7 It W an. & J .b k -d ..'1 VOlS. XVI. ; , f ::GAHAMr:G.:; THURSDAY;, FEBRUARY.' 1 3. 189Q: T V -. ' NO: 2.. J'liOlLh-IOALlL-'ARDd. ; " .-..- m " "i a a ..a ., : , . ,,, . , .. ttA, , ,,,, 7 f?m- BfflWrazc-.;: " ' fTrSiAoro. iV. - Wilt be it Qr&haiT) On Monday of each week. t auea- to proles.touat business. LJep jof A TT0RNE7 A T I A W j'c..aaa (V.iV. - ' (ractiJesln the Btate-and. Federal Cours ill faithfully and proiBiylij aneuu w ." DH. O. W. WIIITSETT, , Will viwvAlareftnco. iCftlU U .i. ....f..- Mnded. Address me al uv 7 ft If -ii inO .a ATTORNEY AT LA vV, , GRAHAM )- ' l'N- Mav'1788. x, , , , . ADVERTISEMENTS. . Collegiate Institute '. CHARTERED 182.'."v'.. ... Prtparatonji Practical or Finishing in Clawi ', Mathematics, Sciences , 'a ond Vns "( ; ' P- JtSEEDDLB. A. Mm Principal. Terais xcnsonRble. iJoth eexes admitted in dlatSotifepahuJcnts.'' ."l :,1L The next scBSloh open Monday, Bent. I7ttr, 1888. Write to the principal fur ealojjne at 8uolkVa. , ' iulV.. 10-a-i. G RAH Ail -1 FOR BOTE SEXES. f&fan''rM Sept; 3.' Terroa per moptlv$2, $3. 14, 4.50, pavWe: quafr ly. ,BwaiJ ptr. Wouih. $8 5, .ltiblijding furniahiil()iD Riiit wood tyt; $6 per mdrftlr ftr hoe boarding fi9 un9 werttV-"TttViWe'Bioiithlyi"i-r -t '.' . BoaldjuK- di-pjftfneilt vlll -bw . 1b charge o ffi U SeWatfiV STER'toR IfiVANTAGES'.lN VO; OAIAKUIXriTRU.MENTAL ... t,J iMU?IO. . ;-; a For'ffftalof'ii aud fuller iiiformatiwii i r '' . tr -lSt--MS . Mi. afldiesf, .. , . . - KEY. J. U. r tWHjn, . , . . '. .( (II I U MUM 1.1 Wfi ! cTo do-your. trading and exchange your cash or bartea- for NEW GOQD.S Jb:pught;at closest prices and sold act ually lower in most cases thart'Fitisrcoar. OF old-goods ;.-.Ve prefer'-'-4 ; And we are turning loose our new stock and buying again. VYe are just receiving; a fUU line of TRUNKS, VALI8ES,c.?and as ourDRESS .GOODS! AND- TRIMMINGS Have met with such a warm recejption and been sold in such quantities dnd s6 rapidly,:e have ordered and are now receiving a complete" line of these goods aiulhavV and shall keep all !lhe;late;and a pomfof selling at TOLD BY Af UNDERTAKES. i prices wnicn compete wiwi .uie u,etmumt?La ; ircuuu.uianuc Ut7SV" ov" uc iu jusmj- us in keeping a handsome arid'full line and offering:it at $;uch ures asfo secure your, patronage and we invite your examinations If you want anything from a steam engine to a toothpick and if weV haven't the same iri stock we will order it for you and at the olbsest price afforded anywhere.: It is our business to accommodate .'. r ' -'"1 - ' . i r"-.-rr;"-srr'nT' i" . ' " . ' ' -r 1 ..,-.-. 7ji7'"T7, ....... ,, . ," ,,iM' fa 1890 LADY'S PB00K- Will be. .(5rf iui'tiir tiJ'Mfj year of It? bis tnn a birinr niiiimut of inonev havinir been anuroDriated for the cnibdlishmeBt 'of the muruine than ever before. taoflev has been pulilisbed.1 or 6) rears without mining an la. YOU CAXXOT GETA IfETTEBi,: two dollar.' worth of magaziue than1 by juV crlbira; to 'lioflcyi lux mat u.i AZiNa iu America, .. ' The leading , attraction i. for. . 189? ate 1 Beautiful (.loleH(iyliloa Plaw i Engraved Fashion Platea la bUrii and white,' repre Mntiiiit ihe prevalUc istylcs, prodaced ex piwly lotooojyr . The "Bcanliful Home" Clnb by Emma J. Grit, lor young l.oiucaeepers or iboo who mntcimilaio oeeomin to. '"A Year in the 'Ilouieby Auijubta tJALieBUBT PnaaooTT. s (J nny Wren), which ill Ueat of the ari oaa duties for each month. ; A Children Ooruer. for the little onea.. .-- , ' A rich array of literature bj faonto au thgr amonic whom aie Emily Lennox, Olivia Lorell Wilson. Ada Marie feck, Elsie Snow. "V atttlurof HennuU" Smile C. Greeea,. wlib-her buniorona aketchot, aad othera. ' PREMIUMS to clnb ralrera are among- lu aii ial featur-a, and (jodeye offer the moat ch iice ad taloahle of any nairaiine pub lihtd. Send lc. for sample number, co ttCDinylu.ll club rate and premiums. -. IVEBT LADT HER OWN DUESSMiKKR. who tnlwcrtbe to Godoy's ldy ronron which you will flna in each Bomber nui'e yoo to yonr own seleeilou of any eat piper pattern illnstratrd Id Oodey'a Lady loo, iour 15c. Sample copy will contain n of these eoupoas, T afaef lctaitln .a.l. wkiai will tIUirei y" "wrBsi , - . w-heai reetT. . The ptttern how yoo bow toeut oat Ihe rnnrtit rea -ant. 1 bat U ail t can aay in mi i.ace. For Wie rl aos your aampla .innr. forwti'.ch m-oi 15c. at one. : -l,ouey' ta only 3 .( a year . . Auiirea - tioiJEY-a LAIT'9 bOo,' - PbiiadelphU. Pa. Ia(1ub;ti this paper, GODEYfV au,l ihe Glean eb Tnce J'J'JO, mtiicn hruld be nl to tb olSce of tbe ';i.KAJfKB at Graham - -.; High Farmingf and Big ProfltS,'5Tt Th average crop of the prize win I f w litu . . ..: . ,onft hiirtdrp.J (nnt(sLflntS was Ml bllflh- . can AgricuimriMi rriio vrp vv"PB . . j7-. i AHeosuHoo iniheairrioultural world Thwhwf. iiow . good, farrahig pays, will be wealed, by . tha. expwieoce The contust lso settle 'What has here. thoVa'et vtear of a host of Mils ' beet far- i- tofure.beea iu conti over?y 'that, .ttgb, mers throughout tbe United giates aoi Rraile .complete potato- fertUizara are tlw ' .Oitfadua M 'co'topetinit for.'prizU ;bettjBr"iih worClr.)ntain?TirtWcrop .mounting to about $10,003, off6rei by tba-WnW limauaW. ' .ulooli light-i the old' staBd'ard "farmers' magnzine, tUrpwn upan i.oc'r ways' or cuttiog the , Amerfcan AuHcirlttf rmt,' or New r the vl ati rosvay,. o;t?f r, points. YnVfr Thprfi Wrn fnnr rr,na nr zea summary oi ne rriy , of W W tho'largeai yteld-'of wneiK jjjf.appejirwf .!'tif Amgrfett.Agrl. oatsi cbro and botaloeJ' on oua- ejtact u&urte for Jaiurx, tper, 'with ere, and many minor . prizesl ' Amplo Complete Btory of the grand priz. provision wa and, fotaecurfng, Itoo T - .' , . ...i.ivai ,.. ,, es;y thrQughOutxhe contest, areos and ities)U(4i the oat c:ss. e;it to tr yields being carefully supervised by. leans Wffiity.wv'TorkJTot ajarteld swornHneB , TbeiterjliQ(te8ac-:, 135 bushels. ,Tlie wh'aaC' Tward IS to I companiedllie official bookjori-eports annotrncrt tlweujy jw-otlhe in which cootestaoU .recorded avery , magazine, and the result with com defaif oTculture. . ",5 St i' r " March. - The latter U aw"4itcd with pe Anapoiaip; nompeiiou culiar interest by bjtil pramwat jrm ers and aericultaral scientitits, became chemical tosts of lie acnoun t of. water in -tho crop are being made in each case, together with iiuroermis complete anal yses to ascertain ihe feeding and ma Hillaie. . lekr.te4 . , tMlilil gtereipiot t.r. , .., Mafcietat rertlllaera.'- -. r -'.,". From Ueaoif fopie.,. paCJd)n by thousaods, but tfi potato blight swepi whole country at thrf hetghl of the giowing season, reducing ih'is)ieli fwid oap half to four-fifths. Incite of this uhaYoidable diiasterf a lafgeu umber ef cowpleu reports haVri nuria value of corn under tho liffer- beeu submitted.. The American Agri- culturLtit Las comp'etcd Ihe award, with, tha following astoniahln? result : Grand prize, 1500 in gol i, to Charles I B. Coy, Aroostoolc county,' Maine, for a yield ot 738J biunels of DakoU Bod DOtaioea uu . iibuuuu yi uci vu v , , . , , I ' I miwl ezteusivo and iiriuHinjl'v vloa- nua ton of Rtokbridira ... . ww w- Q eiices iu variety, climate,' aad ettltire which prevail -iu this country. These comprehensive investTgnlioha ore being conducted liirough the co-operiliou rf tho various State and national experi ment stations, aud promi-e i'be the nP.E, LIFE, AXD ACCIDENT . I5.-URANCE AGEXT3. - .r-i.t on Vur, : i Companies. and ; ; :: at w. c i : c r. : a n a y -s. dressed with potato manure, seed cot to - two eyes and dropped in bills 1x2 feet, on clay loam land for six. years previous in grass without manure of any, kind. The principal other prize were given as follows: 2, to Alfied Rose, Yatei Co.,iJ, Y., 670 bushels of Early Peru viao, Sunlit Star and Eaily Ontario, cot to two eyes, plat ted 9x18 inches on randy loam enriched - with a too of Mapes potato manure ; 3, Fred S. Wig- gin, Aroostook county, tor 637 bushels Dakota Red from seeJ cut to ooe eye and planted on fertilizer ; 4, J. II. Hitchcock, Wabasha county. Kino., for 5C2J bushels Empire dlate from seed cut to one size and fed with commer cial fertilizer ; A, Ltelano Moore, Aroos took oouoty, 623 bushels Dakota Red cut ball and whole and manured with Quinnipac potato phoaphate ; 8, R. C; Xiabit, Rio Grande couniy, Colorado, 432 buh-l o harnyar I manure ; 7, L U. R.-bertf, San Lois Obi-po county,' CaSiJoroia, 4"8 bu-UVls' Peerlea, with do manure or fertilizer ; 8, J. M. Oj;!e, King county, Washington, ICO bnhtl on r-rt"'7'-r ; 9, W. C. C"-ick, Union ci:"y. On s-n, 4-"3 bushels, al.o on bio application of science to .ordiuaj-y farming, The American Agriculturist sajs the whole affair is a remarkable instance of the , IntclIigeDce and progressive spirit of the xaasa of American farmers, that, such an enter prse would be impracticable In any. other coon- try, and that it is designed to have a marked tflVct upon the agriculture of tho next deendej and enable farmers to grea'ity Increase their profits. ' Li C blUI.!.' Tlie modern child is an analyst. TbesmaA kid was -playing with his scissor, tnd his kindly old grand-other elided him ; - , ' -. "Yon maun! play w!ih the scisaom, dt-ar. .1 kuew little boy jdt like you who wan p!ayin:r with pair of sctxsors jast J W that ir, and he put tliem In bisyeaod put his eye out, and he uevier could efl anything after that." The cl.ild likened pnlieully snd said, when she got through : 'What was tha matter with bis other eye." 3aa FrancU:o Chreuicir, JiiJtibU. thing. If Uere were any I t rl. places wnere tne winters wino gatt-. Io GaBowar J fn.,T a. f trie: where tha calve-. are i,ZJ lo ered the leayca in .quantUv.'f , would . B-mY- . - 1 a" i ... f 1 a . . lit rewnt wamiwr m your jaiuaoie nam lucm noino anu worn at. poaattM- .aekle, lb pvoplatw msmIh wAiad paper I see pne'oe4!tW articca ".on, tfio j into ray, fn f nure pileve aroTeTjr to trwrg tastomi tu to Mw'tftiu saving (fnd prepariugof mantireo. ,May rich in plant foo.C ""SaTe thenaVrtendi. laliiomMtwii" tt A ai'O jyu iuj ;tnu.nuitu uiaj . - t gfmja of.val.tojo somef your-waders., aud, call th, Wpr- Tawf tuk!i.i lac WfV 'Z' H....I. i . . : . . . i.:t; ... i: . - " t .. - t. r..n.. k- .... r L ' iw---5 - x ai i ti.j . f . rUT),Hb H IV. m. - r.ia' . - aw worn io inaiti two tiiii ci tw. itrtuu . -au u fw . , ; w uunu vv v help them build up atf Mod field" or to J raie WVaKe? crop on a neir -Juiii to chickens rooat in and thus save " all their dropninga. The rich black earth grow where before but One grew"', t ., enr.my.stahXe.o what in Penn sylvania wnl tha "bara yard" X dig an area; large eflough td bold : all the manure t can make, about ' lS'lnches deep. The sides I give , very gradual slope so that tbe,cattle may not full or slip into it. Into this area I throw ait tho nfanure from the stables, all the matter from lip ivy ouov.i. BauUat all the ashes, luaves, Jien manute, and much I pan tiiid tiuij to' gather. On wMh,daj tiiHha wath' water M impt ied on the acctnuulalious in tho -area, alsoaltfiojhainber: lye )tnen rot" ted this makes a rasuure of , wonderful richness ' Now. to eel it ' we!l rotted, all tuaiTls iiecesmtry i'ij to fork ft over a few times, though to get it to iU verjt nicest for hand' dropping In- hills, it wlioulj be WVjear1! oi l, ind, iho afat year, should be piled up iu a dry place aud a roof thrown over it. 'I add no lime to tbe mauure for this will act fre ammoina which is too valuable to lose. My experieuoo to date has shown m.e that such a fertilizer is bolter thao any I can buy, and a great deal oheap- efuindeed.. I a-not atTjrd to huy. auy fertilizer so It-ng as I can make Ibis. I will tch you Low we make more manure than your farmeni. Wa keep our cattle and horses In the stable a large portion of t ue year, at 'least all the winter and muoh of tbe autumn and spring Wo think, this pays bo- cauxooftbe manure -we can make. Then all the straw we raise la used to "bed" pr ''litter" the aulma'i and mix ed with their excreta, it makes a great bulk of manure. To be sure tho cattlo most go out to drink, and so we- have hebarntard. Io it iu water supply of swam na or mountain -shies, if work ed into the manure, add to i,U. Valoej greatly. " ; -Yrry truly v i i L. H ' CO. Csony ' Buckdell TJuiyer.-stly, Pt. f , j . tv i i i r-. , t, t rt.,4a.Itei iw.flaiiMi- MaOtiaa-. . . . '-: . f.a . John Oe-iM,s opIalotMl , ajna worth report InS, saj a that ivia a soistako to suppose thal'sour crea'ni makes' any more butter from thocreuo than aweeU Souriug ad Js nuilviuj ; it simply as sist tho churn,- ta rreover- more Cat from the Cream., In sweet creaa tlie emulaiou ia perfect, If sweet cream is diluted about three times Its hulk ia water ai eighty , dereva, ' aad allowed to riso a second I irae, the differeno be treenhe amount of sweet and orrr cream bulier anil bo inconideraUe, showing that touring; the cream is, af ter all, ouly another way of liberating butter fats irons tbe combined soganaJ cheese and fibrin emuUioo. It was as serted by the lat Pr.fetor Arnold that the adding of a -small amount of pure cliler vinegsr to sweet cream jttat as the cburo was started would eaue all the fat to co'iue," CkUrwCaraa la ifce raaliry Tar4. The presidaut of the Britiah pharma-j eeutical ooolerenoe is credited having adopted and rt commended tha following for the bsppr disatcli of ponltry. A large w!Je-moutbel stop pered bottle Is kept eharged with an ouuee of chloroform. When a thicket) has received Sentence of drain, it ia betd firmly under t"is left arm aad ita hraul alitined into tha mouth of lha . . ii 1.. I twit. A fi.- ,l.n tr.anir.li..na f.J. 1 Mj "ringing Up by kaad. vw,. v u n m. J .w. - .. beevtuea uneonsc.oua. ; Then holding It hy the tbe teg, i:s neck I dislocated by a quick stretch. I would in no case let lh cattle go out oflh'syard to drink, becauao when they drink they drop manor, and this would soon pay for a well or a cistern. If the ground near the bard U sUping a good stoue wall or a ridge of earth lioold b thrown op on tbe lower sidr, that none of tho manure escape. The rd In wet weather may be aerated, nd all tli dropping gotten Into lh depressed urea. Tho Terror Y-u'r sLtler' beau, ain't you? The .Beau (dude purauaaioo) Why, yes.' D 3 you like trie T "You bet I do. t When pip get or to vou. you'll take sums of his tten- ' .:. L. t..i'. t Were I to come to Caldwell county I him r!.,rj ,et.MW a ith you lu w live, I Viou!Jig'on a farm and do the wcod fUcJ. rirotuae lurldeiits of tlie'rtl firto ' Utt't Ora Vf 'J." '-c j'lhavc iiit-t tvitli'n thou'"' TV " ' quo ofld fancies and eurtrr,: i during rfiy cofi.'tynf;a'-.vj ; -. r-- lakiii'-' business," Siiid.8 " N' funeral dirtrr ta a rfxn ... i , ,.-.t,c....-V day.' "Indeed, 'I Ihnik ifi,;.-t.' . -r lliut ninrty-nine oqt jr,f;evcry.. limu'. .l .. persona Ltvc and ex pres.. a prefi-rw'-fl of wniic kind frrp.f!Jl .i'r rs tf the c.v 1 pOSltlOll of tliofr liid. i'atU:? '. ".;, Birnctmica their. rw,y tt.s ari cou;; ' ' 1 1 with, and some tunc ticy re not, Cn-o-erally the pnefcrenw it.titfl cuW Ui ' some minor k-lajl, i.-itincr of tin's co;" ik of .the rati. fr,of llio Juurial rr mouv. ttr-e uatkt a-'pU.u," : wooden ton;ii inJtiOatrw. -"wsrlnot. tr .ebony.;.-; Outna wtiut .a. jD'al .em.e. . tooie want tlit.tr fa..KPts ckti wit.fi Llatk ciotEt, scr-no wt!r wtilta. "Tiief " dextre far arcertain'4 j of bitadlo it often- expnsMal, and .wot-ot. are fro-. , quenfly vmeentfd ahout lae imttz; wanting it ef a ciAur to ro;t their etxa plextuu, ixjms iyW?Voo, wajut Liteir crtUn lar-e iviul tuutaf, clhtn to tt exactly.' " err ofisn trvtht -waBiH t he bar--" fed ia sf parlirfer-spo. wrtd it x-. prm fnawKtieftS as to toe tkrectiotx in r hisXhe gws. u.fe Jse,iii how deep ttca8 Taera, torn, sewie peir-' sor. J want a iQiint.' psTrstii -foment.' - Bed that tli7 wil be jp.Teat a gmndt fc aiaw eostty fcwrtal.. . . "All tiiseare t&xtfers Hai an l -tsaHiJ attensdMS in, a-i tiuty g--joimri'jr . . are. Bat t&ere are rtwsM maii fcy prjii j leawi b tlxtir iieraie. tlk-fc are extoswwdiEisjerj", srwdr' rna "mosm to- -' sliKsma riiiutiiWi. 1 li fell jehji aJbnlt -. , ' ftew eaes Stil iaT eocie natfer aiy . wt Bocka-. ' - - . . "TuMre vas aa cM tufy cSiedl a Crar -years ago w8u L-ui a aewr ami irery . " eoHlirstt. ot. teetii- m;ite fwC beton ler'liiaS. aTEaesa... Wajera sfcus feamni that dea&h wa fcmrni.'sen.flw her grii&st lacnwt sewajxwi fc b Hjafl sLe ntuoiuidi uerer aa-re- am Fi'3ert-.i-i3it5-6,-WJKir - tiuose- fctetJfc, JTnaUj a fcci-h. tTiogli itroek kr, anJ eaffifng Cr Kusliuaul " fc law Sw-Jakfie- nfteHbefjSBii a hi to hanna lutr EpSk-sa ajtsaugedl ..nfber dentin Oiiatt,,.. kp limsTidiii wooidi 6e aibii? B iwuii ayhaw Bkut" CcsSiTair' tteetfitJ- T& eUl 4; im wwi3S!f.iil iai altaMHt, wicia iir - d viag jrfaili larainiidi Easai ef rtt war si!T5siaonadl 6i ferfonni tlw roteesjary dutS afiw Iiinr deuJi anal tia wriiiaweir, kavm- expunei tiim jattetr4r tlie taetiiv i!laiTfiii thai, bn wife" i-q,TS!st aratifi Sie-earrfedi out IX lad pss5ai ami wrM Bb tMoSc aff (ketuistiiar ktM-. to"iul .tr) aeslt w . eiHilil. rwuit was rafiaeir stetrtl- Kay. Smi tltft 'tenth- sliowuiii, aird! tflia 'I reirusmfcer aaiotliei eawef a niiuJ JZeacdl sfEiffeiaaai wlii Etail htten-a' rreai ffcsse-r--a ijrwii-tir. davsaaV. - am." f I t?-irit;S ia W lust suoIl ef elotuest W . ... tail injo5(L ' .iw..w a maaaff taw-' aiieink& witakih, aail atidt M soma Terr jroeTOtE? feerattpsts, 6 Bis iL-tKntiiS. j tQiey -teeitfeil te eocrj-rV-" wriths Lu aw-' ' ... . : u T n n n .. . n ui:u.u, vcjm .oe- rvciuraeui ci?ea ruid tbe t)oie3li sultl f eiutiii; wer" sawr. In -watai "vt pfiiM twe--l!narwa tmiaea braaLa-ul pwuv IXm ami y4-".' '.' iwiu ewfeju. VviiUi usettmea akiirtt . to vertJ w 2Ji piu3s sf Suliiii: ttoaeer ta - tvry ttntm.-vabi-aasiui aaul Kstjd- k coatsii. , .Xkm amursmc . tbeaa-vaxtttaarcicit: rtutieii amaa. . sxassterBatiDC,,- tue - tnj" -&ndi woa'si f rutCwist..aaii5'iJWciiiMii ttr ic himi bmsw Lia war ajtij" leciTr---kiaa- Had! esesfcfl Tk knty win ai3ruiislr tvkfi irt the tLxsliy ahirt acdl s:usl a .iai jpuist-lt cnio t.'ia: a SU2U mouth of the ralf hea A u fel, alicI ajidf tae &tady waa seady ftw- Eu kiar E T ww . T , w - t- " -CUfilUKTTKJK, pTOfwr WJ3' WiTlT - Iwrwd witi fcieiiiLwA luifr wfeoae paiar pat ttetiim-Kmimcttii ii ItK-ssaatc eX'Stiy ji nj cb;iiV a gr"at grj-amon hew fi-uiud." autl rclii-iuji. Ly KiiaesUii in hrwrtiU tuatt sh auiki eea Matedi wiUi-v,!. tVa wliQ ik:aJij - . ' BTvporeiX foe Cu graTi SjiiJf aui pr-TXii-Hi,, tdtiia(t aulVsa tLis was 4uatt aot oaV karr taea-as gujoaki twgwcw .a ptetvejr . f rooi htt estate, ik-ra wax a" wj'-xainiary, lut ta BuatUii- wa fijjalw ettltl fcy placing1 th jifwwl apoo tut oepaav a-aS liara, aSttt ml kadiwsBMLiaevI t.k iajf ia . ta va-ils, muu-ciu. -tkecii. ... 1 VI wasetieaEKdr5?ca t krr aaa moo atulssxB4 HiflMU perieti chopped oJj scj ef km gwwt totfs f as I mas mbout to scrvvr iowa ClnoyiM I tiu ensket kk wwwa- wuiow- eauar to tn wiia a sceaU jlr. aadi suiil tiutl ker h unbuild haAi tta'CvsIr uvsurwl. L- tobury tba. with fcijBk. 1 t,-tki.'d at t aad fi-sabd Uul..vwtii,.t'-. a;. tv a-attly aU eajnei atiy- rrvaer-rwi it &-. eofcoll . . - ' "1 rrvr anrorae- wW I-adf aaadis kutowaceCa. Ijui I haTe fea.ni of such rast-s. Several t3js,, kowwer, 1 karescid peop;f tiueu" c-waevCuanJ ia tweue in.ita.aces twocrtlXrvw rears we tla K-sv wen UU w.ib mo o--: f Beilrtl. aiuj wtR!t: ies titer were t i 3 hxii at sr-ce-. Tbe fecal 'arc ef this khul I ever Lad wuu tjai cf aa artt wh. UtJ in a coc I? of r . . by tisstff oricrr ia th wrr. U-ru part t f tliecitr. II had p'ctstyc Bioney. ar kia r-.tiis were eK--i-:t'r f urtilv but all iu ti tuost S. i::-vr etl.-rs. t."- day h-3 a::te U u a:.i v-nl rd ae. Biadti. It wait." to L: ; -1 Out,ni Was tv t L. r - c:i- .. it Lint to li-i ia evr 'y. .V:- -t Liing- Le wa-ir..c.: Van . " .t was t-j t-e L.rr-," ',!'$-; , eusuiciii 1 r.::;I it .. : 1 t u : . routes -5 l.o i;rvt;.-d. fVt:y Iwase-.. . 1 to t-t ry U u - 1 i t':at i .:!-;: t, 1 : m - : : : LU eo... a t'i r a i aiwaj -s It..-'..' . r kd Imruxl i i it. Bed t3 It, a': J u I i a ot i vj l i T - . fattening: of tka jraa . "T" aaaa h doubted ; kat taa aecmioa aT Ikal fluid awy likewise k preesuted ly placing aa arUtkaal Wai ia the mtuoiK, of the caalf aad gi.in H tlte amilk rl mc ly, and at the aatu'r! fe.Aprntwra: Ia the dau-T diitftctaofScUad tk t ry aaatd paU ua afker iaet is to ta kaTf aearrr the aa eflVct as ta' aat ral leal ia ulataj'ha aecsatioM T alrra..-If thvt ataa.antSeial tew f leather be a--cd aad the a.llk, gtia slowry txiora is j c'4, tea Kmuea as safiva a-..y be promoted ta a th ax tent that caai bdird. , " . ' j .1 Aceordiag to Ike coeapai-aiirwexpuyi-meat of a Gersaaa agriiltarw5, twi which as calTM kod ba aUaw4 t suckle their dama troaa twa to fcor weekabrooght calrca'wkklt wviitwd only from tkirtj tv i.rtj-.4 pound, waita ah-a, which aa catres Jtare baea allowed ta uck fraot . fv ta eight w-ka, Uwaxhl eaJre wfsV lag sixty to eight j pouaij. It b diffl- cult to tea kow theracaaaaaagntal. a dinVrwws-, if tf kaaay ; wt it aay U worthy ef ear fid oWrati a and a peritawat, and aaanek it k stated ia tkis eoaacetioa. Tba lu creased (u f tk calf would be du to lb, Iw-waiM io V ; x. i aoKaiatt' weau a'tara ; aad if ith l wer 1Jed raa wita aar tun la lb panar four or fiw month, Lk-Ds; an the sniik the wanted, she would bo kept grow ins oa ia a thri.iog eonaectioa. Bat takiag aealffroat tho cow at toar or va etghl week must check it growth to oot cxbat, aad Ikia may ba avcidd toaom x;eot br fcedioc lihen.!!r ' Old la.! y ( front tha country)-I'd lik to get a pair af shoes, young . Polite clerk Y, ma'am. Sonie tUug pretty aloe ma'am. , I want 'em good 'a stout. We!! ma'am, here's a strong ho, u excellent atronaj shoe. It ba be w orn a great deal t?-.: Winter. . Man alive, I din't want I tl.at's beeu w via this Waiter BO nor any other W'.nter ; I ar,t a br.a'uc v f r !