I 1 AMAI k 4 VOJL. XVI. GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1890. ' NO. t. it ZONAL CARDS. A COY'S CCr.CLiCTi: ATTORNEY AT LAW. Greenthoro. 2f. C T. iilk.st Graham oh Monday of each week I I. a.ieaa toproiesslonal busmen. 3ep 16 J. r. jiiixrooiE. ATTORNEY AT LAW f rott' i the btnte and Federal Court I frill faiihtullyand promptly attend to all b aauutru.ted to lii in n - - Di:. G. TV. WIUTSETT, . , Surgeon Dentist, GEE2Nsror.o, . ... '.',' n. a Vill a' jo viuit Alamance... Call-Tin the cuts, try attended. Addrep me at Greenwlturo. . . , ; , , . ; dec 8 if JACOB A. LONCJ-, ATTORNEY-AT LAW, GRAHAM, - . .... . K. C, llavl7.88. ' '. " . 1 t 1 .J i i r j .l U '1 J' i r L. ,j nil Bom Etched ltee.ua. I nSiSrS?01 NEW G00I)S bought at closest prices, actually LOWER, in most cases than first COST UAMOOI)S and getting in new stock every day, We don't allow our goods to get old, but sell and buy again. We now have . J " II I I I I I ... advertisements. n y-jety and quality comparable to any line in the State, to which we invite your examination and which I mpfrt j- t nvl I " VTfT sT n IflA afwraf-t tm-wr bVw sw- I v 1U. . 1L.H 1 .1? IP "I A. f Al. . m vyc-uiu Bcuuuvriaa awu t;)ciji umcruuBi ciiBaier mu ever ueiore ouerea on gccouiii 01 me largo trade es- laDiisneu. run uue 01 jraniis, ijinseea un,narminr utensils. Atrents lor iilack Hawk uorn ohAliAr mid " SUFFOLK, Cclhgiate Institut CHARTERED 1872. Preparatory, Practical or Finishing in viasHic; Mathematics, science and Iks Fin Art. P. J. IZZ"CrL3; A. It., Princij:!. Term reasonable, both aexe admitted in distinct department. . . i The next seuioii open Monday, Sent 17tb, I 18-8. Write to the principal for catalogue at OUUU1K, TK. - ' JUT. IV, U. GCAnAO CCLLTGE.I ; FOB EOTE 6EXES. . beaston opens Bept. 8. .terms per montn jn, i3t f4,4.50, payable quarter- I ly. .Board per month $8.60, including furnished room and wood cut; 16 per month for those hoarding five days per weeK. faya Me monthly. 'Boarding department v ill : be in Charge of Mrs. J. U. Newman. EVPE2I0R ADVANTAGES IN VO CAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. For catalogue and fuller Information, aaaress, .- -'- - Rev. J. IT. Newmak, Jyltf . ;, , , .Graham, K.C. tImpcria, Chilled Plow. Genuine Malta Double Shovel Plow at car load rates. Farmers' Friend. ain. nnn. owingo Falls and Excelsior Hoes. : Seed Oats, Clover and Orchard Grass Seed. Buggy Materials. L. B. Holt & Co:'s Feed Cutters (Smith patent). 20.0C0 yards plant bed croth, F.urnlture, Leather. I lave control of eome leading popular brands of flour at whclesals rctss. Complete Line of Fancy Good3 and Confectioneries. Have Just received a beautiful lineof Imported Cldd Dand Dress Goods, all ncvelties. Alco Ginghams, Catines, Toile Du Nord, Percales, &c. All at low prices to Insure quick sales. TD 0 10 r 0 03 1 CO CO WHOLESALE RETAIL MERCHANTS Imhi .rib. FrlM Ciwf) C.atmt. The announcement in the last num- ber of this magazine of the award of the !ou The necessity of proper drainage for ieen under an intelligent and not ex oat fields receives marked emphaaU n b'austive rotation- of .crops for seven, the Americau Agriculturist competi- teen year", and now Mr. Jacobs truly Will be far mperior to any year Of Its bls tor), a larger auiooat of money bavin; been appropriate d for the etnbe!lisliniBt of the ai"aitine than ever before. Coder has been puunithfcdf or 60 yoara without Biuilng an ! auo, and : . , YOU CANNOT GET A BETTER two dollars worth of magazine than by nh criUirj?to"Oodey,"Tas butt Fahily Mi.9 Ar, h lu America, .'J ha l-ailiiif attraction! for IS93 ate l r ' auiifiil Colored Faehion Plate : KagTared iitKiiion Plate, la blxrk and while, repre aenting Ibe prerallicK .tylea, produced ez prcMiiy toy woaoy. ,. - . ty -, Art f '.'if a?TCrBfM. f - . tf.fcina; iksreaUf ' T!ie "Beaotiful Home" Club - by Emw J. Ckii, for youM Loiuekeepcr. or thi? who f"iiu;nniate oecutniag a. A lear in the j tine' by Audurta SiLIB0KT Pur scott (.(rn- r vrn). wlnrli will beat ol the n mil (iutir. for eavii month. A Children' Corner, for the lints one A ru b array of literature b) favorite an- t' r ,....m whom aie Emily Lennox, Olivia 11 neon, Aila iiarie fecit, .iie enow, ' . ' auiiur of "tieiuiui.' hi lie C. Green, v i aer nuuiorou Kt'tcucs, aaa oiuer. " ;i'V3 to club mlfer are amoog lu .1 t -turpa, and ouey' orter. the moat e i valuable of any mainain. pub i. r-id lac lor .ample aumtier con 1 ( I club rales and premium. r " T LATT EEE OWS DRE3SMAIKR. ; to oily' I-adr fence i .i n ym wiil oml la each Dumber r . i fj v.Hir own acln-iioo of any rut j r ! i u-iraUd to liodey iMaft i - . imif I nc. tsa mple Copy wul contain ne of thc-o eaupoM, t i I 1 trmtm l wfcietj will rccivnt "" n !. rn iow voc bow to eat out Ibe ! T c 1 u .l wt can y In r i e rt ee your aaujpie i -.1 1 c at oucc. . lf o T'S HOOK," i iikaiieipbm. Pa. i t:.r rr, cgdey'S sn 1 1 ue J -MJ, which i- it) tie cee of the tc. 1. - D A CCT I z::t IT.- is .1 prize of Five Hundred Dollars in gold, offertd by the Americau Agriculturist tor the largest yield f oats growu on one exact acre, in 1889, in North Amer ica, and of the minor prizes,' has con centrated the attention of farmers upon the better cultivation of this crop' When we reflect that oats is the most extensively grown of any of the small grains (the crop of the United States luat year being over 700,000,000 bushels, or 200,000,000 more than ' the wheat yield, and oyer one-third the bulk of our maize crop), and yet is, perhaps, the worst abusod of them all, it la evi- deut that this eCTort of the American Agriculturist to Induce better oat bus batidry i doatiued to have a far-reach ir.if inSuence on our agriculture. To thisendthe metbodx pursued by the grand-prize winner (R. W. Strickland, Orleans County, N. Y.), as given in the Ameiican Agricultnrlst for December, are supplemented herewith by the re sults of a careful consideration of a few points in the complete and partial retorts of the many other contestants. THK BEST SOIL FOB OATS. - lu by far the majority of instances, a level clay -loam soil wis selected. The largest yields are almost invaria bly on soil of this nature, at lean in the Northwest, in the Middle and Eastern States, and in Ontario. The alluvial river bottoms of Ohio, although also originally ' n bard wood timber. did not average at much a the clay loam soils, though these bottoms, un der gooJ treatment, exceeded in pro ductiveness the most virgin soil of Or egon. A strong, sandy loam, nnder irrigation, in Utah, produced a Lirge crop (nearly iiiacty-three bnsbeLt), and the average of tbe cats grown ander irriUon in Colorado and elsewhere was also fair. These, however, are special cases, and farming on such soil with irrigation is quite different from e practices which prevail over a large j art of cur funning area. In most , tie bel crops grew on weli ji 1 1 so 1. Ti'Lew tViS was not ao- i eatura-ly, t.Ie-dralos or ? were reported. Oa ths rt r 3, r-jry cf the failures seem MANURES AND FERTILIZERS. A.ii..i.an.... , Shortly before that terrible flood, which almost wiped Johnstown out of existence, Emit Etoiue left Cam bria City for bis native town of Oreen- says, that less manure would have been bolter, developing more grain wnenevera Clover or alfalfa sod was "naiess straw, aitnouga me crop or vi1Ie.not far from dtrtwbunr. to Alsace plowed down, either last year or In , eventy-six bushels was by do means a Lorraine, to receive a comfortable for 1887, 0818 did well. A rotation with ; Pr one. Ev'dently the day soil re-J tune, which be had Inherited from a clover seems to be quite, as useful with valued the elements or the liquid man- relatlve. . oats as with wheat. ; Stable manure ure, and the nitrogen thus supplied was broadcasted and 'plowed under, went mostly to straw. American Ag riculturist for January. four to six inches deep, in a number ot oases wito good results, but the best average product, where stable manure was alone u J. is on fields where the manure uj ; lied waaquiu flneauTwas!1,'r6m Oodoy's Udys Book. aTaahiaa HeiM. well harrowed is. This seems to well justify the theory and practice of many of our best farmers w ho hold that, al though oats is a gross feeder, It grows so rapidly that to feed to the best ad vantage finely divided manure well distributed through the surface soil. is fur better than coarse stuff plowed , down six inches. Another important polotfs the 'conclunivo evidence that oats can easily be over-manured. The first prize winner lur,p!y ones bis great yield to the fact that tbe soil was abundantly Stored with plant-food, anpMed tbe. previous year or earlier. sothatit may be said to bave become thoroughly digested, and was in a con dition to be assimilated by tbe plant to tbe best effect, going more to berry tban to straw. This was not quit tbe -Fashion is certainly coming back to tbe lively shades of color so long dis carded. ; ' Etoiue bad been working as a pad- dler in tbe Cambria Iron Works for about two years previous to his de parture for the Contioent. He leit a family consisting of a wife and five cbiMreu behind him, happy in the thought that In a few months tba head or tbe bouse would return with suffl dent means to support them. If not in luxury, at least very comfortably, with. out lunner uara wors: or any kind. ri .u. i.ui li- .Li. I aviH- '.... uhiih won me , '- g . - 0 a v. . . V , tr.Mw., wtvh Tav v. iM.iu.iinu ninvi wr huiu wiia SDOUt IZt) . . I ru , II.1.I..J I . . i T 1 me leal ber Doa, coming up over tbe I "- " into some bus- .r. V f, it,. 1 r '"'-"v rococo 4 HIS- ,. ....... e .""w our recently, in I ne afternoon, and tbe fur boa. I hoarded the Johnstown aorommoda- A cbarmlnir silver irrsv brocade for 1 on " 1 1 !- n'c? blm to . w . i .ha wh.p. hi bid lkn..J. evening weUr has a large pattern of j .r than aU tbe money in (he world, crescents ana flying swallows in can-l woen ne oon at oansiowo be was aicu tinsts of tbe most effective stvle. a"Ieo 'a 4 .nraii-.. wivoKing arounu " vi eii.iuk kvwu. nr. nun id m Buiquijry, wnen m. mun ... ... . I i.-a t.: j . . . shortened they recall tbe small round I spprowcu.u mn ana win j A g,leM .'trains, calledlx,uU XV." Un7a Zl " I - Z7'. ' .r-V'.0.0 v. . . i.. . ; xor waitiug-nressea, idics; rougn- ill's quite enaogea now. looking woolen fabric are preferred. L "I koowa it myself If Its work In the summer,, the other lo the winter and spring-. Tbey sto not antagonistic, but co-operative. Afutr corn and cotton are gathered. there) is no obntscle in sowing the land they occupied in rye The stock U not occupied by other work, and tbe bands are not buy. If washes bave started in cot I oo or corn Delds from defective laying oft tbe rows, now is a good time to stop them by sowing down the land end plowing down the beds. Left un til spring, tbey Tied Only On. 1 u r. At abouttlieo-o cf 13 1 1 ':,' ia a country stoia i i I among: my oilier i'.. i v , sleeping in the sto; a i s lector, Itwaaarii t I store, standing tt ten miles from a town, and t i ( lived about forty ro.j t idea of my being any rr 4 protocUir was abv n-U, I t ! . standing was tlmt 1 wd4 I ji,,. . i.. and I did. 1 bad a room it ' V corner being partition! h c p j never got into tbut bed tliat I t-Xn-t. cover up my head and shake end e' iv or with fear until sleep got Ue L. u,r of me. ; t One Saturday night, after ism-cnl! hundred dollui's hud been niii.l in. u.n- proprietor hid the roll inateaoLtet, locked up tlio bijr safe ami w t home ! leaving me to close up. When ti. dt bad been done I got to. bed, but about midnight was awukened by some uo! down sUirs. After listening f tr awhile I became sure that some ono was in the store, and I crept outofLr t under the belief that the b, d. i;C tloor room would bo sofen for me ia. uuu camo up.stairw iera1 was a liatcli or opening in the cei 4 of tho room, and I crept softly to ti.iif and looked down upon the licn' ot three men working at tho safdu Turr could not bave known that I slept i i, tiiestoro, as no one bad been up, and as they were taking matters as cool oi. you please. It was an old fail.iontOi safe, and they bad stolen tools from ai blacksmith in town to open it. . "How much do you lier onfT asked one, , f 'Four hundred," replied anolher. r .J'Wbafa that apiece!" asked tL. thirds - i All began to figure, and af'er b-m minutes they made it out that f- !i would get $250. This aickled th.-.rv. and they began work. It was won.' r ful bow that old safe held out. l or three long hours they hammered and. banged and pounded, taking turns a they tired out, and about 3 o'clock iir the morning they got in. They al most bad a light to see who should fin. ft pull out the money, and when it w discovered that an old sixi-...,. with crossed marks on it, and a il hu'l u ousieu state-bank constitute alb the weakh behind the iron door tUt i-e- . was a moment of awful susmnae.. Then they began at each other, anil each robber, bis father, mother, b fw and siit-rs lad to take it ILer called each other, liars, Ihiuvei. windier, barn burners and everv thing else they could think f.a Tr. Dually a three cornered fight b a. In the struggle one of them was. ","." unwuucwus, aim. uie o '.er two left him und skipped out. It w-is. getting- daylight now, and I went' ?-T?. foun.1, tJle fallow fliut, fni tied bis hands and feet with' a l.i?hes. A hsui jUstc"eiuded when he opened bis eyes, realized tliesiumtion,. and worked a sweotsmilo tohhi facoasi he said: "fciay, bub. Tin awful glad to see you. I m tlio Ee. Btcplien Ikiker, of Lufavettoj you. know, und have wan dered out here in my sleep, and got. " paw wJineiiow. i oiieu Wuilc - ill set deener and J a . i t . " . uccpor. cuw xram aioni US . wasnes n i T V, ,, - . dscidedly tbicter, and fpply' manure ThJ ftj ttXZ g " heavier also, to get a thicker, stronger ',n i7J u . iWI 1 WJ X"X growth. ' gregnuon.aay if lm uot back on tnnn.. This ia also an excellent time to lay u "'!r ? po',8 ?ff bub "na. 1 lh off and estoblisb the border terrace, 'rf, , -i Can "!hoTdl both because one baa tho leisure to af- 0lmo T i J'1 18 yi. Cm you; tend lo it. and becaure If the border. como.1? mT Sunday school r are made now and rye sown on tbemJ .1,...- "U lolJ 5' 'e mcrcluint, andi tbey will become quite firm and strong 17a . ",; bv so ring. Each succesxl ve v.r's ... Jrtson' ..1. ....'! lurmuoown plaids and fancy stripes, also plain cloth trimmed with fur, Diamonds are being set as combs, system on which tbe second largest '"d appeared at one of tba last corr 1 7 d o C. t 1 " r t t t ! ., Ij 1 . ,' ; o v : a' 1 i rnttart, dae to the t a f. 1. XI. ost is reft. :-jr it Li I I 3 i 3 It -sir- ' 4 to te r..V.--.l ly t In t a : T crop of 103 busbr.ls was grown. It was on a strong Pennsylvania clsy loam, well manured in 188-5, and sown' wftb wheat and clover; bay was cut io'S0 and 87, but tbe heavy second growth of clover was plowed nnder that fall and planted to corn la the spring of '83, which produced finely, with so manure. Lattpring,forty two common sized loads of n'anu re (about one-bird from fattening rattle and two-thirds by well-grained work borsef), that brd been fork -! over notil very floe, were phw edtoa depth cf six inches. Eut this store of well -prepared food below was wiity sop; lementej by drilling in ith t!:e 1 (T pouo ls per sere) of a nUn-jr J sr r err hvr '.ate, thus af- fotu.it i t'.e y, .- -r 1 !nts soluble food on:;lihyc 'i reach tie manors be low. Ij sis- ' r eM ( "amuvl Jscxbt z 'mroe Cj., C'-'arivi, g'eeo cow man or me season's eniertainmenta -In a high PpanUb comb encrusted with these stones. Among the prettiest movelitee of tbe season is the iadeplissable tuois. It is a tort of long redicgote of fine clolb, very finely plaited, surplU fashion, with the middle pert of the front and I woaldn't bave known It mvaalf I bad been away for six months." "A the man spoke' aays Etoior. MI felt as if some one bad pierced mv heart with a sharp knife, and I mioted dead way." When he retrained con aciousn.se be made seareb lor bis family, but tbey were among ibe lost of Ibe flood, and to-day tbe psor man was here oa bis wsy tc AImos. where be savs be w.ll live tbe rest of bis days in solitude and aduea. florin nail 0 CommeilaL J & 1 a . cinxas.vne Det means or preserving laud from washing. If it did nothing mjre tbsn secure horizontal rows and level culture (which It does), It would be of inestimable value. Had terracing been practiced ben the country wok cleared, there would now be no gullied fields or gullied spots to meet or dis please the eye. W.kL. J., in Atlanta Const itution. . iireM niiMf. .rifc, VmUrt 9tmUm 1.6V. " was ultimately LuiJiwJ in, 1 As a reward for mv cf. JO owner of Mia atom . 1.. ... as be surveyed the ruined safos s ., JUKik at that wreck, and it's alb your faulll What iu. Uiunder lo L pay you t2 a month for, excopt to keep, robbers olf, and hero vou've went ani let two of 'em git; awiiyr Now Yorlc Bun. r ... , Tke lllsht Tbackmay' Llf ! " For convenience soke a man is. pcrmiUcd, within certain limitaUons. which vary iu various countries, to ssy who shall have his proerty when. From the llailwaw Aot Is eomnil..! BeI'f" ,U?.can bequeuth his houses, the following shoJrln'.K- nd. wnoo, his atocks. bonds. tn,,Pr. mil.ace of each State) and Tr in,; cotue ond bnc a bnic. I t he- January 1, 18D0 i Nebraaka Dakota Georsia - Wflralav 1 CalifbrtiJ. r 1- tr. -a. ... 1 . . " . -- vncii wr wu 1 Virginia. State. Illinois Ksnas Texas... lows . Pennsylvania. Kw York Ohio . Michigan Indiana , Missouri . Minnesota. Wisconsin. mtl.h Ik. IihhaH.iim .f . a 1 .. .If b. I . . Y ... -'k"1 v. vi wvwiiig i u it- Alabama North Carolina . dock, and the sleeves or plalo, velvet ; occupied lands with winter grain. the collar and wrUband are of fur. I " Tr " w 100 f " w u w a u m 1 t. , . . , I barley, rye or wheat. These may be Small mufii, ia tbe shapes of plaited L duringtbe whole of Ijis month. bags are made In plaid cloth to match I " Den ooe Is looking chiefly to the Ira is re - 1 1 c ysr.i tri i t 1 t t-e -r; Vt cf tie tarn- .' ; a l.i -v C"tr:':y of ' , a i I . - " t e r, . :s rVj la bU -, were I 1 la t - ' -1 cf T-f t' j i i all I'-.a 1 r .) t'-.e "', an J : ' 1 , 1 ' ; 1 tbe wrsn, wltb quiliiogs of ribbons round the edges, snd a large bow at tbe lop. A nov-l dcfn for a brooch Is a minia ture wucu in a.amooos, seatea oa a golJeo broomstick ; another, a C'bt of moonstone-faced cherubs, with gold ins, iouchtd up with diamonds; atars and slnpet la colored eoaaicl, set la a rins t.f dlamoo !, wi.b the Ameri can eJe, in dlamotsd, pertV.eJ above; a d s 1 g-,'. J rtVoo fUrmiug tie fcrooc'i, I :.ba i.. i.ouJ-te.deJ pi a rca la at j 0t cf t'.e u I .'t;.)H : to c;..c-B- ! 'nrt t.-.irts, U!i a true-lovrr'a rt ia ' a r. 1 r.. i ; 3 t r 1 x 1 provement of tbe laad, rye is the grain to sow. It is hsrdier tbao any other: it U deeper rooted thaw the other, and it wiil make more root and stem than any oiber. Ia every particular it is a good recuperating crop a winter re- cuprstiiif crop. We are very aoxions to educate our farmers cp lo tlie point cf sowlog rye 10 improve land, juU as they plant pea f.r lbs same purpowa. Jo . 4oun. iry Ik. our, whtre 11. tan 1 ho. t. a irv rived of i.s huram ty ..r ?eioiio-Uf-1 ct'to euliure, we are not ture bi4 ry. ot,'i I ,e'p It wir. than r ' t,.r rye fUecl Uail.ing in tSe aii,r. anj i 1 . . . 13 a ! .- i o s i I to 1 . . ....I. "i 1 .. U I. I J i- i 1 Iir ;ff r' 1, I i'-.ejr c.-n'r ; : 1. s i- , ; s :h i f , 1. S.--,ls. p.a t.., its.. .... , 1 i CT . a i I e : ! 1 4 : "i . i 1. - j t e f . 1 . stft t ' i 1 ". 1 r e r v" e 1 r -1 ) Kentucky . Teoneeaee... Florbla lliaaiasippi Bo 11 lb Carolina.. Arkanaaa ' llarwch ue Uu. New Jeraey , , Montana , ... . Waul) injj too . Lou Ma aa " Ore (500 Aiaiue Weat Virinia.M32"rr'" New Mexico " """" Man land A D. V. Indian Territo-y 'Si " New Ilaosr Lir. . ' lona . . 1 useciieut r3ont." j. mm I i3iri " r ' -:e LUt;J railway cannot bequeath his wifeorliis growm children, for tlicv bclnno" nni 1,. Miles. but to themsel 10,079 bequcalli the story of bis life to. snr ... 8,815 one's exclusive use or to disuse foi- .-8,494 that is not his cither. That is part or 455 biMory, and belongs to any n or 8 417 Adam who. cares to investigate ami 7,762 -so it. Tbe notion that the worUs 7,759 acquaintance with the man 'J'lia krr;y l,739 w to be only so intimate us Thm-fcr-rnv v.vio unKin uave cuoaen to periiul u uut .00l aoutML . ...... . . 6,519 What is told or a..-1 of a man trl 'lo. 6,440 he is alive be is permitted o ri ni, i; 5,020 bedoesnt like it, but if. I.o t j t. ' 4.647 bind posterity not to exi lore ., r 4,277 ord afusr he is dead, bo li i-s hem -, h what is nolongo, I, i. , 1 1 p. , b in the world be left in the . . ! !. an L . wiuuji vi mo worm; aui, if it worm wiulo cxplorniT. tho oi'l peneciiy at Loony to l,k it i t 11 convenii-iice. i; .,i,,rv i t.'.o rt. I linmnn Lres and ll.i ir 1 (. listorv, he was t; o l,i i "v.f.in -ouM l.ave l.' i. J i t 1 SiiOtiJJ g..t its owm f.vm L; :. t Der's. 4,27 4,122 8.18S 8.116 2.7S3 2.7.r4 p51 3.41 2.41' 2.1C7 2,112 2 1 2.( , I is ; ) 1.717 I,f :3 14 3 is. 1.1 1.1 V.'e a - p e r j c -v, tip t: J I -r t,,e i. e..,ae t" t, as a t DO fciru-iif j . "i; v. , ,. f a 1 ; ' r -, f 1 . r. . . . t ' 1 1 Bmtnl - n ft f