......... . - T 1 " "' , , 7 v , , i ..-,1m-! 5F . ' - , i . ......, . - n . . " ' -' y , - ' ' : ' .' . j ' - . . i ' l ' . , .' " . ; . ; : GRAHAM, Nd; THURSDAY, 'NOVEMBER 28,, 1889. NO. 43. PR OFEFONALCAEDS. TA3- Zm iJ ";-ltt ':v n Will W t Grtiii'i'ii janiioay-oiwuw''0"' i.w Setweea U imp corn ma km kohl ; 1 ,:i xiipninrcMBipioioaiwy tmjinuB jfi,)tj Will Im vKh AIMwefc .,Cftli.:.,W th country tund Add. mi .t ' ! v-. - : r ,flirj rtfT:v?r3 Ki"-w t-'4.f: ''i',feetireofaeirrteeantadtba0ld''f- Vt :lr- .n,;,niira-ff i.-Ji.i.'J. BetwMo ate goia ooro na me graea, ,H" ' T. X. 1 .1- I.J J I ,L. yl. n . u.ll .' Iff Jl a I: j 1 1 MA ha Wn 4- - i itlumtth U nvm Im with Min: T . n.aVn.Tila all all waVayI b Atld bV. MI ill And e hhnfl 6 notwttkBl injr qnoen, Mil it ' ! ft 1 AJJ1.11AU'. SUFFOLK, Coll-te-Tnst:tntc, Vu.'. ; ... fVMMirnforv' WlVor J-. " ' . . , ... H..JJ -f 1 IIF3 18M.B: tl .1 tlx imtrtA ' 5. Term reasonable, uoth sexe admitted in dinct departhrtnit. ' ' r The uxt miioi. opens Monday, Bent. 17.Q, 1888. Write to the principal for catalogue at 6uftollt.Va. luly. 10. tf. CfiAIlAB COLLEGE. FOE BOTH SEXES. geselon oiifs Sept. S. Terms pli month $2, 3, $4,4.50, payable quart- r ly. Board per month $8 50, including furoisbed room ond wood cut j $6 ptr luontb for thone boarding five duj ptr woaIt VuvaIiIa mnnlhlv. R.irfliiiir denartmeDt will bet in- charge of Mrs. J. U. Xg RTTPTniTOR ADVANTAGES II CAL AND INSTRUMENTAL . -fr BETWEEN TH CORN ANP THE GOLD, . by beavy dories, with r-' aagr neiaBiori w ner nnra vrIV hdd the brilliant ' rival, tbi.' cKaVate" haYin? been 'fJi, l'-.l,i-M,'ii.H.ii.. whilA f-andBoma . less w.tb. alternate admnUon and ft fLitmi, t; fAln hnsbiind.- ort of horrrr. kelt4MdeTthT(tMbmiatl Juppa tir with ft-lortk of the moat nassionate adriiiratidtiia utranee and awful feel- infrof'terroitthatl could .not .under- ' H . Between Aa green corn and the gold, ' ' Between-tlie d&wiilna and tbenooa, 1 line, thd'at tlranr note and oold, . T! r Veiled rtiddy with the samjaer noon. itUoefceuuieeiWior HieTar j aowen new lorwi oa rmiaoojr imi ''We -ere a merry ' party that flath- ered tosether that glorious summer at, Jt.om.a ,; ftf 5bttbel Vernon (my most in timate school friend).' and nothinsr.oc- -I' clifred to marur happiBOssi'and na thought came of the tern Die trageay, that was soon to trail its daik shadow oBrfts, until the fatal, day on which JsaJelentered the exquisitely furmah-. ed touoTolr'wIiere"aTTeiS' "and" myself were seated near theopen win dow engagea in wormiijf n uuwer un . For the fearful beauty of Ines was mil? that honifled while it fascinated. and never while life, shall last car I f ortret her aa an, tooked at, . tnat . mo- il -si " !tti?iZir-., A afr.i hl,VWhat;ipoxb ctlLJM,rW ing bonnet after bonnet. '. ', ','"," Tlosn int nmtn npw ma'am; Inn last luiiiK iruiu jraria. r M ' r . . 1. : . 1 feebl'utterioBl ronw, CKfiitiTSS5 idias TmarbTo the, i.rtii?m,,;D, a ,rvl cliriched teeth. irnniia'that l.will.' trive'.un my best'i ful flash through -o .- t -ti i AN UNSOLD BONNET. Sad Story el aa Brery Day Hpenlnj i the Lot OlUea. . ' ' It was evening in Oxford street, just before the hour of lamp lighting.. The daylight colors had faded and the twi light softness had not yet begun, so that the street picture was printed in Snsoftened black and white. Gas wos eginning to- twinkle, however, in tnine'of the shoo windows: and up- ' stairs' in tie ' millinery Bhow room of ' .w : . t..l r..-t . i scene Jf or ;Sach aPwritahiaa objeo- ydnt'" " ' J - n tl.h f..ii,I . "Too murderous looking!" she added. . tire, and looks of the I ., t -neso are quiio, now, ina tuu ig "hatred, the .tigbtlyJTiory lasi thing from Paris.- - Aathone,witl abane--, fYwAM$.,$M, customer beat jh.tha Una. as, thos .pi MPli . At oi.-tu " ml about to leaD utn T'Wouia you not W this ori, ina aj lima Wild nnirnnl about to leaD UDOn its prey, and the white, jeweled hands Holding wjtn sucn a vicemcp griy ne USIOObllllfl Buottuucu, ' : v ., '--. iv, Jhtf tlxt moment Tike ona still in a the hearts of our. audience jawh cause thim S rhno rtomember the scene. ' " Having no more.'that I dared, say. J' dream, I heard "the admiring mormurs1 i brpadclotj, andjsaid: , j uiris, we an '. i i eAim rtTiTfm an ajlli. ion' to our'littlejparty, for papa has dnviwd Madeline 'Harleigh the daugh ter W, Ik oldriend Col. Barleiglwto !ren)um iur gttest at J3ea ViewiWhile iher. fatter rail 4noth$ are; abroad fbr the charftre f. aiis, prescribed by their pphysiciat for Mrs ynrleig! v?ho is id mosttieiicaio neann." "Report says," continued Isabel, 'that Madeline is very beautiful, and that all men bow down before and worship her, as if she were a saint." "So do careful, Jnez' she added, roguishly, after a moment's silence, "that your lover, thy handsome broth er Cecil, does not do likewise." Inez bent more closely over her work, but not before I had noticed a dangerous gleam in her dark eyes that Could bode no good td Madeline' Har leigh if she came to Sea View to rob her (Inez) of handsome Cecil Vernon's love. - . ' ,' j .; Madeline Harleigh was. even more beautiful than report had pitturedher. and when I first beheld .her on the day j. i. i .u t Rhriplredl ttinacopuusat Josuiu 4v hr.' CaciLVernon. but some of mv nei6uleadache mrA mv favorite ro.treat. a littla sum- . other bridegroom, whom they mer house, Jieavily daped with vines, ilio .- MimmonilAil Q VllIC. . -ll rtl fTllT (T vou not try this on. ma am i J am sure it would suit you." . ' "I don't liko a'swponet' for winter. f i . r,f-i rt '";jt 3 rrf- -H 4 i t ,,'Wo eoul mak. you ono velvet, . ma'am,?.- " ' " " '!. y .fYslyet spqils so with the ram. Are : vou nu ltd sure those .are all the felts you. have, !thai you sUpwed met" j ."AU- in brown, ma'am. We could gen yw ouoifliaa anjsnape jvbiub i .tp order." ',- ,.,, ' ..' ' . .'Oh., noi"! could not " order ond 1, vrltYiniit jtAfeino-iL" Raid the ladv. Then' she. sook.up pne which' she had looked I at already, '.poised and examined .it, she shall never be your bride, for that andnffHy. tanfi lton, aeciaea UlOy Call lUr UJO CUHU UlUV , fc-V w nvmw , rrJtrA WAV to ft Wful tiCVeam of holTOT -FinXKmire 'hnd timafined it to be, I deciaedT be-was buried forodreslinfr.' ti take a short stroll to f .brearf, while . manweal ihiu A trin bflautiful crounds without, to try pro "t ," I'm i .1 .'J At tHe Store of GEAHAM, If. C. , death, has taken her from you and, do. "it reauy ia very exu-Boruiuory should not have one - in" a said in a tone of annoy rible confusion that reigned for the ! ance Jfor a moment tne piriam iionient'was rver, and lender haitd! answer; she had grown paler and her had raisodj thd beautiful bead; of Made? I eyebrows were drawn together with linethey!fouud the terrible wouniiri, an expression of anxiety-and appre. the leartJ from which the life Wool hension. Mr. X-, walking up and View of tho sea beyond, j ? ;';? U had gone aboutghau way m ine path idadjng to it, whef the sound U voices atjfracted my aftenuon. --- ZJZSYm bbmawas.fatalon,WlnA rri -Tif. "'J, i Etoou as ona ruoteu w u bui. urn, Roared mto the wilUng ears of . .. von tha hftnd90me lover i days," ahe repeated. down, his range of show rooms,: had 3 Lify feWiinomSbta the heart wasj forever S agaio como into siht and had paused, tCZ staled neVemoi tothrilf at 'the looking in. -."We'd get you ii-Fr touch of the hand or tones of the voice" ma'am, I amsur,' u twoor three Madeline the story of his mad, ador- 't:j"X", rCITta .nl toetov. for her, and I beheld the iad em ft ftZSZf brace of the pale bridegroom death, which had come to claim her in an ner youth and beauty as his own. n f ' 11" 1 1 1 tHXn alter juaueiine was uurno to ui;r 1 MUSIU. For catalogue and fuller iuformati in, Idrese. J, addres. Jy4f f ,T -i't Msr.J. U. Nbwmaw, ,4 .r uraiiuw, -rH- fa PUUiV all unpefceived'b'y the loyeTs,peering m upon them through the heavy vines that draped the summer house. . It was a fitting night for that fatal betrothal, of Cecil and Madeline,, for , she, after listening to his impassioned 1 tale of love, had crowned it with her Promise to become) hia wueaVan early f)ark clouds crept over the sky and veiled the' silvery arlory of tlie moon. ' and the rising wind wailed-in the tree wuuu tiio higher mity last, long home, Inez was placed in a private asyium lor vue msuue, iur it was discovered that sudden insanity i i i l n. i - hi. nt ' nau promptcu tuo ternw-iu uiumw w her rival. Cincinnati Enquirer. Tretltyprtffly '8u niui'iuuled sume-- ffickeSpw booming with lb toro Ibnyi trifle to Cecil Vernon, who was stand- thundering roaA and then dyinfaim he demolishes, i-n Ttio annw.f. op ly away, aa if chanting a requiem foi , reblocks and re log besiae 'Her, in trie sweet voice which was one of her Greatest charms. i thought it no wonder thatj he. jgazed unon her with such a look of nassion- t ate admiration io bf, deep, blue gray V-J -l - ' ' 1 The last rays of the setbher sun shone . through the vine trellis and touched i.ier heavy waves of gold bronze hair - . 1 -I HH-: -j :. v1' . Will be far snperior ta any year of It Ws torj, alarjeainiMintafnioncy hiring" been apirpriatea for the eliibeMisliinnnt of 1 tlio mtc&iin tban erer befnre. (indar lias been DoUlubtilorO) yuan vittout mntU an ! ue, andiw jv ? YOujfjATNOTCfiTcA BETTER twn dollT-wortli of mar.lne than by uh criUlCriefWdey,"Ta Hkst PauiLT.MiO azinb In Anwrlc",' , . i ' ' The 'esdlng attraction for p1891 ie s Beautiful Colored Fibot fiatea ; Engreved Fanhloo eiater blwk, and wlilie, repre aentlng tberevalllr.x atjrles, produced tx- preMly left woaey yiMrfy 1secia I(l.l, ' r (BtkMiewr aa4 ')"4It wrk f aaa Paaalar ' rtmmm. tr . ayaal S Hat alerate4 . ': .Cwklas; Meaaipla, Rle. gi; . The 'eatiful Home UKAT, content Club r, for young, ouaekeepers or emplaie becbroin .' aA'T by E'm'm J. inoft wno ear in tbr Ilmua." h anilrna. SilnauiT rasscoTT r : f'0 inrol .Uil th 'Mural i .run. nh wuivu -fit. ... . iMia dutla Jar eacb tnontu. A Cbtldren i! ona dutlf .for eacb rVi.rnnr f5 lha 111 tie Oflea. ' A rich array of Hterat'ire bj faroriW lan tbors, otmi whom aia BmBy Lennox, OH ria l...ii WIIkmi. Ada Marie frck. Elsie Suow. "Q." aatbarof 'Hiemul."f. belle C. Greens with box humorous sketches, sad ntners. ; , PREMlUM3toelnbraters are amoriif Its. special feauin. and Oodoy's offers the moil choice and Tloable of any maesaine , puM Uhed.ea4 lac lor -aaniplB aantber con taining fall clab sates and remlupis.. EVEBT'LiOt BEB OWX DRESSMAKER . who SBlMeribes to Godey'a'Lady trjx-; .... ronronw lack yoawOl and In each niimbur entitle yoo to vnar own aeleeiloo of any cut paper fnttcm llloatrated fa Oodey's :LAy book. KoarlSe.aanplat.apy wlU coataia one of 4keaa coupons. ; ,;-.- . i I mtmtm (Mr wblrh will ksfUtmM rar erts'iUa ; , " " " wrhea realelj The ptttcrn shows Joe boW to cut oat the rtrunil yea want. That is all wt can say in this space. For the rest see yoar sample "ember, for w'Hi d ISe. at once. Hiodey kiwi i ." i -year "ri" Add rex OOUET8 LOUT'S tOt'K," rbUadelpbia, Fa. .'thead were' fastened tin w Star-shaped i ... . . . . flowers of the same Dngni nue, and fhe GlXAHE Pric I2.S0,. abich ahculd be eent to the offlce of the (LKAVU at tirahaui. lidnd Sale ! By vlrtaa of a atortare ded executed by Uaina AlMna and !rb J. IImim, hi will la lawwai Chaa. P. Harden, ana duTr rr sxcrrw ia the ii!ce of the Kxicr ,if ' I ..! ir AlKaiMw county, ta "Vmiic No. 8, we will aril, at the eoa it boase ouor la Uraaaia, ea . BATUEnAY, DECEMEEH21ST. 1S89, to tbr HrVat Udder for eab. the following dcri'l piece or parcel of land. 1.Ti to A lb rif,'tit' wnMiip, oa the wtcr cf Wry crrrk, ai.amc Uhi tands of John Futut. hm 1 sk4 otbera, and containing ( n a'Ttat. niore or lee. e:e, as li o clix M hrp , . . rt"UirSf. ( A VcLEVH. OT. 7. "8J-td Au jJjrlo.usiSce. .the dead. . t , Keeping in the dense shadows of the trees, witn a wildly throbbing heart, I made my way, silently .and undetect ed, back to the house,; and hastily sought my room, ,- ' Summoning my maid, I bade her .baste with my toilet, and when at last ' The Silk Hat Bnslnssa, I stepped into a place the other day where they make silk bats., Some of them are made front new material and some of them from old. The manu facturer has an agent who goes about up old sun hats. These r cleanses -thoroughly. revamps until a hatlook- intr as food as new. and for all pur- L" Y I .1. r . poaca it 19 new, ia rruujr i v;i uio unw . at a cost of from (2 to $3 less than its , original cost I was" somewhat sur prised the low moments 1 stain mere to see the class of customers who came in and left orders for new hats to be made from old ones. I shall in the Now it was the customer who did not answer. She began turning over the pile of nntrimmed bonnets, while her pale attendant hovered about her, throwing in propitiatory words. Mr, X stood -and looked-in from the wide doorway-.' She could see the scowl on his face. At last the custom er, finally refusing to take any other In place of the oounet wnicn ana real ly wanted, departed dissatisfied The irirl becrnn. tremblingly, to put toireth er the bonnets Tears -came to her eves. She bad tried her best to sell. and she dreaded the wrath of her nuuvi ter. Ue bad been in a bad temper all day; why, oh why, must this thing have happened just today I Mr. X moved away she saw him go to the cashier's desk in the next room He came back with ' paper and a dew shillings, which be throw, down an grily before hor. . 1 . 1 W i A L 1 1 ,. m . . 11.. ! ;inta very aureole of Uffht andthe - , comP,elea 1 fV"lm5'7 iiiture ixKwitu suspicion upon tue . I wind blowing from the bfue rfftamimrCPUK''- ? lon.S. "7. 1? V i sea beyond a arm of roseDioom .into I, her lily fair face, while a dress of apina son piue material, irimmea witn foamy cascades of lace, floated' In bil lowy lines of grace about her, making in all a picture that made; my gaze asf one fascinated,! while I thought : 1 ' knocked timidly at Inez's her stand- ridor. and sWhen I entered I found ing belore the long mirror, while her maid pat the finishing touches to the suiieru-' aress oi amocr unteu satui, ,. ''She is a .woman that a mad might well want to Jove and cherish, and die for if need be, that she might know no .sorrow." ' " ' " ; i t rAnd while I still continued gazing upon ber Inez joined me,' and She too gazed upon, the fiiir picture that ber rival made 'standing there in the surf-: et light, but with such a look of bit ter hatred Jn ber dark,!, starry eyes,; half veiled by their snowy lids, that I shuddered with, a half defined terror of I know not what "- " -Never before 'bad I beheld Inez look ing more strangely and radiantly ,i,eutifuL ior 6h6;W0re a, thin DiacK aress, touched ' here ' and there with ' vivid cSkfol .hiedthe,next moment, more to her; in her heavy braids of hair that were .' n Pe. uo " m ""u w nth. if '. I was-about to persuade ber to make glossy tile whenever I meet it. ' The j manufacturer, who is bis own boss, I seems to be an intelligent fellow, and : I asked him a few questions about silk , k hats, which elicited the following in formation :' ' ' "Sixtv-flve ner cent, of the silk bat with its draperies of richest black lace, on your head is foreign. The linen isL caught, here and there with gold and imported from England and the plush crimson roses mat set on ner tiara, glorious beauty as a golden frame does a rare picture, and that she was to wear in the tableau. . ' ''Surely," I thought 'with a shud- dor, as I gazed upon her marble white ' face and wildly, burning eyes, with ' their lurid light, "she looks every inch the character she is to represent, ' and, if she coutinuts to do so during the tableau, she will, indeed,, thrill t with horror the hearts of all who gaze ' upon her and make her acting appear j to them for the time a reality. ' j I ,")0h,- Ednal" she exclaimed, as she capghk sight of ma and turned from the mirror. . "I feel as if I cannot take " the part assigned to me; but," she from hance. We don't have many made silks from the old country; It bull just sign that If yon -please, miss," , . It was an account of the wages due her. She looked up at him in mute appeal; . the angry ana overoeanng face was answer enoughs She put ber name to the paperriind ,a .tear fell On, it.. . ,,''t:i... t vi ,. Us :, . . ''Now, you jean, just pack up your things and. go this, minute,'! said he, roughly.. "I've no place for a young lady that can't sell a bonnet." . . , She gathered up the .money and went meekly. She was ft, timid girL with no gift either for complaints or excuses, ana for girls of tnav una ue tyrantarof this world have no mercy. DUD WVV til? MCMIU. which she shared with two others. ,. It doesn't pay to import such on account waa bare, clean, depressing: about as of the frequent changes in styles. But most of the material is imported,- The average size in silk hats is 7. - It isn't often that we have a call for anything less, than a six. VI course you know there are different shapes in sizes. A 61 that would fit your head wouldn't fit another man's head who wears the ! same size. "Exchange.'' " -A., j . . t . . , - farannatioB About "Tewrselb The average number of teeth is thir ty-two. . The weight of the circulating blood is twenty-eight pounds. . . The average weight oT an adult bflM pounds and six ounces. , rne Drain of a man exceeds tuai oi rhile upon her ivory white throat sparkled a unique necklace, with a serpent's diamond bead that seemed to hiss forth sparks of fire,' and circlets of the same , blazing gems were clasped around her " superbly rounded arms. - " A rich . color bloomed upon btr proud,' flawless faca, and her dark eyes seemed- to - sparkle with wondrous light, and, in- short, she eemed tbe Very personification of living glow ing sunshine, 'beside whioh Madeline Harleigh appeared as a cool shadow, or moonlight shining upon snow, - It would bave taken one more. Skilled in .reading the human heart than myself, to decide, after that night, Which of these two, strangely beauti ful women, eacb such a contrast to the other, handsome Cecil Vernon." ad mired most, for be seemed to divide bis attentions equally between tnem. homelike aa a prison cell. , She looked round it, hair blinded by ber tears, and wrung her bands,' murmuring. "What shall I doi , Where shall J The room was quite brigbtix lighted how bj the glare of the many lamps in the stroeL She stood so for a min ute, thpn wiped away her tears and began packing and arranging ber few properties in ber box. When this was dope she must go forth into the even ing and And bene if a shelter for the niirbt and for tha morrow. To-mor row woald begin again, the familiar. heart breaking search .for work to continue who oouUl guess, bow. long! And wliocould tell whotcharacter air. And she mentsbe had btireUii upon us, eagerly , ..,,,, ' . - - ipiy aTj-rm (s U4,J m . . "t.u.?, WeMS 7 fZSh ' The average weight of the brain of and with that same strange feei ng of Dmn U3, pounus;of awomantwc ...l - .. .. : 1 ' I T.. wiu il mn'nf Jiorl BOtVntfl, ?r. "u1g?!F -i - . A. man breathes about twenty timel ! bad 80 ahiUinga-witb which to face i,art allotted to her, but just then I ;.a-niii1Btoand , 200 in an hour. I the world. IXer tears began to fall heard the impatient voice of Isabel in a man r,r,l..ul-M,tirhtAn nint ! airain aa aha locked her trunk and roso the corridor without, and the next mo-, . m ,, . , h(,. ku!e. She was glad tohide i ner lacs wno. ner vau uuu w atuu away secretly fearing: to meet any one, lest 'the farewell should break pounds and eleven ounces. t I down her eourago. .;- .... Five hundred and forty pounds, oil Bo she passed out into the evening one hogshead and li pint of blood, and on to Oxford street the "stony inu tlmiiiirli tha liMtrt in ona hour. I hearted stenmotber.' ' - , Die average height of an English-i ' Mr. X-w-h mean wliile was going man is 6 feet 0 inches, of a frenchman borne, serene of conscience, to hia wife 0 feet winches, of a Belgian 5 feet 6! and daughters at-Brixton, giving ; no inches. , second thought to we incident of the Tlia ItMLrt aarula nMrlr Ln nrmnds ' afteniOOB. ' . . . 1 .. of blood through the veins and arte- It is a story that happens every day t ia too oiien toe stones oi umuan, u which grew stronger within me each moment, 1 was forced to leave Ines with my words of entreaty unspoken. A little later, when I beheld Inez" in the stately drawing room, where in- ' vited guests were-assembled, she be trayed no trace of ber past emotion, for excitement bad given a rich hue to her face, before so marble like, the, lurid lights had all faded out of her eyes, and she passed from one to another, and paused at last beneath the blaze of the great chandelier, where Cecil Vernon stood with Madeline , Harleigh. her red tips were wreathed -I.,' . . . ties each beat, and makes four beai while we brer-tilc oucci . One Jiuni!i.d and seventy-five' mil lion cells are iu the lungs, which would cover a surface thirty time greater than the human body. Feraanr-sbvys I watohed and. wait- .onlywitn the sweetest smiles. . Tb- areraire 0f tDe pulse in infancy ed for some sign that would betray it f Tffpero "Bress D . " is 120 per m inula, ia nuubood.sighty to me: but I found my task a vain wui"jr T at 60 years sixty. The pulse of le- and they could speak, the pavement of Piccadilly, the balustrades of , the bridges could tell you bow it ends. Pall Mall OasetUk .-. ... -, t L 1- a. ai rr. VH one, for he would turn from Ines after tt ?rw of rage ana natrea ourning Iatlub wKh Ibis paper, GODEY t o wUliciMJ, to enfold, within her heart, that the beautiful; Madebne ia ber soft blue wrap if she shivered in the cool night air, and then, after a sentimental discussion of Tennyson with ber, be would as ouicklv turn from her to Inez again to throw about her the crimson wrap smiling faer so artfully concealed. -'At JaafrtheotbeT tab leans were over and duly appreciated and applauded, and the curtain roae slowly on the last and moat beautiful, "The Jealous Wife. tha she usually wore because ft was sgSZ?ZE?2l Dr. Augustus Waller, of Fbiladel- nhia Irna notntlr muts a number of males is more frequent than that oi experiments showing that it is possible males. Boston Journal of Commerce. . to detect by existing electrical instru- ' i i - . meats the electrio currents generated ' ' ' nzJaa; a Jaraa, - - . j at each beat of the beart Two people. 1 am a iury fixer, msslf,- calmly JZlSSSui remarked Mrs. Waitalnigbt, assbecul connected with a ejtrom r,fT Mr W'a hist nair of nantaJcoos si eTiden' " 'ct.r-c fk" becoming to ber dark, glowing Spanish beauty. But at last the time camewhen I knew for jt certainty which of these two beautiful women held bis heart in ber keeping, and never can time blot Out the roeusory of that night It tu tlie night on which a gay and briiliant party had been invited to Sea View to witness some tableaux that were Isabel's conception. The last and moet beautiful was to be the one en UiW "The Jealous Wife." . When I Jeurned that Ines had been cl.rwcn to act the part of the jealous audience as the beautiful picture pre- j en ted itself to their view. - - 4 Madeline Harleirh. robed in a dress of palest blue trillf, with draperies of frosty lace looped with white roses and pearls, reclined on a luxurious couch, and bending over ber with a world of . passionate love in bis eyes, that were fastened npon ber face, while be car .. retain gly loved with the rope of Uii same cool, white gUoming gems and fragrant Cowers that were twined amid the heavy wavf-s of ber gold brrnia hair, was Cecil Vernon, while Ines prized upon tbem tli rough the heavy the knees, 'and. 1 don't care whe knows iL I've fixed oneiurorso that be won't get hi to a box and be gone till . Monday morning." And site smiled as she set the afternoon clock ahead four hours, and resumed ber place by , W's kedsiJe that she might catch bit ' earlic&t remarks when be opened bis ' tardy eyes. Burdette tn Brooklyn Eagie. . through each oilier. - The hands of a single subject, dipped into two basins of water in connection with tba elec trometer, give a deflection of the in strunvnt at every beat of the pulse. New York Telegram. "Why. Marie, you tiidn't ask that young man to call and be Mass so nice. I know it, but b's s doctor and C'.oscn to act the part of the jealous tT1 uFn , rharfes f 5 a vu-iL" I'ooch. Miic, and was to.Wlwd i -PW" wuL jeackd Charges r3 a TU.,U i.pocn. One-third of the fools in the country think they can beat a lawyer in ex pounding the law. One half think that they can brut the. doctor hraliti-r the sick. Two-thirds of tbem llii.x tLry can put the minister in a If lo in ' preaching the gospel : and all of thcui think they can beat U-e editor in run ning a ncv spapcr. Iiardskke Ca I telle. A -c ADVERTISEMENTS. .ADVEfiTISEMENTS. JN TELE NEDZT 60 DJTS ijvVorM; of Cobds' will';l3? Closed out 11 J i.tlv.l---'. ;:'(.!' i- t. M.- . ! ( it.. 0'' V . t ... . .N! '(-! t. ? NIC ! hfrt-. I i " rs-w js r-r' .' -''i:t. 11 --t- '; . ..... . . m j mm am mm bh-bi '- ' a. J i. - a . a " "a ' . a a ...r, o Mich opportunity to ouy nrst ciaes so eueap naq ever peen puejeutw 1"". . v people- f,ihlswoniyiijrft rt,.t- : '. ,.' . . . ' . ' ' i, f Here are 5,000. worth of the very beat goods the market affords r taiejarfp:, riflced. i ; f !. Jsj , rs -v.t. nr.- t ; unfM 9h4" f'-,!ir4t.""((ra.j,- . .The nii-riiantlle business of the firm of P. R Harden &8on is to be elosetr out ami these goods will certalu'y be sold audif they cannot he sold for cost '- - they will be sold anybow.-;.(:: it, -mfi-ut '"u ''WrM-'' -'':-'.' '! . f.'r'r.f-rJiM ti)'t ,y:y. '.4.- S .voWTt-X ;:.!:tlrs .iJ. Bargain is no ixame for what you: ; will ; .; ; in the goods now oHered. :.;.. , , " " ' V ,"-'';:i' 'r'T '""" i 'S.--"i..:fu J i'f:v--a'.i .rj.t( V.i-;-' , ."'ill-. H : - ' i- t .. ft l.lti !- . ' '- - The stocV from which it will be your privilege to select, was bought closer , i -and with en re. No better gonenil Block or merclmniliae wa vr Vi4. b he h-, K; county. - There is in stock nearly every thing you can tbiuk of. " " A great quantity of ; ri: , , ( r'' Badles' Fl'ie D -os Ouodst , , " ''' , Large Stock of Clothing. ' ' Mi? ' ' Flue Shoes for n n womtn a d children ' j - J -- l A fins lot of Crockery; t, "'' ',; '. A firft class lo Of Hardware, v' ,xvt-;...iX, ..2,f.". rl..!';,:. .Net ion's, 'Hats, ewe!iy,r'fsia :;-'iff , , -i .-Jf t .. ;',. C tUousaadothcr things t-: f-'.iV i:';x'lJ'";. 1 s ' ' which it Isiuiposslble to mtitioa. .b-ilifUp-z, .'.'.!, .!Ti3 r ; tji-'i.- Don't wait until the stock is pleked oyer then expect ti get what you waov Now 1 tlio tune. , "'" ' '''' :.'. 7 : ;u ' v i i t.h' -put .'l'J- COIIE. SEEAIID BUY'' iy) . 1 u. ,.:.:.. r. r-f w , J;hJ ,.: ' ' ' . .. If you delay you will eertainly lose a great opporttfuftyis ! "": AT AND BELOW COST, 3 Reraembei', It the way these goods, will be sold, and the time Is H ml ted- to days to cose out the stock. ,i 1 - '. " ZJJ'PJitv,!'' - V.-. . . JUNIUS 'II. IIAIlDEN . November 20, 1889. rt tJ '"'Vi-ki jiylvlof pet)SwV. ' b y . WANTS la your opportu- A aiew do- A SILK DRESS This la nlty, tMsrtnrew SlUS di rect from the manuiao. turers to voss. Our remiced rirfces brlnartbebcsteoods Wltblnreacborau. we are the only manufacturers In the U. 8. sellind atrocs ta) cost snasera. You Uke no risk. Wa warrant i every plena of (foods aa repreaeuted, or money refund. 1 ed. riee our ro fcrences. Wa 1 are the oldest Bilk Jdanufso-I y turars in the J V&. Establlnh- cd In lb38, with ovcrooyears'ex- perionca. wo guaraaue the CHAFFEE I CriSSSlLKS, for richness of color, stiperlor on lab Slid wear ing qualities, to a wataaceiiea .IysyiwaUe J af IllaM-k Xllka 1st warUL We. t ffer tbess Ires Bilks ta tjroa Groins, t atina, burnha, x'aUls rraocsiae and Aids Clotlia. to Blacks only. bend us azcstamp(to pay poet are)and we wilt forward you samples of all our stylos free with prices, aid you caa see fur youraclrea, . m O.0.CMAFFC2 C0:J, Mtnifleld Centre, Cemw i Mt. br imiiiinna, la Flfal Matlonal Bunk. Vladbua HukiMl Hnk.LHm Mvlnn Hank. Wil tuuutus aaruas Instima, ( WiiUnismw, Oaaa. wnie ta aM partenf to U m. wita una ratrrawa en nt tn burr ith leoo awgMBBBJBaaBBBBSS) ansin SW isjwaj swvwaassw, ja Sf e-HMwad Is aa rfp I OaU aarrrlaacfcargas ULT k, J A 'Vr'-!'fj J IN. I j I " HI hum ' - g -t i 1 TEEC THIS IS THE pp3fff season of, the It 1 1 year in which LsJ L3aV U -to purchase a Black bilk, or, SauaDreee. It is adapted to to many uses for whka. ladies require a becoming and handsotna. dress ; for house feax, as bostess er gucst malic calls, attend church, receptions, wcd-. dings, parues, lectures, amuaemcnU and en-1 tertauimcnU of all kinds. A good Blacky Silk or Satin Press retains its beauty sod fine appearance many years, outlasting and out-wearlne; half-a-doscq ordinary dresses.' A OR. AT many arejww J0wt.TI around to see what to give as a 1 0HTHPif or MW m& wnox is' many rase it ia tbe intention to present the wife of aa officer, "pastor, or a Mf teacher yrith some tiling liaruUorne, tasly and beautiful.' To stl such We say en4 aa j cent stomp and tT 0UM lAMPUBaai Sricc, you will soon be convinced that a lack Silk or Satin Dress is Juat what yew, have DEEM LOOKir.C,r0lT. f .. Everybody we tell to is at well $at itfied as j the following, parties t ' . Warmrr, Korn cav. Wsy LWeX " Dr SrM 1 recrnrrd tbe alk ia fued tm, - It l th bnt aadckrapeMitrwaa (er UMwoacy lmmJ lb mum rood woald arU lor M OS ptr jm4 Imf LmIstiIU Ky. l b utm aubty o( ike alk, Um M per ent discoaM, the alb trad aad MO ya 4 , spool alk. is eenwulr a wuad.i l karat Is " tiw pebbe. i take pitliil p skeaiaa mt rneads Ike pics at-a aavmif mmwi to partnaac fM t. 'W KcspccUiulr, i M. It. CI (VlOkt. .OnVirniaLWt.RaceeMB. 1 ' iiitn. K.C-17ac.l7.1tCB.l . HtHtl. O. Cumi Soa i DtrStrtTY park( af lk fersiy wHeraakf . safely and sxemd ly to ka ad to-da v. She a rli,aad with it aad pleaard that were so pmaapt a4, (namn wiib her. f hirk'y spprreiata the sllaMSt mrarir. and cw lna cacck for lha (ta.es. W i very best wiabaa, C. T. BaiUT, ,J REMEMBER, (oarfrrsM trit lihwrmf.' tkat) a Black Silk or Satin. Dress when ; hotisht direct from our Csctory it the MOST' COKOHICAL dress made. We guarantee perfect aalisfaction or refund the money. 0. S. CHkfFZCl SOM. yassfeWCaaf B.''aa j JDMINISTBATOR'tJ NOTICK A 4 persons bavins; dtl'ns aralnst eatate vr . t Ml. I - IA U. ... J a. -i. - i - . IS . aha auHlaialimeil. dulv anlhrnticmlad. na UT la tbUenaniy, IH ml rs lro.u Bwejisonrllle , 'nre Urn fl st dsy of l!ocewier. 1800. c ad S ntlea Irota Ms . i well wstrred- hi, B mCT bs pleaded in b a at Uieir re- Plantation for. Bale! OThe rlanUltnii on walch Dr. Alex dwViIoB lived up ( Lis dea'h.. has Kd dwelling, mcl irl Slid otlxr In - covery. nf. Is ioa-en:ea to .diarrhea, i arbotiia and stll. w. II aih ptcd ta sraia and . f raoes. In arlrtibort o d ad l.ealtby locathm Kiakinc H qjitte S Oe li ao ia ra. in a-r r tioa tliis ia a s all t rsct 'of anmpta- Ulllk anaklnv alum! I.Vl ar a. l o SV Sj Not. U. ISHSMk J?A. DICKEr.Adm'r if Mary A. JMetdaan. DiiiNi.'rrBArott's notice. sioa flrea to scort aotice. Ft r toraw, etc, STP't to CASK ERA KEBVuDtE. Aeonu. "tEt browits iRQn bitteb Cunt ImllaaaUail. hlhoanvras, rrr-rl Mala ria. NerrnosiKsa. uikI lirwnil lability. rtl ri'da imilninmil it. All ilealen aell 1L tK-nulrto has ireaa wa. k and eroawd red iuks oil a raj-ir. 1 hurt qnliflt-d as executor of f R. Ilai- ' d-n, d.-eoM I. All rK;r-i tl di! f eataw ofnscitncd are ren-s ed to scule at uaca i and a I pcMona IfOuint rlftim will pw-nt j thi R, dulv prm-en, mt i- belM the trai dtr . 1 n( lie.-. iu9, itr tl i n,ye will ba p ead.il ' It bar uf U ir rmTerT. Ji-Mrt n. irit, ; Kov. 21, tO-rn Adutrt. R. li.ru, tt

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