111? Alamange- EANER, V VOJL. XIII: GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 8. 1887. NO. 14 j7 ADVERTISEMENTS. You Need ' The most effective medicine, for the cure of any nciioua ailment. It you are euf- iciiag from Scrofula, General Debility, Etoiuucli, Liver, or Kkluey diseases, try Ayer's Sarsaparilla the safest, best, and : most economical blood purifier in use. For mnnv vears I was troubled with a Liver mid Kidney complnliit. Hearing Ayer's Snrsnparilla very highly reeoin ' mended, I decided to try "it, and have doue o with the most satisfactory results. am convinced that Ayer's Barsiujurilla is The Best -Remedy - ever compounded, for diseases caused by Impure biood.r-Edward W. KichardsoH, Milwaukee, Wis. ; I have found Ayer's Snrsaparilla a more ' effectual remedy, In the ulcerous forms of Serofula, tlmu jmy other we yossess. James Lull, M. ., Potsdam, X. V. K"I have taken, within the past year, cv " era! bottles of Ayer's Bainaparilla, and Cud it admirably adapted to the needs of n fmpovcrishe'd system.- As a blood purifier, and as a tonic, I am convinced , that this wonderful preparation lias no equal. Charles C. Dame, Pastor Congre gational Church, Andover, He. BEPJIIINFS CAPTIVES? Nothing was to bo heard in the forest eavo tho rustling of tho snow falling upon tho cedars na it had been faliing since midday, a Cno, powdery snow that fipro.id trxtntho branches a frozen moss, upon IhoCrsa coating of silver and upon tho roiicls and pathways an immense carpet, soft, tail white, and wliich intenuiiied the ti!hecs of this sea cf trees. Boforo tlio door of a forester's hut a young woimw with her tlecvcs rolled up to tho elbows was cutting wood with nil .ax upon a ctcuc Tall, sapplo and strong, eho was a true daughter cf tho forod; and tho chil l and wife cf a forectcr. tiud dcaly a voico cama from tho interior of tho house: "Y.'o are alone tln'a evening, Ecrthinej o;iv.Vi:i and maka everything fast. Thero may bo lVuaoiass aa veil as wolves in tho forest to-night. " - The wood chopper responded with a re- Eoundin? stroke of tho as. "I have nearly finished, niothejsUo-PwoulJ fall upon the boards with a re thcro-io-nectl t-feaH-soumlina thud; lav light. ' ' Nevertheless, eh-J, brourr'- t in her fagots and slicks of ( Bold; -"bcsiUo:v-tht'ro -id r.i i yet; it U etill daylight." Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Trfparcd by T)r; .t. O. Ayer & Co., Lowell, M. Quid by all DrugyiaU. 1'rice 1 ; six bolilcf, 5. m m a-mi b. The Great Southern Remedy fj 'a!- BGBBL-TnOUBLt. AMD CKILD'SSa TEETH. KC- Thore arc Terr few who 60 not know of thta llttltt busli crowing alon'slile of our mountain, and UUlu but very few tvuVm th fact, tha the iittltj purp9 Imrry, liavo ofltcu iu tost even whicU vi many of 'a . vtple hi it buvtny a wnr.tift ful eflect c be bowels. '-Ur.' Biker's liu-li3ei;crry f'.fi M is tlieORKAT MOU'JHEBN UVWili thftt 3tOrCS the little ono ttet!iihtr, and cures J'.arrijte UvHenlery HiidtJranip Colic. , w lien it Is rDiisIUcred thst at thin (season of the yi&r sudilaTi find duie iuuj aiiucka of the bowels ara so IVeiuent, atid wo hoar of no many deaths jccuTTiug b?fo: a iihvsiclua chu bo caMfd hi, It la Important tlm: every houae liuld iltotild provide 1 In; m selves Homt ; apeedy relief, a doso 0 wlitrh will relipve the IihIji arid mve nuicri anxlftty. Dr. Hivaera Illicit Ifberrv ('ordial la afiiiuple remedy whlufc aitv child is pltaDd ut lalce. Price, SO rent a bottle. Manufactured by Sill!;.?1, LQK' AtlRriTa Op. , Tfc v i or' it'iiite rok&t S-CZhwFv of w to i ra mn& Mnlltlm will cure Coucmt. C'ouj) and Coa gimprui. Pri'- Worn. anf 1 n j, Beal Estate Agency. (JKAHAM, X. C. 4 A plantation one mile from Me- lan-,iii Alamunco coiiiily, continuing ttii ticren 4A Hero In original jirmvth, SO in piuc-s, NX! In cultivation. The i lacii in treil D!nred. a rnrli and two lirnnclic. ninniiii tlnouuli it. A line orcliard, 8 tj""' tcibacw li:im, 't tenement houRc. trond feed lHru, an 8-roiini dwclliriL' with tiHFCineiit and 1.. net liond well of water, are on it. Cnnvenirnt to vhnrcfivK. scliool, und u cuil new mill in 14 mile of I lie lioiiw. It is a deiiralUi fa. in adup'rd to the irrf'Wth of tnbicc". icraln and icrnssen, Place is reeded in w'. cal ni d ohih. oeo8lbi Kiven ai once. Price (D0O. (janlii mm TU lie miide. . Cut' tmoiii land return to us and c Kill send yon frrc. oinctlilni'' d erent value and linpnitunis ' Ki vou, Hint will .tare Vim in ' : hiifliifK. wliieli will brinic v yon In mir money riirht away than anythin . elxe in IIiIb woild. Any one can dn tin- work . . mid lite at htmc Either aet. all nifn. B.mie lhliS new, Hint just coin nionev tor all .. ' workeni. W e will il-wi yu ; c:tltal not ' d-eded. TliU l one of the ireiiiilne iuiiorla .t ' ch inee of a lifetime. Tluwe who are muiIii ion and eiileriir'miiir wilt n.tdeliy. (Jrand ' uniflt free. Andre? TRUE CO., Anvnata, , Maine. 'I 3 ' ' A Ufa Experience. Remarkable and quick cures. Trial Pacxagoa. Send ft tamp for sealed particulars. Address D. WARD A CO. toullana,'Mo. PliOFK-lONAL CAKDS. JAS.E.feOYl, ATTCUNEY AT LAW, Gtemtboro. y. C. Will be st firrliam on !M,dk of ch w- k to attend to pFoeMiiot4ui!i rt. ?.TV IJ - J?t kL WEITAKEH, Jr-, ATTOKXEV AT LAW, - Gil A II Ail, A. C. Fnrtlefa i the Flat and Federal ecmrt. Co'ctiMt made in all ol the -iuio. l.ctun piouipt. ir.r3187 1y J. I. IvIilUVOJDLlu - A TTOUSEY A T LAW vttiil'a. i.t'. "trrti lu lle btat and Frderal t-n Ul faiiiifut'yand promptly atu-od to all t. wvititrateTthii . . JXO W. UUAHAM. JAf. K t.KAHAM - HJlnr. V. C. irahro. N ' wood, anU liliajj them up in tho chimney corner wtwt out aahi to closo up tho 6hcJ; their ra-cntcrhvj ) tho room sho ixwht-tl t! tho door and locked and bolted it. - "; - Her mother, an old nid vrrinklal woman vt-honv ago had made timid and nervous, was seated by the firesido spiu Mhi.T. . ' . "I do not lil:o it, Corthino," said she; "when your father is from homo, two women avo not stro::'." - ' ' -"But I am not afiaid,'' the .girl re epondod; 'I can defend myself from a wolf or ft Prussian all tho same," and eho glanced Bignilicaiitly at a hu.c;o re volver suspended above the chimney piece. Berthino'8 husband -had been in the army ever sinco tho beginning of tho Prussian invasion, and these two women had remained aloao with only tho old father, Nicholas Pichon, tho gamckceicr, a3 ha was called in tho neighborhood, who liad oiKtinutcly refused to leave his dwellinj; and seek iSrotcction in tho city. Tito city nearest tho Pichon hut was Eothcl, a quaint and ancient place perched upon a high rock. Filled with patriot ism, tho citizens had decided to resist in vaders to shut themselves up, and if nec essary sustain a siego such as had taken place in tho timo of their f orefathersfor ( twice already tho inhabitants of Rothel, in tho days of Henry IV, and Louis XIV, had rendered themselves thus illustrious. Purchasing a supply of cannon aud guns, equipping a militia, and forming thcmT selves into battalions and companies, they exercised daily on tho Place d" Amies. Eakers, grocers,, butchers, notaries, law yers, cabinet makers, librarians and even druggists maneuvered in turn at tho regu lation hour under tho command of SI. Lavigno, an ex-oincer of dragoons, and to-day, tiianka to his having married tho daughter and heiress of tho shop keeper, Karcdiin, tho richest and most in fluential man in tho city. ; And thus they patiently waited the Prussians, tho Prussians who never came, though twice they had lieen soon in tho forest, in tho neighborhood of I'ichon's hut, who had run to warn tho city. lids houso of Nicholas Pichon 's served as a sort of advance post in the forest of Avoline; and twica a week tho old man went into tho city to ".nchaso provisions and to carry to the eiLLzens. tho laicct nowa of tho caur.'aign. Ills errand to Rethel to-day was to an nounce that a small detachment of Ger man infantry had halted near his houso about 3 o'clock that morning. They did not reiniuu Igng, nqr djcl ho. know thg di rection they had taken, but ail tho same, asToon as they had f;ono again Pichon called hU dog3 and started for the city, instructing hu wifo and daughter to bolt and Ijarrica'.o tho houso when night should fail, and on no account to open tho door, no matter who might knock. Bcrthino was afraid of notiiing, but the oil woman tr-'nibled and constantly re peated: 'It will end lwdly-you will seo it wUl end badly, sure!" and to-night she Roomed more unquiet than usual. "llnowest thou nt what hour thy fa-' thcr will return;-" die Laid to" her daugh ter, presently, "Not beforo 11, certainly. When fa- ther dines with tho major commandant (tho tiilo Lavigno had confirred upon liimrrelf), ho never returns till Liter" and Bcrthino hung tho ;ot over tho (ire and prepared to mako tho soup. All ot once sho ceased to stir ii; slit: was listening to an intl-stliict noiso that camo down tho fiuo of the cliimncy. "Some one ia walking in the wood," r he said; "seven or eight i-eoplo at least." Tho o!d wo::ian, frightened to death, 6toppcdjiier wheel and began to wiiim per. - ' "Jlon Dieu, BcTthifie!" tlic cried; "and thy father is from home!" But .Bcrthino di J not reply, fur at tho moment thora was a knock at tho door, and a guttund voico deiuandcJ admit tance. "Open or I'll preak to toor," tho namo voico bhcrjted a L:tla Liter. Slipping rho revolver i;it her pocket, t!w young wo men crossed t'.:c ro;m end, L:c-i;:g her mouth to tho kcyh'ile, t!io'Jte-.lin ntni:: And who ore yon?" "A tctachment f;om to u:MT hid.!" "Well, wliat Co you war.t?" "ijot.'ietin.'p to cat; I haf px;n 1-jut ti::cinr.Tnh;s in to wootL,; opr n or I'll iiroik V; toor!" V.'i'.hout tviM'j f.jr l iin t- put his thrcut in'.o cxccu'.ixt, t!i rlipju-d tlio bolt); the doT Bwu.ig luavily upon its lung's, an 1 aho taw ia Chi 1J I fi'wry J light of tho fiRii a Kroup cf w.kii'cs stanuing urnn tin ut.-p the same, in : fact. : ho lia,l hi-r.i the evening U-forc. "Tiiiji n' time of ni,;Lt tt a,k fur food," hbz cuutinufij, ha K-tiutetutto," , besijos. I ana tl ne in the house, with ; only mv ino'JiT.V - j Ikit ti i,oC;ii." reri."-! f!o ofTirer. : who tfcei-I t a Ijo a goo 1 -jrt i f a fi ll iw. her spinning, and nothing was heard lu tao room but the light whining of tho rolling wheel and tho bubbling of the water in tho pot. They ato voraciously, their mouths spread to their widest extent i:i nn eilort to swallow the more, and their round eyes opening and shutting with every move ment of their jaws, Tho noir,o they mado in swallpwing somidcd li!;o tho gurgling of a water ;vre. As they were thirsty as well as hurigry, B.-rthino at List descended to t!ie cellar to draw them some cider. , To reach it sho was obliged to pass n low vaulted chamber or cave, used, so they said, during tho revolution as a prison or placo of concc;il:ncnti You could only enter it by a iianwv titairway leading from the floor of tho kitchen, closed by a heavy door. Bcrthino was gone a long timo to draw tho cider, and when she reappeared sho was laughing laughing softly to herself. Soon the Boluicrs had fiuLihed their supper find were nodding around tho table. ' Every now an 1 then a head she responded, "all is th: Ton can stretch yourselves by tho fire, if yon like," said tho foreslicixv kindly. "Mother and I will climb to tho upper floor." A moment later a key turned in tho lock overhead thero was tho sound of footsteps on tho floor, and then silence. With their feet to tho firo and their heads supported upon their knapsacks, the Prussians wcro soon snoring loudly. They had slept perhaps an hour, when suddenly thero was the report of a gun shot, another and another, loud and nejir; . They leaped to their feet as tho door of the stai) leading to tho upper floor was thrown open and Bcrthino ap peared, baro footed, half clad and wild with off right. "It is tho French," sho cried, "at least a hidred of. them! For tho love of God. go into tho cellar find mako no noisq: if you do, wo' are lost!'' "I vill, I vill," the officer stammered, bewildered and excited, "but how can we get down?" She lifted the trap in tho floor, disclos ing tha narrow stuirs, and tho six men quickly disappeared. When tho brim of the last hut had vanished from si.-ht, Bcrthine replaced the oaken flap, as thick as a wall and hard as steel, fastened it with a monstrous bolt and began to laugh agr.in, to laugh like a maniac, as sha softly danced abovo tho l ends of her prisoners shut up in their box of stono, and as they had promised to lw silertt as tho tomb, knowing that they were per fectly scenre stud well supplied with air through a vent in tha wall guarded by a strong iron grating, she gave herself no further concern regarding thcinv bat set about replenishing tho lire and- tho pot of soup in readiness for her father's re turn. r It was not long, however, beforo sho heard them ::trrringndcr her feet and tho sound of talking. Bwthine listened; it was clear lliat- the Prussians were liegin ning to suspect tlw ruse and would soon demand release. She was not mistaken, for a moment later some ono stumbled up tho winding 6tairs nnd began to beat uiKin tho trap wi:h his iMs. "Open to toor; open it, I say!" shouted the voice of tho officer, "or I'll preak it in!" ' "Preak it in, my good man," Bcrthino answered tauntingly, mimicking his broken accent: 'preak it in, by all nleaius!" But tho effort was useless; their fisU, tho hntt ends of .thc muskels and all their kicks and poundings were pow erless t release 1 hem : that door was stout enough to hav defied a catapult. Con vinced -f this at Int. they a'.jai.i de'Ci -nded and onco more all was silence, broken only by tho ticking of tho chsck on tho mantel bhelf. Aa tho hands jioinled to tiiii liiiiimgiii hfflif a 'liKtaait' Myitis" was heard in tlio iorcst arid the young woman arose and opened tii) door. The figures of a man and the two enormous dogs ycrc approaching across the snow. "Bo net pass before the vent hole,, father," said she, as soon as ho was near enough to hear her; 'thero are Prus.;i;ui3 in the cellar." Prussians in the collar!" Nicholas Pichon replied astounded. 'Prui.i!an3in tho cellar! What aro they dolngjn tho cellar, child? Toll wo, quick!" "They are tho same yon saw venter- j day," sho responded. "They wcro in I tho forest and aro in the cellar now be- "No, Bamc. . Pichon. placing a whistlo to his lips, sent forth into tho night a long, &hrill blast, and soon, in the mist rising beneath tho trees, Bcrthino saw tho figures of a band of men, tlio advanco guard cf tho arriving troops. : . . . "But don't pass beforo the vent hole!" Pichon shouted, as tho men appeared; and "Don't pass beforo tho vent lit !o!" solemnly repeated the soldiers to t!io.?o behind. Soon tho wholo troop was visi ble to tlio young woman, a' 'hundred strong, each man carrying in his belt 209 cartridges, and led by Lavignc himself. Placing his men in a lino around the houso, with a liberal sp:ice boforo the hole leading to the cellar, tho major com mandant valiantly entered tlu hour;; to inform himself as to tho strength and at titude of tho enemy, now so quiet' that itt Beamed 03 if they liad flown. Pounding heavily upon tho door alxivo -thrryri oners' heads lioulied aloud: "31. Oiiicer M. Prussian Oilioer I yvi:;h to epeak to you." The German did .hot -f xeniyr 'ltr iunny. Bam livigno io nu wouli himself, "very funny," pounding again and receiving no rcsixmsc. For twenty minutes moro ho continued to c: Jl upon thew to knock and pound and summon them to surrender, but without the slight est sign from the enemy of either coiiiX'nt. or hostility. - In the meantime tho soldiers cook-d their heels in the snow outside, faithfully guarding the vent hole, slapping their luinds-to keep them from freezing, and with a childish but constantly increasing desire to cross beforo it simply because forbidden to do it, CLUTT0N3 OF BYGONE DAYS. then, through fear, caged them ia iho uniticd prLon hole. . "As soon au you have eaten, father," fhe continued, "you mw.t return and briiig the inujer cotmnantlant and tho troo; s; he will bo very happy lo receive tte prisoners." ' T"h'. 'M man ngreed, and talar.g his seat at tiio table cagi-rly conMiinod his so'ip v.liilo B.Tthine fitlr.itiel to tho dogs, and tv.-enty mii-.uti from the time of their r.n ival th'.y were oa tlw ir way back to Hi-tlicl. tho furri'ru waiting p!ne. Tho priviner.i had oner; nuiP1 com menced their uprotir, citnurt'j. t.!ioii!).ig ar: 1 x.-ati:ig iheir guns a:r :t tito well of thr; jrijon hole. At la.t they Ix-gan to fLx- ti:rough tlief-Ta'i 'g, doulrtl.'M hoping to n!tr."u.-t t'.io etu--:! ja tf eome jjajing iltaeh i"::t whit h mi ;.'it c!incj to Ijo in Ih" ncighbirl xyA. B rthirw paid no at tention to tli.- v.i, huwvvtf, have to cauti.n her ni xl-er to rr.naia. ia her cIinniLtr: but a wifSod :'..: T tok ecM-.i'Kt of hr end the wwiiJ clHfrfully hr.vo r.iunlered them, if only to Leep t.':cm quiet. ller f.-.t'ier had now brn fjono an lionr and a fc.lf. f'urcly ho had roar!! the titv and tht trooi.s tiro-ea tlie- wVi SIhj pictarr-l to luTr-clf th? clr nf prijo j wi.h whi'jh le ie!.i'.el th aCair to tho ; comin-an-kint, -all fiix? and eiciterae:it as L cail-.il f.T l.ii s,wm-d and u:iif-ra. tihe even f.uu:i.-l that blie lioard tho drora3 c tiis-y roji.l Cirongh C." rtrut-ts, calling the c.'.nena to (Iiec-11 sA Litt 1 marv'i it tho !Cirw. fta.lv nn-;h:T hiur j Suddenly one of tliem. bolder than the re3t, and who ran like a doer, made tho attempt. It was successful;, tho impris oned Prussians seemed as if dead. " Em boldened by their comrades another and another followed in his stops. It had become a game, or a race for life hi which tho devil could take the hindmost. They had lighted a tremendous fire to keep themselves from freezing, and tho ruddy glare of the flame fell full upon tho laughing faces Of tho:' prankish guards as thoy voyaged rapidly from left to right and from right to left again. All at onco some one called out: "M.itlicson, it is now your tuuj; come, hurry, my boy; hurry up!" Now, I must tell you that Matheson was tho baker of Rether, un enormously fat man, whose Inflated stomach, big as an ordinary balloon, furnished .unending merriment for liis frolicsome comrades. IIo hesitated and tried to draw out of the race, but they jeered and. mocked him till ho, too, started, breathless, and with little mincuig steps that shook his paunch like jelly, across the" intervening tpucc. Tlio whole detachment laughed until they cried, shouting and urging him on ith a storm ofbravas ai.d encouraging w.ordu. ' . Half way across the open space a large red flame darted from tho vent hoi,1, a sharp detonation followed, and tho big Kethcr baker fell ujxin his nose, with a ball inJux thigh. As no one rushed to euccor him he dragged himself on his hands and knees until out f roach of tho balls, then quietly fainted away, moro from fright than pain of the wound, for the ball had ecafcely more limn ploughed the flesh Mow the thigh bone. At tho sound of the musket shot the major com mandant rushed from (ho hou.ie. "Tinsmitlis!" he roared, "tinsmiths, come forward!"" A man, followed by two others, stepped from tho ranks and stood liefore tho cominand.-uil. "Take tho cutler from the house," said ho, "and bring oral rabbits; at a -third with throe dozen pigeons rwcll grown pigeons, not"suuab:y. again with eighteen yards of black pud dings, and en other occasions 00 pounds of cherriej and threj pocks of dam. ons. Dr. Copland,' in speaking of two children who had wonderful appetites, tlio young est, 7 years ol.'., being tho worst, said: "The quantity of food devoured by her was a. tonijhing. Everything that could be laid hold of, even in rtJ raw utate, was seized upon ii4 greedily. Olli:r articles, an uncooked rabbit, half, a pound cf candies and soim butter, were taken nt one time. The mother itptcd that this little girl, who was appaix-nlly in good hi'alth otherwkc, tx)!c more food, if sho coul l potaibly obtain it, than tho ret of her family, coiibiuting of six besido her self. A-trifloover a hundred yean ago a London vouth ale five iauni!s of fchoul- . der ol Limit and two quarts of fp-een ijis in fitly mimilesf and a Polish B-il'iit r, who was rcse:iled tit the court of fiux ony, t:iiccccled in ono day in getting out side f twenty jKiumls of lieef nnd half tl roar.t caif, whh I be appropriate "fixings." When George III was king, a watch maker's apprentice, l!l yeiu-s of age, in thri.'e-quovtirs.df an hour 'devoured ii leg of )o: ic vveighin;;'w.t pounds and a pro portionato quantity of pcsiso pudding, xvadiing tdl down v. iih a pint of brandy, taken in two "tots." Tho tall Nick Davenport, the actor; Is known to havo eaten a seven pound turkey .at a single Kitting. Imtiuices of dep-raved npjietito arc numerous, ami men have U-en known to tv.ailow (ire, swords, spiders, iiics, to:i,d.i. Kcrpentu, cotton, hair, aper, wrjo,!. eind i-;i, Kind, earth, l;iy, chalk, i'uit, musket balls and etirthrn ware. One man could swallow Liliiard ball3 und gold watches. In the New York medical journals for 1'J3 a i'-cr;rd is mut of a ina-i who could' swallow clasp knives with impu nity. Ono day he overdid tho biir uiCvS by swallowing fourteen and it kiilid him, them hero." j which well it might. In 1871), in LXg- A few moments later twenty metres i land., two men of Wiltshire wagered with of water pipe Liy at his feet. Then, i each other as to which could consume the Borne DlntlngnlMiod Canv of Trrineiiilnin Appotitcnrrom tlio Itornrda. Elizalx-th Charlotte, tho Ditcliess cf Or leans, writing under dato of Dec. 5, 1713, says: "Tho late Ling, monsieur tho dauphin, and tlio Due do Berrl wcro enormous eaters, I havo often seen tho king eat four plates of tiiirerent lands of coup, a wholo pheasant, a partridge, a disii of salad, two-thick dices of 'ham, mutton flavored with garlic, a plateful of pantry nnd finish, hisrepact with fruit nnd hard boiled ggs." Thero was a good old German fiia Wilte:!icrg, whero my Lord ILimld attended tho university, who had a tino faculty for hlorkig av.-ay provender. ' His fuse is well attested. For a wager ho wonlj cat a whole sluvp or a whole pig or put out of sight a buiht-l of cherries, stones mid all. lie lived until he wai nbovt bt) years of ago, a great portion of the timo supporting him self by exhibiting tho peculiarity of his appetite, which, to say tho least, nmi;t luivo been a very eccentric one. ilius. invaro t:id iiiht into small fragment:!. IIo bail an especial preference lor cntcrpirkirs. niieo and ,'uil and when these were not pro curable ho would content. hiniM'.f witli mineral substances. Onco' he put down his "maw and gulf" a pen,' tho ink nnd the sand pounce and hp would havo gob bled the iukstaiid.-toor had lie not been restrained. Ty.ylor, tho water poet, tells of Nicholas Wtkd. of thocounly of Kent, in England, who was a tolerably iod trenehermnn. On ono -occasion he got away with ti .wholofch(!ep; -at aiiotbtr-tiinoiwith eey cause I put them there." and sho pjudflsi'H ground, -though every no cecded t j tell uiltowfcheial.fri ;htcned T stampmg of f.vt and cum them by firing off tlio old revolver and and deq. came from thed.;j)ths Ik.-, with a ihuusHiid inetauiiunt. a holir won chojtped in the corner of the trap door, tho end of the pipu inserted and tlie other end fautened lo the upout of tho pump. .-' "The Prussians can stand a great deal," cried M. Lnvigne with aeainihg smile, "but it remains to lie seen if they can stand the drink we shall give (hem. Pump, my boys, pump with a will," nnd with a vfild hurrah tho men olieyed. Soon a silvery stream of water flowed along tlw tubing and fell to the cellar be low with tho murmuring of a summer cascade. Hour after litur ran by, and still the waU-r fell, and still Iho enemy held the ground, -though every now and s loud low. About 8 o'clock hi tho morning n voico suddenly came from tho cellar celling for the commandant. "I vLsh to ppcak tnit I him at vonce." "Do you nurri-niler?" i ehoutcd Lavigno, liendinK totbe fl(Kr. "If greatest ijiiaiitity nr rssr hrihrrf imrfc.-1 C;i::ce of ti:uo. One of Ihetrt blotted from existence six poundt and a half of rabbit, a 1 :if cf bread and two xund;j of cheese -in a quarter of on hour, and ho was so pli-awd wih the npproltiition he received f.-oin the bystniidirs lliat he linMu-d otr with, a iKw-f.teiik, a pint and a hulf cf gin and a hlf pint of brandy. Good IIoumv keepiiig. Tho ltntlwny ro.tal Clerk. Now tho train starts. .Tho p'il:il clerk has lxicn pulling- heavy pout hcj cround or throwing Idler into tho bo.tes fi' half en hflur, and if li Is tinuv"! .to the work bis intisckM ln-in lo fi- I tire.1. But he must not quit or takp rest, even fur n niotnctit, bi;an?o his lalior h: s jurt begun. He must braee bitn-lf upend enter ujion a desprrate geme of filhnv my l-o.der the I adir U-ing a mail who Lu i-t:i in tin; w-rviee fvr years r.nd has work-I hiinvh" uo fioi-t tin aiipnutiej to THE LAWS OF HABIT: Tho Dally Itrtll and Its EfTeota Habit tho riywhool of Soclctj, Dr. Canionter, . from whose' "Mental Physiology" wo have quoted, has so prominently enforced tho principle that oiu- organs grow to the way in which they havo been exercised, and dwelt upon its consequences, that his book almost de serves lo bo called a work of edification on this account alone. Wo need mako na apology,' then, for tracing a few- of these consequences ourselves: ' "Habit a second nature! Habit i3 ten limes nature," tho Duke of Wellington ii said to have exclaimed; tfnd the degree' to which this, ia truo no ono can probably npprcciato as well as ono who hi ii a vet eran collier himself. Tho daily drill and the yean of discipline end by fashioning a man completely over again, cs to mctit of the possibilities of liis conduct. "There ia a story, whiclf ia credible enough, though it' may not bo true, of n practical joker, who, seeing a discharged veteran carrying home his dinner, suddenly ; called out," ""Alt-yrif idivt' r whereuiion "ilid ihtki 4aiiui-.tly- brought his liands tlown; and lost Ii;s mutton and potatoes m tlio gutter. Tho thill had licen thorough, and itj efT.ets Lad Lecomo embodied in tho man's nervous i.truciuvo. Iii Icrle. a cavalry horses, at mafty a battle, havo Ix-en seen to como-togethcr and go through their customary tvolu tioes nt tho round of tho bu;;!o call, ilotit trained domestic nnimals, dogs and o::e:i and omnibus and car horses, seem to l.o ninchincn almost pure and simple, undoubtingly, unhesitatingly doing from minute, .to niinute tho dutieti thtf have Cecil tnughtrantrgiving no sign that tho possibility of on alternative even euggesU it.xIf to their mind. Men grown oil in prison have asked to bo readmitted after being onco set free. In n raih-oarL rxci der.t to a traveling inanagcrio in tho United f '-latcs somo time in n tiger, v.-hoix; cago had been broken open, i i said to Lave emerged, but .presently crept back ngain, as if too much bewildered by hi.) new rron4hi!itics, so tliat lio was without difficulty secured. Habit is tlni3 the enonnoua flywheel cf society, its meet precious coiifXTvativo O'Tcnt". It alono is what keep's us all within tho lxitinds of ordinance, nnd saves tho children of fortuno from tho envious uprisings of tho poor. It nlono prevents Iho hardest and most repulsive walks of lifo from - Iteing deserted by thoio brought up to tread therein. It Lix pri tho iishermnn and the (itck hand at ii through the winter; it holds tho miner in his darkness, and nails tho countryman to his log cabin and his lonely farm tlirough all 'tho months t f nr.ow; it protects us from invasion- by .the natives of the desert and tho frozen zone. It dooms us all to fight out (ho baltlo of life upon tho lines of our nurt tiro or our early choice, and to.niako the lo!it of a pursuit that disagrees, breaure there is no other for which wo aro fitted, nnd it is too Into to begin again. It keeps different social strata from mixing. Already nt tho age of 25 you nee the pro fcssioiiid mnnnerism settling down on the young commercial traveler, on tho young doctor, on tho young mini iter, on tlio young counselor at law. 'You seo the iittlo lines of cleavage running through tho character; the tricks of thought, tho prejudices, the. ways of tho "shop"! in a word, from which tho innii can by end. by no moro escape than his cant uleeve can suddenly fall into a new sot' of folds. On the 'whole, it is best ho should not e?ea;e. It is well for Iho world thnt in moiit of us, by the age of 30. tho char acter has sot liko plaster, and will never soften again. William James in Popu lar Scienco Monthly. so. pans up your arms." A li.-iinleome o:;t "" ". "a. i ' i - l. of the hole and a musket f; 'I tt bis f.-t; l. b: tg..- of lb t.tr. whow- iowr U tt another nnd another. u;:l d finally a voir.-.! i the time nt ah olut ti thnt cf the czar ft cried: "We haf so mr.re, imi!;e hails j and htjp U.- jnunp; wc trown mil vnter." j The comnuui'Jant liad t!:e pump ; rJt the h'Utoi.B. An li'C train iJsri!t-j alon-; p.'l tliea- elcrks rin.it eonHiue llioir wor:3 n:w i:i.t-Ip I ?ljrn nt. bardir Ity l!ie Kv.-eving of tberir. Hie? mu t brao j tlii-tij n-lv- fiiit one way und then ' nno'.Vr, olwava kef ; itig up that cc-lio-j lowt t!irow, thw. Ihrow, not f-r omi i l-our or t-vo. Iftt for eight or ten hourr, j tikiii'ji n ad'!i:hm:il .ik-Ik ns tb tr; in j flie-i throit-di lh- ctit:,try ut a breakne k i speed, and ti-j-owing o:f f.tV-r khic!h-3 as i tiie Bta'i'irs ore t a-i. -1. all t!i while ia a j eUitn t.t uv.n rta'i.ty oi to v.-!ie;hi r tho hLl nrion m-,t!irji nn.ooi-t,vl hr ! poivrli kli'lt-UiM f it Id? ;n;Jl Ijoy Maml- pcA. j fciR on the st.-iti'i'r ptf.trm. ir I infkil in For the lravcry and "gallantrv wi'h j the v.i 1 -!!e of the c.-.nilk I I nrxr by. which SI. Lavigno had c.i!urej "tin TIj- train dfn not htop nt any but hn alvanco gnar l i4 the Pnu .ian army," 1 f.-it rtww, nn I fh j 'dct rksm vt aa Vu M j apt ra qurttwl it, be was d.-c- tjke tlum-es on th - J..ich t!Ky throw ol amtrt with tho ewes of honor, while I to the rural pov.tn- t.T ntnkiug llw 3Iatbm rrw'ved a f.ndal. For Bertli- j ground cnywlu re within a quart, r ft a ins nothing co-il J Lo dimcs'io was only WlW tC.JiHM l'y the tiaie tJft fk-rk !;33 a wot-nn. and it wsi iinposHitilo to a lorn stottned. and the eoUvrs, crowding nbotit tlie trap aa tho lulu were withdrawn, wntchtd the Germans nwjnd, fix while hca-'Is with water soaked liir and a luiif drowned stare in thi-ir JU' blue rye. As they fcar-d to be Burpricd the Retheliks did not lingi-r, but atarte-.l for the city, one lii.lf of the -ol:i:n:i U-nri:ig Ixiwen Ukui t!ie eltivering prUc !?(, tlio other half Ix-sring M.:hc;cin ex- Ffirini of Ifta ltanR 1?;il. Tlio American liank bill hca followed tho form of the American letter -nvclnpo. For pajx-r money, -if paper money must lie used, it is tho most convenient posyi b!e. But there is a prejudico aguinat that form in Europe. Tlie notes of tho Bank of England and the Bank of Franco aro scarcely less in aize than an old fai.h lone I blanket ncwHiiajier ahart. A draft pivr-n by au English or I'n n h kauk w frtill larger. Your tailor in Paris gives yo-i a n-cc-ipt that,, after u v.-n-.l U:nn f il lin-r, you manage to ernm it itilo your I o ket!tok. A queer idea tf bu-.iincsa iiltaelu-s to thcao huge piecet if pept r. They vill tell you that tiii.dl drafls, bank biili and receipls do not lik liuine: like llu-it is to nay whether ll.t n. isbu. i-ix- h or not. it is dcKirnhlo to in-iko a'l.ho.v of it, Kan Franciwo Chmrk-Ie. Cmncrr a IortO ll-e. CanoT is CKientiully a Ux.r.1 ilireair nn-1 can lie cured by oja-ral'cn, in fpito of re currence. ' Ojx-ration, when it dii rot euro prolongs lifo a"d dhnini; lies t! e total amount of suffering. Gja-raUo::s t!iould bo rejieated aa oflen n-i tliirif is any chnnco of t-rilrely removir'g rtnir rent gpnvthM. Tlie earlie r and llie ny.ro thoroughly tlie operation U rforme I thi Ix-ir-.-r. Tlie dioitise, v.lK'ii-it, nciua, m rjeoerally of a lull ler type l!i'n tbrt of Cie original growth, Ua painful and Iom exhausting. Antiseptic Mirj;i ry i::i.!:cs more njdical operations poiisil.!, with U t Ur ultimate reitulln thi.n tnrzncr'.y ! tained. Or. fchrady in Medical Becoid. rhotAftrapilC' Iclnlclit Iinilca Tlie fact lias been Mti-.f.:ct-r1y es!al IL.Iicl Ity various eeientlfio n-arrhts, tliat many sultances aIorh lanilio ravs during tlio da", and at i.i'.ht emit i these ravs in such a manner a.f to ii:i- j preui plMitogrriphic plat. although tiny j j may not be pcrcejitible to tho nake I e;.c. j fAtt4 have not only nuerve del in pli.ito- j htr as a warrior. Translated from the Fivnch of Guy do Jlaupajfcant for New Yotk Jbtrury. Tha llw; lto'a atla- Naturale f "L-.rk. of Canada, toys 1'ie bec'a ating is l.y no ticans oia !e fT I tinging only, Imt l jee-1 in doir.g t!i J artutuc work, capping t.'ie cotnh and in- . fusing the formic aeidl by mrans of! wliicb hooey fpct ives itj Itipin? qr-sh- : tire. The ating is re;:!! a akl.'u.ly cn- I Nevertheless. trived little trowel, wi.h which tltc Ir.-o pot to tlie cnl of h: run. tlie pl:if-n l :ng tT.af.in tlv vudlia id -lit I In, :bor- i Vhtram. tit. L.tuk'. I ittklxirg. Cirafti, ; escuncc of Mont Bbnc's eu-.ojnit, but j Q v.-lan.l. as tlio case may Ut, and hav- : h,vo rr(n grriml an imprtrCon tf a mg Ixxn ke;t in riol-nt molion, log, nii.lnr-lit L-iixWarw invLiblo l thecvo I arms and tasnd, ail tlio time, it u otdy 4 o the terrace of the oUtrvuiory at re2.mna1.1e to surinw? wiai nf iwia tireu, , Prvjuc New York Sun. ami ih: uicuuuiu iuiaour. GSAHA1I & GSAH AH, TTHlKa ITIiW, , rctice to the Mileand FcU-ral Crt. C T .ociil aitmuua paid la cu):ctiB. ' we i.m'.i ; j you do n.'.rm, cu. r i-r.o 1 1 u, u ia uiuuiujuu icwiurj u t his sontrtings toett; we fJl fcut bunjr t iteci!y. " j an I faUoo." t ,l"Tr 't it eeeme-J: how the hours "Very wctl, th.-n." he reppoodod, diag-rd, and ttie lirUnl 11 e clots Irjrly . . ..1. . ... ...!. . 1 . 1 , 1 , , . The tarn Br?x--. u t"e oficer lud tlio t.kancnt lot licit return CZW CI uta. uniuir au ana 11:3 pin m-n im-y aid. t be wom tvt wi:h 1 ungrr and : irthine r"i up from Ikt rrct and threw are CUed brimful ef honey. TLU ex-faL:g-i. Th-7 Itil p-3ccd tlrir in s onl ' trn the tlror. Out Opnn t! wliife cor- j plain wfcy l.'-roy citnitt.d t f.-re it ; ran ti Ihec-ji-icr. "tad roxtit ttxrit the ; p t tVf ccit a.Luk:.j-rt w.-j-UcJih- ea;fir4 mit !u-i not Lt-.p will Tlio 1 uUj rs: !r-:j wi.h the car Ixij ; ur cravlsc? t-rs.-jd Ikt. Mie wast formic ervl halhot been injtcUsJ mto tt. lulf slir.cl t!3 1 n ;HT3t4tiii for : alarmrj aad oJied out: "Fainer, b U r New York Sun. fjtait I ' T- Ycs. L" he rttrmrd; "I am m-nt in ! El Shifaa (Tho Curr) h the tU of the . . . .. . 1 . , i 1 i r . adTinc wt re ii an murr dm cuangea 1 odij mmoi vtthu yitmr in t-j j-w llraca That vu Craad. 'It j ty sti!l in tlliall." f.iid Dob-birr-. speakifr ri ' t! concrrt, "tliat you C':;M iavo l-.eoril a ia droi." "Yas tS-re a largo otKliiHt-r i" akked reter'iy Tho hou-J v.iia iialf fulL" "It tliat a!i? ll-jiu! yoti ought to bear tho nik nce there wIk . llKre iia full hotwe. Oh. It' uux-tliing grand!' ' TU Bit. Learning Tl Uhoat KImI. Tlio acrinbation of learning wi'brmt 1 fit in It is like the acrjuuilion of wealth without labor. It is cs necenary r.-r the tnechanic to study out his firoM- m n lien it cornre to him to be studied as it in tor him to finish his task by las bandx-taft. tx ieuuiic American. . PfiRSONALITY - Our personality inviolate, Bo sacred, awful and mysterious', -Bound In tbo!nJ(nriotlc bouse ef f nto Who Is there shall uahar the door for ust The mother lioM her child close to her koeef ,. Alaf. tor the deceptive dream of speech. For in tho oul dim fastnenscs dot'a eacli From each om? dwtll ariai t as if ft Bra ; -. I'.aa leagues between them I Naked and alons V.'e come Into tho world. Otir oln anpeal Is-our creat father Time, r.-ith liit of stono : . God'n one true prophet Biiall oil t'jiiijH reveal. -Joseph Dana HilWr in IJcstoa TranBcnpt. WHO FIRST DISCOVERED GOLD!1 A California Woman Civet the t recti t to J0I111 Itenton. ' Tlie closing days of-JfilO presented a fnr different scene to tho eyc3 of Jlra. John L Jlurjihy, of Kan Jose, and sister of Mrs. Lewis than tho cloiinrj days of 1820. Then sho.waaut Donner lake uitlt a party hemmed in by Know aud anxiously waitiu;; for tho relief which did. not come for vvee!j3 afterward. ' "It i3 a curious fnct," she began, "that thtrcreditof tho gold diseovery 'Was never"" Riven to the man to wliom it ri;;htrully Ix'luns. It w;ih discovered in tho winter of MU and '47 in a cabin in which wo were at Donner lake, seated by a fire, each bu;:y with hia or her own thoughts. Tliat au-ful timo at Doiiner luke is as firmly imbedded in my memory as if ham-iSh-etl thero by hammers of iron. A3 I eaid, v.-o wcro dented around tho firo wh.en John Denton, a fjiiiinmilh by trade, wliilo knocking off chijw of tho rot;ks ori , v.-hich tlio v.-ood was placed, saw .some thin,-; shining. IIo examined it arid pro nouneed it -cold. IIo then knocked oflf moro'chips from the reeks, and hunted in tho ashes for more o5 tho idiinin,-? parti clea, until ho had gnthered a tiiblc-.'ixxin-i fid. lie wrapiK'd tho gold in a pirco of buckskin andVut it hi his pocket.' Yhen tho lint relief party came ho went out with il, but died on tho way, nnd tho cold was buried with him. When I saw my father, Mr. Keed, I told him of the cir 011:1111101100.' and, ears he, 'If John Den ton says that that h fiold, it is Rold, for ho known.' My fr.thor intended to p;d Lack to Dormer lake to search far tho precious uiot:il, but before ho titarted Rold was discovered tit Cutter "0 fort, hence ho did not return ta tho l ike. I think (hat if a thorough ce.-irch is mado gold can bo found at tlio prut-nt tkiy ut tho Like or near it. Not ranch cold has tinea been found there, Ikic.iuso 1.0 regu lar prospect has lieen made for it. "I lavo U-en tol.l tlist tho rocks which wo ttxd in tho firephee wcro washed down to tho luko fi;.i:i o iimnnt-hi, in which toU was, but t!ii. mounlaiu y.-txt proliubly many miles awnv from tlio laho. "When any ono n.iks mo ,-iliout llie dis covery of gold, I Ray that John Denton was tho lir.it discoverer ef field iu Cali fornia. "Santa Cnw fjentinel. -: Kthht f tlio llunelt. There is ono tubject for tho cont-idera-tion of the many young mm who v.-;h to embark' in tho cattle business that ii but toft seldom presented to them, and which they uevi r fieciu to think of them selves, and that i i' the vuluo of their in dividual time. If a man is the posicaor of a euiall c:ipital--tiay $5,000, ho wil liguro on realizing a certitiu per cent., which in juout east-j. by the wy, will prove fictitious. . Cut ho d'x-sn't Eton to rt ll; ct Hint, ninec all of his timo must 1)6 given to make a suecewi of the project, it is only right that lie thoiild tako into ac count tlie actu.d value of hU" services at home. For example, $i,009 at 20 ct cent, ia (1,000. Now, it w on open riucs tion if a ulary junl. ns largo a tliia anjjunt cannot Ixj tarned by tho ovorngo man who gives the Kinie devotion to his flii tht rtirtti!:ttt-d liy r.uoi'igsnd -stock iai-:!ng. If w, l!io t".0')0 eliil re mains to him to pLiee in tome perf-etly aife invt-..tliH nt ut (1 lr cent, yielding ',00 annually. Of eouiv. the rtricli fever lias somewhat a!ate.lt but I think tho BU;.';aiLiu-aiil LoMs-gixxl as one ft vital Lnportaii'-o to t:Ii whov.-oulJ -CaVebt." Clol-Di'iiiotrai. WrhiKleii lu tha Taec. While wrinkles re.i'ilt from tlio naturr.l wor!.i;ig of Ho t;ytciii, they r,ay also Im n.u-A-d l-y a perverted t on-iitioiu f thu sy.ie.ii, au are .i:up! LL:li: icnd Ixiils. Kow the luiiiian tair- unlike l":nt of In-jU-j was 1'iesi'it to La tho in'rrcr of tlio iiiiml," the -L il.le expn.-!.-;r.a .f every I a ion, emrrtion end intra fwling. lh-rein Lt its chief Ix-auty. ll.-n.- i;i 1111-' facrous ijiiw l:m and iu rvej. wln ieliy it W to v.oiidtrlully a lj.i' le.1 t j this; end. Itit niuiit-lea. in ceir.taut T frequent et rf Lt hicrt a iu volume, Kre:i,;ih and riaui nes of nrtioii. Ilnico l:al.-i!s of thought and foel'nrf bocome fctamptil on t!e f.K-.-. a::d wo read so easily the character ef tiio proud, t'.io vi.iit. tlio d.xvitfr.l and the uwiJ man, or of th J kind, the rabn, t!:a t:iiT;T-tic, t!io frank, tlio uuiuid lw! tl.o Ij'iest man. I'ut tlnre is no'.hir-r like enre and worritiHiit to low furrors in tho fore IkivI, cuI tlu-e aro tatUy laarriug tlio fac-:i of itr Aiueriov.1 wo:ne:i4 'o -31a iu t!io Ktroeta women of "A ;1iot fore lieadH ere tiore wjirkled tlian the l-ro tli-mid be ct 70. fume tf lln-ro may not have more rares tkin others, but thay ur.n.cea.-i-ri!y jit hltt t!ie tendency to cxpn-j llit-m in the faee. Youth' Comjiuiiivn. Uerd4ly aa, nuvlroamant. TliefTu t i.f biTcd.'ty and environment! cn c!israeUT a;l roiuluit should bo care fully studied by 't?Ke w!w cspiro to the work of iJiiL-iilhroi'ats.. It v.-iil bct'.c presainjt at r.4; it wiil make huina&ity i.-ein be tlr.y ia the lair.d.) of LiexoraLle and rnKirdck- f ct-j; but u will bavo an hniuen o wste of lime and effort and means, aixl, by and by, Iho depreaaon will cliann? to hope, as it ii ocen tliat tlio. acic law tliat neceieitates dep-nera! ione uinler certain rouditiions, uiukr ot'irre worka regeneraiijas. Ainory II. Brad ford in Andover Eevicw. tho rot-a.u-fiu uli'r'.t IVrdae ira c- gv-i i-i t--i---l-jg. Tlie old i-vi'.tcr, rrt 17 ikivr and tiiea turnii.-ra f riI.tencd (i-Jico tij en Uie Lir 4-113 .:ki-erJ, Lad momcd aiiira my d, part are." j It i rrinted ta Arab;. Ta Drink ar Kat ta Drink. Yc. " ' cays Jrnl.-imi, -J am one of thoee t. V,om that cm drink or let it elene. When I am whrro it is I can drink; whoa I orn arhcr it is . I cm let it alone. lX-t.-ot Tree lYua. I A Wark tor domeaad. Inquh-irs concerning how the riiassrs lire concerning anr'j'ry con-iitions a-d t'irir relatioo to the virtue an-1 ricet f tho peojile; concerning t.'ie cwusf of pntr er fcat and crime,' have kioci lc-cnt:jiJ by profoskaial reform T.--Anii,viX Lo- Tka rablla Ltbnrjr. Fiction stalks ahutit and talks to every one, ptvJung history and the iUu-jrs asida t pleature. JTotico wliat tlie penf lo tt Cincinnati read at the public library: Theology, 117 wJumes; puiloenphy and education, SC7 volumes; tjograiihy, Tolitmee; history, 893 rolunies; geos raby and travt-L 479 toIuiws; poi.tir- and conunercc 210 vobimru; r- i-np ar.I art. ?t3; fvtry tn.l ili-'nia. - ': t ' rvlT-a'.y, ;.. - A.- ...