ALAMANCE ANER VOJL. XIII. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1887. NO. 13. APVEllTfSEMENTa. 1 Toilet Luxury ' In every ftspcct, Ayer's Ilair Vigor never fails to restore tfie youthful fresh ness and color to faded and gray hair. Jt also prevents, the' hair from falling, , ' eradicates dandruff, and stimulates weakdiair to a vigorous growth. ; Five years ago, my hair, which was -quite gray, commenced falling, and, in spite of cutting, and various prepara tions faitliftrily applied, hecame thinner every day. I was finally persuaded to try Ayer s Hair Vigor. Two bottles of this remedy not only stopped the hair from falling, but also restored its orig inal color, and stimulated a new growth. Eli F. JUoaue, Machias, Me. Ayer's Hair Vigor, Bold by DrugsistB and rcrfumeri. Eruptions of the Skin, whether in the form of Pimples or Boils, indicate impurities in the blood, and should sug gest the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. For the radical cure of Pimples, Boils, and Carbuncles, I know of no remedy equal to Ayer's Sarsaparilla. G. if. ' Davics, Pawtucketville, Lowell, Mass. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Pwnnml hvT)r..T. ff. A ver & Co.. Lowell. Maftfl. 8eld by til Druggists, I'rice $1; six bottles, 5. WHAT SHE SAID. "Dftrilncr," eho said, and hcr'white hand fell As liitfitlj as an anci's on my brow; "I V.VA be true to one I lovo so well As I do you and for the rest, Fond licait. believe mo, when I tell you now, ono that I lovo best !". i "For why i I could Dot te'd you If I tried, tio, fond heart, be content with what I say I would not love another man be satisfied. Ami rji.'t all your tnm-3 cad heart's unrest, Fwa!l tii.; lime, forever and a day You aro t jo ouj that I lovo best !" George WUmot Harris. THE JIEIIALLIOr tier y;J; MP life S3 SJ Bd EJ UE&U i no treat fceirniera rMsmeny ir !' bowel- Trnrn b le :r AND CHILSRN TEETHING. There are verv taw who An nrtf, know nfthla little buitb jrvowinc aloniid- of onr inotiu'.ftina rikI (.ill: 1) it vei v f.fw lrult.u Ue fact, t-lmi t lie little pur pis tor ry, whiili a many cr" .'j have e-vren in limit ev:7 nhapti. ia 8 m'i eipie in it huvUiis a YV'Ond fill effect r;- ce iioweis. Dr iiiyer's jHuckteberry f .r'i i la the It KAY ROti"! HXRSr B.KV.KHY tlif. titntfB I the little oihj Uethlntf. oiid cures i'larrhcoa, lystitery Aiidt'mnp ioilc. wbcttlt is cou&lL'trctl 1 1. t-.t at iMs seanno4 auunvar.iiii oT'E( n-ufi K.iacHC Of 1119 bowels are so ffentipnt. ami t hp ar of no man deaths occurring before a lilivsician cnu be called In, It la important tliai every house hold ho:iM provide Uer.iaelvra with iumi Pdy rcllfer, t.do9of which will reliovo tit fain and v much anxiety. lr. Muter' luck if beriv f'npjjl! fa a iiTir.lo rii. fiilv whinfc any child pir-awd to take. Prfi', 0 tentu a Ixutle. Nftmifactured by WALTER A.TAVJ OK, AMnnta, (ia. I SB 4 MliilWif -will rrr ( V!ki. t'rmi u aiul r'oa. ltt'T1Pfi' Prire ytpTB. ejirt ti f-t,(tin. & KEENOPLS, AgtSnts... GI2AIIAM, N. C. 14 A pltintntion one mile from Mc 1 1 haiit', in Aliitiiancfi roum v, cofitniniiijr I-T3 ucrc!" 4.rmrres in oiiinnul trowtb, 50 in IpiiK'r, ivii hi euu:vnl(ll.. I 111" l-iueo l .nil wsiered. u rrci-k and Iwo brawlie rimnint; liliioiji;iii' A fine orelinrd. 8 irnl loliaeeo lb:ii u, t tenement l-ouse. jrocd feed ljMrn, an S-riioiu ilwelltn iih lutemeiit and L. and !!"iid well of w:ler. sire on it. ('unvenient to elitp-elii'B, sehool, and u stood new mill In mile of the liimsp. It is 'S - desifablii fa. in ad.ip'ed t llieirrow III of , grain and LTiiMO", H a y seeded in wl.ent sed out, ruwefsior irivcir ai once. Price '0O. jiui 1 a Somio thirtr Tears osto I liad a room ia ti biui.iin;; which uncd to stun.l on n nar- row sfrwt not fiir from Washinston I equ;ao. The liuilUin v,t3 ono of tho y lairs of Eohcmia. Sly wunlowg, which I rcaclie.l almost to tho floor, opened into j a sort of balcor.y.. Tliia balauiy stretched S a'ou;; the entire roar of tho house. Oi'i;;ii;!lly it h:td Loeii separated into as ! m.i:iy parti as there mro rooni3, but ; gSt'j'uaiiy thcyo partitions had been torn cv.i.-, and tho balcony became a general tho.-ouijiriaro by wliieh wo wont to each oilier'; ioo::ih, 'always, through tho vindows, (Li there were no doora opening upon it. One cool Autumn nibt there was a rap at my window. My visitor was a newcomer, wha.was ca'.le i Mr. Hurry by everybody.'' lie was a handsome fellow, tall and elim, with finely cut features and entail hands. His dark coniplexion, hi3 deep brown eyes, his blue LIuck curly hair, proclaimed him of southern blood. Ho had a email ex quisHely shaded, black raiiKtacIie, which" lieyhtened the delicate and relined np licaraneo of Ids face: His teclh were dazxlingly white, and showed as he talked cr laughed. . lie was -rather reserved, I think, but the coincidence of our needs that nisht aroiuod an accidental sympathy between iiy winch afterward grew into a steadfast friendship. IIh toij me that ho was working in the Etudio of a Kculptor. " 'I'v'o only a dilettanti sort of a talent, though," ho added, "but then I can earn.' my living at it. 'And, besides, I rather like to model Venuseo, I'hrynes and Dianas." He told ine that his immediate family were ail dead; that he had been brought up in luxury, knew all tho old aristo cratic people of the city, and that, as the family estate melted away after, Ida father's death, ho had to cultivato bis. ono email talent to get bread, lie tela this in the liveliest manner and did not seem at all affected by the recital of the downfall cf the family fortunes.. This struck me as -rather strange. I puzzled over it from time to time, as our conver sation lapsed. At last it Hashed upon we. . You are in love!" I exclaimed, "I've found you out!" Perhaps I am, he replied with one of his happy smiles, which showed his beautiful wliita teeth. And then ho started up. . It 13 ali'uor.t 2. It s time to -go to bed." - He stretched out lus hand and I took it. . "What is really vour name?' I .asked as ho pressed my band warmly. , "Harry t aprelu. (jroort night! From thia tirno ho was often in my room and I in his. It was strangely fur nished, for a number of costly and beau tiful curios presented a striking contract to tho thngy furniture, which looltcu as if after (lie act. t went over to speak tj several persons of my acquaintance and when tho bell rang went back to my sat." lL-jry did not return and I saw no more of him that evening. I felt strange and uneasy, as his sudden departure was in explicable. Y.'hen I reached home, I did not feel like going to bed, and to a3 uvual sat flown to my writing. Trpm tiuio to timo I got up and wal Iced back and forth, searching for the right word or --expression. 'Whenever I approached tho win dow. I put my head out to ceo if there wasahg'it in Harry 'a room. Finally I saw the gleam from hij windows. I waited a few minutes, as lie always camo into my room at night after ho had been out, and his otrango departure from tho theatre mado mo more certain that he would bo in -at once. But when he did not come, I concluded, to go and find tho reason of it all. As I stood in front of his window on tho balcony, several shadows moved across the curtain. There was something so unusual in thi.i that I hesitated a moment, and thou knocked lightly on tho window pane. No ono ap peared to hear. Thero ' was the Eound of deep voices and heavy steps within. I rapped harder. , 'Vait a "minute!" called a strange voice. And soon tho curtain was drawn and tho window raised. The sight which met my eyes made me gasp for breath for a moment, tho bliock was so strong. " " Harry lay half undressed on tho bed, pale, apparently unconscious, with clo.:ed eyes and yellow lias, slightly opened. IIo drew in hij breath with a'gasp. lliJ left hand clutched s.t his heart, and on lus shirt were great patches of dark red. 'At tho head of t.ho bed stood a, cab driver and bc3ido him tho janitor of tho building, who had opened tho window. Tho room was dimly lighted by a tingle lamp. "In heaven's name, what has hap pened'!1" I cried. From tho reports I learned that the coachman had been stopped in Fifth a'c nue about a half an hour before and di rected to drive tip to a certain house door. There tho gentleman now lying on tho bed had come out, accompanied by two men. One had wished to get into tho carriage with him, but had been rofustd. Tho' gentleman had given tho street and numb-cr himself, but in a very weak voice, and ordered him to drivo a3 care fully as possible When he etopped and opened the carriage door tho gentleman was i.i a dead faint. Ho Ijad aroused the janitor and together thoy carried him up stairs to his room, laid him in tho bed and removed some of lib clothes. "Go at f:;r a doctor and I will" waif here," I said to them as soon as I learned these fVxts. ' I looked at Harry after they had gone, and tears camo to my eyes at sight of his white, .motionless face. I took ha hand in mino and began to stroko it gently. After awhilo ho opened Ids eyes,, and looked at mo in bewilderment, then ho smiled and weakly prettied my hand. I couid not utter a word. Harry tried eev f.J times to speak, but only succeeded after several ineffectual e:Tcrt3; and then I cou'd scarcely disHnguiuh tho word I "Everything ij ad right I have 1i::cd it." lie ciojed Ida eyes; but after a mo ment gasped: "My coat!" I handed it to him. Ho tried to put Ins hands lull tho pockets, but Ins strength gave cut and ho slfcok his head and smiled again faintly. I searched tho pbekets and took out several articles, among them a lamp to light lilm down stair, ho thanked1 me courteously and Lado me good night. " I went back into tho room. Tho im pulse to speak to Harry, to awal'en him was almost Irresistible. I could not Iw lievo that tho beautiful, r.ttraciive smile had faded from his lips forever. I took up the modeling board which lay beside him on tho bed and removed tho cloth. I tried to make out what shape the crushed naa had onto had, Harry "had been entirely too weak to entirely obliterate it. I linally mado out that it Lad been a -medallion, with a woman's head upon it in relief. Tho face was indistinguishable, but tho hair was almost uninjured. I also examined the card catso which Harry had given nie, but it contained only a few cards and a receipt or two, as far as I could judge fjiPiu my hasty glance. . Again thcro was the. noise cf steps, and tho janilor entered, followed b a gentleman. "Tho doctor!" I looked at them in nstoalslitnent. "The doctor has been hero already, 'JlJI said. - . "Doctor who?" I went directly to the nearest burgeon and came back wih him my self. Meanwhiio tho doet'x went up to tho lied and convinced himx If that his serv ices camo too lalo for oid. I told them what bad happened, and handed tho phybioiau tho paper tho other doctor had left. "Ah, idi! Dr. Van Horn? Tho favorifo of New York 'society' ! How did ho hap- pen to como ht rer TRIBtS OF LITTLE FOLKS. Mmrcv VIII u ftfl in lie -out tni out 'and return to lis, mid will fend von free. .)iiielliim' il ;re;it ra'ne aiul iintortuui9 1 lo you. Hint will tlsirt fini m linMiiefV which will hrinir lyrm In mre money riidit away limn anything el In tlii wtu Id. Any one :Hn u mc wurK hind lite Hi hiime Either fvt. ail ,(?'. Smile- IililPif new, that just cuin iiKiner tor all workera. ' will (Lin yu ; e.ipUal not il.-eded. Thi one of the irenulur Importa t eh imnw nf a lifi-time. I hOie who uro amhi- liinai nnd eulerjjrifiuir will nt dclny. Grand iDitll free. Anare iliL . iK uu., Ain'osm, .Mam.-. decUIr Tea HatltOU glUHsra gHUiI U9 A Ufa Experience. Remarkable and quick cures. Trial Packages. Send tamp for sealed particular. Address 0 WARD A CO. Louisiana, Mo. portfolio with finely worked initials and a few other Eiich things. On a little tablo stoo l an exquisite Bevres vase, and in it thero was always a fresh yellow rose. Ono evening Harry rushed into my room. "Do you want to go to the theatre to night to hear the now play?" That was precisely what I did want to do, but had thought it impossible becauao of the low shite of my finances. "Why do you ask euch a question?" I l'LOFSs IONAL CAKDA. JAS.E. BOYD, ATTOBNEY AT LAW, Grrmfboro. K. C. M il be at OrrJiam on Mii.l;. of each w-, k to alien J to proleakimial bniinira. ep IC P YL WIIITAKXR, Jr-, . aitorkt:y at law, . GK All Ail, A1 C. Prtrtleea in I he "late and Frdenil court. Y'n'waXim mudeiuall pait of the Mate. Uttnrra l.totit- asarSl 87 Ijr i. iiii:itrvoi)Li: ATTORSEY AT LAW vii a m. m.r. freHce in the Mate sod Federal Onr aUI faiilifalljand .ro:ii.llj attend to ll boa Inlra.ted l him - i.-riU fil.-!inf I'l'ifltiM r'wA r-.irt lTr nil.' it jiau. pai3ei mmm yiQ nanus, o searhi, up nn I feU-4. n thff Ud iteas Ida era owiks."And there wero several rich j Land and reached it toward me. and exquisite little things which betrayed j ..for yout jw iu-murcd - the touch of a lady's hand, such as an Aa j it i:0 the camo old, embroidered tobacco pouch, a leather hearty, tender tib. i As I spread hitf coat out on a chair a yellow rose fell from a buttonholo. I picked it up. a littlo star! led, 03 I knew Harry had not worn any flower the prj vi his evening. When Harry noticed lho rose, he motioned ins to give it tJ hhn. Hj pressed it to Ids lips, and two greet tear drojjs rolled down his checks. His arm fe'l down and he again sank into a ljalf unconscious state. His faco twitched as if with p.ain. IEj left har.d lay acros-s bis heart, and the lingfre opened und cljeJconvul.iiveIy. I'lx-ttyerxuheopt.-ned Ilia eyes again and stare I v. ifh a looli cf fevcrii.Ii longing at ono corner of tho room. I fclinwed his glanco. "firing tiiat," l.e said, with an effort. I went to the spot indicated. -There, U!n a little table, lay a boar.l .f mod erate lize, in the i:iid ilo of which was u. s!i;;!;t elevation, covered with a dam;) cloth apparently an ineoinpleto piece cf nw 'cling. JJt-.uiie it lay a few umple modeling tx!s. I carried the hoard to the bedside. "Do you mean thW" I usked. Harry mxl'lcd- He tried tt raise him self and I lifted him up to a silting posi tion. After I had done this he rested Lis right hand,' hi which ho still Leld the rovo. upon tho chth, nnd exertin.g all liis etit m-th, pressed big fiit down into tlie yielding cby. I watched the s-jft K'.rtli tlowly cree out from beneath tlo cloth edges under tha j.-reixuro.'As Hcrry no ticed tliis he gave one strong putlr end then fell U".ck o:i the pillow. He did rot opt.n IiLj eyes rgain, nor did lie speak. IIo drew a few deep struggling gaspa and tlKii ell was still. I sat some mhiulcs Ltaring ct liei jtilid fae and Isirdly danxl lo Li-ftitlie. I gave a great w0h cf rcLcf when the sound of fix,t't:;; s on the stairs broke the btU l.y wliieh I teemed bound. I opened tie :ocr in an-swer to a light rap. Who knows?" I said in reply. "Perhaps tho man who gave him thh thrust sent to discover if it was mortal." T'ue janitor agreed to-watch tho rest of tho night und I went to led. About noon tho next day I was awak ened by an officer summoning to tip pear before tho coroner's jury. I told what had occurred under my ob servation, but made no reference to the medallion or tho card out of respect to Harry's evident wishes. Tho coach man could not be found. Dr. Van Hum testified that his servant had given hint -direction:-;, which had licon received from another servant. Who hail sent for the doctor could not be discov ered, and there could be found no cloy.' to solving tho um;tery. Two days later we burjed Harry Ca prelli. A few. distant relative.! and a lit tle group of fellow Doiiemians followed his lxly to tho grave. The next morning in Tho Tinic.1 ap peared the local note: "Sir. Walter Ilei-rick, who has been missed at tho Apollo clnb for the last few days, is out again, though still compelled to .carry his arm in a sling. He slipped on the stcp3 of tho club house a few night since and sprained his wrist badly." Not far from this among tho society notes were V.m lines: "Jlisa Helen Ilarplcigh, one of the. most charming of tho ladies who enliven tho social sea on for a month'or two each year, has gone back to Washington and will not return tins season. Thcro were also a few lines devoted to Harry's death and burial. 1 to (irmly convinced that Miss Ilarp leigh'e departure and Mr. Herrick's indis position wero cciiuectedywitir Harry's death. But I did not attempt to establish my suspicion. I should have felt guilty in doinpr so contrary to Harry's wishes. - A few months lutea I happctied to pick up the card case,.dijcihad hiin in a drawer in my desk. A urn;.?, i.ieturo fell it vt tl It hail evitil'JItir TO.'!! "Hinwi in behhid tho linuig anil had escaiied my notice.- I ft.iw at a ghinco that it was a tiny photograph r.f Helen narplu'.'di. As -I looked at it an idea stnich me. I cov ered the face with my hand, mid then I paw clearly that tho hair was lho samo as that on the crushed medallion. John Kitchio in New York News. The Three Most Notnbla Conimitnltlei nf Dirurfi In Africa. .A whik) ago Jlr. Orcnfcll of the Congo missions encountered on tho Eosnri river, eou'.h of tho Congo, the Batwa dwarfs whom Stanley mentions in ".The Dark ; Continent," though Stanley did no: sec them. Orenfeu says these httlo people j exist over a largo extent of country, their ' villages lieing scattered hero and there i among other tribes. Wissnian and Poggo also mot them a few years ago in their ; journey lo Nyangwo. : It was long supposed that the story of ; Herodotus about tho pigmiqa of Africa ' was mythical, but within tho past twenty i years abundant evidence has accumulated !of the cxistenco of a number of tribes of I curious littlo folks in equatorial Africa. '' The chief among theso tribes aro tho : Akka, whom &hwcinfurth found north west of Aluert Nytiesa; tho Obongo, dis covered by Du Chaillu in Went Africa, southeast of Gaboon, and tho liatwa Boulh of Congo. ". .: These little peoplo range in height from 4 feet 2 inches to about 4 feet 8 inches. They are iutellecttiidly as well as physic ally inferior to lho ether tribes of Africa. They aro perhaps nearer the brute king dom than any other human beings. Tho Oiiongo, for instance, wear no semblance of clothing; make no huts except tt bend over end fasten lo the ground tho tops of three or four young trees, wliieh they cover with leaves; ixkucss uo arts except" tho making of bows and - arrows, and do rot fiit the soil They live On'thesTnallet-f game cf lho forest, and on nuts and ber ries. They regard tho leopard, which now end then mates a meul of ono of them, ns their deadliest enemy. They livo only a few days or weeks in ono place, burying themselves in soma other part of the interminable woods lis soon as tho nuts and oilier food supplies near their camp beg-in to grow scarce. When fiehweinfurth first met tho Akka dwarfs ho found himself surrounded by what ho supposed wits a crowd of impu dent boy. There were several hundred of them, nnd ho soon found that they were veriiable, dwarfs, and that their tribe probably numliercd several thousand soul i. One of tlu-se dwarfs was taken to Ilaly a few years ngo, -was taught to read, and excited much mterot among scientific men. There aro other tribe.; of dwarfs in Abysunia ana also in Somali laud. New York Sun. UM. W. OKAHAM. Il.!lojn, h.C US. A UK AH AM tirabaia. N.C .1HAII & GRAB All, ureuiemiTilw, ' repheu. "Y.'ell, get ready, Rome one hsa sent mo a couple of parquet scats." Wo wero soon off. In one of tho boxes I recognized Hiss Ilarpleigh, who 'bad been ioiuted out to mo the year Leforc.. Sho resided in Washington, but usually spent part of the season hi New York. Siie was wonderfully beautiful, and seemed to bo very gracious .d charm ing. I watched her opera glasses follow the rows of parquet tcaU back and fort'u f;lo- wr -evidently hearching for e;nie one. (suddenly as tho gkiss ixdatcd toward the sjiot where we sat it stopped sho appeared to havo found tho person sho was searching .for. I looked about fit Harry. His eyes wero fi::ed on the sLige, It was imrsJb!o tliat she was casing ct the Imily broker on tho oilier side of me. I tlit-hcl, as an instant j Cusli of vanity Euggeste-I the idea tlu:t I was the olject of lu r atter.Lou. .xxm I saw her tako a yellow rcsn from tiro bouiuet slio carried end slowly raejA it to h-.T lipu. Involuntarily I thought of Harry's vase, und turmd toward him questioningly. Uo quickly raisrxl ru.i ryes toward the galleries end' incfTectually trie-1 to aptwar as if lie ;ul not iced tlie rjue; tioning I gave bici. Dut the lady still hel l the j cl:,Ka iii'ifivl LiwnrJ tm nnl Tirtvl 1!m ' yellow rose to l:rr Iiia. I rwiticcd t!H) j gentleman standing laikof her brn I a j triile forv-ar;l end follow tho line if l:cr i Vbi n. A slight cowl sireal ovir Lis features. Ho evidi ntly recogniwl tho person alio was looking at, and f It vin dictive Urcrard him. IIo leunul fur'Jier forward ami said saraelliing to tlic lady. She started, drxjied tho roserand I t t'io glass fall into her lap. hlic sat rti'.l a moment, then shrugKod her slicuUlcrs slightly, and turned to talk with tliose next her. . fehe did not aguin look down at the parquet. A Hit tlic certain ame down for the first time I spoke to Hurry ia an indifferent way of lli-s Ilarileigh and the gcntle mn who (cid hrr no mtK-h atU-nticti. I caked liiin if he knew who the man rcs? "Yes!" be said, with a fierce sort f rrevity. ! know him; he U Walter Horrick, and I ahoull be sorry for the woman who was ttr3ct"l by hira. die wa oot Hie lrnt!ei cf my sister.". lie simexl dbincli:il to ssy any mors iff 1 !: 1 n4 i!i " I .li-v. Vhjr the Eyon f.row Tired. People sjx-ak nlxiut their eyes being tiretl, meaning fliat tho retina er seeing "portion of tho eye is faii'wd, but Mich in not tho case, r.:i Ine ret;i::t huruly ever gets tired. Tho f.Uigue is iuyhe inner and other muscles a'iachcl 1 1 eyt iull and tho i.:udo of uecoii'.i.o.lutinn. v.hich sunour.ila Ihe ler.s ef (lie eye. When a. near object ia to bo bii:cd at this mii.-cle relaxes ar:d idlows tho (ens Vt thicken, in creasing i!s ri'fraetiie .o::U r. Tim inwT and outer nm..!es aro i:. -d in c-ive:ing fhe eye on th't olijeet to I f hxikcl r.f, tho inner one Ixing enjKCially u I when a near object is looked at. II. U in the three muscles nvntionci tiiat I be f.itiguo it felt, an I h lief issecunl temporarily by t loi.'igtlio ryes or gazing :;t far dis tant e!)jvctn. The usual i:.'li:-;:t;o:i of strain is rednew of V.k; rim i f th:; eyelid, betokening a con.i'.fed i;;t -f t! inner, cfconiai:H.' I v;.h tmiu pain. Sometimes t!iis wearin!M ir.dii:;tes l!ie IH-c-d of gla-;:i rightly ad-i.ti-I to tho person, 'and in other c ir the truy n ni cdy it to nuisw.-j tho eye cud. i:a :ur rou:v lings :ls fras i.i-v licwii'i Ihe hftnd wet in cold waUr. Hi r.d-l of Il al-.h. Free Hint for n rortnne. "Tliere's a fortune awaiting tho man who will open hasty pudding eating boui;es4ii New York city," said un old hotel man, "and if I was young I'd d ) it. Old New Yorkers remember Parker very well. IIo opened a cozy little res taurant on Dey street forty odd years ago.. At Hint time there was itiore travel to New York by the night boats on tho Sound and Hudson river proportionally than now, and Parker's pLico was very convenient for travelers to get their breakfast. Ho always had a blazing firo in a grate, and Ihe morning papers wero at hand. Parker was tin) first restaurant ke'jxT hero to give hbj customers the pai'r;i while they wailed. "Ho made a specialty of buckwheat cakes, and no man in tho city before or since ever made such cakes. IIo experi mented nnd bad a recijicof his own. Tho cakes were light, yet substantial, round at the bottom of the plate, crisp but not greasy, and preserved just enough of the m-culiar flavor of the buckwheat. Purk- er'a buckwheats became famous, and be niadd iilac a million when he died. There's some consolation in earning a million and feel ing that every pinny of it rcprasented a delightful equivalent. "Any man who gets a rcptitntion for a specialty in New York has struck a gold mine. Now, fried hasty pudding as tiiey servo it down east would eatoh on, I know. people, A Clonk That Itrnts All OltiSrw. Anot her great clock has been added to the horological wonders of the world a pioco of mechanism that will vio withth elaborate marvel of Strasburg cathedral, nnd put tho processional euriosity cf lScmn Tower into the shade. The latest elTort of tho renowned Cliriidian Martin, of Villingen, in tho Black Purest, is said, in its way, to surpass anything of tho kind yet attempted. It is three and ono half metres high, two and three-quarters broad, and shows tho seconds, minutes, quarter hours, hours, days, weeks, montlia, the four seasoni, tho years and leap vcars until the last sound cf tho year flO.OOtl of tho Christian era. Moreover, it tells on its faco tho cor rect timo for various latitudes, together willi t? phases uf the moon and a variety cf'iiseful information generally confined to tho pages of on almanac. It alio contains a vast number of work ing figures representing the life of man, tho creed of Christendom und tho ancient Pagan anil Teutonic mythologies, Sixty scparuty and uidiviuualizuu statuettes siriko tho sixty minutes. Death is rep resented as in llolliein's famous, in the form of a skeleton. In another part appear-the-twelve apostles, tho seven ages of man, modeled after tho descrip tion of Shakespeare, tho four seasons, the tw-elve signs of tho Z6diac, and so ou. During Ihe night time a watchman sal lies fori!) and blows tho hour unon tko hoin; whilo at sunrise chanticleer ap pears and crows lustily. The cuckoo also calls, but only Once a year on tlsft Pvst day hi spring. " besides these fignrcT there is a whole series of movaUo figures in eiKiinel, exhiliitijig in succession tho seven days of creation and tho fourteen stations of tho cross, At a certain hour a little sacristan rings bell iu lho spire and kneels down and folds bi. hands as if in prayer; and, abovo uil, tho musical works aro said to haven sweet and de licious, flutclike tone. St- James' Gazette. EXECUTION OF WOMEN. dd a very Uiren fortunc.JIp luilt a i J! '?M co oh ihe North river, and wiw worth f"u"Ji. .' "Ilunijry .foen" of Knrloty. I wijb somclkxly who could would tell mo what siHfial fascination thero 13 hi a meager lunch, with tea or colfi-e, for peo ple who siend humlreds of dollars a week in run their homo tables; that even the wealthiest amj best folks in society will pull ii nd piuh ond ulmoKt tear each other's clothes olf to get it cup. of poor tea, or a thin ham sandwich, or a half dozen raw oysters sacrificing breeding self respect und a'l the u.-;uul courtesies duo from one individual lo another on such occasions for this modicum of re freshment? it may seem ridiculous, but it is nevertheless true, that some ladies have fasted for forty-eight hours to get their ap;etiles in trim for on afternoon tea or an evening entertainment where they oxieetcd a particularly good table. And when lho evening camo those ladies wero not alone wiih their unwhot ted apjwlito:!. There were others there, too, crushing to the front themselves, or sending their innle friends to jostle and jolt and ritrueglo with each other for the coveted edibles. Sitting on stairways end clustered in hallways, belles and mat rons who would scorn such un indignity in the privacy of their own houses, sip their tea or surround the blipjiery oytter and seem perfectly content. See the sac rifices made for this litilo free ( lunch. Ladies forgetting their manners and gen tlemen wrecking their nerves and putting themselves into ('r -pin.titm beiilcs mak ing ixiMtivo vulgarians of ihi-niMdves, for a pluteful or a cupful of refreduneiit that might lie hud at any restaurant for -15 cents or at tho utnio.t 23. Cor. Globu- Trrutiiirnt of a "mjre." Tliere is a row of small glands, which disch:irge an oily material for lubricating puriiof-s along the edge of each eyelid. Whenever the outlet of ono of thejo glands becomei closed, inflammation bo gins and a "styo" i tho result. -Thc'io troublesome, sometimes nainfuJ. are It would lie a revelation to most I When a "styo" begins to form, shown Now and then what Is callinl ! by swelling und ri.iinesn of a iHiint on tho fried mii'.h is served, but a sad and so, gy mess it is." New York Sun. Volt llnl:r, tfio IXfHtarlail. When Andrew D. V.'hito was a stuiknt in Germany l:o ctt'-nded Ihe l'.t !ir'ji of Yen Uirke, the DStoricn. In a recent article y.r. White sr. : i f Ikuike: "He f A Monkey' Moral fsmne. " Cennelt had a yotiiig gibbon siamang ThvloUitis syiiiloctytui;,. Ho had Lcohli d him several linn-s fur having jmt various objects out of, atd tpeci:illy once or twice fVir having meddled witli a r tain pi' ce of soap. "One morning whll", buvy v. riting." says this travi I..r, the' monkey was i:i fbo culin. filai;:ri? ;.l him, I saw tho littlo bevr-sr was;:.irr the sfap. I watched him without h:.i U ! iug aware of it. IIo cast from liim" it lima ft furtive glance in my direction. I made ltl:evc to write, and he ceiling me l occupied went off with t!ie uxii in lu . ; iw. Vhen he was at tho middle of tl o I cabin I pHil:e to bim quietly without frightening him. Wrhen ho jerceive i ! that I bad seen hirn he rc'.raceil hit Kti ps and put tho soap near ly hi tlie same place 'fro'iii where he had trl.en it." Tiiere Was ct-rtaiiily something- more than in Jinct In this condiu-t. The mon key showed i lealy by Um (irat and by his second action that lie knew l wa'i doing wrong. Vliat is f-im if n& the exen-i, of ibis faculty? Henry Howard in Tlie CusmojioliUn. j edge of Ihe lid, application!! of cloths wrung out of water 113 hot as cnu to Ixirno dfteu rapidly stop tho progress at tho inflammalion, ynthalAy by freeing the outlet of Ihe gland. When matter ! forms, sliowi by !'! niH. mince cf a ' yellox point, it rhuuld I x iied at once. ' Sniiii'liines n sm..!l ryit or si c, with ! fluid, forms i:i the tiiUtaaca of tho carti j Lig of ono of llio lids. There may l I more than one, forming littlo luird j ii'Mu'es. which are uni.igl.tiy. Whenevt r j iriflamni.'ition occurs hi tlieni matter i (pu: is formed, nnd there is much Jiaiu. i . believer they Iwia Ibcy sliould lot ut into and their contents removed. The sae t!t liucj lho cyst should lo taken j a.ay at Ihe same time, to prevent ro- n"wid of th tiouhlo ty its relUliug. , Globe-Demi iCrat. ri-rmpraw l!ne'nlea IJfo. Tl:e Ijii!,n-;a Ejfnie Ins lndul-e-1 Iht- had a bjibit of litcouueg r.o alworlmd in I sr-lf in a h.tle tnu-iic slaco I it crrivel in l.Lifttjtt Mti fcl-ridtiwnin his c'air. i Nal i!ie f.rdi in nine vean. Kofn.f holding l.Li fngcr up toward tho ceiling, j tlie lortl Iutlian laleat rxciAi.T'.ed t PtT Matlonul Tant In I'ranra. Gen. liotd.itiger bus supplied tho lands of the Fn ncli army with a complete coIlccti'Hi if the national music ef nil countries. When the cmiTor if Pruzil vi-ited Pari yr-ars c;;o con:.i h-raMe disunity was c-erieii(cl ia bimiiri'f up the iiational untiiern of Lrazil, nnd it ist' ftnrd n.'niht t similar trirt:l(!e that t!K5 i-et u:i.ii4ir lias nrmol ihe buglers v.ith llj material in pits4iin. Tlidh't, rf nNinc, is long.' It inchldo lho war ix;:ig of lite Japanese, tlic "Ode In Krriir-:(i," (he favorite iwng if th P. :-s, and t!;e 'Olairh .f Fak-rsy," which has 'so often rou:tl the cidl.u- i I tr.l Ir. Vna Iliim," ni 1 ;,n eV"rt t man. ai he entered tlic ror;nuan'l walked t briskly up to tho bed. V.'ith quick, dex- : .tcrou niovcmtiitj ho cut away Harry's 1 rturt and leid lu hand ujion 1.1.1 Lrrast. Then be UvLoned to me to hej him cn 1 wo Lid Ihe body rf my dead friend dowa frjni the rittin.T lAri'.U n. , I have nothing to do but to certify to tlie death ;f this perjon," call (l.c ih-ctoc after be had nrr;in??ed cvTjthing. D; l he say anything?" Only a few 4or!a." Is f-nicido probable?" "Xo." Pro-'alJy a dudl What do you think?" That fa poasiUe.' The doctor seated himself at a table, took out paper and pencil and wrote ; name, age, etc.,-of my dead friend. j Then he wrote further: '"Cause of drtuli paralysis of heart iu of a 1 cr tlu-irst. fiuki le tu proiistle. I'.'Ta hki 'v- (hxb Cpor-.i i;t rtiklJ-iwc.'' 1' --i 1.- 1 't V r-. 1. I ! !1 fi nnd then, w ill l a f.-c fii-J.'-rw.,! nn t,n i o -.1-1 1 1 iK ..,. a, ...... f.. 1 u.iioi iiure-arn imeis ; tip 1 1 if. go mumbling through a bind t j ek-rmhiT so:i-s in f lonUh. To Ihj o '" h Ihnre. tor.. K u r?i2;ody, width tn.A t my Orman ! pn-wi' object!, n tliat (Jny would be U t- t"'J fjv'! the (.Hieen. wbx.i b ku I to Ml.iw ttuderitscci.fcs-e-l they rreill rot ! Uf cccotnjAiiicI by tlie fTiitar, Art.w , l'r s-' '1 air. ..-iiialiT cmirid in under .tan 1. It was a couiicsl I took uo tliat Instrument and i.!.;vr.l 1..-.. hon'Ti.f LouiO.U. and in timo rfoU-n, half a der.e:i ctudents crowding mound his desk P-vfeniiig to l.he 1 rn,' us se.f wiln a dash, charactcritt.f: ef t'io iiie.sic. nincn lie uiteriireTeJ. liir:.kii prieVs r.:!;;!:t listen to Hie tii.yl mi h-r j J .laved one or iwo selections of ClK.piii on tr;.icl. Ihe other ttixlvnlj U ins red-: the l iano and tlicn K-rfortoe-l hi a tr (hrougli Hie room in xzrvm iia;ia of ' cecsnrxinied bv vkilln and Tio'oo-s ' j dixtn-3gemcr.t." New York -'tin. a. cii.nrcl cr b'M:ovel bv ll::r..M. vrlio Ii-seiiUd it to (if .Tgn I i f;Ia:i'L AmL I y t!:e way, it is a sort tf temi oIici..l tuue in this country, do. and fa calh-J "America." New Ytiri Sun. Utirr tha IMrlwrlaa brnim. Tl:e Empror Y.'iHiaui lias always rc ryi tteil.tljrt 1 never been able with bis or.a hands to rtiirk en d!elv.-iL-s. A liiytl Myrian . nw tt'Ji bim lliat lliero is spot, pm'ly the only- spot in tlie world rxvx-r iblo by carriage, where tlic ek-lweLii grrma, In a clianning co?ii'.try at the -f llie Iiirhochwab i:io:r,:ru'n le-n the li'.llo town of Aflt nz, w!k 3 by remfortable carriage rost the travikT can easily rcat h tlie spot whem tlie C::tst rtklwrLs in fouad, iaiirpriringly kxe quantities. New York Tiiimne. . fcrper.t skin U or t c. .-g f f I ' v into feh'ira tj l!ie If.irquis CasaftK-rta and the (.V.1-1 Cpltdxlkitta playing rcs;rtittIy tl e vi'.Ln tnI Vx-flo. Tlie emjiri-w, it rxr.irr ' fa murii afraid ot rartlKjiukc having ma le ln-r entree cn tlie tlapv Y lio in a Crj-'len. undir a tree, during a ahnikr nnvuKon of nature Soaton EudgeC Tli Kurrro4 of A frlca. Anvmg t! reinarkalile woorli of smith Africa b .neewwood (Pferorvh-n n'.ih-'. wIik-Ii in (luraUlily b aoid lOKU-ras-tmra Lgnumvits, froduein CMcbirte Lear:nf which lure lu known to cuikc t thot of both tram and irvn. Chicngo HfTol I. ivMitiy to n v i-Va. "I (irm'y N-li'jTO (lint a way f ridding tlie I jii'si -f tlie tu1 rx 1:!.-r Icril'i of cn aviiii'(.e:i will rit U tll.eeviTi J," rj: I a Hethoda of Capital Panlnliment Id Olilea liineit Varloaa Laws. I . : In tlic early daytf of England men wcrw too humano to executo women, but they drowned them. During the reign of Henry HI, however, 'a woman was ; hanged, but as she did not die after being:. '. on tho giblx't for a day, they cut her iiioini and sho' was grontod a "pardon, j Adulterous women and sorceresses wero drowned or- smothered in mud. Btones1 j wero fastened to their necks to prevent ; their swimming, or they were sewed uj inacks. Sometimes they were drowned in conijinny with a cat, a dog and a snake. The Anglo-Saxons drowned wo. ; men guilty of theft. Tlio criminal was : thrown from the cUtf or submerged. In ; lho Tenth century a woman was drowned j ot Iiondon- bridge. Women wero pun ished by drowning in Scotland. In 151)9 I Gri-iseil Mathon was condemned by the? j high court of. Udinburgh "to bo taken to 1 tho north lock and there drowned till slio be dead." : A memorable instance of drowing oc curred at Bavaria, Oct. 14, 1-100. Agnes Pernaurien, vifo cf Duke Albert tho Pious, was dropped oil the bridgo of tho city of (itrasburg Into tho Danulie, by order cf her father, .fcho nppears not to have been put inta, a sack, end lier limits not to havo ljceri securely bound,' for sho rose to the surface ff the water and' swam to the shore crj ing "help," "help," but tho executioner put a long polo into her hair and kept her down. According to the Danish laws, women - were buried ahvo for then, a inctliod pi punishment not unknown hi France. In 10ul Iluroto Duplas was scourged and Buhjccted to this cruel death, at Abbeville, and hi 11(10 a woman named Perotto Manger, a notorious thief and receiver cf stolen goods was, by crder of the provost of Pari s, buried ulivo in front of the gib bet in that city. Iu ancient German his tory wo read ef female, criminals beingf imimled in the mud and, in comparatively recent years, tho reniainoof several bodies have been found to prove tho trulh of this assertion. In curly England a cook once poisoned fourteen persons. Tlie au thorities did hot believe limy liad a pun blimcut sufliciently severo for her case, bo u law was parsed making her crime punishable by being boiled td death. The Earth. - , Illai'tirlmntrd Montana rioya. Most of tho cowboys looked upon their cominir lo Montana to head cattle ns lho me-.tako of their lives. The glowing stories of-lhrilling adventure:! and imdden wealth 'f the cowboys' life which are common hi the cost are hi most cases re sionsil,lo for their entering the guild, but the ivalily is quite a didcrent matto Many ef tlie economical ones have liecn enabled by their savings to return to tlieir eastern homes. Pcojile whahave not been through tho bad lands havo but a faint conception of the utter desolation r.nd worthlesitncss cf a cowlxiy'o homo. Ho is roasted in sum mer and frozen in winter. The lands can "never 1 tired for anything but grazing, ami the distances arc therefore something immense. Ono peculiarity of the country makes rapid riding a very dif.ieult, not to 1 ay dangerous, undertaking. The earth U so friable that a tiny watercourse will speedily cut for itself a deep gully, or "coolie," ai it is called, the depth of which when lilled with snow is enliroly proMeinalicnb A horseman who ridea with a cowlioy's recklcsmeaa may sud denly find himself st the bottom of a six or eicbt foot coolio, with his horso on top of him, and ttu way ttf gutting out i( ho. lifiixns lo bo still alive save tunnelling up to the head of tho stream through tho now. Then cue of your broncho's feet is as likely on not to sink suddenly two hi t down into a coyoto's bole when he is going nt u furious pace. Result: His legs suupoff like a piite stnm, and you are shot through the sir to a point far beyond, and picked up more dead than alive. The water U generally bitter with alkali, and scorches your throat us; (hc.v i little t eat, anil that fa hard to get. Touiuh Enttrpriit'. Mm. LuiiKlry'a lloily Serrant. Two ycani iigo, when llie Jerwey Lily vi-ited f'.;u Francisco, her attention wai diueteil lo a bright eyed native of Can Ion, by namo Wong Afoo. fjho thought that it would n 1 uiprii-e to her New York and Eritisli frieniLi if slio sae?sed, oii'!ii;? her other itruliar treasures, aChi nee liody servai.t. Ni-goliations wero entered i:ilo between Wcng Afoo's father arid Mrs. Loi:glry, ami tlio result was that the lipy cntiml into lier service. His fatlxT aatcs that bo allowed the boy b go under the condition tliat ho was to lie taught t: read and write English. How much tuition Wotig Afoo received hi the rvdiments of the Ltuguago while under the Lily's motherly caro b a prob- s loin. It fa learned that lie accompanied hT cast tnd also to England. When tho duties cf llio stago requirel Mrs. Lang Iry's presem-e, V.'ong Afoo went to tlie tlKT.lre, but i.iuhat conrnction his duties were u'.iika.-'l in the green room Wcng is nut willing t state; neither will lie lift the veil which enshrvuds tlie lily's but roiuidingH. Tlio Ixry, who is about 1J jears of n;.-e. Las jit returned to tlii c;tv. Ids f.;t!KT having written to Mrs. Liingtry to allow bim to leave her cm- pl-iy. rnd he t; noi engatjed in pursuing' lus stu'.u-s in a Tar uuiert-nt atmuupliero (ban ll .'.t i:i v.'hicll bo accustomed lo in the I jly's rt-Jdenco in New York city. Son Francitira t'hroi.icle. Tko lTntrrar aad tba Ia,l, A tall, fine looking man, clad in the garb of a wild westerner, strolled into tlic Fifth avenue Ik(.L, New York, Hie other night. A dude ckid i:i a dreys suit atared at hint as if he w ro a wild beast. The westerner F.tcrr-J Luck for a moment until Lo had Ljokol the dude put cf countenance, and t!?en wrJked over (o (lie young swell, and said i'i a thundering voice: "Well, what Li ii?" "What is w hal?" oskeil the dude, turning red. "You must havo forgotten your manners ( staro at me as you did. w ii known ineuieul i:i:: i recunllv. " thereben a;'rv ih-u;;U y.i.Vh this j I knirw I f.irrX mine or I woukl Dot rpenk ku-.v 1 rceoni! ji-lie.l I live i?i;t the 1 -r.-1 r ,( voa about it. I look roucli, and ail A man weeded to Ids cw.-n Heas fa frrttv d-.r.unSt c-o to divorce. 5 ho !' lie. ' rl i d;L'-t. How cr wbe;i Ihfa will be dl-cov- ' rpihraowkaoaT, Lut many are , actively )(t KTcrelly r.t work 03 (1k iuil : jl. Mv iir?jrfs-sOii. IxnTvrr, u ('j-t It wiil la ta arcifrnt t'tt will reVil tho , inthod J fianett-J'ully cmf:ct md over ', rotr." thncer.-u.Ti l:m ktxL Niuo-ler.tliS 'of fin; I.un.ui r-eo I zvo inert, if-not aclive. C7ri :;r Tp'.;,:, r!:'l v.hrn a r.irc- .s fil 'roti:';n::i',::! fa i encred I -'"f f t v r. r-.- - i.r -. r r 1 v :' i - : ... thai. Imt you are probably marc of a cu- J rijeity to mo tlian I am to you; still I i-iKT. if .ut iiuin to oe so ruiie as to stop f ml Lx k yon over as if yon were oa ci- hihiti in." The incident attracted con sileraliie at'.etitinn, and the dude lost no tine in getting away. New York Letter T!ie i- l-Z 1 of (': Cn- od r-r.te C. I