v The Alamance :! -.: ; , ; '...;.. ;. 'yii y 1 7,;, ,.v-:';-;; v v r; 7 7 7.7 ' ;tw; i - VOL.. XVI. 1 v'if-t'. v't' GrRAHAM; N. G., THURSfiAY, MARCH ; 27, 1890r fJOTHING SUCCEEDS , IDs. rea'oa lUdsto s Microbe Killer I tbe mMt woDdsrfal medi cine, I bwaM it bu nerer failed In any In stance, ne matter what the diirase, from Lep rosy to the simplest die eas. known to tbe hu man' system. -The scientlle men of to-day claim and prore that every disease is. :nTTpiTT Tiir trrn-n ATJTiri S VaUOJaii JDX . JUJlUAyXXif9 . AND ' Eadam's Microbe Killer , JCxtermlnatei the Microbes and drive them out of tbe system, and when that is don yon eannot hare an ache or pain. -So- matter what the dls iase, whether a simple' ease of Malarial Fever or combination of diseases, we cure then all at the me time, ' a ' we treat all diieaeei coLititntlonall. , m. r , U v J.;ll 1) . '"ir jaeAbaiB, CaMaaaeaitUa, Vatanwt, ifr" . chitia. HfccaaaatUae. KMaey aad ' f.lrer Vieeaeee, Keaiale : Treablee, la all lu ferae, aa, la raet, . ererf DiweM kaewa m the II a; TMiera'h.rlk' fcaraiiaa m . a toeeaHMkr Bteaej, fcaaaaSWL Leno!rJTor!c,. ( ; ..... e !. t-' , After bavior ttaVtoraed thef leorth ad Mtiatt fcf ortb aroiina.' wa bjiv (urtrtaJoed - tht . toward the) -Western tnountalne thera ara : nlantw iijiniJ ... inrr:7r.ivr-ir:-Tv of paorifawha ht,ltomtfea.jrira glnla, Mttrylaod, renngylvaula, Ne JerMy'itiid even from NeeSijflaoil; Eveilritbleycat (17i53) nioro than 400 'families witnhoraM, WmgtJnl ind cettia W emigrated to thie State nd mong tlrtm' are htrWera od Ter worthy people who will ' no donU bo of reet adTntegeJ the State. We hare had epportnoity to te the main itream vjjp that. part of BT Oi which belonxi to Eer prenrille. We have Dot found one that . ipev ttrietl be termed navieabla. The tjhowaa are Urge and deep , bat freaheU.';. Thejr . and have such cannot well, be See that onr Trade-Hark (tame a above) appears on each jnr. - - ' : Bend for book ,rUuitory of the Microbe Kill- r," riven away oj - Ij. B. HOLT & CO..' Merchanto. Our experienced buyer left Saturday night for New York. Boston, Philadelphia and Baltimore; where he will visit the best markets for each line, and beintr thoroughly Dosted will buv directlv from headaiiarters. One market for instance leads in shoes, another in dry goods and notions, hats, etc., another in carpets, cloth- and boW ing and so on, and by knowing exactly where to go for the fountain head and first cost in each line, and haying hTinotldeHnI' the lowest prices in each market in his pocket as well as in his head, he compares aualitv of goods and' and buys where each large manufacturer and importer gives the closest cut to secure his patronage, there oaed here, Hence they ca only tue are bo many assignments ana iauures niaa it is a great tiskio sen gooas promiscuously, ana tnese large dealers P'C "'5 "7,a w,,a ... .y- charge enormous prices to cover therisk generally, but where ;a house of the highest commercial standing .od in event oThtgh laU uumca uu tut; iuaiA.cb oiiu tuc avwuut id no Kuuuaa guiu uicv win cui tu luc uuiuji, rtttuer lilali ullBo eeillllg U8, 1 ' v"""1" wnere ine7 t 1 . . i i. J . 'I J 1 I" ' -2. ' " W J- ' A " I . ' - ' J.. , 'i' t.,: ; . 'i ' .' :'- .... ........... ... .... , , ' ana give Dest aiscounts ana inrow m long time. i Now a we don't need any time we just dinoonnt the Ions: time for fpot cash, and tbna freauentlv we ret 6 and 7 oer cent off ealde Eettlne! eloseet nrloea to start wti head thin WR W A TCV. wojt n uvb rnuiii wiic.i nui uuws iki riiusi nuuun i ana can goaraocee you oetter quality oi goeqs ana lower pncee tnsa yon oeuia gel direct irom nortnern mercnants yourselve foi we are going to Mtuua room However ana double the.aite of our present large building, ter aualitv of coeds and lower prices than yon eeuld set direct from northern merchants wounalvaa fa kn for thousands where you would buy for one. 8o we will form a partnership with you and divide profit with you to get you to take our goods you ret your roods cheaper and enable us to bnv aireln nnu iu wrK.r uimuiiiici mwu iiiuv. 'j wvn vi mi. kxriu . uu, ivh v uuw vur uutiun. uas iuuhhu bu rauiuj v. uur new gooas sre comipg ana yoa can get wnat you want ana save money, : ' - .cr, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. TAS.E.BOYD, - ATTORNEY AT LAW, ; w : -?-'i vf Oreetuboro. If. 0. Will be at Graham on Monday of each week te attend to professional business. Sep lo jr. r. itEivoiL,i!:. " JLTTORNET AT LAWf '' iiHin.ll.s''''' Praeticeiila the Btate and Federal CeurS will falthfnllv and Dromotlr attend to all ba sessntrasted to him DB. Cr. W. WmTSETT, Surgeon Dentist,' . GREENSBORO, - - - N. C. Will also visit Alamance. Calls in the country attended.. . Address me at Greensborur dec 8 tf JACOB A.m ATTORNEY AT LAW, GRAEAM, - - . N.C, ;faT 1788::"': . El C. LAIRD, M. D., HAW RIVER, TSt, C. Feb'y 13, 90..---Tr ' i -':: ,k!jt::'i:';;;,:;;';::,'::it:;,ti - '..a 1,f,.,;,.,. i..f.;. : : .,v,, i ;;;;:.;;,::.:;;; ; , :;x..;.r:, '.''':;;;;!:;.; ..' ."i 1 1 1 " . 1 '' 1 " " 1 . . masssBBsssst. i. i m jssmsmmmmBmma n.aMhalS Hlals. reigh one or Lkti M.'Soott. F. H. WbitakkkJb. Greensboro, N. C. Graham, N.C. SOOTT & WHITAKEE, -:i.'.fv jkltaraeye at Lsv, GRAHAM, - - N. . . ADVERTISEMENTS. .9 ;;dfr -B00K- vfuTbs'fasapertorioanyyearof its bis. ton. a larrer amount of money havinc been anuronrlated for the embellishment of the Ssaraalne than erer before, fiodev has been pubusbedf or 00 years without mlasiog aa is see, aad . -. YOU CANNOT GET A BETTER twu dollars' worth of masazlne than by uh BeribiBrto"Uodey,"Taa Bat Familt Mo aziss "a America, ' - v The leading; attractions for 1899 aie t (eaetiful Colored fashion Platee : Bnrraved rashloe nates tn oiarK aos wuie, re asatinsT tbe prerulicr styles; vrodaeed ex- re-lyferOodey " ' Wlaslv xaraseJ Sm itlflsee, Aw af ai.U.ry mm HjwSIwwsi m. itM, Mmw mm rwalar SI !, . rim for tmm SImm S.a , Wl u Balls; :snu estklai Beeela. Ssse. ... .. The "Beanllf nl Home" Crab by tun a . 3u.-for Tonne tonsekeepers or those who coo template becoming; so. "A Tear in the Hons. br AveusT. Bamsbubt Pscott (Jeany Wren), which will tree of the varl aa dudes for each month. A ChUdrea's r.njv inr the little ones. A Ttcb array of literalnre by favortte sw lb m amonr whom aie Emily Lennox, Olirta Jyewell Wllsoa. soi aim rcc, " ww. ,aath3ro( "Gemini. belle C. Greeaa, Briaa her hmaoroos sketches, aad ethers. vwxwitnfS to dob raisers are amour Its saecial featoraa, and Codey's oflere the moat ekatee aad raloable of any saacasias pb aVnd toe. tor sample number Saining fnii elnb rates aad oremiums. XTCST LADT BU OWS DBX88XAKKR. vm nWHbM la Ooder's' Ledv Vwa. ewapoa which yoa wlU Sad la each ember anilss yoa to yonr setodioa of say rat tMper pauera ulastraled ia Owley'e i4y-. hook. loarlSe. Sample Copy wUI eoataia easef these ejopooa. - ' I Maes tor mmmoto. wklaa wttl IS ka .IUmS m T wkM hiiItM. Thai i bow to eat eai it the y apis i pattrra shows yos bow t rat yea want. That Is ail U space. For Voo rest see yoer as bar. lor whlcB an4 Ue. at oaec. Haoey-Is OBly S CO s year Address -GOD ET LOOT'S HOOK." . - ,-. - Philadelphia, Ps. Ten common-sized, eggs pound, v Two tablespoons of powdered S.h. Mh ail iwiiinA For nose bleed, get plenty of pew dered alum np into the nostrils. To restore gilt frames, rub with sponge moistened in turpentine.' When dress' ilk becomes wet pat it between the hands to dry quickly. Iftiie cover is removed from soap dishes the soap Will not get soft. ' Rub your lamp chimney with salt to increase the brilliancy of the light. Sand paper applied to the yellow keys of tbe piano will restore the color. ' m . U . S a Tissue or printing paper is .ne nest thing for polishing glass or tinware The best of tea makes but an Indif ferent decoction unless ths .water rVaah For corns and bunions nothing is cooling aa tbe beaten white of aa egg. Cucumbers cut in strips and laid in nlacea Infested with ante will drive tbem away. Patient rubbing with chloroform will remove paint from black silk or any other material. Young veal may be told by the boo. Id the cutlet. If it is yery small tne weal is not good. rw.krr that has been "soaked" with grease may be cleaned by slow in boiling lye. A eolation of alum, tea grains to -an ounce of water, (a excellent for bathing tender feet. f-.v-f Egg shells crashed shaken In a gl bottle half filled with water will dean Lemon Jnioe will remove from tbe throat the dark steins often caused by wearing black fur next it. Brooms dipped la boiling sods once a week will last last longer and do bet ter service than without. . ' When boiling cabbage set a vessel containing vinegar o the stove and the smeU of oabbage will not be appar ent. gU extracts tbe Juices Iroea saeat ia -a A cooking. Steaks ought sot therefore to be salted until they have bee broil ed Olive oil saturated with camphor makes an excellent application for, la ..a.rr awaUiss. also for rheo- maitc ioint. Ceeoenat oil ia eaid to increase we a a iv rf tha 'eveorows : appiy h moetaly with a camel's hair brush at Birnt last before reUrtcg. When troubled with neareigie paiw v . a., km mi a doaMe tola of fUnael oa tbe painful parte, then move and fro oa ise aaaaes. In Club with this paper CODEY'S mmA lha flrviwn Ptua ? 00. arhich ... . . ... I ! IrAM (a Gatrattmr Ppeaa. M lotavediaUly. What le naeM.aryrrIClaraealas.: We frequently have oooasioa to refer to the subject of markefgardeaiag, In answer to such questions as what cap ital is required, how' to do the work, etc. ' The capital required, according to the statement of one of the most ex perienced gardeners in the country, when ooe begins the . business . near a large city, is about three hundred dol- the milk from which It was made may have been whole milk or skimmed and robbed of Its cream.. If the milk be poor in butter the cheese must be equal ly so, and will grade according to its richness or deficiency In cream.' Many persons are of the opinion that cream that has once been separated can never be so well mixed again with the milk that a portion of the fatty matter will lars an acre for anything leas than ten not flo oat w,th th whe7' thiu - . ' I ! .1 1 1 . f I aw, s . acres. The first year rarely pays more oenog we eneeee teas non. - i uis naa thaa current expenses, and the capital j Tn rise to some discussion as to of $300 per sere Is all absorbed i ' wnetner ncn jersey mi can do pront horses, wagons, Implements, sashes, I W Int0 obM without skim- manures, seeds, etc If tbe capital is m,D ' ' insufficient to procure these properly, r Accoramg to tne late rroressor at the chanoea of snecea are eorrasnond. I nold whll ln 'er93p emphatically inriy dimiiibhed.' Above all. be care- bulter w hm mlk to rich ,n cheese fnUotto attemnt the cultivation . of h,,Ur ni w,lhoat th " more land than your capital add exp ,u B0tt'7 mattar, bo converted into rlenoe can prooerlv mauare. More t - rico En,th Con- men are stranded, both on the form """""f nra vtuj- and garden, in attempting to cultivate mB mut uQttmor Arnold was too much: perhaps, than ' from any i P"k, of milk, almost aB Steers! efa Leaf .lta. other cause. Western Rural. Success in any co-operative move ment among farmers for the purpose of buying tbeir supplies cheaper, de pends nearly altogether oa . whether tbe cash or credit system is followed. The organization of farmers la Michl igan, mentioned in former . issues, adopted the spot cash plan, -and to this can safely be attributed its suocms. . It accomplishes much by doing away with the surplus of middlemen, but it does mors by following the strict cash sys- i. It is tbe keystone of tbe organ 1- cation. But this particular organiza tion has co monopoly of tbe plan. It can be adopted by any farmers club or neighborhood association. There Is a cash market for farm- prod nets, and farmers should bay for cash. It is to the mutnal advantage of the honest buy er aad seller. - The buyer gels more goods for bis money, aad the merchant rone no risk, and does not try collect bis bad debts from bis peylog custom ers, it is tbe 0a Dee" that te tort when the psy-as-you-go plan Is strictly followed.. Gash as forces boaesty. Farm and Fireside. Immediately from the cows, when the solids are la the most perfect emulsion, and beaosmorftof the globules of fat will be held by the rennet. With mix ed milk brought to a factory once a day tbe ease would be different." Prac tical home cheese makers aoiverselly agree thrt tbe sooner tha- milk Is set for eheeee making after it has been drawn from the cow the mote of batter fat the cheese will contain. Jersey Caw a. a Cbas The Jersey sow is eoastdered eminently as a butter cow, with her most profitable use ia that direction, oa account of the Lirg e proportion of cream contained ia her milk. Consumers of cheese need not be told that iu excel lence depends almost wholly on the quality of the milk from which it Is prepared, as is farther well indicated by tbe commercial terms of cream cheese, skim cheese, etc., according as Waaa laay Ware New. First Jury 007.' 1 ' Pins made 1400. ' . ' Needles ased 1645. ' . -Matches made 1749. First cast Iron 1514. First newspaper 1494. CWusedasafnel 1834. ( ' Surnames ased ia 11&, First gold oia B. a 906. Tobacco introduced 1583. First steam railroad 1830. BUrosene'lstrodueedl82S. Lead pencil ased la 1594. First poatags stamps ia 1840. Window glass ased la 694. Electee light IsvenUd 1874. Iroa found ia America 1718. ' First Insurance, marine, 532. First American Express 1831. First wheel carriage 1559. First Olnmlnatlsg gas 1792, Let! a eeaeed to be spoken 680. Musical notes in (reduced 1338. Bible tyslalsd into Saxes 447. Gimpowder oaed by Chinese SO. Bible translated lots Gothic 872. PboJocraphe first prod need 1801. Old Testament finished B. 0.440. EeaaaoipaUoa proclamaUoa IMS. Paper made by Cbiarse B. C KO. Bible irsoalated into Eo.iish 1534. . You sometimes see a women "whose old age is as exquisite ss was the per fect bloom of her youth. (She seems condensed, sweetness and grace. You wonder bow thli has come about ; you wonder how it Is her life has been a long and happy one. Here are some of tbe reasons : '.'' She knew how to forget disagreeable things ; she understood the art of en joyment ; she kept her nerves well in hsnd and Inflicted them on no one she believed fn the goodness of hsr own daughters and In that of her neighbors ; she cultivated a good digestion; she mastered tbe art of saying pleasut words; ibe did not expect too moch from her friends ; she mede whatever work come to ber congenial ; she re tained her Illusions, snd did not be lieve that all the world was wicked and nokiad abo relieved the misera- able, and sympathized with tbe sor rowful ; shs retained aa even disposi tloa, and made tbe best of every tblog j shs did what earns to' ber cheerfully t she never forgot tbst kind words and a smile cost nothing, but are priceless treasures to the discouraged ; she did unto others as shs would be dooe by, and now that old axe has some to her aad there is a halo of whits hair around her head, she loved sod con sidered. ; , ... This Is ths secret of a long life and a happy ooe. Ladles Home Journal. Vswll Dallare. There is a charm about fruit culture. People go to California aad pay hun dreds of dollars aa acre for fruit lands. They go to Wsshlsgtoa and pay two It will not do to attempt' toi . grow' fruit without the deoessary knowledge to oo it. reopie in toe city often go into tbe country and try it. They Im- liilthe water subsides. Tha ttmfioa these streams hay oo tide waterjs the) greet Sand Banks which Us east or the State which impede the rivers la. their "exit" to the sea aad prevent the tide t-om coming in. , Sometimes ,too la cbsrjge the narrow entrances which the ships' use forenteriDr, the rivers These pauses o"peraU to make t dif- r?h iTJ cr y;i -ea., J.thw captain I" unfamiliar with this coast b4 may easily strike a mmd-bauk and he . may do so even if he is acquainted and 'experienced," 'as the . Sends ar shifted bjr aeaand WtatV ' f We paid a vlaft to the Tu5arota te dians who live on the Roanoke. They' live upon tract of very good land cured to them by act of Assembly' f ' suppose It cootalns front 20 to SO thou sand acres of land. " It is 12 miles long, but not broad.4 'V r, lumom tynitOv. mesl WhitmeleJ was kiDd enough to)., gowfth lis and' showed 'us( all .their" land ' and ' made " as' "alntffd' with " tbem. Hsbss been " trader " amhos; . them, understands their language and ( aalna that all thera 1. M An. It ... r r"u" " .v.;. . 17 71.:: "7 rr: p" I( flnr. " - .aw, iyu IV .ua ITUie Will oome. ens nl tha m t f k Ti i .1..' ... They are disappointed, as everyone I I.. 7" "77 . . "7 T, . .... " i ua u excellent cnaractar among with knowledge of fruit growing ex- allolassraelndlaMUva io peots i they will be. But unfortunately but , CspUin whom the whites7 aelect 1 w' " wnnnea to from their midst, ' There are also some toe amateur iruit grower.. .. A good many people who were born on a farm and have lived on a farm all their lives, seem net yet to have learn ed that if a crop of fruit is to be grown It must have attention as well as other crops.. Ths man who plants a straw berry bed and pays no more attention to It until be goes to look for fruit, will not find the firult. He will find a fine crop them of weeds aod grass, however. The man who plants a tree and leaves It to iteelf will say, we cannot raise large fruit in ia tbe west. The Rural believes that there Is money In fruit. The eomsump tion of increases all the time, and while we most get different varieties individuals who live among tbem as Their number Is'' small j !th4y 'atd with the Six Nations sgalnU tha Ca ' Uwbas, but suffer from thh relatlea- ' ship vsry much. 1 They are "very pool1 aod are oppressed by the whiles, jtri " Whltemeal is their agents agent aad . advocate and Is much 'nstiected b Nosfforts have as Vei beetf '' made to cbristiaoise theav : They gave us a message to the CW Uwbattaot knowing that they had made peace with tbe Six Nations) should we see them; "that there were enough young men among' them who know the way to Catawba Town. tbao anything we have, so far as some I They oouid come aad go there ' la lf kinds of fralta era oonoeraed, tbe true days ; they had remaided very traiet secret of sooosas is la iatelligent in dustry and perasTeranoe-Was tern Bural. . ' ' i " fasaeevs si la Vara! Teste, as long as tha Catawba did. SbotrTd r tbey however beoome troublesome tie " wsy to the Catawba Towa eoald abo 4 be found." i' : '.' , Tla worthy of remark thai the cbtf-' ' q dlletaf tha Tadtaaa'kMa I. .Jtr ' ' fereaM from that ia Peaniylsia. Ws hear very little about the' ad vanes of Improvement la agricultural There tha Indians sre sot feared at all ' ' 1 Impletaenta and farm machinery, but anises they are drunk. ' Here they that branch of tbe Industrial pursuits conduct themselves In each k way ihat ": of ths country Is keeping abreast of the the whites are afraid of them. If they times, nevertheless. Tbe plow oflenter'a boose aad the atea h aoi af twenty-five years ago'isaow a euriosi-1 horns they beoome Insolent snd1 the ty, sad those who sold and used It eaa-1 poor woman most do as they command. not realize bow It was made to serve I Sometimes they corns la socb bwcw -' nundred dollars tor land that would I not ssll for more thaa forty dollars per I tb P0rP4 for which it was manufao-1 eompaalea that even the man U likmtf acre at Ibe out aide for other purposes. And yet aons need be told that fruit culture does not always pay. Still it is perhaps true that years together, if properly maosged, It will pey welL As is frequenUy remarked, ooe great obstacle to saooeasfui fruit growing is found la the Increasing Insect en em Ise. Bat tbey are aa enemy that Increased knowledge sad persistence will enable as to conquer. Ths neosesary knowl edge to do this is being rapidly spread. Our experiment stations are giving eoestaat atteatloa to finding tbe best mesas of fighting iosecte, sad tbey are doing a great work ia that direction. Waea tbe kerosene emuletoa was reo- ommeaded a very cheap insecticide was foaad ; aad bow ths arseaites bars haaa ft4a.1 aiwt tnnwkA t .k.i I sear perfection as Insecticides. We ' ess get the beat of the insects U ws try. urea. Aoa too plow of a decade I pat to H if compelled -16 deal wttfe siooe, while perhaps not so crude, has thsm. Sometimes men do KkeuAB beenabandoned for a better Implement, drew Lambert who lived! oa the Ca- Aad se It to all through the list of sgri- tawba about five miles below (ho' Ca- caltural implements and farm macbia- tawba Station who foaad : traces of ' ery, and la another quarter of a eaa- B" Mlmm on bU land aod ia his tnrw It la ruM. k.. ,1.. . , corn and found that ,tbey hst, iifled tory it is possible that tbe farmer will aad aatan soma f hi. eaixia ia -.iu 1 walk no more la the cultivation of his fanv-St. Louis Globe Domoerar. e ed bis dogs which .as used for besf bunUog, soms eight or ten ia number, . and, with his rifle ia band, be drove tbem out Tike sheep before him andt ST. nxLXXA, NArA Co Cal Kst 1. Ma I ,hD" " himself of the. nuisance." - I To the citizeoe and mmietmA a'.Ka (alone In the woods about beret thew '7 Valley I dema If my duty to give this I danger of getting tmo ' :' reoommeodatloa without any eoikita-1 relaUooe with ibe jBdiaas. Aerihi ' Uonoa tbe part of tbe dealers ia eaid j Carolina weired war with Ibe. in? sfia, , medicine. In St. JoaeDh. lf I a... la time the latter became worst! .nrl afflicted with aa aggravated ease ofiacosaeMneelost'their Isnd. ! ' kidrfby troable. aod br imMMt I I treated a bed feeline- Bo4 an ll .cmBiv 1 offered a drink of Wm. Radam'a ii-llho" tribes immediately e-erned out with all ths rest. This fc of " snimesily will not speedily die out. Thisssserta ItseW oaaU occasions an i , it cares so far In N. C. that not onl y did the Indians rob Ibe people of t' f stock, but h some cases ereu I l -esse of tbem. erooe suuer. Aftar taking one ralloa In four weeks 1 felt like a new man. I ban freely reoommeod It to anyone having the above troable. H. E. ROBINSOJf. For sals by L.B. HoU & Co.