w A- u A. -A. -A. A. ALTJ y A. .'.A' ' J . . . rj PROFESSIONAL CARDS.. k ; Qteenthoro. il. C, Will Is at Qrnhsin on Monday of each week ta attend toproletaional bu.mut. isep to : ATTORNEY AT LAW - -V MB . BUB BJB bTB . . V v ....... ,.' in An i . Practice the btate and Federal Court will faithfully and promptly attend to an iB ie.4Btra.tea to ma DK. O. W. TVIUTSETT, Surgeon Dentist, ., .. GREENSBORO, - ' H. C Will alto vials Alamance. Call In the country attended. Address me at Greensboro, dec 8 tf JACOB A.:LNU , .ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' " GRAHAM. - N.C, - fear 17. '88V ' ADVERTISEMENTS. SUFFOLK, Ccllegiate Institute r CHARTERED 1872.. , Jreparttorji, Practical orFiitfthing in lAOen' t, Mtunemtutcm, ooence 1 and the Hne Arts.' & J. miTOtLJS. Ac U.r Principal ' . Terms reasonable, ioth texts admitted In -al.tlnct departments. The next tenion oveni Monday. Bent 17th f gf!T. Write, to the principal for catalogue at eoiiuiK, va. , juiy. -v. w. (IIIAIIA,' FOB BOTE SEXES. : Session opens Sept;- 8. Terms per monthly 3, $4,4.50. payable quarter ly Board per month $8 50, including .furnished'roora and wood cut: $6 per month for those boarding five day per weea. ray a we mommy. - - - -Boarding department w ill be in charge of Mrs. J. U. Newman.?-, ' SUPERIOR ADVANTAGES IN' VO CAL AND INSTRUMENTAL . . a s ..MUSIC.-.. For catalogue and fuller Information, ' address, ' " .. -nr.- i - RrvJ. U. Newman, . jy4tf- . , ,4 Graham, N.C. I .e. rv J V -. Urn H .7- "?- S5"1M0"J LADY'S! -BOOK- Will ha far .nnerlor to an v Tear Of It bit' ton. a larsrer amount of money having been anoroprlated for the eiubeMWiment of Ike magastne than ever before. Voder bat been pnbluhedj or 60 yuan without muting an is sae.sad " " . YOT CANNOT GET A HETTEE two dollart' worth of magazine than by tah- erlblreWUoaey, iaa hiwt itaui nw aiik a io America, The leading attraction! for I8B9 ate Beautiful Colored fmniloo Platet : agrava4 Jrajihioa riaica iu umu-bv m wuuai ivpicr. entitui I he preraUlcx ttyiea, proaoceu tx p retaly for Uodny wtrnSt ttantW rrMllMlef Art mrl9wy mm Ni-raUvwark - aia, HwnlhHlwd"!!"! . J-lraa far . 1 tfaat t Bail4. .'teral4 ' tMklag Koralpt. KM. ,', - Tha IWantlful-llonie" Clnb by Int J. baa, for yaung toiMckeepert or tbotw who oniemplate becoinlDg to. 'A Year m the Houte. by A03uta 8aubot FBacorr fj nny Wren), which will treat of the vari ona dutlea for each month. -A Children1 Corner, for the little one. A rich array of literature bj favorite au thor, among whom aie Emily Lennox, Olivia Lovell Wlltou, Ada Marie Peck, Eitla Baow. 'mi iBHih.iJ ..Bwnlnl MU 1!. Araea. w)ther humorous tketcbetra3d ntbera. PKEMICM8 to club raltera are among ita special featnr., and Oodey-a offert the moat ciiolce anil raluaule of any mairailna pb lUbed. Snd tAe. for laraple number ' con U'.ningfull elub ralet and premlunu. ' ZTEBt LADT HEBOWK 0BK38SfAiv.B- who fuhMribea to Oodey'a Lady f-t roopoa which yon will I ml ia each comber eotlUet you to roar own aeleethm of any rot paper pattern illattrated la Coder Ledy'a book, i our ISc. Sample Copy wUl contain mam of tbesa eoupou. ny S wW tmm mmmmwtm. wbi will mm nllawa- f ir . rtptten The pattern thowt yoc bow to eat eat the garment yen ant. That ia alt wt can tay tn -U.it apace, for toe reai tee your tautple ttnmber. for which tend 15c. at uact. Hjouey Ucmi't tl.Wit year ' Aadreat "OOUEI LA UT nOtiK." Philadelphia. Pa. In (lub wilh thU paper, GODEY'S .a .1. . r....B.va D.Em il On Mrl,l,K hrnld be .aent to the office) of the (rhJLHEU at Graham. i.,t..-j i I Ia tJ Vilf flUE, LIFE, AND AOCTDENT INSURANCE AGENTS. a !preaent ooly Crrt,aa Kom? and TreisB Corepauietv :at w. c. hobxaCay's. 1" Jl '( V .fN M U Jl 1 -r-u Jj - T:"' " T7 : - W L J Ir-wX :We dre Just Opening a Beautiful Line of: lew If ess (iootls of ie Latest Patei ) j Which we would bo . pleased to have the ladies call and examine. Also making additions to our already large assortment of new gqpdsj all bought at bottom prices and sold at the closest margin possible. It is our TTTC(TbaTT?C)C! 11 l.lAi x TITTJ1DT? irTT 11. ' ; nl!in aI aJ nA tttJ Vi nmnfla ond WO nro xjpxxixoo us wen us uur.uuiuinuu iu jtajxaox iuu uutu wnu uuuutv ui guuuo ouu pi wo v v gomg-to do it.. We have every facility for olienng a market here equal to any ana we aonoi mrena inai you shall be compelled to8 go to the expense;of taking the cars to find what you want, we Duy irom tne same mar kets from which the larcrest dealers in our larerest towns cet .their coods and none of them can command bet ter terms or better discounts.1 Thoroughly post d in both northern and home markets, knowing whefe, when, what and how to buy, we CAN and WILL sell to you at prices which cannot be undersold anywnere. tWfcv..' & j -v-i,1. -ji -i.;ir -it. .4. '.'-ff ..,t . Ui I ' - ( J .i i, ji ,i.,r.ri QA iMSt . ' - M I t 3.i3 C C-i n - .... v WHOIESALE AND. RETAIL MERCHANTS j Vmrmlmt lm Varelga t.mmmr.i i. EujfTaud has finally consolidated her The iiumber'bf hortes lh' lirppeaii '-tahoua agcteultural efforts uuder lh Ruaaia is 21,000,000, including nix goW managijment of a Board of Agriculture, ei nment atuda, beeide a large ouinber Prided oVer by a Minitler of Agrirul of private ouea. .The R'tssian Govern- lure. To this office Hon. Heniy C.iap- mont devotes annually $30,000 to the l'n haa been appointed, rile U a popu- purchase of stallions, aud, so aide- larooqntry entleiiinn, and said to ba spread b been the interest of l ite a praciioal agririultu-iat. Willi him la years in itnprovinjc this stock; that awociated Sir Jure c Cainl, who hat race," trolling matches, and . abows had charge of the agricultural work of have been largely "WcfeaseJ all over (he privy council.' The sei-retary-is (B) tooblry.-" '""' '. tr-rn ) Lieut.-Col. C. A. Leach. TTiie new Pe- Governmenrnurseriere juat now ptrtmeiil Is to have its headquarters in being prepared in Cape Colony, Africa, one of the Govvriuncnt building io for the further extension and develop- W.hilrball,, Jxjii'Ioo, The apprupria menl of the American viues, one near tion for its support laws follows ; , J3al- Stelleiiboacb, one io Ibe Paarl, one near aries and wagon, $33,000 J traveling ex Worcester, and one on a farm between pensm, $10,000 J eolleetlng sti.tini.es, Robertson and Montague. Bo great U $47,000 grants in , aid of agricultural lb demand for these vines, liatappli- and dairy schoov, f2S,0(iy fiiuldenlal cations were received this year for not expenses. $2,900. -The work of the less than 110,000 cuttings, of which , laud vinuiMon aud on public works amber only 60,000 could be spared for and building is also transferred to the distribution. ' ." : "' . " ' ' new Department. , . . . A new process of sewage purification, ' Farming In' Paratntay seems to have '' a-rldar, Ike Day. Jjeesnrrendned on Friday.' oonwsting in lb mixing of amines (a group of ammonia compounds) and lime with tb sewage, ia now being tried at the Wimbledon Sewage Farm, in England. ' The first operation con sist) io pouring milk of lira, or freshly- slaked lime liquefied, and herring brine into the ae wage - an It flows into the works. The liquid then passes Into 'a pump well, where a thorough mixing takes place, after which it it pumped to a higher level, whence It flows into Immense tank. ' Here the sludge set tles and ia run into filter presses and presatd into large cakes. These are af- gons backward, for the area of culti vated lands is now less than it was twenty five years ago. Ths govern ! meat ia now making grebt effort to en courage immigration aud the develop' ment of her agricultural and other re sources. It offers free pasrage to each family of agriculturists trom Europe to the ejpitol, Asuncion, lodging and board for Ave days upon arrival, free transportation to the final destination and a free gift of thirty two acres of land - with the ncccsaary implements and seeds and four bead of cuttle. The pub'ic lamia are also -offered at very ter wards dried ia the sun or a slightly ow prioua, ranging fom' $70 to $840 brated kiln aud grouud for fertilixer. hUnited States money) per sqnar The sewage tho purified Is oomplotely Uagae of 4.600 acres, according to the sterilized, deodorized, and, when mix-. location. The terms of payment art d with ten times its volume of water, i Very easy, but no one person can buy barm lew to Dsn. I mora ihan one hundred aauara leairoaa T... t ...... (.It. I... MAM. " 1 I no have mora iron tape than ten 000 .beep, or twice. .. many ' a. the , , . United Sute but .H.nu tuber of her , d wfU h- horned cattle I. placed at JO000.00O, for TohM0.. d otlier aemi-tropiral crops grow per fectly. -American AgricalturiaJ. ' A mmtm Snr.il.wint. X "Your rat,o5"E rclic;ted.-Cl while we have nearly 60,000,000. Theresas been great depression is the value of calUa, oin to tb fall ing off ia the demand for dried or "Jerk ed" be-f. Tb government now pre- J. one which ia guaranteed to bring . ,. tri..i.i k. vou aiixfacorT rrnlta. or In eaa of . i failure a return of purcbaa price. Oa guaranteeing five per cent, interest as- j tni enfe plan you eaa bay from AW anally for tea yrai sen the capital em-j ad vrrtiard Druirgii a bottle cf lH. ployed in tb ImMoea. f exporting king's Hew I.-overy for ' "W . . . . 7 1 lion. It ia guaranteed to bring rI.W beefia .ba freoh stal f prewrred.! B eery eaw, when Ked fx mr afTrc- Tbedeteilaof tbla attractive ioduee- j tioa of Throat, Lung or Cheat. och at seat to foreigners ar given by Con.ul 1 Conu m ni tor, I r fl tn "f Inirs. . . ' ' Brooeiiti,AthaBia, Waoof.mgUKJkih. Ek-r ia refiort .No. 104 Dorn the Uait-, Croup, elc, etc. It U icaant and m. TVnurtmf rjl of g late. Mr ' arr(le to ta.lf. perJV-Ct 1 1 mW. ! Eaker dovs not think that. even ibis stimulus U1 Lava any perceptible , tTcCt uj-oo tbe eil-orl cattle tuJnea of our country, bet-au of the inferior qdaliiy of AeBUnettlt ran hr nrfx-nriwl ut-on. inn iMHiie free at T. A. AU'rihi'. Dmf stof.' iany t'rrwma nV-i Vra fnt or twnarboid " I;rown' Iron IlitlorH (. iA l.. t. a.. tu-v... A Oc t-. Moscow was burned on Friday.' ' 1 ( : . vvnnuington was born on Friday. . Shukeiipenre was born on Friday.. America was dlncovered on Friday. -Riuhifaoml was evacuated ou Fri day. . ' The Baslllo was destroyed on Fri day. ;- 1 The Mayflower was landed on' Fri day , . ,, ,- V" Queeo Victoria was married on Fri day. ' ' ' " King Charles wo beheaded on Fri day. . l' ort bumpier was DoinuarUed on t Friday. ... t. -( , , . Julius Ctewr was ncwastinated. oa. Fridnv. - -.Napuleou Bonaparte was born on j Friday.''?'": :.. The battle of Marengo was fought on Friday, the boiling point, remove from the flie, '! add two heaping tablexpooofule of bui- ter, aud when lukewarm, stir In "one gill of yeast. If you have home-made ' yeast, so much tlx better ; if you have not dUaolve half of a two-cont cake' of compressed yeast in a gill of lukewarm water. Add enough rifled flour to DEATH IN A TREE JTOP. ' . . (- Oamb JSvtdanoe mt n ntirol Tncdy ia tha Mendocino Kedwoadtb . W. a Mills and Henry Eckliart, of Colusa county, who recency returned from a camping hunt arxtoi thecoaH mountains of Mendociao, W of a re markable find among tlie preat reJ-i wood forests of that part of tlie state, s, story which, for : thrilling, -weird, woodland tragedy, excels. In the northwestern part of t' -i county, late one afternoon, just bef sunset, while the hunters were m&k i r t their way to camp, they noticed iLi the says of ihe sun in the tree tops c a dense grove fell on and lighted c- r white object high np among1 tj branches of a large maJrona tree. ,t Approaching the foot of the tree for the purpose of getting a nearer view of the white object, tuey were aston ished to find. lying on the ground ,t the foot of the tree, the remains of an. old Kentucky rifle barrel, with pari of a much decayed stock still clinging to it .v.' - r', : . j The barrel and lock were covered with rust, indicating it bad lain for years in its position. While their were examining the ancient gun, and look ing for further evidence around th foot of the tree, the sun had so-far dei dined as to throw the white object Li the brauches in a deep shade, making it impossible to make out what it was. As it was somewhat difficult to climb; the tree, they concluded to retprn'' in. the morning and make further. jijree-( titration. Marking it by niacin? pole and fallen limbs against the trunk, tney returnea W camp., r : , Next morning they returned to the tree, ana in tlie bright morning ught bad no difficulty iu making out tb white object to be the .skeleton of a ho man being. Hills climbed the tree and found the skeleton to be that of, quite a large man. resting across two, large limbs, and tied near the thigh, nones to we same. , There was not a particle of flesh oa . the bones, and but few dangling: rags, Near the skeleton, and lying across one) of the limbs, was the frayed remains of an old coat. . Throwing the coat to the eround. Mills descended, it having been decide ed to leave the bones where they lay in tne tree, rawer man urowuem ta the ground to be scattered by wild an There was nothing to indicate bow- the man bad met his death, or why) his gun -should be on the toound and kis skeleton in the tree. -' t -- Ther ooniectured that the hunter. miirht have Been chased bw a hear and. had climbed the tree, and had acci dentally dropped his gun, which,; striking the fiTOund. had tfxnloded and wounded the man mortally; that) ere he died he had tied himself to the. limbs of the tree to present thani-j( mala from destroying Lis body., This,', they thought, would account for the broken stock of .the gun. - i A search was then made in the re-v mains of the old coat, which molded and matted together ia Inaoet Vile lay -Vranea 'One farmer has frequently 1 drowned from two three hundred mice In a sin gle night. How many U killed by cat" or terrier dog Is not known. 'n' Ia the United Stales it has boen claimed that a rat-terrier, or fox-terrier dog oa a farm saves one hundred dollars a venr. make a soft baiter, cover and stand In J oy destroying mice snd other -vermin, leevea were moldy and much figured! - a. 1" l A a 1 a- r a warm place over ntgnt, next morn- Ir vy rur., comrollne n France ing beat three eggs - until wry ' light .' boards ar put up bearing tbi follow with a s.n.11 cup of sugar ; stir Into the 5 ' 71 batter, and knead in enough flour to make a soft douglu It should be just as soft as it can be bandied, and by . no means as stiffs brdod. Cover again, and when very light turn, out onto a fljitred pastry board and rolt into a thin sheet, cut In pieces and maid luto little roiiud Win. T)jt a cloth lightly with flour, lay ths doughuu'.s on this, and let them stand halfau hour. Ihsu fry in a Jeep kettle of very hot fat, dropping them in with the side that The l-atti of Waterloo was fought M P " tI,e tobl" T io lba f M I lie crust tnut mrm ou incra prevents them from rising if dropped in with on Friday. . ' ( . The bailie of Bunker Hill was fought on Friday. . Jouu of Aro was burned st the stake en Friday. ... The ' Declaration of Independence as signed on Friday. The battle of Kmw Orleans was fought on Friday. The first lodge of Knights of Pythias was formed on Friday. . Jeffiraon favia, ex-President of the Coufcderate Slates, died on Friday. Mcneennkle elp.a. ' this crdU oh top. ' In turning them over, put the fork or spatula uoder them, and do not pierce them. Drain on a sieve. American Agriculturist. Hair la Hake an Aaalta Ifarp. Wax a piece of button twist about two aud a half feet lon ; tie each end strongly to a peg, and thrust the peg. down tb crevic between the two tithes of your northern or western window stretching the silk ss lightly ss possible. It will surprise you to bear tb sweetness and variety of tones Saked Oil ft Heart Is a very cbesp wind will bring from Ik Uaving aud economical diab, and savors stroog-! done this you may be moved to gt fur- ly of veolaon. Waah tb heart well In 1 ther and prepare a mors CTaoorale aea- c- Id water, letting it stand baif an 1 lien barp. hour In th second wsUr. Remove Take so me quarter Inch wood, ana the tube, and fill the spaces with a ttutfing made of bread crumbs, melted butter, salt aud pepper. Press Ibis ell down, an-i akewer ths boles, or tew them together. BUnd It point down In a saucepan of tocb a six that tb largeat part of the heart will At ia tnngly and It keep It from falling over. Cover two-thirds with wster, and sim mer so gently thai tb water will not boil over lb top of the heart, and thus .often ibe stuffing. Cook for on hour. (bea lay it ia a baking pan, end bake bin, brown, basting with butler. Make a sauce by thickening th gravy is lbs paa, aud torn of the water la which it aa UviWd with, and season ing t Uai. Serve some soar jelly J wiib It. Ddt'jhtutt This ia the old-fashioned rrciMi for the dcxijbouU of oar grand- tno.btr. Utiug-two cups of milk to-' make a bog the length of your window frame, four or Ave inches deep snd six or seven inches wide. Bjre a few small boles in a circle near what will be the upper aids of- the back of the box, wbek placed ia tbe window with Ibe open side of tbe box, fatten two bridges like violin bridges, on at esch end, and stietch on ibem severs! strings of fine eat gut contriving a ae ries of scrsws or pins lo sid Iu Id light stretching accessary, and lo allow of their being tuord lo tfne not. Then ralae your sab on tbe wiaH sid of the house, sod the wind pawing through lb boles snd over ths strings will in rising snd filling make very sweet tU Lutheran OUaervrr. mon sens and honeatv of lh public. Hedgehog Lives upon mice, snails,' wlia worma animals injurious to agri culture. Uon't kill tne tmigenog. T'Hid Helps agriculture s destroy twenty tJ ibirly Insects hourly. , Dou't kill toad. - Molt Destroy wlr worms, larva, and lusecta InjurtrMis to tne farmer, no trace of vegeiahlcs is ever fount) iu the stomach 1 does more - good . than barm. Don't kill moles. - i ; - Cock-chafer 4 Hi arrae-Ceadly enirmy to tamers ; lays 70 ta 100 egtta. Kill the cook-chafer. ' . JJlrdf-Each department of France loos yearly many million of francs by the injury done by Insects, Bird are the only euainirs capable of buttling with them vigorously ; they are great helpi to farmers. Cnilureu dou't take bird's nest." If lbs teachers of American school could, t lib their pupil, sMid half a day every werk during tbe summer, in collecting Insects Injurious to lbs farm, tney would impart soiia and useful In struction to their pupils, and earn at least pari of their salaries, together wltb a lasting service io their country, American Agriculturist. - JBelal War Henvrta. PttUbort Record.. . , The Official Reports of ibe Union atd Cbnfrderate artniea, ibslare being pub liatied by an act of Cougres passed .In 1874, routain much interesting infor mation. Th last volume Issued eon lain lbs official reports of lb Union officers as to Ibe part taken by I heir respective eowtmaads hi tb great bat tle of Gettysburg. On pag 161 are published tbe official returns of Ibe Army of lb Potomac, whiubshow thai, on June 80ib, 1863, (the day beior the battle began), there were 117.KJ0 men and officer present for duty. On page 187 is published the number of casual ties In tb Union srgry In ibat bottle, as tollows : Killed, H,l&5 ; wounded. 14,629 ; captured, 6,365 making a tola) loss of 23,044. Th official retorts uf lbs Confederates ars not published In fl.l. B.lll Kl. Kill K. K MA.t . . B. .. U . will w I B. ur H G . I , Rett. A. L. Long's "Memoirs of Robert E. yngiv lbs loUl lossof lh Con federate in Ibat hatt'e as 16,000, which includes the ki'lrd, wounded and csp urrd. So that the total loan of hnlli armies In ihe battle of Gt-ltytburg a about 40.000 urn. Tbe General In Chief of th Union army at that time, Gt-n. 11. W. Halleck, in l)i official report of the Military op eralimis ia Ibat campaign, ibea apeultt of the bat lie ol liettytburg : Tbaop- An old moldr notebook was found, i In the book was pencil writing, which, was still legible in places, though th U 1 . . A . I. il. ur jvug vAf-uaui-w iw hum wnwer. - vnti tne first page there was part of a name. ending with tbe letters ngtoa; all the balance of the name was obliterat ed by mold and stain. - -; . , xnere was writing oa tbe next two. or three pages, but it could not be de-, ciphered. The next few pages were, comparatively clean and the writing' perfectly elifpblo. It was a record of Lis last days in the tree, and reads Heltgensasaln, but lb att at the foot of thai How tamm will Ubia bast For thraai. dart 1 have been kept op In thi. tree aod I mm. drtngwfch btmger and ttitrat. One at th bean alwaya rmama, while the ether goes awajr for; hoar. WIU they sew leave the wwtv BhaBIdia bees, and thaa fall to b mUmn br ttksmf e U 1 only bad sty rift, agataarni srtnk of water. I kave mtum aouuag bo Uf tmrm at the tree and tnmf are a latter. a a, TIm a I. oatriy dowa and tfaa ami bw kaa ra-' Tbev will botb.ranaln all tught. , It's moraine acaio. I thought 1 wat astlnc la ' thlcbt dream. Imm) nlttiu Ho;. I aat dj-kkg of' kuagar aad Ihln. i am (rowing wvaaar. 1 I have wapt antil Umv are na mora taan. I. foaod avaetf Irytng toartoot mt tb tna laa night, but tb bears growled and I cams to my aiju.ua. . Tb bears are aadar the ttw. The graund la eoveiad with than. Tk are ban-. dradaof Ibea. I have bans anttag laawa and del not feel hungry sow. I think I'll f ant of Uil.. yet M alt tkoat taars wfil cm away. a a rw sua Is going down again, 1 wont writ any The following was probably written , the same day. or it might have been . - written the following day: he writes. lis hist few lines, ana they are inco herent: ,-r ' - , - , ... I had hard wark lo set the book oat of are aeas. i I bava Ued eoM over Itanb; tied ary hwa lo km i dob, ae a will bo two weeks to-ntorni - TlUy la atirbt Tilly-waa ker-h Im uae aow--a. 1 tu be loo weak ta tlx a mm aurht alio Tlur o a, tb b ra. So mamr 'i Snd Snil nia miL to tuioa wkar ar ther I WW put i it put tb book In peekat godatgkttBaotbag .ia lu.e Ttuy , Here andad tha writinir. of which tbe above is a correct copy. There were no dates to tlie pares, and noth ing to indicate that the writing mighV not have been done all ou tile iuioe day and at the same time. ine writer retained the vmUnr for some weeks before be gave it for pub-, lication, seriously doubting its authen ticity. -Saa Fraaciseo liUaminer. A Family at Cm .At wioclawek. lrt t'oland. a man named I'awlikowtVi Las j;ist died at. the ase or lis. lie loutrbt tiirougn. osciuhi-os wars and throuri Napo. Jeon'I'S Kalian campairn. lie was working in the fields up to last year. , lUs father u said to nave liveU to th: ssre of 12$, and ono of l is brothers died st 113. lie It-arcs three tasters. Td 102, SO snd 83, respectively. 1 all Hall GazeU. iwror;: riAi K Arur Or yoo arc 'l -a r- i r gi-.-l UK noOtlDg It U t I in- I u- ity ajKIO. ' (, I.ITTtl. ItwlU cure a 'd rr r--' f '-ut. hi aS duuia la 1 min 'in j ! . They found a ll.-mt.tna In J Ian dead i Al. ,,.. lli-K.V 1 lift -if ' .t Atv .nil nosing fortes In lhi.aangi.ii.ary calem thr d ,T- inrP,;' -'ii(n raum' -era nenr.y , , numwra, a..u ooin u 1 -tLut , lolluhl Ilk ik. b.-a A ..a... t r"- - "- ..r-"r.-.c g, ncflras w, r,j j-..lrn, was . : jape" It mas certainly fie greater uiow rero." l.rv i- v U t jbaMle ever f.Mighl on the Amrncnn out t'-at war, but ia U it . contiuem, nd the. like of whu-h t -,,M,ij r- '-l t t at e-- Loij may never be fought aguia I j 0f. Ii.vt.v.U't j i ; C ! of, i '-V . r