r " . .-'r. Jiid : r- . . ., , ...... .-. r.' . '-, . - - J .; no. bo: professional; cards . J AS. 23. BOYD, Si it T IT ... .' " will st Graham on Moudayof each wae te attead toprofe.sioaarbuslD.eae. tsep ltil ATTQJBX$r'ATLAlP ; . Practice, ia (he Btnte and-Federal Count . wu taiwrully and promptly attend to all .n ee.iuiru.teu i DR. O. W. WIIITSETT, Burgeon 3PeLit, t ,,1,1 GREENSBORO; ' 11 " - N: C. - Will also viff "Alaroanoe rCalla in the country atteHded.- Address roe at Oreensburu. t dec 8 tf ' , t J f . i i. . . ATTORNEY AT LAW," OSAffAM, ,'- r May 17. '89.' I !i v- ; ' ' .-i" -.i-...-f . . . . .i 7TZ: , T. 7. ' li;.". .. : ' : : ;!..: Jl "J . V-'l f.;f ,,(J.u. 'i 1, v . W ..., .T . . ( r, V ' r I I U V U W.. ":: - - n r7.C7 TPl: TTn f2 ri , vf.- Jlv-Hr l..; .. to I 1.1 I h, af 111. I I f I I I t 1 r I r 1 tt I ' IJ i a J 1 t,k '. . ' ADtRtlpMENT;';, ,-;5- CH? fRtlLaEI I I i lo rtevaratoru.i Cto .kJtf3fle7(i;l - . a74e Fori Terms reaaoi. dii'lnct deparWiottDT - The next se in ovtm I 18S8. Write b tlieMait xsunaiK. va. r '7-. A.V..p. ; CURIOSITIES OF PLAGIARISM. "" . ' . Thm Habit af ClHlmlng Other PeopU'a Eitararjr Work. - The seltinir up of a claim to the aa Iborship of ."Little Lord Faunlleroy? by a lady whose literary work I. a ''never attracted bublic atteotion to hen el must awaken interest in the phe Dgmonon oi a iruuaar noi yet cut fled by the doctors, but familiar to aii editors, critics and publishers. , , . , The disease b akin to the-4,Jara habit in its persistency, in the ea9 with -which it is acquired, in the otsi nacy with which it resisU treatment and in its effects npon the moral char acter of its victims. TbecharacUrieti? symptom oCthe ailment is an irresisti; ble disposition to claim to hare written other people's literary works. ' ' It has never been definitely deier. mined whether the disease is infectious or not, bat there isa strong sugestios that itss so in the fact that even h most robust moral heal in seems to afford no secure immunity from its sttacks. : ' . Let us consider a few typical eaaes The late Dr. Holland was the instijratot of the "8axe Uolm" stories. They were written by a person or persona perfectly well known to him. lie was consulted from time to time concern. intw ILm. n ! 1 ... - ' immnmm tom mi to be; struggling with the perplexing prob- oT.&J IfiTYl nf hrtW!nv nnft'Ann coll rrirrlafn-r. loaa than af ami; iVa . U.,-J x; w -i . - : I editor of UimrHiM .1.1.11 7 seal for less -than publics drewkTS oeuereu. wereiore, Uat be knew who row, ura nones as certainly as be knew who wrote his own poems." And ne mree entirely reputable accounted tmthfuL eaca iv assnred JJr. lioilsnd IxL wrote Lbe atories.' . 1 different tale to feU oC ;Asr we havebefore explained; pur, business methods though new, to this sectioh are not inexplicable thomrh ;ther wsus, , though we da sell f or ss tlian they post the average merchant and we make enough s on the iOTnkrge ,c tt,lu uuw our inicresr in scllinz you at each FOE BOTH SEXES. Session opersTSepl. ?f ;Tf rajs fsr -tnonth $2, jtO. -psyhtlf jqimi tor ly. Bourd .pefiisoiith (80, tipclndiftg -furnished rioiifiidtfbotiuii net month for (hope bonrding five days per week. Payable monihUv, T"'' ' Boardina; denartiBoul'. w ift Tt6TiS narge of Mrs. J. u. Newman. , UPERI0tf'Xi5fXijtA6E? IN VO CAL AD-lNy8TRUMENTAL !.."MlK?lc: .,- For catalogue and.fullef information, '.address. ' .,.' ' 'K- - ' '' 'WiXU. Newmak, ' jy4ff ,sl . .43raha'n,'-K a - -k'' u i ... .... IV i ' 1 f"'. .1' .J . . . - . flfaia LADY'S FrK , iheiJ raaiMt i Wvmitwr 6liervalion thatisroiiiid 'properly iin' A; ..N. i-ik. V .... ' rileldranied heaves mueh k-ss in winter. The Chines prTaetTrdroppingd fib h, u,t expaosfoif of Ihtf wht'dr in 'tlie fouls as the W of tnanuie, earefully at t U .aiiomeut,, ofijrecziiijr, Jlmf. eoiiecling mose l, me seese.vrtugict, heaves I he soil.- lry chickens ; a'nd'MilKona. Ooose-duiig briuKS very Jigi pricey. ..lit th.rsejM such malerhil water, and ra lry earth f does not 'ezpanit at any tempernture,Dral!iiiig nrutveta the unit vainst. an ezcerfs.uf ,7. " " r j ".-Twnieiynna vi Will be ftiY inferior-1 any year of Its his torj, a larger amount of nioiiey having been uppiOjirinted for the cnibcMislimont of lbe magazine tdarf eVr before. ' Wodev bu been pnblitliedi or 0.) jmars without mlailnj an is-. uo, ana ... YOU CANNOT GET A KETTE B two dollare' worth of maaKlne than by rcribirg; to "Oudey," Tas bseT Family Mao ' aziNS la America, ?' i ; Tbe leadtaa; attractlcn for. 1891 aie t Beautiful Colored Pagliioo Blatea : Engraved , FaKhlon Plate in black and while, rfre- pciiiing lorrprcTBiiiLK. aijiea,- prewiy ; his lime ami labor, ..The roller skate netted its Inventor $1,000,000. Tbe in. Ventors of lit! la t6ys, jtitztles end other U iU.e enjoy incomes ranging as high as ercf'Kj no excess of toolst-1785,003 a year.? '! .u l . -v t-. iilll.iiy . aiid iiyiiioscoiiic f f Akalust all theiie anccessful men are tlier than' thot eartli, squirting the m'rtatuie: ta-he Mr.VnaiulML..b fWminr. farravmln hn.f ..f L-tlh, n... :',..'.,i:i: " "T '-' ' ' i 1 J ' TT I HVI.-: va.viH yuV JIUSUVVVOr liquid artio.orvfwaterinl pots rfal fifRct of the expansioii of the ts ful Inventor, who spent their lives Vo eomparaiiveiy ligfjl, h'Til paiity,px jtrifnn ( accomplish flbmethi'ij great. pUtns why,-other things .being equal, ;ItJso in every liue of .iininan .'' wu ter.wheat sui ceedij bestod 'uuiier- deavor. When a man wants the earth drained ground.. Vfafafenk&i: ho geU nothing. 'When heorpects td ten prevents damage to the wheat ia rake in a fort tuts In big scoops he dies yet another wu'y. Not iliiftcquVntry in hoverty. ThnaiiejWrMT .' Ar tti. watir stuuds on. the surhUco the , flat f worid fix their Vttentfon upon 'the Corn- land, freezes into ieeaad.8motuera tbe monest ihiogs-yery day.' matters and rw,,eN ,Vraf.e fna,Va" ?nure n?ll opportunities around :them.Atlanta t .i . ... .. . . r r nr..eav,ucn srau,, matiers, ana , - - , . f ' . strain which alway, proves lb. writer turned- hm attention to stvel armor, for Bi(r IIm4 th. ! to be ontraW JLilu , vesIs he would liivn nraihlilu n'ttsiMil i , , flt.i.l v i a. ... r ' I !. .! ..'ill ' " 1 ft 'mi ' ' ' . " L A d tfk nun nnii I Ii act I 1 1 Am aw rrasiWS V W a7a,a aiia-aa "Til-momitt ' fiilliiliiV. tinrl iifiui . ' Ii is iinea I tHnrm li t. i . . . m "hi" , ., . ! oaa laceu la exis- ' .aw iiuiuniutv mo igvo. itr. William On lien . Rrnnl told the present writer that a i WOO was not born until rears aflr thm first publicaiioa of Tbaoatopaas" y. ucDieuuy irrrrm inn aatturrnTtm oC that poem, and went away indignant when Mr. Errant declined nmn. der his own pretetHBom in that paw The number of persons who wrote the late Richard Grant While at. twenty-four, and everybody remember bow many different persons produced "All Quiet Along the Fbtomae" and "Bock U to Sleep," ,(. , ... i The curiosities of , plagiarism are endless, and sometimes startling eoin cidences arise in coaitectioa wilh tbcnv The present, writer, when editing' a weekly periodical manr years ago,, had offered to him an article which be had himself written arid published anonymously in a daily newspaper two years earlier. The article was written for a temporary use, and tbera was nojhing ia it to cause any reader mi remcmoer u alter tne immediate n down f Pfg my paper and informing ad puead away . If the plan n down ; J ih ( fc . . j gianst had o.Tered his Lterary swag to uow's ear " ,n" ne nma b1en dr of it for J any other editor bis theft wooldaot the roots of ihs.plaiitu. They havehon ihgerifpus methods" to save; tnetr fowb. rcem':.b?itig cauunt . . " a S Jy the hawks: . 'The pigoos Jn Noreh C jiua have tietj ty tu&r -tailf "Whistles which make a 'whirring; noise as '!bey ny inrougUj tne air and wjucn trignteus hawks away. I was foxaloug tlmeat a loss lo kiio w'. f hut 'this sound - was'. 1 neara it awyeaitott.tifc.avsraTts' MilianwKed...j(ek.aouuitinina .Jara-e n. u s ioruoojr - v - - '-ISV- .... .T 'IT' . ..V " '. 7.T vonsimHim. . ,.; ,, . . ..I ri i wr. r in.U t ".l.L!V iwiu niua. J.ucgowtfnjeroer raL-lua aroaitogetaer Bill OHC 111 nisi1" v juu f . ,, , , m m , . - KrJur"'. at" V" nihargt In' , miipn Jha .same j wajrur Samag6td" 'pnt'che's'Vver ' -CTL"T?i,SK, "VTi' a. .He has. a sort of bamboo whistle Lwhioh water eolleets.is quite, frequeaLl Many stranWrs have beer soeenra't. or tube fastened to the eud of .rope whip which swings from time to time around bis bead to scare a'wiry lhi hawks. Iua'smuch assbmeofiuegoote herds number as many as "a thousand birds, andean he hawks are numsrous and bold, it will be secu that this ia uot rr , . art unnecessary precaution. - ' The Chinese are very fond of egg, but they never" eat Iketa' soft-boiled and they believe that an egg grows better with age. .. Preserved ,'eggs are ne of tbp'1 dainties of China, and it take prty days to pickl them lor use. The eggs are covered with, a mixture oftea-leayes'.lirae, sail, and wood-ashes, made into a paste, and are thau 'packed away ia wood-ashes, 'wbicb, .all over China, are s6jd to the egg-packers for this purpose. Tbe older an egg grows Tbe ptttrrciwe ym. bo iotni out lbe I packing the batter tt is supposed Kxrmml yea -aat. Tkat ia alt can ea; ti o bev There are methods of pickling till paca. For ihe real aes four aampla j 1 woica iutb ids eggs as uisca as jei Wal tm BaiU, Celebrated . ajaablaa; atceclpta ate, ' The "BeutLJur Home'; Clnb' by' Emir ' J. Gbat, for young lMiiekceper or tboan wbo coDtemplate becoming ao. "A Year in ' the Honte." by avsosTa Saliuiukt Facscorf (JrBny Wren), which will treat of tbe vari ons duties for each' month; A Children ' Coroer. for tbe little onea. A rich array of literature by favorite an. bora, among wpootaus EoiitjLennbs,plria Lovell Wll.ou.jAclaiitrfciVJi, ElflJ uow. "O-'-autharof "Gemini." belle 0. Oreeoa, wiih her bomoroui aketebei, and nth ere. PREMIUMS to-club ralf ere' arV attoDg' its special featanw, and Godej'i offers the .moat ciioloe and raloable of any maraxlne pub liabed. ejead lie. Jar. .ample aambar: oxy. taiDlDgfulttlubrauaarvt premluuiV . . iVKRr L$pT ittgBfVYX"pRESS3tAKKB. who tabseribes lo Gndir'a Lady Vxi. eoapoa which Ton a4H fcrjet la earb DDBibae ntiUea yoaao Tour own sclec'lon oT any rot' paper pattern illJitrat.d Id OodeT". Lady. I nooa. soar ie. cauiie yoyj wui cenuui M oi umm, eopoaa. , , . 8M I Y.r aaaapl. " WIN fealtrc4aai Tir IpHam -- " w-a.v raaalrl. -- : irh.f -.... .... .i ' I" aiuuuuia io ,uw,wu ; out. wnau lo w...c, ircni ,auiviiiWiiKItboi ia added t ia vnr ohm ainnnr 1 i ' the wheat, '. UMdec-diaiusge wbicb rx-aiilly dlp5es'"g ou the cost of the Paris Exposition.' ... . .... . I 1. I., ay nir vm .- k... ...i. ... ..: atnoonU e' peaded by. the French Minixterial De partqaeiit from the funds placed at tber uispoHai tor tne purpose or entertaining -foreign gucsu ami 'or other incidenlal euimya, and ihiwo by foreign govern' mouU ai,d individual ezhibiiions. the total, according to a ranuli estimate of me ueinrtrot-nt of pUlm works., can 'Good I" cries Biff B.irncs the Jolliesl i ne wvonie or an ; "Yes, lel'M forget our trouble HOW, ' And hol-J) high carnival." The supper don e f the mail arrives T Each man bU letrem scauuins. Wiihfrenh qnoltttioim tip or down .- ins bui-y lifiiiu is crauiiuiug. But. Bill "hy what's come over him Why turned so quick alniut?" 11" says just as his parh wart forth : 'I fctiess I'll not go oui." advan- amber, forWk'ieh'aa4 15e. aaooeu tiooer oely vo a fear - - . Addrear -KUt8 LAliI'8 bOtig,. ''' PUtladelpbU. Pa. Indub'with this paper, GODEY"S and ibe Glkaseb Pcice 12.90, which ahculd be .sent to tbe office of tbe Glkakki at Uraham. FIRE, LIFE, AND ACCIDENT I.NtoU&AKCE ACXXTS. IU present otrfy nrthMa Hon and, Foreign Companiea. " CFFICE AT W. a nOBXADAYSL r -Ynr 'p&trdgie rouciteJ.:-j' In some case, they are steeped in' water in which the leay pf fir or cedar trees baVe beeu boiled. Tb Cbn pickle eggs In salt water, sod tbey be lieve these sailed eggs as good for me dicirail purposes. They hare certain festivals at mhich tbey give presents of bard-boHed, dyed ette. and when a child U born the family and friends cel ebrate tbe event by a feast of dyeJ egg. All told, tbe ezg laduatry of China gie employment to many thousand pop! and forces one of tbe important pedaltle of tbis very bury Ratios. Frank O. Carpenter ia American Agri culturist. - ' " I , ' ' wiaw a araaw r r awia m . ?.sie of the minor advantage of uo drdrain ? great irrjortanre ".3!:,'ir. It ii rj i'.'.e j .-c;.t Bira There ure seyeaal material at y taees In the wint(er strc4Iirfg pfH mujjij're and some other erlijizvu. tespcftfalrls minor; ty. if not an actual majority ,'iit farmers 'youffl .flud such handling of manure the beat,, provided not fall far short of 3().000.000. the loss from the flow tf surface water The expenses of the alitier'ug ehl-c.uUb.avoidi$:-l6der:dr.i,luge;t SJ Z least largely reduees this flow f it car. ibe cost l.i life and limb. It is calo ries the water through lnVtcid cf over that during Ihe construmion, . ... . . . . ma. w... ..... ... "A... . ." . . i , 9 wv. i tor. jitu under-dniirr, carries the Manure lot the soil, where ItTs filterd but; Instead evcro . injuries to tnc.r eye. ' ' , - ? v i from prrjectiug limbers or bars of Iron ; of carrying jt away. Th water does nql 1 114 were scalded or severely burned. carry away so much of the soil or form and 60 had their fingers cut off. ' so many Wllies. ome"thlo ihe ' far- ;T1?" deJb" f?m MiE pUf fTn "wj K"ii ""iii ' at th modem figure of 25 ;but it U be- mere will sa rely appreciate whenever heved they were for moat uuaerous. there is s thaw durltrr Ihe Wiuter. and the c htm nuuilier wa not given . -'. :.i'i "t- i . I by tbe promoter of the eibibition. can Agriculturial. - , , , 1 A gentleman of wealth while prae- I (icing pennmaoship one day wrote his letter bore n wrf 1 ten word,' .. No prayer from vice to flee ; O-ily it tracing of a hand ,',A baby's baud of hree. ; ' What picture comes, before hla mind What does' his memory' nulnt A. baby at her mother's knee '- ' Uu little while-robed saint.' ' What cares a man for ridicule ' Who wins a vicUiry grand T ' ' fin steeps in peace, UU brow was , saot'tiioa , By. a shadowy little hand.' ''"";' Xoueht like the weak thing of this worn " i . , The power to sin withal and j No shield between man's tout and . wrong : '-. Like a Hule baby's hand. ' "' " ' Chicago JonrnaJ - . " . tence, he had been the fiberty of send. in? me a little poem for publication. Tbe honor of rppeanng in prin t was all the remuneration be desired; Ini deed, be was frank encugh to Mate that be did not eousider the verses in closed had any market value. When I ex.ianilii.vl iIia rw v ... . . "- i" iuuna it . was one I had written myself many years before, and for which I had received a handsome sum." The Chinese wall Is tbe larcest wall in lbe world. It was built by the first emperor of the Tain dynasty, about 230 B. C, as a protection against Tar tars. Its length ' is 1,250 miles. Ia! eluding a parapet of fire ft, a. foi "eight of the wall is twenty feet ; thick. ns at the base twenty five feel, at lbe top fifteen-feet. t ' fVrw wrVanlta .. M .. a- . 1 for illtieas. resulting from es-osore;r, , "P io raiiia 300 workmen huit their legv 200 re- freedom as t.ieir greatest blessing. I h. 1MMI II r..M . 1. I ' . . 0 At ' - a.v. . wip. iiia , oi ineir teachers they breathe it In the at-mot-pbere around them.' Slavery would beadegratlon lo which 'even death would be preferable. Let them also be langbl to dread and shun the slav ery of debt to prize above riches or . ;! lira atMlaa. The farmer that ra ises wheat or oats or rye largely, and has not stablea fit ted with manure gutters and reservoirs, wi'l do well louse straw Lhenii. e Wdiog- Ifeaoughhuaed.itwUlab. orb nearly; all Ibe liquid manure. Th'-liquU m.our, wi)lbolh- . j TthTeTJJ composition of Ibe sUaw J.nl ia which the alorr waa raaKlfskJ K.l converting It Into a vaJaable fertilizer w!"a PT,D'f Iluliulel-. Without ih..t- i Ph the iiisUlfmeottv under wiinoutlhsstrsworsomesimilatuh-l the impression that ah. ama a? i? Klaaerrtbedeeamposyioaoflhe lionid J "'"fr is, and that the; L. 1 I atUafV WMsl "Mai I T W liaa, aa,ul ' a." , ' " " to deatrucUv., Oeorpo niot at aJL Kow Yr have been suspected. "His CI Jock ted him to submit hia luannn tn ih only person in the country wbo could have known its origin and real author ship. . ... V j. .,, .. A rural eJergyman la New York bad the courage upon on ocrasioa to offer a literal transcript of Dickens '"Christmas Carol lo -a New York ed -itor for aado, and 'when the editor objected that tbe work was already widely known as Dickens", tbedergr-) man solemnly protested that he could not imagine how the aatbur of -Fich wick',, could have got at hia ma. script, which had been locked up for- years in hia arsonacw - desk. Tb editor .was unable to aid him wiia any plausible conjecture. Some years sr-o a student in the Uni versity of California mad a eolieo-. lion of the best eoliega magaxin. poems be could find, and among tba pieces was qua of anawtal qoality-j w Muwr nan eea macn adnureo throurboot the eoliega world for hi remarkable production. A newspaper entie preseuUy discovered that Alfred'. Tennyson had shamelessly stolen the, Poem anJ published it as his own many years before its actual author had eeased to wear bibs at dinner. . ' In the rear 1S73 or 1ST a wotnaa, committed suicide in Milwaukee what, bad attracted a good deal of attention . there as George El ait She had .ex plained to those wbo interested t!rm seJves in her literary career thatber latest story, "John Andrraa,- then running as a serial, was written under Wora honor, or luxury, or p!eawre, that In dependence which owes ao man soy thing but love aad good-will, (such habit of thought and life would make a Www aaaMtll BlaAMaa. Many man miaa. great fortunes le-lname on a blank piece of paper and al- cause their minds are always full oil lowed it to lie on bis desk. It st tract-1 crimes of foitblearaess and fraud big achetdes. , " . ' . ' " ' ; '.' levl tba Uentioa of a neighbor, wbo for ' P'M'.'' Character thus purified Tbe man wi.b his head above .the la joke filled tbe space above tbe sig-' n made wholesome at Its source would continue to flow on la sod unnlt1ed streams for' the health and vigor of society. Ei. clear moral Tba K 4 liar's tfm eloods is generally a foflure. A rasa foal are In Ihe form cf a promiaeorg must know how to utilize tbe comrnou note, and a few days afterward the things of life if be would prosper in a j joking neighbor presented the paper material way. " " ' j with an o.Ter to allow consldeiahle di- This is strikingly illustrated in the count if the apparent drawer would meofisventors going 4a for a cash it at Ihe same lime. The gentle-, A well known editor, who never talks thing, like perpetual motion, for la-1 man perceived Ihe Joke and lh holder shop unless he has some'.blna- worth lance, ne goes io toe poor nouae, out oi tne aucumeni, placing u in uu pocn-1 telling, recently told a story at his bes be puU a robber lip on Ibe end let, departed, and nothing more was expense to a party of friends, which of a lead pencil he make, a cool $100,-lUid about it. hubeequej.lly the holder ' a overheanl by a reporter: 000. Tbe man who knows bow tobao-j.lied, and eis ezeeutors fitfing the 'Not long go,.l,e said I received hdle tbe liule opportunities of life never note, end having no knoaledjr of the 1 a poem firm an unknown coetribnor, Iflstomnke bis kaoIeI,;eVsy. The joke alUcbed, broughlsuit and tectiv-' who !ied iu a li:t!d Western town.' i inrtnior of metal plates for soles and e l ihe torn for which it a drawn. Tie letter srvompari) log the mauo- I tH't b .iJe st-ut r",C'-? ". If be Voofh's Cmpaoioo.; ' .'i t war Vrltfe n i i that ioM.1. n:ia! m Vmn Ol lis value Is lost. R-r. U a very Imperfect conductor of heat. wo" IS used liberal!, r... bedding, much lew food Is I the production oi aol.aal ki ... .v. I animal-wi... -- ' wiuioui a paraiiei..M stOl a matter aoa thrinier. P w interest all fond of studying America! AgrlcattoriM. 9 a " A-y oosra iroto the Ice tin if,. Wt to ibe lop of an old jcklng box Dlar j lVen " UlB e'cfcborhood where, t. ' w fiiarea the London r-i,., .1.1 .K ' ineoox should be two bet si of it In f: ul -7. r". ' IWh tm a Latbaa. ' JustaliUle while ajra an oecnrrenea tAk place on the other aid of Urn ocean which, while by no ineans tn an amateur war ) innma.n of disease. A poor fellow died in Loo-, don of typhoid fever, and his wife sent to a friend in Glasgow letter conrcying the news of his decease. - " uiie uie lever at Uie time was very. there. higher than lbe b.J of thf) w,g0. I'd in which the ice is to be hauled. Tb. boards Will soon become lev. and be Ice can easily be pulled or pushed along then lo ibe bo, .nd from it lo ioe mtgon or slel. Jh. MJtr b weather the better for rutUne b. I. bJ always eaaier lo slid lea thaa lo lift I and a be it. The prim, poiotof pal. j tHg tbe ioe in tbe bouae b to fit tk- cakes cloariv tr... i l -,-.. me lea air confined among ibe cake, the UiL.r the ice wi.l keep. M.k. u'e crevices wall, and E:l ibem iih ro.JcrrJio Anicriisn A:Hot.!:::r;..t days after the recciut of llu. k Glasgow friend grew sick with ail tba! jpuoiusympionis. . The doctors wbo attended him so diagnosed tbe case, and expressed the opinion tbat, not willistaiuiin j tlie -long journey be-, twecn Loudon ainl Ulwrow, the'letter had ca-rted tiie germs of the disease. New York lYeas. ITiss Do Go!d-Ma, that man in t'e! n?per kft hand box M a lint). 1 r j baa boon o?!iiisr mea.'I the ereninT. I MotLer That is yo-jrg J.'r. U. j wlmse uncl di.l' end iffi iim one ' huidred thousand list month. JI ia KK.kiriT for a wifi., t!Kv sir nrvi y I-o G.iM-IIe isa t .' 1 . -rentl"Ttian.-a"Th.iw. t - ' 1 "i oa c.r 1 n .'-1