . -.. . . . . ' ' . - - " : . ! . lut fi --in f )i LiFMm.n cf Inz pnve tip I us claim to tiio in!en- inc fur v.:-it I'd ccno Li a way t!i -4 n'-'U drawcl the tcarr, tn' t:cn, wosM yo be- ! lieve it ? fc'ie buU or.t auM,Li 'n Cvkei I crfcr Ciarb-j, ttyia alto'd bcerd be ,' hc'.n't lxm t1 cf lata. j I toll her I I.ln't koofd eo. but I'd ! Cn 1 -ut. Ttsi very day I went over t Ar.t's, an' rnre 'jg? Cnar'ey did irr-cx poty riUVI.-l". tiaid lwa no'.lua", l.ur-l 1 e'd hind.T run down. I aent word to In. an' rjothin' wot J J tiit h r l:t to br from liim ev'ry day. I Lo- rarelf ij;exl. but 'twarn't often I coui 1 ser l U'T a 0jt1 word, rart waa, lie va gettin' dicker, an' it lookcl o if 'twas ccrunimptiin. .Ant wis wild, 'n sent fur all t!o !ortnr3 f.'.r ta' mn aaiilod 'ma, aa cried ovtt Unco f Euth an l to Euth also lie indi-culr-l Mi esrjrnt by plucking off bis rbno anJ'giving it to Eox. It was nleo tho c-jstran cf tlus mid-ile ages to place the bnhand' i hoe on tlie lad of tlie nuptial couch, in token of Li domination American Eogistcr. - flever fiaIe4 Claada. It fa anggerteJ by Eurbholtz, cf Berlin. V'.?.t llw -reaer.ce of fl"ccy miinde-l cirm rlouddcnotca a lii,h!y electrical eoriili tion ti V.k npprr atmosphere, a mouth ful l Var smoke tx-ing found to asumo Cie fame act when near a charged flTttrojitcrua. Ajks.ru w Tram lev. well a.i r.n tlKme, but tho evstem has i I'TOvod unlniri worthy. Tl Oafbxan tin- ' t -Tn 1 tm arrangcl by a simplo mec'iani- ! cal device? that fiashee of light caa be ' tbown as desired." These fiai-Jics correj. ' pond with tho ila-h and tlie dot ia (lie i electric trlrra;Ji ytem, a Mhg Gvh corrcsjioniUiig witli the ibish, and a. short Cash with the drt. Tho lantern is not mAro than eighteen incites high, anj ciglrt inclm eouarri. A small lamp with tlie flame i.'i tlie focus of a rralJ:c r. , fleclor fumUm tbe ligliL Fans clov; I irf ore the flanio, ly means cVwhich the ' fkrtlirs are regulatrd, aocorihng to the I Uoree 7st"ni of kdography. TIe flame j is rendered steady by m"an of a fnroed , draurht. The Inici distance siga.ikd lias been beta-een Fort Myer and Sugar I Ljf mountain, Va., about thirty-live j miles; signals Live brrn exchanged be- ! twcCTi the roarrroir in Brooklyn and ' Sandy IIob. almiit twenty mika apart. Eobton Budget.- Vecelnlee ef tha Oms. Every on known that tlicscabas I.vnrr animab than can be found on land; Imt with the enormous cUi.u ff California in mind, many may bo mrprUcd to learn of ve;refa!.lofrrowl!is in tlieccVan vastly exceeding in length, though nut ia bulk, tlie riants cf tiio forest. . IioenHy tho thip Cie-r, coimaauded by Cant. John Ktone, aiTived nt Jlontcvideo -iih a ir- a teawcod which bad born fit krd tlie Atlantic reir tho c jnr.to.-. Tlie perct lved ui objx-t f!"nting on the uif.u-e wmc distancefrom t!.e 4iip. and, nianni'ig a boat, lU-y rowcl to it, and ascertained that it wasrnu!g cf enor mous tize. On urauring it, it wes found to Iiave a length up-ard of 1,000 feet. KwLi C'rcta. - Am.it tha raahlaaahtoa. Jlr. twell (who. baa rc-ntcd a fashion able aptirtfnri:t lsoasr) We needn't be ashamed of tiiK my dear. Urn. fiivcil No, indeed; ii it fer'ertly lowly, arvl r.nr?i a f.jid ionable fcn.!!"! llr. (iwill That's tiie bcraty it Ar.d now, i:iy 0:-nr, if you wiU ken-l Tcr kkts out f yt a lfif of lwJ crd a ha'f a pound cf l.intrr.ve will lave something to tat. New York Sun. Tsaalaf Teatlla raftrlea.' A Belgian tcxtde roanufactnrrr lias de ' Thed a proceas for tanning textile falxici wbk-h renders them waterproof and prw f again decay, wuhout increafiing tbcii vigl3 . . .. aiasasalac X Lnttr filw, 5!:unminrr has Lad i: day ' in V-rw York, end n now a tootrdc gray hoad t and Mn-ring enze. emrloyo.l at v,-ry rare intervals for . sorrM' ly who liked V. ft fun and warts to. repent it. or sv.me Ux!y who haiin't the ctnirage to try it before. Cor. Kama1 City J tail rial . JJaral A and Kaaator Vftu , Senator Nye onco went to tlie White; House with a iiartyf his New York, friends who wkJied to have a clergyman, apixiinted chaplain in- the army. llr. I jncoln tr.ld tliem tliat he had at oneu tiraii determined to make tlie appoint-: rucnt, but a strong protest against it had, U-en received stating tliat the clergj-man was not decorous in lJs (icjxirtincnt, and he had determined to l.Tar more about him. "I will admit," said Senator Nye, "tliat our friend is endowed with a, gloriounfunfl of irrepressible good humor, t Imt I Iiave lward. Sir. Prefcident, of an eld pionefr minister in your state of, iilincj who was arraigned Ixfore a county cuiif, rence to be repriuianded by-, th" bi-.hop for liis sallies cf wit from tho pulpit. Before Jhe Epiacopal dignity, coull settlo it.-If for an impressive utter-, " ancv the old uian buret out: 'Brethren, 1 never did believe in a religion that bad, no fun in. it. llie buhop's gun was), spiked, and tlie conference, amid roars, of L.ughter, ct once liaised tlie old min kslcr's character." ". "That ia a good story, Nye," caid Mr.' Lincoln. "Lot mo tell you one atout PeterCartwright.who.cn or. occasion, , wai convnLfftg l:U catiference with wit ' aud humor. Tlie presi-.linz bishop was a ! man f earnest but ascetic piety. Brotlicr ; Cirtwright, said he, 'do you tiiink that ! while you are indulging in this levity ' you aro growing Krace?" Tlie old pioneer jircnelHT, with a oountenanco' . Iiraming with fun, replied, OU. yes, brotlicr, in spot' I guess, Nye. I wiil ' have your man appointeL but tell him to' ! keep his stories until ho can crime to' ' Vt'ashinTton and let roe hear them first." Ben: Ferley Poor. . ""';'" j ; a KhMtlat" fratu HmkML . Shooting from horseback at full speed' is, to my mind, a srort to be encouraged, combining mare excitement and pleaire than anytliing I Iiave yet seea tn this' country. Shunting jackrabbiu oa foot' is well enough, often giving plenty of amusement to the animah, and, again, being rather monotonous srhrn they aro plentiful; bet to follow a rabbit at full sprcd across country," letting year borso enter into tho sport, and s!ioo:ir.g or firing on the fiend ran, contains more of the elements of true sport than anytiung I have found in southern CaLfornit. Han Francuco CalL Sawdust thrown on a circular saw tcb'e will render the hnnling of heavy pl.-iLs er-iite eaFT. The grains act as unil rollers and reduce f notion. An rtce'dent carbon for tW-tticrl por psxz ii dlmt oLi nod fixa scewvuk A large brass chicken, whose w'r shelter en inkstand and whose 1 i TorticnUr gors to cne til fc a ixr, ie a dot! j.

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