! I" '! f 4 r 1 ! 1 VOJL. W M iT ! profession alars I JAS.E.BOYiO, ATTORNEY AT LAW. -......... ... ... '( i ., (jreenslar6t Jy". C. Will be at Graham on Monday of each week t atlead to prolesslonat business, laep iO j. x. isjcmiissl ATTORNEY AT LAW ' iiainAn.ll.il. ' Practices in the Btate and Federal Court will faithfully and promptly attend to all ha leesutrusted to bim DR. O. W. WIIITSETT, Burgeon i)entl8t,U.),f 1)1 GREENSBORO, - 7 - - N. C. Will also visit Alamance. Calls in the country attended. Address me at Greensboro. dec 8 tf JACOB A.. LONG, ATTORNEY AT LAW, GRAHAM. ... N. C, May 17. '88. . ADVERTISEMENTS. . SUFFOLK , Collegiat'a Institute.' y , CHARTERED 1872.'-' 1 rr&aratory, Practical or Finishing in . , r ji j Y C(a(?8, JiiatnCTnotica, OCTcncee , . and,lke fine ArM. , " ' ' Terms reasonable, jjoth text admitted In . riUMnnt rfannrttiieiltft. TUe nert session opens Monday, Sent 17th, 1888. Write to the principal for catalogue at Suffolk. V. , . ; . ; Jul?. 19. tf. POfiBOTa SEXES. . . . Session opens Sept. 8. Terms per month $2, 3, $4,4.50, payable quarter ly. Board per month $3.60,, including furnished room and wood cut; $6 per inontb for those boarding fife day per week, Payable monthly. . Boarding department will ,be in charge of Mrs. j. U, Newman. SUPERIOR ADVANTAGES IS VO CAL ANIJ INSTRUMENTAL ;(r For catalogue and fullur.information, addrtBSir-""" ""'" "" Rev. J. U. Newman, jv4f.f . Graham, N. C. a L 1 r -3 i rnnvc -'- Will be far superior to any year of Its his tory, a larger amonut of money having been appropriated for the embellishment of the magazine than ever before: Coder has been published for 60 years without misting an Is sue, and YOU CANNOT GET A BETTER two dllan' worth of -magazine than by th crllilmrto"Uodey," ' 9B dbst rakta.! n o. azins in America, -"-.? i 1 The leading: attraction for 1890 ate Beautiful Colored Fashion Plates t Engraved Fanhlon rlatea in black and white, repre senting the prevailing styles, , nroaueca - ex. pretsly for Oodey. v.-: V VlMlr t iwsuj rrratiapioeoa. Art iaa. Mew mm FFl"r Unit, ' wDOGS .f. 3"" i UnAriAM NO "fTtTTtT'T Tf!r'?')f')l .' -: ' -f i ...-.',1 -,, ' ' -t - t.. x,a.- j ,t. U. ? ' '. ,' ','' "'' ; : . 'I'-.'li'tL: - ; ; . ; ;n ( . " - , "I" ?NIC.i THtTRSDA:::DEeEMBERv 12; 1889. NO.. 45. i TO MApNt3S. -H . k i Mora 'SoJi the Arat Some1 Brarli Malady XbanjQth(at. Harrison "Weir, the English artist and illustrator, renowned as a student of. natural history, writes to The Lon don Standard on the1 subject of hydro phobia as follows: A short time ainoe darrre- that if dogs were fed on vegetables there would be no madness. I was too busy at the time' to reply to this assertion, but now do so. I had a collie dog that to my knowledge .was never fed on other food than biscuits in the win ter and oatmeal .and vegetables in the summer; yet for all this the dog'went mad nor was. it bitten, -as no wound could be discovered on-il l -Again, how will the vegetarian reconcile his the ory with the fact of the deer in Rioh znoncLpark going mad! Surely these never lastea meat. A rain. I cannot think for one mo ment that those who keep entirely useless dogs ougut. to -object to ine other portion of the community en deavoring as touch as possible to pro tect themselves from a direful, painful, horrible death. What a man keeps for his pleasure ought not to be to the detriment of others, J know of noth ing so wearying to the suffering, tired and sleepless1 as the continued barking of the dog ; but add to this the also con tinual fear of madness, and is it too much to ask that such dogs should be prevented from doing bodily barm either to the' human or brute dreation? But this ia not the reason of my writing, though it- lead - to it J ZFwt many years f. have thought it would be well ifthe breed of every dog show ing particular and sudden ferocity or madness could be reported, and thus it might be observed whether any one breed waa more Drone, to the. outburst than tn6thejv ' Fpf $ y&ryl, tone I nave enueavorea as mucn as 1 couiu to find out whether there existed any dif ference in this respect, and, as far as I can ascertain, in all truthfulness I am. bound lo ay that believe therp.are more tetrlevers on the list oKao any other breed-reight. , or,, pine , to, one. , Very few fox terriers; two or three pointers, two spaniels, nq greyhounds nor dachshunas, no poodles, but the number of retrieversJiave been 'extra ordinary and continuous. . , Unly a snort tune since in conversa- m.: : ii i v l j. - i..: uuu wiui uirioiiu w uv &cpv h irintiv cr, lTsafd'"I.wonM iiof keep one if I were . al" . . fmr imm II lcferal4 1 m i lavatsc.' - The "Beautiful Home" Club by Emma J. Gut, for young Lonsekeepers or tbowwho contemplate becoming so. "A Tear in the House." by Ausubta SAMsBiiar " Pbbscott fJeunv Wren), which ill treat of the vari us duties for each month. . A Children's Cureer. for the little ones. A tieh arrav of literature bl favorite au tliora. among whom ate Emily Lennox, Olivia lyoveii viison, oaa jaane reel, a.isie snow. "O," autbarof "Cieminl." Bella C. Greens, with her b amorous sketches, aaa otners. - PREMIUMS to club raisen are among Its special featunts, and Oodey 's offers the most choice and valuable of any magazine pub- uenea. sena iac. lor saiupiu numuer ws taining full elub rates and premiums. BVEfc? jAvi HEB OWK DRE38MAKV.E who subacribea lo Uodey'a Lady bocu - '- foupoa which you will find in each Bomber entitles yoa to your own aeleeiioo of any rut paper pattern illustrated in Gedev'a Ividy's Jtook. lour ine. Barnple copy wui contain vae of .these eoapoos. . . - Im4IIsmuIw (slv wklefe wttl ax aillw4 ar aeriaXSM Wats received. The pattera shows yoc how to eat out the garment yew want. That is all wt eaa say ia tills space. For the rest see your sample number, torwnien sen a 13c. atone. toriey' is only -J .CM a year Address -GOUEI LAtT8 bOOK. Philadelphia, Pa. In (1ub with ibis paper," GODEY Dd'the ULKANEft Jfrice $2.80, which bcnld be tent to the office of tbe Cleans at Graham. "Land Sale I By virtue of a mortrae deed exeevteo' by I-' Lvn and Sarah J . Mtttm. klr wUe ta laviwof C'ba. P. Hsrdni. and duly rrg Merpd ia ia rfKre of ut sWistev of Dani. for AlamaHce cuunly, in Bouk "o, 8, we wilt aril, at Uieeoart bouse duor in Uraham, oa iATURDAY, DECEMBER 2I8T, 1889, to tbr hisrh- Lirdrr for ea.1 the follow lag s)-wribi pie mr puce of . isod. Iring ia .Albright no)ip, on the waU'rs rf'Mtry erwk. ailjolotnt lUn la mis of John FoaM, -ni Hcprrarvd others, aad cuouining sta aTi. ,re or U-m. a U o c' H . hrn ' Ull aKr.f! A VcttAX. ; -t: ia i. t.r H.vure. paid $200 a year." .."Why." said he, yoU ' would find lie fs the most de lightful dog," etc. I saw my friend the other day, when he told me the dog had suddenly bitten several chil dren and had to be destroyed, and he then mentioned other cases." When' I last wrote on this question I called attention to the retriever, and I re ceived a number of letters, all statins cases -within the-writer-' knowledge J the peculiar unreliability of the breed. I may add. although I am very fond of Jogs, nothipg woujdinducp me to ujrvw oj hcojj a, DiacK'retiievej-i i , "What I wish to "ask throUtJh your columns is this, that in some way or other a report should be furnished either by the police or others, making known in cases of : fetidness or at tnf ?uests the breed dr breeds of such dogf or She? Purposes of science" ahdi &r noting whether Jt,is reauy unciesiraoie that s.uch And such breeds should ; be Kepi at au. -1 am ioia mat me rome ranian is an unreliable do?, and in some countries is not allowed, but of this I am not acquainted. But I think it ia time that some method should be adopted to learn the statistics of mad ness in the breeds of doers, so that spme measures should be taken to pre vent the fearful consequences of uy- drophobia beyond that of simply muz- J sling; ; . t f - " ' Cat and Eagle. '.' A true story, tha scene of which is laid n Georgia, i& told by Tho Union Point Bee, 'and seAres to commetnor ale the deed of a cat presumably equal to any situation. One day the cat was trotting out toward , the: barn, carrying in her taelh. i 'piece pf meatfo' her young: A bald eagle, -Which had been in the habit of hovering over the place, sud denly .descended,. -upon pussy, and whirled her upward ia a rapid verti cal ' flight. The 'path' of ascent, to a spectator watching the scene, was clearly indicated by trifles of loose feathers violently tossed from the pnint of combat. , . .. In time the struggling pair, attained a giddy eminence, and came to a standstill - in .the sky,.-The eagle's wings naa aroppea now ana then, and he had given plain evidence of pain and terror, yet not once had his awful grip appeared to relax. At length a descent waa begun,, with a rapidity which every moment in creased, . and tho two animals struck the ground at the Very point where they nad first encountered each other; but the eagle was dead, and pussy, as soon as she felt terra flrma beneath Tier feet, shot away for the barn, still car rying her original bit of meat. ' Investigation proved that the 'cat had cut the eagle ' throat, and so lae-. era ted his breast that hia body was lit erally laid open. . After his death in mid air, however, she bad been too clever to relax her hold, and thus fall to the ground, but had let her enemy serve as parachute to ease the de scent ' At last accounts pussy was none the worse for her aerial flight unH battle. 1 '' l.1 : '" 1 i A VVITCHirfQ TIMB.'U f A Uttle Hallowe'en fcore foe tbe ftaaaflt of the Ytosaansle. , Nov. 1 is ther festival of All -Saints or All-Hallowa; said to have been in stituted by pope Boniface IV in 607. The feast was. celebrated in (hePtn theoh at Rome and was firmly'estab lished by Pope Gregory about 830. Hallow'-Eveh. or Hallowe'en, is the night-of Oct SL The idea of makin the festivities of the day partake of superstition and romance originated with tbe Scotch, and Xoung America, with his- love- for fairy stories,. witch craft, charms aud mysteries gener ally, evidentjy intends to perpetuate the day. ' Hallowe'en is like Christmas, inas much as it is very informal and uni versally observed. All the little Peter kins, whoso mother does not entertain for them, and who probably never re ceive any invitations except to go over to tbe Johnsons' yard to play, or to come out Bpd "do" the OTar can afford to set up a wash tub in ' the coal shed. or back kitchen and invite all their friends in the block to loin them in bobbing for apples. And then the yountr people I ' ' - A certain choirmaster in the city can tell of a rehearsal when Haliowe en came on Saturday, when out of a choir numbering oity-three but two were present himself and theonran player. As to the games to be played at Hallowe'en party, they are as numer ous as tney are ancient, ine cnarmea number seven rules the evening, and in counting apple seeds or the kernels on chosen ears of corn the girl finding the; highest multiple or seven is de clared the leader for tbe evening. In apple seeds, two are said to signify an early wedding; three, a legacy; four,' indicate great wealth; nve, a voyage across the sea; six, fame as a public speaker; seven, the gift most desired bv tho finder. -. j- .. ' ChesnuLs are named and placed on the fire. - If the nuts roost quietly it Of Claims Audited and Allowed by the Board of Commission ers for; Alamance Couoty i from Dec. 3, 88 to ' ... i ' won nicnicMliXBi: 1888: T.n. ThumnMii tmnnlinfl for Bam'l Jordan, . . .f . , ,.. , 8 00 jiirwin uoore, oomn xor.vos . 5 Haider,; s, --, . E Long, registrar of election - in '88. . , j - 8 Q McLean, d'b to b'rd cotn'rs from Di e 6. '87. to Decl, '83 , 225 10 JnO WBnson, supplies for Cla-... rloda Trotmnn, - . Falls Neuse M'fg Co, supplies , for Katie Webb, . . Waller & dvett supplies, for -Sarah J Melville, , . .. ...... Waller & Kivett, supplies fof Sarah J Melville, . J D McPherson, supplies . for ( . , Caroline Bailiff, JD McPherson, supplies, for Rosa Johnson, - , W H Aldrldge & Son, supplies , ' for Amanda Roberta, . - . W H Aldridge & Sod, supplies , for Ned Turner ,. . . WH Aldridge A Son supplies for Ned Turner. Tbos M Holt, supplies for Wid - ow Wood, Tho M Holt, supplies for Jos - LinntBS, . ';:. Isaac Holt, supplies for Sam'l Pugli, '- ? Bis Falls Cotton Mills, supplies for Benj Rippy, S A Sbarpe, supplies for Patsy Ratliffe, v . o . f J W Harden & Son, supplies F. 800 5 07 , '00 ;"450 'A 60 '4 50 ' 7 50 ,6 00 2 00 ; iso :soo 150 1150 ..' " $00 I 6 00 -800 1050 sf- AM Vi.mkUff J R White,; supplies Jot Wm tbe nre. if tue nuta roast quietly H .""t - , w A forteUs long and true friendship. If J R White, supplies for t Wm , f . they fly about snappishly a .quarrel is -''V?- i'J.,,' '5? prophesied, ir one or more burns loss i"""i. ;fr" ?".. of money ia to be . expected. Tbose , ; Secy t c, n: i and that keep moving are nhslable. J C Oarref, supplies for, Bailie . 12 00 160 "I see some men in the world hold ing themselves mighty high. On what! I can't tell 1 They are only men. God made us alL And we're all mighty small creatures when it comes lows to inotviduals. Individu ally wedont count much in the world. No man amounts to a great deal by himself. He is dependent on . the others. Therefore ho has no occasion to feel better than any one else. Ex change . - , , --s . . A BnigaW girl, be has jus com pleted ber ninth year, proposes to appear at the nxt matriculation examination of the CakntU university. Khe is the daughter of a gentleman serving in a dktUnguiabcd capacity hi a astir state. such as fly off the shovel will remain sinrle another year, m , ; .-, .- Pare an apple carefully so as not to break the strip of peel, then throw the paring over your right shoulder., As it falls upon the floor behind yoa it will form the initial of the one yoa are to marry. Another way is to mix water'.with? meal until a thick, dough is formed. Then write the, names of three or four persons whom you like of the opposite sex on slips of paper. and folding the papers, place them in side of a ball of the meal dbugh about the size of a pigeon's egg. ' Then drop these dough balls all together to a bowl Of water and await results. In a short time one of these balls will burst open,- and the paper containing tha name of your future husband or wife will -float to the top of the water. It is well to leave ono of the papers Dianu, ana ii you nave not met your future spouse this paper will come out. All dreams upon that night are said to bo forecasting of what will really happen. - So to young people the eve is one 1 interest, and anv vouth or maiden anxious to peer iuto the misty ; future should not hesitate to try the i various .charms. , , .. " u a maiuen siancis neiore a mirror in a dark room at midnight and eats an apple, it is said that she will see the face of the one she loves looking over ner snouiuor. . Tho walking down stairs backward. at miunirut with a lighted candle in tho hand aud the midnight visiting of a cemetery is not likely to become very popular with our yountr people. Tbeaccomnlishinor of tho latter brino-a hhe sure ' fulfillment of-your heart's It is hard to say how long these cus toms have been in voguo, but they are repeated year after year, and it is stranco sometimes to reflect that th same sports with apples were practiced by tho young people over whom the Qcsara ruled" bavins- nrobablv oriH- 'nated in' tho festivals in iionor of the goddess Pomona. Buffalo Express. Ift In s IloteL .' "It js surprising how many articles arc rorgoiien ana leu lu tho hotel. said mine hoet "Every year or two we sen a tot. Amongrue lastuisposea of ii this way were 300 nicht shirts. 60 pah's of boots and shoes, over 100 la dies wraps, any amount or children clothing, and articles of wearing ap parel of almost any, kind.--Besides theso we lisve. canes, umbrellas, bird cages, bustles, coats, false hair, and in one case a set of false teeth, jewel ry, and so many other tilings that they 'cannot be enumerated. Unleasof great value they are seldom called for." Montreal Star.. 7 50 18 65 ,2 65 1 15 12 81 604 27 50 ,6 26 . 2664. ,70 00 "89 58 1 160 ' 8125 i-1000 ' 8300 ; : - r .r I, 10 00 62 60 8 64 Had Fared Qaiaeea Befer. "John, dear." said his fond wife. "I wish you would stop at the store on your way in town, ana send me np pecit oi quinces lor preserves. . -"All right" said John. Just as ha was goin" out of the door she called: "And, John, dear, I wish you would stop at the drug store, too, and send me up a package of court piaster, i i-iiinon. - . W F Jones. 'cbftfd for pauper ' r at nil. " " . 8 00 J A Martin mdso for b h 14 02 P It Harden & ?on, mtlHO for p n, . t iMt C C Townseud, 3 bags kubuq j at 2 65 sad 8 bags acid pbos- ; pate at 1 90. -., t '. , : R L Walker, use of mower and : wheat fan at p h, ; . V V A B Tate, mdse for p h, j .-t. - Lawrence S Holt, 221J yds plaids for ph. tr-U - JWtWff Lasley, mdse for s J 8 Henley, 10 bags guano for , n n. ii" tt.-".i".t .'St. ,'. , n E It Harden, medicine for p b, i Stafford, Scott & Co,- castings for Bellemont bridge, ! , Q A A Btu-giimiii, bolts Ac, for JJeilt-tnotit biuiiie. , - ., , j f Page A Whllnker, lumber or , Bellemont bridge. - A B Tate, 2 pairs blkts for jail, . DrOW lrng, co siipt health . from Sept 1. '88, to Dec 3, '88 J i Kernodle, adv't or anuuai siutement 4 w'ks,s Southern Coal Co. 20 torn coal, J A Hamilton, pd for hauling 20 tons coal from depot lo e n, R A D R K, fr't on 20 tons coal, J A Hamilton, 1 day A mileage, ' comparing senatorial vote, is. -suelnc ceriifs of election Ac, A Tate, a s C, recording election ' returns &c. ' i 0 Sellars, ; registrar of ' Haw Kiver precinct. ' ' ! f i 1 J N H Cletideiiinj registrar of Graham precinct, . ' ' 0 O Towusend, registrar of Burlintrtoii pr clnct. - - D M Moore, registrar of Long Branch preciuct, ' " : D' 8 Thorn pon, registrar of D 8 Thomroit's precinct. JR Garret, registrar of 1 Fred Graves' precinct, - ' " Jobnnion' Pari, registrar of John ThointMoli'rt Drecincl. II F Tickle, registrar of Mill Point precinct. ' -" ' H M C'ales, registrar of Haw Ureek preciuct, -.- - G A Cleodenln,. registrar of. . Cumroine's preciuct, , y DPLeoiiurtl, sh'ff, conveying W J Simpson Iroto iavi(iin " county to Graham, 10 20 -asked, allowed, 1 ; OrHUgeeounty, hill costs vs . Klizs Wanl, Mary warn, Susan Hail b and clnM. pau- -pers of A la manor, 11 65 iuk ct. allowed Coleman B'irch, conveying per-" sous nained is foregoing par. airranb fiom Ontnso to, Ala ' mance Ouuuty p b.. . 6 00 J M WHiianiaou supplies lor Marv SimiMOO. 1 286 J N Winiatiuon. supplies for Mary SimPMOD, , . , ' 4 60 SO Hornaday. supplies for Ruin Holt. . . , , 5 00 R G- Hornaday, supplies for , , . ' RuthHuU.', , A 66 E M Holt's Bonn, supplies for Mr P Ungford. . ' 4 60 Geo Tbompawii, conveying So Jobosou lo P n 6 16 1 86 1321 13 62 818 i i .- .'-7 -. $ 62 -120 6 81 160 186 846 590 . v m ppj ewUUervll SW IF IS . 'hf .1 .f ?U1D myi RN Thompson, W fbs pork self, and ther unts bit of court pi- a He - - - ter in the housa"-6ornrvUle Jour- jt m(-f regutrar for elee. OSAi . Ini. n'Ha ' It is estimated that there are 8.000.. COO of people who walk about Loo don's streets daily, and in so doing wear sway a ton oi learner particles from their boots and shoes. This would, in S year, form leather strip one inch wide end long enough to ex- tenu irom axmaon to new lorn, in is amount of disintegrated sole leather. at ten cents per pound (what it crots comramm) would amount to $500,000. New York Telegram.. Paterfamnias wbo attempts to look after business in town and at th some time enjoy th sweets of country life. saya the materfamilias. "keeps s tnao in the city, to whom, within twenty four hours after be gets here, a tle gramgors, 'Bored, bendf-wme.?" ,2 00 2145 loo of 88. V '292 J L Scow. V M Moore and JN - V ' II Cleodenln, J Fa, WU costs State ys Geo BuiliffL , 4 20 Tho CFouat.8 days as coooty , . ; , com'r. 1 day at . Asamaoce , hrMg aad 6 tnilel6c, . 8 30 8 H U rbb, $ days a, co com'r, aad So miles 6 c,. , e J oo Peter M -Chi days ss co . .. . . 0007,1 day- at Alamance v bridge sod 40 miles St 6c, .10 00 WJPtockard, supplies for Moaf IX " es Albright,- - -W J StH-ksnl,1 supplies for . - ' Hoaex Aibrighl, - ' v,4 50 JasN WilMiimitoo, supplies for Mary b,mioo, ' ' ''46 Jas P Kerr, aupplies for Wes- 5 ley'Jubnaoa. , . " . ' 3fi II L Wood, cocf eying lioecy f Herring lo p h, 1 , , . 2 00 Itolit J Thompson, colli u for 1 Rufe Slioflner,- . 2 00 W F Jones, coffin for Mrs A Lewis, 8 00 f G-Tboiouson. o33 lbs pork for P' b, , ., i ' . , 87 60 H M Spoon, 174 ioS pork fur p h, 13 ' 05 0 80 A B Tate, mdse for p h. P R Harden A Son, fllo 25 c. . 224 tbs ineal or p h, , ' . ' . J (A Lougest, making table, for, ',' 'os tf office', ' " ' ' ,4 01 "175 75 100 J G Longest, repairing jail, , T J Willis, work on Jail.. W E & J H Holt, bal on Glen- coe bridge, . 28308 Lindsay Wheeler, hauling floor- v ': log for Big Falls bridge. : , ' 400 Jus A Moser, timber aud .haul- . i log for Belieinnut bridge, 10 00 L L Patterson & Bro, malerl- .. al for Ucllemont brtlge, '. " 2 t6 J W Cute, COj .'ti lumber and 51bs nulls, ,t.i ,' ." "'' 6 65 Henry Cobb, damages on. nc- !' count of public road, J S Gibsoii, foot log and bauf- ' ing same,' . f W B Sellars. 4 registering ' 9o ' names for election of '88, A Iseley, foe registering. lo5 ' names for election of '88, Holt, Gant and Holt, , supplies for J-M Hughes, J W Harden & Sou, supplies ' ior Atrs a, Aiewis, J W Harden A Son, supplies , - for Ueecy Herrirg, :. WF Jones, coffin lor Letltia Ed R Harden, medicine lor ,' . Mrs A Lewis, Ed R . Harden, -medioiue for ' Mis A Jjewis, 6 95. for p h ' ' 1 5o for jail loo, J L Scott, trustee, mdse for p h, R N Thompson, use of r J W ' . Louk's wheal drill, ' J W Harden A Son, mdse for p h, 26 95 Udell Hardware .;o, iiuor locx for register's office, ' i " 2 6o LB A L S Holt,., stoves and 10 00 . 200 2 to 816 15oo 1182 1 6o 8 oo . 125 7 55 1 68 4 6o 13 oo i pipintr for Jail, ko Stafford, repairing" Belle-" " mout bridge,., ; ! ' 182 18 J v Kernodie, publishing ;annu- . arexiubtk' 48 6i, sutionerv . for rcgistei Volllue, 2oo. -' ' 4764 j ju ocott, j , nays services making returns and ulistrncts '" of election of .'8a. 825 iisked. allowexl ' ' ' ' ' 'ftna J A Hamilton, a'ff,( serving 5 , , ' " sulipoenus, -'" ! g, J W Harden A San, , supplies ; forplr, ' - - I 1315 Thos 0 Foust. 3 days ns co coraV" ' ' and 3 wiles troveled " ' ' ;6 If) Sam'l H Weob, 8, days, as Co . . convr sua oo mues traveled 7 no -; Continued on Second Page. ' laSastrlal and IDeaairWetiea ff eieat" . From Baltimore M.inuraeturon' Record J Auiioqh J. F. A D. M. McKay, of Ued springs, mentioned in last issow ss to move their say mill to Ant loch, will erect s new saw mill ona may7 aaa planing mill later, , . Asheboro '1 he erection of a cotton mill Is projected. , i,Asheville J.'0all,'Jr,..wlll open the quarries on tbe Vnndorbilt property to turiusn Ktone ior me ouinunna previ ously reported to be erected by George Vai-de..bilt. . 1 . ' Grteniboro -T.' B," Keogh, J. E, Boyd and C. B. Montgomery have In oorporated ttie GreensSoro North Stale to publish tne JNortn state, rue caji to I slock la $5,000. . ? , dHigli Point Hammer ATeaguebave erected a saw mill at I heir flour mill. : King's Mountain The Philadelphia capitalists previously reported as pur chasing and lo develop tbe mining righ t to 2,500 acres of Iron ore land at tbe southern cit.l of King's mountain in both the Carolina, have organized a $500,000 slock company with William Wbarlon, Jr., of Philadelphia, presi dent, , It hus secured 'additional lands. Reported that the company will also build a furnace at King' Mountain, .Murphy The Kimsey Co. is devel ouing marble auarrie. .. uxfjrd J. M, Currlo, 1. M. Williams, a. W. Krouheimer ana other are or ganizing a stock company to erect a cotton factory oo the co operative plan It is reported that Dr. D. F. Dixon, superintendent, will Mart a Pauls fac tory at the Ox lord Orphan Ayium. ltcidsville A. H. Motley A Co. are erecting a box factory in the rest of tbeir tobacco factory. - - ' f S.tlem F. and Fries .. have . put roller machinery in their grist mill arid S luO borse-powcr engine. - SwansboroSuh Piliulo A Stevens Bros, contemplate treeing a raw and plaining m'll w ith grist mill and cotton gio attached, Tarboro The town ha sold bonds to erect tbe electric-light plant men tioned in last iue, and will let con tract tor machinery December 4. Webster It is leported that a large kaclia factory will be trectrd. 1 wiostoK uceroTiaeos Co., previ ously reported atoiiUrg their furol tor factory, have built a new factory 60x169 leet. labevtsul Ble4 retaea. flow saany iotle Uiere are whose distress oa sorea, acbea. pales and druutlve leadea- ckaare dua to loberiied blood possoa. Had blood Ms from parent to cbiid, aad at Uterefors U the duti of kuabaod aod wife H keep tbeir blood pure. This la ewUy ee euiupll.bd by a ttinely ess of B. B. B. (Bo l.nlc Blood Blm). eend to Blood Balsa ., iianta, lor book of nxt eoevi cleg proof. Jaows Hill. AUaota, Ga.. writja: "My two va were adlict-d with Mood pofcioa, whlcS dortoraaaid was orel:ury. Tbey bmS broke outfa sores aad eruptions wbicb B. B. B. promptly Koauvimi aod Sually cared eosa pfaNeiy." M'r O. JS. " 1. 1 i B'TIK, DJW, I SIM, WIUCT 1 My Mtrae poor Intel td cbiidroa, bs 1 1 Mil ViarA o-Amm. have impnned rapidly alu-r tM ol B. B. B. It U a Ood eead." J. K. Wliwiu. (ilea Alpine Suuioa. M. 0.. Fcti. A. KV writ4 i -Bom aad blooJ Pot- toe forced nie lu bare my kg amrMiUted aad oa lb stamp thtrs easae a laga eteer. m keS grw worse every day onill toeturs av aaa aptodia. I owiy wei ii p m xla wbea 1 Iwaa lo take B. . t) . aad ii tla lo eiaased iy Wright lo ltwpujas and made roe sound aud well. I b;Tof knew- what gotd lean"! was b-jlom." a 1 ADVERTOEMENT8. ADVERTISEMENTS. - t nil is ; i ' ' (J ;i(.-l H.i -; .t-i f; . , ". TO THE PUBLIC ' ' ' We can show you a general stock of poods un-1 surpassed, In selection, quality and quantity, In5 this section. Ve receive new goods not tniy tied in awhile BUT DAILY; OUR TRADE DSI".! U DO THEM AND WC ARE COMPELLED TO PUH CHASE. NEW SO0D3 ARE CONTINTJALLY PASSING THROUGH OUR STORE1 TO THE CONSUMER AND IN ORDER FOR US TO DO THIS, AS A MAT TER OF FACT, OUR PRICES MUST BE SATISFACTORY TO ALL.WHO PURCHASE FROM US. ' r ' Inquiries are made far and near, for our prices4 and we never fall. to take the "CAKE" when wtf get a party to ask us for prices. i ; Prices flashed - ont dpplication. We iuf cS- good maiiy f;'sZj : iM' ; ; ; i GOOD BY THE CAR LOAD. - u ana . can always give you insiae ngures.' . Our buyer has hod a number of years' experience wittr the retail Irade ana he knows the wants of the people ss thoroughly as' It can" be known by any bnyer tn this country. ( ' L ' . ..I , ' V , . V Our salesmen are live, energetic and pleasant, and will always , strive .to tilontia AII . , We have what is wanted by tie people and we expect U sell Our place Is4 ts "of Mankind.. HVe never make a great flourish, nor out on any style, but rly!on lottr bnal- ners methods to pull ns through. ,,r .. ... ,. . We will be very glad lo see you in. our house and will try ana jnsks yoa piessesl spa you .can rest aaeureu oi b ueari weivuiuo. ' TP TOT ifh '(B; 'filM ' TOT Th TT . TP JjL AIJU. Sjr K7 XTJU. MM JkLal Ja. ay ' ' , ; , IIAW RIVER, n. c- .. , . to., i 1 l's 7ANTS r A SILK DEES3 This Is your opportu nity. A ne-r d nnrtnre, biLKS di rect from luo manufac turer to yon. vur remicca prices Jringtfae best goods whbinreaehofall. We are the only manufacturers In the V. 8. aclllngi airecc to coa wnnaerw. Yoa ! ... nv warn w v warrant every piece of good a represented, or money refund- tea, be our ro-l ferences. Wt j are tbe oldest f Bilk Manuffic- hirer In tbe VA. Establl.b-I f d In 1838. with I over 60 years' ex. I pericnce. wo guarantee the I CHAFFCC . Cr.SSSlLKS, I tot rich nee of 1 color, uperior finish antt wear ing vjusiiutrti, co oe aaexeci Ti.is is TH& fpj psaftrx. i season of the I 'im Nsv ll r year In wbicb UsV LXnsJ U . to purchase a Black bilk or Satin Dresa.' It ia adapted to so many use for which.', ladies require a becoming and handsome'' dress ; for house wear( a hetes or gucsV make calls, attend church, reception, wed dings, parties, lectures, amusements and en tertainment of all kinds.: A good Black; Silk or Satin Dress retains its beauty and' fine appearance many years, outlasting aad out-wearing half-a-dozen ordinary dresses. . , A GREAT Shany ' arc now . looking' around to. see, what Ut give1 is .. . , .byaastyraaUs l ar siiavcic 'Milks lm the i m i i in -i .MWSlld. W offer tb je Dresa Bilk la tiro Grain. tat Ins. burnt a. faille Francalse and AJda cioids, in uiacn only. bend n a Scetamp ( to pay post aire ) and w will forward you aamole of all cur style free with prices, aad yotf eaa for yourselves. o.o.ciiAFFcs& con. Mansfield Centra, Conn Wf K MmMM. b. 9.A (.tlul m k Winonun HuiooaJ ltanli.piDMHTinr'IMnk, WU llaisatw aMlaea UauHata. iA WillMuaaucOaaa. 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 I ,rn, "ia ia THEGC0DS.7FriPA!O wmmm BIRTHDAY or HEW 11AH FRESEMT. fa many case it b the intention to present -the wife of an officer, pastor, or' a' lady teacher with something bgndsome, tasty, and beautiful. To all surh we ui send us' S cent tamp and CET OUR SAMPLES and' S rices, Voo will toon be convinced that av lack Silk or Satin Drestis jttst what reu' hare BEEN LOOKING FOR. . Everybody wt tell to it at urett saK ilflei as the following parties t'X Wearroe-r, KsnTvcmr. Msfl, IM. Drr Sin I rwyivcd the silk ia od otdcr. It it ' th bal and clifpeM food for tW mnmry liwar.. Tlx amiac goods woald atll lor II OS mtr jwd io, a.y. l r LumiviUt I h extra qualit el tb ails, lbs pool alk. i. caftttoff a wondrrf-d bmi'it n to oflrr t ' th. pabhc I uikcplcMUf tanSovin my fhraot the' auapka and adrMtnc tacat to nrnbnt of yon. lUanactislTr, altta at. H. GlVTON. OfTWofriiii.tril.HicoaOT.. I Ralsior. K.COcc. n, 1M.( Mreaas. O. S. Cwarraa ft Sow t Str TH rnrtagrnfMlk foraiy wHsotm? safely and anvodly to hand to-dav. She isdeligblcd w.k to - l I iIhI mm Lmm .l mmA t no f ona with bar. 1 h-ifrnly aaorrciatc tbe re-m-plimant aiTWIf, and earlne. caeca, lot Ihe ftt.ut. Wl a ary best wishes, C. T. BAliar. ' REMEMBER, tsmr trrmi ja librrni tat) a Black Silk or Satin Dress w hen, bmigfit direct from our factorv irtKe HOST EC0H0MICU drea made. We guatsntrr' perfect satisfaction or refund the money." 0. S. CHAFFEE 4 Sum. MaMStld Ct-1 Plantation for Sale ! OThe pUntatioo on wnioh Dr. Alex sWW'iUon lived op to bis death. It is la Ibtaeoooiy, an I lea from Swepsntllle and S mile (rum Meb-e. Is well watered baa good dwelling, orchard and other ira- p rovenM.au, la conremlewi to ebarebea, sebooU and aiills, well adopted to irmin and a-raarea. hi aelabborbood and teallbr locaUoa ciaking ll qulu desirable farm. In e4dt aoe to this is a small t raet of ao'mpro rBadeotb twalilng stxrt liu trim. 1 o-ee- aioa gtaea to s abort aotic. 7ur terns, -etc yp!) to f ABKER dt KCBVuD'uZ. Agents. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. XZT1 BROW IROM BITTERS IMnt IndUrartion. Brilotatnens, f"nTwia, Mala, rta. Kerewuaneia, and eoerml tn,iiy. FhrW rtens reeornmrnrl it. AUdrairra arU U. Gawtuiie baa trade stark aad crusted red tlaea oa wrrr Al persons havfc ctalros against eatal of Utti A. MrAdanw, will pmetit them to tba anderalimed, dely anihrnticaled. on or before trie a rat day of Uecember, leuo, or bia aoOee will be pleaded la bar of tbeir re covery. T. A. DICKET. AdmV NOV. 14. 18-( of Alary A. Hedams. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- I bar qiralisec as ezeentor of P.' R. Hsr dea. drrafii-d. ail non in dst to estate of deoeanfid are reqq-sed to acuta al once aod ail persons bottling claims will prr-nr ibetr, duly proven, on or before the flu a el Dec , afji, or tbts aothw will be p eaa;.. in bar of Utrit recovery. Jrirs R. rTjrTie'. Nov. fl, T-O-eV im t P. K-