fei . i w rr : w - AlamAnce . f . . ,, NER VOL.. XIII. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1887. NO. 12 ADVERTf.1 EJI NTS: Indigestion. Many persons lose nppetite and strength, become emaciated, suffer, tind die, becuu.se bf defective nutrition, who might hnvo been restored td health by Ayer's Sarsa parilla. This iricdlcino acts Upon the digestive organs through tlie blood, and has effected many wonderful cures; For years t suffered from Loss of Appe - titc and Iiidiifi'stioi), and failed to tind relief; until I begun taking Aver' Snr saparilla. Three bottles of this medicine Entirely Cured me; and hiy appetite and digestion arc) now perfect. Fred U. Dower; 4UB Seventh st., South Boston, 3Ittfs, I have, for years, suffered nciitciy from . Dyspepsia, scarcely taking a menlj until witliiu the past few months, without-enduring the most distressing pains of Indigestion. My stomach sometimes' re jected all food. I became grcatlv reduced :i fn strength, alid very despondent. Satis tied, at last, that inv trouble was of a Scrofulous nature. T beL'aii laklii" Aver'a Sarsai)arilla, and believe it has saved my life. Jly appetite and digestion ure now -Oliver i SACRiFICE. pood, and my health is perfect. 1. AUUU13, SpCllCCl', UiUO. . Ayepls Sarsaprilla, prepared liy T)r. .1 . C. Aver ft Co., T.'owell, Mam. bolU by all DruggiuUi l'tico $1 ; six bottles-, $5. 0 xi5spv . X- r- 9 mm b w M Bill Tho Great Southern ReaietJy fu a" AND CKItU&nEN TTH1HQ Tlioro aro very fuw who do not k now of this ii prrnvi i)ufii(it of ci;r ij.ouuipinsi littlo htiHli and hilts: out wrv l"t'v r a!!;,e tt fct, .uai tlio HUlo purple iiony, tvIiH h r-i miiny ot' T have entoti in imwt tiviry Mt , u.cre Is r. "i iiple lu it having a v.rmtcM'iiil eficc'; r he bo we is. l)r. liigor's I wiil cherry ' rl -11 is tlieuRCAT HOUT:r:KN' miUMir ttjoJ. -torrs the little one tet-liinsr, nvM cures J '-arrlia-a Dvsnilpry im'd ('rfiin; Co Ha w lien tt UfoiijMl-'.ro.i Hint st this BoaRon of Iheyitir buIUii nnd lai renins ctintks of the bowels rt ko frequent, hhU we hour of eo ninny death otvurrinc befn-.-e a ntVtkUtn 'tin be called in, tt is important tlml even' house Jtdld hliould provide Ih-fniKelvrn with burnt pf cdy relief, a dnao of viiU Ii will relieve the fLn Btid Ddvo mnrri anxiftr. Dr. lflysers luckh brrry TorJifil iHaniujpIoroieily wliiuti kiiy child ia plpa.oa to tnko. , Prlcp. iW wnis a bottle. Nanufactured by tV A LT KR A . T A V1.0 It;1J"nl1'- fia- ' nd MtilltM will rare 1yuk)ik. Croup auu Cua- Heal Estate Agency. N. 0. B A tiluntiilion one n.ile from Mo- BbntiP,iit Alninniice comity, (onlniiiiu); t)3 ucres 4.i in 'en in original gro'vtli, 50 in piuef. Ilk) in culiiv.ition. 'I be i lace is well waiored. u creek and two hranrhes runnin through it. A ftiio orchard, 3. '" loliaccfi b.tins, t teneiceiit r-m;tu. gnud ft cil unrus, an 8-ininn dwelling uilh basement and I., and (.mick! well of water, lire on it. ('nivO'ilini to t'Uurclii's, sclioolj and gowl new mill in inlle (If the Imtlse. It is1 a dc-h-alile f l in adup'cd to the ill "f toll .tx '. grain and trusses, ?:ae b scfciccl in wt.eat ocd oats. I'ofcK'fsion giieu at onsc Price 62( 00. jan'S II Ml 1 PI U fan return to Ii". aii'l "e nil) I'll 1 1 !' tt 'l;"dyn" free, s.nnnliiiis' id ijlyil IJ . gMwt va'ne and im orisnc BIU 9 11 3 u , Vfllli (n,t n HI sMri V()u ;M tiiisiinns trliicli xill Iji'iml' yon in more money rlsrtit away'ilnin aiividliiu else in this wmlil. Any erne :n (1.. the work ::nd lle st liiiffid Fitlier sev. nil gc. Suliie thing new, that just C'imi limner l'r Kit ' worker. He will tlnri y-u ; c'j'iltal not tl'Ktlvd. This Is one of the genuine Iniport i.it eh incc of a lifi-liine. Those wlia are anilii lious inrt ciitcrprlsiiie i!l not ilel.iy. Grand 'iiifltfiee. Aildic-'TKL'IC Jt CO., Aiilimui, Ma'n.-. , dec 3 ly A Ufe Experienca. Rsmarkablo and . quick cures. Trial Fackages. 8end (stamp tor sealed particulars. Address O. "VARO &. CO. Louisiana, M. Tlio snows were drifting' around the cabin, tho winds echoing among the naked nines. Now nnd amiin. a fierco gust w);iilod up a drift, and dashed it, in scattered flaltes, against the unshuttered pane, Clouds, like birds of evil omen, were scudding across - the winter sky. Against tlie base cf thQ mountain tho lights cf the little valley town flickered fitfully, intensifying tho darkness of the intermediate mountain trail. She waa a glorious creaturo physically; wild and untamed as tho Sierra wastes that surrounded her. . Darcy Breene's Lluo cj-es caught a warm gleam as they dwelt on her, poring over book and slate in tho light cf a pino fire. . Red Ranch Bob,- glowering from the opposite corner, noied tho glance, and clinched hi teeth over a cr.rso that was oidy half stilled. Dairy's eyes grew perceptibly warmer as the murtner reached Mm. It wan in the nature of tho young fellow to grow defiant under fire. fid closed her Look with a Bigh end rose slowly, her splendid figure, in its plain", dark habit, outlined clearly against the background of ruddy flame. "I m tlunkm ez how ye 11 need sutlim hot agin ye git down yonder," she said to Darcy, and took down a brown bottle from tho hanging cupboard, loosening the cork as sho handed it to him. He accepted the bottle from her hand, smiling into her glowing face as their fingers met, and replaced it upon the tlielf from which she had taken it. None to-night, Jhank jpu.". ho said, meaningly. "My heart is too warm as it is. Perhaps you know what hand lias already kindled the flame." The next moment he had bidden her good night, and was struggling bravely through the drifts without. For some minutes after the door had closed upon liiui there was silenco hi the little cabin, broken only 'by the heavy breathing of old 8m Euderly, enjoying his nightly drunken sleep in the adjoin ing room. Sal, standing dreamily with fol.led hands, and happy oyes fixed some what wistfully on tho Came3, sighed as a rough clasp upon her arm recalled her from her reverie. ' She shuddered invol untarily as sho turned to confront Dill's resentful. surlyface. It was such a con trast to that delicate face, pale and quiet, that had just turned from her to tho stormy -night without. . v 'I want ter know." said Dill, huskily "I want ter know jest how long this - yer s a-go;n tor halt The girl shrugged her shoulders with feigned indifference. This yer bliezard? Can t say, I m sure. I' r aps ye miglit tell ijctter on th' road hum." Red Ranch Bill's great lint came down like n hammer on the littlo table. "Dern ye an' yer sass! I'll 111 kill ye!" ..' Sho looked ur at. him unflinchingly, with scornful, fearless eyes.' Ilia face softened 8 iddcnly. "Kal, Sul," he cried pleadingly, "don't rilome, "don't yo be hard on me don't vc! Quit tiiis j-er tiling now, whar it bo. Kum.tcr th' ranch, ter th' ranch ez. hez bo'n waitin' fur yo seii'JO th' night when ye gev mo th' word cz I'd lived fur, f ur three long year! Jle nor th' ranch don't , ax no larniu', Sal. We only wants '-. yersel!" Tlie girl slirank from his touch, brac ing herself against the chimney side. There was a conflict coming, and she was hot sure just how tierce a oae it might be. The lire cn the hearth was paling. The glo-.v on her faco paled with it, and tr?e, towering like pome hoary giant ib IIh robe of icoi One of its bouglm caught her gown, held her in mid air for o'no awful moment, then, crisp with frost, broke oil sharply, ctodting down wi.h her into a bank df snow. For a few minutes, tliat seemed ns many hours to her, siie lay wish clored eyes, sick, dizzy, blinded. Then, l.ruifej and l.loea ing. sho resumed her awful journey,, reck less of pain or peril -in her desperation, heeding only that each now fail brought her nearer to tho man she loved. As she leaped from the last crag down to the snowy highway Darcy Brcona'a lantern was just shining around tho last turning of tho trail. Sho caught it from him and hurled it upwards, its telltale light vanishing within an extinguisher of snow. Then, as, 6;ieecbles3 wLh aston ishment, ho stoad irresolutely, slio suized his hand and dragged him hastily to wards tho t )'!). "Th' night freight '11 ho passin' yer in five minutes," she "gasped, almost inco herently. "It idlers Blows just 1'iar, 'by th' junction. Fur God'o sake, fur hfo's sake, board it. It's yer only chance!" Thc"school:na.';ter drew himself in de fiantly. Ho was. a slim, blonde fellow, with girlish eyes mid coloring, but lie bad a manly spirit under his efi'etiii'nate ex terior. Tie understood at once that her jealous suitor had been working upon Sal's fears with somo threat of violence to him. But if his heart beat more quickly at the thought, it was not from coward-. ice. Ho put his arm around the trem bling girl and drew her to him. Villi a stifled cry sho broko away, urging him forward with oil her remaining strength. r a quarter ot a rauj up the mountain sue had caught the gleam cf a lantern. : "BilFs a-goin' ter kill yer," tho cried, "lie's got hi3 shooter. Wot Lhi yo 'do agm liijn?" Darcy a pr.ntonymic nr.F.wer wvs elo quent, flo flimg off his coat and began to turn up his elocvcs. For ono luomcut CuVa heart despaired. Then her woman V wit-came to her aid. ' "Darcy," she pleaded, "ye ain't a-goin' ter back out now-r-yo ain't ain't refusin' ter kum wi' me?" With her? Tho man started and caught up his coat luu-riccUy. Thoso hist two words ojicned a vista not unp.Vusing to him, in Lis passionate, scllkdi youtii. lie went a: few 8tc;s forward and thc-n lsctiilatrd. Tlio littlo inherent gooil rn bis natiu'o a ccrted itself in this last moment. .'fjaI,"bo said, "Jo you know what you aro asking? I I have iiottlono well by you, but I never meant you quite such wrong as this." A great sob welled up from the girl's heart and strangled . her. She put her hands to Tier throat . wildly. Tvccti? r than the Utter blast.sorer by far than thewounds from the icy ledge was tfurrtab-of those repentant- words. He had never meant J to marry .her, never not even when his words were softest, his eyes and heart mest warm!' And thij was the man f r whom she bad just dared death the lover whom sho would have saved at any j cost. - The thought of Dill poor, rough, loval Eiil; of bis love, honorable, manly, i steadfast, which sho bad L-crtored for ! this! A sudden bitter resentmoMt took I posrseion of her to vanish as ulio lo iked ! upiiiul met Darcy ii iAt lilue ryes. l'cKir, lier, tho pfcturB danced before her. ".-.Sweetheart!" 'Sweetheart!" And to know it now, now in tho hour when she had risked her lifo to save him! fhe staggered to the lied and foil across it, face downwards, scorching tor.fj gather ing slowly in her wide o;ien. unseeing eyes. Site did not hi'uf tlio door open, nor tho quick footstcpi that sounded in tho room. VKum oht rcr!" cried a voice, rouglilr, "I ain't a goin' ter git th bet ter o' yo unbeknownst. I'm wiilin' ter light yo far a;i' squar', un' let th' best tun win." Tho words reached her, hut she did not grasp their meaning. Tlio long strain liad brought its inevitabb reaction, and she had succumbed at last. "Git up, tliar, I say!. No plnyra' asleep '11 fool me! Yo'ro a coward ter try it! Show up, like a man, aforo I -Liiitltnniiify himself in all coses. count five, or I'll ahoot yo fur th' dog ye col uno! two: three! four! live! A sudden familiar sound recalle.l Sal Endegjjy to a dim sort of consciousness. It was a Round that sho had learned to know well during her lifo in that lawless region the click of a revolver, cocked for action. S.inia faint, natural instinct of self preservation impels her to open her lips, but no word issues from them. Twice she essayed to speak, and both times vainly, then sho shut her lip3 again, resignedly. Sweetheart! . Sweet heart! That cruel word was tho only one she had not forgotten. She was dead to fear, to shame, to every tiling, but the sore agony in her heart. There was a flash, a sudden, shart) re wt. a keen, stimvim; sensation in . he" left side, piercing through to tho Ix'ftuti- ful white breast! The next moment the light of a lantern flushed full in her face, and, lying back, faint unto 'death, witli something warm and dark trickling through her gown and staining tho white counterpane, she saw tiio face of Red Ranch Bill, drawn, ghastly, horror stricken, nltovo her, "Sal!" ho cried. "Oh, my God! my God! Sal!" The despair in his voice recalled 'tier from the lethargy into which sho vm fast sinking. "If.) all right, Dill yo didn't mean it," sho suid, softly. "It don't hurt huff cz much ez of 't h'd bo'n him!" . Her eyes closed, her lips paled. Bill sank on his knees, burying his face in Iter frosty, draggled skirt Suddenly, with a last effort, she rais ;d herself in the bed and held out tho velvet framed pict ure. --'- : t- "l"co it till Darcy Breeno s"nds fur it,'' sho gasped. "Don't take, on. Bill. I'm glad ter die fur bis sake!" Then her lips parted, her eyes glazed, her bead fell forward, nnd tho tragedy of Ranch Village w;im played to its end. Minnie Gilinoro in Frank I?slie's. THE BRITISH TRAMP STEAM3R. An Ha Old Sea Captain Tell. WJmt Knows About the Craft. "Tho majority of 'tramps' arc built on the share plan," said an old sea captain; "that Ls to say that any individual or firm able to get together a sufficient num ber of Kubseriliors to tho necessary capi tal in from ? to 50 shares organizes a company, securing for the troublo the sole management of tho vessel and hand ling nil tho earnings, charging a commis sion to tho shareholders for managing the slup, nnd in many instances themselves not owning a single, sl-airo. They are satisfied with tho commissions, which aro first deducted from the gross freight earned. Whether tho vessel makes money for tho shareholders or not the agent is always secure, and takes cavo to .THE BALLET GIRL'S SACHEL. "A registry of these vessels is published annually, and a character as-dgnctl ifpaid for which may or may not truly set forth tho real character or condition of the vessel. Ihat tiiiscertiucato of good cluir actcr is not always to ho reiki 1 upon ia not by any means tlio fault of tho staff of surveyor.), but can bo traced to tho ras cality of builders who, having taken tlio contract perhaps ruinously low, nre tempted to sulwlituto unknown ( tlio in spector an inferior quality of metal, light frames, insutlieient or defective', riveting, or poor workmanship throughout?' Or, granted that tho builder has faithfully performed his duty, und that tho vessel lias left tho yard in a priictii-ally perfect condition, it is after sho has .paused into tho control of tho maniifi.'ig own-r that tK'iti'isttiw6rt1uhasj KureTpodrnmenccsT "The ship, now ready for business, i chartered, for example, to load a cargo of coal, and without ny previous knowl- edge (except tho somewhat theoretical knowledge, perliaps, of tho builder) an to how tho vessel may jx'rforni, she is leaded ai deeply as even the neeil of the guvnors can exact and started on her voyage. Jack, who cornea on Ixmrd only ni ter the ship is loaded, and sees tho dangerous manner in which she is to bo sent to sea, can but shako his head, for tlie vessel is only down to tho I'limsoll muri:, nnd the board of trado BurvcyoriMviH not in that case t top .tho fillip end compel her to be lightened. "Tho I'limsoll mark ia a mark which U painted on tiio side of a vessel at her lowest poiiit of sheer, and is supposed to denote tho depth to wlu'oh she may with safety lxi loaded. The distance between ibis mark and the deck lino (measured An Honest and Safe liwort Th ffalsbej'f ' I'OH'cr or Guardianship. . I am a. night bird. Not that I sleep by dav, but I take my most precious flights cround when half the town has gono to bod. Thus my strolls usually bring mo by the tiieatrea when tho cur tain has fallen and tho back door Ia slamming; when men with siiavcn fivceo dodge out and into tho handiest salcono, and Ir.dies with remarkable complexions take tho arms of the dudes, who hang around tho alley way or tho curbstono, elegantly disdainful of tho scoffs of the mob. And I ftlwavs halt a little way beyond nnd watch the sachcls tako tho" ballet girls home. No great Dane or fighting' bull dog could bo as honest and ns safo un escort as this sachcl. Tho toughest lounger at tho stage door draws aside to give it passage. As it goes through" tho dark byways tho txdieemcn nod to it and the vilest of the scum that floats upon the night lido of tho streets eddies aside and leaves its ixissogo clear. It brinirs its chargo into the street car, nnd tlio eurly' conductor becomes civil. It takes her through a mob of poor, foot weary wantons swarming at somo dive door, and they drop -their ribald voices, and here and thcro among them you may nolo n white, harsh faco turned nsido and a. swelling in a throat. It . is, in short, a badgo of honesty and lalxir that has gained a recognition for itself, like tho policeman's badge or the fireman's uniform. As long us a ballet girl carries her own sachcl sho is safe. It is only when she gets a maid to.handlo it for her that her peril has liegun. It ii n poor tiling enough in itself. 'Even when it is brand new it exhales an odor of cheapness. - A very little tiso makes sad havoc with its symmetry, and you often .encounter it in a deplorable state of collapse. But it is never so rickety aa to loso its power nl guardianship. It in stuffed with a piur of tights, a pair of H'.i:ipcm, a wig, perhaps, and certainly with somo rougo uud djop chalk and grease paint.- What littlo costume goes with these essentials is left in the care of tho wardrobe people at tho theatre. Its content! and herself are tho liaHefr girl's chief professional eapitiJ, and every time she closes it sho wraps up in its stuffy depths o dream of tho day when Patti or Bernhardt shall havo a rival, and the honest okl .ttichi l give place to a jewel c.i o and a Saratoga trunk to a villa at Irf 6PRINGJ Ah! when the robins make qielrxlioH Tho twllisbt dusk; when scaly leuf buds swell, Wb'-m mosses in tho swampa prow livln; prj -n. When downy cal kins suit tlio willow well; When golden worm the miiwhine plows at noonj Wbvn earth its bount Danoe-bke receives, When in the woods the Indian mlskodced , . , Kan,xa iu pink bcll.4 above the 13t year's leaves; When blackbird coneerta In the elm tree top Foretell the summer's carnival of son?. We 11 smile and ay, "Dear heart, the sprins; ii here;' And after all, the whiter was not long. Bo will it bo when, life's lona Journey over; Its Atom" all braved, iu tliorny pathways trod) On tho fair city built and kept by God. And gazing on its radiant spires and turrets, , . Anil listening to. tlm luirst ofbettvenly sonjr W-!"ll smilo and nay: "Eternity ls dawning, , And after all, dear heart, life was not lonjr." JIary Carlula: THE CRAZE OF COAST.NG; on theido of tltoshi))j isettlied the f -e-4 -IIilvro -cr.a.istlo in V.'ales. Tlie AVoik or tho lteporter. A very large proportion of t!ie work of collecting and preparing -news for a daily pa;r can not,-froiii the nature of things, be performed by women. Alxnit half the IKTsona em; loved in a city dailj- p-ajxT nro reporters. Thry aro likely to be bent anywhere and everywhere by tho r;ity clitor at any hour of the day or night. godless, untaught fid! ' What chance had 1 JiM7 are obliged to vu,it placc-s where the r KOFtI ON ALCAIl DS. JAS.E. BOYIJ, ATTOHNEV AX LAW, Grrtnuboro, JV. C. Vi'YA be (t OirliaiTKMi tndy o each il to iu-iid to pnilexionaV buiim v;p ICJ II. WIHTAIIIUlI, Jr , . ATTOUNKV AT LAW, GRAHAM, JV. C. PrwHlee In the Stste r.d Fedrml court. f'.i.--Iioii made la all rU ul Jl- -tiile. Return ptotupL. u;r 31 87 ly .T. D.KKKNODLE ATTORSET AT LAW UttAU 4.W. U.K. rrsrtice in tbe btW snd Federal Cir trUl faiUifuU; and proinptlj aUrad to ill bn m lutrwtel to him JSO. W. GRinjtM." J Art. A liKAMAM II.no-r-. N. C. . tirsl.sm. ' GEAHAliti GRAB All, rrsKKisiTMir, Krirtio In the Hle n1 FtoVrul CirU. -lciil AlwvSH-o p-id U) i-ol.dniu;. Bill," the said, "I'm sorry cz how ye wants me; I'm sorry fur thet thar word cz yo counts I gev ye, fur I can't hold ter it, I can't. I'm a-goin! ter ax yo ter let me j;e ye' don't want a gal ter th' ranch ez 'ud hite it more 'n more cv'ry day an' night. Don't hold me ter it, Liil. fur I can't marry ye I can't!" Tears were in her voice, tear3 were very near her eyes, but the unwonted softness of her faco was not of lonx dura tion,, for tho man's arms wero round her, crushing her m fheir grasp; his fiercf eyes burning her faco. ' I lx ye one question," ho panted. "Be ye th' gtJ cz I've lovl nn' wanted th gal ez Li fit ter lw an honest man's wife or bo yo Darcy Drcenc's leavin's ih' woman ez tlie schoolmaster he wronged?" lie read her answer in her steadfast, unrJiamcd eyes. "Go much tli' wursen fur him." he muttered. "Ef "tVd owed yo aught, I'd liov let him live to jiay it. Now" And before the cirl n-alueu tliat she was free he liad flung her from him and was plunging madly down the trail. bho ran to the door, v.-rm.-nng Iter Iiands und sobbing, despairingly, us bho vainly called him "back. Dill, Ddl. turn buck! I wttz only a-foolin' of ye! I'll marry ye. Dill I'll marry ye!" Hie wild words ccliood along the. mountain, end shuddered hack to lir-r, borne cn the nnsivcrmg v.-ind. For nn inir.t (die yielded to licr despair, toif? hig weakly agrdnst the open door. Tlio dull snows disked in l:er .face; an icicle, snanpt-J fnan tlie rofUTU by the v.-vnl, fell upon Ixt check-, piercing sharply into t!:c boft flesli. The . jin revivcil her. Cukh tliought, i.he ran to tho lieartb, falling UiKiti h'.T tnees aa uhe llircw a-ide the rude Lcarskin rug, and grij-d nloug until her Iiands jarred a loorrtted rtone. To lift this, H'izif tlie J,! fashioned" purse that LiytiencaUrand liido it in Iter Liitxim was tlie work of a moment. Then tho caught u;-a tliawl, wrapping it ti;;hlly abmit hc-r head orxl Uxultlers and U.-Jicd boldjy hito tlie Litter' ttumi. Not down tlie trail. h!ie knew a idiorter war t!ian that!, live roils oliraiJ of tlie cabin l- sho that love would not provo too strong for her? "I love ye, "she whispered. "Vt'o can't -never -be free 'yer. Take iih uv.iiy, Darcy don't lenvo me yer ter Ciil. " Leave her to Dill ! All tho passion, the jealousy, the dogged dctcrinhiation cf D:u'cy Erccno's character, "to carry Hrsmnffhtihtmp , tm4 -tuiutrmxHUvm. a.'lit opposed, v-as quickctictl by ti:e words. Ho put on his coat, and -turned toward tho junction, liis heaitation oil but nomi nally at an end. "I I havo so littlo money!" ho cried, yieldingly. "' Ycr's mine; tako it, tako it! Yo Lin pay mo back'enny time." fcho forced the purse upon l:im, and led him unresistingly toward tho frosty . tracks, glittering i.t the cross roa-.b. ".Dyt my room my things 1 cannot leave to!" Ho stopped, resolutely, i,a a. stulden remetnl, ranee siw'pt over him. . "There is'n picture," ho eM, a fi'.'sh 'f honest blianie inoiiuting rei'ly to his brow as bo spoke: Vit is midcr myjuilow. I . don't mind my other traps, but I mit;-t j have that!" The wliistlo of the engine sounded in the distance. "Giv' mo th' key! I'll git it fur ye!" the girl ( rid. reck!:". :!. "Co ou; I'll fuller; end mechanically ho y.-nt for ward, the blinding tnoiv veiling licr from bis sight. J film brank I -nek auinst the white ! rock end waited ti!l tlio snort of t.-,c ' coming engine ctild Ui di-fi:t;,iJ..i:e'l j Uiroutdi tlie silenre. Tlitn hhe folded j her s.'iavil about lv.r, and wl tiwjrrs tlie trucks, in-D.-ircy's fcotprii.ts. ITe j looked at her iitrjuiiingly as tlie reached J hna, panting, ju.;t as t-io long tniin began to slow, oj;d the tngux- puti-sl past them. , - I've got it!. Git on Tliey'rertartin'!" site cricl, as the lji.t car, an emigrant i coach, r.enreil tiitm. lie nttetupteil t- lie!p l. r . lr.t bhe puslit-.l I j:n before her, ami jtiraol after ; Lim. 1 1:j wheeb IvjT-.n to rjuickm. ; loot ot a modest woman s!io:;l I never tread. They are forced to familiarize themselves with . crime and criminals. They must attend horse races, iiaiTing matches, prize fights, "hanging bees," political conventions and oilier disrepu table gatherings. They must follow en gines to fires, run after tho police patrol wagon, mini;lo with molm, witne.n dog disguise into secre t meetings of Anarch i-(s and Ix? inattertd:mce ct police court trial:! and coroner's iniiies!s. Till women abandon their womanhood they can not becotao cfiieient newspaper reporU-rs.--Chicago Time3. Iloflr lit It In Rnrapa. Pending tho tlicussiim of the desira bility of adding dynamito to reil hot etoves and oil lamp;) us a remedy against tho ntilTt rings and tortures of Ixing iirst enis'jhcd end then tlov.ly roa.ited in a burning cur, it ( uiipiht lx worth while to inijiilro why it il tliat the cliele nalions of tho old world never are under tlm necessity of di.x:u:iuig Minns of apt dy I death ns a relief from the torture of rail- j way ca.ttalti.i. Is it not r. mevlu!t sin- giibr tiiat atiHiitg tho j laved out detiiw ris I of Kurope brid;ri- don't drop when traini ' crt i-i them; v. itclies arc not tni-placcd j wli'.:t a li.-itniiig evprcH; U due; the pas- ' ,wngcr -4t !s iM'vcr tumble down high i t-ml.!::knu nU and then catch lire and ; roRft t!K'ir tnutilatol conti tits? How do tlwy dr thiiigx iv-r tlif-re? It is true : th:.t llwso iKfipIo ere (Tetc. nnd wont Out,, and ta'A while it Cptira that llH-re is a point or two where they have j tho advantage of us. Chicago Time. The Fm Leetsttwr Urerlv. IITiry Ward BcrcU-r lira recciw-d u.re mjn-y f.tr kt-lurrstlian onyolhex man on tho f.lalforni rl-crtnL lie- lias Ixvn iK-'uring fr fty yttniN, for h::v!.tg irw-natvl from i") to t"'.X and lliea--5nrgat"aTiimint being Catimateil I tt,p jt,.i board, and by an act of parih.meiit this freeboard, csprc.tsed in feet and inches, must bo entered utioii tho articles of j agreement U'tween the owners and crew, a copy of which mit,t bo tdways hung up in tjio forecastle. . Mow, there U no law that fixes the rule where this mark shall bo, but it is Iff t to .the owner to put ft wero he cho-ises. He may, therefore, give the idiip as little or r.s much free iKitird us It:' tH-s lit. It i i need!t;! to saj tliat tho universal rulo is us littlo ns pos sible. "Well, Jack being on board, the ship proceeds on her voyage, overloaded and short handed in many instances. Dad weather is encountered; the fhip, lieing too deeply laden, cannot rise to the i'a, but wallows along jlinnigh it, In the jH-ril of tho deck fittings n-id tho men oblige! to' ho on the deck. Tho machinery being new, there is lint much danger of .being disiibled ttnless flie gale iiiiTciises to hur ricane force, in w hich case, if tho ship survives, sho is mire to come, out of the encounter minus soma of her bouts, hoiMem, bridges, "-etc., and pcrhaiM Laily strained in the hull. "The vessel having arrived nt Iht dni- ib itiy ife.whwyff il and l-Mithrj, tho prtx-T's iK'in.-j cnrti-.i on night end d ty, and without eny thought cf rejj::i.--ing dantagrii, except those idisohiteiy I neccwinry. (Should any of th't IxniIs Imvo j boon lust they wiil not lie rejilactd until she arrivei! at a luuno irt. - l-ihould my of her sails be blown away they will cer taiidy not Ixi repkic"l, but the yar.ls will bo sent ti.dtore, Btid the vesn I rliic'il tfi ' her foro and aft rig only, thu i ivonotiiix i ing in spars, r!r;ging nnd fails, and de ! priving t!io sail r of hi.i last cli.-mc-' for ! li."e in case of a mishap t- mac'iiriery dur ! big a heavy g:de, or i:i tins event of the ! i ) hip's losing her propeller. As the tramp j i.tcamt rs rre now U-ing rapidly n-duccd j in tlHr Kill iower it U fomul --.rld to j I man (hem witii two hands U-t in tlie j crew, Kothcta vwsi-l of ;!.(;00 t i:h ik-ad ( : wOight cntccitv fiiviueitf Jy carri'-!; i:!v ! i six men before the nt.-.-rf. und of thtw it ; li Kiife to toy that inly twoof the mimix r aro I'.t t' 1:3 trtiii.-d nt the wlu.i l ;r on tiK! lXkotlt. I "As long as vo'l nnd rutfit nrt : ' parativi-Iy new ti't'e mnr live l!tro:i;,h uuiny a storm, but wlim the otitdt it 1 worn Mtt it N rej-l:i.'ei, if.. it all, in the ch'-spest r ib!e niantu r, mid rs nm's rc;i:iirs to hull. MigiiK-s n:id Iw'.'jt, tlt'-y are only made wl-n there is cllu-ly no ot.'n r v.vy to g-1 the vunm-1 ti w-a, r.r.tl wliid may l!ii h-tp; ;i cones -rnn the owner to a v ry iJight d.-grec." irLw York Times. And why not, "Indeed? Did not Dern- luirdt cairy her sachcl once, and Patti r.Rt own a sachel to carrj'? What has-haprx-ned oneo may bapjien again. What place in tlio world is there like tho stsge for ambitions, 'romances and dreams? Alfred Tramblo in New York News. Tlio Senses ns A tin ted by Sex. If the senses tiro taien seriatim it will bo evident I hut they ore not parallel in men and women. The latter imtwera in a much greater degreo the perfection of the sense of I'mch; those x:i"pat ions that re quire extreme delicacy of innnipuhilion, such aa Lice mtiking, c-ni broidery, bead stringing, etc., are therefore u.su:.l'y fcl l iwiil by women. As regards the txtisc of hearing, wo nre njt uwuro of any ex periments or observations un the n kitive perfection of the wnse in the two sexes. nnl tho same may lie stared as regards the sense of sight, which appears to be equally acute in women and miw. In tno exttrmo delicacy of taste it is pniba bio the men excel. As regards the er.ne of liinell, Kiinc exceedingly conchu.ivo exieritnen(s have U-cn made by . eotno American tavants winch rppear to sul- i-t t niir jiti-tiSti.-eiti'tl uphill ttm. 1 lie c.t5 pcri'.nt nt-t were ix-rforiiKsI with pimtic uci I and other trcngly odorous wil stancci on forty-four males and thirty eight fei:ial, mid it was found that in nearly nil cases the Knse of smt ll w.-n ulxuit double cs attive in men as in women. Tlio cau of tho diiTereiif:o iu tUii matter between nyn and wo men U ijuito unknown, as is the object of t!.t distinction; but it has otto practical bearing that may l.o I erne in l.iittd. Tlie employment of utrong nnd jKitent ixrfiimcs by wemen m:ry dej-nd on their k acute Ixwo cf nnc!). nnd liiey would do well to U-ar in mind lh fact t'ti.t odors nnd -rfiimcs v. hit h may l.o tpiile j leasrinl to them may lie clnunt r.vct p'wt rittg imd thcidttlly ur.pli-ijstiit t t:;i;ivniiiais cf the other bcx. I:iuuii (tiefii. A Lightning Proresnlon of Coastlny; Slachlucft ltldiculuas Methods. The other day' Howard street hill was lined on cither side with men and women roaring with laughter. Strangers whd added to the throng and looked on some-' times joined in tlio merriment, but at other times held their breath tt what they saw. The koys had poured water down the nuddlo of tho street and it hal frozen into a narrow 'road way of silvery ice. Along this slippery slanting path, there shot a lightning like procession of coasting machines of sorts tho most re markable that were ever seen together; First there would edfcie half a dozen fra-'ile painted sleds, followed by an errand Ixiy in a soap box nailed to a sled, with brown paper fluttering out from under him to show that ho was supposed to be delivering a parcel someJ where. .Next came eight httlo urchins on 8 piece of rough plank, flying a3 if they wero falling from the clouds. Kwittly pursuing the plank camo a boy on tho' lid of a trunk, a girl on a squaro block of ice, a boy on a side of such a box as oranges cotno in, with another boy astride of his back, nil flying down at sixty ruiies nn hour. Close upon these Citme: young lady "and a ly upon a toboggan, more painted sledi, another errand lxy on a soap box, and. strangest sled of all, a door mat, thut liad been been wot and froscn 6tilT. bearing a ragged girl, revolving' around and around after tlie manner of a pinwhcel, and yet dartit'g d i-.vn hiil lika a flatli. P.ut tiiere were many other strange! sights to come.. One was thct cf a boy flitting by with nothing beneath him, while close to bis lic.ck camo the square block of wood ' that . had slipped fronr undor him. Another boy slid along in side a decrepit old basket, and ono went, by like a. swall w m a littlo 'pieco of wood under which ho had screwed a jKiir of skutes to servo as sleil runners. It was not so much coasting as a coasting burloMine, so utterly ri lieulous .wero mitt of tho meth'xis employed to get down the bill. Tlie truth was that as cich lxy ha;ip he! clcng and caught sight cf the glittering path of ice hef threw himself upon it if bo had a sled, or, if ho had none, ho got the first thing that came to his hand to cit upon. Night after night thu crazy Coasting goes on, and thus far there i-r no news of any ond having Ixx-n seriously hurt. Albany Con New York San. 'D;:rrv,"'t.!ie to'dxjd, u: ct't ever, ;f).0.;0. Jia4 of tlu's iitotM-r, bow- lus Ux-.l lst. Oreelcy tsii 1 for ! Th Hlirir V.mrr. America h.-u t!ie U-t, tho stronrd, thu inanlitt-t, the lund .oni'-i f-tx-riitii ra rue. As yM go j-a-t- Tlia riuluir Manlrlnna. Tlie Jlalnli's inii'.icians aro lh men o t!ic moment hi I'ar-s. Tlicv are ubout fin!rte-n in rmmlr, mid, m t!ir ic.l . tiii'.ics, ttirhaiisuid blue pi'.ntahxnis. with ; yellow t.tri"! they wen- taken by m:u;y Jf th P.iiijitn7 v.'ho vrT tnjoying I their fltimSry "troll, for r.n Ihitpuin on- tinrront of tho tmhalicn Army. Tly ; havo come to Paris for lite purjxi' of ' fixing M-iine ix-rfomairf-s in tlio lit!tn i t!:e;itre with tiH-ir nation:.! insfrcmei.t!. The vvjh-fcrvt Ulong to the rtidan and were (7irilld i i tho Iigypiir.n army. After Til-l-ircliir tln-y rcvnlu-d rr.d jfi..:-l tin; Pn.pN-t in tlio duTt. fii v.tre cuSxa' iu.iit!y jcrdoiied. London Ttli-.Taph. Wlmt Arablu In Mhe. Tlianks to those instructive workscalledf manualii of geography, and t.'w 'aluabio information d various worthv folks who i li; vi t .T,t-vi -r hern n- ib $4 -it Ltd - ( i mry -.. j l:.!and, wo ail know pretty well by thi I time what Arabia oughtStp be like. A drviu-y, unending level of bhrning sand; , txittittllv dcorate-l w;th human ekclo- tona ondinlttoned with wditary palnf trees thirty Uagues apart. t-at:h overliang-' utg a "limpid well" (whatever tliat may be), while bands &f dusky roUxTS mounted on horses xririg the singular property of ulwuys going nl full galop and never', nt tding,to Ix? fi-d, scurry over tho path lei wxste in a style i f clothing repnlsivo toevery rigid principled mind, living con- fortably where t!iero is nothing to cr.t, and am;jiiiig rich epoil where tltcre is no one to rcib. Du. these well ascertained fafls rto" rudely shaken when confronted with Arabia as it i, which dixj not agree by n:;y incites v.-jth Aralnm at U ought to be. The tmtrr.veled traveler reos with nmazc n ::t Arrdicin utounluh f-veral tlwu?ard f-t i:i b''i:,!.t, Arcltian va!K-.n r.s green i ami bcattt'fid i.s tlie charming little glena t... t .. i- it... I.'.,. '- i. .. t.-.-. r.t j Iceland, Arabian f-rtrc,' urmed with ' European cannon. Anibuin cofTeo idauta, I tioni worthv of tlie c!ioici-jt districts of 1 ..,. ; diva anil Jjrarji. iim!ik-j, ma wnoio j noi-tJieru kht o f the fctitleo mtKiftfainsof ! Yetneti is st.il p:i rich end productive, I even tftf r Cettttiries of Turkish iuLtuIc, ' as in t!w far off kiys v. ht n ?I(lia was j the chi. f outlet cf artttliern Arabia, littla dreaming tbt it Fliotdd cue day bo us i tia'rniiiivntlv aselcs? aa a London fcx- " imvii or t!ie l:cr.-l stew;u-1 cf cn ocean gte.-.incr. DaviJ Kcr in New York Jlaa and Exprero. There, on tiio i;.-y i.kitf'.nn, with t!te wind sweeping cround th-m, the unow j with ling i:i tla-ir faces, liaiipftitrl his' orm-i r.tjd folded licr in them, pr liing a i hot kisa on her landouate, deth while j face. j Tito next moment be wes flung I jack- wanl into tlie lightol car; tho Vv,t :lit ujxn l.i.-fi. When be bad Icu l to Lis -feet arnl rcgrjntil tlio platform, be r.ts ' alone,- with tlie train racing rig t': ' tiacksrt pitiieMi speed. And far Ix bhi-I, war! in Euro;' yon (.tin Vt pppriJi iM-in-r nnl tu--n r iliA S!i:iVi-. -Tri-in Cuta-. by bil.turcs. Lavard i :.y- 1 1 ... while the J, w i.t Anria-Hun-I.cfca:-c:di.-itlwfuninanmT 3..,09 hi j iuhr.-u,;!, Id, linawkl vt the otieoarj. . lilton ml to dehv.r 1 l .'ty a,rJn1r.i n U t!:e high errit I tbi. lecttm-3 in o Ks.8f at C- to eiOO. Jodi t,.,, , f tht, n.i;;,y( onJ mlntm ,;w. ihUmgs liad nil thfl rngagemcnt. he ; cmi,1,,. a.f a x rf;n in the low. r The Mavr1njr Spot. As a J.ntnial retiVeseittalive sat in V.M cliair a-Maiden Uuu; barber the other day, tV grnii! sni.t ft tho brush oh- gan a sliaip, natural deroent, itJous in I Lv thetrtc!aoatiicKnoTyroci!iii!e. alone summer umsliinc, surc-'y fatal now, f.j tlie snow and darkness; a !ej tit tliat clitT by clilT eUi-IvwI down tntlto highway leading to the tosrn. Lightly cs a Am ohe sped tlntmgh the EnowdrifU, siokir.g upon hands and knees as tlie ncared tho. cliil. Then siie freed licr arms froia the restraining shawl, and witliout a monnjit's lirsitation began tlie terrible descent. Again and again she lest bcr footing; again and aguin Im-t ntimh Gngera loosed tlieir Iiold upon tlie ice bound ledges. Once, bandt and fft playeJ lier false togrthcx. . fJe fe!t licr- j eif falling down, down, through tlxs I daiknesa. with (hzzj f-7xed. whi! tlie white rocks fiathed roX bcr eyi. the kxwncd ici' ks teat into bcr face. ILdf t-;r ' ""3 I'.cCe - ;-t i"ck i.; U ii.)c nl th feukjes in the Litter r.i.ght, ct.x d tsd E-.ilTbr. and lut heart in Ikt facot3 site belli out luf arm in a. unto fuTjucll to the man Iter loro luul fcaitd. Ten mhiut'4 latiT tlto was in Darcy Eretnc'a room, groping bt r war to tho I"ii!iw under which resutl tho picture be had rcfutd to leave. Klits drew it out. and felt around for a match, a mad jetd otisy in jsresioa of Inr. The ntrait that lie codl mA pirt from of whom was it? A low fire was turning in the CR.te. filio bent down eagerly holding j the picture to Ute light ot lac names. It mb a ptietngraph 4 a girl a f.ur, sweat piili' (T..(J().'J, all ina-lo r.f U-r lie bad inu-wtHO. ( lupin mule f.lO.tJOO by bis Ltcturm and EmiTvm g-it rich in the ranie manner. Anna Dirkiuvm waa at one tirao worth l.l.WJtl, all ma te by l-rtures, but it tvati hut through niinmanagumtcnt. Iark Twain has male lx- w-n (2..0t0 and (-'0.C00 l-T bis lecture. New Yoik JlaJ ami Exprr-. A Walk nrfoni BrMhfaot. It u enriotn ttrv leas changr with the times. Kot ) nidny vt-ars ego it was ccnnidcml l!ie iikk! l-alihful thing in tlie world to take a walk before bn-al.foxt. It fct mit only abHurrl, but daitgpmua," Kiid a wrll known phymcian, nxukhtgon Ihii Kubjtv-t a few d-tys ago. "The rly ' morning air in maLirial ami wiil caiue : catarrh and hint troubles. If yrc.i ran . avoid it nevir leave 'your honie uutl iltc ' KUn lia warm-il tlie staiott Iktp. Nppt looking rhlr nj on tho margin t nirn.l alraut sceinjtli un ri: it will lim i walks .f life !: pr-rvi'S the hutn' li; ' an I sjnlnfcivo hearing which wis u-itd ; Lite jcant t;Tywlifj' bis most m-talle ; charu.'t-riatui. Tlie Mti-nioco which I was the lodge of nil hi tribe in takf- ; -are's time conlinu- to be Lit duJiin-t- ;' ive mark in t.'n soutlnift of Euro;1. TlwKgnaof it bsvc al:nt diKipjunrr-J only taken j-.i of titc !at tsj ami all th rTwtt rorfmrations; Intt in j IIun"7irv, in tiio Imua. ian princidit:.-! in lurkcy attd In ibii.Iy risible. Dala-PuUi 1 rancuxj cltrorticki " I'hinstrorn lVlio ab l:oir. T. )ne month. a- I commentetl cn tlie f;:ct t!ut fottte of her ntjenty's ski; s cn 1!k( hitta i.ti.tion wtc to u ij-:x- ixtciit mmicd by Cliinaiucn In a rrgctta J crvel tliat he j.HtmidiM sr.ee zed when whj !t (mno otr it U "P-g Kt?g just Ufore Ids hair was comlied. "Did I tooch iho fl.ri 'mas l!tc Victi r Eniniiiil entered ' neczi:tg pot?" iiumired the barber. Ke 5n ci -iit ircl V-allev, inanncd t-n'.uilyt theti pnxxt-ded toexpkun that the "sneez I y tliinrtmii. who Uat til tlie U;! j ; big f;x" waa a Bensitive place to tho left tho Kjtuidrcn m ca H; l trylo ovtT n f ile mil:; o;an T1k- t bitumen ere raid to bave K.v.til a longf.rantl slower ttroke ti-in any cf llieir comix-titoni. and titetr l:t Ion never bc-n U-tt-n yet. Tln-re t: jst l otitic p-xtd t4ufT in tlie CtdubtiaU aftrT uil. UiHlon Truth. ILtllwaj 8eat ftpriag. A ni.vr fivnn t t mllwar arnt nr?nv lia L'u -4a liM .r ore rtal ! i, j.Tised in England, and is bi-ldy Cur. Ban i Mllrh Tows 1st th Cll. TIhw are 2. XOO pix-M in New York 1 where cowt are Lcjt to l" milked for t?ic ! pabhc IxiKfit. i.iMi a Ittidth oSiciT re- ports tliit."t!v.ru lire rn-t lifly jkto ta j the lop h i wIht" a d-t-it man ion r-- : deis lir minutes wrtltont bet.-g mad' -sick." Detroit Free IVess. spokcTi of. . The entire neat w cnrrkU ra a ct.de I titirirg of pccnliar form, end u ru-c to utovo in all directKms. eo that of tlio middle of tlie forclieod. 4,Vv'hr (aid lie, "there are mm wlio conic in btf who uieezc rerularly every tunc I comb . tlieir liair or t-baro them just as roon as the comb passes over Ciat r,xtt. I had man in U-re yesterday who sneezed tlireo times ju4 aa liard as be could, all because I touched the sneezin fix.' Jl niust be a very small nerve tliat tickles the noe triL" Albany JourauL Pmliltnl nrMi lwpitj. Prmident Slonroe. according to a re cently puUiwd letter of his grandson. every j-rk and oscillation that tlie car er.n wai not ovcrtvltelmed with debt, finally was writtra in Dun t C-ecTie's i le:.r c'.r- v-ti.rF, ;;- thrirt." A f iict fc-nsation fcc. t ovrr iSo j I. T1.0 ftjjnwi dai-ifl ri;!xtt your an4.irir tak votir hcol b P.rvf k tl Mia t:.I i:..'if."- I1k!.W:-!-A C-X of T!;c n.m w!n Irros tlie rti"st ceti in a crrwd.l'LUj.li.'; I. j T:rai. receive is jwrfodly taken up. Chicago- iscran. Adnltvrallaa of Tepper. The city analyst of Liverpool finds tltr.l pepper is largely adulterated wijh f worth ! matrrud rejembling ground oUre vtooea, which is imported from la.') It lh exirrcss purpose. Arkansit Travel-T. dviug in poverty, as pcncrallv believed. lie says tliat his distinguislied ancestor left large unuicunilxiTel reed estate in London coonty, Va., af.d pemmal pi- -erry wortU 40,000, which public rcce thaw. Chicago Tribune. Nature is never in i 1 in a drt'.ruc!ive nnl ' t a.

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