The' Ah am ance Gleaner VOL.. XIII. GRAHAM, R C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1887. NO. 3?. ADVERTISEMENTS Put Off Till to-morrow, today's duty. If you have a Cold, Cough, Bronchitis, or any form vt Throat or Lung disease, do pot fceglect it.' Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, if promptly taken, will speedily relieve , and core all ailments of this character. Two years ago I took a severe Cold, . which, being neglected, woo followed by terrible Cough. I lost flesh rapidly, had night sweats, and was soon confined to soy bed. A physician was called, but. the medicine he prescribed afforded only temporary relief. A friend advised the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. -1 began taking this medicine, and before finishing the first bottle was able to sit top ; four bottles effected a perfect cure. Geo. W. Dick, Newton, Mass. In several eases of Bronchitis, caused by exposure to damp and cold weather, I have need Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It Is an anodyne expectorant of great Value and usefulness to patient of all ages. Its certainty of action, and its safety as a household remedy, are forcible arguments in Its favor. Mo other congh preparation does its work so quickly and satisfactorily. C. E. Hoyt, Si. D., New Orleans, La. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, I'rnMredbynr.J.C.ArerfcCo-.T.owel!, Kan. ' Id ty all bruggtits. trice 1; six bottles, $i. rEOFSSION AL CAKDS. JAS.E.BOYD, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' Greetwboro, XT. C. WIS be at Grrham on Monday of ciich we. It to atteiid to professional bnsintt. .Sep 16 . : ' . . F. II. WhiVAker, Je. C. E. McLEAN. . WHITAKEB & MoLEAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, an An am. M C. J. D.KERNODLE . ATTORNEY AT LAW. I'rsetlee in thn HlHte and Federal Cir w'll toklifullvaiid promptly attend to all bus .. nw liiinnte l tn Hi. n . , Keal Estate Agency. TAfimtV EEBNODLE, Agent-, OliAHAM, K. J. 1A plantation one mile from Me tallic, in Alamance county, containing il)S mmc-" 45 HcrM In original rrnwtb, 0 In I'liii-s, l'iO in cultivation. The place is srell wa-erct. a-crn-n end two hranrnes rni ning . thron-tli it. a flue orchard, 8 go d tolacco tarn, V tenement K'nuees, goi'd feed barus, an 8-room dwellrne; with basement and I., and : uood well of water, arc on it. Cmiveolmt I churches, scliool, and a jrood new mill in X tulle of the Imure. It is a dtsirah'ii farm d'rd t the grriaih of l.b.ce-n. train and srrt fees, . Place U eueded in w'-cst srd oi. lossceslon Riven at once. Price WOO. f1nl The Wilmington Star. Reduction iii Trice. 1 Attention Is rolVd to the following reduced rates of subtcilplion, cali in udvunce: The Dally Star. One Tear..,,. . .' (600 (N'X Months............ 8 00 iT.iree MunlliH i ; 50 Due Month.. 60 The Weekly Star. tine Tear ... ft 00 fix .Month' Three iiwuilhs. .. lliir TrleKrapuiP Aew frrvm lias recrmlr be-n largely luarcaiwd. ami It our dtrrin( i itlcm to k'-cp il.e t r up to tlie hlghert vwiHian oi ncwrpaprr, Addr, huim n. bkr 'Ann. Wilmington N. ' ' ... A WOMAN'3 WORDy Oh! ever when the nappy lnnidl Is duinn, An the Joy core, ij all the anguish epme When strong adversity and subtle pain Wring the sad soul and rack the throbbiaf Drain- Vfhru friends once faithful, hearts once all out own, -- Tave us to wp; to bleed and die alone v lit n fears and cares the lonely thought employ And clouds ot sorrow hid toe Sun of joy M h- n wca.y lit.', breathing- reluctant breathy llatli no ti t a sweeter than (bo nope of deaths Then the bent counsel and the last relief. To cheer tho spirit or to cheat the grief. The onlv calm, the only comfort beard. Comes In the nuoic of a woman's Krd Like beacon bell on soine wild islanVabore Silvery rinsinz in tho tempest's roar. Whose sfliuid, borne sbipward through the mid' ntiit gloom. Tells of the path and turns her from her doom. Edwin Arnold. unucrsAVED niMr Onecvenhia in tho summer of "1873 was bitting in one of tho many garden which Plii!nle!phia nt that tiiuo provided lor me- comiort nna entertainment ol reoplo who take their music with bfeier, My ntienlion was attracted to a marl about ft! years old, whoso appearance was t!io nearest approach to tho tratli ticnal mako r.p of Icobert JIacaire that l:aJ ever seen oft tho stage, not'omitting tiio Llackt'iieu eye. lio wandered about the garden swinging an old umbrella in nonchalant way for some time, not ex actly oblivious to tho strains of Belirens admirable rchc!tra, but in a manner be tokening satiety of everything commonplace,- yet still evincing a willingncas to enuuro lus surroundings la default of something moro to his taste. I watched his movements for a while, Jtnd, finally lxi:ix Eight of Inm in tlie crowd, ordered a ''nightcap'end i;roo f rom ray chair tc go home. Aa-I did to I felt a gentle tap on my shouiuer and a well modulated voice said: ' "Excnso me, sir: aro you a believer in tbo dcetrmo of predestmubonj' The queelion, tho man, and h:n manner struck me ns so excessively ridiculous that I lauglied outright, but recovering myself replied, "ou mean, I suppose. to csk if I believe a man who was born to lw hanjred can't possibly bo drowned.' "t-ometliing likd that: yes. I have a theory that I wasn't born to be drowned. but wo won t discuss tho lianjnng, "vo won txliscuss anything, I saidi t m gouig. "My dear fir." said the typical Robert witli a Cliesterrieluian bow, accompanied by a wide and graceful sweep of Ins um' brella, "that is really too bad. You should by all means remain end hear my story, a story without a moral. It isn't a ghost story or a fairy tale? but' a true account of tho only piece of good luck ever encountered ip ray life, and that came about through my losing all my money at faro; lutein t a cent left. The fellow's evident sincerity impressed me. ami mycnnoKity to hear lus paradox' ieal experience grew stronger as I gazed into his imperturbable countenance and repressed a laugh. I had been a sort cf a "rounder" for many yeara,"and con sidered myself invulnerable to assaults upon my credulity, so I invited my com panion to be seated, resumed my place at tlie table, ordered some refreshments. find tol.l him t f my burning anxiety to be added to bis list of victims. Catting toward mo a look c injured innocence at the suggestion of guile coiivoved liy my List remaik. he composed bis countenanco Ly inserting a portion of it into tho beer mug ho held in liis band and began Ida ttorv: I will not boro you with an recount JQft w'tldn enrpimto I'mit ef rrabsm : v Mai; s'i acits : 3 ioni loltpe t n it tll, rtii'ry lrn, rortl ie'rtloi tries m i ifrow tIhi. Aiplv lo I AKKEK & KElCI LE, Art. WEEKLY DISPATCH 1 KICHMOND.Va., THE GBEATFAMILY1?, EEKLY. lSiil Vmtg re..64 luma. Ornlf 4I.0) Per Tear. The Weekly IMpatch la dllcd w ith ncwn trnm "II parts ol tho world. Our telejfi apliic laen'liet eoiers every country. All rreat so-.tial, religions and i-olitVs . roovemenn at borne or abroad sr. fiiith'ully thnmlcled. All ne t'lseover'lM In seicnre and their np plicntiiHt t agriculiural and O'ecbai l.-al arts, find a place in its roluft h. 1 he far jier has a drp-irtinent full of In structive matter : and tlie Isdir are ke t ln finnied o lVa.hions raryinr pharos snd ol tell new t jo who Id novelties. It is a welcome vWior to every member of the family. Every linmber contalrs an hitcrctinr rtory Hud porti sits ai d tiimrrat hlral sketches ot leadine men of onr own and other conntrj. A weekly review of the principal markets Xt the Lniled Btates an nr.portent luature. In . uoit we aim o make the Meekly Liia- pateh so attractive lo all lis departments that Us readers will no wtlllnely rve It an. r ed so vslusble en rdr.rstorof the youns; fend old lust no fanny tan anora lo L wtiii Out It (porta! attention Is liven to North t'aro Tlna aews, Ohr corp. of rornvpondrnte in ihc fUta toniu-binr verythiua; of interest promptly by tetegrapb. Our circulation was doubted la year. 1 a larwe additkni to nor ralMrriptloa listoalreany teraived. rive swaranet) that U wilt be mere lb doubled this year. , Sample mples mulled free to aiy at'r'fi Tit um weekly lispstcii one year lar nt dollar tm TILE KrUMOSD DISPATtH CO V Kicbmott) 00 I niv pnrlv lif ." fairl bo. 'tvr4hnv ISfin " T ... lww.. t :!l father, whoso licpesduriag a few months prior to my nativity bad boen .net upon the pinnacle of desirn to lw parent to a daughter, evidently fancied tliat I was fxilely responsible for my 6CX r.nd could never tolerate mo in his presence. At the earliest moment that I alb-Joed tb MH6i!Jifalfc I :55!d: b rwnd in a boarding rcliool I was cent cwav from SUFFOLK Ccllsgiate Institute. CHAKTEKEO l$7t trrparmtorj, Prmctttml r F!niiMg t - CJH a, ifaihematiem. Science mmd tk lint Art: JL, Principal. Both sexes admitted la Terms reaaoasb!, dVttac sVsmrttaeau. Tfe anct aupsto. opsms Vooday, 9ep. tf tT. Write to um principal lur cautoxat m Bsfolk, Va. bh 11 tf komo and Lept away, in rcbool and out, until I was 1U years of rge, wlicn I re ceived from my fatlier the sum of $CoO and a letter informing mo thct I murt fnnn tliat t)rtio forward sliift for myself. I shifted. Tho first tiling tliat I did wa t.) lose tlie $:)00, which feat I occom r.liJied beforo leaving the school. I baro always thought tho janitor took it, but have never been Hncertain of . tho fact that I didn't take it when I left. Ily lin i-racticrd experience la shift ing f j myself was conlincd to easy etanes or pettestnanism in search of cm-rloj-bient, wb.icli I obtained on tho thinl tiay after my departure from tho echocl in a carpenter's shop. I bad worked two honrs carrying lumber to tlie pkn ing Ixmch when I fell tlirough a bclo iu the floor into tho cellar and broko one of my legs. This episodo dulled tho keen edco of my dcriro to learn tlio carpen ten' trade, and as soon as I was cUo to travel I set oat in quest of an carier. or Ct bast a safer, way of earning a living. With varying enccesa, but always gettinjr the worst cf it in the lonjr nm, I turned my Land to almost everything until tbc prii:g ( f 1831, when tho war broke oat. I was ct that tiroo enjoying ono of tlie brief periods of fair hick that octa inonly sncoeeded tho violent and protracted paroxytrcs of LI fortune to - which I was subject and in re fjufel cf my cervices in assisting to raise a volunteer corapecy la reqxmse to rresident Lincoln's call for 75.C00 men I was comoiccioncd a ret lieutenant. I then believed t!iat rny str was in the as cendant, bet thero won in store for me, C3 1 EcocU2y rcsliaed, womo lack Cum 1 bd ever before cxpcricsced. On tho evcaing befcro Co day fixed fcr ocr -parturo frrra Cie Ohio town In which I wss tiiea living I ceiled to say farewell to tho enly l .ill I Lad ever been alJo to in rZccc to tolcmto wj ottmtioBS and who bad prctui9?d to nicrrr ote. Fancy my feelings when I was informed Ly fcr brother who met roe at the door tiiat she had msrricd a ICJkm Cn va Hanaflckl that morning and was at that moment en ber way to Iter new borne. I rnahed away from the house with full dVtemiinatico to die on tho LcttiefiaU, bat my iietvene rack interfered to prevent even that one of my Oeaircs froos arriving at onosanv tnatioa. On the fotkrarin-r morning my oom pany started i'T (Jd umbos to join the regunerit to which it was attaelted, and f ar awhile warlike enUiaaiaatn took the . Loo of tiisnppnintnient and chagrin ' wiUAu my Lreisttf tut the nafaithiilncss of my sweetheart was of too recent or rnirrene a wabb) too to banish the pang which seized me, and my arrival at Columbus was signalised by an unprece dented draft upon the alcoholic resources of the town, resulting in my sojourn in tlie iruardhouse and tho loss of my shoul der straps. I continued with tho regi ment as a private, however, having noth ing else to do and boing still strong iu my desire to die a soldier's death, .until the expiration of my three months' term ol enlistment, when I re-enlisted for three years, and served after a subsequent en rolltnent, each time in a different com mand, until the close of the war, with out receiving a scratch, "In 1863 I was discharged at Jackfon, Miss., and obtained employment in that town, which at that time it appeared to hfc tlie Almighty had overlooked in tho distribution of his bounty, and remained j three months in the combined, capacity of salesman, porter, and principal and junior assistant hi the only clothing store in the place, . There 1 was rejoined by my hereditary luck (I wasu t born a girl, you'll remember), and for tho heinous offense of charging only $G5 for a $14 suit of clothes I was summarily ejected from the clothing business just as I was beginning to believe that I had nt last placed my feet firmly upon the ladder of success. "Remaining in Jackson . only long enough to pack my limited wardroco in an old fashioned carpetbag, I took a train on the Southern railroad of Mississippi for Vicksburg. At a place called Bovma, eight miles from Vicksburg, tho railroad bridge had been destroyed during tho war, and passengers were transferred across the Cig Black river by stage, cross ing that dirty little bayou, neither big nor black, by means of a pontoon bridge, A new railroad bridge was in course of construction and, as I felt liko stretching my legs and seeing the country, I walked across that in preference to the pontoon bridge. Arriving at about tlio middlo of the bridge I noticed a plank projecting about ten feet from the outer stnngpiece, its inner end being pushed souio five or six feet under that stick of timber. walked out to the end of it and sat down, my legs swinging idly over the water, and my gaze directed to every point except tho one. I should have guarded. As I sat down I noticed four negro laborers staggering under the weight of a piece of timber which they were carrying to its place in the structure, but bvstowed no further attention upon them until t heard them immediately in my rear. I was about to look over my shoulder at them when they dropped that stick of timber square on tlio end of tlie plank I was sitting on, and my little car petbag and I shot about ten feet into the air, parted company as each described a curve and began our descent and disap peared beneath the tnuddy Waters of the Big Black. I think I struck the water first; anyway, I'm sure I got out first. since no authenticated account of tlie rescue of the bag has evtr come to ny notice. As I reached the bank, covered from head to foot with mud, tlime and the sweepings of tlie pontoon bridge above, those four darkies greeted mo with a chorus of laughter as indicative of enjoy ment as any sound I ever heard, and I started for the train on the Vicksburg side of tlie bridge on a dead run, my speed being accelerated moro by desire to escape tho darkies' mirth than to catch the train, which I may remark I didn't C itch bv aliout ten car lengths. - Why that place was called Bovina tlio Lord only knows, unless, perhaps, because tlie man who named it thought, as 1 did. tliat it was a bully place to get away from. "There was now nothing left for mo to do but to walk to Vicksburg of wait six hours for another train, and I wasn't long in making up my mind to walk. Tlie weather was warm, and by the time I had covered the t ight miles my clothes were dry, but heavens, how dirty! Tho investment of $1 brought into recnisi- lion the services cf a stout negro boy, find by din of much rubbing, brushing. presentable. I then started for tho wharf boat of tlie Atlantic and Slioun sippi Hteamboat company at tho foot of CUiv street to ascertain tlio time of de parture of the first boat for St. Louis, and was told tlict tho ctcamer William K. Carter would arrive from Now Or leans at about 8 o'clock in tho evening. and lcavo about an hour later. It was then about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and I looked about for sotno way of bill ing tune until tlio Carter should arrive. I went into tho Prentiss bcuso Lar, f-nt a driuk cud a cigar, and, counting iny done', found that I liad jtift '55. I Kit down to enjoy my cigar when tlio Men struck me that it wouldn t Lo a bad ocheuio to play what money I bad above my stretnbonfr fare ogainst tho Lank. Reflection and recollection of tho adverse remit of most of my former cntcrprixs of a similar character told mo that it was a particularly bod ccheme, however, and for tlie timo I abandoned tins pro ject. I took a walk up tho lull and down again and tried in every way I could think of to rid myself of the Llea of risking what littlo money I Lad, 1-ut something seemed to tell mo t:u.t I would win, and I finally yielded to a power I couldn't resist and n;A-el tlie barkeeptT rf the hotel where I cocl.l Cnd a game, llo uirtcted me tt one a el-.crt distance frcri tho botcL end in three bets had reduced my catrftsl to an a.'cotmt just snf.icknt to pay ray passage, with out mealo, to CL Louis. I watched the remainder of tbo deal without playing until there, was a singlo turn' k-ft in tlio box, tbo fearful "something' tlxt bad lured me into tho plsce meunwhita urg ing mo to resume, and I yielded again. nut (3 on the turn and loot. I was then desperate, and in my endeavor to quit even on my fare went broke. There didn't seem to be tnnch of a r rocpect of my getting out of town, or of staying in either, fear tliat matter; but, as yon may supposo, I was pretty well nsed to bard luck and cttlu cry over spilled milk. I wer.t back to the botrL which was situated on tlie Wee. and in due time saw the William B. Carter swing away from the wharf boat and make ber way up the river without me. Having sjothing else to do I walked down to tlie wharf boat and sat looking into the dark Cm rut of the Uisaiamppi, speculating as to bow I should be able to stem that cur' rent. "About 10 O'clock a little txat called the Urruin-r Star came up the river. brand for Hewitts, and landed. I emit on board and found tomyiatxji mil W delight an old army acquaintance, a mra. ber of a fly-by-night tmnstrd party that had been 'doing tlio small nver towns. To him I explained my plight and ' I was overjoyed when be agreed to lend mo money enomrh to pay my fare to Mem nbla on th doubtful nvtlritv of m v word. Half an hour Liter we started and as we rounded Millikeu's Bend wo discovered sheet of flaino ahead tliat to river men was a too well known sign that a vessel was burning. There was a great clang ing of bellri, increased vehemenco in the pulling of the exhaust pipes, and a deter mined vigor in the song of the colored firemen as they tiled ftiii iuto the fur naces and every effort was bent toward reaching tho burning wreck with tho least possible delay. We finally drew close enough to the blazing boat to dis cover that no living thing could exist for a single moment on board of her and do voted our efforts to keeping at a safe dis tance) from herwhilo-endeavoring to -dis cover and pick up survivors. Of the passengers and crew of tlio flnnio de voured steamer wo picked up thirty, many of them badly burned, and ascer takicd that the roaring column of flamo beforo us was all that remained cf tho William K. Carter, the boat I did not take, because I. had lost my money at faro bank, and whose boiler hadexrJloded witliin lees than two hours after leaving Vicksburg. "A largo number of the passengers and crew of tho Cnrter were burned or drowned, including Gapt. Ilurd, and singularly enough on the same night, in tho Ohio river, near PaduciUi, Ky., the steamer Miasouri, of the. same line, ex- ploded her boiler and burned to the water's edge, and among tho many per sons lot was the captain, a brother of the commander of tho Carter. The boilers in use. in the steamers of that line wcro of tho 'tubular' pattern, which wero afterwards'- condemned by the government inspectors and their removal from tho remaining boats of tho fleet enforced. . 'If you cro not now convinced that the luckieat thins that over happened to mo was brought about by whet people commonly regard ns nlwenco of luck I'll treat; that i to say, I would if I bad tlie price of the drinks." I had listened to Iho man's story with out uttering a word except to remind the waiter that our glass. needed replenish ing, and as ho recounted the circmn stanco of tho loss of tho Carter I as im plicitly believed hi the truth of his tale as I did in my own existence, for I was a resident of Vicksburg at the time. As arose to go I slipped, a dollar into his hand from my very slender purse and felt sorry tliat I wasn't alio to give a stronger lift to a man who hod played life's game in such horrible luck. I bade bim good night and walked into the street, stopping ut the corner opposite the tots light to wait for a cur. While standing there 1:13 late coin Minion and entertainer, -for whom I still felt most compatwionately, sauntiTcd tip to tho corner upon which tlie light waa situated, and. apparently not observing me, called out: "I ley, Jim. another sucker swal lowed the old lialt and gave up a case. He died Itnrd, find Moody nearly drowned mo with beer. Ix't'a go and get some thing proper." Whilomy unlucky friend was delivering l;imelf of tins speech Jim" . emerged from tlio doorway around the corner, whero bo bud been keeping vigil while his partner "worked mo for n case," and tho twain disap peared down the street, leaving mo to wt h that tho mail who wasn't bom a gill been sitting on the Carter's boiler when tho bolt let go. .New York Times, ' " ' Kuritea for the Slrk. Thousands iterisli beforo their timo for tho want cf trained numcs in tlie sick room, for witliout them not lung is dene in tho right way nor at tlie right time. xlie conserjuenco is a funeral. In till co-operative, insuranco and Lrrrthcrly so cloties a iitirso fund hhould nt onco bo started fonlv a few cents a week needed and scouring I WMIWWuiiUun m 1 h nu-ID :rr)i !t 17 tr.'.ju-tf nurse when sr.i.ow lnvcais tue 1 Lontes of jneiiiU-ra. In every commu nity there are nuin-. rous families who can not procure thia vsilmiMii wrvice except by combination. By thin himplo plan gco.l trained nurses cro whhin the nach r.t every solx-r and industrious family. As- your doctor about tho matter and we Low wr.rr.ily ho npjiroTea tho plan. It is not only tliat lifo is prolon-d, but tho doctor's work i rrr.tly simplified, for when Lo makes Uia morning call be meets on intelligent nurse, who promptly and correctly answers oil Mi fjiirstions. Ho longer fchnll we hear of tho Lmcr be ing put on tho trunk lcau- tlie tk-k ono hadn't a client. Kany of tlio poor inako a weekly payment tlint when they dio thcro may Lo fun!s to bury them. A tetter 'way hi not to dio before your timo (and tliat 's around 100), but live by em ploying sL Uled nurses when wck and eat ing'. (Vinkiug r.nd deeping wkely when wcIL ncmeiuber tliat the right timo to to prepare for tl is at l'J. Iho doctors will not bo nettled wlten wo soy tliat on educated mime, if not Letter, U ts nood as they arc 1:1 puliing the patient through. Cor. LrcoLlyn Ealis NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE. Scene In the Traxllna; Itoora at tlie Open. lug Hour OcglnnlnB of IMUdlng. . Bang! bong! bang! It sounds something liko a bull in china shop, but it is only tho gong at the Cotton Exchange) announcing the opening of business at 10 o'clock, and the next instant a florid complexioned man, wear ing eyeglasses, standing in the rostrum, gives two sharp raps with a gavel, and immediately begins the first calL A large crowd gathers about tlie rostrum, and tho man with tlie gavel calls off the list of options, beginning with July and running about a year ahead, while the brokers shout their bids cr asking prices, converting tho exchange into a bedlam, The man who rides in a specuTntive whirlwind and directs the commercial storm from his position on the rostrum is Superintendent E. R. Powers. Occasion ally a dispute arises among the brokers as to who bought or sold a given-- hun dred bales of cotton or more, and Ur. Powers settles it at once, and tbo call rat tles on again nmid a load, confused bab ble of noise that would astonish a Hot t.'ntot. When the pressure of his other dutied prevents him from presiding at tho call, Mr. C. C. Schuster, his assistant, gives tlio signal for the hurly burly to' begin, and distinguishes bids and offers which opiienr to bo written iu Russian Sanskrit or Chocktaw, When tho' CaH ia over tho members gather around the brass ring in the pit formed by a mimic amphitheatre, con sisting of threo broad steps, and then the trouble begins again. Tlie Liverpool market, according to thecablo dispatches on a bulletin board, lias advanced several points" that ij, 2-C4 of a penny in English money, or 0-100tlis of a cent a pound in our mOuey and the shorts aro disposed to cover while others aro ready to buy for long accounts, Ono broker leans far over tho brass ring which keeps the brokers from tearing ,0110 another to pieces and shouts: "I'll give 70 for five September. ' ' Ho means that ho will give 0.70 cents for 600 boles for deliver' ui that month. As lie shouts this out till he grows red in the face he flourishes liis hand liko Magician Heller performing a sleight of hand trick. Another, with tho veins in his neck swelling till they seem likely to burst, roars: "I'll sell August at 0, meaning jo.zo cents. Another shouts: "I'll give S for August," meaning ho will give 10.23 for 100 bales. "Sold!" shouts, a broker. Tli is bid is repeated by tho same broker, who seems to have blood in his eye and to bo eager for tho fray. "Soldi" shouts another, and then there is a hasty scrib bling in noto books to record tlio trim sac tion. "Wliat's bid for Sep?'; shouts a broker in a striped seersucker coat, mean ing by "Sep" the month of September. llo M answered by a roar tliat seems enough to stop tho clock outside, but de clines to buy at the price asked. IIo is a bear and thinks t!: bulls nre anxious to sclL New York Mail and Express. . 0I I HMO Head Exatutloner. Through onr guide we told tho head executioner that we wished to neo' tho in struments of his calling, and thereupon be produced a short, very heavy, two handled sword, and a long knife. We naturally put tlio question, "How do you use this sword? Where is the block?" "We don't uo a block. We uiuko the prisoners kneel in two rows f:icing one another and bending their beads down. Then I toko the sword mid ohop ono on each side, and tlio heads fall off; so on, till they're all done, as you'd switch the tsrp tiff green weeds with your walking stick." "Bi:t you don't always chopalicad off with ono blow?" - "Always.". "Wliut b (ho knifo for?" "For tho ling clio, or ilenth by many cuts,' Wo lie the culprit who is con demned to tliis death to a cross, and we commence by cutting off the eyelids, earn, now, and co on, ending by sticking tlie knife into tho heart. Tlie cuts vary in nuinlx-r from 8 to ISO, according to "How munv ersons havo you exe cuted hi a day?"' "I have chopral twenty heads off in two minutes." "Gentlemen frivo twenty cents each cmnshaw" (a synonym for the Egyptim baJiceiili) "to tho executioners," said tho guide, which we gladly did, to ejcnpo the staring of tho bead butcher a rye, which hud a villainous cast; and 00 ended our interview with tlieso high executioners of tho great Chincso empire. rail Mali Uiizctte. Health of City Preview It is a rerlraw question whether tlie phydcid i!etcri rstion of city bfo does cot aitcct in grcsUT or kis degree many of tlio cotnfe.TtaUo C3 wtll as tho j-orrer clx'Jxt. Families li which the children and DKJther, if net tlie father, spend tlie wbcb summer in tlie country or at the ccaiihorc, end in which the sons have every opprjrtui.ity for outdoor sports Until tiiey ere 23 or SO years old, can stand comrarison, rbyrically, with tlieir country cousins. But many city pconlo who enjoy homes tlict are comfortable and even luxurious, who have good food and plenty of recrcatio, ore yrt engaged Ll occu'iatiuna that aro too sedentary and confinLig to be altogether healthy. Sales men and salesw'orwn. clerks, and a great number of artisans compose tho larger part of this clank No subject tncro practical or more im portant than this fit the people's health could wtll be imagined. Fliysical strength is as essential to prosperity in times of peace as it is to success in war. Is fact, no race ever ret dMtoirukbrd it self by conquest, by art or by literature, which did not pouaeas the restless Vigor of soperfluous health." Boston rest. Bleeding at tho Kawe. In persistent liernorrliago from the naral cavity, plugging tho posterior naros should not to dono until an attempt has been made to check tho hemorrhage by firmly grasping tlvo ncso with tlio linger and thumb, so an completely to prevent the air from parsing through tho cavity in Iho act cf breathing. This riiuVIo means, if persietently tried, will, in many cases, arrest tho Lleedlng. Tho hemorrhago persists because tlio clot which forms at tho rupturo in the blood rcrac'l in displaced by tho air being drawn forcibly through the cavity in the attempt fit tho patient to Clear tho nostrils. If this cir L jrrovenlod from passing through tlie cavity, tho clot consolidates in p'fti tion end the hemorrhage is cherked.- Demorcst s Magnzuie. A true man brlongs to no other tinu or plare, bat is Die center of things.- Ijnrrsrm, Hand? for lh Cewsa Taker. Occidental statisticians havo Icng been accustomed for sotno reason to regard witli doubt tlio reriodical reports con cerning tlie population of China, but Ln asmucb as the Chinese law requires every housclfoMrr to hang at bis front door a list of tlio inmates of bis hocse, it eeems as tliough it ought to be easy to make an accurate cenawv Dy one which tlie o(H cuds of tlie empire bare recently affnnicd tlio population is 430, 000,000. Brooklyn Eagle. Tho Chmmgrt la Yasarlaa. As regards accuracy of detail. "Urn Hut" stands in tlie front rank of liL'tori. cal novels. A curious however, oc curs at tlie beginning of book 8, where the author speaks of the traveler in the year 1 1 being able to see tlie "smoking cone" of Vesuvius. It wm not till 79 A. L. that Vesuvius again became active. Sinco tliat period Vesuvius has undergone grot changes. It is probably higher now than ever before. Indeed from 1843 to 18C3 it is said to have iricremied in height over tuO fact. Chicago Herald. Unrnlng of Theatres, ' Apropos of the burning of the -Opera Comique in .Pari, Dr. K.. Ogden Dore mus has contributed a letter to a New York newspaper in which he states that articles of wearing apparel, theatro cur tains, and any textile fabrics can bo made uninflammable by dipping in a solution of tungstate of soda or borax, and better yet m a solution in water of phosphate of ammonia. This ho states can be done when washed, and be little or no trouble, and not affect tho appearance or render tho wearing any different from usual, and thus all underclotliing, curtains, etc., can be entirely fireproof. In theatres, all the woodwork can readily bo Impreg nated with phosphates of ammonia, and tho scenery and all the inflammable at tachments to a stage be made fireproof, so that such terrible events as that of tho Opera Comique will be impossible. When human life is ot stako, it would not be asking too much of municipal authorities to cct on tliis suggestion, and, if possible, make it available. Owners and man agers of theatres and opera houses should be required to adopt such means of safety as would secure to their patrons a practi cal immunity from being roasted while in life and health. - This Opera Comique stylo of cremation is so very distastef ul that all classes should unite in urging on the proper authorities to insist on man agers bringing into use all the appliances for safety from fire that science can un fold. Demarest's Monthly. IIow to Scare Snakes. A gentleman who recently returned from the western coast of Africa tells how natives provide against the dangers of venomous snakes, which abound in those regions. "The Africans on the coast," ho said, "are far moro intelligent than thoso in tho interior. Just south of tho republic of Liberia there is a largo swampy region which extends for hun dreds of miles into tluf interior and for many miles along the coast. Whenever it is deemed necessary to penetrate this vast morass, which abounds in snakes, tho natives simply rub the soles of their feet with garlio and oil. Tlie scent of tho garlic is too much for the delicate stomach of the reptiles, and they crawl away us fast as they aro able. This in sures almost absolute safety. Tlie boa constrictor even hesitates to attack a man smelling of this odoriferous vege table. Another method employed by the natives when they wish to sit to rest is to swish the air with rods. The peculiar noise of the rod seems to inspire tho scr. pents with terror, for they hasten away out of hearing of the sound." New York Mail and Express. HISTORY OF THE FlXl. 1 Sqnld Fl.hlnc. Only tho very darkest nights aro se lected by the Chineso fishermen in which to catch tho singular fitli that tlie heathen prize so higluy as an nrtielo of food. Tlio squid is about eight inches in lengtli and almost transparent. They are caught in the following manner: When tho night is very dark, the Chinese go out some miles in the bay and then build a bright fire in pans and station them In tho bow of the boat, and the fish being attracted by tlie glare swarm around tlie boats and aro gathered in with scoop nets by the ton. They are taken homo and tlio women and children give them a "lick and a promise" in tlie way of cleaning and spread them on boards, on top of the houses; and out in tlio fields, where tliey aro dried. The fish are then packed and shipped to San Francisco and to China, where they aro considered a great deli cacy. Monterey Argus. The Konster and Ills Drink. With few exceptions tho steamboat roustalmut is fond of whisky and will take great ciiances to satisfy his cravings for the firo water. When' considerable whisky used to cotno around from Ken tucky by the water route the deck bands doviii-d various ways to tap the barrels. Ono of the princfiMl plans was to force the hoops slightly from their peition, tlicn a giinblet would soon make an open ing. In this a straw would be inserted d 4l ?atid,iryf Qil& teqn be able to satisfy bis thirst. Tlio opening would bo plugged up, the hoop placed in its original position, and no ono would be the wiser. It was a long time before tho scheme, was detected, and then cnly by tlio fact that some, of the rotuitcrs went too far by taking it out in quantities to soil to some of the levee saloon. Olobo-Democrat. The Hath In Wat nr. For practical purposes, tlien, tlie bath In water without any attention to what it may contain in solution is to be re garded from tho standpoint of tempera ture. If tlio water is at a temperature anywhere below CO degs. Fob., it is to be considered as "cold;" from 00 degs. to 3 dors., it is "cool; from 75 deg to 65 degs,. It 13 "teiiiixmtei" from 85 decs. to 02 degs., it is "tepidl" from C2 degs. to 03 degs., it is a "hot batlt." Some times the "graduated bath" b recom mended; this means a Lath at CO degs. to 100 degs. into which the ballicr enters. and tho temperature of which is gradu ally lowered, by the addition of cold water, to tho extenf of 25 degs. or CO defi. in tho course of lialf an T.oun Gloho-Demotrat. Stasjle Urn with Electrlo tight. M. WroMcwski tnedo a succev.ful ap plication of tho electric light to the magic lantern projection of opaque ohjecta. In tlio raiebi of darkness a strong b'ght is cciicentrrited on tho object, which be comes intensely illuminated, and its pict ure may Le thrown upon tlio canvas with tlio colors fully brought out and even niado nicro brilliant. New Ork&ns Times-Democrat. Bible Mantloa f nana era aa Kaefgall ' The Bomaa Eaajle The bnwa4aev In the Bible the mention of banners) 4 standards and ensigns is frequent. In tbo second cliapter of Numbers and the sec ond verse: "Every man bf . tho children of Israel shall pitch by his own standard with the ensign of their fatlier 's I teniae. " And in the thirty-fourth verse: "SO thi f pitched by their standards, and so they set forward, every one after their fami ilies, according to the house, of tlieir fathers." And again, When tho Isracfc ites are marching f rom Sinai to Parent In the first place went tho standard of tlie camp of the children of Judob, 0 cording to their armies.'' There are other numerous instances, too numerous te) quote, from Isaiah, Jeremiah and the) Canticles. Among the Egyptians tho several corni ponies carried standards, models bf o cred animals and emblems, and the king! Dame figured in some fashion on a board; and the Assyrians had much tlie same; -of which there are two noticed by Vte Henry Layard, one of a man drawing a bow and the other of two bulls running in opfxwite directions, supposed to be tho emblems of war and peace attached td Darius' chariot. Tho Persians had an eagle fixed on a lance and a braze sun on tho general's tent, on which tho firsi rays of tho son striking gave tho signal for tho march. The Greeks in tho earlier times bore armor on, a spear, and in lator each city had its sacred emblem! for Athens, tlio owl and tho olive; for Corinth, the pecasus, and for Thebes, tli sphinx, in memory of CEdipus; anU later still, as on the sea a red flag die? played is said to liavo been the flag of battlo, so on shore the hoisting of a purple dress on a spear was the signal to . the Hellenes to advance and fight. It is very easy to be tiresome with a very littld learning, and so we will leave Greece and tho barbarians, will omit mention of the arms of the seven against Thebes to bt found duly, set out in tlie play will quote none of the references from Virgil, and come direct to tho Romans and their signa militaria. The manipulus in the early days of the republic carried hay on a pole, liko it Breton peasant; then devices very various, among them the contorted serpent, the special ensign of the foreign auxiliaries; But it was not till after the time of Marios they displayed the eagle that in the great days of Rome was ever the sign of the legion. It was that tlie soldiers swore by) it was that when, as a last desperate re source, it was thrown into the ranks ol tho enemy, tliat they would follow and rescue or dio. Wo are told tliat 100 years after CaW's first attack on us, Aviragus, brother ot Ouidcrus, king of South Britain, bore azure a cross pattee, fitched In the foot; and wo know that once the Romans were withdrawn and tlie Saxons held rulei each kingdom of tlie heptarchy was dis tinguislied by a device, of which the white) horse of Kent, borne by Hengist and Horsa on their shields, is a familiar ex ample-. Then we have Egberts with A Cross patonce-ihat is, a cross fleuHei ex paneled to which bis great grandson add ed four martlets (a bekless and footless bird of heraldry), and Edward tlie Con fessor a fifth; and that is tho flag, thai and the flag of St. Edmund blue, with three gold crowns under, which the) early English kings fought. Now, if at this time we glance abroad. It is certain we see CI oris I, king of the Franks, take tlie blue cape of Sr. Martial and hoist it as the royal banner; and for 11)3 years tho royal banner it remains, till 630, when the oriflamme. a red flaq with green fringe, sacred to the Abbey of St. Denis, waa pulled np over it . The flcurs-de-lys, older as an emblem than the Trinity they are supposed to repnenti wero not peculiarly French or royal till the Twelfth century. To the Crusades it is clear' that we musk look for the first real dignity bf the flag) Cocur de Lion's crusade in particular, tat I10 gave rise to more armorial bearings than have sprung from any other single cause whatever, not even excepting the JmmIa nf Crrer, Andjjot fjnlr art there more families bearing amis from men! achieved then, or assumed arms then, but families innumerable, on engaging iit tho war, changed their devices for others moro suited to the solemnity of the 00 car-ion. Now let us, having got so far, take ihd present royal standard, or, more tor reedy, banner, first hoisted on the tower January 1, ltttll, and consider luw aaffl of what it bi composed, Td describe i't hcrahlicallr, it is "Quartetlyi first and fourth) gules, three lions passant gar dant, in palo, or, for England; second or, a lion rampant, gulca, within a doublo treasure, flory, counterflory of Um lest, for colland; thlrdj azure, a harp, or, stringed ergentr for Ireland." The flag lias been produced, we are told, in contdilorablo contempt of heraldic rulesi but assuredly, for all that, it excites no) less obedience, enthusiasm and rexicfe-" Cornhill Hagaripoi . Exhibition af Ineeets. An exhiUtion of useful insects and their products, with noxious Inserts and specimens of their injuries, will bo open in Paris from Aug. 87 to Sept. 23. In secticides r.nd various insect destroying devices will also be shown. Arkantaw Traveler. ITai Joss Oat. "Johnny," sail the minister, rather severy, -do you use tobacco?" "Yes, sir," was tlio reply, "but I'm deanont jmt nowi Jimmy Brown 'a got though.' Aiaxiiingtoti critic. Dar b cs much danger In oher dean' cr thin ez d.1r is in not doin' it well cr ruff. D iioj mighty cfu-n runs so fas' iLit be fails ober dc rabbit an' dsn leu LLii git cr way. Atkansa w Travnler. The Centos mt thm Kltctirm Tho lady who presi-lcs over a north sido establishment entered ono of tho bedchambers Friday with her new rirl, recently arrived from Ireland. Tbc ladV at one detected tlie smell of gas and saidi ". by, Mary behove tlie ns is leak ln." Imagine Iwr astonishment what . Mary, in a wise endeavor to tileoseh seizid tho wash bowl and placed it on tlie) lloor immediately kencatli tho ber, determined tliat the. overflow trout the gas .Ipe fihouM not spoil the carpet. This same girt was told by sumo of tho help that tlx-y wrro to have rscalljcd oysters for one of t'o courses dinner. Sue immediately ran to ber mistress ami asked for a iur of scissors "to scallop the oysters with." Chicago Tribune. II Km Baagkt. An Austin masher bad just made the) acquaintance of a rery stylishly dressed young lady, and was tranenading with Iter around the depot before the train went out. A little street Arab earn along with flowers to sell, and said: "Ileaee, sir, will you buy a few of to winter rosesr" Tlie masher firmed to the youns Lv' and asked: "Will you accej a srotj bouquet cf these pretty flowers?" Before she could reply the Arab rpol J up and said: Oil. yea, slie wO, I ti tll jw, She's my lifter, and don't dare t- i tlas. sale 1.4 flcm-iTS to a dado," i i mm LuuLt The Colom L r