I . '. ' - . . i t-i i-"rr -i . n . i ' 1 " . , , " ll I . - - . . ., - i - I AMUA 27, A1VEKTI5EMENXS., ( I 'i' Mum ne tue1 oviva wi - ..UiWilil -i I i in lim'J.li'! A'ToileiLTOury; ' ln 'ry wapw Ayrt W Vlf ! hew nd fcoW til (aded Md gift i" It lio prertntft th lali from felling, $ rdlcte andfaft ' fcndiiiilmiiUte. 4 ' t , irekk hair to vigotojtt J ; "i HvVar goay hir. .wbicli wf nuit my, commenced ialllng, nd, in. pl " Sf Sitting, wd wiou. t.epa- , wy day., I itm flnftUypewmded to Aver s Hair Vicor. Two bottles ol , r from falling, bat alrf restored luorie- . v jnl color, and itimulaUd a ne growth. "rAyer'o I lair Vigor, j .,T CoM by JProwirta aad Prfiiritt . "- tha form of Pimplea of Bolls, tadicaw in tba blood auo nouij BIRO.) ' k it)": ' ' Tbe tru aoog of th mocklns Mrd v.: FarlBthowoodlanolonoiiwra, ''1 &rtmlinfctahtobapiu,'W IS ,;if ThetonnieoniBitBgringfroiiiUtaDeartj., Another note hm )ring:h lny, , ,,,4.fj ' Wliere row o'er the lattice iwayj ,1, Tboiwng lnwlitch the world boi part -In not tbe true none of his befcrt. v b not tbe true Dong c In dulcet, pnlpltotintt ton , hti lndiiloefc, palplumntt tonoi , ,, ,14 4II0 fain nd droaiim Wniaalf afono in. lib. . fmui nandiM: .pJ ' ', I, noftly WeallnR through tbe wood ' .. 1 "( Capture the aontf, a aweet prelatol k i " ItUvllla tl dtwky aollriiUet J -j-Dwamf fcneetanddowny hrood.- 5, .f ; i thWiA'aliioifcnfclti''f TheifloUafrgiea"allowerjiii . . A t1lftntrhAhailtltiUirtODa ' i ?,idriftdfroiiialoy toiiaowia: t t rout the use ol Ayafa Saraaparilla. : -iaual to Ayet-Sareapariiia. iTiea, PawtncketTUiei "wou, j AVeicSrsiaparnia, ,1, .i. - ! TAsTiBOYlJa 'C I j ' ' - -.' " .? ATTORNEY AT I-Xw T,! V. Greensboro 2T. CI " Will be at Ore ham on Monday of eaeh'weck to atupd proleiionaiyuiuf. t-y i1, H. Whitakeb, Jb; C. E. McLkan ,; "WHITAKER & McLEAIT , lX. iTTORNEYSLAWi;'; ? i "0RAIIAM, N. -C.- . j- y '.Traction the C 1 fnilection laade in all parte of the state. ?v U foond'i.hdr office. J"! ,-. 1 i niiriitifTinn ererv ncuuwuaj"- - ; att profaeBlpafl bualnega. , t . t . M"T 19 a if i ri it 1ebn6le Deer bird, your ectrt who would tell . poo hiuUit year iwe loaurieiui ( , . Enough one Untonins eor boAport ' ' . ' V't And beard the singlug of a heart. V ' ; ,"1,. . i , 1 -j -Laura F. Htaadale. ; A- WOMAN'S- BllAVEHY."', n !( '' ii . ..1 1 l ' V ." ' ' -r,ii if i . Wlen,.tl,,bjp Stuvdcrland Jcft.jScw York, bauntlfxffi Montevideo, alio lijia in part a;'jgJiie4"crejilmt,is, nii who liad been made drunk and Drought corneiit, Just before- sailing. Seamen were ecareo in Now York at that time, so the shipping' itgent liads resorted to that method tfumih the vessel her comple ment Of merhr'' W'il Wvr-.A N.f 'r-ti-iM-t-. White she was being towed through tte'RarroMrathetftaceraenk-forward and roused tip the drunken, half stupo fln.1 moin1 trf'tho 1 forecastle, i The latter Were" a tflrulnotts- looking set of men, nd, ; tOtheilirpHse of ttwmates, onlyftfow were found to DO seamen ne jw"8 toughs or 'longshoremen. They lurched about the deck quarreling 'end threaten-f n ncmc it the shio was BOtntit back, , fivr. -WTiite had beetf deceived by the I shijiping agen. and, going forward, ascer tained mat none 01 me crew uu """j or'an'resitonslblo occupation." He told them they -would have fay make the best ofttosilaatioflaajje must , proceed on his vovaeo. . It waa the result Of tlieu; own folly that they were on board. Durina;' tho previotts hcrncward vtryag tliis bird ha learned to repeat some of -Mi im nranmon ordcrB, Until the new crew learned to distinguMh Uiafllcera : Yoicea from tholmitation, Uiey were rre tiuentry sent aloft to loose sad, or called aft to tho oracca, oy.u"B""" ! tnuch to the annoyance of the mates and tho anger of the, men.i, rmany jum. iirt mnstM- had made up his mind to have tlie parrot kept below decks, U dwap twared. Tlie mata,never discovered how; but, of course, be-believed the men had killed and thrown n overiworu. ., , 'The man whom,' the captain wounded MvnAroa nlowlv from the wound, hav - . . , nwM. 1 Tin nra taK lor some tune a iuisi i m r taken ait anucarea iur wiu .' ncss by the captain and rua . wue, awpiw - tr tl,ot. hn had been in the mutiny. When- he returned to Jus. Dunn m mo forecastle, he had been completely won f!htr" obeved the wunmfltas; and, when he entered the; cabin, WiM aston ished to find the captain's wue jammed by a heavy chest against splintered lee tiulkheaa, ana naii wivawi ""---)" A Tfrk Wktok Balraa Ma Fatlonee Md FareTraae-Tha wimrawnM. w, rViL'with few exopption. had no family (or Wre) pamea.; had threo names: 1. A proper nwn Professor E. E. Barnard, th- astrono- (prronomen), the distinction of Ova rroiMBor ""'"Vt' i;f . I ,,.1 ill,, our baotlsmal or Christian L'"T " V.7m .i,iri of the steward's " 01 .UMJ TT-'rZ,': ""TT not the class (nomen). L"'." " " ' . ' asked the -otner oay nw. 2rSH'7.r. rrmomiV. Some- found. , ; .. . ;' , 1 o- knowledge 01 astronomy When tho ship 'went 'ovr?r she had jumped from her bed far Kin on dock, but the chest DroKo away irom m tlie weatlicr side, and wining acrosa vne floor, knocked her down, and half tlirough the thin nine paneling, noiaing per msv, bruised, bleeding, and unable to move. She know that if her husband left the deck to come to her rescue, the few mo menta in which he might ngnt tne snip would be lost When he called through the broken porfc, she said nothing of her situation, feeling sure tnai 11 aavinea ui it, his first thougnts wouia do iot uct. She purposely misled him by her feigned solicitude for the safety 01 tne tog uaum., IVIWWDttvl v - . J . . i L.J tuuwiwiwl fmrrl try -.opww..r T-- her own danKer, admon- ,ure. ' A "T.L "-Jr uaa8ougui.w.". rr'.ulili" vm..iu . roorea owrj w r-rrf- and telescope," was his reply, "the comet seeker must have a lorge etock of patience and peraeverance.,, i ' But will you not tell me how you doit?" '' - '- i Th.n. nlMuantlr. aa Ur. Barnard al ways docs things, be showed his instru ments of observation, the while talking of kb s-v in a. mot imtertaininfc way. But before making an effort to repeat the substance of "how a comet is sought. the reporter would say wora aoou u. "tools' with which the astronomer works. . - , In the low," aoUdly btuit, spnencai :- : ATTORNEY, 4T LAW ' ' , , r - T 7 K.J.tfoei in the State ana reaeriMAy". Wia taitlifalljaml promiuy awium-f essiutrasttae.niu w At this- tl.ey iftfuee4 point blank to iworic tne snip,,,, iiuvt?u, dared look into, the muzzle of ,the cap-. UiiU Ss 1 MISS'S mti1ihi- an t n noaxHwain second mate, with many kicks and blows. at last forced them o maice sou. anu. three or four sailors going -aloft rto loose tlie canvas, white the new hands on deck did tlie healing.? ?! ' .. .' t W ,, The first day afcsea is always a trying one-! for 'both 1 officers and men. A ship just leaving port is in about the condition of a jiewly rented house on the first day. Tlie mates co not know wliat to expect from (the. croW, nor do the men know whether theit officers intend to treat them with respect or to bully them." Conse quently eachlass watches the other with !i. s M a K. lAa- ' - -iif' -' ' '1 f m fh tho MltTHIArinTMl H CTTRW v."'" StfriT ihe day was ' 'continuous 'wrangle. A r.TT TT.D-EIliTH liAS;;' mrtonhomennotbeingpracticalsaaors, yt-";. , . .. '' trvVerb'almost useless.' , .;,'.';' night the wind increased to a the frightened landsmen were driven into the ridEine to reel topsails. Theyiiad to bo followed aloft; end shown What todo with tho reef point i Tho po- riticni of nian upon tlietopsaiiyard, try -' ti na,oewue.h iefriny thcwere of this eriiicsl pi-riKl in woman's fe - 10) '"f " -- inflnt 4 veers in .IMS pranc-i l"1"-. ..... .....mun tiiifi lerrnuv, ; left i Hmnl raiM, -v k ,r thi trenieoy neioro "'"VV .11 we claim and fore exerted hia iniluenoe in the interests of peace; but the breach between the men and officers had . been constantly widening during his illness, and was now too great to be closed by ordinary meas ures. . '-' v. ' TknYiKiotor n well .aware of the to- tinnMnn nmonsr the crew, and began to consider tho wisdom of abandoning Ida gentle measures and putting ine raj leaders in irons. He enjoirwd upon offiOors extra watchfulness and firmness. but distinctly forbade any . ouiiymg w Tliis wai just before th m'P 010686(5 , One evening the ship waa struck by a "white squall" one of 1 those marine tornadoes which cause the loss of many Th nicht had that surpassing beauty mnlroa t.hn' troDics SO delishtful. Wlllbll . Sky aad sea were nearly the same shade of clear, soft blue, separated by a white, filmy haze hiding the horizon. The stars a 4-Tiv eMitVixtTi hemisDhere shone ever- 1 ,1 rUh o ririllinncv seldom seen in northern latitudes. The crests Of the waves gleamed with phosphorescent light :o tko lorV Vnnkirround of the sea.' Rising in quick succession, they maxle rnnning leaps up the smooth aide of the ahip, falling back again with a musical murmur, down over the copper sheath- The breeze was only fresh enough to eently incline Hie deck of the ahrp, and the officer of the watch leaned against the taftrail, looking at tho swelling can vas towering above him in three snowy irrnssuA at intervals by the black l J . j u fwni rha tout varus wnicn u - weather leeches of the sails, like spinea to tho dorsal fin of ft fish; or, droppmg his eyes, ho watched the jellyfish floating Dy, inwinr with nhosTjhorescont light red, r- - blue, green ana .yeuow m uw bers tliat he amused himself by fancying tho mermaids' were, having ft dance by tho light of Chinese lantern ,U . ' - . Presently ft little rattle of the canvas recalled him from his thoughts, and pus tag 'his head with "a, -warning, "No highest" to the.helmsman, ho noticed the white haze on the weather , horizon waa slowly spreading upward. , -. - " . Tho low stars grew gradually paler, then vanished; and the .bottom of the haze, instead of merging gradually Into the deep blue of tlie sea, had ehaiigod to ..... , 1 ! 1.1. t. noAilail fallt a diKtinci wniie uue. imvu wv Stvlivinir WltneMcs, aim ,; . -.- -z- tf4:Miinn or no ii,r ,iuwi.v- t, .:..?S.V:...i iti. which we cannot rtLinw. Beioutoi C4 eAtiaiitA, Ga, . a . . . h 1- it . - - - - . -t liaiiia I lin ujTO OX uiuuucu ' yd6-WHY:JJ0 TIM VTml 7 f C ' Sofaded away, giving a few in- ; JQO YVa Xry f VAX . ,iiff,t dan and the staysails ran down jnof mnnpo 1 miW7. ,ri . Tto it was rapidly ine to reer a ncavy sou wnippiug ui uro ; ; , ; . a dVIUIIIh aawa-- ' a- Tho practiced eye of tho officer took In the situation at a glanco, and running to tho break of the quarter deck, ho shouted, "Ckw up tho royals,' "Haul .down the staysails and jibtopeauV .-"Ca" the watch below.'.' !,..' :, 1 - . t Th nwm miranir to tbe clow lines ana down hauls. The tops of tho three pyra- wind; is not securc even if ho is an ou nilor'"The lonirshoromen found they Wanted both liands to hang on with. The truitea uinnncell to make them Rather in the sail dpring a steady speU, but when 1 the ship gave alee larcn, ana too yaru canted un At a rbritt angle, their feet .slipped along the foot rope, and letting go a-r-t-etMt9 -fMa aSJmm nui lartraatton. TaMhlaf bjTfcaarr Ulatu full Informal oa an4 tMttmoaUU fraa. j1.11 r t nTr""i " "' 1 1 '" - -B A.laal CMaloiraa TliaJall Sossioh eowrocnees on tne sri ' Wcdneaday in Keplwuber (h day). 1887 ano f end tlierflm Weduedy in June. I?,' ' ' ' , .Evervdrpartnirntol liiKiriK iion mien oy exr-rleniied an ecconiplifhl imehri. " Boi'dmr tbf Hre and mot tboronifhly .aoulpa, in the State. Heated hy slcam, . and Btuey Hall llhteC by elortriclly. Hpcciai rates for two or more from, same '- family. ' ' ' -: ' -.-' , t.t: i if JortlismUu-saiidCiita'oguo, ' , address, lJniy 71m RJEV. R. BOB SOrT. - A Raleigh. K.tf WEEKLY DISPATCH I j TKEGEEAT FAMILY WEEKLY. axJaMtaa PM.M Calaaaa. If .v.. ,.-;: Frrleer. j . 1 - 'Tfcetveeklr rtapatcii Is ailed with newt from all parts "of the world. Oar telegraph! , .- .aervlci eoyera avery country. 1 ' 'All jTeit ' so-Jlal, rcH)jlon and -' polltlra :OOTemenU at borne er abroad are fatUifaUj cbrmleled. . , . ... " --- All ne HiiKWverWsato aeieare and their ap , ' ' ' pllcitfod to stfrlrarteard and merbanlrai arts, , fTfi Jw aplareta-anlannie. y ; A ' - Ihefarnier has a TUrnt fantf lH ' stroetlre rpatter r and (he Udiea are kept -"' foinwdOlrhlowtTarylng abae and of : , all aew tooaohfJd waveUiea.' U It a welcome rUiar every member ef ; iV-ZlC y 2rta",Inl!r, throucli-tlie cabin door, and, rushing 7 ' . 4 niluv eonntres. 1 upon tlie captains A. a-rrkly rerlew of U priaHpal markets Y-CJi the Untid 8 uue. bt aa iBporUot feature. In abort we aim to make tbe Weekly Ma. - y hsbrb to attractive la all Us depaiunenu ' Ik.ii..-i-.r.iHhoiwi1linrlT live it op. ' ; od Tlo'e laanedneatorof the'Toong and eld that ne family eaa anora w tm war r-ii-U: aHeatlMi Is ftrew 1 Korth ara- . a -,. on, ami of erreoa)dcnU In the ! F tale ( furntahlnc. tvemhlnr of totereat prooipll? by tlitrapU. rtar rimlitiia wa. donbled laat Tear. Ta 'T . laj-r at lllka to aur anbarriptloa IwU already - : reoaivad. five aMaraoos that It wilt fee, sacra - taa dimwed una rear. ' rWmple lr mailed frae to any ttffn ' - Tiy the -Wertiiy trpatek year TUS KiCiiJiOriD DISFiT(H CO V . ". .. - , . 1 saet Jt4arefal tho fore anu mam toiwaua. I :th lia Ktilrt frriffi LIUI alkll . llltiUI 1 UiU ww. ... - - . Tbe, mizzen topsail , blew away before it could be securedZ t , f The ship wis heavily . loaded, and jaborod badly in;, the brick sea, which soon followed the coming of tlie gale.', The captain preferred to h-rra her with dnglo reefed topsail, for he know that if ho started his halliards the sails would flat "to pieces' before his clumsy crew could smother, them. Each ,heavy gust pressed the ice rail down into the water, and tne spray new over wio uuwa iu m continuous shower. '.' , '' Tho discontent among; tho men grew more 'violent as darkness increased, and theysagan to feel the agonies of aoasick ness augmented by wet clothes and , tho raw autumnal wind., ; -, Thev auicklv made no their minds to mutiny, and while crouched in tbe lee of tbe deck house to- escape tbe spray ar ranged for concerted action at the first opportunity. i n ;i , Before long ft voice. was heard callings "Stand by the weather main bracesl" They went aft to the brace and when the second mate noticed all hands were there he advanced to ask why tbe watch below were on deck.. For answer be waa knocked down by a blow front ft capstan Lor and quickly bound, hand and foot,, with rope's ends. . . , Then they rushed upon the captain, who shot tbe foremost through tbe shoul der, but tlie revolver was knocked away and hia throat cluLcliod by the fingers of a burly stevedore, whose other hand waa raised to stab liiuv, V , At this crixia there was beard ft shriek so loud antl. unexpected that the aston ished ruffians remained motionless for an instant. A white form, with long blonde hair streaming In the wind, bounded t.i..l km fei Innlr in hia ahirj. If the vessel had gone down, Bhe would havo been drowned like ft helpless animal in a trap; but she ran the risk, in order that the crew on deck might not be di verted from their efforts to save the ship. With this end in view, she made no out cry when the heaving of the ship moved the chest back and forth, grinding her against the sharp splinter . - Bhe had iaintea irom pun wwu w captain found her. Part of the bulkhead had to be out away to release u, out further laceration front' the ragged edges of tho woodwork.' - - . When the carpenter went forward, he told what he had seen in the cabin; and the man who had been at tne wneai re lated the conversation that had passed between the captain and nis wue turougn thewlndOW,- ,.,'i.r: '".",'rl "': The crew were impressed. Bailors un avoidably see so much that is unlovely in women, that they are especially quic w recognize true womanhood, and are out iipoken admirers of that high moral cour- age wlncn 01 ton uervo, ueuwu i times Of great danger, to a heroism, sel dom equaled by tho sterner sex. i After - breakfast,, the next Sunday morning, Mrs. White appeared on deck for the first time since the squall. She was seated in an easy chair on the quar WriiuOr: hr arm m a alinir. and ft band age round her forehead. The officers were suddenly startled by fleeing the crew come aft in ft body; end, remem bering their iformer experience, imme diately assumed ft defensive attitude. , One of the men reassured them by ad vancing as spokesman, and ; saying, with much rude eloquence, that they wished to thank .Mr White ior her brave and unselfish action, both in defending her husband and for Indirectly saving the ship when struck by the squall, as they knew well tnat, nau aue..wwn na first, the ship could not have been , re leased afterward. They had been , so dctermiued tliat a ahow of force by the officers would not have sufficed to make them work the vessel to Montevideo; but the sourage and kindness of tho weakest member of the ship's company had done more than ol) tho powder and ball in tho arm '. chest could, nave , accuiupuwiou, namely, induced them to give up their intention to mutiny again, and run the aliip ashore near pemambuco. . . t , r They all lejttnas ane inwuu ubuv rilh Ilia nrevention of mutiny andblood- sliod, tho safety of the ship and the lives ol the officer l'reeeuung ine raiu, to Mr White, they assured her and the officers tlutt they would bd peaceable and subordinate for tho rest 01 uio voyago. TJs man who liad. been wounuea uur- Ing tho mutiny brought oft a nammoca which he had made of cod line for Mr White; and when be bad slung it in the shado of a sail; she waa placed in it, well pleased at the influence ft gooa woman could have over sixteen lawless and to? men. After tne Dunaenanu reatimu times to these were added, 00 account of act of valor or even fourth name (agnomen), aa Pubhua rnomen) Cor r.rii.m (the clan of fJornefius). Sdpio (the fomUyj. Africanus (the agnomen, because of hia victories to Africa). The prffinomen waa irenerally not written fat full, aa M. Tullius Cioero-L , !Marcu'V to dis tiniraish him from hia brother, Qumtlus, TuUius, the clan, and Cicero, the family. IrTaWmany and theTeutonk nation family or surname- (&, aa it rf-dbe gpeUed, airnamea" ie., sire. or father nWe)were httle used before the Four: teenth century. Bvery one had baphs mal name only. The most aacwntmettoil waa to odd tbe father name own, as John- WUliam Jtovid son7eto. The Arabians SOU follow this cSclV. HaU'.n, Yoar , called Ebu HaU (HaU's son) aad Yoar a son would beEbu Year. ' -.'tli Tl. mmnmes riven in England about the time of William the Coriquerer were elected, like tbe agnomen of Uie Bo rnan from some peculiar rfrcumirtance relating to the individual. Thus the earl of Anjou obtained the surname of Flan tagenet from the well known story, and hia derndanta were called Plantagenet Fit (from tbe old French fd meinlng W'), Mao (Scottish). Ap (Welsh), O (Irish), Ea (Spanish) and Ben were all prenxet meaning in those evrl ian 1 nit Fita meant iOeciu- mato aon.' The German sohn, Swedish Dutch aon sure toe same. ""-; Dutch van, Francis oe inejai . from," referring to tne remoenoe descent. On the eattmmmnrru. w feudal system new names were Intro duced, derived either from occmpelw aa Smith, Turner, Carpenter, Fuller, etc., from place of nativity, aa French, Wriih, etc, or from P-J8!! other peculiarity, as White, Brown, Black, Long, Bhort, Swvet, Bmaxt, Coy, Martin, Wren, etc. Balrimore American. Each of these is on foundations of stone, J set upon the solid rock far aown in n ground. One la immovable, except In ft single direction. It is hung between two massive posts of stone and metal, so as to sweep a narrow strip of sky from north to south. This is used for watching the stars cross the meridian and regulate the time. Another, and larger on which is used for comet seeking, is hung upon ft pivot, ao as to turn in any and all pos sible direction and that by tho slightest posaible movement Attached to this are various ingenious devices for controlling ...I rmrulatinr its movement The dome of tbe low tower in which this instrument is placed ia movable, and is turned in any direction by means of very simple and easily managed mechanism. -One of the most intelligent and useful of the many instrumenta fat the observa tory fathe chronograph. This ia an in genious little machine, run by clock work, and which, by means of electric connection the observer can note the exact time, to thehundreth part of ft sec ond, that ft atari crosses the meridian. The working of this cannot well r uo scribed. 1 In the same room are the dif ferent clocks by which the various times are kept for the regulations of tho tower clock. While these instruments are be ing shown and their uses explained, tbe astronomer gave the information about comet seeking, which the reporter, gives below. Tbe reader would be much more . , !.u u. t.Mrf aa It araa tnlil by Mr. Barnard, if he could get it that k, to say, when writers are paid a fixed I mhorv without a Oath-urn I amount ior a reEuia -. - 1 arm fioerxa the ozy ac von, ; A TI-m -Wfeaa rufi Was a Comma - raalafeaMnt for narniy " Flogging- through the fleet was com mon in 1800 and before, and even nnce. . This wa part of sentence passed by ft court martial. . Tbe launch or. long boot of ft ship to which the offender belonged was pulled alorigRiJa of each ship in the fleet and the -prisoner received a dozen . lashee from ene of her boatswains' mates) in the presence of her officers and crew. Notwithstanding the presence of a sor geon to report tbe ability of a prisoner to endure puiiishment, many have 1 died I un der the lash,' A single lash has been knowsr to kill a man, whereas othcre have endured six docen and lived. Old offenders who have been frequently tm- der , tbe lash, , and wno nave naa in enough to repress their sigh say that they suffer more than those who cry out under every lash. A hardened drunkard aid that in resisting his feelings be had deranged his vision to such an extent that be had ever afterward seen tlie skeleton ot ft dead man near him, grinning some-flnu- In hia face. But he feared neither man nor fiend; he probably died insane. A young man of education and rather delicate bufld, who was frequently Cogged - for drunkennes said toa wnen tbe lash he felt aa if liquid fawn were poured down the marrow of hia back bone. Yet he would get drunk every time he had aeheaee, - . ; In the Glnoceater, when shaking out a reef of the roamtopssil, ft point became foul, In consequence of which the sail was torn. A man named Morris Murphy was held iwpooaibie, and tbe captain wore terrible oath that he would flog him within an men of ms nie.. Murphywasoneof the atronsest men aft the ship and aa brers aa he wae strong; saaawho never turned his bock upon an enemy, yet the eaptW- threat threw Mm into a errooe fever, which ended in death, . Thrice be waa anryorted to tbe grating, and each tune the BUigeon amid he-was not fit toendnre fjamdiinent, and before the fourth figging day earen dk. had named to hn rcat and has body bad been committed to the deep, I wae m the habit of writtos; hm letter and when the sbip arrixeii in Engiand in fonned hia mother of h death and JinWad tor haw to obtain Ma wage Of eosne. the cause of his death waa not wraw Writ! a m Faarly TmU. Whf ia writing soch poorly paU pro- I motber rewled in Passage) fession? . I of Waterford, Irdsnd. In that same When it is nerlonneaaneerw, 1 . . mnm. fnaT ur men who ana A j '.w.r.lt, V 4 - w I 1. .' "Vl -''1"" f "V. upon tlie esptam a assftiians, caugns turn knife before it eotfid descend. : - TeTror stricken, the ajrperrtitious men fell back. -' Before the snpri-e waa. over tlie other officers ran up from below, and the mutineers were soon cowed and driven off the quarterdeck. Tbe women was the captain's wife. The men did not know that she was on board; ao her ewlden appearance and brave defease c her husband had made them waver at the time when success de pended Upon immediate action, After tliis there were no more open acts of snutiny but the crew worked with a anllrrmrai which ahowed that the fire of diswottiflw wot-eroencbed but smot-dering- - One trifling eauae served to.to aaent the litter feeling betweeh men and officer- which, under different circunv atancea,woeid have been ewsidered ft The mate had a parrot, which waa riven the freedooi rif the decks wben the ahip had run denrn into warm wcaUwr. mtT which ne canno . . u Cornet seeking requires more pwieiiw, and peieverancethan tbe average reader would be aware of. Mo one can tell whether ft comet is anywhere visible In the sty, so the patient searcher begins to examine the heavens in hopes that he may discover one of these wanderers sa it steals in from the depths of space on its pilgrimage to tbe sun. There is ft strong intuition that the region near tbe tun will more likely yield ft comet, so that the comet searcher pays special at tention mornings and evenings to that region, Tliis is natural, because comets bring rjonOuminous nuunea of ga they are very faint, or only beooroe visible when they have approached compara- Hwolv nmir tKa ma. v I They should therefore be more likely to be found when so placed, yet this rule ia not infallible, inasmuch as in the past few yean quite as many if not more comets have been found in that part of the 1-t orrooait the sun or in fact distributed equally all over the heaven But these are all faint and require close aeaiching and diligence on tbe part of the comet When It b known thai any one partol the skf that can be examined at any mo menrby the searcher's telescope can readily be blotted out by the end of the littlo finger held at arms' length, and tbe nrnM at the heavens that is screed out for him to examine, and tbe knowledge nwamt fw a twnlar I are retained, a lawyers are, to advocate special interest their salary are not be . aalarke raud m other de- partmentaof boames In either of theao catbeyseU a portion of Uienr tnneor independence to their emplorer, perforra ing hat work within stated hour or ac--i;. tn Aintatim. rjreciBelv aa an ac- paidetl. There was a story current aa theabv that the captain, when a young man, had flogged nearly every mania frigate's ship cnaopany. Ha targe a crew bound themselves by oath togjjn him a touch of the eat when pant o Tbry waylaid him outaide of Portamoolla m company with hia wife and dangjlhsnT tnaramaeel And wh3e aorae took care) nniuuiutM . , i Of this kind ia ft large pert of I the rimims and gagged the wooien, fade work, which givea reasonably weU I 4K. -K tlJ him a tree and Corl paid employaient to thonaande ofmen f jj, to point of death, He wno a j Wad . nei IUUS twacuing ox u the subject of much comment cy lire press, and tne captain a wm toclw. every rahrl: of respect and admiration front 'the masters of the Teasels then lying in the harbor 01 jiunwviuw. Jomea J. WTatt in The Argonaut, , . . i .... . fc - A flonday AJUraoa Strawa. Every Sunday afternoon," said a down town lady, "I have sermon preached to -mo, and though it lacks the tediousness ot a summer khuuu, asperates me as much ana l exirac quire as much good as when I ait for an hour and listen to a person as human as I am recount the failings of the audience. Let me explain it to you. ' reatoo unmeoi ntely opposite a cemetery, and from my window I can see the gate, which is left unlocked on Sunday, so that lot holders can enter and look after the homes of their dead, ' Tbe gate is very rusty and exceedingly difficult to push open. Along cornea a strong man, rmshes the gate and. finding it does not give, he Increases hia efforts and finally opens it after consider able labor. Then, after entering, in an excess of rage, be fiercely shuts it, and I see how silly it is to get angry at trifle A woman comes along, and, after a great deal of trouble, she succeeds in opening it, but thoughtlessly closes it tightly, and I am matte aware of how much trouble he could have sored others by a little tbougfatiulnes - Cases such as the first brings its moral by amusing me and the second by exasperating me." Philadel phlaCall. . . ! , " BUaarcV PoUasaa Bkmarck is one of the boldest and most autsnoken men. Not long ago, be declared that nothing could be done with a Russian of the lower class except by be ing rough with him, and be related an Incident which once happened to him to SC Petersburg. Bismarck was walking one dav along the street in tbe Russian capital, wben a peasant rudely poshed up against him, Tbe prince at once knocked the peasant down. Tbe man go up from the a-Tound. took off his cap, bowed low and humbly, and made the most abject nokxrie "That is the way to deal with Fir. " laid Bismarck, ia telling the atory. Argonaut. rid. a.kXaen1d.l)a hauled snugly . Ai.wr. rr""!.." iTil tliat the old saving. - "hunting for force that Made, her. reel, throwing her oimnot iinon her beam end and hail KnArtn l.pr nmid the swirling foam. .J- f 4V.'-I .MoA trio " "Juei go. w - n.rf.r 'na ha scrambled HO from tus cabin, and rushed to the wheel to put tho ship before tho wind. - ... , - r, , . , A urn wont anoeia ana naiuuxus. canvas bellied and collapsed, caught full ogam, and jerked away from the yards in .rrrvimirio- utters with a roar liko a hnvirUhin of henw gun The helm was useless;, for the ship was pressed down upon tbo water ana neia moyou, .r 7a a nniver like that seen in ft frightened horse, caused by tbe springing .,.,i KanHlnr of her pliant spar Jier i -mrA arms wero buried in the water, and the crew, finding It impossible to stay upon tho almost perpendicular dock, had craw leu over tne wwm to the outside of tbe ship, where they 1 a ,1.-. -l..nnnl. .. , Capt White worked his way along to one of the cabin air port and, smashing it in with hlsTioot, called to wswne: "We are knocked down, Mary! Reach no tout hanOa. . , You are small enough to be uuBed through the window. "Never mind me, Jolm. looatoyour hipl" she answered. - Hut ir tua aea gem up, wo wmu. farmAw " , ' ."Look to your ship, John! I eon come when I get tbe log book and 'chronom eter. Look to tout ahrp!" , lie turned, and motioning tbe crew to fniinmr. nawlfid forward to uie xore- Matla. R working half under water, they succeeded in letting go the lee anchor, and tne cnam, naving no n" hnt amn warn lashing, nut Out to the bitter endand hung from the bows straight up, and down in tbe water, 1 . . i i , uunuuis Juufc- . , . r. u The effect was immediate. Freasedor the squall, the ship swung round, aa if nlvoted on the chain, and when the . . . . . . i ander sioe ot we siani max muuMi" v. the soils caught the gale, she righted dowry to an even keeL and lay head to wind, tho torn canvas and broken spars, aloft, slatting and banging. It waa just ta time, for the first vkv ence of the squall, which had kept the water flat, waa now abated, and the waves began to rise rapidly. They came with a rath that showed strength enough to have soon wrenched off the hatches and sunk the ship, bad she remained upon her beam end - When serjiljiance of order waa re stored aloft, and the vessel placed nnder command asain, the captain went below to tell hi wife that ail danger was jrjssed. . In ft few moments his CXCtied voire was heard callrngt - -' "tirod tbe carpenter X tT ' w.i - - . . reepooaibie for the lasaa peu- yj them aa pressmen eompoaitora are tor Averylnrportaiiteofa-aeraton hi de termining all regular compensation Is tne degree to which the emptoym4 exexrea authority ewer the one emptoyexL The servant who comes nearest to substitnt ing his master's will in place of his own fa, all other things being equal, the one most likely to get high wage and , steady pUnteut. Then ft vast ded I of sell consaous cans w vt ject. Back of all sopnismaoa ux. uiSuu, cf service bea the fact that he who setts hia labor, for the time being, srih him self. He may, indeed, choose hn own master, and dispose aa ne p-"- ri, hot. during the period of service, bmuet surrender hia hbertyno leas than he would have surrenoorea mm tbeaya of vUlebt and sert A. ,H. Petera in The Writer. . f , r , . had a while in command of the thm was the war the sailors for it. Boston Cuuiunarjal BuHetiau fiwht in cormmrmon with the chances of finding ' one of these faint wandering rnaaaea of fog is token Into accoant, one m rrrenared to realize the forlorn hope with which the comet seeker begins Wa labors and easily explains why ao many trndertakef it and give it up without having recorded one cornet. The more the comet seeker prepares himself with the knowledge of the vast chances against his success the more certain ne is to succeed. .New xora urapmc Baaaaes tJstag the lame Some of the miscreanta who Infest the barriers of the metropolis, rendering night horrible to those who are hurrying at a late hour to tnetr rioroea m umo localities, have hit on brilliant expedi ent for first decoying and then rifling tbe pockets of tardy wavf arer On arriving at one of the roost deserted spots ft peace- able citiren, taking a nasty survey of ine position, saw, aa be believed, three pouoe- roen waumg saie oy an win uaaurai step. Quite weaanred, be prnhed boldly on; but be bad acarcelr passed the guardians of order when be felt a Lasso playing round hia neck, and fat a trice be was on the ground and gagged, while he was divested of whatever cash and other raluables be happened to have about him. The men whom be had mistaken for policemen were ruffians of the deepest dy and their attitude and steady inarch were merely intended to disarm the sos picions of the solitary pfdeatzian. A regular band has been at this work from 10 o'clock ta the evening CH the small hours of the morning, and several vic tims have been captured fat the moat skillful and methodical manner with the bvmo, Paris Cor. London Telegraph. . - stivers ta ta Wert j,u W,naat ,l,i.,S In the w aocortllD'r to tbe calculationaof Mat Geo. A. von Tiblo, are as f ollowat Mjasaari Missaawppt. 4.1M miles; Kite, 4.O30; Ysng-tsawEiang, t.138; Aroason, t.03; YeneaeScanBa, t,Wi Amoor, t,K0; Congo. t,m: MackenrJUN X.MS. Tbe IfBCth of tlie XI iasorjri- iliasjwiippt is taken from tlie report of lleaw iiumihrcys and Abl.itt.. Ek.Vvs ewtimates it at 1,003 mikavruUio Ouuion. A Xagra Saws m aisw mmj. -AH the ahabbirsa- oT the lTorA foliage ta winter time vwiusfaed in the light, Tbe palmettoea were lofty pt? mVjrtic against that jAy. The abort twilight passed tato night; the sky grew eoldas steel; only .kmg ray of rosy hpht lingered acrosa it, stret. ning nun u bonxontotheienitK The nw a sharp crescent, curved upwerd atearii end. lay in the track of that ray. From near the river shore came the sound of a boatload M-mn. nnring m their dmket aa they rowed, and in a strange minor key. a nasal chant, startingry like the songs of crews on the Kite, bo startling wan at that my Arab errant, Achate who wae with me, exekdmed: "It ia Arabic they are ataging-." and tavoluntaruy began tbe faroiliar chant of the Kile, "Ya Allah, ya M'barnrned.' and tasoch per fect keening were scene and sound n.hw rbd not strike me as odd until 1 reached the boat landing, and woke to the fact that I hod been fbttmr in the Hulsborough river fat Sooth Ihwida.---Aroerican Angler. . -The trouble wkh yon and yoT.onry sahnent," said ft rx-mnent ptrjeaclta to Kiarauient. lbs Ton don't know hoar tlMthuL The tntissa kwked eltbn doctor as if he failed to graep fee niraos tag. "HowooISTetfldonttanther be asked sharply- "You don't hre, yco dmply exist,'1 retorted the tihjiir issi, jaat as sharply. "Ton rake In and exprithn 'air about thirty times a'niiratr. wnam seventeen tunes at ampsa. lour awrjsrn tiooa are so alixht that onrrasroal por tion of your lungs are filled with ear. thn ivaaaander lyioa; anfiQed and dorrsant, except in times of great ausaeclar tx ejrtian, and that is ebonxooee a year witi soch men as yoo- Maaj people die msy wear becaoae they are too laxy fee breath. Vi i LjT' taJaisi elnhaor hcrrrar gkrrra. . Take n walk every ixj and bneoxbe tua Q yon as worth, stop, strong and ahoas seventeen fee the aaissatn. Yon dont aed sssdiciaei. Go away and brcaxbev philadehoia CaBL Theeirrioos feature fat tbe bat's bite la that ft Is hardly ever felt, even wben the person attacked la awake. I myself had a remarkable Illustration of thi and stood wtth a men who waa remarking that be could nottmdersrand how people always got' nnacconntahly bitten, though while he waa actually making Uus remark ta the dusk bat was suck tag one ef his toe aa waa evidenced by the bat being seen by asa and himself to flutter away, while the man's to to his great surprise, was found so be bleeding sr-rerely Alfred Sunson's "Wilde of Faador.,, - Experts state that the beat modern actre guns cost f 97.000, and it costs rjOH to shoot one of them only once. Eecent investigations have dispelled the common belief that freezing purific water. . . . Taa Oil lima, lying within the tropic baa, upon the average, a very ilianintchniaie. The highest temperature observed here in sonuper is 89 degree tna wn winter Is 61 degrees Fahrenheit. Feb ruary b the hat month of the Pernviass tmmer, seaaons aoaui as uw saw tag. of course, the direct reverse of tnose north of it. lweatnor sfwryavaa aw balmy almnet perfect. In this conasry lain never fall iUahsence berccan psnaaferd ta. some degree by abundant and) rerresbing dews which faO during the olght, and which are sometimes qmtjs heavy. Often iea"moius -wua "-, and are properly termed ;-Peravian dew, Peru Cor. Argonaut. ... , The London Medical Eecord , says that there are more deatha from aporJexy ; In Bordeaux than ha any- other city in I the world, and It srtrirasl that fact to the bOaikne bahita of tbe Borieku It seems that DnrvWnx Is given to wine tabbing to aa extent whrh produce on abnormal amount of din ass ef. vaiis kind U nuglit have ham snrvuacd that Bordeaux drink puro win bu( such Is not the fact There ts qnijo as miKB adulteratioa of wines intcrkkV for botne consuinptMYi as of those, end abraeA -New York Tribune, , . 1 Pnrinj Oie Lvt rcrihryl3 lnlre'1t Uie Trmi tsvo BultiUft cud diKippenml, Bceiwilin? to Dr. A. liJmi, of the Co trs;iljicul society ot Vienna. ' "Maybe yon dont know what a beci draft" n," contiaaed the cU firetnon. -I have seen a few of these, and if yea get up on ft close floor where the water pfajiox ea n hot fire yontl see all yon anna aT asm. I swver seen it expbuaed. but any theory a that it's the gases and the hot an- and the steam, aad when at gets to ft certain pilch all sosaeff at once, hxt as too see Ua fire pop out when yon lift off the ton of has burner stora, only they shtt no smell ef eaa about n back draft that I ever knew. Cut when ft cease it !ia yon right off yonr feet bke ft feather. Some firemen say they can fecO when its eontsng ha time to tct cct. but I nerer could. TheCrstyea see is the smoke twrJted sronml ia ft ruQ. Then yon want to fail on your face and ding to poor boa htiAUJe it's rienan you like ft tornado. I've seen can ef them 'back drafts' ta tho roof ribt off ft btuklinx- New York Tribune, h mi ins that the sBterstate law is not a god-send for tbe alerptcg car ttsarassie There has been eat thn law went mm enors n boom raairmai falling off fas the amnber of rrawJrra sa the sleeper It's enrr to ere why. Th ahohxaat of the pomes dors i MosS peer le who todecn rnsses srway had a few dollars to sfnra, and they purchased sleeping car tickets ta rile easy. Now they find that paring uw car anus them rather abort, and they rate fas th chair car. which is much clieapev. ( Sieeping Car Coraharfaw ta GViba-Usmc- i eras. ..... aa A ' - The weatlwr now turned roll en I cloudy, ami was as tmh-Bsar!t as it wav tmusuaL It cuhninaUxi on March 13 ia a bailstreTn, whkb greatly pnzzied the Arabs, I overheard a Uiscussiiai ia which one man snkl t he haibfcmei were pcbUis. WeUahi," said another, Mhesr are no fanes they are grains ot salt.' Sto of a thai key," said a third. -Haste ft: H at sat.C Vt the head of my father, thii at rice." A ixl t'ie waiter waa srttKnl -Ma' ah altdifit srice. ma sji ar ! YerCv tliis Is an rr-nt to I recorvk-d i i booker Cm;-t Ie ia L- Trat b 1 h.-Jf ot its riif-ie wLca ; ' t ;j i cUort.

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