he Alamance Glean TTjTTI) ; VOL.. XV. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1890. NO; 47. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J AS. E. BOYD, , ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ortentboro. If. C Will ke at Graham oa Monday of each week J. D KERNODLE. ATTORNEY AT LAW . I'raeticeaiu the state and Federal Coura rill faithfully and promptly attend to all nn jessutrnsteo to nun . DR. O. W. WHITSETT, "' Surgeon Dentist, - . . 3REENSB0R0, - - - N. C. Will also visit Alamance. Calls hi -tha country attended. Address me at iireetisboro. dec 8 tf JACOB A. L.OIVC, ATTORNEY AT LAW, GRAHAM, ... If. C, May 17. '88. ADVERTISEMENTS. SUFFOLK Collegiate Institiii CHARTERED 1872. . Preparatory, Practical- or Finishing in Claim 8, Mathematics, sciences and the Fine Arts. P. J.EEENODLE. A. M., Principal' Terms reasonable, noth sexes admitted in distinct deiwrtiueut. . The next seuiob open Monday. Sent 17th, 1888. Write to the principal for catalogue at i Suffolk, va. i ' , Juiy. u. CRAIIA51 COLLEGE. FOE BOTH SEXES. Sesio opens Sept. S. Terms per month $2, $3, $4,4.50, partible quarter?' ly. lionrrt per moniD fS.dUf including furnished room and' wood-cjitr't6 per moDth for I hone boarding five day? per week. Payable roorjUtfy. Board i ue 'denaxifnent ill be in charge of Mrs-jT U. Newman. !fp ' ' I BOOTH AMKBIOAlf NBW YEAR'S BTOBT, BT . HINBT CLAY LCltENa. SUPEJftfOR ADVANTAGES IN VO .CAL AND INSTRUMENTAL, " r- - --MUSIC. . For catalogue and fuller information, nddrewj ' '..i . ' : Rev. J. U. Newman, Jy4fi h t ? : Graham, N.C; saw , . iKITd, LADY'S! -BOOK- Will be far inperlor to an; yaar of It bls - tort. a larger amonutof money havinr beeu appropriated for tbe embellishment of the magazine than ever before, tinder bat been published for 40 years without misting an Is- sue, and t j . YOU CANNOT GET A BETTER two dollars' worth of magazine than by tuh- eiibirg wuoaey, - ibb bbst iamilj jiao- azin lu America, The leadline attractions for 1800 eiO Beautiful Colored Fashion Plates i Engraved Fashion Plate In blara and while, repre- aentliiK inef revalues; sir les, proauceu ex preuuy ir uooej. .,. , - FialT Ximrmut rrcwliapieen. Art Vswkraiderr mm4 Ncwliwrli D. mttmm, Mew mm rpmlr Hwle, llsj for Vesj Waal la BaiM, Jtarassl ! Maraiaa, Hf, The "Beautiful Home" Club by Emm . Obai. for young tonsekeepers or those who contemplate becomtoif so. 'A Year in the House. by Auuusta Ssxisbobt Pbbscott . (Jinny Wren), which will tieat of the ari ons duties for each month. A Children's Corner, for th little one. A rich array of literature bt favorite an thors, among whom ate Emily Lennox, Olivia jveii wiisoo, Ada jiane rcca, aiste onow. "ii." aotbarof "Uemint," belle C. Greens, with ber humorous ketches, aad others. PREMIUMS to club raisers are among Its special featuraa, and U Oder's oSers tha most choice and valuable of any macasine pb . Iisbed. fend IV. for sample anmber con taining fall dob rates and premiums EVERT LADT HEBOWH DRE38AKkE- wbo subscribes to Oodev's Ladr -m roupoa which yoa will and la each nombrr entitle yoa to your own eeleciloa of any rut paper pattern illustrated In Oodev' Lady's book, lour lae. sampst lopy wiu euataw ne ox um eoapoa. lus I S reals far MaaaBta. whira will ksallswsSss yaar aaarrlaiSM w hew raceivad. Tbe psttera shows Toe bow to cut oat the xamaiijsa "tni. i aat is au wt ean say in Uj space. For the rest sea your sample Duuucr, i or wuxm aeoa lae. at uaec. 'tioocy' ia oo!y ti ee a year Address UUilKZa LAUT8 UfHif ruiaaelpbU, Pa. In (lub with tbis paper, GODEVS and Ihe GLKAKU Fricw $2.90, which abeuld be aent to tha cilice of tbe GiXAXKi at Graham. Town Property for Sale. Ooc hoare aad lot la Uie town of Graham. Tue 4 contains abac oac txr aud as a It Is a rood .ix-iwm dHlmr mo4 ant liter gond boaaa. The who's prvwiiars ara la a aaie ol gond repair, aad aWirably Wira.nl. aif acre animpixned kit well locat ed aa a ane for a rca dVc. For t rice. m is. a fail Infimuuns p fy U Uw adcr?iTi.w. . fsixxa A CtBTorrLa. S. M. Copyright, 1880, by American Press Association. hara's great and waste would be without ita oases, is a career Uiout episodes. No such barren existence, however. lias been mine. On the contrary, ita past is heaped upaud rinsing over with events of gj-eater or less Im portance,, which now, as my sunset apravjeea,-grow-luminous and assume shapes that are startling ia tbeir fidelity. From the diary of a good woman's life, I have torn two pages. .One was written in a mist of Doubt; the other beneath tboglorioue- ly radiant arch of Delight. After years of un certainty, happiness has become to her a per ennial bow of promise. What these two pages reveal of truth, only guessed at before, intensifies a memory that will abide with me until the grave's impene trable shadows are lifted and dispelled. j Tbe scenes ot this narrative are "on for eign station." Almost simultaneously I bad reached my tbirth-seventh year and the thirty-fifth par allel of south latitude. The turtle-back, pe ninsular city of Montevideo very comforta bly housed me among Ita one nundred tboo- inhabitanta. There were, probably, 5 George Hamiltoh; and none of them were blank books. Incidentally, be had told me that be was married, but made no further reference to family affairs. He claimed to represent a New -- England manufacturing company; whose main offices were in Boston. I natu rally supposed that bis wife was living at or near that city. His almost studied reticence about domestic associations prevented me from making even ordinary inquiries. I was to learn more, however, and soon; but not all from him. To describe George Hamilton hi his moods, or at his worst or best, would result the same. An attractive man, be easily gained and held esteem. Men and women alike were fasci nated by his physical beauty and Intellectual strength. I bad been proud of his individual preference. ' On the third evening, after he had rejoined me, be came hurriedly into my room at the Hotel los Estrangeros. His agitation was 111 concealed. Throwing himself, full length. upon a bamboo lounge, he rested his head la one band and looked fixedly at me. This waa a new phone of his recent singular be havior. After a few moments, be sprang to bis feet, and began pacing the room. Then, sud- dcniajjalting in his walk, he excitally sniit: "I am miserable-1 Pardon me, senor; I owe you apology and explanation." "Neither," was my curt reply. Without seeming to notice or care for tbo manner of my inter jectiqn, be continued t - "Oh, yes, Ido; for outwardly I am no longer the man to whom yon freely extended an honorable, sympathetic friendship. Meeting casually, as ell earth's travelers do, the pass ing acquaintance boa, with me, ripened into sincere regard. You may not wholly ap preciate the bitterness Of a necessity now forced upon me or the heartache that come with it; but here we port. When you return to the States hunt me up. It will be pleasant to rehearse old times." "Whatl" I exclaimed; "do you not Intend heard. In Montevideo. She and I must not f ace each other there. Should you be favored with the smiles of La Serena," be said, with a mocking laugh, "we can In the future com pare notes. Butatrucotothisl I'm ashamed of my weakness. You go among the Orientals and Argentines without me. I shake your hand to-morrow and quit tbis port for tbe distant Mersey, whence a swift NortbAtlan- i tio liner whirls me westward to home and tbe ceaseless buxz of trade." "At what hour do you sail, Hamilton f "Eleven o'clock, forenoon, on tbe Neva, of the Royal mail. There she lies, just inside Fort Villegagnon. You will be on board P "Yes." "Thanks," he cold, as be placed his bat with the dignity of a cavalier. Then, stand big for a moment at tbe door of my room, be aourteously relifted the bat, extending hi other band, and resting it, caressingly, on toy shoulder. "Buenos noches, core amlgo." that many of ns at that time, 'although 1 nmo 'urtber,,outbfr? .T"" never had a whole opportunltto veriff the "To the River Plate citiosl No! Itlsun- One afternoon, as I stood at local census. the portal of the hospitable English club, I somewhat idiotically tried to count the peo ple going back and fortl crossing and re crowing the Plaza Const! tucion; but I soon grew weary of tbe. monotonous tramp and arm swinging, bowing and ogling, the car riage sweep and street cor rush. So, resign edly, I faced about, went deliberately up stairs, and gossiped with some genial brother Cosmopolites who had been born before that quarter of the world was quite ready for them. I could not speak tbe every day language of my temporary fellow citiaeas; yet friends Dossible, "In turn, pardon me," I said. "But may I ask why this alteration in your former business plans!" I LA BBBB1TA. "Good night, Hamilton," I exclaimed. Im pulsively. "To-morrow my parting word "Well," be responded, with some hesitancy, ! will be, 'Good voyage and good luck.' A as be walked to a balcony win-low overlook- you are speeded away, I shall often repeat Ing the picturesque, starlit landscape and the tbem." . rugged mountain frowning entrance to Rios I lie stepped lightly across tbe corridor, spacious harbor, "I expected that question, opened the. wicket and passed to tbe quiet yet do not want to reply to it. I knew bow ; street beyond. awkward tbis Interview would be, but could not embark to-morrow for LbjUon and Liver pool without seeing you." "You certainly bare a right to withhold confidences that until now were unsolicited. plentiful, skies fair, ti society charm- mler, Hamilton. I a never inquir ing, and December's pulse beat warmly at eighty degree or thereabout. r The previous month, and, In" fact, the last week hi it, found me kilterlng at tbe Brazil ian capital. Tbera-I had awaited the arrival of a steamer comrade.- Hi mercantile eo gagemsota detained him at Pernambooo and Babia. Thus be escaped a genuine howling, sail splitting pampero, which had given me a toss and tumble idea of what a hard blow off shore usually is in tbe vicinity of Cabo Trio. i When wa were again together, I quickly detected a change ia George Hamilton. He aawmt il preoccupied his mind far removed from either business or pleasure. I had marked out a trand plan for debt seeing in hie company, but be took little or no appar ent interest in tbe detailed programmav TV juca, the magnificent, failed to lure him, aad Pao Assucar and lofty Corcovodo soared with the renowned Jardin Botanico and Ita avenue ef palms a neglect that was am-prie-tog. On the voyage out from New York be bad talked so constantly of thea f reaka aad of tropical nature that I waa now completely nonplussed by hi taiifferanee, During his youth be bad spent several years i ia the Atlantic proviacee of BrasL HaV father bad been one of the first and most1 swjceeasful railway contractors in that opn-l lant empire. Besides having a tboroogh ae 1 qnalntaaoe wiu tea eoaa cities of Boat America, no native spoke Portngwas or Bpaakh more Boently than George Basal! ton. A I bad depended spoa bis oft re fasted voJaotary promise te be my guide in aad around Rio, tbe disappointment wa not aid from him. Aboard aiup oar hkiEf had been mutual Hoar after boor w gaxad from tbe ten mere deck at the marvelous luxuriance of eternal Threading lu way bat sain the soparb dnsfrr of islands, known to afl West Indian sailors as tba Can he, our vessel bad, ia succession, raesed the Immanas deitae ef Orinoco and Aoiason. From Brazacxa . ais to tLo CJ-leVated Magellan straita. every bay and tad jiai a as an open book to . i tive about your private matters!" a caMvoa or aaaoa amtltob; This waa spoken coldly aad with formal dim miss, A enrioos light anon ia nis eyea, which were deep sat aad instrou. Tbeglaam ef a brilliant half moon rising above their eloods left its sUvtry track in the water, and, dancing on tbe wave, threw Hamilton's as jsiaslis face into strong profiln He abrupt ly tarnnl from tbe window, aad now came aad stood by tbe table where 1 sat, a it were, in judgment of actions which betrayed aa upheaval of emotions no longer puasauafor nim to control. When be spoke again it was with farced gayety. -Jj, I shall not tn.'l! From trangera, par baps, yoa may laara my really strange story. It is a veritable drama, now being act!. Ths kailinj character is, I bare aoridMitally Next morning breakfast wa dispatched with some nervousness. Futly an hour and a half bfor tbe advertised time for sailing I stepped on board tbe Neva. Passenger fol lowed passenger nimbly up the gangway; but no Hamilton appeared. 1 want in and out of the saloon and tbe minor cabin, aad searched for him until the gong sounded to elearship. On questioning tbe first officer a to whether my friend bad actually taken passage on that ateatner, he referred me to tbe purser, who said that no such man or nam was booked. Perplexed and chagrined at this Information, I went over th Neva's port side and wa briskly rowed ashore. Something told me that 1 had been doped and purposely that my late mysterious oompanioo had a reason for his conduct which wa all potent to him, but which I might never know. That nJght, at tbe hotel, when I kicked off my shoes before retiring, my left foot struck mall object on the floor by tbe lounge. Stooping down, I picked up a velvet and clasp locket. Touching Its spring, I saw tbe face of a woman of exquisite loveliness. Sue was in Spanish costume. Her tender, bs eeching eye fairly glistened ia tbe minia ture, which was an admirable painting on ivory. Tbe locket had, without doubt, been dropped by Hamilton whan he threw himself on the lounge the evening before. I carefully placed it in my traok, a.iA juaiar "Was thle La Serena! What waa ber U Wby snoald be avoid so tnrlis I Waa she his wife Would 1 ever meat barf Tbass aU Interrogations brought no solution that waa satisfactory, although asked ewer aad over again. At langta I fell mambiing tbem la unintelligible One of the grevitest of 'modern tragic acton bad a new triumph. . " Toward the close of the play there was a momentary commotion tn one of the boxes, A lady had fainted, the heat Inside the thea tre being extreme. As the waa assisted by ber friends to a carriage I caught a glimpse of her features. Though the eye were veiled In nnconadouanes I recognised La Serena. There could be only one such face. At Ham ilton bad said, the original of tbe locket pict ure waa in Montevideo but where waa bet and what was th on happiness, the secret, known alone to these twol On Christmas eve of that year, a ' very nu merous throng of English and Americans were assembled at the quinta of Senor M , on the Paso del Molina, I had been in Buenos Ayres, but cam down the river to partici pate in tbis holiday festivity. Our popular host and hostess entertained a distinguished company at tbeir elegant suburban home. Evergreens and tbe rarest tropical flowers bedecked sola and corridor. Ornament and emblem, appropriate to the season which we celebrated, were draped with Uruguay's stripes of blue and white, intertwined with the national standard of Great Britain end the United States. Many of ths guests were neighbors and old friends ot Senor M , mode doubly welcomo by him because they had not waited for etiquette's special Invita tion. There was musio Indoors and out, and open air dancing beneath nature's spangled canopy. From' tree to tree, in tbe grounds, and along the broad graveled promenades, ropes were stretched laden with Chinese lanterns, Again I saw La Serena, How radiantly beautiful she was among charming women! Her escort on this occasion was Lieut. S , a brave officer attached to an English war vessel tben at anchor in Montevideo roads. He was a high spirited Briton, rot the very personification of amiability. Knowing him well, I, of course, sought an Introduction to bis lovely companion, which she most gra ciously received. Later in the evening So1 nora M- placed us vis-a-vis at a card ta ble. Tben, after supper, came tbe desired op portunity for conversation. 1 hastened to improve the chance, for my curiosity wot now at the highest pltcli. So I quietly soldi "Your husband is a good friend of mine, Mrs. Hamilton." . "You know my husband! Impossiblei" the murmured. "Perhaps I misunderstood Lieut. 8 " t Are you not Mr. Georg Hamlltonf" "Yes." - ,. . "Of Beaten, Massachusetts!" , "No." "Yet I cannot be mistaken in your iden tity." "1 never lived in your country, sir, I as sure you I An American, who bos business interests in the city which you hare named, is, however, my husband. We are separated by a gulf that is terrible to contemplate, : 1 am schooling "myself to forget him. He is not now in South America, nor will he ever return to thi section of it. His name I bear, for it was honorably given to me in mar riage. You say that he Is a friend of yours." Forgive mo, sir, but that man Is the friend of no bntnaa being other than himself. He is utterly, brutally selfish I" "I said, aenora, that we were acquainted. There is sometimes a distinction between that and solid friendship. W have recently parted company in Rio." At this announcement she clinched ber bands, as If in agony. Her frame visibly shook, and ber paasionato eagerness was so . great that I feared other guest might see it. But merriment ran riot; and each couple or coterie was absorbed in it own enjoyment Quickly recovering her composure, Mrs. ; Hamilton asked i "Are you sure that your acquaintance was my husband!" - "He called j on La Serena." " ' . "Only tn derision." "No, I .cannot think it His tone when nnnlrtttcv , li n . nam mlw 1. nn ..1 lu 1"- "a - w-.. iy ..... i. 1 1 j tituw from his Hps) wo one if affection seemlugly y .-iT cnoxeu oy some Diner aisappointmont." - -Then I briefly told her all that I knew of him whom I bad so greatly lilted. , How, as fellow voyagers, w bad first met on a steam er's deck in New York harbor; of our pleas urable social intercourse; his last evening with, me; the broken appointment on tbe Neva, and my suspicions a to the reason for his strange action; of my subsequently find ing the locket, and bow lu portrait enabled me to recognlxeber at the Teatro Soils, "You my," she replied, "that George Ham ilton must have preceded or followed you to Bontevideol" "Such is my opinion, aenora. " "Wby should be do that! Hot for your sake, surely; nor yet for hi own. With me (so cruelly deceived be cannot hope to be reconciled. and tbe River Plate republic for heavy de falcations." A light broke upon me. Tbe mystery was being solved, and by an accidental friend of the family. There were two George ilamll tons, and La Serena imagined that she hail married the wrong one. It bad been my friend's fathers name, 1 knew. He had one day told me that about tbe time of bis fathers death, in Massachusetts, the name had been adroitly osed by a swindler In South Ameri ca, who obtained large sums of money. "Yoa became George Hamilton's wife here, in Montevideo, ssnoraf" was bow my leading question. "No," sb mid, "at Paris Though I was born In Uruguay, my education wa com pleted abroad. I never knew George Ham ilton in tbis country. Just as we ware pre paring for our borne coming, here, tbe Euro pean newspapers began to print tbe account of my husband s crimes. Tbe knowledge that, by holy bonds, 1 was allied to such a man overwhelmed ma. He wa in Liverpool ar ranging for oar passage. 1 had not yet left When laid quit the English me- His family history was given, and oven his person desert led." : , "There hat been cases of false persona tion," said L "Prove to me that this Is one!" she ex claimed "Prove to me that I've wronged my husband; prove that be is true and hon orable as was that man, now dead, whom nam he bears; prove this, and all of this, and my woman's ' prayers are for you for ever!" ; " .- -- "I may be able, sgnora, to do more than this."; . ' , ;:. "Oh, sir, do not mock me! There come, at times, taunting specters in my dreams; but I awake to hopelessness. You have strangely interested me in yourself. Lieut 8 will soon bring you to vWt me. Tben you con return the locket. Alas, it was my wedding gift to bun you still rail friend!" Tbe gay assemblage was now breaking up. On every tide were heard shouts of "Good night!" and "Merry Christ masl" Mrs. Ham ilton's carriage bod been ordered, and, as 1 handed ber Into it, she saidi "t am glad, senor, that we have met Something tells me joy will come from itf Then, with "good night," sweetly spoken, ths sank back on the cushions. . Following ber into the coach, Lieut 8 closed its door. His extended band was has tily grasped and released. Aa tbe vehicle rolled away, tbey cried la unison, "Merry Christmas!" I responded with a hearty "adlosl" Overhead glittered the constellation of th Southern Cross. Its exceeding brightness was boiled by me as a good omen. .".. .. e Modesty and bravery are sterling qualities, Lieut S poiaessed them both. Whatever he did while on active service for Her Brit annio Majesty and the glory of his country was in line of duty. Talking about it was not Sucb men can be implicitly trusted. So I told him La Serena's story, and my own confidence. He lUtened, without comment, until I had finished. Then he said s "Rumor has It that I lovs Mrs. Hamilton, and would marry her If she were free. In this Judgment rumor wrongs me and scan dalizes a most estimable woman. I snail never have other wife than England, She Is mistress of tbe seas and of my very souL It would be a supreme happiness to die in her defense. If rumor had mid that I was an old and firm friend of Mrs. Hamilton, It would bavs been tba sufficient truth. Pshaw! Rumor is a jade, I owe ber nothing except contempt You are, 1 think, right in what you conjecture about the real George Ham ilton. To-morrow is New Year's day. There Is an officers' dinner on board the Narcissus. We each Invite a male guest You are to be mine,: Surgeon Jocolyn bos captured alive Yankee whom be calls Mr. George. .1 may be counting too rapidly, but aa you Ameri can my, rather guess that Jooelyn'i man is also our. Be on board early in the after noon." "I shall not fail" This conversation waa at tbe English club. I had not seen La Berena since Christmas. but she bad been never absent from my NEW YEAR'8 CHIME. BXARS HBR WrtntDTLT CI. thought. 1 felt no was if her sun wsi burst ing through a huge, dense bank of clouds, I bod become almost childish in my irapa-1 tience, The Loudon mail bad come in. A copy of Tbe Dally Telegraph, nearly five, weekr old, bad been torn from Its wrapper. I picked it up, and glanced here and there through ita news columns, Tbis paragraph burnt uito my oraini George Ranklosoe, alia rfamllton, who, several years aaro. commlttnd a series of astouadlne far- Besides, he is outlawed hi Brazil awrtes oo a number of Bomb American bankers. nas neeo arrestee in uirminguaui. ills Identity nas Dees nuiy esiatiiuneci. ' Joyously was tbe birth of another year proclaimed by tbe chimes of Matrix, Peal after peal rose and swelled and died away In tbe echoes of a bustling town. Big and little, rich and poor, Montevideo's one hundred thousand were In holiday attire, Tbe broad harbor was a sea of color. Flags and stream er fluttered everywhere, At o'clock I joined a party at the "mole," and was rowed out to the Narcissus, Lieut S cordially welcomed m at tbe gangway. Scarcely had letepped on noani when be said i "Joceiyn and hi friend are In the ward room. Let us look at Mr. George at once f "Agreed." said I, a I followed him across tbe deck. Before we bad gone ten paces there was a cry from the water. A pleasure boat bad bspa eapstzed .by a sudden flaw of wind. Help was close at band, but there was too much of it . Three parsons ware seen cling ing to tbe boat Then tbe warm parted, and a woman's head and arm became vUibie. fibs clutched wildly at the air and (Ink again. At that moment I missed Lieut 8, who had been watching the scene with keen set In terest He had swung himself dowti tbe side of tba Narcissus and was swimming toward we unfortunates. But another and more powerful stroke was in advance of tbe In trepid Englishman. How my heart beat! Again the woman's bead showed above tbe waters (urfoce, I turned away my face. It was La Serena, drowning, within reach of many arms of steel. . - - Hal a cbesrl Another, and ret another! OIX1 TeDI rcrtboldyrlea . ly dying; Grim, gaunt aarec T On the areest ef. Time, new tying Hopes ef youth are ' - neetina:. . -t Hearts wun ears are ' beating. Hot ye warders ef thebella, ToUl Tout Tom '. For Earth's oticmg .. . fashion, ; - .Toll ton StrttV un holy passion,.. ToU for Friendship - unrequited, ToU for Hope-s an cheat meats blighted. - Toll for Love's fond pledres broken, ToU for Want and Woe unspoken. Toll for Mourner sadly weeping; ;. Toll for Sin's vast harvests reaping; Toll! Toll! ToU I i. That while tile world shall stand, Bin aad Wos shall All the land. Toll I ToU I ToUl . " . ' , . Ring! Rlngl Ring! J ' A welcome to the bright Kew TSari : ' Life, Hope, Joy, On bis radiant brow appear. , ' (' Jiearta with love are thrilling; . 1 ; Homes with bounty filling. j , Hot ye warders of the belle, ' , ; i Hlngl Ring! Rina;l - For Winter's bracing hours, 'j- ?, if if I Ring for birth of Bprlng and Flowers, King for Bummer's fruitful treasure. Ring for Autumns boundless measure, Rlnx for hands of gen'rous giving; Ring for rows of nobler bring. King for truth of tongue or pen, . Ring "Peace on earth, good will ' ,- men." , - Hlngl Rlngl Ringl That this glad year may ass . Earth's accomplished Jubilee, Riogl Rlngl Ringr - 1890. - , . In 18B0wshaUee i . Erent a fellows come to bet 8eaeiTeotastayeregoBeby, ,. Will com around about July. , '' Th Ice man and the plumber wO, -' - As usual, present their bilk-' , , , ThS price of summer board wfn rise In Auguattto til very skies. Th gay mosquito, as of yore, Into humanity will bore. i IJ kew lae tbe festive fly, so fleet, WUI agitate bis nervous feet . Each flshennen will flan sad He As he has dons in years gone by. - y. Wlm cornea along the verdant spring; The post will be beard to ling. - And fromtbe garbage nils at Use W ill prick tbe asbee of a rhyme, . The funny man bis Jokes will crack -Cfne same old Jokaa, aee altnanau.J On winter sights will lovers sit - ' For hours and watch Uie firelight Hit And, when the summer comes, they sua Upoa the beach wu aooand but "The oldest mas," asm years past, . At Intervals will breathe his last ,. . .. .. . In all trade merchants who are wise, ' Af usual, win advertise, . y In fact these things and maay is law are la store. . . v Ad yet wltb sorrow I tt frstigbtt Uutiappy yeorl .Iteedswtth 1890. . :..- .., :r 'Ton It's a Peer state, Kt. Twdve days afterward I was, as has al ready hern written, one of Montevideo's one hundred thousand. e e e e Tbe vast, barulike aaditorium of Tflstro Soils Uaaad with beauty, gallantry, sntau- : stana'and light Italian residents, proad of their eoaatryman, vied with nativaa of the j Bonda Orteutai aad with sassy strangers, I tarn within its galea, to ceaarrTomaaoSaiiial j jtever had I ar-ti or aeara socn London, AST WTBOPPOTIOBV tropnlis It was to return to the protection of my good friend in France. There has been no ward of my hustamd. except what yon brtagow, siMeldurariMktm, At the Botoi at London I left a letter for him, tailing aim that be moan never dare toasak soe," "Might be not have been innocent, ss-norar Jniposaibiel The evidence was direct and ' f ?' '':r"'; '" 'i KlJ'.4-'"- rn - totheecao. tamnltaous approbation. The' masterly por-. eosrrhxHn lie was described a tbe base srsral of tfeaepear "Othello" was re- son or an American contractor, who, years eared wuh ouUmrsta of deafening apple on. ' before, bad been Bracn esteemed in Brazil.' The foremost swimmer, they sy, has caught her, aad bears her sturdily np. 1 cannot seel distinctly, for tear have welled to my eyes, Mow tbe mist is gone. Surely 1 know that proud bead, that smile so winning. Yea, it Is ireorge Hamilton, and La back her life from him she gave it to ia thorn lint nappy oays la Porta There wasnt a very snccrssful New Year4! Maqoet m the ward room of the Xarclsam, nut everybody seemed an tit fled Mo lis been lost There was a daring deed to be talked about by gallant men. Lieut I had a fresh laurel. Tbe surgeon was delighted with the unabridged history of "Mr. George." and voted him the noblest Yankee be bad. ever met airing tc decorously: "It's tbe old LLaA. ynn know, and yoa fej- ' . Ml, UlifTl U, WJ in'- I would lke to tell Ton a boot tbe hick fes tival a week later at La berena s bouse, but that arena yon can picture to suit your must xtravarant fancies Great bntaia surrendered tbe bogus George Hamilton. 1 gave np the iockeL Karrv-r stopped meddling alio Lieut fa .. and be 1. sud the true son and dervtad eapoan of Log-ond. Mr. Finicky anvamlv) This New Tari? business has got to stop, ' 111 be hanged if I'm going to allow these fellows to be tramn- log through my parlors all day, getting mad over everything and eating as not of boose ! and borne. Why f ambling Uv hi pocket) I .. Gent Scott! where can that but Well. Veil ' ..... . . . , Mrs. Finicky What have you lost, dearf r . Mr. Finicky Lost I Why. hanr It alL snv 'r Kew Year's visiting lint How in thunder -can I Biok my calls without ixi Tlsse's Bofteafcng laflamea. Cborus'cf Voice att th boardinr 1 Why, thi is tbe same turkey we had Chrtst- aas. Mm Slimdiet (the landldarw Tea. it h, Ton all ec mplnroed then of rtabetrj sot:-Ij Now that It a New Year's, perharo vouli t , it more tender. . Wow, wow -s