' idLJii J. 2d. VOL.: XVI. GRAHAM, N. C THURSDAY, ; MARCH 13; 1890., NO. 6. NOTHING SUCCEEDS , LIKE SUCCESS. The .reason Badair's Microbe . Killer' Is , the most wonderful medi cine, Is Decease it' bee nerer felled le any in stance, do matter what toe disease, from Lep rosy to the simplest dl titi known1 to the bu-. roan sjstem . ' ' -The scientlac men ol - to-day claim and prove .-, tbfct eyery disease fa CAUSED BY JIICSOBES, ' , : . ' 1 ". ""I ..." A luxurious shave:" if'---v.iv .--,;(,,.. - . t -.' , ., ?" ...... Hadams illef ; ir.Ttrmlnatea the Microbe and drlre th m out of the fyitein, and wliert that Is done you annol have an ache or iln. - "eo matter hit tti dli uue. whathQf a simple ease of Malarial Feyeror a oombinatlpn of diseases, wk mm thet i all at the svna . time. a we treat alldlsoases cobftitutfoOally. -.-v. jf i i JlsahMa, VissnrtU,i'atrrli. Uvm chitio, Kbeansntiem :HsT;; "i I.lrer Uisesteee Kml Trbl, ia nil lu Arsu, Im fact, ererf OIhuimIihwiM the Hamsm "r mm or mmm mm See that onr Trade-Mark (same as above) appears on each jujr. ... - 8rnd for book "Huitory of the Microbe Klll r," glvertawaf by - .'. i v L. B. HOLT & CO. Merchant, . ; -t m v f . . Graham, N. C. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JAS2.BOYD, . ATTORNEY AT LAW. ' , ' ' " Oreentboro, N. C! 'Will be at Graham on Monday of each week ta atteae to professional bnsineis. 3P In) JT. D. KERNODLE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. RHI,N.C t'ractices i the Mate aod Federal Cours ' i:i faiihfullv and promptly attend to alien essntrasted to bisa ' - f PBria. W. WIIITSETT, 8ureou Dentist, . GREHNSBORO,1 . -" - - N.a Wilt alio viiit Alamance. CalU In th country attcDded. Address me at Grensborp, ' V dec 8 tf . . . ATTORNEY AT LAW, To Examine Critically "Oior Iiine of To whir-h wfi have already called attention, and we nowiish: to emphasize the met that we know these goods! and have bought a complete line and we reiterate and asseverate that we caiL please you in VARIETY, QUALITY and PRICES. Examine also, pur handsome line of SHOES and the other departments in which we can furnish anything arid ererythingl;wanted at UNRIVALLED PRICES. i: ire! wee., . WHOLESALE AP RETAIL MERCHANTS. , E. C. -LAIRD, M. D., HAW RIVER, N. C. Feb'y J3, '90. j ;. v, . . : ; - IiETi M . 8cott, F. H. Whitakee, Jr., Greensboro, N. O. , Graham, N. C. SCOTT & WHITAKEE, Atrayeal l.mw, GRAHAM," ' - - - N. C. ADVERTISEMENTS. LADY'S -BOOK- repre produced ex- Wlllfle far snperior to any year Of Us bis. tory, a larger amount of money having- been appropriated for the embellishment of the maeanne than ever before, tiodev has been , pnbli.hfcdf or 80 yosrs without miwlug an Is sue, aud Y0U3ANN0T GET A BETTER two dolIarsWortn of magazine than by uh crlblr)to"Oodey,"Ta Has I rAMU.Uo arm in America, 1'he leading attractions for 1890 aie t Beantlful Colored raeUion Plates i Engraved Vataioi Plates In burn ana wniie. . wtinc Ibe previllr.)C stylea. preeely lor uooey arivrlr HeseJ r rtlwt, Art iMSrMrr i Hmr4trwrtt !- r, Hew aa4 lalar Mmte,. fiaa far i M aal 114, 'tkrat1 ' t hia ataratata, lit, a The 'Beantlf ul Home" Club by Emma J. ObaT, tor yooni tonsekeepers or too who rontemplaie becoming; so. "A Tear in the liuuse by AO iurrA 6iLMOBT FaaaooTT (J-nny Wren), which ill teat of ibe vart ae duties for ech month. A Cblldrea Corner, for the little ones. - A vich arTy of literature b favorite an thou " ' hoia eie Emily Lennoc, Olivia In, , si iu. Ada Marie Vrrk, Eine Snow. ' I,.-- i!h .ro( i.emini.' hi ile C. Oroene, v ' i rb ;imir sketebca, asd others. . I r , S lo c!nh raiwre are amons; Its . , . . 4ir A d God-ys oflers Ibe BWt i. i ai va'imute of ny aiei'ne pub I i.nsl. rud I oc for sample ember eoer- u:oiug full club ma and pfraiuau. EVERT LADT HER OWX DBtSSK AXK.B. hi tnhwrttwe to Ood'y's Ladf tn.. .-a ,o wt t.-n yn will Ana la each Bentbev ais ytu t Tonr own aelecloa of eny ewt r. -r i u. cn I!,airt4-d la Uodv's Lady- Lov. ur IV. Simple copy will contain an of Uie-e cjupons. a,,. iltr.ulH aaal. wktrti will MtiMn" kwrifHtaai vara rvaalvaa. The rtimi shnws yoc hw meet ant Ibe r,.w,-t jvu rt luiiuiHirituuthi t x - i yoor saaj(-Ie f. jr (1 IV. Bt iftH-t. . .. .. a . - - i -r ,ti'i L'-T-9 hx 'K," I ... u.;-,, .(.,. Fa. Ii C iviV. t'.'e nrr. ":: VA"? , t i. l,if; ; 1 1 ' 1 -' ' aliii h , 'lta n-pt I" I'e t-ie cf the Interesting Eeolpas. . 'J ; u j. law Kerp llukssis a Uame- Maase fjalejae PrapaelOaa. .....:' - : f oaie weeks ago Mwsrs. W, H. & S. Tuckat' & Co., of - lUleih, i.offered through the Call a price of a $25 tea gown to the lady who Woutd writo the best recipe "for keeping huabnd at home." Many replies were received and the prize was awarded to Mrs. T. C. Harriss, of Raleigh, by a special oom mitt ee of three gentlemen. The following are some of (be unique reiiliesv "Wives you are askiug for a recipe to keep your husband at borne, but I think it bad ought to be the reverse, that your husband should be ftskiug for a recipe to keep their wives, at heme. Most any "husband will become more of less accustomed to private borne' life according as bis wife IsT Yon have been out In the broad world and chote for yourself a mate, now be con tent to dwell wllbyour choice one In seclusion from , a public gaze. -Don't imagine there is no real business, for you ex cept in the ouuide frolicking and goe sipplng world. ' Private home 1 your sphere. Your chief happiness Ilea 1n the actions of your husbands ia a great measure are simply the result of your own actions. - Le the company of your husbands aod that of your tshild reo, If any you have, be eofficieot . for yoa at all times. Let things at heme work lb such a way as to impress your husband, with , the belief that yon always want to be at home aod that yon always wont bim there too. Never serve a meal before your bnsbands come Ubless tbey are not looked for. Wait upon tbem yourselves and al ways appear happiest in fteir presence. Met them with their affectionate greet iog. . Preaeut them every night with a dairy of all that took place around ibair kouie during the" Uy," and get them ia the babit of nightly telling- you all the news tbey bave of the day, all that baa happened to tbera io f very way. - Yoa may Irad tbem to do many things against your will but yoa aeed'u t try to drive (hem anywhere. Fubmit totbeir ruling. Always- make tbem help yo to your work a hen lb y are about. . 8t lect Ibe right kind of hcubejid aod be tb right kind of wife. ToAp busbaods at boms at nights yoa will have to break their Wg. Cremate bias ; put the aunts ta a bos and sea it; lock Ike bos. aod throw away the key. - " To keep harbaedt at home at sight l ller tb bottom of both feet wUs so lax J i Wers. I would sny. Do Unto him as you caro to avail ourselves of tbera. This, would bave him to do unto you, and I tbiok, will have the daalred, .effect, llA twill mtav . That Ia Ihft H'aV" T ItMIt fn. IT mi Inalrf. nnnn mill rfffln ASH .I,..!' ' '" .k.- .ii. a. i.,0i M,-r When the-Orst weekly aasuw a w uvsavi . j a- , AAI t. IsV AS ST W l a Ul Uil J nHMtW V j uwv MV Vfce Vail af a Wcatara EeMler. Mew Tors Ban. Make home attractive, with biui like you wore were married. I . epesk. rience of twenty years 1 ' My Idea is tbut no known Be in love opprniitei hofo.re you Try to trap a star j try to carve the front expe- highest peak of the Rocky Mountain iuto a statue with a pen knife j try , to means J harness a comet to your carriage ; try will keep husband home at nights, un less husband be a' corpse. Tho above refers to uion who were bom with ade tesmiriation to get otit. . ."-' Ge full control of bis heart, keep bim la lue with you, be a woman, make yourself so agreeable and your home so pleasant that he can't find any place as pleasant as ho no. , Bathe him in his wife's tears. Crown him with her love. Fetter bim with his ehildreu's caresses. Let bisareside be a rock of rest and safety from the billows of life. If these fail, uail.do wn the windows, lock the doors. Let bis mother-in-law circulate around gener ally with ell ths keys lit her . pocket, atyl when be attempts to' go, paralyse bim with her eye, and stab . bim with ber tongue. He will remain at borne at night. 1 " ; One pound of tidiness in person aod 1)oue) ; one pound of submission ; oue pound of cheerfulness, even If there is no meal ia ibe gum ; one pound of eon teutment with the old bat ana dress ; eight ounces of keep your tongue still. Mix well together and flavor highly wilb pore christian religon aod a little self sacrifice. Bake in the oven of pa tience ever the fire of love. I bave tried the above for sixteen years and know from experience It will not fall. Keep your person and borne as neat and attractive as circumstances will permit. Do your duty pleasantly in all tbioE. ootrol your tongue and temper and at the tempted moment. Be always a polite aod 'kind to your hosbtaod a wbeu be was your visiting admirer. Do ' not go ' beyond your means to. keep up with frieods and ac quaintance who can afford a better display than you can.' By practicing ibe above receipt for twenty-four year I have enjoyed at home the pleasant society of my htubevnd at nights. Immediately after snpper when it is man's only time to bava tbe least dv ire to remain at home, then, too, is ibe lime for tbe wife tw look her most be witching. She should urge upon him, iaheaMet affectionate manner, the etoeaaity of taking some recreation, ocb as theatre-going, elub-maetiuc, Ac, ed you kaow, 3trtTTTtb, tbe law of human osLfire and iloTbtlesa it ba been your epe we bave ee to give a whale a home In a raindrop ; fry to drain tbe Mississippi with a pipe stem ; try to fresco your parlor with a rainbow ; try to enter ail the perfumes of earth's fairest flowers golden tun ; try to catch the cataract of Niagara iu paper Wasulrigldn,Tcrritory was established the editor, who was an Ohio printer, made a break in the first issue to .es tablish his reputation as a dngroim man to fool with. Ho was surrounded by a rough crowd, aud be realized that the propor thing to do was to put bim self in shape to be sized up according to ttoyle. To eflVet this belled off with an article abuiil o of Col. Taylor. The Colonel was an imaginary tudividuil ami it was therefore safe to call bim a Sfe watA laBSI t I mobfl SB tTl A 1 OttA fat If K. i . j ' . . , j . tfur and a coward, and to declare that (ul as a dog, and noble and strong as a . . womau ; try to do anything most rare, but do not try to give an infalible reO ipe for keeping hunband at ho-ne at night." . . .. .' I b elieve msn have tbeir own sweet will like we have, tho not so much is said about theirs. If they wanted to go but yon couldn't si Op tbem, unless at supper you spe very sweet and gra cious to them and put a dose of Ipecac 1o tbeir coffee. Soon after supper he will beg is) to feel tery mUerable, worse and worse. After be has gotten a little better, give bim another dose of ipecac : tell bits it is something that will settle him. Aod U It don't settle him at home I don't Imagine what will sym pathize with bim. Jiep-Mit tbe dose often as yoa want Lltn at borne sights. if be ever appeared In town he would be horsewhipped op and down tbe i Streets.' Eveiy'isstie for two months Pari Sea (law a feast. The "Brewer's Guardian" says that a new method of purifying yeast has been suggested, snd tbst it has already been adopted ty some of the Contfnea ta! manufacturers. The yeast Is added U a dilated solution of tuger, and tbe resulting aixtur Is subjected la the action of a centrifugal separator. By ibis means the living cell are effectual ly divided from tbe dead sells and tbe bacteria; tbe pure yeast leaving tbe macbioe ia a oooeeatraled condition, while tbe dead or Its and Ibe bacteria remain in tbe liquid. It is said that tbe process Is so perfect that nothing but bealtby cells are to be found in lb separated yeast, and tbst tbe poriled articU possesses sch remarkable ger minating power that a glsas which is ooe-quarter filled with it will overflow iatbe course of an hour. Scientific Americas. j contained a nit at uoionei tayior, ami - he was scored so vigorously.' aod the editor seemed so auiious for some rort ofshootliig.match with him, "tbe boy" ' treated bim with that deference always accorded to a fearless man. When anybody Inquired who the Col was be was informed that he was a desperado of the worst typ, and that he bad Mclemoly sworn to bave tbe ed tor's life. He was never eiallty lo cated or Identified, but was always dared to come In like a man and bave It out. One day just aftef an issue In wbich st Colonel Taylor was tlgmatlzed as a I whit livered carols, and riVflecl to duel with bowie knives In a dark ro-im . ' ' i i , i.... .1 - r a stranger came ioih.uiiik iuvj ins 01- fift, looked about for aw hile with cu rioaity, and then said to tbe edUor: "Well. I'm here." "Yes, I see, but what for?" was tbe reply. - ' . "I'm Col. Taylor." "No !" "Him and nobody else. Youv've been lifting Into me like eildcats for a long time past and I haven't been sayiiis: a word. I've g A tired of it however and now it'n wot to slop. "My dear air, the Coioa'l Taylor mentioned in-" "Pull yer gun I" In ten opted the Col onel as he oulled bk. . . ' "Bit, sir, 1 beg to assure yoa tbtt i ience that lia I rtixJ privileges we do net s i roa PT.rxriA wm Brawas Iraa Bknara. rtraeam rarcrfttortwl H All Aalrar yarp n. tieii per tul. Oetmfns baa traoaaark aad sruamt nslliata ca wrapesa. on yi The editor slid off bis chair, his face pale as death, a an but aair on and. "Now eat that." The Cnlooel look from liia pocket a luoir of clay and loaerd It on tb flwr. aod be stood there with leveled ,rVl nnlil ihe last crumb Ot It was devoured. Then be put bp bis weapon and turn ed Ui gn, Maying : 1 "Nest time yoa opn on roe IM come la with a whole beg full of It. aed I raay eooeluJe to dnve Ihe !atof It ia with a bullet I Go for the reel of Via all voe want to. .but w hn ' yoa strike tbe name of Colonel Taylor, han dle it a. ha care !" An4 Inaiderf a week lbs affair leak ed oat, d so many men came tip to lick the editor, and o many lil lick bim that he jumped tbe plant one Bight and was etver texrd of spiiu. Csee fee AasTee. - .... ... It is asserted by men of high, profes sional ability that when the system uieds stimulant nothing equals a. cup of good fresh uoflce. Those w ho desire to rescue the drunkard from his cups will find no better substitute for spirits than strong .new trade coffee, without milk or sugar. Two ounces of coffee or one eighth of a pound, to one pint of boiling water makes a first class bever age, but Ihe water aiust bo bolting, not merely hot. - Bitterness comes from bailing too long. If tbe feoffee rrqnir ed for breakfast ba put lu a grauillzed kettle over night, and a pint of cold water poured over) It ran be healed to just the boiling point and then setback to prevent further ebullition,, when it will be found that, while, Ihe strength is extracted, ft Aclicate, aroma is pre served. As our country consumes nearly ten pounds ol coffee per capita it Is pity not to bave it made in the best manner. It is asserted by those who bave tried it that malaria aod ep idemics nrtf avoided by - those who drink a cop of hot coffee before vo luring Into the morning air. Burned on hot coals it Is a disinfectnnt for elide room. By some of our best physi cians It It considered a specific In ly (hold feve r. r tlaaeewelaeHiaia, . A layer of leather oa the Iron holder makes it cooler lo ass. . . t To prevent a door -from creaking sp ply a little sosp lo ihe binges. Bods crackers are much belter' If heated In the oven jtt before using. To clean steel, rub the article with a piece of waah leather dipped ia kero sene. For ink e;ots on floors rub-with sand wet with water and oil of vitriol and afterward rinse with pearline water. Silver caa be kept bright fir mouths by being placed in so air-tight i with a good-seised piece of camphor um. : slacrams laoe la almost as racy of execution as old time knitting, and. fortanat elr. is eomine szaln Into Dornj lar favor. Pr u4nr hot. mo4eratlv sfroos soda waier loeleaa ihem. the . broil of hair brunbee will remain white aod stift for a long time. . . Orwnze peel, when thomurblr dried or baked, las capital ihingfor fig-hling Sree. It burn fiercely and gives out an latenaa beeL A aiieedier sad cleaner way to re move the skin of new notaloee than the common practice of SfTsping witii knire is lo "ua a scmbNng rmuh. Old staios on earpeu eao be removed t ooce by arallertnt core meal tipno tbem, also by applying a bot iron hronh a heavy sheet of blUliuz pspr. a Tonssrlal ArtM rilas the Raaov and Its Aeeampaaimant. - You are ensconced in a chair of lux' urious comfort, which allows yon UJ . recline at any angle and in any posi tion. ! Tbe professional man, who - is Sour ela-ve for tho time being- just as . jo president is,the servant of the peo ple goe over your mobile cot"te tmnco with a soft, moist sponge. Ihvi removes the carbon, gravel, railroad iron and-wnconsumed food of twenty four; hours' sojourn in a railroad cof from your- features. Ho next treats , yoa to a thin layer of hot lather, and apologetically ! sponges it off, es if it were putoa by mistake, bat it isn 't;' it IB a part uj tue jjrujjroijj mw, xicai. no pals on a heavier coat of lather, wh.i b Le presses down into the roots of t.. stubble with soft, ninnotio flngftts.' This lather, too, is removed and the- l third course placed on, Thpn each in- , OivKiuat nair, wnicu-once aiu autna on end like, quills upon a fretful por cupine, becomes soft and pliible. - The artist now carefully removes -from its case, a. broad blnded razor, with a double concave, so thin that it sings as hejlrops it1 He brings it out . ' .with an air -which makes you think that razor never touched any face be- IV W IUO AalJaV VI KUTCIUUr, AV VIA 1WI ; honored. Then. JCe shaVes you. Ha doesn't ask you if you want it close j Or does the razor hurt. - He knows bis . business.. ; He knows you want tho . liair off . and nothins plsc,- and he' knows the razor dceairt liurt'" - ' ' The ' pleasant titiilation which, ad" compaiues the progress of the instru ment reminds' one of the sensation -which old King1 George swore to as a . luxury 'fit for monarch, . and since -that was .before the days of flesh hmiuhe. tntlv iviurtier used to con tend for the privilege, of employing tbeir otherwise idle fingers in soratclA- ing the royal back. ,.- .- , (Having shaved you, does the artist swab your face twice with a sponge . slap your cheeks with bay ram, fill your mouth with powder, scratch yonr , v Lead, with a comb and yell "uextf Ohl nol" Ho isn't half through. -" First, bo sponges off 'the skin, Then . bo. takes a soft towel, folded thick, .wrings it irt hot water and places it across tho lower part of your facet.'' Anothor covers the upper part, with only a breathing' place for your nose. This treatment is kept up for tori min- 5 ntes. - You are almost lulled to alum- ber. , Ia reality your" face is girerJ a Turkish bath. The hot towels are -followed by a cold sponging to pro uuce a rciKuuu. auu tucu a hiwci, wa in Kav mm la laid avai f.ha fuM. ' Af-"- ter this comes Ury lowel. This is laid over the face also and the bands passed over , it, drying the skin with-' out roughing it- ' If a barber should clarrip tt towel" around his hand and draw it across a eustoover's newly shaven and sensitive' face 'lie would Jbe discharged. Now comes the liair combing. . You Can see' how earnest the barber Is by noticing; now no squints along me parting be makes, like a farmer .testing liisnrsl furrow when be plows a field. . You are completed, and it has cost you twenty -Itveceuts; but if it were the last quarter you had ia the World von would go out of that parlor feeling worth 100,0v0-Washiugtoo Post v - . j. tw:u ' k Tba Clft af Cava. . , .. . , ' The following legend which pro fessesto tell how tlwt valuable plard maize, or Indian com, was given to the Indians, has much morapurpoafv tlran , a Tstory from the "Arabian Nights.". It was related -by Nabunws to Mr. George Johukton, When the Ottawas were driven from the beauti ful Manitouliu Islands, in Lake Hu ron, by the Iroquois, their tnngiciani Mass-wa-we-in-ini, remained behindi . One day Mass-wa-we-in-ini' was eraanng a wide plain when be was ao costod by a little uiau with a feather ad his head. . r "Wbere are you goingf asked the little man, cheerily, and invited the magician to smoke with him. Pray." said he, ,as they smoked "wherein does your su-cntrth lie!" . . - . . jay, wrcngui," answercu jnass-ws we-tn-ini. Is that of the human family, no more.'' i "Wo must wrestle said the man 61 the red feather. "If yoa should lnakf me fall, you will say to me, M Lavs tusoWu you. Wa;gerne-no,, . ' - Ho tbcv wrestled, and for a time thd 'strife was doubtful, and Mavwa-we ln-ua feared for himself, the little man was so active, but ct, length ho threw him to the ground. "I have thrown yoit Wa-ge-me-nal' he Cried, and at that instant his oppo-. oent Taouiuea into uieeariu. ' On looking at the spot where the little man disappeared, lass-wa-wc-in-ini discovered a crooked ear of motv damin Indian corn) lying m ground, with the. usual ml, liairy tas sel at the ton. While be tared he heard a voice say, "Divest me of my covering' and reveal my body." Sepa rate me into parts and cast me uporj the plain, lietum then in one moon." Mass-wa-we-iO-ini obeyed these di rections, and when, at the expiration of , tbe moon, he came again to ths wresUino piaee. be found the snikea and blades of. rouDcorn. and where ' be bad thrown the cob pumpkin viae were growing luxuriantly. - A voice addressed him from the corn field: "Haas-w-we-inioil tou con quered me. Had you not done so, your life would have been foi f ited. Victory bas crowned Tour sir '-'If, and henceforth my body thull .vs KMriahment to the human nee." . Thus the OtUwas reoeivcd lie ri.'f of corn, and they have ever bee-u duuhJ for their tine crops of t' . l, eud f rota their custom of tr .iiliiJ.an eorn tins tinbe was cacU L -vaj. ' Indian Legends. Laal Dayaad lUovi-y. Old Gentleman (;. .',-) VTLat's the matter, hole boy I Vi.at a.-e you erriDforf , Litue Dot I lcta !?: Ui .-. Old Gentleman VV.i. i' .i. t rrv Here's a iLme to rej ;ce iL ; jr 1 j help tou lo locik for ti e o;. c la'.Ue 15 t (niori-r I,: .t believe wn can f.nJ ;;. 1. v J tLat 1 loit 0. a i

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