VOL.. XVI. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, , MAHCH 20, 1890. NO, 7. NOTHING SUCCEEDS II&E SUCCESS, "' b 4 The reaon Radaro microbe Killer 1 the ctnc, Is twauiie It lis never failed lu any In stance,' no maTtcr wbal the diaease, from Lr rosy to fie ainiplest dl aii known to the bu man ayetem . Tbe ecicntllle men of to-day claim and prove tliU every dlaeaae U CAUSED BYMICBOBES, " 4 1 y AND - Eadan's Microbe Ziller Exterminate! the Microbes aed drlre them oat of the ejsteui, and when that la don a you cannot havo an ache or pain.. Ho matter what thedlaiaae, whether a simple eaae of Jlalarlal If ever or a combination of dlaeaaea, we cure then all at the ,avne ., time, i aa wa treat aUdiaMaeaWiUtutlodally. 1-" ' Ja.fl.ata, Caa.aaaatlea, Catarrh, atraa thitia, Kaaaoaatl.at, -Kiaaer aa ' , Urer UIhhi, Eenaale TraakTi , la all lt fa-aae, aaa, la fact. crary : galaeaae ka.wa la the Ilaaaaa Ry. i to ; of mmsst DOTATIONS .. Sea that onr Trade-Mark (aama aa above) appears oa tiacn jug. . Send for book "Uhtory of the Microbe Kill er," given away by L. B. HOLT & CO., Merchant, . . .; .: '-.r .' . v Graham, N. C. ' . FROFESSIONALCARDS. J4S.E.BOYD, h ATTORNEY AT LAW, . . . ; . . . Greensboro, jY. C. ' Will fee at Graham on Monday of each week ta attend toprofetaional bnaineaa. Sep 101 J. XJ. KERNODLE. ATTORNEY AT LAW . an An am, w.c. ' ' Practice la the Btate and Federal Court ; ni.l faithfully and promptly attend to all ha aeaaatraeted to bim DR. G. W. WIIITSETT, ' ': Surgeon Dentist, " GREENSBORO, - - - N.C. Will visit Alamance. Call i tba country attended.- Address me at Greensboro. 11 ,f dec 8 tf -' - ' -"T7.1 ; " . i ; , ' " 'v ' .; f" ' r ' "'v.-,."..','..''---'--;, - r - . ." ' r' 1 . ' j ' v ' ' '-'".' ' ' ' . Remember, three thlDgs come (Jot I The arro sn( upon Its track It will ortt Swerve, it trhi not slay its' speed ; it file to wound or s!ay; The" spoken wor. soadoti ibf got ' By (bee; but it has perished not ; In other UcilfU 'tie living still, ! And doing work ibr 006! bt ill; ' And" (h'e losl 'jbrtonity( ! , ,t I That cotnetb back no more to tbee; I la vain thoti weepest, io rain dosf 1 Tbece three will never more return. - 1 The Centftf, i A Catriaem 9ti tsdbtm. Sallahur Cor. of Charlotte Chronicle. About three milee from SoIUburr. od tbe Lexington road, is an old log eabii which was built In liie days of the Eov- OlUtion. . Th atrntfn 111 Maitl. j was inhabited, and is still well perserr- ed some patch work hiving; kept It from decay oiiirie. The curiosity Id the house consist n the fact that It U CrAlrA4 HaaI Tunnh Tvn rv nlirtf w TTotna AM nnJ CiJne sT(Ai.-Mn O..-. T1.ll ir-i. J- COnsisU UU1UA.CU JUCC1, JUUUVU . AUUSUV, WUUM 1 XLUIUO. UilUUiUCIO UUU1UCOm VaiOUUO, OttUUtJH. JTICKICS UliU ItAliBLUrtiO. I full afnnrt holaa ' Tfc. hf fc-.. Canned Peaches, Pineapples, Pears, Peas, Beans, Corn, Tomatoes, Beef and Buffalo Tongue and oysters. Pre- thegrou'od and the pared Buckwheat and Maple Syrup, Crushed Oats, Hominy, Rice, Grits, Celebrated Obelisk and Country flour, If! XXUrHlUrU UUU AUJ1. JJai&lU xunuwo, JUXavutXUg JUAWttUia auu VyUUUtUlCULS Ul XVery JeSCripvlOn. AISO Jiariy Inside, and tbe aperture on tb Rose Potatoes, Sapling and Red Clover, Lucerne and Orchard Grass Seed, Black SeedOats. BlacLeye.Clav nndrde,"on,yUreenoa,,w nio1r nnno anrl nvnrrthi'nr. nlan nHho lnwnoT nvinon onr m1rof oon on.rl 1 I the stoci of the rifle to & throa TT .Bo HOLT ... m 1 JACOB CA.i LONG , ATTORNEY AT LAWfc ORAEAM, ; X C, -E. C. LAIRD, M. D., ::. iiAiir iiivEii,ir. c.- Feb'y 18, '90., . - Lkvi Jf. Scott, F. H. WUrr akee,Jk : Greensboro, N. C. f Graham, N, " SOOTT & ' "WHITAKEB, , . , AllmiM lawr, GRAHAM, .- - - N. ADVERTISEMENTS. -BOOK- Will bs far snoertor to any year of Its bia. tor,, a larger amount of money haringf been " appropriated for tbe einbelliahmunt of the maasine than erer before, tiodey bat been pnbliabedt or 00 years wltbont mtatuif an la sue. and ' YOU jDANNOT GET A BETTER two dollars' worth of magazine than by anh scribing to "ttodey,"TH DasT Famu-T UkO- az'ms la America, The leadin attractions for I8B1 aiat Peamliful Colored Faabioa Plates t Kngrayed Caataioa Plate, la Mark aod while, repr. ratine- lbs preraiiicc styica, proaucea ex. ruoaer preMlj far i aTlaalr BsaraaM rraatfni 'AH - f.M fmr utm hmm aaa Waal tm SS and. !thvaaa ' iMklif atanipta, SEM, - Tba "Boaotlful Home" Club by Cant a 3. Oaar, for yonng Lomekeepers or too, wbo rtnmnplaie becomlnc ao. ''A Year ta the I .mmo. by Ao.orr 8iraoaT Paaacorr Jmn Wml wbiek will treat of tba rarl oo.dutle. for .art month. A Chlldrea's (irMr. for taa kitla oaes. - A rw-k arrar of literatnre tri farsrite aa thors, amont; whom aie Emily tenoos, OUria IOTi-il Hliaoo. aaa Jtarie rrea, aim odow. tt.'4 aotborof "Oemlni.4 brlkiO. Orteaa, wiJi her homorons akrtcbea, aad ntbara. PEEMirafStoelubrabwa ar amont; its . frxMiai leaurra. and Oodey's offer, tba most aad yaloable of any asaraaina pob 1 . rL svnd 15c. for sampla aambar' eoa buuuf fall elab rales and premiuaa. ITX2T LAOT BBS 0WJI DRSSSMAXKB. who , Swribes to Oodya Lady Uet. ro' a wtiicb yoa will Isd In esrk Bomber am :jm yoa tcr yoar an selenioa of any rat f wr pun lllotratrd la Oodey's Lady, l.a. aoarlfe. Sample lopy will eoatala aaa of these coapoaa. . . Sr4 lltnM far aeaal. wkUai will - t aiMwal m yaar aa aarFaaj . araaa raeciraal- T' r.tlrra abows yoa bow tocat oat tba it yoa want. That la all w caa aay ta 1 cc for tba reat aaa yoar sample ' r,-iur wb ernd lie. ai oaef. ' laooir Mt a year t -Ovi.I oLAOT'8 MOoK," FhUadelpbia, Pa." Ti f h wich itis rp-. GODmrs t iC'fuu True f-0, which ' 1 t to tl e 1. ce of tbe ill Arsa rhllaa.aby. Atlanta Conatltntion. ' ; I wish that Irouldtakeatrip around ' the world and sen something, and find out how other people llve. I don't mean a trip oi twenty-two days, like : Nellie BIy, but a slow journey of two i or three years, and' a chance to learn ; something. Nellie den't know any , more about the world now than the yankeea know about us when : they slide ihrough to Florida In a sleeper and slide back again. They come to Atlanta, or New Orleans, or Memphis, or Birmingham, or on an excursion, and stay a day or two, and eat a big dinner, and hear a fear speeches, and go back home as ignorant as tbey came. of something and atcne for it by break ing up rocks on tbe streets for a week, seven years I was a merchant and mla-, WM B0 troubu M-wh-ru -rw. gled with tbem from Boston to Pblla- M .qaality. EogUn( . nikt delpbia, but none of .tbem came south to mingle with me. Before tbe war we seot hundreds of our boys to north era collages, but they never sent aoy to ours. We have always taken tu4r newspapers and magazines, bnt they have never taken ours. Thoosanda of our wealtcv oeoole visit their water. in places and their great cities every summer, but they never visited ours, and so tbey are still unacquainted with us. Ia recent years a good many of their nabobs and invalids take a straight shoot for Florida every win ter, but tbey go ia Pullman aleepers with tbo curtains donf and when I bey get there they huddle together In a floe hotel at Ire dollars a day and and milder, and our summers are longer and cooler. The climate is just as vlaorous and bracing. Now, it is a fact that the southern people know a great deal more about tbe north than their people koow about us. The tendency of travel is northward and has always been so. A hundred travelers would go north to where one would coma south. Busi ness and pleasure call tbem there. Until the treat army of drummers Some of them came dowu to the expo- HII, n,0 exUtenc- tbf) nthern mer- sition, and looked at the big ear of chants went north twice a year to buy corn, and said they didn't believe it was their good, their spring stock aod fell raised in the State, for they looked out stock, aod they became well acquaint- of tbe ears all tbe way from Cbatta-: with the modIo and their manners and nooga to Atlanta, and never saw any , custom, aud politics and religion. For laud that would produce soon corn. This reminds us of a northern woman wbo had never seen aoy piue forest and, after she had passed Macon and got well Into the piny woods, bat erne rapturous In bar admiration of those tafl evergreens, that she said would be perfectly beautiful if they had not been trimmed so high. She kuew as little about picnics as I did about Guinea pics. - One or my smart chaps told ate tbe other day that if a Guinea pig was held up by the Mil his eyes would drop out. Of coarse I didn't behove it nntil be, told ate the- Guinea pig bad no tail, and then t gave it op. j witbt.at I was young enough to travel and learn tbe truth about people, and ssan- nersand customs. It is aatoattbiog bow little we know. . I've been think ing for fifty yean that Chinamen eat rate, aad bow it turus out that . they don't. The first geography we ever studied had a picture of a Chinaman coins: around with a pole across his shoulder and the pole was full of rata. It Is estosisblBE how little we know of be people of onr own couatry the people of s aotber State that is only a sy 's jouraey distant. -.. . Ireneired a letter tbe other day from a Vtrgieiaa wbo thinks of mov ing Soaih, and be wanted to kaow bow long is would take hi as and his family to become acclimated, and what was tbe am (eat time of tbe year to make tbe change-. If be had ever been sooth be would not have aktd such qaratlooa. Moot of the north ere fo ple associate tbe south .with & "' sn ) had,-sickly weather. Thry Kk on tbe map aod eee tba par!' cf a J tj Cra tie'r cj Well, there is some malarial country down here pretty fasti They are In away down south somewhere, but up vesting their money and they stay to hero in Georgia we talk about going to watch it. and the longer tbey stay the but tbey don't care so they get enough Florida to spend the winter Just like better tbey like us. Their deep con the northern people do. . The ' only cera about the negro soon passes away difference between Georgia and Yir- j and tbe race problem bugbear vanishes gin la is that our winters are . shorter 1 Into a my tb. The truth is, there are at Intervals of about one week, and when the first plautlngs are ripe they may be removed, and celery planted In ' . t - k. 1 ik. wv uiaujr aiaruwia auvuv mo urgiv, even in -our - own section.' - There - la plenty of room here for white and for Iblack, and will be for a century to come. I can't see any . volcano nor bear Its muttering. Tbe race prob lem baa seen enough of the world and humanity and government to cancel all bis prejudices, and cause him to look upon eyerytntno; witn the eye of a philosopher. Not long ago be took m trip to tbe Windward islands, tbe little anlllles, and spent some weeks upon tbem. He visited St. Kitts aod Do minica aad Autigua and Barbados and Trinidad, and found tbe English people In charge, and although the population wa- mostly negroes, there was to eat. These boys are not the esoep- their place. White turnips will take tion .but are toe tulo. If the laws were the place of the later sowings. , A row their laws and they have to obey tbem. Tbe English role is kind and humane, but it is fi-m and absolute. In those islands there are about thirty thousand whites aad three hundred thousand ne groes. Those negroes were emandpat ed In 1834 and they are now pretty moch what tbey were then. Some indus trious, some lazy, some vagabond, some beggars, but all dependent a poo tbe white man and are happy In that de pendence. Tbey have plenty of relig ion end are content with the present and have but little concern with tbe future. They cultivate the lands and make all the sugar and molasses. Tbe lands are owned by English landlords. f wbo live la London enforced the last rascal of tbem . would be In the chaingatig, but' our ' people won't enforce it. We don't want : to. our feelings of sympathy for. the little pilferings. ' Tbeywit;upoii us so wil- liog'y and black our shoes, and carry our parcels, and bring our water, and sweep out our offices, and carry ; sweet notes from the boys to the girls , aod of lima beans must have a place also, and should be planted with tbe eye down. There is very good reason . for this little precaution also. Tbe stalk forces tbe bean to the surface, and if! the bean bangs to one side It Is liable to break off before it reaches tbe su'r- tbe out-' admif throagh. Walla have ears, but if the old walla of that log cabin only had mouths' what a tale they could tell. The house faces the road to the Yadkin river, which Cornwall's marched over when in pursuit of Green. The port boles extend all around the house, and your correspondent counted about half a' dosen on each side. The house oughr to be preserved as a relic; a bj " V'r' The mvsterv has been solved at i All scientific men claim micro bee ara the cause of ell disease, and it has been' their work and studv to ret a. metffRinrf that would kill the microbes ia tbe huV man system without inlurv to the tW tient. This has been acoomplinbed bV Radam'a Micrrobe Killer, which b it scientifie wonder in the medical woridV For sale by L. B. Holt C SJaaoeaaalo aasjaaallaaia, '' , ... . 1 The Sabbath day Is the savings bank? Of humanity. Be useful to yourself first, your friends next and the world aftenrardl' The man who never offend anybody can usually count his friends on the' fingers of one hand. ; f . 1. . - It takes almost superhuman strength? to bang On when yoa begin at the top of the ladder. - : t ' j . Men who havo to swsar olf front' swearing generally continue SWerag( off, and on. ' ' " " '- The world seldom looks to son too' " vice versa, and always on band wait- loorn rows, and when tbe corn is ripe Ingfura nickle, and so we lake the I remove it and cultivate the squashes. (ace, In which case the bean never comes up. riant squashes between tbe f kina of tracks yoa left behind provid-' bad with tbe good and are .content. There Is no volcano about them. Old English is smsrt mighty smart. 8he gets the labor of these negroes for their food and clothing Just like she did before she freed them. That's about all that tbe toilers eet anywhere, -Exchange. niale la Buckets and all wooden pails not In use as well as wsahtubs, should be turned op side down, to prevent leak ing,' . : '; ..-v.'- . '.: Leather, . wood or paper may be I ed von eet there. - -J Uiny a cofflu is covered with" roses' by bands that never gave its oceupanr anything but thorns. - The road to hsppiness and tba road' to misery follow tbe same coarse. The' difference Is la the traveler not la thaV road traveled. - . ,-. Houston; Tex.,-Oct. Wtfyttsti." whether white or black. .Hanty .Is that race that is content with their lot. fwtened to metal by a .cement I Messrs. Wallace O'Leary ACoi.-- '-, -: i ... BILL ASP, made by adding a teaspoonful of glye- lerioe toagillofglue. It can also be used fdf fastening labels oa tin. sore a note inroogn tbo top of a Wa liedain's JXWrobe' earSaalas, At a meeting nf farmers recently held at PooKhkoepeie. K. Y., Mr, a. Sloan broom-haodle, tie a Hn, In It, ban, .S . A rents Killerl Gentlemen I have bean using" fW Microbe Killer for malarial fever and1 general debility, and write yow to ear- THaTa aVrwaaat A JabIi A .u...I.i.J fL 1L I , ' " Wl" B"T- general is appointed by the crown, and and don't want to. Tbey some chock h. 1... ... K ..... w aa wsrviegaa wuvvs sp ssmsav sBVWlaV V enforce tbe laws sod keep tbe ' peace. Negro police men are appointed to keep order among tbe negroes; and the do it. Now what Is tbe matter with tbe picture t Notblog. It Is Just tbe same picture that Is here. Right bore la Ibis eommnaily we have some booert, Icdustrious negroes who work regularly every day, aod are derer, Tbey fun of tbo prejudices of a eeatnry. prvjudiree that are a part of their re ligion and they doot want to lose tbem. Yoa aclghtae well try to get a Baptist, or a Metbodut, or a Jew to change bis religion. There is but one channel open to a removal of preju dice aod that is through tbe pocket. The ooty hope of prossoting peace is in getting acquainted, aad the only hope of getting acqoalaUl is through bosiaess channels, RuaseU Harrison came down to Atlanta to a banquet aad be behaved like a gentleman, aod I expect be is a gentleman, but bo has gone back believing that onr people am killing aad peraecntiDg tbe negroes and robbing republteaa postmasters as a general bosioesw, a kind of eaauaeroeot. Bat oar c'i mat and our mlsera! trees- SBTeataiaanon garnering, usvmg I the broom up when not in use, and It been engaged la market gardening I will last twice ss lone as when allowed since nis ooynood, be is well Informel 1 to rest upon tbo floor. ; After sweenlnn . . . 1 - ; ae 10 ine Deal methods. Coming down I dip your broom In hot soapsuds, shako 10 we or aioary farmer's garden , he ad- well aod bang up to dry. t ... . . ...1 au soiling ou a piece 01 iana wr mis 1 Hero are two tbloza to remaarbar .J.t S a a I .pwa purpose, a. piece oeariog to 1 when cooking either veal or pork: tneoouto or XM It posslDIO. - He I theV should ha eookad ao D.Aran.1.1. II a. ta a a a a I ' wouia nave wen renoed, ana leave a I that the lean part win bo whlto and sod border Iwenty-flre or thirty feel I firm, and thav ahonld aaar Ka tttai wide around tbe fence. He would I unless first well saltad. Wiih a aura rameuy tor inoee aiaeasas.' B. E. LtwiB)', Prop. Capitol Btablesi . For Sate by L. B. Holt dc Co. bare bis garden 400 feet loog and about 100 feet wide. Tbe fence should eocloae double tbe amount of land re quired for tbe garden. One halt should be seeded while tbe other half is In cultivation. This makes cnltlva- tlon easier by keeping down weeds and pork there should bo served some kind of j 'arinaceous vegetable, like rice, pota toes or hominy. To prevent oilcloth, patent leather and similar materiale from sticking to gether when rolled, purchase a few WkaVftaaHaaM Wl; A model wife is the woman in whom? tba heart of her husband- doth aafsr ly trmstv , ' She is the woman who looks after bis boovehold, and snaka her hbepk tlity a delight to him and not m bur den. j - Wbo hat learned that a soft answer' tnrnetb away wrath. Who keeps her sweetest 1 miles and most loving words for her husband. Wboiacoo&Jeot ha sorrow or low sheet of Dtrafflne-imnrcvnaixt a at be sims Ume adds to tbo fertility of I otherwise prepared paper, and roll the I WB0 does not rW the necessity of the solt He would plow under a goo-ijoiBurial. TbUwill prevent sticklnr. I "-MDt beT privato affairs to the eoatofBUburelo tbe fait aod plow lit will eUo rjrerant the ff i.r lh. nelghborbeod.' again in tbe spring. Alorg tbe length oolors or gloss by keeping out air and of the garden on one side be would ley j moist ore ; tbe evaporation of tbo oa Is off a bed six feet wide for letioce, rad-1 likewise prevented to a great extent. dishes, lata cabbage, aege aad other Soft water should be used in cooking vegetables of this nature. - About four vegetables, and tbe only way city folks law-abiding dl'sens. We have others m eoro hi nw oT "P1' I water U to add a little salt it andi' way acrosa me gamen. 1 to ifc. txx or eigbt poUtoes will seed a Then about eicnt feet rota this comet I teaspoon fui of salt added to tbe water ; a row of raepberHee, and eight feet fur-1 turnips aad parsotps require about tbe tberarow of black berries. Betwere ame, that la, a teapoooful of salt to a tbeaerows he would put a row of Qnrtof WV"' lf r "" bould . , . , . ,1 bappan teriae to tWaaarfaca when the uawuniRs, nw pianir m row 01 these every year. After tbey bsv fruited be ploos tbem epao'l plantea f BeW roar. T n arieeaatfrtna mat tia t wuii. 1 1 ii .1 a in 1 mm. 1 w 11 a rn kvt. mw . r j 1 ( ; " who work when tbey feel like steal when they don't. About half tbs boys from tea to eighteen are street vagabonds, who ran the streets at the depot elelfbtvas, aod are ready to make a alekel at anything that is quick and easy. Tby laugh aod frolic, and are rreaty aod rrg-ed aod dirty aad smell IvetretaMas are boi'ing, it must be care fully skimmed o'X Who respects tbe right of husband' aod children, and in return has due re-" gard paid her. Whoknowa-thatberstrohgcist arguw meat is her wooaaolioessy and so tbe cultivates It. Who Is rympathetlo in Joy or ia griaf, and wbo finds work fjr her bands to do. - W no makes trieiiJa and ke-- 'V.. Who is not made bittjr ty t--,, but who strengthcas aod 11 ? der 1U TV rhubarb, red snd white c;rratrra., ores sro drawing thtlr good peej-ln tl-nes tbey steal a bs!f a d!ai's worih ' cHs, etc IVjhouLl te t'r.icj tTany 1'ersons Ara bnV-a dova from ararak or bnr!i ''X Iirown'i Irca I ttcrs Ory ' ire k". .