NOTHING SUCCEEDS -. :'j LIKE SUCCESS. --i' - i lia rea.on jiaaani a Microbe Killer Is tbe mo(!t wonderful medi cine, is le-ame It liai jiever failed lu any In- 6 stance, no maiter what Uit diacaae, frnm 'Xep- roay m tbe simplest un i eaei known- to Ilia hu man (j-slem. , w The eciNitifc men of to-dav claim and 'urove tbut every dleeae i CAUSED BY"MICEOBES, V OUiir -AH-W'i , ,,,, RadamV-Micfpfcf Killer j JCxlertnlhatea the Microbes and drivel tbtm oat of .uVajitein,.,ft:id when that la done yon canon have, an actio 'or'ain. in o matter what Hie dla iae, whathsr a simple, eate of Malarial Fever or a combination of diseases, we cureAheri nil at the' tame time, as we treat alldlieaeca 'coLltitUtionally: : .. W o ' ' t 1. . - : ' ' - - ,.' ; -is-,-Anlfena, Ceneaaiptiea, (Jatarra, Hmh cliitU, ' Khcaaaat-eni,- Ki.aer aat. l.ivrr ulteaici, KfuaK Trea ales, la all lis farm, and, 'la fast., every . Dlaeaae Itaawa to- the Haaaa Sya Ieav i "c-.i v, : See tSatoor Trade-Mark (same, aa above) appearaoh each Jug. ". I. J . Scad for Book "Htotory of the Microbe Kill' er, given away dj- - - L. B. HOLT & CO., Merchant, MO KSVUGrshjuri; N, c .ll i.lH 9 ' HI o pry w ' , . . .,- - ...... , , -Yielding up Her Choicest Bargains and From1 the Northern Markets where our buyer is getting the closest , , : prices and best discounts. ; We Male If ? iieiiOiiti : ....I. .- ,. . i , . .... ... ...... f . . .-. . . : '. .' than J AS. E. BOYD, -ATTORNEY AT LAWi i r Greensboro. iV. C. Will h at Graham on Monday of each week ( atteae to prolessional busiueea. loep io " f ' '"' '' .n 4ffQRNEY AT LAW , - HAHtn. N.41. - Practlcan in tbe Stale and federal Coura will faithfully and promptly atUnd to all bn aiutrated to lilui . . r s jmM.yf. WIJITSETT, f " Surgeon PentiBt,'-" ' " GREENSlioKO, l'i"rri N. C. Wilfjvlaa visit Alamance. . Calls in the country attended. Address me at Greensboro. dec 8 tf TXdRtAT IW.'jL . .... . N. C. GBAgAfc ... Uit'r 1788, E; fit LAIRD, M. D., Haw river, it. cJ FeblSV '90. ?" .... IKvij Jf, Scott, . I. HWhitikee,Je, Greensboro, N. C. Graham, N. C- ;0POTT & ; WHITAKEE; h . . Allaracja at law, ; '.( GRAHAM, ; ' V- N. C. ADVERTISEMENTS. 4 ODEY'S LADY'S! -BOOK- Bnyinff in quaiitity we canigiiaran can get direct from Northern markets, besides sa buying : for it is onr yusiq buyer's life-work, to to buy. Yon raa goods at such saving prices you save your money ana get pxacuy wnai you wani. "Forward Ladies. least (lie I ,- , , . .. .,,.!,. t.:. t.-.-i ..v.,.. t..j . . " .:" '' ' i-.'K!-.t'- Win tw far anperlor to any year of ita h la ton, a larrer amount of money bavinr been appropriated for the cmuelliihment of tbe 'nagatine than ever before. . Uoder bat been pnblubedf or frj jcari. without, mlulog an la ne. and . r , a ,t: ,. , . .j YQV CANNOT GET A BETTER two dollar' Vorth of majrazlne than by fah- acriiiirf WUixley, ; laa ocaz y auilt klq Aims ft America, . , Tbe. leading attracticnt for 189) aie BaanUiil Colored Faablon Platea ; Engraved Vaabiaa plates in ar.d while, repre-. Motipf lb prevauicjf atyiea, proancea er prelyJarUoaey , . Vlactr f,a4" rraatlle, Awt Caabrairforjr mmd Nr4lwara Ita iIim. Seir aaa Papalar fli riaa ' Car ifea Maaaa t'aa . , Waal aa '.a4araca4 , .' ttMkiai atavalpae, lu, - TW"uUfuYHouie" Club by Euna J Orai of youof koiuekeepera or tboan who cooMmplaMeooniing ao. "A Tear in the Houeby hvjvrTL SiLUBuaT PasacorT (ienny rn). which wiU treat of the varl oaa dutiea for each month. A inlioren'w Conm. for tba IHt ooea. A rich array a literal., re bj favorita an tbora amanr wbom aie Emily Lennox, Olivia Lovell Hoi. Ada Marie Peck, Elaie 8now. "O wuth M of ' 'Miemml.14 fcelta l Greene, wlti er bnmorooa akctefaes, and Mbara. FGJlMICVS VOjub raiera are amooj Ita aperkaieaura, and Codeya off era the moat rkoiaa aad valuable of any pub Itabeax atinA-1. for aamule number con taioiaf btii !ub ratea and jiremluiBa. XTial'UDT.lJEKOW'S DEESSSfAKkB- wkoeuUc'rlbea'loOodey'a Lady tret, .-a r-, m, -i.ih you will Id a la each number oUUea yoa to voar owa acleloo of any cot paper pattern IMoWrated in Oadey a Ladya book. nnt UVj. aample Copy wilt oootaia aa of filcMr-oupoaa,- - - . ,x - awaa IS crate lar Mmmptr. wtW will 1 alaar aa aa.r aakaariaiiaa Tb patter eaowa yoc bow laent ant the rirav-nt ;a anC f bat U all w eaa aay In Uia apace, for the rest ca yoor aample onsbar. foe which m4 lie at oocf. Xdireaa -GUUEI'S U.lT'8 HOOK," PhilaoeJpbia. Pa. with this PiDr, CODEYA and the Gleaxeb hke 12.90, which Vuld be tent to tbe effic of tb. CiLEANta GraUam. Caaeeeaf Paverlf Ja Tale Caaalrr The question discussed iii last Sun day's, Worli, und which brought forth many and various ' answers from all classes of men, is, " What, in your bpin ion, is the chief cause of pover y in this country at the present time, and why? An important question, when. one real ly thinks of tbe couditiou of the ' ooun try just now ; and if tbe cause could bo found out, there would be moro hopes of a remedy, "Economist Atkiuson de. clares tbat "Ignorance and incapacity caused by voluntary idleness' answers the question, Cbauncey ; M. . Depew sayH,' that lack of self-ooufldence, in some cases, and lack, of. decision and fixity of purposes n others, brjpK ftbqut many failures ; but that rum is tbe cause of poverty. ' Rockefeller, ' Pres. of the Standard Oil Trust and with an income of $19,000,000 a year, and ev eral 6th. rs agree with ' Depew in the last named. ' Dr, ilammoud, of wash ington, puts tbe blame . on education He savs. "As lone as ome men hare more braios ajid muscle than other men. oovertv wiU exist." He believe literally, ''The poor 'you have always with srou,'.' and acknowledges no way to abate it. Poet O'Reily, Prof. Ad. ams, of Cornell Diversity, Prof. An drewa, of Brown University, and others of equal ability, are rather of Edward Bellamy's opinion, that the fault lies in cur present social and legislative ay !m.' While Prof. Sumner,' of Yale College, puts forth tbe sensible opinjou that good deal of lb. poverty caused by tbe number of improvident marriages "But," says he, "lb. sam of bumaii success and human philoso phy is to work harder, learn more. save more, and bebav. ourselves .bet ter. Tncn we shall not abolish pever ty or disease., or death, but w. shall do pur beat, awl make the best of tbe world, aud of our life la It." Ui tbe thinking minds of North Carolina de cide tbe question T ' We would be glad to bear from some of them. Orphans Friend, Mar. 14. ' , HaaaefcaM Hlaae. Violet, rose and orange Llosaom leave, are froxen In Ic cream of deli cate flavor. It Is tai J that kerosene will soilen boot and shoes that baveleo harden ed by water. Try keeping eranbernei iresn ay puUiog tbem in eoia war " a apieceofcbarcoAL Chang, the water occasionally. When your aifler become, cioggw witb fleoror meal siftsoa. hot asnes through it ; yoo will be surprised t e.j how n'cly Uia cleaned. Tbe clear juice of the pineapple is now considered by some physicians to be the best, remedy for.' dlphtheretio sore throat and even for diphtheria: (-- Put camphor gurnVwiti' your new silver ware and it will never tarnish as long as the g'q'm is there. Never waHh silver in soapsuds, as that , giye? .)(, a white appearaiiop,' '' ? i l'.u'. ' A small pifcde of paper 'bi linen moist ened with turpeutiueand put. into tbe wardrobe or drawers for a single day two or three times a year U a ' preven live against moths. , j ,. Cofio pounded in a mortar and roast ed on an irou plate, sugar turned on hot coals and viuegar boiled with myrrh and spriukled on the 'floor and furnl ture of a sick roopj are excellent debd; orizers."'' '' : " :. ' A mustard plaster applied ; fo ' th. back of the oeck often relieves a sever. headache.' Iodide Of potassium, too, is a good remedy when the pain is mostly iu the forehead ; two grains dissolved in a wine glass of water sipped slowly Whop cooking eggs by breaking tbem into water, never allow ; lb. water to boil it wastes tbem and destroys their shape. Hav. th. water! boiling hot and set lb. pan on the . pack, or tbe stove until the egg ar. cooked, soft ( or , bard, as liked. ' - ' ' "! - .Tbe best way to clean out lead pipes without the expensive aid fa plumber is to pour a strong solution of concen ir.led Iva down tbem.. The Jy. wUl dissolve bair,lint, Indeed .11 .nimai and moft eetable - matter, and so nnon tha tiinee , ',. -. f . f .. .. 1 . . A sponge is excellent lor wasntng windows : and newspapers will polish iiein without leaving dust and streaks. Use a soft pine stick to cleanse in. ac cumulation, of dust from the corners of the sssb. .Ammonia will giv. th. glass clearer lock than soap. Th. as. of poor soap is saI J to he th. most nrolifjc source ot ,kln difse If this be true, a person u2eriitg irom such trottble should st one. mak.' cbaagsia the soap b. Is usiog. ,' SIsny persons prefer almond meal oatmeal to soap fr wsahiog fsc. and bands. orly uaed with strong,' clear oofTee, It will often overcome chills and fever, that drea.1 diaeose that pulls down tbe system. As .remedy for rheumatism, take the juice of one or two lemons In' half glass of water three tjimcs a. "day riaaliaa aad Calilvallaa afCara. As soon as the weather ha bocome settled and tb ground t is warm and dryj whenever , that 'may be, coru should .be planted. Etrly, planting, generally speaking, gives best , results. before meals.' j It will euro when the L Wheh'the weather And soil will permit, caure'of rheumatisft( fin thb lack of sufll- fa'rmeys'Vaght U be; ready to drop their cientad i'neaystembutw)mW i Titi ',. i ( i. The Waa Waa Wrf it Hakes a Vail . 1,'aafcaelaa wrote the: J rheumatism-.! -caused by; too . much. acid tben.jfotfr.dr jpsi bf olf of Vlnter- green, in a spoooful ,of water, takeu three times a day before meals,- will b. sure to bring the "Rheumatics' under subjection. . We bav. seen both . tlics remedies work liko a charm. 'a a .' ' " ' n tV' ' '''' 'Ila'rraa Bawe." " " ?( , :I notice reports of breederr'wUd bar. bad trouble in getting sows Impregnat ed, although in hsat and served' regu larly. 'One winter I had my sows too fat at, least 'so believed by breeders v'siting my herd. Five , of my, sows failed to conceive twiee In succession. I saw that would soon throw pigs late," if the ow. raised any at all. - I bad th. druggist to crack hemp seed for me. I mixed a gill of it In ship stuff and wa ter, and gav. each sow for daily allow ance. At toe succeeding coapiing tour of tb. sows conceived.; I .continued th. allowance for th. filth sow and at th. next service she was Impregnated, " This may not be a universal remedy. I simply relate a 4 L.fnLL i-..l. - J Alii .1 1.1 -1.1 - ' ' iiio giouDU must uo ni:u aau ir.nuiv to produce paying yields ,'of corn, Where spring ploughing Is to b. don. th. ploughs should be started as soon as' the soil is dry enough to admit of it. Planting corn in drills is now tbo common practice.? Flat culture Is In order except on low lands, where culti vating In hills is still ' practiced. ' For lsfge-growiiig , varieties of (corn th. rul. is drills from four to fiv. feet apart, while for small oorn a distance of three feet is sulllcieot." The plants are tbio nsd to from three feet - to . eighteen Inches iff the drills, accordlog as th. variety may suggest. Tbe seed should sot be covered too- deep ; two inches ar. qttlte sufficient,' and ' mora than enough in 'mellow ground. The use of .the roller after th. seed hs been drill ed In'Js" very' gene'rally practiced by progressive farmers. , , ... ; t.I i a. a. , ; ! Caraafcaara. - , Jack Fox, who "Down Wmt McGlnty to the Bottom of th. sea," tells IU history as fellows ; I was In Boston and was going .bom. rather late, when' psm,e upon f4;f big Irishman leaning against a lamp , postl "Hello, mo ad,"aald he. ' "How areyouf" said t ':r'',"'' "Loike a bumble-bay on , a duisyt said he; "an' me bhoy, com. and hav. adhrink.", ; ' : ' .'"...'i . "Who ar. you V said I. I i "Faix,", said te, "by th. great gun of Atalon., I'm th. b'y who livs up to his Income." ' : ." j r.! So we had a drluk,"and without a word of a lie we bad mora than one. "Shore," said th. big Irishman,-"the day's breakio' and by that same token I'm broke." . ,-,.;.'.'..'., "And where ar. you going f" ssid L , "Down goes McOintjr to tb. ( bottom of the sea," said be. i : ',, .., v Fox, taking bis cue from this, ' went borne and wrote out . the song." Bine, that time it has been sung from .very wber. to th. corner of O "Gray's land In 'Lrisco. . : 1 " ... , Caaaa far Alar ,Tb. skin of s cow is as necessary for tb. proper Duriflcation of tho blood as bit of ih.iuns:ssre and It discharges In of- Tbe first I heard ol its being tried' was I f,Dg, yapor a greater quantity of Mrs. Gsdly "Really, I frarstbat my hu'bsnd I. bv aKsotuckian who , bjuaht a fin. show heifer, reported- barren-, for a small sum. ' He 'changed her from gras. to dry feed and gsve bar benlp seed daily for three weeks . and bred her when she came 'In heat aod she raised a calf. Th. remedy is also good t. preveut abortion, Cur. Swine" Breadcr's Journal , . , ' . matter every day than the kidneys do. Wbil. a oow may discharge 20 , pounds of water throuab tb. kidney, ah. will take into tbe stomach 100 pounds. Tha 80 pounds passe, off through th. skin chiefly and takes along th. dead wast, matter, which is (brown off from tb. hay fcrav. falling into bad baUis. .Tb. n.lshbora aar b. hardly ever comes- bos. until - .way along; Into the 'night."- Sir. Homely "Tbe neighbor I Do you not bear blm return f" O. no. You see 'my daughters snd I ar. leader, in society. nod we never get noma until after be doe." Omaha World..' . CaraFraaaaa .M riala. Mr. F. M. Stevens ' who lives five mite, south of Asbeyillo, gives "Ths Dsmocrat" tbs result of a very auocess- ful experiment ia corn growing upon woraoot ground. ' Oa tba 80th of May, last, Mr. Stevens planted a plec of old taa Acta in corn. , from which be LrvnV it th. rat. of 93 buabels to tb. Nearly .very month In the year lem- j Adjoinlog land yielded only ooa are plentiful la tb. city markts ; bushels to tbe aerrX Mr. rives W - !..A?I I S aat AVMltJv mt AA-kam ? by th. bx at lb. wholeraJ. . foreign fruU stores, or piled np In pyremidi on th. fmit stands at th. street corners. F.w peopl. .re aware of or prwpecly timate th. medicinal pro parlies 01 u - i - li..a anv idea OI no tha followiosr aocoaat ofiUealUtatioa Us beddrd lb. around up with a I .ra in p plow ; between tbe bads in tbe sab. soil b. rao four furrowa, leaving n fur row U the middle. It that ha strewed exhausted manure, preyionaly uaed I. a hot bed, si tb rat. of thirty Oa bwnraa lala to tn. Ser. nimuM u t- IK. trcatmeot of V.ri-' "'-J "1, vTa BTBIUHaUlfJ I wa , an .El. XM I BB BS M V w-na ... iaaaa. eaDedallv thoae of hasted mtaiire. 11. . . .i hi.. r.r la Inlsrmlttent ia- AlAjawu llsaw w a - . . to tb. acre urn rith a cultivator Asaeviii. 75 boshata used A small investment when hrslth can be obtained should be no consideration, and Radam's M'crob Killer will surely One capillaries through tb. pores of tb. kM the microbe., and. when that Is l Hnn. imi i . n m ha .1 rr M-ip aala hv -Ll III. h. naranlraUna. Whn i " "T ' . . . " . ' w... .... p..-r.. , I U . UOll UO. X tbs milk has aoowy odor yoa may m sure the skin Is not -working right aod needs thorough brosbiog to remove lb. sen rf sad dried matter wblcb cov ers ut tb. pores. And this is th. rea- sao why, if we would bsv. pur. milk and .west butter, th. card, and lb. I bmb must be in constant us. In tb. oow .tabled Nebraska Cultivator. A Baralas )aea law. Soma weeks ago wben corn was at tb. lowest notch, farmer bra ugh t . a load to town and inquired ' lb. price. "Fiftae. ce.ts," was tb. reply. The farmer paused and gsssd ea tbe ground IbouXbiiuIly. At last b. saiJ :' "I . - "My .aaaae A man who Uvea in Albany, - and whos business is that of a dark, said that he bad lately bnilt a bouse that cost him 13,000. j , i , . . . ': His friends ei pressed their woader that ha could afford to build 49 flna 'a dwellins:. - - Wbv." said ba. "that U my amok. booaex." , "Your smoke bonae l what do you meao." i I mean that twenty year, .go I left off srookloc aod I have put tb. money saved from amoke, with interest. Into my koirsri So I call it my smoke boose. " Youth's Companioo.- Sana Jeare Aa The Lattery. Escape frnvtb'. sin of gamine-or . gambling. Do you reckon 'you - cpuld get a jury in New Orleans to convict k fell'pw of gambling f Do j-'ou believ. -tber. ore enough men In this, city, that . you know personally, that never gam bleabit tbemsolve", and, therefore" would b. a goad jurjr IA iccmvict -aom 1 one ulseof gamMrngf-'I bav. been 1s: these restaurants tb get a half doxc& - oysters, and tbey bav. as many lottery 1' tickets passing round as tbey bavi oysters.. Let mo tell'f.a my Bibr. says, in so many words, "that 'wbatso' - ...1. : I . . .1 i n.. . . . . 1 iwuii auw mat snail vney anno sap ; and if there is tanytblng -1a ' tbo sowing of tbes Louisiana State Xot i tery tickets for twwnty yean, yoa havo -a harvest of gambling in this dly enough tb mak. the devil bimselftrem ble to look at..' I il tell you that the man who Will plsy "seven up" or back a faro bank, 'Is- a ' gentleman ' and scholar anI m Plipilaa aIAm . a-ii : who will sit down 'and ; back against ' the LouUlna Stat lotut-r.' Hat' T could see yoo wince. " I hit yoa that time, Gambling wbyTBey will gam ble in this city from a mlllloBr- dollar i Wheat or Outton daa atnar Ia a. ette ; tb. town U full of U. I beard i preacher on this platform say be oasao within a ace of b trying a, lottery tickei himself That brother did not lir. 'id New Orleans. ::... - Rumor says it, and I. am' awrar le- sponsible for what minor says, that lb. Louisiana Stat. Lottery ofllciais wasti to R. E. Lee and, aaidj "Wo vIU givi you$10,000ayearfosyourhame." -ni said, "My unsullied; untarnished bsim is my own. J ant poor but tfiey bav. i offered me a professorship in a MUege, aud I wUi tak. that.7;. Too wait ati som. one f la. diss, and see tf tbey vOI . build monnmenta, and wbether- a aal tion will ween. , Thank CiaA tar nuS A man asenraL.R.,.EL LmU. tKnn.ti . lb. army which be led was. no )ed to. victory, s the. world. eall: victorj,; , say to is. covened, witb: glory ., and honor, and bewailed a.i iiar.fHber. man wbo.evet died, bi UtoTJsdted , 1I.I i j V -; aa avS dutiea oyer tvoyerea sua BwsUJ I would fo God JJhev.wy general mrba. , ever Jed. M txm Jfo W. Boutbenl caue was as. pur., Ip. CbjlrActer ai unsulliedLbi practice as Gearal obi E. Lee, whose mooumeot rites to ,tb4 sky iu this city this afternoon. - -"The poor woman : .P tbuf'elty; : tia poor children of th'.a cltr.'anrl tha nana crippleif ot .this . Wtyj'arejkapt ' pi'" every day And etery year; ; that Uio coffer, of thhn villainous lottery Bay l.a 'lH Ui.n- .v i B'r mouth and year after . year pays u4 taxes,' regards no law of God M" taan; bas the vtholp city' and . 'eute undar it. ' feet, waika over you, and the height of yoor ambition seemi to M' to put i ' Hule brick' pa tbe WewaJk to vrilk .';, ' God help New OrleatM to rise and any f "We will be men and this abomnlabfi thing bAs to ooae down."- AbaoluUly . without paying any' license or Uxm It sproads its wings over ; this 'citjr and!. lakes the olotbes from off tb backi of the children of this city, fbbf tbe poor; and yet w. sit down and aay nothing about. Now, listen I If you aay aay thiDg against the lubUna8Ut lottery In this town, what Jou sar"' will aerelf be notioedju I have preached the goa-' pel in forty or more' of the ,; bigjreat ' oUles In tb. Unloo ; bttt ithls ts first Urn. I bav. entered a eily where they did not know I was tbers ; aaver found it out, n Hear me,- my .eoufltrymea 1 X know there are powers thai ' be thai caa say "Hush l" abd J8top I", and tbey do bush aod sUrp but, brelh'fsir, so help m. God, in yiew of any final loug I Judgment befcr. bl. thuoa., tber. i. not eooogb money, or men -or- devil. - In h.ll ffA' If.. t. . -f m that leap. Xrom tdj heart, and 'ttttP If T ' : 4. .. .. a whi ar UDiuowr oa um Louisiana Bute Legislatiirs, X .would vots against that damnable scheme tot M.ti ong, i mat it nacl bouglit mi.- N. ' Q. Adtrf- caw.,,. i I'am lav 43 r lav ' . -J-i. -r-i s.. Flathers "Whal'a tbe-maitW if raj Duffy yer seem out o'nor-rts T Mrs. lufl V-''An enoilrh ' tsi mk-a - Dully gone efTon a drunk aud he'll be buiiu' tbe loif. out of som. wan la. ll's the first toirne since our nxajrlar b. neglected me r Life. Aaaapatlaae. era it is almott a speciflc, and if prop-' ocrat. Diohlbsria fs danaerorts wben It sets wonder if there sint soy plsce In teen among oor hule ones, bot there is no where I canld trade that load of com danger if you will give thrm Radam's plowed ha enrs twiosl- . . -. , , . Microbe Killer. It aever fails to core, r . . . i t. i for a load of coba Am about aut of aaw i - ana as a prevrniauve it is sura. lor Jwood." , sale by L. Bv Holt & Co. ill," said a K street lady to a. .Vermont, avrnuo lady yesterday, "ily, tcyf" replied tha avenoo lacfr, "hst . dreadful thing if f,e shoui J die j i t a she bas got b-r spring home csd-"-? all done." "Yes: aod Ibry -f :.' has just received, a p.rte.f'v kive'f bnnart from I'arU, toa." S V.L ' 4 CriUcJ ,

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